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Keeping Up With the Kestrels (storyline)/2017-11-10 - Reannah's Many Delusions (log)
Eoantos 10-11, 5117
by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]
- [[::Reannah_Kestrel|Reannah]] has heard that [[::Dennet_Kestrel|Dennet]] hopes to begin his next steps toward her cure next week.
- [[::Stormyrain|Stormy]] hasn't heard from Judge Renpaw about whether Drandea's charges have been cleared.
- [[::Naimorai_Kestrel|Naimorai]] exchanges whispers with several over the night, but seems most stirred up by Kayse's presence.
- Naimorai is not interested in Mayor Cruxophim's offer of [[::Wehnimer's Landing|Landing]] citizenship.
- Reannah and adventurers go for a walk, but she seems to become delirious. She raves on about:
- "Why you three" were picked, but when asked about what she means, she seems not to know she just said anything
- "Vobriqi rafir," meaning "farewell lover" in Tehir, but once asked about it, she seems not to know she just said anything and denies knowing what the words mean
- Pleading with Dennet (not present) to save her
- Wondering if [[::Cyph_Kestrel|Cyph]] will like his new life and noting he used to look so poor
- Naimorai not being able to sleep, but Reannah not being able to sleep either
- Assuring that Naimorai is not bad and her sins don't define her
- Apologizing to Hapenlok that "It was not kind," but when asked why, she seems not to know she just said anything
- How her mother was opposed to the marriage with Dennet but her father opened the way
- Something she's failed Dennet at
- Not wanting a "you" to be erased and wanting to remember that person no matter what happens
- Mistaking Sir Cryheart for her father
- Cryheart returns Reannah to Thadston at the outpost, who seems not to know Faendryl when Lylia greets him in that language.
Updates on Dennet's Recovery
[Stone Baths, Hearth]
The hearth room is dimly lit by brass lamps mounted along the dark mahogany walls. A trio of deep blue cushioned chairs faces a grey sandstone fireplace in the corner, while a slate-topped bar runs the length of an entire wall. A cluster of dark oak tables rests in the center of the room, not far from a brass archway.
Lady Naimorai's group just came through a brass archway.
Naimorai nods.
Reannah waves.
Reannah quietly says, "Hello everyone."
Cruxophim pleasantly greets, "Evening, you two."
Naimorai says, "Evening."
Reannah places her hand gently on Naimorai's arm, almost leaning in on her.
Naimorai smiles at Reannah.
Speaking affably to Naimorai, Cruxophim greets, "It's been a while."
Naimorai whispers something to Lylia.
Naimorai nods at Cruxophim.
Naimorai says, "It has."
Naimorai whispers something to Cruxophim.
Speaking to Naimorai, Ysharra says, "The change in weather must give you joy."
Speaking to Naimorai, Ysharra says, "I know it does me."
Speaking to Reannah, Evia says, "Some lovely refreshments on the bar, if you like."
Naimorai grins at Ysharra.
Reannah nods at Evia.
Lylia whispers something to Naimorai.
Reannah pours herself a cup of warm sylvan tea.
Reannah takes some sips of her tea, her hand trembling as she does.
Speaking to Reannah, Elementz asks, "How do you feel this chilly eve?"
Naimorai squints at Cruxophim.
Naimorai whispers something to Cruxophim.
Reannah quietly says, "I am well."
Speaking to Reannah, Elementz asks, "I take it Dennet is recovering still and doing fine as well?"
Naimorai whispers something to Lylia.
Naimorai says, "My father is doing well." [note: several whispers exchanged at this point: which father?]
Naimorai nods at Elementz.
Kayse gives a sidelong glance at Naimorai.
Kayse smirks.
Reannah nods at Naimorai.
Speaking affably to Reannah, Cruxophim inquires, "Is he?"
Speaking to Naimorai, Ysharra asks, "The Grand Magister, yes, is he improving at all?"
Reannah quietly says, "Yes, I am told he ate twice yesterday, and is waking more."
