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Mana flare
Mana flares are a special type of flare that return mana to casters holding runestaves with the flare applied. Mana flaring staves may be found at festivals and pay events in merchant shops - usually in +2 form. They can also be found in the treasure system, although usually at +1 and rarely +2.
Mana flares range from Tier 1 to Tier 5. The mana returned is the greater of either 20% of the spell cost per tier of unlock or +1 mana per tier of unlock.
Tier | Percentage of Spell
Mana Cost Returned |
Lowest Amount of
Mana Return Possible |
Tier 1 | 20% | +1 |
Tier 2 | 40% | +2 |
Tier 3 | 60% | +3 |
Tier 4 | 80% | +4 |
Tier 5 | 100% | +5 |
For example, a caster with a Tier 5 mana flare runestaff has the possibility of receiving whichever is larger of the full mana spell cost or +5. Therefore, when casting Elemental Defense I (401), which has a mana cost of 1 per cast, the caster would have the chance to gain 5 mana since the lowest threshold possible for a tier 5 is +5. However, when casting Heroism (215), that same caster would have the chance to gain 15 mana.
Mana flares are unique in being able to trigger when casting defensive and utility spells like Purification Song (1004), as well as mass effect attack spells such as Song of Depression (1015) or Song of Sonic Disruption (1030). The bardsongs will only trigger the flare with the CAST verb (i.e. initial start of the Song); the RENEW verb will not trigger a flare.
Like acuity flares, mana flares as a merchant service can be categorized as common, uncommon, and special.
Common | Uncommon | Special |
+1-2 | +3-4 | +5 |
Special flares are unlikely to be seen outside of pay events such as RTCF. The High End Scrip Shop at Duskruin has sold both starter (direct to +3) vouchers, as well as increase (add +1 to existing) certificates.