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Ghule is a series of scripted items that interact with one another. They were most recently sold at Goblyns and Ghules Enterprises at the Ebon Gate festival.

On Caligos Isle, Goblyn could be found in the Hideway Caverns.

In Feywrot Mire, Goblyn set up shop in an area known as the Smuggling Tunnels.



You analyze your crow-feathered hat and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item type should not change."

The creator has also provided the following information:
Currently you are able to use TAP, TILT, BOW, KICK, DROP in, and GET from.  If you happen to have special fangs or a ring of a similar build, you'll find that things may look a bit fancier when you use the hat.  Some merchants may be able to unlock this hat to a higher tier for you.

You get a strong sense that the aesthetics of hat can be altered by any merchant.  It must remain a hat or hat-like item -- something that can be worn on the head but still reasonably store small items and be "tipped." (as in tipping your hat to someone).
Verb First Third
BOW You reach up and remove your crow-feathered hat, dipping an elegant bow as you sweep it in a wide arc in front of you. You return your hat to your head with a flourish. XXX reaches up and removes her hat, then sweeps it in a wide arc in front of her as she dips an elegant bow. XXX returns her hat to her head with a flourish.
DROP/PUT Item in You reach up and lift one corner of your hat, then quickly stuff a copper lockpick inside it. XXX reaches up and lifts one corner of her hat, then quickly stuffs a copper lockpick inside it.
GET You reach up and lift one corner of your hat, then rummage around inside it until you find a copper lockpick. XXX reaches up and lifts one corner of her hat, then rummages around inside it until she finds a copper lockpick.
KICK You reach up and remove your crow-feathered hat, then toss it into the air in front of you. A subtle twist of your shoulders, and the hat lands on the center of your chest, quickly spinning down along the length of your body. When it reaches your foot, you give it a fast kick with your toe, and it arcs up into the air before you, landing perfectly on your head once again. XXX reaches up and removes her crow-feathered hat, then tosses it into the air in front of her. A subtle twist of her shoulders, and the hat lands on the center of her chest, quickly spinning down along the length of her body. When it reaches her foot, she gives it a fast kick with her toes, and it arcs up into the air before her, landing perfectly on her head once again.
TAP You reach up and tip your hat. XXX reaches up and tips her hat.
TILT You reach up and tilt your crow-feathered hat so it casts a shadow over your eyes. XXX reaches up and tilts her hat so it casts a shadow over her eyes.


Fangs are pin-worn, however they are hidden in one's inventory.


You analyze your crimson-edged fangs and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun."

The creator has also provided the following information:
You get a strong sense that the fangs can be altered by any merchant.  The fangs must always be "fangs" and must clearly appear fake.

Currently you are able to use RUB, POINT AT, WEAR, REMOVE, HISS, EAT, LICK, GRIN, and LAUGH, with the fangs.  If you happen to have a special cloak or ring of a similar build, you'll find that some things may look a bit fancier when you use the fangs.  Currently, this cannot be unlocked any further.



Verb First Third
POINT, Targeted only You bare your crimson-edged fangs and glare menacingly at XXX. XXX bares her crimson-edged fangs and glares menacingly at you.
REMOVE You remove your crimson-edged fangs from your mouth. XXX removes a pair of fake crimson-edged fangs from her mouth.
RUB You reach up and polish the front of one of your crimson-edged fangs with the tip of your index finger. XXX reaches up and polishes the front of one of her crimson-edged fangs with the tip of her index finger.
WEAR You place your crimson-edged fangs in your mouth and adjust them until they are comfortable. XXX places a pair of fake crimson-edged fangs in her mouth.