Reannah quietly says, "He hopes to begin his next steps he has said soon."
Reannah quietly says, "By next week."
Speaking optimistically to Reannah, you comment, "I'm sure he's very driven. Same as your son has said... purpose does wonders for recovery."
Ysharra says, "I had hoped for sooner...I'm sure you had, as well."
Cruxophim nods slowly at Reannah.
Ysharra nods at Reannah.
Reannah nods.
Naimorai whispers something to Rhayveign.
Reannah takes a drink from her warm sylvan tea.
Updates on Drandea
Reannah quietly asks, "Captains, any news?"
Reannah peers quizzically at Stormyrain.
Reannah peers quizzically at Shinann.
Stormyrain says, "I'm afraid I have not received a reply from Judge Renpaw."
Reannah frowns.
Shinann agrees with Stormyrain.
Stormyrain says, "He's a busy busy man. I'm sure he will get to it as soon as possible."
Stormyrain smiles.
Cryheart says, "I do believe a petition was sent to the Judge."
Naimorai whispers something to Rhayveign.
Reannah nods at Cryheart.
Reannah quietly says, "I would hope we hear back soon then. I miss her."
Reannah quietly says, "And..."
Reannah quietly says, "To be honest."
Reannah quietly says, "I am hopeful, but not foolish."
Reannah quietly says, "I wish to have my mother at my side in case..."
Reannah quietly says, "I just wish to have her by my side."
Rhayveign whispers something to Naimorai.
Speaking to Reannah, Elementz says, "In case what Dennet is working on fails? Or am I being too presumptuous."
Naimorai glances at Lylia.
Naimorai whispers something to Lylia.
Stormyrain says, "If the Lady Drandea wishes to make a petition I would listen."
Reannah nods at Elementz.
Naimorai nods at Lylia.
Naimorai whispers something to Lylia.
Reannah takes a drink from her warm sylvan tea.
Dinaden takes a drink from his warm sylvan tea.
Reannah smiles at Dinaden.
Lylia whispers something to Naimorai.
Speaking to Reannah, Shinann asks, "Do you know when he will proceed to his second step?"
Reannah quietly says, "He said next week, he hopes."
Shinann nods at Reannah.
Naimorai Heads Off
Reannah quietly asks, "Naimorai, did you not have business in town?"
Reannah peers quizzically at Naimorai.
Naimorai whispers something to Lylia.
Naimorai glances at Reannah.
Speaking politely to Naimorai, Cruxophim mentions, "By the way, I did offer Cyph citizenship to our town... I'd like to offer you the same, if you're interested."
Naimorai says, "I am not."
Naimorai looks over at Cruxophim and shakes her head.
Cruxophim begins chuckling at Naimorai!
Lylia smoothly says, "Shopping, I should hope. We have been discussing the latest silks and satins at the boutique."
Kayse glances skeptically around the room.
Speaking amusedly to Naimorai, Cruxophim notes, "Didn't think so, you and your brother are quite... dissimilar."
Naimorai glances at Kayse.
Naimorai begins to twitch.
Kayse eyes Naimorai with a stern expression, her dark sclera reduced to mere slits.
Naimorai whispers something to Kayse.
Kayse whispers something to Naimorai.
Reannah quietly says, "I will be fine. There's enough knights and healers present."
Kayse glances at Naimorai and folds her wings across her back.
Lylia blithely continues, "So many gowns, so little time."
Reannah nods at Naimorai.
Lylia smiles at Naimorai.
Naimorai briefly narrows her eyes for a moment, not once, but twice looking at Kayse, and one hand seems to clench at her side, nails digging into her palm. A moment later, she regains her composure, and smiles slowly.
Naimorai asks, "You will be fine then mother?"
Naimorai peers quizzically at Reannah.
Naimorai whispers something to Cruxophim.
Naimorai whispers something to Lylia.
Naimorai whispers something to Rhayveign.
