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Iyo Glade Festival/2022 saved posts

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Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Premium Discussion
Message #: 903
Author: ASGM Quilic
Date: 11/05/2021 03:27 PM CDT
Subject: Premium Fest 2022 - Get your requests in!

Hi all!

For next year's Premium Fest, now is the time to start thinking about requests for things you'd like to see offered in some form or another.

A few guidelines:

1) If you can get it at a pay event, you're not getting it at Premium Fest. 2) The festival is largely fluff things, with a sprinkling of mechanical stuff. 3) Premium services (things related to Premium such as transporter messaging, anchoring, and things like that) are definitely possible.

Please post your requests as a reply to this, and I will collate them into a list and see what can be done. I will stop taking requests on February 1st, 2022. Any requests made after that will be for the 2023 Premium Fest!

Thanks, all, and get those requests in!

~ASGM Quilic
Four Winds Isle/Mist Harbor Storyteller

Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Premium Discussion
Message #: 939
Author: ASGM Quilic
Date: 11/07/2021 06:32 AM CDT
Subject: Re: Premium Fest 2022 - Get your requests in!

Thanks for these, guys!

If you want to follow along, I'm collecting all the requests here:

One point of clarification (thank you Naamit): Guideline 1 is a bit more all-encompassing than I intended. There are plenty of things (Veola, Hair Picks, Rainbowear, etc) that are available at pay events, but ALSO have been offered at free festivals. Things like this can absolutely be suggested for Premium Fest. If an item or service has never been previously offered at a free festival, odds are good that it won't be eligible for this list.

~ASGM Quilic
Four Winds Isle/Mist Harbor Storyteller

Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Premium Discussion
Message #: 1032
Author: ASGM Quilic
Date: 01/01/2022 10:31 AM CST
Subject: Premium Fest 2022 Dates/Times

This year, Premium Fest will be originating from a brand new venue! Details will emerge as the time draws nearer, but the dates are set so that you may lock in your plans.

The grounds will open on the 8th of July at 9pm EST, and all GM interaction (services, storyline, raffles, etc.) will cease at midnight EST on the 10th. The grounds will remain open for people to shop through 9pm EST on the 15th.

~ASGM Quilic
Four Winds Isle/Mist Harbor Storyteller

Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Premium Discussion
Message #: 1140
Author: ASGM Quilic
Date: 05/17/2022
Subject: Preparations ~ A Premium Fest 2022 Teaser

Uhlen watched as a trio of workers carried in another series of split logs, laying them carefully along the edges of the prescribed pathway. She gnawed slightly on the inside corner of her lip as she pondered what else still needed to be done, and felt the slight scar tissue that had built up over the previous weeks' efforts... and worries.

She turned to stare across the meadow, noting that the grass had been evenly trimmed away from the pathway, and that the signposts and totems were in place. All of the families had pitched in, and she was more grateful than she had thought possible. She was still so nervous, though. This was huge, and she knew it, but it was the right thing to do for all of them.

"So when are you going to tell them?" came a voice from nearby. Uhlen didn't jump, but she did whip her head around at the familiar voice. Uhrayn grinned at her, the expression as infectious as always, and Uhlen felt an answering smile creep across her face.

"Soon," she assured her brother. "They have some troubles they're dealing with right now, but they have a remarkable way of dealing with hardship."

"Yes, yes, we know, little one," Uhrayn teased. "You've said as much and more in convincing everyone to go along with this."

Uhlen blushed slightly at her brother's tone, but shrugged all the same.

"They're worthy of our respect, brother. And it's past time we treated them as neighbors."

Uhrayn's grin faded a little, and after a moment he nodded.

"But... why a Festival?" he asked for what seemed like the hundredth time.

This time it was Uhlen's turn to grin.

"You'll see," she retorted, as she always did.


This year's Premium Fest will be held on a completely new festival grounds, and will be hosted by the Iyo families that live at the heart of the Isle of Four Winds.

(Many) more details will be forthcoming as we draw closer to the event, especially once that pesky Pashtal has been dealt with, but I wanted to share a bit of a venue teaser.

~ASGM Quilic
Four Winds Isle/Mist Harbor Storyteller

Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Premium Discussion
Message #: 1156
Author: SGM Quilic
Date: 06/27/2022
Subject: Premium Fest 2022 - Partial List of Services

Hi all,

At this year's Premium Fest, in addition to (many) other services that will be offered, I will be offering the following limited services:

  • Enhancive Property Removal: This will be for 10 randomly chosen individuals. For a nominal fee, they will be able to have a single POSITIVE enhancive property removed from any item.
  • Premium Point Enhancive Reconfiguration: This will be for 10 randomly chosen individuals. For a moderate fee, they will be able to completely rebuild an EXISTING Premium Point Enhancive that is already attuned to them. This will be a complete "redo", as if you were getting a new PP enhancive of the same tier from scratch. Getting enhancives from another tier is not permitted as part of this service.

