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Wednesday nights are Guild Nights

A guild is a professional organization that characters may join at level 15 to supplement their training through guild skills. They also serve as professional social organizations and gathering places. Guilds are not available for all professions and not all guilds have skills, or a complete roster of skills. In 2014, high-ranking GameMasters at SimuCon said that there are no current plans to add any more guild skills or profession guilds.

Complete guilds
Incomplete guilds
Guilds with buildings but no skills

The following information applies to all guilds regardless of profession.

Joining a Guild

Characters will receive an invite via an automated system to join their respective profession guild shortly after reaching level 15, although the timing is not dependable. Rogues should especially pay attention to this invite as it includes a password to enter the guild. Other professions do not have this issue. After the invite (only one automated message will be sent) one may join the guild at any time; there is no expiration to the invite. Once the invitation is received the character can go to the local guild and find the NPC Guild Master inside (usually in an office) to complete the process. Free-to-Play characters receive invitations, but cannot currently join a guild.

Player character guild masters may also invite and initiate people into the guilds.

Joining fees and monthly dues vary by profession.

Profession Initiation Fee Monthly Dues
Bard 2250 750
Cleric 750
Empath 500
Ranger 1000
Rogue 15000 5000
Sorcerer 4500 1500
Warrior 10500 3500
Wizard 4500 1500

Paying Dues

Monthly dues may be paid up to 2 months in advance to the local NPC Guild Master or another player guild master.

Guild Training Mechanics

Landmark Ranks and Levels
Ranks Total Experience Character Level
39 265,000 15
40 270,000 15
44 300,000 15
64 500,000 20
125 1,262,500 33
186 2,025,000 43
248 2,800,000 52
310 3,575,000 61
372 4,350,000 69

One can see guild training progress using GLD (verb).

Calculating Guild Rank

For all purposes, when calculating a character's total guild ranks, the first rank in each guild skill is ignored. Thus, an empath with 4 ranks in General Alchemy, 3 ranks in Alchemic Potions, and 2 ranks in Alchemic Trinkets will report as being a 6 rank member of the Empath Guild, not a 9 rank member. (Presumably, this is because the first rank of each skill generally requires only a single introductory task and little actual training.)

The Guild 'Wall'

There is a maximum number of guild skill ranks one can have based on the amount of experience accumulated (see below). At level 15 (265,000 experience) one can have 39 total ranks, and this tops off at level 69 (4,350,000 experience), and 372 ranks. Players are first eligible to become a Guild Master with 125 ranks and one skill mastered. Empaths, clerics, and wizards can complete their guild work with 186 ranks, and sorcerers with 248 ranks.

Characters could train 4 more ranks of guild skills per level in the Gemstone III experience system. The amount of experience required per guild rank has not changed, so under the Gemstone 4 experience system, this aligns to:

  • 5,000 exp from rank 39 to 40
  • 7,500 exp per rank from 40 to 44
  • 10,000 exp per rank from 44 to 64
  • 12,500 exp per rank for each rank beyond 64


When training in the guild, members cannot focus solely in a single skill; the Training Administrators will not allow it. For every 4.6 ranks of a single skill, the Training Administrators will require a character train another rank of another skill.

GLD (verb)

GLD is used to view a character's status and progress in his/her respective profession guild. It is also used to access various commands for interacting with other guild members, guild promotion, and resigning.

You are a member of the Cleric Guild.
You are current with your dues and must check in again sometime in the next 61 days.
You currently have 0 task trading vouchers.
You currently have 136 ranks out of a possible 372 for your training.

You are a Master of General Alchemy.

You have 23 ranks in the Alchemic Potions skill.
You need 62 training points to earn your next rank.
The Training Administrator told you to practice creating tough solutions that involve boiling.
You have 4 repetitions remaining to complete this task.

You have 53 ranks in the Alchemic Trinkets skill.
You need 59 training points to earn your next rank.
The Training Administrator told you to visit a skilled master for a lesson.
You have 6 repetitions remaining to complete this task.

Click GLD MENU for additional commands.