Cruxophim nods faintly at Naimorai.
(Kayse keeps an impassive expression as she regards Naimorai.)
Kayse whispers something to Naimorai.
Kayse glances expectantly at Naimorai.
Naimorai whispers something to Ysharra.
Naimorai whispers something to Kayse.
Kayse laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement from Naimorai.
Speaking skeptically to Naimorai, Kayse responds, "Right, of course."
Naimorai whispers something to Rhayveign.
Speaking affably to Reannah, Cruxophim inquires, "So, how's the temperature in the Outpost? Well-controlled, I hope?"
Reannah begins chuckling at Cruxophim!
Reannah quietly says, "Cold, but I am married to a Grand Magister of the Hall."
Reannah quietly says, "So I am used to it."
Reannah chuckles.
Rhayveign whispers something to Naimorai.
Reannah quietly says, "Please Naimorai, you're young, go enjoy the weather and night. I will not linger long."
Reannah quietly asks, "Sir Cryheart will see me back home soon, yes?"
Reannah peers quizzically at Cryheart.
Cryheart nods reassuringly.
Reannah quietly says, "I only ask because everyone seems to be standing around you."
Cryheart says, "Aye Lady Reannah."
Reannah nods at Cryheart.
Naimorai squints.
Naimorai whispers something to Cruxophim.
Speaking to Naimorai, Lylia says, "If you like, I would be happy to show you to the latest items in the boutique. Of course, I am equally happy to bask in the warmth."
Lylia smiles at Naimorai.
Naimorai nods at Lylia.
Naimorai says, "Perhaps another night."
Speaking simply to Reannah, Kayse says, "A lot of us are probably seeking answers from her, thus why she is popular."
Kayse settles her gaze on Naimorai, watching her intently.
Naimorai takes Reannah's hand and helps lead her to a chair.
Reannah just went over and threw herself down on the chair.
Naimorai says, "Good evening."
Lady Naimorai just went through a brass archway.
Reannah and the Cold
Reannah slowly empties her lungs.
Reannah seems to almost slump in her chair now that Naimorai has left, releasing her breath, a vein thumping in her forehead. She rasps a few breaths, then drinks some more tea.
Speaking apologetically to Reannah, Lylia says, "Do forgive me. I had been gone, and your daughter is charming company. I had not seen her in some time, and I was quite unforgivably rude to whisper so."
Speaking to Reannah, Elementz asks, "All is not well, quite obviously. Do you need a more private place to speak?"
Reannah quietly says, "It is fine."
Reannah nods at Lylia.
Cryheart asks, "I am guessing ye are feeling a bit tense with your daughter?"
Speaking to Reannah, Shinann asks, "Something on your mind?"
Reannah quietly says, "No, it was just..."
Reannah quietly says, "I try to be strong in front of my children."
Reannah quietly says, "Naimorai worries about me. Terribly so."
Reannah quietly says, "She does not often speak it...."
Reannah quietly says, "But she has not taken my illness well."
Reannah quietly says, "If she had a way to take my place or take away my pain she would instantly, I have no doubt."
Reannah quietly says, "She may seem rude and cold at times, but, I blame her father." [whispers again: which father?]
Reannah chuckles.
Reannah quietly says, "The Hall is no place for children."
Reannah breaks out in a sweat.
Cryheart asks, "Getting warm?"
Reannah quietly says, "Yes..."
Cryheart asks, "Want to head back to the Outpost?"
Speaking thoughtfully to Reannah, Meureii interjects, "The snow is a wonderful place to be."
Speaking mischievously to Reannah, you say, "He does have a point. We could get out while your daughter isn't looking, if you'd like." [in reference to what she'd said over the amunet earlier: "We'll be along soon to the Stone Bath Hearth. My daughter refuses to allow me to watch the snow from outside this evening."]
Reannah nods to you.
Reannah quietly says, "Yes, please, I'd like to see the snow..."
Reannah quietly says, "It's very very hot in here..."