Partial list of other services that are slated to be offered for a limited number of individuals:

  • Recharging magical items for silvers
  • Alteration Sessions
  • Animal Companion Grooming
  • Sonic Alterations
  • Custom Swears
  • Custom Verbs

Please note that the above is a very limited list, just intended as a teaser of sorts, and to let people know about services for which they might want to plan. The Enhancive Removal and PP Enhancive Reconfiguration will be scheduled ahead of time, giving people time to plan if they're interested in either service.

More information to come as we get closer to the actual event!

~SGM Quilic

Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Premium Discussion
Message #: 1161
Author: SGM Quilic
Date: 07/03/2022 04:07 PM CDT
Subject: Re Premium Fest 2022 Dates/Times

Just as an update to this:

GM Interaction at Premium Fest this year will be occurring through July 12th at midnight PST. This may include services, storyline/RP, and/or raffles. We added a couple of non-weekend days to try and accommodate more schedules.

Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Premium Discussion
Message #: 1164
Author: GS4-MERAKI
Date: 7/4/2022
Subject: Meraki's Premium Festival Teasers & Raffles

Teaser #1
GM Xynwen released this fantastic new erithi lore document:

Teaser #2
I will be debuting a new highly customizable fluff item at premium festival this year. They are called Dreamfire Panel Bracelets. Here is a teaser excerpt from their analyze:

> Although these devices were originally designed by erithian artists for use in storytelling, their usage has expanded dramatically after introduction to other cultures. It is not uncommon to find such devices being coveted by collectors, fortune tellers, gamblers, or anyone with an eye for unusual magical devices.

They will debut with over 700 custom images available immediately.

Teaser #3
I will be providing the wiki pages for the item sometime on Wednesday or Thursday. The link will drop in this thread and on Discord.

Prime Raffles
All times listed in EST and occur between Friday July 8th and Tuesday July 12th.

Day Time What Where Who # of Winners
Saturday 9:30 PM RAFFLE - T2 Punishing Forbidden Book TBA Glenora 1
Sunday 11:00 PM Dreamfire Scenery Unlock/Conversion Dreamfire Illusions, Backroom Elusionari 5
Monday 8:30 PM RAFFLE - T2 Tolerant Forbidden Book TBA Glenora 1
Tuesday 7:00 PM Dreamfire Scenery Unlock/Conversion Dreamfire Illusions, Backroom Elusionari 5

Plat Raffles
All times listed in EST and occur between Friday July 8th and Tuesday July 12th.

Day Time What Where Who # of Winners
Saturday 9:00 PM RAFFLE - T2 Punishing Forbidden Book TBA Glenora 1
- 10:00 PM Dreamfire Scenery Unlock/Conversion Dreamfire Illusions, Backroom Elusionari 5
Monday 8:00 PM RAFFLE - T2 Tolerant Forbidden Book TBA Glenora 1
- 9:00 PM Dreamfire Scenery Unlock/Conversion Dreamfire Illusions, Backroom Elusionari 5

Yes, you read that correctly, 2 Forbidden books will be raffled at Premium Festival.


> Meraki – Greek Word of the day – Doing something with love, passion, and a lot of soul. It is what happens when you leave a piece of yourself (your soul, creativity, or love) in your work.

Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Premium Discussion
Message #: 1165
Author: SGM Quilic
Date: 7/5/2022
Subject: Re: Premium Fest 2022 - Partial List of Services

I will also be offering Fluff Script Swapping to a limited number of people during Premium Fest.

This service requires you to have two similar pieces of gear. Very similar. One should have a fluff-only script (which means that it can't have unlockable tiers or abilities that aren't fluff), and you should wish to have that script moved onto the other item (leaving the original piece unscripted). These items should be as similar as possible otherwise, and it's highly recommended that you bring backups for this service. There are any number of factors that might render your preferred swap impossible, up to and including the simple complexity of the script. It should also be noted that no scripts will be swapped off of something that would make the leftover 'thing' incorrect. A good example of this would be a pet script (kittens, hedgehogs, etc), where if the script were to be moved off of that 'item', it wouldn't make sense.

