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Landing Events - 2019-06-15 - Dear Aby (log)
Lumnea 15-16, 5119
by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]
- A white-cloaked figure leaps across the rooftops of the [[::Wehnimer's Landing|Landing]], approaching Moot Hall, and fires an arrow at a window! ...but it's Larsya and the end is a suction cup with a string attached to let her slide down to the ground. She plays with the crowd for a bit, firing her arrow at several in the crowd including Falvicar, Ardwen, Blades, Soneiken, and Darksin, while also teasing Blades about his appearance, and whacking Falvicar and Vancudais with a pillow.
- Puptilian asks where her wolf [[::Animal Companion (630)|companion]] is and she explains that Dawn isn't a fan of the town yet.
- Larsya says her brother Breshon is busy getting ready for a big event, which Chaoswynd identifies as the Valley of Gold meeting, and that she's been told not to go but says she thinks she will anyway.
- Breshon had recently gotten a letter--and Larsya, having read it before him, shares that it was asking about a Wellington lady with something involving a golden key. The crowd tries to hazard guesses until Larsya says it was something like "Addy," at which point Xorus identifies her as Abygail, Walkar's sister. Larsya says she was supposed to come to the Landing earlier this year, but never returned. Shinann asks who sent the letter and Larsya says the seal was a golden key and grey mountain on black, but otherwise she doesn't know. Roblar and Pup identify this as the symbol of the [[::Orders_of_the_Turamzzyrian_Empire#Keepers_of_the_Golden_Key|Keepers of the Golden Key]].
- Larsya asks if anyone's seen her, but nobody in the gathered crowd says they have--at least not recently, though Puptilian and Chamorr remember her speaking years ago after Walkar's death.
- Larsya briefly steals a flask from Blades, then licks it and gives it back, telling him he can join her pirate crew. Pukk wants to join too and have a parrot, but Larsya says he can be her parrot!
- Larsya says it hasn't rained much in months, but she feels like that'll change. Pup suggests having her wolf companion Dawn and his wolf companion Aatu help find Abygail.
- Roblar brings up the Bleaklands and Larsya says she wants to go, but he says she's too young. Magister [[::Raelee_Svala|Raelee]] asks why she wants to go; Larsya says they sound mysterious and she just wants to know.
- After saying she should go back to the outpost before anyone notices she snuck out, Larsya tells the crowd that maybe she'll see them at the Valley of Gold.
Larsya fires her arrow with a lack of grace that sends it flying wide, missing Darksin completely. She pulls her arrow back into her hand, flushing slightly. Larsya growls ferociously! Larsya whacks Darksin in the Dark-shin with her bow. Larsya exclaims, "There!" Larsya says, "I win."
Speaking to Larsya, Maylan says, "Maybe she's over in the Rumor Woods. There's a lot of rumors abound." Larsya says, "That could a-mount to something."
Larsya says, "You can join my pirate crew." Larsya nods at Blades. Larsya says, "You look old enough." Larsya says, "The Old Pirate Lord Bloodbeard used to say...." Larsya exclaims, "Old enough to screw, old enough to crew!"
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see an herbal remedy donation bin and some stone benches with some stuff on it.
Amidst the falling rain, a short figure in a white leather cloak can be seen, perched on the rooftop of a nearby building. The figure's face is hidden by the shadow of the cloak's cowl, but a pair of violet eyes catch the faintest of moonlight.
[My group rushes off to the rooftops of the stone baths, but finds nothing]
The short white-cloaked figure leaps across some rooftops, nearing Moot Hall.
[Travel time]
[Town Square, East]
Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see a large purple wooden barrel and a bone-framed bulletin board.
Berkana asks, "Another Rone imitator?"
Neopuron says, "Just in case."
Lylia replies, "Yes, and not the first time someone has entered my office through the window. Or exited that way, I imagine."
Speaking to Neopuron, Vancudais says, "A smart idea, I imagine."
Bernadette softly says, "Mebee."
Speaking to Lylia, Maylan asks, "That's an option? I've been doing it wrong the whole time?"
Balley softly says, "Wonder who it is."
Speaking jokingly to Lylia, Pukk asks, "So, do you often have visitors coming in through your window?"
Lylia firmly says, "No. Not a legitimate option."
Speaking to Pukk, Lylia says, "Usually not uninvited, no."
Puptilian says, "The orc is really one of few that jump the rooftops like that."
Xorus wryly says, "Maybe it is Larsya."
Speaking to Puptilian, Lylia says, "He is rather taller than the figure I saw silhouetted there."
Speaking offhandedly to Puptilian, Leafiara says, "Well... used to, anyway."
Puptilian says, "Sadly he hasn't been able to of late so doubt it's him but it's an option."
Claudaro asks, "Anyone taking bets yet on if this one wants to kill us, burn us, befriend and ultimately betray us, or the longshot, be a real ally?"
The short white-cloaked figure stops at a rooftop edge overlooking Moot Hall, seems to stand up straighter but only adds about half an inch in height. The hooded figure clings a green bow over its shoulder, and seems to slowly draw back on the string....
Balley softly says, "Um."
Balley softly asks, "Bow are we safe?"
Speaking bemusedly to Xorus, Leafiara asks, "Right as ever?"
Sylviera asks, "Can someone hide me?"