Reannah breaks out in a sweat.
Reannah stands up.
Reannah joins Cryheart's group.
Cryheart asks, "What be your preference Lady Reannah?"
Reannah quietly says, " decide Sir Knight."
Cryheart nods.
Cryheart says, "We can take a slow walk then."
Cryheart says, "On the roof maybe too windy for ye."
Reannah's Delirium
[from here on just assume we're occasionally walking from room to room, now outdoors]
Reannah breaks out in a sweat.
Cryheart asks, "Feeling less hot now?"
Reannah stands amidst the crowd, lost in thought for a moment, as the white curtains of snow fall all around her. She smiles.
Reannah breaks out in a sweat.
Reannah chuckles to herself.
Reannah tiredly says, "I always wondered..."
Reannah tiredly says, "Why you three...why they were picked..."
Cryheart asks, "Hmmm..what?"
Speaking to Reannah, Ysharra asks, "Three people?"
Kipa asks, "What three?"
You idly say, "I wondered too... if you mean who I think you mean."
Reannah quietly asks, "Pardon?"
Cryheart says, "Ye said ye wondered why those three were picked."
Reannah frowns at Cryheart.
Reannah quietly says, "I do not recall."
Cryheart nods at Reannah.
Cryheart touches Reannah.
Cryheart says, "Is ok."
Reannah reaches up, her fingers playfully turning as she catches snowflakes in her palm, smiling brightly at the night.
Reannah chuckles playfully, slowly turning around.
Reannah holds a hand up to her face, smiling, chuckling.
Reannah tiredly says, "Vobriqi rafir."
Reannah blushes, then turns.
Cryheart says, "What language was that Lady Reannah."
Cryheart says, "Ye seem to be enjoying the snow."
Cryheart smiles at Reannah.
Raelee whispers to the group, "It was Tehir."
Reannah peers quizzically at Cryheart.
Reannah quietly asks, "Language?"
Subarashi whispers to the group, "Something I don't know, followed by 'love' or 'lover'."
Reannah quietly asks, "Sir Cryheart, are you...drunk?"
Reannah chuckles.
Cryheart says, "Nae m'lady."
Cryheart grins at Reannah.
Raelee whispers to the group, "... farewell. Farewell, love."
Cryheart says, "Perhaps the wind is making it hard to hear."
Cryheart nods at Reannah.
Reannah leans against a wooden signpost.
Cryheart says, "Lady Reannah, it almost sounded like "Vobriqi rafir."."
Reannah glances at Cryheart.
Cruxophim surreptitiously glances at Cryheart.
Cryheart says, "As I said...the wind is playing tricks on me hearing."
Cryheart smiles at Reannah.
Reannah quietly says, "I do not know those ords."
Speaking to Reannah, Ysharra says, "Doesn't that mean lover? I heard that, somewhere."
Cryheart says, "Neither do I."
Reannah quietly says, "Words..."
Cryheart smiles.
Reannah shrugs at Ysharra.
Reannah quietly says, "Your guess is as good as mine."
Reannah leans against a wooden signpost.
Cryheart says, "Aye."
Cryheart nods at Reannah.
Reannah tiredly says, "Save me Dennet....if you amount to nothing else ever....your work and your Hall be me..."
Reannah quietly asks, "Do you you think Cyph will like his new life?"
Reannah quietly says, "He...he was always poor looking..."
Reannah gasps, covering her mouth.
Reannah quietly says, "I am sorry...I am a horrible mother..."
Sir Cryheart's group just went southeast.
[Lower Dragonsclaw, Grasslands]
Growing among the warm grasses are a few scattered trees. It is hard to tell if the forest you can see to the west is encroaching upon the grasslands or if it is slowly being harvested and replaced for grazing. You also see a rolton, a huge imperial wagon with a glowing blue-white pylon on it and a fortified stone imperial outpost.
Sir Cryheart's group just went through a thick oaken gate.
