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North by Northwest (storyline)/2023-01-06 - Digging Deeper (log)
Lormesta 6-7, 5123
by Leafiara Autumnwind of the TownCrier
Trees begin getting uprooted in the Lower Dragonsclaw, then some disappear into the ground as minor skirmishes with Gnul's forces ensue; meanwhile, fires start on the coastal cliffs. Then a large quake sends the Hendoran outpost trembling with some ramparts crumbling! Gnul's heard to bring him something red, green, yellow, and blue and Magister Raelee realizes they're raiding the plinite. Landing adventurers assemble and discover gnomes and gnolls raiding the plinite cavern beneath the outpost; they stave off some, but others get away.
Afterward, Lady Larsya asks Raelee why there was still plinite down there when Grand Magister Octaven had told Breshon there wasn't. Wondering what else is down there, she orders a full accounting of such and a full proposal on how to safely remove and transport the remaining plinite.
[General] Snowyetis asks, "Anyone know a gnome bard who hunts only with two handed weapons?" [General] Stormyrain thinks, "Yes." [General] Stormyrain thinks, "Oh, no..Two handed. I do not." [General] Stormyrain offers, "I hunt with two weapons, though." [General] Snowyetis exclaims, "And you're a gnome bard?!" [General] Stormyrain adds, "And I'm not..a gnome." [General] Leafiara tentatively thinks, "I don't think you're a gnome either, unless you're an exceptional master of disguise--" [General] Stormyrain thinks, "I should not answer thoughts when I am distracted, clearly."
Larsya asks, "Aren't they idiots?" Larsya says, "Brutes, the lot of them." Larsya asks, "What could they hope to do with plinite?" Speaking to Larsya, Dendum reminds, "They were smart enough to know whats under the outpost you were not aware of." Larsya asks, "Maybe you told them?" Larsya says, "You're mouthy enough." [later] Larsya says, "I am sorry, I was rude, and not lady like, or Athalia like, or whoever else is coming. I can't keep them straight." Speaking to Larsya, Dendum says, ""It is ok you have failed mightily and this will make one upset." Tikba says, "Do not fear. We failed together."
Suddenly a swathe of land within the Lower Dragonsclaw forest swells upward, as several trees lurch forward, roots twisting up and out of the ground to be fully exposed. Squirrels leap from their branches, and roltons and velnalins scramble in the wake of the tremor. A moment later the earth returns to normal, the ground still and even, but with several trees now sprawled about.
[Lower Dragonsclaw, Forest]
There is a break in the trees here, several charred trunks bearing witness to a past forest fire or act of nature. A modwir lies across the ground, the scars of a lightning strike etched into its blackened trunk. Just near the remaining tree stump, you notice a dirt footpath leading south. You also see a wrinkled truffle and a clearing to the east.
Also here: Whimweaver Leafiara
Leafiara says, "Hm."
[General] Diablic asks, "Is an invasion party getting together?"
[General] Khoal asks, "Der a invasion happinin?"
[General] Dwi slyly thinks, "If'n yer partyin ye aint takin it serioud nuff to ask!"
[General] Cryheart thinks, "We need go guard the gates, set up triag."
[General] Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Dey got feral weppinsh!"
[General] Dwi thinks, "Oooooh."
[General] Dendum asks, "They are digging?"
[minor combat]
Leafiara says, "This is rather..."
Leafiara says, "Token of an effort."
[General] Elliathe thinks, "As always if we get overrun we will fall back to either Thrak's or Voln."
[combat intensifies to an extent, so cutting to hard editing]
Hendoran knights and Bourthian soldiers line the stone ramparts of the imperial outpost in the grasslands. Several of the archers fire down on stone creatures as they appear along the edge of the forest.
A single tree in the forest suddenly disappears, sinking into the very ground.
Plumes of smoke rise up from the coastal cliffs, swirling up above the tip of raging fires.
A huge quake suddenly ravages the grasslands and the Hendoran outpost visibly trembles for a moment! Stone ramparts crumble apart, as knights and archers fall with the stone debris to the courtyard below. Soldiers and archers shout and screaming erupts within the outpost!
Another quake rumbles beneath the imperial outpost as soldiers and knights scramble within its courtyard.