Maylan yells, "Don't shoot the horses!"
Pukk quietly exclaims, "It's a archer!"
Speaking to Lylia, Maylan says, "If I had burned down Moot Hall, we wouldn't have some figure preparing to rain arrows on us right about now."
Leafiara muses, "Some of you look way too worried about a single archer..."
The white-cloaked figure lets the arrow fly and it spins through the air. As it comes in closer to view, the arrow is in fact a red suction cup that sticks to a window of Moot Hall. The small figure giggles, throws a belt over the string connected to the suction cup and exclaims "Argghhhh!" as she slides down to the ground outside of Moot Hall!
Larsya exclaims, "Argghhhh!"
Pukk quietly exclaims, "Good shot!"
Ardwen says, "Great a drunken midget pirate."
The tabby cat hisses at a midnight blue crimson-eyed grantris.
Speaking merrily to Larsya, Maylan exclaims, "The grandest of entrances! Huzzah, huzzah!"
Speaking to Larsya, Leafiara praises, "Great job hopping those rooftops! All the fun and interesting people around here do."
Speaking to a midnight blue crimson-eyed grantris, Lylia says, "Yes, cats are like that."
Speaking quietly to Maylan, Falvicar says, "Pylasar takes the prize still in my book."
Pukk quietly says, "Would have been funnier if the toy arrow stuck onto Lylia."
Larsya gawks at Falvicar.
Lylia deadpans, "Toys do not stick to me. Nothing does."
Ardwen says, "Woulda been funnier if the toy arrow killed someone."
Speaking quietly to Lylia, Pukk asks, "So, are you saying that you are slippery?"
Larsya draws back on the string of her wyrwood short bow and releases, sending the arrow straight for Falvicar! You hear a *THWAP* as the suction cup sticks right in the middle of Falvicar's forehead.
Larsya yanks on the string, snapping it from Falvicar's forehead with a *POP*!
Speaking to Larsya, Lylia says, "It is good to see you looking so well."
Falvicar gibbers incoherently.
Larsya exclaims, "THWAP! Argghhh!"
Ardwen says, "She is a politician."
Speaking simply to Pukk, Lylia says, "Yes."
Larsya dusts off her wyrwood short bow, gazing at it with particular fondness.
Speaking coyly to Falvicar, Leafiara says, "All your work in the arena, but bested by Lady Larsya."
Larsya fires her arrow with a lack of grace that sends it flying wide, missing Ardwen completely. She pulls her arrow back into her hand, flushing slightly.
Jokic says, "I concur."
Larsya scoffs.
Falvicar removes a silver sword-shaped pillow with a fringe of blood-red beads along one edge from in his spidersilk cape.
Larsya lies down.
Speaking to Larsya, Puptilian says, "Where is your wolf friend? Surprised she isn't by your side."
Larsya rolls around on the ground.
Speaking to Leafiara, Maylan says, "The fiercest sea pirate west of the Spire, she is."
Larsya stands up.
Speaking quietly to Larsya, Falvicar exclaims, "My turn!"
Larsya draws back on the string of her wyrwood short bow and releases, sending the arrow straight for Ardwen! You hear a *THWAP* as the suction cup sticks right in the middle of Ardwen's forehead.
Larsya yanks on the string, snapping it from Ardwen's forehead with a *POP*!
Falvicar waves his pillow through the air.
Larsya exclaims, "THWAP!"
Speaking to Larsya, Goldstr says, "Goods ta sees ye lass."
Falvicar tightens his grip on his sword-shaped pillow.
Bernadette softly says, "Havin a bit o' sport are ye."
Larsya says, "Dawn visits me sometimes. She is not a fan yet of the town."
Puptilian nods at Larsya.
Speaking to Lylia, Goldstr says, "Evenin Madam mayor."
Leafiara enthuses, "Heart of the wild!"
Larsya plucks at the string of her wyrwood short bow, making a dull twanging sound.
Speaking to Larsya, Puptilian says, "Well tell Dawn Aatu is here and will help her adjust to the town."
Falvicar put a silver sword-shaped pillow with a fringe of blood-red beads along one edge in his spidersilk cape.
Puptilian reaches over and leans a hand on the forest wolf's back, rubbing him gently. The forest wolf looks toward him and pants in response.
Larsya nods at Puptilian.
Speaking to Larsya, Maylan says, "And Winston."
Lyrna says, "A very nice bow."
Blades just arrived.
Speaking to Blades, Lylia says, "Good evening to you."
Larsya glances at Blades.
Commander Roblar just arrived.
Speaking to Larsya, Puptilian says, "Wolves are more comfortable in a pack anyway."
Speaking to Blades, Goldstr says, "Hail Sir. Beens many many a moon."
Larsya says, "You look like you ran into a fence."
Speaking to Roblar, Soneiken says, "Yer late, as usual."
Larsya nods at Blades.
Larsya says, "There is a wire on your face and neck."
Speaking quietly to Blades, Pukk asks, "Your name is Sir Beens?"
Larsya asks, "Does it hurt?"
Blades curls his lip at Larsya, his face contorting in a disdainful smirk.
Blades says, "I see the Landing is still filled with talking monkeys."
Speaking quietly to Goldstr, Pukk says, "You are not good at giving out nicknames."