[Hendoran Outpost, Entry Way]
Arrow slits ominously line both sides of the wooden entryway leading from the outside to the inside of the Hendoran outpost. Just wide enough to allow a wagon to squeeze through, the hard-packed earthen floor slopes inward guiding absent feet to the center of the space. Overhead three trapdoors punctuate the length of the ceiling between a thick oaken gate on one end and a black iron portcullis on the other.
Sir Cryheart's group just went through a black iron portcullis.
[Outpost, Outer Courtyard]
A pair of Hendoran soldiers stand at attention on either side of a black iron portcullis which leads outside the outpost. Beyond them, the courtyard fills a space between the outer wooden wall and an inner wall made of stone, where a fortified keep rises behind it. Above, imperial soldiers slowly walk the parapet of the outer wall, their eyes focused on the horizon. You also see a grey brick tavern.
Reannah quietly says, "No..."
Reannah quietly says, "No not in here..."
Reannah quietly says, "Please..."
Cryheart glances at Reannah.
Reannah quietly says, "I cannot be in here any longer..."
Reannah quietly says, "I cannot be in those stone walls..."
Cryheart asks, "Where Lady Reannah?"
Reannah quietly says, "I want to taste the snow and kiss the sky..."
Sir Cryheart's group just went through a black iron portcullis.
Sir Cryheart's group just went through a thick oaken gate.
[Lower Dragonsclaw, Grasslands]
Growing among the warm grasses are a few scattered trees. It is hard to tell if the forest you can see to the west is encroaching upon the grasslands or if it is slowly being harvested and replaced for grazing. You also see a rolton, a scaled fire wyrdling, a nebulous dusky blue darkling, a spectacled owl that is flying around, a scaled fire wyrdling, a snow white raven that is flying around, a disheveled grey cat that is sitting, a roly-poly flamepoint sand kitten, a huge imperial wagon with a glowing blue-white pylon on it and a fortified stone imperial outpost.
Along the ramparts, huge black golems watch on.
Reannah gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Reannah slowly empties her lungs.
Reannah quietly says, "Even outside of there..."
Reannah quietly says, "Here..."
Reannah quietly says, "It is so refreshing..."
Reannah tiredly says, "My daughter cannot sleep well."
Reannah quietly asks, "Did you know this?"
Reannah quietly says, "Sometimes, she sits at my side..."
Reannah quietly says, "Sometimes she lays beside me...."
Reannah quietly says, "She thinks I am asleep..."
Reannah quietly says, "But I just lie awake..."
Reannah quietly says, "Listening to her breaths..."
Reannah quietly says, "Feeling the warmth of my child beside me...while I can..."
Reannah quietly says, "I hear her...oh her waking dreams of horror..."
Reannah quietly says, "She is not bad...I swear to you..."
A faint amethyst light flashes from a narrow window in the top of the stone tower inside the Hendoran Outpost. [I think this was only an ambient message, but leaving it just in case]
Reannah quietly says, "Her sins do not define her..."
Reannah quietly asks, "We all make mistakes, do we not?"
Reannah quietly says, "We all hold a blemish..."
Reannah quietly says, "My mother told me once, scars are failures, wounds that left your opponent alive."
Reannah chuckles.
Reannah quietly says, "I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry..."
Reannah leans down and touches Hapenlok's face.
Reannah quietly says, "It was not kind..."
(Hapenlok stiffens up as Reannah touches him.)
Speaking pragmatically to Reannah, Cruxophim reasons, "Scars are not failures for the person bearing them."
Reannah agrees with Cruxophim.
Reannah quietly says, "I suppose you are right Mayor..."
Speaking grimly to Reannah, Hapenlok says, "I want to know why."
Reannah quietly asks, "Why what?"
Reannah peers quizzically at Hapenlok.
Hapenlok sighs.
Speaking to Reannah, Hapenlok says, "Pay me no mind, I'm ....having one of my turns."
Hapenlok manages a sad-eyed grin.