Verb First Third
EAT You gnaw lightly on your lower lip. The razor-sharp tip of one of your fangs breaks the skin and causes a tiny bead of blood to appear, which you casually catch with the tip of your tongue. XXX gnaws lightly on her lower lip, as if lost in thought. The razor-sharp tip of one of her fangs breaks the skin and causes a tiny bead of blood to appear. Almost absent-mindedly, she catches it with the tip of her tongue.
GRIN You flash an evil grin, making sure the tips of your fangs are visible. XXX flashes an evil grin. The tips of her crimson-edged fangs are clearly visible, protruding from beneath her upper lip.
HISS You bare your crimson-edged fangs and hiss menacingly. XXX bares her crimson-edged fangs and hisses menacingly.
LAUGH You cackle deep in your throat, your voice rising in chilling laughter. XXX cackles evilly, her voice rising in chilling laughter. Two crimson-edged fangs are clearly visible, protruding from beneath her upper lip.
LICK You run the tip of your tongue over the point of one of your fangs. XXX casually runs the tip of her tongue over the point of one of her crimson-edged fangs, somehow managing to appear both threatening and seductive at the same time.


Information for fully unlocked portion taken from a Player's Corner auction thread.


The creator has also provided the following information:
You get a strong sense that this longcloak can be altered by any merchant.  However it is altered, it must logically make sense as something that can "billow" out easily (so avoid requesting tight-fitting or super short garments if possible).

Currently you are able to use OPEN, CLOSE, WAVE, BOW, WEAR, and REMOVE with the longcloak.  If you happen to have special fangs of a similar build, you'll find that things may look a bit fancier when you use the longcloak.  This longcloak can be unlocked to a second tier by any willing Ebon Gate Festival merchant and by a handful of merchants outside of that festival.

[As a note, currently PUSH and PULL are fluff fun and do not truly conceal your features.]



Verb First Third
BOW Holding the edge of your mist grey longcloak, you dip an elegant bow. The longcloak billows out behind you as if caught upon an unfelt breeze. You glance up and flash an evil grin. Holding the edge of her mist grey longcloak, XXX dips an elegant bow. The longcloak billows out behind her as if caught upon an unfelt breeze. XXX glances up and flashes an evil grin.
CLOSE You pull your mist grey longcloak around yourself tightly, doing your best to conceal your form. XXX pulls a long hooded mist grey longcloak around herself tightly, obscuring most of her form.
OPEN You throw open your mist grey longcloak. It billows out behind you like a pair of wings. XXX throws open her mist grey longcloak. It billows out behind her like a pair of wings.
REMOVE You remove a long hooded mist grey longcloak from your shoulders in an elegant sweeping motion that causes it to swirl mysteriously around you. XXX removes a long hooded mist grey longcloak from her shoulders in an elegant sweeping motion that causes it to swirl mysteriously around her.
WAVE You catch the edge of your mist grey longcloak with one arm and sweep it out in front of you until all that is left revealed are your eyes. The longcloak ripples mysteriously as it moves. XXX catches the edge of her mist grey longcloak with one arm and sweeps it out in front of her until all that is left revealed are her eyes. The longcloak ripples mysteriously as it moves.
Note: On raffle/auction unlocked cloaks, WAVE acts as a gold ring.
WEAR As you drape your mist grey longcloak from your shoulders, it billows out behind you as if caught upon an unfelt breeze. As XXX drapes a long hooded mist grey longcloak from her shoulders, it billows out behind her as if caught upon an unfelt breeze.



Verb First Third
PULL You pull the hood of your leather cloak over your head, casting a shadow across your features. XXX pulls the hood of an old veil iron clasped burnoose over his head, casting a shadow across his features.
PUSH You push the hood of your leather cloak off of your head, revealing your features. XXX pushes the hood of an old veil iron clasped burnoose off of his head, revealing his features.
SHAKE You give your sable cloak a good shake, sending its folds rippling around your body. A slight shiver runs down your spine. XXX shakes out an old veil iron clasped burnoose, sending its folds rippling around his body.
Clears the cloak's destination.
SPIN You spin around smartly, but the folds of your leather cloak cling to you, as if something in the air is preventing the garment from moving freely in a wide arc. XXX spins around smartly, sending the folds of clasped burnoose billowing around him in a wide arc.
Sets the cloak's destination.



You analyze your articulated talons and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun."

The creator has also provided the following information:
You get a strong sense that the talons can be altered by any merchant.  The talons must always be claws that are clearly hand-worn (i.e. not magically replacing your hands).