Larsya asks, "MONKEY!?"
Felita says, "Ise no monkee."
Maylan hopefully asks, "Where are these monkeys?"
Larsya snaps the arrow shaft into the clip on her wyrwood short bow, securing it in place.
Blades says, "No, you're a gnat."
Speaking quietly to Felita, Pukk says, "You beat me to it."
Larsya squints at Blades.
Speaking to Pukk, Goldstr asks, "I give a nickname?"
Leafiara remarks, "Someone call Dwi. She has the best idea of monkeys I've ever heard."
Larsya loads the arrow into her wyrwood short bow and turns toward Blades, grinning mischievously.
Berkana takes a drink from her Faendryl absinthe.
Blades glances at Berkana.
Blades asks, "Bring enough for everyone?"
Berkana says, "There's plenty inside."
Speaking to Blades, Goldstr asks, "Ye evers see Lady Titannia?"
Blades says, "No, you'd hear her coming first though."
Goldstr says, "Dat fer sure."
Larsya says, "I am the Black Pirate Larsya!"
Larsya exclaims, "Argghhh!"
Larsya fires her arrow with a lack of grace that sends it flying wide, missing Blades completely. She pulls her arrow back into her hand, flushing slightly.
Blades glances at Larsya.
Peam says, "Welp, this is dumb."
Ardwen says, "Ah huh."
Larsya sighs.
Speaking fiercely to Larsya, Maylan exclaims, "Yarrrrrrrrrrr!"
Blades says, "Somethin wrong with this talkin monkey."
Larsya says, "I missed. I must have been aiming for your ego. Which is soooooo high up there."
Larsya giggles.
Blades glances at Larsya.
Roblar deeply says, "Der was."
Roblar deeply says, "But, she beens cured."
Roblar deeply adds, "Mostly."
Blades says, "Faendryl don't have egos. We're just superior."
Speaking to Blades, Berkana says, "Which one? There are a few here."
Lylia says, "Yes, curing Larsya and angering a Blood God. It was quite an interesting evening."
Xred says, "Yes, we enjoy the blood god."
Larsya moves to stand in front of Blades.
Larsya says, "Lady Larsya of Bourth. Also known as Black Pirate, Scourge of the Seas."
Larsya bows to Blades.
Larsya says, "You've survived my first strike."
In a perfect imitation of Larsya, Soneiken says, "Give me all yer coins...and don't forget the rum."
Larsya says, "FOR NOW."
Larsya begins chuckling at Soneiken!
Blades exclaims, "A pirate?!"
Larsya exclaims, "That was pretty good!"
Larsya spins around.
Speaking to Soneiken, Lylia says, "Rum is probably ill-advised."
Larsya fires her arrow with a lack of grace that sends it flying wide, missing Soneiken completely. She pulls her arrow back into her hand, flushing slightly.
Larsya flails her arms about.
Ardwen says, "More like a rummy."
Larsya twirls a light green wyrwood short bow over her head in a flashy move before slinging it onto her shoulder.
Speaking to Larsya, Lylia advises, "When you draw, hold your breath a moment. It helps to steady the shot."
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Blades says, "Rum gives many delusions of grandeur."
Larsya nods at Lylia.
Pukk quietly says, "Somebody is watching us."
Larsya slings a light green wyrwood short bow off from over her shoulder.
Xred says, "Aye."
Larsya raises a light green wyrwood short bow in the air and clamors happily!
Falvicar quietly says, "Ronan."
Larsya exhales on the arrow's suction cup at the end of a light green wyrwood short bow.
Speaking casually to Pukk, Leafiara says, "Around here, always."
Lyrna dryly says, "Whereas some people seem to have those delusions while sober too."
Larsya loads the arrow into her wyrwood short bow and turns toward Darksin, grinning mischievously.
Larsya fires her arrow with a lack of grace that sends it flying wide, missing Darksin completely. She pulls her arrow back into her hand, flushing slightly.
Xred asks, "Anyone want some pre-battle fish?"
Xred points at his rotting fish-head.
Larsya growls ferociously!
Larsya whacks Darksin in the Dark-shin with her bow.
Larsya exclaims, "There!"
Larsya says, "I win."
Xred offers Larsya a rotting fish-head.
Darksin smiles.
Larsya asks, "What is a pillow toy?"
Blades says, "Atleast the monkey is amusing."
Larsya peers quizzically at Falvicar.
Falvicar removes a silver sword-shaped pillow with a fringe of blood-red beads along one edge from in his spidersilk cape.
Larsya declines Xred's offer.
Larsya says, "Eww."
Falvicar offers Larsya a silver sword-shaped pillow with a fringe of blood-red beads along one edge.
Darksin softly says, "Was that all you have."
Larsya frowns at Xred.
Larsya twirls a light green wyrwood short bow over her head in a flashy move before slinging it onto her shoulder.
Larsya accepts Falvicar's sword-shaped pillow.
Xred says, "Like mom made."
Larsya tightens her grip on the pillow and whips around in a fury of strikes! Falvicar is caught by surprise!
Eyona gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Eyona gestures at Falvicar.
The glazed look leaves Falvicar.
Larsya exclaims, "I win!"
Speaking to Larsya, Xred asks, "What is the story?"
Falvicar quietly exclaims, "I didn't mean on me!"