This service, as well as the Enhancive Property Removal and the PP Enhancive Reconfiguration, will be offered Sunday afternoon (the 10th of July) in the early afternoon, EST. I will do one service, then the next, then the next, and will announce each time before selecting the group for the next service up. For each group, I will spin for customers.

SGM Quilic

Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Premium Discussion
Message #: 1166
Date: 7/5/2022
Subject: Caerrigan's Premium Festival Raffles

I will be offering the following raffles throughout the Premium Festival. I hope you can all find them a good home!

Prime Raffles
All times listed in EST and occur between Friday July 8th and Tuesday July 12th.

Day Time Ticket Cost What
Saturday 8:00 PM 75,000 Silvers Two 8x Sephwir Hand Crossbows
Sunday 8:00 PM 75,000 Silvers Two 8x Shields - Winner to choose size & material (Rarity 8 or less)
Monday 9:00 PM 75,000 Silvers Two 8x weapons - Winner to choose weapon base & material (Rarity 8 or less). No Claidhs or Naginatas.
Tuesday 9:00 PM 50,000 Silvers Two 4x 20 CER daggers

Plat Raffles
All times listed in EST and occur between Friday July 8th and Tuesday July 12th.

Day Time Ticket Cost What
Saturday 8:30 PM 75,000 Silvers Two 8x Sephwir Hand Crossbows
Sunday 8:30 PM 75,000 Silvers Two 8x Shields - Winner to choose size & material (Rarity 8 or less)
Monday 9:30 PM 75,000 Silvers Two 8x weapons - Winner to choose weapon base & material (Rarity 8 or less). No Claidhs or Naginatas.
Tuesday 9:30 PM 50,000 Silvers Two 4x 20 CER dagger


“A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference.”

Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Announcements
Message #: 129
Author: GM Wylloh
Date: 7/6/2022
Subject: Wylloh's Premium Festival Offeringss

The elderly elven woman sits comfortably in her armchair, rubbing her swollen hands as she gazes at her work table. She glances at the ladder, awaiting whomever just came into her wagon and sees a smiling face pop up from the opening.

“I have your tea, granny.”

“Oh, thank you, dear. And what of my other shipments?”

“Yes. Special order of that armor from the Order of Voln and some orbs from the Mage’s Guild. Both have arrived and have been stored away until you're ready for them.”

The elven woman walks over to the young girl and takes the cup of tea, nodding and smiling as she moves back to sit in her chair.

“That’s good dear, that’s very good. I imagine our visitors will be very pleased. Are all the dresses and shoes on display?”

The young girl finishes climbing up into the loft and sits across from the old elf, “Yes, granny. It is all prepared. You’ll get the Mirror’s eye with this batch of gowns. I just know it!”

Granny Yulieanne glances above the rim of her spectacles and sips delicately at her tea, before answering, “Yes, dear girl. Let us hope. It has only been my dream to be the talk of the town with my dresses and to have the Mirror wear one of my creations.”

The elven woman glances at the swatches of fabric and sighs wistfully.

OOC – Sew Bustled will be offering lovely Metamorphic gowns and footwear. Granny Yulieanne will be setting up the raffles listed below for Prime and Platinum, the dates and times are when they pull. She is looking forward to meeting you all!

Prime Raffles All times listed in EST and occur between Friday July 8th and Tuesday July 12th.

Day 	Time 	What 	Where 	Who 	# of Winners
7/10	10:00 PM 	RAFFLE - T3 Voln armor. Winner’s choice on armor base	Sew Bustled, Loft 	Yulieanne 	2
7/11 	10:00 PM 	RAFFLE - Shimmering Violet Orb – Non-attuned	Sew Bustled, Loft 	Yulieanne 	2
7/12 	8:00 PM 	RAFFLE - Shimmering Violet Orb – Account Attuned 	Sew Bustled, Loft 	Yulieanne 	2

Platinum Raffles All times listed in EST and occur between Friday July 8th and Tuesday July 12th.

Day 	Time 	What 	Where 	Who 	# of Winners
7/10	11:30 PM 	RAFFLE - T3 Voln armor. Winner’s choice on armor base	Sew Bustled, Loft 	Yulieanne 	2
7/11 	11:30 PM 	RAFFLE - Shimmering Violet Orb – Non-attuned	Sew Bustled, Loft 	Yulieanne 	2
7/12 	9:30 PM 	RAFFLE - Shimmering Violet Orb – Account Attuned 	Sew Bustled, Loft 	Yulieanne 	2

~Gamemaster Wylloh~
The Demonic Dryad

Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Premium Discussion
Message #: 1167
Author: SGM Quilic
Date: 7/6/2022
Subject: Quilic's Premium Fest Raffles (A partial list)

Hi all,

Here are a couple of the items I will be raffling off this Premium Fest.