Currently you are able to use SCRATCH, EAT, POINT, and WAVE with the talons.  If you happen to have special fangs or a ring of a similar build, you'll find that things may look a bit fancier when you use the talons.


Verb First Third
EAT You reach up and casually pick your teeth with one of your articulated talons. XXX reaches up and casually picks her teeth with one of her articulated talons.
POINT, Targeted only You point one of your articulated talons at XXX. XXX points one of her articulated talons directly at you.
SCRATCH You reach up and make a violent scratching motion with one of your talons. XXX reaches up and makes a violent scratching motion with one of her talons.
WAVE You extend your articulated talons menacingly in front of you. XXX extends some dark steel articulated talons menacingly in front of her.


These rings offer limited interaction and a single color option which can be customized off-the-shelf. Unlocked versions allow for additional zests and up to 10 color options, along with a custom color. When used, they allow the wearer's eye to flash a certain color.


You inspect the platinum ring and the creator has provided the following information:
This is a Ghule ring (modern-style).

You get the sense that this ring can be altered, though there are some restrictions.  Any merchant can change its base and long description, but it must remain a ring of some kind.  The only elements of its show description that can be altered are the material of the ring and the COLOR of 'glow' that the gem on it is giving off.

If altering the glow color: it must be a COLOR.  Stick to the actual hue/shade (not other things that it could be doing, like glowing, scintillating, or pulsing, for example), and specifically avoid "deep" in the color and "-hued" to prevent double wording in some messaging (-colored, etc. is fine).  Avoid going overboard on modifiers.

Your ring is currently set to the following color:  fiery red.

Currently you are able to STARE/PEER/GAZE at the ring.  This ring may be unlocked further (to allow for more color options) within special, rare circumstances.

You get no sense of whether or not the ring may be further lightened.


Inset into the simple, polished bone band is a faceted crystalline gem.  The gem glows with a shadow-infused sanguine light.



Verb First Third
STARE/PEER/GAZE You raise your hand up in front of you and stare into the crystalline gem inset upon your polished bone ring. As the gem catches the light, you suppress a shudder, and the world momentarily takes on a shadow-infused sanguine hue. XXX's eyes suddenly flash with a shadow-infused sanguine glow.



Verb First Third
RUB/ TOUCH Cycles through colors As you brush the surface of the faceted crystalline gem inset upon your ring, it pulses once with a scarlet glow before slowly shifting in hue to a yellow.
You feel a subtle drawing sensation as though the ring were using your energy to power itself.

Uses 5 mana.

XXX's bone ring pulses once with a golden glow before shifting in hue to a green.



The creator has also provided the following information:
You get a strong sense that this whip can be altered by any merchant.

Currently you are able to use WEAR, REMOVE, WAVE, SPIN, and SNAP with the whip.  If you happen to have special rings, cloaks, or fangs of similar build, you'll find that things may look a bit fancier when you use the whip.
Verb Style First Third
SPIN Cold This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Fire This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Impact Deftly spinning your wrist, your wave your manticore hide whip in a wide circle in front of you. The whip rapidly builds up speed until the leather seems to form a solid circle in mid-air. The air within the circle begins to shimmer, taking on the appearance of a desert mirage. A low hum fills your ears as the air vibrates faster and faster.

Roundtime: 2 secs. As you let the whip's coils fall to the ground at your feet, the rippling disk of air spinning within suddenly fades as quickly as it appeared.

Deftly spinning her wrist, XXX waves an ebon-blotted manticore hide whip in a wide circle in front of her. The whip rapidly builds up speed until the leather seems to form a solid circle in mid-air. The air within the circle begins to shimmer, taking on the appearance of a desert mirage. A low hum fills your ears as the air vibrates faster and faster.
As XXX lets the whip's coils of an ebon-blotted manticore hide whip fall to the ground at her feet, the rippling disk of air spinning within suddenly fades as quickly as it appeared.
Lightning Deftly spinning your wrist, your wave your twisted cat o' nine-tails in a wide circle in front of you. The nine-tails rapidly builds up speed until the leather seems to form a solid circle in mid-air. A small ball of glowing light suddenly forms in the circle's center, arcs of lightning dancing across its surface. Bolt after bolt fly from the ball, some lancing into the air, others being absorbed by a feras-tipped twisted cat o' nine-tails.