>gld menu

Usage:  GLD {option} [{person}]

Where {option} is:
       (Choose skill to train in)
STANCE      (Determine amount of skill to use)
NOMINATE    (Nominate a person)
NEWS        (View news bulletin)
ACCEPT      (Accept promotion, etc.)
DECLINE     (Decline promotion, etc.)
OATH        (Remind yourself about the membership oath you took)
RANK        (View a person's guild rank)
RANK ALL    (View all the guild ranks of all people in the room)
RANK ON     (Allow your guild rank information to be viewable by other members)
RANK OFF    (Disallow other members from viewing your guild rank information)
PROMOTE     (Promote to next rank)
ABANDON     (Abandon guild skill ranks)
RESIGN      (Resign from guild)

To reinvite / reinduct someone to the guild, a guild master needs to do >GLD INIT PERSON

Guild Masters

Guild Masters are officials of the Guild and have powers when interacting with other members. Player Character Guild Masters can perform all of the same tasks the NPC Guild Master can: they are able to check in in other guild members, promote in skills, initiate new members, nominate others for Guild Master status, and promote them to the office of Guild Master. They receive experience, fame, and a portion of the fees collected when they do so. Furthermore, all members who train guild skills with a Guild Master earn repetitions twice as fast as they would with a general member.

Active guild members are eligible to become Guild Masters once they have reached rank 125 in the guild and have at least one guild skill mastered. Two other guild members eligible for Guild Master status must then nominate the member to Guild Master status.

Guild Masters do not have to pay monthly dues, but they must still check in with another Guild Master at least once every 90 days. If a Guild Master lets his or her guild membership wane, the title is lost, and the character must seek nomination again.

Nomination and Promotion to Guild Master

Being promoted to the office of Guild Master requires two characters eligible for Guild Master status themselves to nominate the intended, using the verb gld nominate. A Guild Master, which can be a player character or the guild NPC, must then complete the promotion ritual using the verb gld promote. (The process used to require 5 nominators, but the requirements have since been relaxed.)

>gld nominate Person master
You nominate Person for the office of Guild Master.
Other Master nominates Person for the office of Guild Master.
Person asks to be promoted to Guild Master.

Vathezir completes the promotion ritual and says, "Congratulations, Person, for achieving Guild Master status!  We trust you'll serve your guild well."

Advanced Titles

Characters who are guild masters and have mastered all six skills in their guild receive an advanced title. Rogues are recognized as a Grandmaster, and Warriors as a Master-at-Arms. The title is granted automatically, and is also available as a post-name title. Clerics, empaths, sorcerers, and wizards do not have six skills to master, and thus do not have an advanced title.

Training with a Guild Master

When warriors, rogues, and sorcerers are tasked to train with another guild member, training with a Guild Master earns them two repetitions for every success. This is desirable for obvious reasons, significantly expedites the training process, and is often the prime impetus for those classes become and to nominate more Guild Masters.


All guild members who have mastered a skill can promote others to the next rank of that skill. Guild Masters, meanwhile, can promote others in any skill, regardless of their own training status. Promoting another member to the next rank of a skill will earn the promoter 100 experience and 50 fame.

>gld promote Person in alchemy
You offer to promote Person to his next rank in General Alchemy.
You promote Person to his next rank of General Alchemy.  Person now has 3 ranks of this skill!
(You earned 100 exp. and 50 fame.)

As mentioned above, a Guild Master is also required to promote others to the office of Guild Master.

Initiation and Invitation

Guild Masters can initiate members into their guild, whether or not the character has been invited by the automated system. Sometimes that system fails to invite new members in a timely manner and a guild master must intervene. Initiating will always earn the guild master 10% of the applicable silvers, 200 experience, and 2000 fame. Guild Masters used to be able to invite characters that were as low as level 10, but that practice has been discontinued.

>gld initiate Person
You invite Person to become a member in the Sorcerer Guild, saying, "Person, by applying to the Sorcerer Guild, you swear by this oath:

"I swear to uphold the sanctity, reputation and preeminent position of the Sorcerer Guild in Elanthian Society.  Although I may have differences of opinion with my fellow guild members, I will respect them and their right to voice their opinions.  I am aware of the superiority of sorcerers; I will therefore not stoop to using knowledge gained in the Sorcerer Guild to harm my fellow adventurers, no matter how deserving of harm they may be."

Do you agree to abide by this oath?"
(You earn 450 silver, 200 experience, 2000 fame.)

Person agrees to the oath and gives you the required 4500 silver initiation fee.

"Welcome to the Sorcerer Guild," you say and shake her hand.

Checking In and Collecting Dues

Guild Masters may check in other members of the same guild to bring them up-to-date or accept months of prepayment (up to 3 months). Each time a guild master checks another member in he/she will receive 10% of the silvers, 100 exp, and 50 fame. Checking in another Guild Master will earn no silvers, and will earn no fame or experience if the other Guild Master did not need a check-in.

