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Guardians Outfitter

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Guardians Outfitter is a shop in Ta'Vaalor that sells armor and weapons. It is located northeast from the Parade Grounds in the Guardians of Sunfist outpost.

[Sunfist Outpost, Armory] Room: 567013
Racks of weapons and armor are arrayed in tight formation in this ample, square room. The light from several polished invar lanterns gleams brightly on the sharp edges of the forest of blades. An elderly dwarf hums softly to himself as he moves among the smithwork, polishing each piece with a soft cloth. You also see an elderly dwarf.
Obvious exits: out


  1. an ash-staffed vultite korseke         9. a hook-tipped vultite sabre
  2. a ruby-pommeled vultite warsword       10. a ruby-pommeled vultite greatsword
  3. a double-bit vultite battle axe        11. an ash-handled vultite hammerbeak
  4. a gold-hilted vultite estoc            12. some pale ivory double leathers
  5. a five-stranded vultite-tipped flail   13. a sun-bleached leather breastplate
  6. a flame-bladed vultite langsax         14. some dusty white vultite brigandine
  7. a sturdy vultite-spiked mace           15. some pale white vultite chain mail
  8. a sturdy vultite morning star          16. a burnished vultite chain hauberk