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Icemulian Collective for the Improvement of Civilian Life and Entertainment (ICICLE)
The Icemulian Collective for the Improvement of Civilian Life and Entertainment, commonly known as ICICLE, is a group originally formed by Deputy Mayor Hibbits of Icemule, of citizens and non-citizens who are concerned with the welfare of Icemule. The group was formed on Eorgaen 4, 5117 (December 4, 2017). Citizen and non-citizen members were selected by a random drawing of those interested, who had previously signed up.
ICICLE was granted official MHO status on Charlatos 9, 5118 (March 9, 2018).
ICICLE received their permanent structure on Lormesta 19, 5124 (January 19, 2024).
[Commerce Burrow, Sylvan Hollow] | RNUM: 2428 |
A cobblestone circle marks the entrance to an ornate white marble structure. Sparkling clean windows mark either side of the entrance, over which the words "Clovertooth Hall" are deeply engraved. The circle is empty but for a few bleary-eyed clerks and visitors doing after-hours business with the government of Icemule Trace. You also see a gilded rectangular sign with icicles formed upon it, a towering motionless shadow and a copper-edged modwir podium. | |
Obvious exits: north |
~ Icemulian Collective for the Improvement of Civilian Life, Etc. ~ Founded Eorgaen 5117 Members: Dirvy (Chairwoman) Laralana (Vice Chairwoman) Arnylon Arshwikk Brokkrsten Enestrie Jalodg Joness Selaesia Zailon Hibbits (ex-officio)
Current Officers
as of Lormesta 26, 5124
- Chairwoman : Dirvy Britbane
- Vice Chairwoman : Laralana Lane
- Strategist : Arshwikk Aralock
- Town Planner : Brokkrsten Vindonnus
- Assistant Town Planner : Vacant
- Intercessor : Vacant
- Public Liaison : Darq Achlys
- Surveyor : Jalodg Calahann
- Historian : Zailon Britbane Faendryl
Statement of Purpose
ICICLE’s purpose is to provide Icemule Trace with a safe and fair gambling establishment, to help enrich the lives of those who visit and live there, and to help maintain the integrity of our rich and diverse history.
Statement of Governing
- ICICLE shall be a democratic Meeting Hall Organization based out of Icemule Trace, with all members voting on key issues; the Chair breaking all ties and controlling the agenda for issues to be brought before a vote.
- All officer roles will be chosen by each individual member, with approval from the Chair.
- Officer terms shall be for life. Should a position be vacated for longer than a year without notice, nominations by members will be accepted and the position shall be filled a vote by all members. Should a position be vacated under circumstances other than absence, nominations from members will be heard and the position shall be filled by a vote of all members within 2 weeks of the position being vacated.
- If an ICICLE officer is seen unfit, uncooperative, unwilling to take their responsibilities within ICICLE seriously, or purposely refuses to adhere to the tenets of the charter, the officer’s continued membership and/or any disciplinary action may be put to a vote with the other officers of ICICLE. However, it is within the Chair’s authority to remove any officer who does not adhere to the responsibilities of an ICICLE officer position.
- In the event the Chair position is vacated, the Vice Chair will step up to the vacant position (if they so desire) and a vote will be held to fill the Vice Chair position. In the event the Vice Chair position is vacated, nominations will be heard from members and a vote of all members will be held to fill this position.
Requirements for Joining
Proposed members for ICICLE must meet the following requirements:
- They shall be a titled adventurer of 20 trains or greater.
- A member does not have to be a citizen of Icemule Trace.
Membership Fees
There shall be no initiation or monthly fees associated with membership.
Membership Privileges
- All members shall have access to all PRO Halls and ICICLE's headquarters.
- Members will be involved in all decisions concerning ICICLE.
- Member contributions to ICICLE will be considered donations to the endowment.
- Outside donations to ICICLE will be considered donations to general (slush) funds.
- Allocation of funds generated by fundraising events will be decided by a vote of all members of ICICLE.
- General funds will be deposited into the Icemule Trace account of the Chair, and can be drawn upon by the Chair or Vice Chair for expenses, entertainment (parties), prizes, etc. Members can use general funds for prizes or events, upon approval from the Chair and Vice Chair.
