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List of statistic growth rates

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These tables show the modified statistic growth rates by profession.

Dark Elf

Statistic Growth Rates by Profession
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 25 18 30 25 13 25 10 15 20 30
Cleric 20 18 15 20 23 15 25 25 30 20
Empath 10 18 20 20 23 20 25 20 30 25
Monk 25 23 25 35 23 15 20 20 15 10
Paladin 30 23 25 25 23 15 10 15 25 20
Ranger 25 18 35 25 18 15 15 25 25 10
Rogue 25 18 30 35 18 15 20 25 10 15
Sorcerer 10 13 25 20 23 30 25 20 25 20
Warrior 30 23 30 30 18 15 10 20 15 20
Wizard 10 13 30 20 18 30 25 25 20 20
Minimum Level 0 Statistics Capable of Growth to 100
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 62 77 49 62 85 62 88 82 73 49
Cleric 73 77 82 73 68 82 62 62 49 73
Empath 88 77 73 73 68 73 62 73 49 62
Monk 62 68 62 30 68 82 73 73 82 88
Paladin 49 68 62 62 68 82 88 82 62 73
Ranger 62 77 30 62 77 82 82 62 62 88
Rogue 62 77 49 30 77 82 73 62 88 82
Sorcerer 88 85 62 73 68 49 62 73 62 73
Warrior 49 68 49 49 77 82 88 73 82 73
Wizard 88 85 49 73 77 49 62 62 73 73


Statistic Growth Rates by Profession
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 30 25 22 15 18 25 10 15 23 28
Cleric 25 25 7 10 28 15 25 25 33 18
Empath 15 25 12 10 28 20 25 20 33 23
Monk 30 30 17 25 28 15 20 20 18 8
Paladin 35 30 17 15 28 15 10 15 28 18
Ranger 30 25 27 15 23 15 15 25 28 8
Rogue 30 25 22 25 23 15 20 25 13 13
Sorcerer 15 20 17 10 28 30 25 20 28 18
Warrior 35 30 22 20 23 15 10 20 18 18
Wizard 15 20 22 10 23 30 25 25 23 18
Minimum Level 0 Statistics Capable of Growth to 100
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 49 62 70 82 77 62 88 82 68 58
Cleric 62 62 92 88 58 82 62 62 33 77
Empath 82 62 86 88 58 73 62 73 33 68
Monk 49 49 78 62 58 82 73 73 77 91
Paladin 30 49 78 82 58 82 88 82 58 77
Ranger 49 62 59 82 68 82 82 62 58 91
Rogue 49 62 70 62 68 82 73 62 85 85
Sorcerer 82 73 78 88 58 49 62 73 58 77
Warrior 30 49 70 73 68 82 88 73 77 77
Wizard 82 73 70 88 68 49 62 62 68 77


Statistic Growth Rates by Profession
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 25 15 30 23 10 30 10 15 20 33
Cleric 20 15 15 18 20 20 25 25 30 23
Empath 10 15 20 18 20 25 25 20 30 28
Monk 25 20 25 33 20 20 20 20 15 13
Paladin 30 20 25 23 20 20 10 15 25 23
Ranger 25 15 35 23 15 20 15 25 25 13
Rogue 25 15 30 33 15 20 20 25 10 18
Sorcerer 10 10 25 18 20 35 25 20 25 23
Warrior 30 20 30 28 15 20 10 20 15 23
Wizard 10 10 30 18 15 35 25 25 20 23
Minimum Level 0 Statistics Capable of Growth to 100
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 62 82 49 68 88 49 88 82 73 33
Cleric 73 82 82 77 73 73 62 62 49 68
Empath 88 82 73 77 73 62 62 73 49 58
Monk 62 73 62 33 73 73 73 73 82 85
Paladin 49 73 62 68 73 73 88 82 62 68
Ranger 62 82 30 68 82 73 82 62 62 85
Rogue 62 82 49 33 82 73 73 62 88 77
Sorcerer 88 88 62 77 73 30 62 73 62 68
Warrior 49 73 49 58 82 73 88 73 82 68
Wizard 88 88 49 77 82 30 62 62 73 68