Speaking to Falvicar, Leafiara counters, "But who better?"
Larsya waves her pillow through the air.
Falvicar rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Larsya tightens her grip on the pillow and spins around with a fierce growl, smacking Vancudais right in the head!
Falvicar points at Leafiara.
Larsya offers Falvicar a silver sword-shaped pillow with a fringe of blood-red beads along one edge.
Falvicar accepts Larsya's sword-shaped pillow.
Secret Pirate Plans
Larsya says, "Wait I..."
Speaking to Goldstr, Vancudais asks, "Are you just going to let that happen?"
Larsya looks down at her hand, squinting at some smeared writing on her palm.
Larsya sighs.
Berkana offers Lylia a cut crystal glass of Faendryl absinthe.
Goldstr says, "Aye She a sweet lass really."
Lylia accepts Berkana's Faendryl absinthe.
Lylia says, "Thank you."
Larsya says, "The Wellington girl, I forget her name."
Leafiara asks, "Surofee?"
Larsya says, "I'm searching for her all over town."
Speaking to Goldstr, Vancudais exclaims, "I was assaulted on the streets, sir!"
Ardwen asks, "Beef?"
Larsya says, "So far, nothing."
Blades says, "You know I like that you don't hang out with those Dhe'nar anymore."
Blades nods at Berkana.
Speaking to Larsya, Maylan asks, "An orphan?"
Shinann asks, "Why?"
Larsya says, "My brother is so busy getting ready for some big thing."
Speaking to Larsya, Xred asks, "What is happening?"
Puptilian asks, "Daisey the orphan?"
Larsya says, "Fancy fancy and traveling."
Goldstr asks, "Maybe was Daisy?"
Larsya says, "Says I can't go. But I think I might."
Speaking to Larsya, Xred says, "How can we help you."
Speaking to Blades, Berkana says, "It was just the one."
Larsya says, "No no not a kid..."
Roblar deeply asks, "What thing?"
Speaking to Larsya, Chaoswynd asks, "You mean the Fields of Gold summit meeting?"
Larsya exclaims, "Yes!"
Blades says, "Oh I know."
Larsya points at Chaoswynd.
Vancudais says, "I suppose... I can't be entirely sure that it WASN'T."
Roblar deeply says, "Oh."
Blades says, "And they say I have an ego."
Speaking to Larsya, Goldstr asks, "Ah den maybe Cassie?"
Larsya says, "He says I can't go."
Ardwen says, "One of them is two too many."
Speaking softly to Larsya, Lycurgus asks, "Why can't you go?"
Larsya says, "But..."
Speaking to Chaoswynd, Pietra says, "So we got one actually valuable piece of information."
Larsya touches one finger to her lips.
Berkana says, "Yes, he does have a rather large one."
Larsya says, "I'm going to go."
Lycurgus softly says, "Good for you."
Lylia asks, "Is it?"
Speaking to Larsya, Puptilian says, "May be best. It's talks best left to adults."
Lyrna says, "Sometimes it is better to make sure someone is watching your back rather than having everyone in the same place."
Speaking to Larsya, Xred asks, "Need some spells?"
Larsya squints at Puptilian.
Leafiara lightly vows, "Not a word from me."
Larsya looks over at Xred and shakes her head.
Speaking quietly to Larsya, Pukk says, "I don't like rules much myself."
Speaking to Larsya, Xred asks, "Or protection?"
Speaking to Lycurgus, Soneiken asks, "Really now, think about it GOLD----Pirate?"
Missing Lady
Larsya says, "But no no kid..."
Larsya says, "My brother got a note."
Larsya says, "I read it before he did."
Larsya touches one finger to her lips.
Larsya says, "Shhhh."
Larsya exclaims, "I want to be a hero-pirate!"
Lylia says, "I shall tell no one if you share with me what was in that note."
Larsya strikes a heroic pose.
Speaking slowly to Larsya, Pietra exclaims, "What did it say? Tell us all!"
Maylan exclaims, "Tell us all, tell us all!"
Speaking to Larsya, Xred asks, "And from whom?"
Larsya says, "Golden key, something. Wellington woman."
Pukk quietly exclaims, "Goldstr!"
Xred asks, "A golden key?"
Larsya says, "A...Addy. I don't remember. I wrote some of it down quickly on my hand."
Speaking quietly to Goldstr, Pukk exclaims, "It was you!"
Larsya says, "And the rain ruined it."
Falvicar quietly says, "Lorminstra is first thing that comes to mind with gold key."
Lylia asks, "Perhaps we could see and decipher more. May I take a look at your hand?"
Xorus asks, "Abygail?"
Larsya says, "But she was supposed to come to Wehnimer's earlier this year, but never returned."
Larsya exclaims, "YES!"
Larsya points at Xorus.
Larsya says, "That one."
Xorus nods slowly.
Larsya asks, "Who is she?"
Xorus says, "Walkar's daughter."
Xred shows Lylia his severed hand.
Xorus says, "Sister, I mean."
Xred put a severed hand in his butcher's smock.
Goldstr says, "Ah Lady Wellington."
Larsya says, "That means nothing to me."
Larsya giggles.
Xred says, "Oh her hand."
Larsya says, "Who is either of them."
Blades removes a severed hand from in his leather pants.