Instance 	Day 		Time (EST) 	What			 				Where 	# of Winners
Prime 		7/9		3:00 PM	 	White Alloy Runestaff. 	S6 Sanctified, +35 Enchant	TBD 	1
Prime 		7/9		3:30 PM 	Coin Hand 						TBD 	1
Platinum 	7/9		3:15 PM 	White Alloy Runestaff. S6 Sanctified, +35 Enchant	TBD 	1
Platinum 	7/9		3:45 PM 	Coin Hand 						TBD 	1

~SGM Quilic Premium

Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Premium Discussion
Message #: 1168
Author: GS4-MERAKI
Date: 7/6/2022
Subject: Re: Meraki's Premium Festival Teasers & Raffles

Teaser #3

As promised, I have dropped the full wiki articles for the Dreamfire Panel Bracelet. Enjoy!


> Meraki – Greek Word of the day – Doing something with love, passion, and a lot of soul. It is what happens when you leave a piece of yourself (your soul, creativity, or love) in your work.

Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Premium Discussion
Message #: 1171
Author: GS4-MERAKI
Date: 7/6/2022
Subject: Re: Meraki's Premium Festival Teasers & Raffles

> These are not illusion props that appear in your appearance, but interactable items that create an illusion in the air (with fancy messaging), right? -- WINTERDAWN

These are not illusion props that appear in your appearance, correct.

It's a zesty item with fancy messaging and lots of customizations. Starting at tier 2, the bracelet can create illusion props that appear in the room that others can interact with. Most of the interactions will be to LOOK or GAZE/PEER at it. Since they aren't tangible, you can't touch them. They are magical illusions.


> Meraki – Greek Word of the day – Doing something with love, passion, and a lot of soul. It is what happens when you leave a piece of yourself (your soul, creativity, or love) in your work.

Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Premium Discussion
Message #: 1173
Author: GS4-MERAKI
Date: 7/7/2022
Subject: Re: Meraki's Premium Festival Teasers & Raffles

A summary of some information revealed on Discord:

General information:

- Panels that are currently attached to your bracelet do not count against your item limit.
- Unlocked scenery panels only capture the room name and description, they do not capture players/npcs.
- There are no plans to allow for the Dreamfire Panel Bracelets to be worn on a different location. (That would require a new script because a lot of the messaging is very specific to them being a wrist-worn.)

At Premium Festival:

- Alterations of concealed illusions will only be performed by the merchant Elusionari.
- There will be a Tier 1 to Tier 2 unlock certificate sold off the shelf.
- There will be a certification sold off the shelf that can increase the number of attachment points on a bracelet by 1 (up to 5).
- Unlocks to Tier 3 and adding attachment points 6-10 will be merchant services provided by Elusionari.

Feel free to ask other questions if you have any.


> Meraki – Greek Word of the day – Doing something with love, passion, and a lot of soul. It is what happens when you leave a piece of yourself (your soul, creativity, or love) in your work.

Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Premium Discussion
Message #: 1174
Author: GS4-CASIL
Date: 7/8/2022
Subject: Casil's Premium Festival Raffles/Services

I'll be offering a few VERY EXCITING raffles from July 9-July 11.

VERY EXCITING. Please buy tickets.

Date	Time	What	How Many
Saturday	10:00PM EST	Black Ora Jewelry*	4
Sunday	7:00PM EST	Empowerable Jewelry (1000 charges) w/ 1209, 618, 606, or 215	2
Monday	9:15PM EST	7x Acuity/7x Enchanted Runestaff (premade)	2

<*Note: Black ora jewelry is premade and does not come with an alteration, however I will be sticking around after to spin for a few alterations for worn black ora jewelry.

JUST AS EXCITING. Please buy tickets.

Date	Time	What	How Many
Saturday	8:00PM EST	Black Ora Jewelry*	4
Sunday	8:00PM EST	Empowerable Jewelry (1000 charges) w/ 1209, 618, 606, or 215	2
Monday	8:45PM EST	7x Acuity/7x Enchanted Runestaff (premade)	2

<*Note: Black ora jewelry is premade and does not come with an alteration, however I will be sticking around after to spin for a few alterations for worn black ora jewelry.

Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Premium Discussion
Message #: 1178
Author: SGM Quilic
Date: 7/8/2022
Subject: Premium Fest 2022 - The Iyo Glade

All those with access to the Isle of Four Winds are invited to the Iyo Glade, deep in the heart of the isle and home to the indigenous Iyo people. The Iyo Crafter Uhlen has organized a Festival, and merchants have been invited from across Elanthia to come and peddle their wares. The shopping options are many and varied, with something for everyone!

The Festival Grounds also feature a couple of games, with prizes to be won, and merchants will be dropping in from time to time to work for live audiences. Keep an eye out for raffles, games, and who knows what else!

Rumor has it that there may be a couple of exotic bugs to be found on the grounds, for those with the equipment and the desire to acquire them!

Uhlen and the rest of the Iyo families await your arrival, as they open their home to outsiders for the first time.


OOC bits:

There is a portion of the grounds that is currently inaccessible. This is intentional, and it will open up fairly soon. This morning on FWI there was a LARGE storm, and a massive bolt of lightning struck... something... near the center of the Isle. Once the result of that bolt of lightning has been dealt with, the area will open up.

For those wishing to brush up on the Iyo:

I hope you all enjoy the new grounds, and the entire Festival with all its offerings! I will do a fully enumerated list of thanks once the Fest has concluded, but there have been so many GMs who have put time and energy into making this Fest as good as we can, and I am exceedingly grateful for each of them.


~SGM Quilic

Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Premium Discussion
Message #: 1179
Date: 7/8/2022
Subject: Elysani's Premium Festival Raffles

2 winners - 20 minutes of alteration one-on-one time - 50k per ticket - Draws Sunday at 10:00PM EST - Instant Redemption! Be prepared!

2 winners - 20 minutes of alteration one-on-one time - 50k per ticket - Draws Monday at 10:00PM EST - Instant Redemption! Be prepared!
Plat, I'll get your table set up tomorrow and announce.

Mentor GM...Person.

Speaking grimly to Farain, Cruxophim laments, "I didn't see planks until I was nearly a MAN."


Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Premium Discussion
Message #: 1181
Author: GS4-JAINNA
Date: 7/9/2022
Subject: Forehead Gem Raffle

There is a forehead gem raffle currently set up in In The Rough at the festival. It will draw around 9pm EST tomorrow. Winner doesn't need to be present, just in game.

~Just Jainna

Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Premium Discussion
Message #: 1182
Author: GS4-JAINNA
Date: 7/9/2022
Subject: Shop Head to Toe

Hey all!

Just wanted to let you know that most of the items for sale at Head To Toe can be unlocked by Xerria. These are scripts that I haven't sold in a while, so check it out if you haven't!

~Just Jainna

Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Premium Discussion
Message #: 1183
Author: GS4-REIDYN
Date: 7/10/2022
Subject: Reidyn's Premium Festival 2022 Raffles and Services

Hello! I'm a little late to the party, but here is the information regarding the raffles I have set up for the festival:

Magic Item Recharging There are a total of 20 slots per instance that I am splitting into two drawings of 10 winners each in hopes of accommodating a wider range of schedules. Additional charges will be applied as determined by the spell being recharged. Some select spells and those level 20 and above are not eligible for this service. Evrai will remain at the raffle location to redeem wins for at least an hour after the final name is drawn. Look for Crystalline Creations and SEARCH for a way behind the moss to find the raffle tables.

6x GEF Lightning UAC Gear There are two raffles with one winner a piece in each instance, one for boots and one for gloves. Each premade item is a piece 6x (+30) Greater Elemental Flaring aka GEF Lightning UAC gear. Cisilie will be lingering nearby the raffles for an hour or more to redeem the wins and possibly provide other services.

As time permits, Evrai will be stopping by to work on the wares from her shop, Crystalline Creations. Likewise, Cisilie will be coming around to her shop, Craft and Create, to do GALD and alter bundles of items from her shop as time allows.

Prime Raffles

Sunday, July 10th	9:00PM	Location: Concealed Conifer Close	Table: a small crescent-carved raffle table	Ticket: 50,000	Winner(s): 10	Magic Item Recharging
Monday, July 11th	12:00PM	Location: Concealed Conifer Close	Table: a small sunburst-carved raffle table	Ticket: 50,000	Winner(s): 10	Magic Item Recharging
Monday, July 11th	9:30PM	Location: Iyo Glade, Bazaar	Table: a tall spindle-legged raffle stand	Ticket: 75,000	Winner(s): 1	6x GEF Lightning Gloves
Monday, July 11th	9:30PM	Location: Iyo Glade, Bazaar	Table: a small raffle table with multiple paint swatches	Ticket: 75,000	Winner(s): 1	6x GEF Lightning Boots

