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Keepsake Album

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The Keepsake Album is an offering in the Deluxe Wedding Package. It is included in the wedding trunk of the first spouse and allows the couple to store aspects and memories of their wedding and honeymoon. When the album is complete and sealed, it can be duplicated one time so that both spouses can have one.

ASCII art is used on some pages to depict content, though there is only one variation of each; it does not change based on page content.

Note: When capturing character portraits, shimmer trinkets, illusion props, and a few other appearance-altering items are currently supported. There are likely many others that are not. You can use BUGITEM to bring them to the attention of GMs for review and potential addition.


You analyze your keepsake album and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

The Keepsake Album allows couples to store memories of their wedding ceremony, reception, and honeymoon.  It comes preset with the invitation, menu, and a sketch of the cake, and all three will reflect any changes made afterward.  While in the wedding and honeymoon areas, the album can create hardcopy portraits of people, rooms, and objects, as well as store the following:

  Espousal Clothing:    A fabric sample and sketch of each spouse's dress/suit (vest, shirt, and pants).
  Espousal Flowers:     A sample and sketch of each spouse's bouquet/boutonniere.
  Scents:               A sample of each spouse's perfume/cologne.
  Portraits:            A new page by inserting hardcopy portraits created by the album.
  Memories:             A written memory (caption) for any page.

When all memories are stored to your liking, the album should be sealed (PINCH) to prevent further changes and unlock additional actions.  It must be sealed by the end of the honeymoon.

The current color settings are red (ink) and white (background).

  FLIP ALBUM [TO {PREV|END|#}]    Turn to a page and immediately view it (default advances one page).
  GLANCE                          List the album's table of contents with clickable navigation.
  LOOK                            View a page.
  PROD (off)                      Toggle displaying the clickable page navigator.
  SMELL                           Smell any scents stored in the album.
  TURN ALBUM [TO {PREV|END|#}]    Navigate the album's pages (default advances one page).

When sealed, the album will have these additional fluff actions:  GAZE, TAP, TOUCH.

  PUT                                   Add hardcopy portraits to the album.
  PINCH                                 Seal the album (cannot be undone).
  POINT                                 Store each spouse's dress/suit and bouquet/boutonniere.
  PONDER                                View the album's pending tasks.
  POUR                                  Store each spouse's perfume/cologne as scent samples.
  SNAP                                  Clear clothing and flower samples (pages 4-9).
  TEAR (unsealed)                       Remove a portrait page and return it to hardcopy form.
  TEAR (sealed)                         Make a one-time copy of the album.
  WAVE ALBUM [AT {target}]              Create a hardcopy portrait of yourself, other people, rooms, and objects.
  WRITE ALBUM;{memory}                  Add a written memory to a page.
  WRITE ALBUM;CLEAR                     Remove a page's written memory.
  WRITE ALBUM;COLOR LIST [group]        List preset color groups or options of a specific group.
  WRITE ALBUM;COLOR {INK|BG} {color}    Set the ink or background color from preset options.

  Created:   0/30
  Stored:    0/24

The keepsake album cannot be lightened, deepened, or altered, but custom ink and background colors may be added by any willing merchant.
Keepsake Album Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Miscellaneous
Item(s) Applied to
Alterable No
Light/Deep No
Customizable Yes
Custom Ink color
Background color
Original Release Venue Rings of Lumnis
Tiered No
Demeanor-based Yes
Eligible to be Swapped No
Eligible to be Added No
Item Verbs

Closed (cover)

The album's cover has two variations based on the length of the names being displayed. If at least one name has an even length, the names will be displayed diagonally. If both names have an odd length, each one is centered.