Blades asks, "This hers?"
Speaking quietly to Xred, Pukk says, "I guess, you don't....need a hand."
Speaking to Xred, Lylia says, "Were I a student of palmistry, I would predict that someone would catch you red-handed at something soon."
Speaking quietly to Lylia, Pukk says, "My pun was better."
Speaking to Lylia, Xred says, "I should hope so."
Xorus says, "Walkar was the mayor here several years ago."
Speaking to Lyrna, Xred says, "But I have the brains too."
Speaking to Pukk, Lylia says, "Mine was more sophisticated."
Larsya says, "Oh."
Pukk quietly exclaims, "You have to give it to him, he's got brains too!"
Larsya says, "Well, I was rrying to find his sister then."
Xred shows Blades his squishy brain.
Puptilian says, "His sister does not live here."
Larsya says, "But no one seems to know her."
Larsya says, "Well that I asked."
Larsya says, "I know she doesn't live here, duhhhhh."
Larsya pokes Puptilian in the ribs.
Lyrna says, "But you were expecting her to visit."
Larsya says, "My brother got a letter to check if she ever arrived."
Puptilian says, "I believe she still lives in Jantalar."
Puptilian says, "From where Walkar was originally from."
Speaking to Larsya, Shinann asks, "Who sent him a letter?"
Jokic says, "I concur."
Larsya says, "I don't know. It had a..."
Larsya rubs her chin thoughtfully.
Shinann says, "An address."
Chaoswynd says, "A seal."
Shinann asks, "Maybe?"
Speaking to Larsya, Xred asks, "It had some body parts?"
Pukk quietly asks, "This Aby might be missing?"
Larsya says, "A golden key and a grey mountain."
Larsya says, "On black."
Xred says, "A golden key."
Xred says, "On a black mountain."
Larsya says, "My brother wants me to try to remember crests."
Larsya says, "I'm not always so good at it."
Speaking to Blades, Xred asks, "Any ideas lord Blades?"
Speaking to Larsya, Pietra says, "There are a lot of them, to be sure."
Speaking to Larsya, Lylia says, "Few of us are, without a bit of practice."
Speaking to Larsya, Maylan says, "Piracy is more important anyhow."
Maylan says, "Seals are boring."
Speaking to Larsya, Xred asks, "Are we sure it's a read key or mountian?"
Puptilian says, "Keepers of the Golden Key."
Roblar deeply asks, "Maybe Keepers of the Golden Key?"
Speaking to Maylan, Pietra says, "I think they're cute. I want one."
Xorus says, "It sounds like the temple of Lorminstra in Dragach."
Speaking to Maylan, Pietra says, "All that swimming and barking and frolicking."
Speaking to Blades, Xred asks, "Think volners have something to do with this?"
Puptilian says, "I am trying to remember what group Walkar's sister belonged to."
Puptilian says, "It could be that but I honestly do not remember."
Speaking to Blades, Xred says, "Sounds foul magik."
Chamorr heartily asks, "Group?"
Chamorr heartily asks, "Loyal order of buffalo, maybe?"
Larsya asks, "So no one saw her?"
Roblar deeply says, "Thought it was Green Sisers."
Roblar deeply says, "Or someone did."
Tsarok quietly asks, "Keepers of the Golden Key?"
Shinann says, "I do not know her. I have never seen her."
Puptilian says, "Wasn't the sisters, I am pretty sure."
Larsya shrugs.
Speaking to Shinann, Puptilian says, "She came here once to speak to us after Walkar's death."
Larsya sighs.
Larsya says, "Well, I can't much help then."
Shinann says, "Before I lived here."
Speaking to Larsya, Neopuron says, "There is always a way."
Lyrna asks, "Who was the person you were looking for?"
Speaking to Lyrna, Maylan says, "Abygail."
Larsya says, "Aby.."
Larsya points at Maylan.
Speaking to Lyrna, Puptilian says, "Walkar's sister Abygail."
Lyrna smiles at Larsya.
Lyrna nods.
Larsya says, "She was supposed to come here awhile ago, and then return."
Larsya says, "But never returned."
Speaking to Larsya, Maylan says, "I don't even remember what she looks like."
Larsya exclaims, "Guess never came here either!"
Larsya shrugs.
Shinann asks, "You mean tonight?"
Goldstr asks, "Lady Wellington helped us put up a lil memorial a Walkar in da Cemetary by da temple aye?"
Leafara optimistically says, "Maybe she was on her way and got sidetracked by an interesting adventure." She pauses. "Though... hard to imagine a more interesting adventure than this town."
Speaking to Larsya, Puptilian says, "She did for a day."
Lyrna says, "Every time I think I'm starting to learn my way around this place..."
Maylan says, "I doubt I could even recognize her if she were standing right in front of me."
Shinann says, "That is what I was thinking about."
Shinann nods at Goldstr.
Puptilian says, "Would have been 4 to 5 years ago."
Larsya says, "No, like..months ago."
Shinann says, "Oh."
Goldstr says, "Least a few years."
Puptilian says, "That is disturbing."
Chamorr heartily says, "I think a few months ago she was here."
Speaking curiously to Puptilian, Leafiara says, "Why's it disturbing? Plans change."
Larsya nods to Leafiara. [Given the timing, was probably in response to Leafi's previous comment]
Larsya says, "She could have traveled."