Roundtime: 2 secs. As you let the nine-tails's coils fall to the ground at your feet, the arcs of lightning spinning within suddenly fade as quickly as they appeared.

Deftly spinning his wrist, XXXXX waves a feras-tipped twisted cat o' nine-tails in a wide circle in front of him. The nine-tails rapidly builds up speed until the leather seems to form a solid circle in mid-air. A small ball of glowing light suddenly forms in the circle's center, arcs of lightning dancing across its surface. Bolt after bolt fly from the ball, some lancing into the air, others being absorbed by a feras-tipped twisted cat o' nine-tails.
As XXXXX lets the nine-tails's coils of a feras-tipped twisted cat o' nine-tails fall to the ground at his feet, the arcs of lightning spinning within suddenly fade as quickly as they appeared.
Vacuum Deftly spinning your wrist, your wave your leather-wrapped whip in a wide circle in front of you. The whip rapidly builds up speed until the leather seems to form a solid circle in mid-air. The air within the circle suddenly folds into itself and implodes, forming a shimmering void within the rapidly spinning whip.

Roundtime: 2 secs. As you let the whip's coils fall to the ground at your feet, the shimmering void spinning within suddenly fades as quickly as it appeared.

Deftly spinning her wrist, XXX waves a dark crimson leather-wrapped whip in a wide circle in front of her. The whip rapidly builds up speed until the leather seems to form a solid circle in mid-air. The air within the circle suddenly folds into itself and implodes, forming a shimmering void within the rapidly spinning whip.
As XXX lets the whip's coils of a dark crimson leather-wrapped whip fall to the ground at her feet, the shimmering void spinning within suddenly fades as quickly as it appeared.
SNAP Cold This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Fire This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Impact With a quick snap of your wrist, you crack your manticore hide whip in front of you. The resounding *CRACK* that results is almost enough to hurt your ears! Ripples of vibrating air shoot violently from the tip! With a quick snap of her wrist, XXX cracks an ebon-blotted manticore hide whip in front of her. The resounding *CRACK* that results is almost enough to hurt your ears! Ripples of vibrating air shoot violently from the tip!
Lightning With a quick snap of your wrist, you crack your twisted cat o' nine-tails in front of you. The resounding *CRACK* that results is almost enough to hurt your ears! Small arcs of lightning shoot violently from the tip! With a quick snap of his wrist, XXXXX cracks a feras-tipped twisted cat o' nine-tails in front of him. The resounding *CRACK* that results is almost enough to hurt your ears! Small arcs of lightning shoot violently from the tip!
Vacuum With a quick snap of your wrist, you crack your leather-wrapped whip in front of you. The resounding *CRACK* that results is almost enough to hurt your ears! Shimmering void-black specks shoot violently from the tip!
With a quick snap of her wrist, XXX cracks a dark crimson leather-wrapped whip in front of her. The resounding *CRACK* that results is almost enough to hurt your ears! Shimmering void-black specks shoot violently from the tip!
REMOVE You quickly untie a dark crimson leather-wrapped whip from your leather sheath. A flick of your wrist sends the coils snaking sinuously along the ground at your feet. XXX quickly unties a dark crimson leather-wrapped whip from her leather sheath. A flick of her wrist sends the coils snaking sinuously along the ground at her feet.
WAVE You deftly wave your leather-wrapped whip around in several wide circles over your head, then bring it down in front of you with a quick snap of your wrist. The resounding *CRACK* that results is almost enough to hurt your ears!
2 sec rt
XXX deftly waves a dark crimson leather-wrapped whip around in several wide circles above her head, then brings it down in front of her with a quick snap of her wrist. The resounding *CRACK* that results is almost enough to hurt your ears!
WEAR You carefully coil up your leather-wrapped whip and tie it to your leather sheath. XXX carefully coils up a dark crimson leather-wrapped whip and ties it to her leather sheath.



You analyze your hazelwood broomstick and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
You get a strong sense that the broomstick can be altered by any merchant, but it must always be a "broomstick" by name.