Statistic Growth Rates by Profession
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 30 23 23 18 15 25 10 17 20 30
Cleric 25 23 8 13 25 15 25 27 30 20
Empath 15 23 13 13 25 20 25 22 30 25
Monk 30 28 18 28 25 15 20 22 15 10
Paladin 35 28 18 18 25 15 10 17 25 20
Ranger 30 23 28 18 20 15 15 27 25 10
Rogue 30 23 23 28 20 15 20 27 10 15
Sorcerer 15 18 18 13 25 30 25 22 25 20
Warrior 35 28 23 23 20 15 10 22 15 20
Wizard 15 18 23 13 20 30 25 27 20 20
Minimum Level 0 Statistics Capable of Growth to 100
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 49 68 68 77 82 62 88 78 73 49
Cleric 62 68 91 85 62 82 62 59 49 73
Empath 82 68 85 85 62 73 62 70 49 62
Monk 49 58 77 58 62 82 73 70 82 88
Paladin 30 58 77 77 62 82 88 78 62 73
Ranger 49 68 58 77 73 82 82 59 62 88
Rogue 49 68 68 58 73 82 73 59 88 82
Sorcerer 82 77 77 85 62 49 62 70 62 73
Warrior 30 58 68 68 73 82 88 70 82 73
Wizard 82 77 68 85 73 49 62 59 73 73


Statistic Growth Rates by Profession
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 27 20 27 22 13 25 10 15 20 32
Cleric 22 20 12 17 23 15 25 25 30 22
Empath 12 20 17 17 23 20 25 20 30 27
Monk 27 25 22 32 23 15 20 20 15 12
Paladin 32 25 22 22 23 15 10 15 25 22
Ranger 27 20 32 22 18 15 15 25 25 12
Rogue 27 20 27 32 18 15 20 25 10 17
Sorcerer 12 15 22 17 23 30 25 20 25 22
Warrior 32 25 27 27 18 15 10 20 15 22
Wizard 12 15 27 17 18 30 25 25 20 22
Minimum Level 0 Statistics Capable of Growth to 100
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 59 73 59 70 85 62 88 82 73 39
Cleric 70 73 86 78 68 82 62 62 49 70
Empath 86 73 78 78 68 73 62 73 49 59
Monk 59 62 70 39 68 82 73 73 82 86
Paladin 39 62 70 70 68 82 88 82 62 70
Ranger 59 73 39 70 77 82 82 62 62 86
Rogue 59 73 59 39 77 82 73 62 88 78
Sorcerer 86 82 70 78 68 49 62 73 62 70
Warrior 39 62 59 59 77 82 88 73 82 70
Wizard 86 82 59 78 77 49 62 62 73 70


Statistic Growth Rates by Profession
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 20 25 30 25 13 25 8 15 20 30
Cleric 15 25 15 20 23 15 23 25 30 20
Empath 5 25 20 20 23 20 23 20 30 25
Monk 20 30 25 35 23 15 18 20 15 10
Paladin 25 30 25 25 23 15 8 15 25 20
Ranger 20 25 35 25 18 15 13 25 25 10
Rogue 20 25 30 35 18 15 18 25 10 15
Sorcerer 5 20 25 20 23 30 23 20 25 20
Warrior 25 30 30 30 18 15 8 20 15 20
Wizard 5 20 30 20 18 30 23 25 20 20
Minimum Level 0 Statistics Capable of Growth to 100
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 73 62 49 62 85 62 91 82 73 49
Cleric 82 62 82 73 68 82 68 62 49 73
Empath 94 62 73 73 68 73 68 73 49 62
Monk 73 49 62 30 68 82 77 73 82 88
Paladin 62 49 62 62 68 82 91 82 62 73
Ranger 73 62 30 62 77 82 85 62 62 88
Rogue 73 62 49 30 77 82 77 62 88 82
Sorcerer 94 73 62 73 68 49 68 73 62 73
Warrior 62 49 49 49 77 82 91 73 82 73
Wizard 94 73 49 73 77 49 68 62 73 73