Larsya exclaims, "Big big world!"
Leafiara nods enthusiastically at Larsya!
Speaking heartily to Goldstr, Chamorr says, "If I remember, then it wasn't years ago."
Lyrna says, "Depends on whether they are changed willingly."
Speaking to Larsya, Maylan says, "Maybe she's over in the Rumor Woods. There's a lot of rumors abound."
Larsya says, "That could a-mount to something."
Larsya nods at Maylan.
Maylan starts chortling.
Speaking to Chamorr, Goldstr says, "Was least a year Bear."
Speaking quietly to Larsya, Pukk says, "I like you already."
Speaking to Blades, Xred asks, "When do we get to remove its organs?"
Felita says, "Me likie toos."
Blades says, "I didn't know this was a comedian show you told me about."
Blades nods at Xred.
Pirate Pilfering
Larsya says, "Your armor looks like its covered in green boogers."
Larsya nods at Blades.
Blades glances at Larsya.
Speaking to Larsya, Shinann asks, "Did she say who she would be visiting?"
Larsya sticks out her tongue.
Blades asks, "You want to keep that tongue?"
Xred offers Blades a pale troll tongue.
Blades says, "Close."
Blades nods at Xred.
Speaking to Larsya, Lyrna says, "There are some people that can't help but be rude. Usually it's better to ignore them."
Lyrna nods at Larsya.
Speaking to Lylia, Soneiken says, "That young Kestrel had associations with a Gold Key, Cyph used to wear golden keys symbols on the collar of his shirt, I remembers that about him at least."
Speaking to Larsya, Maylan says, "Or stab them."
Speaking to Maylan, Shinann says, "No."
Speaking to Blades, Xred says, "I like the stabbing part."
Larsya moves to stand in front of Blades.
Larsya holds up two fingers and slowly pinches them together until they are almost touching.
Larsya cracks her knuckles!
Speaking to Soneiken, Lylia says, "Did he now? I did not get much occasion to talk to Cyph before...well."
Puptilian says, "We have a temple here in town that maybe a priest has heard world from that order."
Lylia murmurs, "Before his unfortunate end."
Lyrna says, "Of course, actively antigonising them... gets you what it gets you."
Speaking to Soneiken, Goldstr asks, "Den maybe she means Nairomi?"
Larsya steps back from Blades suddenly.
Larsya tilts her silver serpent flask side to side, making the light play off it.
Larsya says, "Fancy enough."
Blades says, "The light skin one might have a point."
Speaking to Lylia, Soneiken says, "On the collar of his favorite Tunic were symbols of Golden Keys."
Larsya licks the top of the flask with her tongue.
Larsya offers Blades a ruby-eyed silver serpent flask.
Larsya says, "You dropped this."
Blades stares at Larsya.
Blades accepts Larsya's silver serpent flask.
Blades attaches a ruby-eyed silver serpent flask to his black weapon loops.
Speaking to Larsya, Pietra exclaims, "Well done, little one!"
Larsya giggles.
Blades says, "Bloody monkies."
Blades mutters under his breath.
Speaking to Larsya, Maylan says, "Excellent pirating."
Larsya giggles at Blades.
Blades grabs Larsya and drags her east.
Blades's group just arrived.
Puptilian says, "Not everyone here is kind to little ones even if they are important. Hands have been lost from stealing."
Lady Larsya just arrived, skipping merrily.
Larsya says, "You can join my pirate crew."
Larsya nods at Blades.
Blades stares at Larsya.
Larsya says, "You look old enough."
Pukk recites quietly:
"Everybody join Larsya for her pirate crew!"
Pukk joins Larsya's group.
Larsya says, "The Old Pirate Lord Bloodbeard used to say...."
Larsya exclaims, "Old enough to screw, old enough to crew!"
Larsya exclaims, "So scrap that barnacle off your face and get ready to ship out!"
Berkana says, "Salty."
Larsya exclaims, "Argghhh!"
Speaking quietly to Larsya, Pukk exclaims, "I want to be a pirate with you! All the gold and booty I can have!"
Blades asks, "Do you even have a ship?"
Larsya turns to Pukk and cheers!
Speaking to Chaoswynd, Leafiara mouths, "What does that even mean?"
Speaking to Pukk, Pietra says, "You already have a big booty, Pukk."
Xred says, "Where we are going we dont need shups."
Blades says, "A pirate without a ship."
Speaking quietly to Pietra, Pukk exclaims, "I try!"
Speaking amusedly to Leafiara, Chaoswynd says, "You may find out some day, one never knows."
Speaking petulantly to Larsya, Maylan asks, "No ships. We can stay on land?"
Speaking to Blades, Xred says, "Nor an eyepatch."
Larsya exclaims, "Of course I have a ship!"
Lyrna says, "Don't worry about it too much, Leafi."
Speaking to Maylan, Pietra says, "You need to try a ship someday. They're marvelous."
Neopuron says, "A parrot too."
Speaking to Pietra, Maylan exclaims, "I've tried them. I hate them!"
Larsya says, "Well, there goes my adventure tonight..."
Speaking to Maylan, Pietra exclaims, "Well try again!"
Larsya says, "If you didn't see this lady months ago."