- Members are not required to contribute to the endowment or general funds.
- Member contributions do not entitle a member to special privileges.
- All contributions must be reported to the Vice Chair so that an accurate account of all funds can be recorded, and possible discrepancies in the accounts may be found and clarified.
- Members may contribute items and equipment for general use/prizes.
- Member meetings will be held as needed.
- Special meetings and public meetings will be held as needed.
- The Chair shall preside over all member and public meetings. In the Chair’s absence, the Vice Chair shall preside. Special meetings may be presided over by a member, if a member’s expertise is needed for the meeting.
- Notices of meetings will be posted on the official ICICLE Discord channel in a timely fashion.
Completed Projects
Citizens Tent
[Icemule Trace, South Road] | RNUM: 2410 |
The hoarse voices from the west are hard to understand. Either they are happy cries or anguished moans, or perhaps both. A group of enterprising youths approach you and ask for silvers, but continue along the road without pausing for your response. You also see a stone cottage, a tiny halfling tent sentinel and a large ice blue and white-striped tent that reads "Citizens Only" above the entrance. | |
Obvious exits: north, east, south, west |
[Citizens' Tent, Reception] | RNUM: 27031 |
Town citizens mill about the open space of the tent, weaving in between the support poles and engaging in idle chatter. A few individuals cluster near a large announcement board, gossiping loudly. The distinct smell of freshly baked tarts wafts from a snowflake-carved modwir refreshment cart in one corner of the room. Near the rear of the tent, an icicle-engraved fel box stocked with tinder rests next to an iron brazier. The atmosphere lends a potential respite from the cold just outside. You also see an ice blue curtain heading to the northeast, a snow white curtain heading to the southeast and a small silver-edged plaque. | |
Obvious exits: out |
In the Common language, it reads: +-------------------------------------+ | Icemule Trace Citizen's Lounge | | Designed by Brokkrsten | | With Assistance from ICICLE | | Dirvy, Chair / Laralana, Co-Chair | | Commissioned by Hibbits Hoft | +-------------------------------------+
[Citizens' Tent, Meeting Area] | RNUM: 27032 |
Thick, ornate rugs depicting a colorful history of Icemule Trace layer the floors of the softly lit room. A masterfully crafted spherical metal stove commands attention in the center of the area surrounded by some plush velvet pillows. A woven manroot stalk bench sits opposite the curtain leading back to the reception. An occasional shadow from the stove dances across the tent walls. You also see an artfully designed white metal lectern, a rhimar-lined wooden barrel and a snow white curtain heading to the northwest. | |
Obvious exits: none |
[Citizens' Tent, Donations] | RNUM: 27033 |
In this comparatively smaller room of the tent, several large containers with neatly printed labels line one tent wall. A modwir bin labeled "Warm Stuffses" with partitions for numerous articles of clothing sits beside a scuffed balenite footlocker labeled "Fighting Stuffses" large enough to hold several weapons and pieces of armor. Winterberry-stained handprints cover the outside of an off-white wicker basket labeled "Belly Stuffses," likely a space reserved for tarts and other snacks. You also see an ice blue curtain heading to the southwest. | |
Obvious exits: none |
Flashfeet's Fine Fashions
[Flashfeet's Fine Fashions] | RNUM: 3403 |