Reannah breaks out in a sweat.
Reannah quietly says, "I just want to live..."
Reannah quietly says, "Mother did not want me to go..."
Reannah quietly says, "Father made the way possible..."
Reannah quietly says, "He knew the family would bring me more than he could offer..."
Reannah quietly says, "If he were to see this now..."
A small drop of blood falls from Reannah's nose, landing on the snow beneath her feet.
(Cryheart glances at the snow.)
Cryheart glances at Reannah.
Cryheart says, "I think tis time for ye to rest, Lady Reannah."
Reannah quietly says, "I will tell you..."
Reannah quietly says, "I will tell you what.what is ,,what is goo...d."
Reannah tiredly exclaims, "I am my own woman Mother!"
Reannah tiredly says, "I love him! He loves me! We will change the world!"
Reannah quietly says, "I am so sorry Dennet..."
Cryheart says, "Lady Reannah, we think ye should rest."
Reannah quietly says, "You move the earth with your command....and you do so for me...."
Reannah quietly says, "...and I have failed you...."
Reannah quietly says, "I...I take back what I said..."
Reannah quietly says, "Do not erase you."
Reannah quietly says, "No matter what happens....I want to remember you still..."
Taking Reannah Back to Thadston
Reannah gently rests her hand on Cryheart's shoulder.
Reannah quietly asks, "Father?"
Reannah peers quizzically at Cryheart.
Cryheart says, "I think ye should rest now."
Cryheart nods at Reannah.
Reannah awkwardly rushes forward, wrapping her frail arms around Cryheart.
Cryheart hugs Reannah.
Reannah tiredly says, "Please father...just hold me...."
Cryheart says, "Time to rest Reannah."
Cryheart hugs Reannah.
Reannah tiredly says, "Tell me a story...please father..."
Cryheart touches Reannah.
Reannah suddenly slumps in Cryheart's arms, bending awkwardly as she goes limp. Blood rivulets seep from her nostrils and her eyes roll into the back of her head.
(Cryheart bends over and carries Lady Reannah.)
Cryheart says, "Inside we go."
[travel time]
[Outpost, Inner Courtyard]
An imposing stone tower stands at the center of the inner courtyard, taking up the majority of the space. Similar to the build of the rest of the outpost, the windows of the tower are narrow and better designed for arrows and defense than to offer light and a scenic view. A wing extends from the tower's north side and soldiers continually file northward back and forth from it. You also see a stone bench.
A rune-carved black mein golem just arrived!
A rune-carved black mein golem just arrived!
A rune-carved black mein golem just arrived!
A rune-carved black mein golem just arrived!
Cryheart yells, "Hendoran guard...come to us and take Lady Reannah to her quarters!"
Cryheart yells, "Seek out the physician!"
Some mein golems come marching into view, and moving out from behind them, Sir Thadston appears, rigid and glaring.
Thadston monotonously says, "Give me her."
Cryheart says, "Good evening Sir Thadston."
Speaking warmly in Faendryl to Thadston, Lylia says something you don't understand.
Cryheart says, "Here she is."
(Cryheart hands Reannah to Sir Thadston.)
Thadston peers quizzically at Lylia. [note: in a previous night's afterdiscussion, Aurach had noted that Thadston knew Faendryl in the past; here he seems not to understand it]
Thadston nods at Cryheart.
Cryheart says, "She was delirious."
Cryheart nods at Thadston.
Cryheart says, "And passed out."
Speaking to Thadston, Lylia says, "Ah, forgive me. I said it is good to see you again, and I know the lady will be pleased as well."
Thadston takes Reannah from Cryheart, holding her frail body in his arms. He looks down at her, emotionless.
Lylia nods at Thadston.
Speaking in Faendryl, Alasatia notes something you don't understand.
Thadston monotonously says, "Thank you for bringing Lady Reannah. We will take it from here."
Thadston turns around.
Sir Thadston just entered an imposing stone tower.