Speaking to Pietra, Maylan says, "Can't even keep my rum down. It's miserable out there."
Speaking quietly to Larsya, Pukk asks, "Can I get a parrot so I can have it sit on my shoulder and say feisty things?"
Speaking to Maylan, Pietra says, "Well we can't all be real seafarers."
Speaking to Larsya, Maylan says, "Even if I had, I would not recognize her."
Goldstr asks, "Was nae lady D'Archon?"
Larsya exclaims, "You can be MY parrot!"
Larsya nods at Pukk.
Larsya exclaims, "Parrot Pukk!"
Speaking to Larsya, Shinann asks, "Have you called your wolf lately?"
Pukk beams!
Speaking to Maylan, Chaoswynd suggests, "Perhaps an airship then. Less rocking than the sea."
Speaking playfully to Pukk, Leafiara says, "Better yet."
Pukk quietly exclaims, "You're the bestess ever!"
Speaking skeptically to Chaoswynd, Maylan says, "Perhaps..."
Speaking to Larsya, Pietra says, "Watch out, he's got a huge booty. Might need some support."
Speaking to Chaoswynd, Maylan says, "I do know of a certain handsome airship captain."
Speaking to Chaoswynd, Puptilian asks, "If Pukk is her parrot I bet we all agree a stuffed parrot is best, right?"
A Good Feeling
Larsya gazes up into the heavens.
Larsya says, "It is good to see the rain."
Larsya says, "It seems like it hasn't rained much in months."
Xred manipulates the drawstring of his gossamer pouch and opens it. Brilliant white light shines from within the pouch as a spectral silkwing butterfly squeezes through the opening and flies out. Once the butterfly is free, Xred closes the pouch again.
Larsya says, "I feel like that is going to change."
Speaking confusedly to Puptilian, Leafiara says, "Sometimes you're so eager to kill people you don't like that I'll never know what Rysus' Rooks had against you."
Lylia says, "Indeed. The rain is necessary; the town is a tinder-box without it."
Speaking heartily to Larsya, Chamorr says, "A regular drought."
Lylia pointedly says, "And there have been rumors of arson."
Speaking to Larsya, Puptilian says, "This Abygail you are looking for, you may be able to help your brother find her."
Speaking to Larsya, Puptilian says, "See if Dawn can find her."
Larsya asks, "How?"
Maylan quietly says, "Lies and slander."
Larsya peers quizzically at Puptilian.
Kipara hoarsely asks, "When does the pillaging start?"
Lyrna says, "I had heard that it tended to be rainier here than it has been."
Kipara hoarsely says, "We go to a different town first of course."
Speaking deeply to Kipara, Roblar says, "When go to da Bleaklands and cut off a witch's head."
Soneiken says, "We have an arsonist."
A spectral silkwing butterfly flies toward Katami and then straight through her. It emerges from Katami's back and rematerializes with no apparent harm done.
Kipara hoarsely asks, "Which witch, THE Witch?"
Speaking to Roblar, Goldstr says, "Less hope we find her."
Katami suspiciously asks, "What... was that?"
Larsya asks, "Bleaklands?"
Larsya exclaims, "I want to go!"
Pukk quietly says, "Now I'm hungry for sandwiches."
Larsya indicates a light green wyrwood short bow as a possible option.
Roblar deeply says, "Too young."
Speaking abruptly to Larsya, Raelee asks, "Why?"
Lylia smoothly says, "It would seem that arson is on the decline these days. This is a good thing, lest we institute stricter punishments for such crimes."
Speaking to Larsya, Maylan says, "They're terribly bleak."
Speaking tentatively to Larsya, Leafiara says, "I, err... I don't know that ya do..."
Larsya frowns.
Larsya says, "Always too young."
Larsya scoffs.
Falvicar quietly says, "Not with those kind of arrows you won't."
Roblar deeply says, "Surprised yer family lets you of sight widout guards."
Speaking to Larsya, Goldstr says, "Be verra dangerous fer ye las."
Roblar deeply says, "After all dat appened."
Speaking to Larsya, Puptilian says, "Wolves have a great ability to find people. You can send Dawn with my wolf friend Aatu and see if the two of them can track her down."
Kipara hoarsely says, "Well if we're talking about THE witch I'm not sure I'll be much use. I'll try though."
Larsya shrugs at Puptilian.
Speaking quietly to Larsya, Lylia says, "I would not wish to be older again, if I were you, my dear. Time will see to that soon enough."
Larsya says, "We could try."
Pukk quietly exclaims, "Taste like charcoal...the best!"
Larsya exclaims, "Bleaklands sound mysterious!"
Speaking hoarsely to Larsya, Kipara says, "I know a way to get older."
Leafiara acknowledges, "They are that, at least."
Speaking to Larsya, Xred says, "Why dont we get some ale first at hegas."
Roblar deeply says, "Iz a cursed place."
Lyrna says, "Before you know it they'll be saying you're too old and you'll wish you were younger."
Roblar deeply says, "Not dat Talador was much better afores it."
Speaking to Larsya, Puptilian says, "I'll have Aatu meet her outside the gates and they can go look and report back if they find her or not."
Lyrna says, "Enjoy where you are now."
Speaking to Lylia, Soneiken says, "Cept when pies, goblyns, and land pirates mix, den building tend to start on fires."