Statistic Growth Rates by Profession
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 27 22 25 20 15 25 10 17 20 30
Cleric 22 22 10 15 25 15 25 27 30 20
Empath 12 22 15 15 25 20 25 22 30 25
Monk 27 27 20 30 25 15 20 22 15 10
Paladin 32 27 20 20 25 15 10 17 25 20
Ranger 27 22 30 20 20 15 15 27 25 10
Rogue 27 22 25 30 20 15 20 27 10 15
Sorcerer 12 17 20 15 25 30 25 22 25 20
Warrior 32 27 25 25 20 15 10 22 15 20
Wizard 12 17 25 15 20 30 25 27 20 20
Minimum Level 0 Statistics Capable of Growth to 100
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 59 70 62 73 82 62 88 78 73 49
Cleric 70 70 88 82 62 82 62 59 49 73
Empath 86 70 82 82 62 73 62 70 49 62
Monk 59 59 73 49 62 82 73 70 82 88
Paladin 39 59 73 73 62 82 88 78 62 73
Ranger 59 70 49 73 73 82 82 59 62 88
Rogue 59 70 62 49 73 82 73 59 88 82
Sorcerer 86 78 73 82 62 49 62 70 62 73
Warrior 39 59 62 62 73 82 88 70 82 73
Wizard 86 78 62 82 73 49 62 59 73 73


Statistic Growth Rates by Profession
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 22 18 30 25 10 28 10 15 20 33
Cleric 17 18 15 20 20 18 25 25 30 23
Empath 7 18 20 20 20 23 25 20 30 28
Monk 22 23 25 35 20 18 20 20 15 13
Paladin 27 23 25 25 20 18 10 15 25 23
Ranger 22 18 35 25 15 18 15 25 25 13
Rogue 22 18 30 35 15 18 20 25 10 18
Sorcerer 7 13 25 20 20 33 25 20 25 23
Warrior 27 23 30 30 15 18 10 20 15 23
Wizard 7 13 30 20 15 33 25 25 20 23
Minimum Level 0 Statistics Capable of Growth to 100
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 70 77 49 62 88 58 88 82 73 33
Cleric 78 77 82 73 73 77 62 62 49 68
Empath 92 77 73 73 73 68 62 73 49 58
Monk 70 68 62 30 73 77 73 73 82 85
Paladin 59 68 62 62 73 77 88 82 62 68
Ranger 70 77 30 62 82 77 82 62 62 85
Rogue 70 77 49 30 82 77 73 62 88 77
Sorcerer 92 85 62 73 73 33 62 73 62 68
Warrior 59 68 49 49 82 77 88 73 82 68
Wizard 92 85 49 73 82 33 62 62 73 68

Forest Gnome

Statistic Growth Rates by Profession
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 22 22 27 23 17 25 10 15 20 30
Cleric 17 22 12 18 27 15 25 25 30 20
Empath 7 22 17 18 27 20 25 20 30 25
Monk 22 27 22 33 27 15 20 20 15 10
Paladin 27 27 22 23 27 15 10 15 25 20
Ranger 22 22 32 23 22 15 15 25 25 10
Rogue 22 22 27 33 22 15 20 25 10 15
Sorcerer 7 17 22 18 27 30 25 20 25 20
Warrior 27 27 27 28 22 15 10 20 15 20
Wizard 7 17 27 18 22 30 25 25 20 20
Minimum Level 0 Statistics Capable of Growth to 100
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 70 70 59 68 78 62 88 82 73 49
Cleric 78 70 86 77 59 82 62 62 49 73
Empath 92 70 78 77 59 73 62 73 49 62
Monk 70 59 70 33 59 82 73 73 82 88
Paladin 59 59 70 68 59 82 88 82 62 73
Ranger 70 70 39 68 70 82 82 62 62 88
Rogue 70 70 59 33 70 82 73 62 88 82
Sorcerer 92 78 70 77 59 49 62 73 62 73
Warrior 59 59 59 58 70 82 88 73 82 73
Wizard 92 78 59 77 70 49 62 62 73 73

Burghal Gnome

Statistic Growth Rates by Profession
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 20 20 28 23 12 23 15 20 20 30
Cleric 15 20 13 18 22 13 30 30 30 20
Empath 5 20 18 18 22 18 30 25 30 25
Monk 20 25 23 33 22 13 25 25 15 10
Paladin 25 25 23 23 22 13 15 20 25 20
Ranger 20 20 33 23 17 13 20 30 25 10
Rogue 20 20 28 33 17 13 25 30 10 15
Sorcerer 5 15 23 18 22 28 30 25 25 20
Warrior 25 25 28 28 17 13 15 25 15 20
Wizard 5 15 28 18 17 28 30 30 20 20
Minimum Level 0 Statistics Capable of Growth to 100
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 73 73 58 68 86 68 82 73 73 49
Cleric 82 73 85 77 70 85 49 49 49 73
Empath 94 73 77 77 70 77 49 62 49 62
Monk 73 62 68 33 70 85 62 62 82 88
Paladin 62 62 68 68 70 85 82 73 62 73
Ranger 73 73 33 68 78 85 73 49 62 88
Rogue 73 73 58 33 78 85 62 49 88 82
Sorcerer 94 82 68 77 70 58 49 62 62 73
Warrior 62 62 58 58 78 85 82 62 82 73
Wizard 94 82 58 77 78 58 49 49 73 73