Currently you are able to use PULL, PUSH, LEAN, SHAKE, SIT, WAVE, and RAISE, with the broomstick.  If you happen to have a special cloak, ring, or fangs of a similar build, you'll find that some things may look a bit fancier when you use the broomstick.  Currently, this cannot be unlocked any further.



Verb First Third
LEAN You lean on your hazelwood broomstick. The bristles bend slightly from your weight. XXX leans on his hazelwood broomstick. The bristles bend slightly from his weight.
PULL You pull your hazelwood broomstick towards you, creating a neat pile of dust and dirt. XXX makes a tidy little pile of dust and dirt with his hazelwood broomstick.
PUSH You use your hazelwood broomstick to sweep up a bit of debris on the floor. XXX uses his hazelwood broomstick to sweep up a bit of debris on the floor.
SHAKE You give your hazelwood broomstick a good shake. A small cloud of dust and debris fills the air around you. XXX gives his hazelwood broomstick a good shake. A small cloud of dust and debris fills the air.



Verb First Third
RAISE You raise your hazelwood broomstick above your head in a threatening manner. XXX raises his hazelwood broomstick above his head in a threatening manner.
SIT You hold your hazelwood broomstick between your legs and run around in a circle, laughing maniacally. XXX holds his hazelwood broomstick between his legs and runs around in a circle, laughing maniacally.
WAVE You wave your hazelwood broomstick around in front of you as if attempting to ward off an unseen enemy. XXX waves his hazelwood broomstick around in front of him as if attempting to ward off an unseen enemy.


The items can be used together in a variety of ways. Note: A fully unlocked cloak was not available to test out the scripts.
Verb First Third
TAP HAT You reach up and tip your hat. The world momentarily takes on a deep crimson hue. XXX reaches up and tips her hat. Her eyes suddenly flash with a deep crimson light.
TILT HAT You reach up and tilt your dark leather hat so it casts a shadow over your eyes. The world momentarily takes on a deep crimson hue as you flash a wide grin, making sure to show off your fangs. XXX reaches up and tilts her hat so it casts a shadow over her eyes. Her eyes suddenly flash with a deep crimson light and a wide grin spreads across her face. The tips of her fangs are clearly visible beneath her upper lip.
BOW HAT You reach up and remove your dark leather hat, dipping an elegant bow as you sweep it in a wide arc in front of you. You glance up suddenly and flash a wide grin, making sure to show off your fangs. The world momentarily takes on a deep crimson hue. You return your hat to your head with a flourish. XXX reaches up and removes her hat, then sweeps it in a wide arc in front of her as she dips an elegant bow. XXX glances up suddenly and flashes a wide grin. The tips of her fangs are clearly visible beneath her upper lip. Her eyes flash with a deep light. XXX returns her hat to her head with a flourish.
POINT FANG, Targeted You bare your crimson-edged fangs and glare menacingly at XXX. The world momentarily takes on a deep crimson hue. XXX bares her crimson-edged fangs and glares menacingly at you. Her eyes suddenly flash with a deep crimson light.
HISS FANG You bare your crimson-edged fangs and hiss menacingly. The world momentarily takes on a deep crimson hue. XXX bares her crimson-edged fangs and hisses menacingly. Her eyes suddenly glow with a deep crimson hue.
LICK FANG You run the tip of your tongue over the point of one of your fangs. The world momentarily takes on a deep crimson hue. XXX casually runs the tip of her tongue over the point of one of her crimson-edged fangs, somehow managing to appear both threatening and seductive at the same time. Her eyes suddenly glow with a deep crimson hue.
GRIN FANG You flash an evil grin, making sure the tips of your fangs are visible. The world momentarily takes on a deep crimson hue. XXX flashes an evil grin. The tips of her crimson-edged fangs are clearly visible, protruding from beneath her upper lip. Her eyes suddenly glow with a deep crimson hue.
LAUGH FANG You cackle deep in your throat, your voice rising in chilling laughter. Your mist grey longcloak billows out behind you as if caught upon an unfelt breeze. XXX cackles evilly, her voice rising in chilling laughter. Two crimson-edged fangs are clearly visible, protruding from beneath her upper lip. Her mist grey longcloak billows out behind her as if caught upon an unfelt breeze.
BOW CLOAK Holding the edge of your mist grey longcloak, you dip an elegant bow. The longcloak billows out behind you as if caught upon an unfelt breeze. You glance up and flash an evil grin, making sure the tips of your crimson-edged fangs are visible. Holding the edge of her mist grey longcloak, XXX dips an elegant bow. The longcloak billows out behind her as if caught upon an unfelt breeze. XXX glances up and flashes an evil grin. The tips of her crimson-edged fangs are clearly visible protruding from beneath her upper lip.
EAT CLAW You reach up and casually pick between your crimson-edged fangs with one of your articulated talons. XXX reaches up and casually picks between her crimson-edged fangs with one of her articulated talons.
POINT CLAW, Targeted You point one of your articulated talons at XXX, baring your crimson-edged fangs in a menacing grin. The world suddenly take on a deep deep crimson hue. XXX points one of her articulated talons directly at you, baring a pair of fake crimson-edged fangs in a menacing grin. Her eyes suddenly flash with a deep deep crimson glow.
WAVE CLAW You extend your articulated talons menacingly in front of you, baring your crimson-edged fangs in a vicious grin. XXX extends some dark steel articulated talons menacingly in front of her, baring a pair of fake crimson-edged fangs in a vicious grin.
WAVE WHIP You deftly wave your leather-wrapped whip around in several wide circles over your head, then bring it down in front of you with a quick snap of your wrist. The resounding *CRACK* that results is almost enough to hurt your ears!