Lylia says, "There are a number of mysteries there that some of us hope to solve, yes."
Larsya nods at Puptilian.
Speaking to Larsya, Goldstr says, "Deadlands be a better name."
Speaking to Larsya, Maylan says, "They're icky. We can take you to better places."
Roblar deeply says, "Dey did throw a guud celebration, once."
Speaking to Larsya, Raelee asks, "... is that why you wish to go? Because they 'sound' mysterious?"
Xorus says, "It is a wondrous place of warm sands and slavering demons."
Lylia says, "I have heard some rumors, yes."
Pukk stares at the badly burnt ham sandwich in his hand, looking rather dumbfounded.
Speaking amusedly to Maylan, Pietra says, "Too bad we can't take her to the pie shop."
Larsya exclaims, "Deal!" [response to Maylan, I believe]
Speaking to a forest wolf, Puptilian says, "Go find Dawn and help track down Abygail my friend."
Larsya nods at Raelee.
Xred says, "Take her to Hearthstone for some demon ale."
Roblar deeply says, "Even dat ended up in betrayal and assasination."
Speaking to Larsya, Raelee asks, "And why does 'mysterious' draw you so?"
Pukk quietly exclaims, "It is a I-scream sandwich!"
The badly burnt ham sandwich quivers with joy and laughs with absolute abandon!
Pukk takes a bite of his badly burnt ham sandwich.
Larsya asks, "The same reason you ask so many questions I guess?"
Larsya peers quizzically at Raelee.
Larsya giggles.
Speaking teasingly to Raelee, Leafiara says, "Obviously she's just interested in learning, like you."
Larsya says, "Sometimes a girl just wants to know."
Speaking to Larsya, Maylan says, "You should go to Icemule instead. We can show you the ice slide."
Speaking quietly to Larsya, Pukk says, "Somebody just like asking questions."
Leafiara exclaims, "See!"
Diamondelille says, "Inquiring minds."
Speaking to Larsya, Maylan says, "And all of the ice....and mules..."
Speaking to Larsya, Neopuron asks, "What bout the other times?"
Xred offers Larsya some bubbling Eldreth death-rum.
Larsya declines Xred's offer.
Maylan says, "Oh, and penguins. And many halflings with furry feet."
Speaking to Larsya, Xred exclaims, "Rum for a pirate!"
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "The point of this exercise is not to humor, but to perhaps teach her to argue with reasoning rather than desire. It is, typically, more effective."
Roblar offers Larsya a rounded copper flask.
Speaking quietly to Larsya, Pukk exclaims, "Now, I need to learn how to speak pirate!"
Larsya declines Roblar's offer.
Speaking to Pukk, Pietra says, "It's got a lot of arrrs."
Speaking to Raelee, Maylan says, "It's too late and too rainy for teaching. It's time to play instead."
Speaking to Maylan, Raelee says, "It is never too late for such."
Xred says, "Rum for pirates." [Xred continues passing out death-rum to everyone gathered over the rest of the night]
Lylia says, "The purpose of play is to teach."
Speaking amusedly to Raelee, Leafiara says, "Oh, I thoroughly disagree."
Speaking to Shinann, Puptilian says, "Leave it to a non-ranger to point out the obvious. If the wolves find anything I'll report it."
Larsya says, "I should sneak back before they DO notice I left."
Speaking to Lylia, Maylan exclaims, "Then we shall play pirates with her!"
Speaking to Blades, Xred says, "Might as well get drunk."
Speaking to Lylia, Raelee says, "I was raised with other, more direct methods."
Lylia says, "It is why kittens learn to pounce and gambol. People find it adorable, but they are learning the art of killing."
Blades says, "Think most of them already are."
Speaking quietly to Larsya, Pukk exclaims, "I was just starting to have a lot of fun!"
Larsya asks, "Are any of you going to that gold thing?"
Speaking cheerfully to Larsya, Leafiara agrees, "It's never cheating until you get caught, so... don't get caught."
Speaking to Raelee, Lylia says, "Yes, and those can be effective too."
Speaking to Larsya, Lylia says, "Of course."
Speaking to Lylia, Raelee says, "They were."
Leafiara mischievously says, "Oh, I'll be there."
Larsya exclaims, "Maybe I will see you there!"
Maylan says, "I spose so. It seems the thing to do."
Speaking to Larsya, Goldstr asks, "Ye needs protection to get der?"
Speaking to Larsya, Puptilian says, "I have a lot of interest in seeing what the town nations do for Talador so I plan to."
Bernadette softly says, "Wouldn't miss it."
Larsya slings a light green wyrwood short bow off from over her shoulder.
Larsya plucks at the string of her wyrwood short bow, making a dull twanging sound.
Xred says, "Lets have some fun."
Xred says, "Enough standing around."
Larsya loads the arrow into her wyrwood short bow and turns toward Blades, grinning mischievously.
Speaking dryly to Rekarth, Raelee says, "... you raise valid questions as always."
Larsya giggles.
Speaking to Larsya, Maylan exclaims, "Merry travels!"
Blades asks, "We killin pirates?"
Larsya stands on her tippy-toes.
Speaking to Blades, Xred says, "I want to eat someones brains."
Larsya gives Blades a quick little smooch.
Blades stares at Larsya.
Larsya runs off!