Warmed by a halfling-sized cast iron stove, this room features several mannequins in various outfits. A small sign hangs near the dressing room, which is flanked by elegant fur coats and leather jackets. Pristine white polar bear furs, silvery arctic wolverine pelts, and shimmering ivory snowcat skins adorn the walls. A freshly retouched mural of Icemule Trace hangs above a small wooden door leading deeper into the shop. You also see a party tent token booth. | |
Obvious exits: east, west, out |
[Flashfeet's, Traveller's Togs] | RNUM: 3404 |
A row of wooden pegs lines one oak-paneled wall, displaying thick, colorful caps and scarves. The remaining three walls are covered in rich tapestries suspended from thick mithril rods that hang from the ceiling and embroidered with scenes of local wildlife. The floor is covered with a lush, white rug made to resemble snow. A long, glass case that holds a variety of mittens and gloves occupies one corner of the shop. A young sylvan apprentice tidies the shawls on a nearby wooden rack. You also see a small sign. | |
Obvious exits: east, west |
[Flashfeet's, Fine Footwear] | RNUM: 3405 |
Pristine white walls accented with silvery swirls create the illusion of windblown snow. Several clear glass tables displaying slippers and shoes sit upon luxurious white carpet. Along the rear wall, two narrow glass shelves stand bearing several styles of boots. Positioned between the shelves is a small sign, with a smug-looking elven clerk close by. Off in one corner, a short stove filled with glowing embers offers limited amounts of warmth, making this room a bit colder than the rest. | |
Obvious exits: east |
[Flashfeet's, Original Outfits] | RNUM: 3406 |
Along the back wall of this room, an elegant gold-trimmed glass case bears several unique clothing designs, a small sign positioned neatly above it. On each adjacent wall, several wide shelves stand evenly spaced, their contents folded in neat stacks. Dancing light emanating from candelabras placed throughout the room illuminates the wares for sale. A stately oak desk rests atop an ornate rug in the center of the room. An older dwarven shopkeeper stands next to the desk, a welcoming smile on his face. | |
Obvious exits: east, west |
[Flashfeet's, Pins and Pendants] | RNUM: 3407 |
Soft, white velvet fabric has been draped over the tops of various intricately carved counters, creating a bright showroom. Shimmering silver tinsel snowflakes draw eyes to the glittering wares on display. Inside a series of carved jewelry cases, small, white podiums exhibit semi-precious gems set in an assortment of earrings, necklaces, and other trinkets. A lively human clerk keeps a watchful eye on cases and customers alike. You also see a small sign. | |
Obvious exits: west |
[Flashfeet's, Sacks and Satchels] | |
Dark, rich, wooden floors contrast the jewel-toned tiles adorning the walls, reflecting a myriad of colors. Centered on each tile is a metal rod bearing all manner of satchels and sacks. Spaced evenly throughout the room, dark wooden tables have been neatly stacked with assorted pouches, cases, and kits. A jovial giantman clerk tends to a wide fieldstone fireplace along the back wall next to a basket of sticks. You also see a small sign and a small wooden door. | |
Obvious exits: out |
Public Meeting Notes
Public Meeting: 12/19/17 |
Notes written by Dirvy Britbane.
The 19th of Eorgaen 5117 - Dirvy opened the meeting by directing everyone’s attention to the newly placed sign outside of Clovertooth Hall that reads: ~ Icemulian Collective for the Improvement of Civilian Life, Etc. ~ Founded Eorgaen 5117
Public Meeting: 01/26/18 |
Notes written by Dirvy Britbane.
The 26th of Lormesta
Public Meeting: 05/29/18 |
Transcript written by Dirvy Britbane.
