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Krawling Kraken
Krawling Kraken is an inn in South Haven, around Solhaven, that sells food. It is located through the alley just outside of the Wage and Dagger on Southbay Road, off of the Crooked Way. The Krawling Kraken's restaurant and bar offer dining options, including private tables at both the restaurant and commons, and the Inn of the Krawling Kraken offers multiple latching rooms upstairs and the ability to CHECK IN at its front desk. A private alcove can be rented from either Gwamf or Gwamph, complete with a secret password for entry. There are rumors that there may be an underground area of the Krawling Kraken frequented by brawling clubs or for lobster fighting.
See Gwamf or Gwamph to rent a private alcove complete with secret password.
The Inn of the Krawling Kraken
[The Inn of the Krawling Kraken] | Room: 4901091, RNUM: 14308 |
Mahogany paneling runs the length of the room, from the floor to the gold-leafed edge of the domed ceiling. Long, lavish red velvet curtains on golden hooks spill down to barely caress the polished oak floorboards to the north. Numerous votive candles in glass holders spread a soft illumination throughout the room. A long plush velvet divan is pushed against the eastern wall while a carved rosewood table with a vase of red and purple orchids sits opposite it. | |
Obvious exits: out |
The Krawling Kraken, Front Desk
Directions: north from entry
[The Krawling Kraken, Front Desk] | Room: 4901097, RNUM: 14331 |
A long, polished mahogany desk takes up most of the northern space in the room, its front surface carved with a bas-relief of a large kraken with tentacles that reach to the outer edges of the desk. A series of slots and pigeon holes line the wall behind the surly innkeeper, a few of the room keys visible inside their recesses. A plush sanguine runner travels the length between the foyer and front desk, its soft material covering the rough oak floorboards. You also see a painted placard. | |
Obvious exits: south |
The front desk has the option to CHECK IN.
The Krawling Kraken, Dining
Directions: east from entry
[The Krawling Kraken, Dining] | Room: 4901094, RNUM: 14330 |
A couple large rugs woven in shades of light and dark crimson have been placed carefully to overlap most of the oak floors in this room. A dark hallway can be seen heading off to the northeast, while the sounds of an industrious kitchen can be quite audibly heard coming from the southeast. Serving wenches wander the room, carrying trays of food and drink to various patrons at nearby tables. You also see an elegant wooden wastebasket and some dining tables. | |
Obvious exits: northeast, southeast, west |
There are four tables in the dining area: Burnt Bass Table, Crispy Cod Table, Lavish Lobster Table, and Sizzling Shrimp Table.
Northeast leads to a staircase to access some of the latchable rooms upstairs, and to a curtain which is where Gwamf, a massive hulking half-orc, offers rental of a private alcove.
The Krawling Kraken, Restaurant
Directions: from dining, southeast
[The Krawling Kraken, Restaurant] | Room: 4901096, RNUM: 14332 |
A single large tapestry hung against the eastern wall matches the simple decor of the hard wood benches and tables that populate the room. Loud and raucous noises can be heard emanating from behind the kitchen doors, much to the laughing delight of some of the customers and the chagrin of others. You also see a fancy gilt-edged menu. | |
Obvious exits: northwest |
Catalog ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. a cup of sweet mint tea 8. a brown-brothed vegetable soup 2. a glass of thin blackberry wine 9. a bowl of watered-down chowder 3. a mug of foamy brown ale 10. a bowl of glazed cyclops eyes 4. a glass of thick apple mead 11. some garlic oil-soaked bread 5. a slice of juicy watermelon 12. some slightly charred sliced boar 6. a rum-soaked roasted red apple 13. some roasted sage-wrapped rabbit 7. some thin clam and potato soup 14. some sage and rosemary-baked bass
The Krawling Kraken, Commons
Directions: west from entry
[The Krawling Kraken, Commons] | Room: 4901093, RNUM: 14325 |
The room is a bit quieter than the main bar serving area, though noisy cheers and raucous laughter can be heard coming from the bar to the southwest. Long benches and rectangular tables seat high-spirited patrons intent on serious drinking and various card games of chance. The clatter of clay tankards and the smell of good ale provide some small comfort to the steady stream of wayfarers who pause here to meet and greet one another. You also see some mahogany tables and a carved wooden wastebasket. | |
Obvious exits: east, southwest, northwest |
There are four tables in the dining area: Sloshed Squid Table, Savage Storm Table, Tangled Tentacle Table, and Tipsy Turtle Table.
Northwest leads to a staircase to access some of the latchable rooms upstairs, and to a curtain which is where Gwamph, a massive hulking half-orc, offers rental of a private alcove.
The Krawling Kraken, Bar
Directions: from commons, southwest
[The Krawling Kraken, Bar] | Room: 4901095, RNUM: 14329 |
Tables and chairs of deeply polished mahogany lend a simple elegance to this area. A polished oak bar spans the length of the room across from the large granite fireplace that dominates the south wall. The barkeeper presides merrily, ensuring everyone gets a share of attention from the pretty serving wenches and the handsome lad behind the bar. You also see a dart board, a basket of sticks and a rum-stained menu. | |
Obvious exits: northeast |
Catalog ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. a goblet of milky green absinthe 8. some strong golden wheat ale 2. a shot of Last Stand whiskey 9. a jug of strong rye beer 3. a tumbler of sweet apple liqueur 10. a glass of watery fruit wine 4. a glass of rum and currant liqueur 11. a goblet of Hendoran red wine 5. a shot of imported krol vodka 12. some crunchy oil-soaked breadsticks 6. a glass of pure grain alcohol 13. some hot roasted spicy peanuts 7. a mug of hearty golden ale 14. a boar-wrapped deep-fried egg
Additional Information
Staircases to access the upstairs are just off of the restaurant and commons. A winding upstairs hallway connects both staircases, and there are seven latching rooms off of it. They are The Seascape Room, The Sailor's Ease, The Trophy Room, The Cozy Room, The Pine Room, The Scaled Room, and The Sitting Room, which, while latchable, is set up as a seating area instead of a bedroom.
Going through a curtain just past the downstairs staircases leads to the back of the Krawling Kraken, where two identical massive hulking half-orcs rent private alcoves. Gwamf and Gwamph offer rental of a private alcove that each of them watch; it is only accessible by whispering a password to the half-orc guarding it. The private alcove costs 5,000 to rent for one hour.
Searching around the back of the Krawling Kraken may reveal a hidden area that includes two lobster fighting pits and a brawling pit.