Platinum Raffles

Sunday, July 10th	7:00PM	Location: Concealed Conifer Close	Table: a small crescent-carved raffle table	Ticket: 50,000	Winner(s): 10	Magic Item Recharging.
Monday, July 11th	2:00PM	Location: Concealed Conifer Close	Table: a small sunburst-carved raffle table	Ticket: 50,000	Winner(s): 10	Magic Item Recharging.
Tuesday, July 12th	10:00PM	Location: Iyo Glade, Bazaar	Table: a tall spindle-legged raffle stand	Ticket: 75,000	Winner(s): 1	6x GEF Lightning Gloves
Tuesday, July 12th	10:00PM	Location: Iyo Glade, Bazaar	Table: a small raffle table with multiple paint swatches	Ticket: 75,000	Winner(s): 1	6x GEF Lightning Boots


-GM Reidyn-

Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Premium Discussion
Message #: 1184
Author: GS4-QUILIC
Date: 7/10/2022
Subject: Firewheel Flowers - New Official Lore

There are two plants colloquially known as "firewheel" flowers. One is a brilliant bloom that grows low to the ground in a fiery burst of color, the second, which is the bloom we will be discussing, is a bright red or orange blossom with gangly petals that grow upon the firewheel tree itself. Somewhat resembling a jester's hat, the flower has long slender petals tipped with round protrusions in a different color. Alone, it is stunning. When grouped with others covering an entire tree's canopy, the sight is mesmerizing.

However, we are not here to talk about all firewheel flowers. Rather, we are here to speak on flowers from a particular grove deep in the interior of the Isle of Four Winds. Flowers from this grove exhibit unique characteristics and seem almost sentient in nature, a phenomenon I have studied to the best of my ability, and will attempt to explain to some degree.

Having studied a specimen myself in a laboratory setting and having performed various tests on said specimen, I have detected very subtle magic suffusing the flowers from this particular grove. Interestingly, the touch of this subtle, hidden magic does not fully overcome the flowers' pleasant demeanor. Something fundamental, as yet undetermined, changes within the flowers that are exposed to this magic. I have not yet had the pleasure of testing any of the bark from the trees in this particular grove, as the Iyo are particularly protective of it. They consider the grove, the "Heart of the Island", as best I can translate it. As such, I may not yet determine the interaction, if any, between the tree and the flower, nor may I determine the importance of any such interaction.

In conclusion, at this time it may be faithfully spoken that some particular magic unique to its location is permeating the "Heart of the Island" and creating some very unique characteristics to the firewheel flowers growing on the trees within.


Magister A'Cer of the Hall of Mages
Botanist Emeritus on Detached Service


OOC: Many thanks to GM Mazreth for the above lore, and GM Jainna for bringing these Flowers to life!


~SGM Quilic

Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Premium Discussion
Message #: 1186
Author: GS4-QUILIC
Date: 7/10/2022
Subject: Firewheel Grove is open in Prime

Hi all,

The Firewheel Grove area of the Iyo Glade will be opening very shortly! In this small area you will find raffles set up for firewheel weapons and instruments (5 weapons, 2 instruments), all drawing Monday night (the 11th) and none requiring you to be there live.

You will also find a pair of firewheel trees somewhat closer to the path, that can be SHAKEn. Shaking one of these trees gives a small chance for you to dislodge a firewheel flower (which will drift to the ground). The firewheel flowers themselves are a brand new script from GM Jainna, and have unlockable tiers that she will be bringing a merchant around to work on. There is no limit on the number of firewheel flowers a player can generate, but there is a small cooldown (2 minutes) on the trees themselves after producing a flower. Both trees produce the exact same flowers, just FYI.

For the firewheel instrument raffle, these are master quality instruments, and 3 will be distributed to bards. This raffle is to distribute the first two (without restrictions), after which I will distribute the rest (once I see how many more need to go to bards). For example, if both of the raffle winners happen to be bards, I will set out another raffle for two winners and schedule a time to spin for the fifth (Bard only). But up to two instruments can go out to non-bards via this method.

~SGM Quilic

Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Premium Discussion
Message #: 1187
Author: GS4-JAINNA
Date: 7/10/2022
Subject: Another Raffle

A second raffle has been set up in In The Rough. There will be two winners to be drawn tomorrow. Winner does not need to be there. The raffle is for a fully unlocked jewelry box.

~Just Jainna

Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Premium Discussion
Message #: 1188
Author: GS4-ZOELLE
Date: 7/10/2022
Subject: Raffles for Tonight

Three raffles have been set out that draw starting in just over 1 hour.