ICICLE thanks you all for coming out on this cold night. We will try to keep this brief. We will start with a short discussion about the best strategies to combat demons. As some of you know, Icemule Trace has been plagued with a couple demons lately, and most of us were poorly prepared for them. After speaking to several seasoned defenders of Elanthia, we have come up with a solid battle strategy to employ against demons, should they visit our town in the future. Unfortunately, due to the nature of demons, seasoned professionals are needed to make demons easier to battle for the younger adventurers. The first thing to do is to assess the situation. Three demons will be too many to battle at once, as are two vathor demons. Running away is recommended. It is not cowardice to leave, in order to regroup and try again. Necrelines, while not typically considered demons, are creatures that were once adventurers, turned into an altered form by vathors and oculoths. One must kill these creatures, in order to release the adventurer trapped within. Similar to lurks. After the situation has been assessed, the strategy begins with Sorcerers. The first step is to have Sorcerers read from the 704th page in their spellbook and cast Phase on the demons. This spell pulls them through the veil into this plane of existence, so they are easier to target with spells and physical attacks. The next step is for Elementalists, Spiritualists, and Mentalists. For Elementalists, they can read the 417th page of their spellbooks and cast Elemental Dispel on the demons. Spiritualists can read the 119th or the 230th page of their spellbooks and cast Spirit Dispel or Spiritual Abolition, respectively. Mentalists can read the 1218th page of their spellbooks and cast Mental Dispel. These spells will help strip down the demon's defenses, making it easier to target with offensive spells and physical attacks. It is recommended to alternate between elemental and spiritual dispels, in order to damage the demon, as well as lower its defenses. For those of a magickal nature, if you can ward it or overwhelm the demon's defenses with it, then use it. That being said, never use spells that are cast over an area and that may injure others not in your battle group. These types of spells include open implode and cone of lightning. Demons can and will reflect these spells back at you and your group. In our recent battle with a demon, we found that Sorcerers who can read the 711th spell in their spellbooks, can cast Pain on the demons to do significant damage, once its defenses have been lowered. For those of you who rely on your strength to combat an enemy, at first, most of you are going to find the task of battling a demon impossible. Only those defenders who have weapons enchanted at least eight times, will land a successful attack, provided their strength is higher than the demon's defenses. However, once the elementalists, spiritualists, and mentalists have stripped the demons defenses some, you will find it easier to attack a demon with four times enchanted weapons or higher. *Weapons do need to be made of magickal metals and blessed in order to be effective against demons, in addition to the enchantment requirements. I wanted to use the next few minutes to update everyone on what ICICLE is doing. I think this is especially important, given the recent speeches by the Mayoral candidates. It seems nobody really knows what we are working on, though we have been pretty transparent about it. Currently, ICICLE is working on wall defenses around Icemule. Our ballistae have not been in working order for some time, and we have been working on designs to replace these with a new system. We are also working on implementing an alarm system, so citizens and visitors will know when we are being invaded and should seek shelter or seek out group leaders and triage. ICICLE has recently hosted a rescuer and triage discussion, in order to help organize our triage a little better. It was pointed out by visitors to Icemule that our triage is not as organized as we may think we are. We discussed with other rescuers, empaths, and clerics the best way to get a little more organized, so that we are able to serve the fallen and injured more efficiently and effectively. We also hosted a discussion about battle strategies, and the need for clear group leaders on the frontlines. In the past, we have had groups form on empaths and clerics, when they are sometimes needed at triage in the middle of battle, leaving the group either to tag along or abandoning them to find a different leader. We need to avoid forming on clerics and empaths for this reason. But the purpose of this discussion was to identify key citizens in Icemule who can be relied upon to lead groups on the frontlines, so that there is never a question who the leaders are. We have recently submitted plans to the designers for the interior renovation of Flashfeet's Fine Fashions. The shop's inventory had been updated with new fashions in Eorgaen of last year, so the shop needed a bit of a makeover, as well. Most of you have seen the citizens tent that was built three blocks south of Town Center. In the future, we have plans to build a more permanent building for citizens, complete with a waterfall, underground hot springs, and fishing area. We also have plans for a proper museum that will replace the Historical Society, sometime in the future. This will take a great deal of planning and cooperation from everyone in Elanthia, and we look forward to beginning work on this when time allows. In the future, we also have plans for an embassy, that will cater to all towns of Elanthia. When we first discussed this, it was decided we would not build the embassy for specific races, like the one in Ta'Illistim. Because Icemule Trace has always been an inclusive town, we felt building it for towns instead of races would be more appropriate and in sync with the pulse of Icemule. Currently, ICICLE members are finalizing designs for Wurt's Amulets which would include a complete inventory overhaul and shop redesign, an expanded Mayoral suite, which will include an auditorium, public meeting space, and reception, and the greenhouse project that will be built on the Icemule Trace-Wehnimer's Landing trail. Also in the future, ICICLE will be hosting several events with the Northern Fury, to help increase their presence in Icemule Trace, and help with bolster their membership. Currently, the Northern Fury host drills every Restday at 6pm Elven in Icemule. If you are interested in joining their ranks, please see Olgretien or attend one of their drill events. |