Statistic Growth Rates by Profession
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 28 25 27 22 15 23 8 15 20 28
Cleric 23 25 12 17 25 13 23 25 30 18
Empath 13 25 17 17 25 18 23 20 30 23
Monk 28 30 22 32 25 13 18 20 15 8
Paladin 33 30 22 22 25 13 8 15 25 18
Ranger 28 25 32 22 20 13 13 25 25 8
Rogue 28 25 27 32 20 13 18 25 10 13
Sorcerer 13 20 22 17 25 28 23 20 25 18
Warrior 33 30 27 27 20 13 8 20 15 18
Wizard 13 20 27 17 20 28 23 25 20 18
Minimum Level 0 Statistics Capable of Growth to 100
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 58 62 59 70 82 68 91 82 73 58
Cleric 68 62 86 78 62 85 68 62 49 77
Empath 85 62 78 78 62 77 68 73 49 68
Monk 58 49 70 39 62 85 77 73 82 91
Paladin 33 49 70 70 62 85 91 82 62 77
Ranger 58 62 39 70 73 85 85 62 62 91
Rogue 58 62 59 39 73 85 77 62 88 85
Sorcerer 85 73 70 78 62 58 68 73 62 77
Warrior 33 49 59 59 73 85 91 73 82 77
Wizard 85 73 59 78 73 58 68 62 73 77


Statistic Growth Rates by Profession
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 23 20 25 20 18 25 12 15 20 33
Cleric 18 20 10 15 28 15 27 25 30 23
Empath 8 20 15 15 28 20 27 20 30 28
Monk 23 25 20 30 28 15 22 20 15 13
Paladin 28 25 20 20 28 15 12 15 25 23
Ranger 23 20 30 20 23 15 17 25 25 13
Rogue 23 20 25 30 23 15 22 25 10 18
Sorcerer 8 15 20 15 28 30 27 20 25 23
Warrior 28 25 25 25 23 15 12 20 15 23
Wizard 8 15 25 15 23 30 27 25 20 23
Minimum Level 0 Statistics Capable of Growth to 100
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 68 73 62 73 77 62 86 82 73 33
Cleric 77 73 88 82 58 82 59 62 49 68
Empath 91 73 82 82 58 73 59 73 49 58
Monk 68 62 73 49 58 82 70 73 82 85
Paladin 58 62 73 73 58 82 86 82 62 68
Ranger 68 73 49 73 68 82 78 62 62 85
Rogue 68 73 62 49 68 82 70 62 88 77
Sorcerer 91 82 73 82 58 49 59 73 62 68
Warrior 58 62 62 62 68 82 86 73 82 68
Wizard 91 82 62 82 68 49 59 62 73 68


Statistic Growth Rates by Profession
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 25 18 28 23 17 25 10 17 20 28
Cleric 20 18 13 18 27 15 25 27 30 18
Empath 10 18 18 18 27 20 25 22 30 23
Monk 25 23 23 33 27 15 20 22 15 8
Paladin 30 23 23 23 27 15 10 17 25 18
Ranger 25 18 33 23 22 15 15 27 25 8
Rogue 25 18 28 33 22 15 20 27 10 13
Sorcerer 10 13 23 18 27 30 25 22 25 18
Warrior 30 23 28 28 22 15 10 22 15 18
Wizard 10 13 28 18 22 30 25 27 20 18
Minimum Level 0 Statistics Capable of Growth to 100
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 62 77 58 68 78 62 88 78 73 58
Cleric 73 77 85 77 59 82 62 59 49 77
Empath 88 77 77 77 59 73 62 70 49 68
Monk 62 68 68 33 59 82 73 70 82 91
Paladin 49 68 68 68 59 82 88 78 62 77
Ranger 62 77 33 68 70 82 82 59 62 91
Rogue 62 77 58 33 70 82 73 59 88 85
Sorcerer 88 85 68 77 59 49 62 70 62 77
Warrior 49 68 58 58 70 82 88 70 82 77
Wizard 88 85 58 77 70 49 62 59 73 77