An oak-carved raffle table for a custom swear in Iyo Glade, Shrouded Respite.
A bright yellow raffle table for a signature verb in Iyo Glade, Clearing.
A sparkly raffle table for a greater moods customization package in the Iyo Glade, Market.

This is just the first chance at winning. More raffles to be announced shortly for tomorrow.


Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Premium Discussion
Message #: 1189
Author: GS4-ZOELLE
Date: 7/10/2022
Subject: Raffles for 7/11 (Premium)

Several raffles have been set out in the Iyo Glade, Market that will draw on 7/11:

A bright red raffle table for a custom swear. Approximately 9:30 p.m. (buy tick on table)
An orange raffle stand table for a custom signature verb. Approximately 9:40 p.m. (buy tick on stand)
A matte black raffle desk for 2 winners to receive a greater moods customization package. Approximately 9:50 p.m (buy tick on desk).

A multi-colored wooden wagon rolled into the Iyo Glade, Meadow for 2 rangers that MUST be level 30 and MUST have an animal companion already to win a grooming session. You do not need to be present, but must be somewhere in the lands. Approximately 10 p.m.

A rickety wagon rolled into the Iyo Glade, Meadow for 2 bards that MUST be level 15 and win


Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Premium Discussion
Message #: 1196
Author: GS4-QUILIC
Date: 7/15/2022
Subject: Premium Fest 2022 ~ Finit

Hi all,

As another Premium Fest is in the rearview mirror, I wanted to take a few minutes for some well-deserved thanks.

This Premium Fest featured a completely new grounds, the Iyo Glade, with a strong FWI Roleplay tie-in. Many individuals signed up to play Iyo purely to support the immersive environment we were trying to create, and did an amazing job of it. My deepest thanks to them for playing along so well.

Mini-Games were a new addition to the Festival this year, and GM Mazreth did an amazing job setting those up and doing all the messaging for them. Mazreth also set up and configured the runestaff lathe and the NPC associated with it. The prizes for the mini-games were designed by GMs Marstreforn and Caerrigan, who put some really fun things in there for you guys.

GM Meraki introduced Dreamfire Bracelets, and GM Jainna debuted her Firewheel Flowers, both of which were a big hit.

Considering this was a brand new festival grounds, we needed to create all new shops for everything, and for this I first want to thank the players. I put out a call last year for ideas of things that people wished to see for sale off the shelf at Premium Fest, and that was where we started. I collected everything that was thrown out there, put together a list, and tried to provide as many of those things as possible. Then (many) GMs went through that list and picked items to design these new shops around.

I would like to specifically thank the following individuals for their invaluable help, without which this Festival wouldn't have been anything near as good as it was.

GM Caerrigan
GM Casil
GM Elidi
GM Estild
GM Elysani
GM Ethereal
GM Galene
GM Jainna
GM Khorbin
GM Mariath
GM Marstreforn
GM Mazreth
GM Meraki
GM Naiken
GM Netz
GM Reidyn
GM Tamuz
GM Thandiwe
GM Tivvy
GM Valyrka
GM Wylloh
GM Wyrom
GM Xeraphina
GM Zoelle

In addition, huge thanks go to the Dev and QC teams for handling approvals and QC for this festival so ably, and a special extra thanks to GM Wyrom for his assistance putting on the two trial Premium Point Auction events, and to Dev for handling approvals for that as well.

And finally, thank you to all the players that came out, wandered the grounds, made fun of Gus (the tortoise), asked a million questions of the Iyo, played the games, collected all the Firewheel Flowers, and stared in awe at the Dreamfire options. It was immensely gratifying seeing you all have fun with this, and that's what makes it fun for all of us. So thank you for coming out in support of this Festival, and we will plan to invite you all back next year!


~SGM Quilic

Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Premium Discussion
Message #: 1198
Author: GS4-MERAKI
Date: 7/16/2022
Subject: Dreamfire Illusions Sales Recap (Prime Edition)

Dreamfire Illusions Shop Sales Recap (Prime Edition)

Now that the festival has drawn to a close, I figured I'd share a sales recap for the Dreamfire Illusions shop. I don't always share these types of numbers, but I both had the time to compile them and the numbers seemed interesting enough to warrant sharing.

Dreamfire Bracelets: 9 designs were offered. A total of 202 Dreamfire Bracelets were sold. The most popular design was "a delicate skyglass raxiara" with 38 sales and the least popular was "a narrow erithi-crafted wristlet" with only 8 sales.