You look lovingly at the keepsake album's white cover and embossed red lettering:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
||        _____           _____        ||                    ||        _____           _____        ||
||    ,ad8PPPP88b,     ,d88PPPP8ba,    ||                    ||    ,ad8PPPP88b,     ,d88PPPP8ba,    ||
||   d8P"      "Y8b, ,d8P"      "Y8b   ||                    ||   d8P"      "Y8b, ,d8P"      "Y8b   ||
||  dP'           "8a8"           `Yb  ||                    ||  dP'           "8a8"           `Yb  ||
||  8(              "              )8  ||                    ||  8(              "              )8  ||
||  I8    XXXXXXXXX                8I  ||                    ||  I8          XXXXXXXXX          8I  ||
||   Yb,            &            ,dP   ||                    ||   Yb,            &            ,dP   ||
||    "8a,           XXXXXX    ,a8"    ||                    ||    "8a,        XXXXX        ,a8"    ||
||      "8a,                 ,a8"      ||                    ||      "8a,                 ,a8"      ||
||        "Yba             adP"        ||         OR         ||        "Yba             adP"        ||
||          `Y8a         a8P'          ||                    ||          `Y8a         a8P'          ||
||            `88,     ,88'            ||                    ||            `88,     ,88'            ||
||              "8b   d8"              ||                    ||              "8b   d8"              ||
||               "8b d8"               ||                    ||               "8b d8"               ||
||                `888'                ||                    ||                `888'                ||
||                  "                  ||                    ||                  "                  ||
||                                     ||                    ||                                     ||
||            WEDDING ALBUM            ||                    ||            WEDDING ALBUM            ||
||                                     ||                    ||                                     ||
||      Restday, Olaesta 10, 5122      ||                    ||      Restday, Olaesta 10, 5122      ||
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Page 1 (invitation)

You look lovingly at the first page of the keepsake album:

|                                                          |
|                You are cordially invited                 |
|                                                          |
|                      to attend the                       |
|                        wedding of                        |
|                                                          |
|                                                          |
|                         Xxxxxxxxx                        |
|                                                          |
|                             &                            |
|                                                          |
|                          Xxxxxx                          |
|                                                          |
|                                                          |
|        Restday, day 10 of the month Olaesta, 5122        |
|                      at 17:16, Elven                     |
|                                                          |
|                          at the                          |
|                                                          |
|                         Mausoleum                        |
|                                                          |
|     A reception will immediately follow the ceremony.    |
|                                                          |
|            [OOC: Sun Apr 10 17:16:03 ET 2022]            |
|                                                          |

Page 2 (menu)

You look lovingly upon the keepsake album's second page:

|                    THE WEDDING OF XXXXXXXXX AND XXXXXX                    |
|                                                                           |
|  [MENU]                                                                   |
|   1. a warm bowl of vegetable dumpling soup                               |
|   2. a glossy black caviar-filled cracker                                 |
|   3. a crab-stuffed mushroom cap                                          |
|   4. a handful of briny dark olives                                       |
|   5. a delicate wedge of brie cheese                                      |
|   6. a plump rosy honey-blushed apple                                     |
|   7. a steak of garlic-pepper swordfish                                   |
|   8. a slice of red pepper-encrusted pork tenderloin                      |
|   9. a glass of chilled jasmine petal tea                                 |
|  10. some robust pale golden retsina                                      |
|  11. a glass of wild black cherry wine                                    |
|  12. a tankard of floral faewood dark ale                                 |
|                                                                           |
|  [DESSERT]                                                                |
|  a slice of white frosted wedding cake speckled with candied silver dots  |

Page 3 (cake)

You look lovingly upon the keepsake album's third page:

|                               _ _                               |
|                              ( Y )                              |
|                               \ /                               |
|                             ___Y___                             |
|                            {~@~ ~@~}                            |
|                            {_______}                            |
|                           ____)_(____                           |
|                          {~@~ ~@~ ~@~}                          |
|                          {___________}                          |
|                       _______)___(_______                       |
|                      {~@~ ~@~ ~@~ ~@~ ~@~}                      |
|                      {.  .  .  .  .  .  .}                      |
|                     .{___________________}.                     |
|                    (,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)                    |
|                    .)                     (.                    |
|                                                                 |
|  a white frosted wedding cake speckled with candied silver dots |

Page 4 (clothing 1)

Feminine clothing example:

You look upon a swatch of white silk and a sketch on the album's fourth page:

|        _     _        |
|        \|   |/        |
|         (`-')         |
|         |: :|         |
|         /: :\         |
|        .'. .`.        |
|       / .   . \       |
|      .'       `.      |
|     /  :     :  \     |
|    .'           `.    |
|   /   :       :   \   |
|  .'   .       .   `.  |
|  /    .       .    \  |
|  `~~..|       |..~~'  |
|       `~~~~~~~'       |
|                       |
|   a white silk gown   |

Page 5 (clothing 2)

Masculine clothing example:

You look lovingly upon a swatch of luxurious fabric and a sketch on the album's fifth page:

|         __ __         |
|       /  \./  \       |
|      / :  :  : \      |
|     / /|/ : \|\ \     |
|    /_/ |  :  | \_\    |
|        ||=o=||        |
|        |  |  |        |
|        |  |  |        |
|        |  |  |        |
|        |  |  |        |
|        |  |  |        |
|         /_V_\         |
|                       |
|  a white silk shirt   |
|  a formal black vest  |
|  a pair of silk pants |

Page 6 (flower 1)

Feminine flower example:

You look upon a dried and pressed red rose and a sketch on the album's sixth page:

|                ,-.                    |
|             ,-({ })-.                 |
|            ({ \,./,---.  ,---.        |
|           ,`--{##,--. })({   })       |
|       ,-.({   ,-((  })--.\,. /--.     |
|    ,-({  ),-.({__\  /__  )#,--.  )    |
|   ({_ \  /__ })' ',.'  `:_(   })'     |
|   .'  `,.'  `.(   {##}  })_\  /---.   |
|  ((   {##}   })-..-`'.__,'  ',.'__ )  |
|   `._,,`'`._,'  ({    )_)  {##}  `:   |
|    '.({   )_,'._ `---'  (`--/`'\  ))  |
|       `--'  `._`.\|//,';`-(    )--'   |
|           ,--.__`,`,'--._  `--'       |
|          ;  _,  / \|  \- \            |
|          ;_,_,-'__||\ ,\ |            |
|        ;---'  ,' _/\|'._\'            |
|              ; _,  /||                |
|             ;_'_,-'||                 |
|                                       |
|      a blooming red rose bouquet      |

Page 7 (flower 2)

Masculine flower example:

You look upon a dried and pressed red rose and a sketch on the album's seventh page:

|                               |
|            .-.                |
|      __   /   \   __          |
|     (  `'.\   /.'`  )         |
|      '-._.(;;;)._.-'          |
|      .-'  ,`"`,  '-.          |
|     (__.-'/   \'-.__)/)       |
|           \   /\    / / )     |
|            '-'  |   \/.-')    |
|            ,    | .'/\'..)    |
|           ;|\   |/  | \_)     |
|           '\ |  |   \_/       |
|             | \ /             |
|              \|/              |
|              / /              |
|              | |              |
|              | /              |
|                               |
|                               |
|  a small red rose boutonniere |

Pages 8 and 9 (scents)

A faint scent of roses reaches your senses as you look upon the album's eighth page:

|      _____________      |
|     /  ---------  \     |
|    /               \    |
|   /_               _\   |
|  |  \             /  |  |
|  |   \___________/   |  |
|  |     ---------     |  |
|  |                   |  |
|  |                   |  |
|  |                   |  |
|  |                   |  |
|  |   SCENT  SACHET   |  |
|  \\_________________//  |
|                         |
|          roses          |

Page 10+ (portraits)

Character portrait example:

You look lovingly upon your keepsake album and see "THE WEDDING OF XXXXXXXXX AND XXXXX" centered in fine red lettering above a sketch:


GameMaster Naiken Nebelfleck
He appears to be a Human.
He is tall.  He appears to be youthful.  He has blue neutron-star eyes and pie crust-brown tanned skin.  He has scissor-cut, dusky blonde hair with short, faded sides.  He has a dark-scruffed face.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a tailored black suit jacket, a distorted black hole pin, a skinny scarlet necktie, a crisp charcoal dress shirt, some tailored black suit pants, and some fancy black slip-on loafers.


Room portrait example:

You look lovingly upon your keepsake album and see "THE WEDDING OF XXXXXXXXX AND XXXXXX" centered in fine red lettering above a sketch:


[Concourse, Northeast]
Elegant brass sconces cast soothing light over smooth, onyx-swirled white marble walls.  Massive gold planters, brimming with brightly colored exotic plants, fill each corner.  A neatly engraved plaque reading "Leaf an Impression" hangs over a rounded arch, which is set into the eastern wall.  You also see a carved marble bench.
Also here: Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxx


Object portrait example:

You look lovingly upon your keepsake album and see "THE WEDDING OF XXXXXXXXX AND XXXXX" centered in fine red lettering above a sketch:


an off-white domed cassone inlaid with platinum

In the domed cassone you see a small red rose boutonniere, a ring box, a silk jacket, a smooth steel torc, a black leather hairtie, a black silk undershirt, a silver flask, a crystal flute, a pair of formal trousers, a tailored black jacket, and a simple gold band.