You flash a wicked grin as the coils of your whip fall to the ground, showing off your fangs. Your mist grey longcloak billows out behind you, and the world seems to momentarily take on a deep crimson hue. Roundtime: 2 secs.

XXX deftly waves a dark crimson leather-wrapped whip around in several wide circles above her head, then brings it down in front of her with a quick snap of her wrist. The resounding *CRACK* that results is almost enough to hurt your ears!

XXX flashes a wicked grin as the coils of her whip fall to the ground, showing off a pair of crimson-edged fangs protruding from beneath her lower lip. Her longcloak billows out behind her, and her eyes suddenly glow with a deep crimson light.

SNAP WHIP With a quick snap of your wrist, you crack your leather-wrapped whip in front of you. The resounding *CRACK* that results is almost enough to hurt your ears! Shimmering void-black specks shoot violently from the tip! You flash a wicked grin as the coils of your whip fall to the ground, showing off your fangs. Your mist grey longcloak billows out behind you, and the world seems to momentarily take on a deep crimson hue. With a quick snap of her wrist, XXX cracks a dark crimson leather-wrapped whip in front of her. The resounding *CRACK* that results is almost enough to hurt your ears! Shimmering void-black specks shoot violently from the tip! XXX flashes a wicked grin as the coils of her whip fall to the ground, showing off a pair of crimson-edged fangs protruding from beneath her lower lip. Her longcloak billows out behind her, and her eyes suddenly glow with a deep crimson light.
SIT BROOMSTICK You hold your hazelwood broomstick between your legs and run around in a circle, laughing maniacally. Your dark spidersilk longcoat billows eerily out behind you. XXX holds his hazelwood broomstick between his legs and runs around in a circle, laughing maniacally. His dark spidersilk longcoat billows eerily out behind him.
WAVE BROOMSTICK You wave your hazelwood broomstick around in front of you as if attempting to ward off an unseen enemy, then flash an evil grin that displays your fake razor-sharp fangs. XXX waves his hazelwood broomstick around in front of him as if attempting to ward off an unseen enemy, then flashes an evil grin that displays his fake razor-sharp fangs.
RAISE BROOMSTICK You raise your hazelwood broomstick above your head in a threatening manner, then flash an evil grin that displays your fake razor-sharp fangs. XXX raises his hazelwood broomstick above his head in a threatening manner, then flashes an evil grin that displays his fake razor-sharp fangs.
Ghule Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Clothing
Item(s) Applied to Cloak
Alterable Yes
Item Verbs