Dreamfire Panels: 22 designs were offered. A total of 570 Dreamfire Panels were sold.

The most popular designs:
94 - a blazing bonfire panel
80 - a colorful firewheel bloom panel
77 - a jade teadragon panel
63 - a jade green cresting wave panel
57 - a rainbow butterfly panel

The least popular designs (with less than 10 sales each):
a silver salmon panel, a silver ram panel, a white nautilus shell panel, an ebon shiri qakoni panel, a twin silver fish panel, a pair of sleeping ducks panel, and an agate teabowl panel.

Unlocks: 2 types of unlock certificates were offered. A total of 192 tier 2 unlock certificates were sold and a total of 673 attachment vouchers were sold.

Customizations: 5 customization certificates were offered. A total of 442 customization certificates were sold. The most popular customization sold was "a dreamfire color picker writ."

Stock Panel Display: More than 800 designs were offered (with 128 added midfestival). Here is the sales breakdown:

1108 - Total Images Sold
683 - Images used for panel's outward appearance
425 - Images used as a concealed illusion

Those image purchases can be broken down as follows:
549 - Fresh new panels sold
134 - Updates to outward appearances
394 - New concealed illusions added
31 - Updates to concealed illusions

Most popular design used for outward appearance: a starry blue constellation (18)
Most popular design used as a concealed illusion: a glorious sunrise (13)

Top 10 Most Popular by Total Counts:
1) a starry blue constellation (24)
2) a map of Elanthia (22)
3) a moon and stars (17)
4) a sailing ship (17)
5) a glorious sunrise (17)
6) a small black dagger (12)
7) an open magical tome (11)
8) a black-lined lunar eclipse (10)
9) a black rose (9)
10) a crescent moon (9)

Honorable mentions: a rising phoenix, a quill pen, a ring of silver stars, a willow tree, a howling grey wolf, a stylized Faendryl crest.

Silver Totals:

Total spent on stock panel display purchases: ~19 million silvers.
Total sales between off-the-shelf shop sales and stock panel display purchases: ~104 million silvers. (This number does not include live merchant service offerings).


> Meraki – Greek Word of the day – Doing something with love, passion, and a lot of soul. It is what happens when you leave a piece of yourself (your soul, creativity, or love) in your work.

Category: GemStome IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered
Topic: Platinum Discussion
Message #: 23
Author: GS4-MERAKI
Date: 7/18/2022
Subject: Dreamfire Illusions Sales Recap (Plat Edition)

Dreamfire Illusions Shop Sales Recap (Plat Edition)

Platinum is a smaller community and so these numbers will be radically different from Prime's. If you'd like to see the prime recap, you can view it here:,%20Platinum,%20and%20Shattered/Premium%20Discussion/view/1198

Dreamfire Bracelets: 9 designs were offered. The most popular design(s) were a four way tie between: "a silver-framed bracelet inset with skyglass panels", "a delicate skyglass raxiara", "a narrow erithi-crafted wristlet", and "an articulated pearl inlay bracelet." At least one design was not purchased.

Dreamfire Panels: 22 designs were offered. A total of 50 Dreamfire Panels were sold. Every design was purchased at least once.

The most popular designs:
- a jade green cresting wave panel
- a grey owl panel
- a jade teadragon panel
- a colorful firewheel bloom panel

Unlocks: 2 types of unlock certificates were offered. There was 1 less unlock certificate purchased than dreamfire panel bracelet purchased. Someone will likely notice this after the festival ends and wish they had noticed it sooner.

Customizations: 5 customization certificates were offered. The most popular customization sold (by a landslide) was "a dreamfire material picker paper."

Stock Panel Display: More than 800 designs were offered (with 128 added midfestival). Here is the sales breakdown:

60 - Total Images Sold
48 - Images used for panel's outward appearance
12 - Images used as a concealed illusion

Those image purchases can be broken down as follows:
47 - Fresh new panels sold
1 - Updates to outward appearances
12 - New concealed illusions added
0 - Updates to concealed illusions

Top 2 Most Popular by Total Counts:
1) a frosted tart (3)
2) a tenebrous shadowy kraken (3)

Every other design had less than 3 purchases.

Silver Totals:

Total spent on stock panel display purchases: ~1.3 million silvers.
Total sales between off-the-shelf shop sales and stock panel display purchases: ~7.5 million silvers. (This number does not include live merchant service offerings).


> Meraki – Greek Word of the day – Doing something with love, passion, and a lot of soul. It is what happens when you leave a piece of yourself (your soul, creativity, or love) in your work.