>gld checkin Person
You offer to collect Person's dues.
You accept Person's 3000 silvers for his past dues.
(You earned 300 silver, 100 exp, 50 fame)

>gld checkin Person
You offer to collect a month of prepayment from Person.
You accept Person's 1500 silvers for a month of prepayment.
(You earned 150 silver, 100 exp, 50 fame)

>gld checkin Other Master
You offer to bring Other Master up to date.
You acknowledge Other Master as being current with the guild.
(You earned 0 silver, 100 exp, 50 fame)


Guild Masters can register with the local NPC Guild Master to be listed on a roster of Guild Masters in that specific guild structure for 4 months.

>ask Grift about registering
You ask Grift about registering as an active Guild Master in this guild.

Grift says, "Very well, I will note in the guild ledger that you would like to become registered here as an active Guild Master.  Your name should now be on our local Guild Master roster that is posted at the entrance.  Your name will stay on the roster as long as you checkin in this town once every four months.  You can ASK me about UNREGISTERING if you want to remove your name before then."

Guild Vouchers

an Elanthian Guilds voucher pack

Guild Vouchers are applied to a single character and allow that character to trade guild tasks without point penalty. They are sold in the SimuCoin store under the heading "Profession Guild Task Vouchers" in packs of 10 or 100, for 95 or 900 SimuCoins, respectively. Sometimes they appear as prizes or in giftboxes in other quantities such as 50 per pack. Regardless of the quantity, the item is named: an Elanthian Guilds voucher pack.

Info from the SimuCoin store:

Profession Guild Task Vouchers - Can't find a suitable partner to practice with? Unable to find that stubborn ingredient? Trade in that task and try for a new one without having to worry about setting your training back and wasting precious time! These vouchers prevent all training point and experience penalties for the next {##} task trade-ins. This is applicable for all profession guild skills (i.e. Warrior Guild, Rogue Guild, Cleric Guild, etc.).

  • Applicable to all profession guild skills.
  • Removes all training point and experience penalties for task trading.
  • This is a pack of {##} vouchers.
  • Appearance: "An Elanthian Guilds Voucher Pack"
an Elanthian Guilds voucher pack 

>give my pack to Klidel
Klidel takes your Guilds voucher pack and says, "Very well, I've redeemed these vouchers and will automatically apply them whenever you ask me to TRADE a task of yours in."

[You now have a total of {##} task trading vouchers available for use.]

>read my pack
In neat caligraphy, it reads:
This voucher pack entitles the presenter to {##} free guild task trade-ins, courtesy of the Elanthian Guilds Council.

To redeem this voucher pack, please GIVE it to any profession guild training administrator.

>inspect my pack
Inspecting that may not be a sound idea.

>analyze my pack
You analyze your Guilds voucher pack and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This pack contains 232 vouchers for free task trade-ins at the various profession guilds.

GIVE the pack to a Training Administrator to redeem the vouchers and have them added to your total in GLD.
BUNDLE it with other packs or vouchers like it to combine uses.
TEAR it to remove a single voucher.

It cannot be altered.

You get no sense of whether or not the pack may be further lightened.

>loresing (verse 1)
This is a small item, under a pound.  In your best estimation, it's worth about 5,000 silvers.
>loresing (verse 2)
From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the pack is unusual, but the exact use escapes you.
>loresing (verse 3)
You feel as though you have reached the end of the pack's song.
>loresing (verse 4)
You feel as though you have reached the end of the pack's song.

Guild Nights

As of 2016, Wednesday nights are designated as Guild Night. During the hours of 5p-Midnight in game time (ET), all guild training point awards will be doubled. Point values are determined when you report your success to the Training Administrator, not when you complete the task.

During Guild Nights the GLD verb will have the following message:

It is currently a Guild Night, courtesy of the Elanthian Guilds Council!
[Most guild training points awards will be doubled as a result until not set.]

Guild Night Form

Guild "Night"s can be purchased from the SimuCoin Store in the form of an Elanthian Guild Night Form (also referred to as a custom Guild Night). Use of the form will double most profession guild training point awards for the entire game for 7 hours. All players currently in-game or entering the game are notified, and purchasers can take full credit for the purchase or create a custom attribution.

If the weekly free Guild Night will overlap with a custom Guild Night, the custom Guild Night will be paused and resume after the free one is over. If a Guild Night form is redeemed while someone else's Guild Night is already in effect, the original Guild Night will be extended and the new purchaser will not receive the attribution. Purchasers will be warned upon redemption if this is the case and can choose to wait.


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