[General] Gnul thinks, "So shiny....bring me all of them. Red and green, yellow and blue. We'll put them all to good use."
[General] Raelee thinks, "They are raiding the plinite."
[locate spell]
[Outpost, Plinite Cavern]
The earthen walls are uneven and jagged, marred by hundreds of tiny circular fissures. Bursting forth from many of these small crevices are clusters of glowing plinite, each formation providing a myriad of colors from blue, to yellow, to red and green. Huge holes have been burrowed up from the ground in several spots, and entire swathes of the earthen walls have empty fissures, with small patches of plinite dust in their crevices. You also see a shard of red plinite, a clawed arm, a fleshless arm, a pair of gnarled arms, a shard of red plinite, a huge craggy stone warbringer that is lying down, a yellow-eyed silvery lor mandrake sprouting snowball hydrangeas, a huge white granite construct that is lying down, a seed-eyed dusky-grained zebrawood mandrake wearing some reddish bark armor, a huge white granite construct that is lying down, a massive jagged earth elemental that is lying down, a lazy wild deep black dog, a shard of red plinite, a massive jagged earth elemental that is lying down, a huge white granite construct that is lying down, a huge white granite construct that is lying down, a rune-etched stone troll soldier, the repousse copper Perigourd disk raised in leafy designs, the web-draped Missoni disk, a rune-etched stone troll soldier, a rune-etched stone troll soldier and a rune-etched stone troll soldier.
Also here: Magister Raelee who is lying down, Missoni who is lying down, Perigourd who is lying down
[Outpost, Plinite Cavern]
The earthen walls are uneven and jagged, marred by hundreds of tiny circular fissures. Bursting forth from many of these small crevices are clusters of glowing plinite, each formation providing a myriad of colors from blue, to yellow, to red and green. Huge holes have been burrowed up from the ground in several spots, and entire swathes of the earthen walls have empty fissures, with small patches of plinite dust in their crevices. You also see a ghostly raven, a ring of essence, a floating crystal blue eye that is flying around, an animated flayed gigas disciple that is lying down, a salt-crusted soft blue crab pincer mottled with barnacles, some thick salt-encrusted crab pincers, a salt-crusted brick red crab pincer mottled with brown, a pair of three-fingered arms, a pair of three-fingered arms, a small shield, a desiccated arm, a pair of decayed arms, a three-fingered arm, a pair of putrid arms, a bloody arm, a fleshless arm, a dusky grey tarantula palpus covered in bristly black hairs, a sapphire blue tarantula palpus streaked with bright yellow, a dirt-covered cave gnome smuggler that appears dead, a dirt-covered cave gnome smuggler that appears immobilized, a dirt-covered cave gnome smuggler that appears dead, a dirt-covered cave gnome smuggler that appears dead, a reinforced shield, a dirt-covered cave gnome smuggler that appears dead, a feras falchion, a shard of red plinite, a shard of red plinite, a yellow-eyed silvery lor mandrake sprouting snowball hydrangeas, a huge white granite construct that is lying down, a seed-eyed dusky-grained zebrawood mandrake wearing some reddish bark armor, a huge white granite construct that is lying down, a massive jagged earth elemental that appears dead, a lazy wild deep black dog, a shard of red plinite, a massive jagged earth elemental that appears dead, a huge white granite construct that appears dead, a huge white granite construct that is lying down, the repousse copper Perigourd disk raised in leafy designs and the web-draped Missoni disk.
Also here: Whimweaver Leafiara, Mistress Ycelacie, Town Councilor Vaemyr, Seaward Gutstorm, the body of Magister Raelee who is lying down, Missoni, Perigourd
Several gnomes and gnolls grab shards of plinite and burrow into the ground, disappearing!
Several gnomes and gnolls grab shards of plinite and burrow into the ground, disappearing!
Several gnomes and gnolls grab shards of plinite and burrow into the ground, disappearing!
[great wads of combat]
Several gnomes and gnolls grab shards of plinite and burrow into the ground, disappearing!
[gigantic wads of combat]
Gnolls and gnomes burrow up and snatch some shards of plinite and vanish into the ground!
[more combat, but eventually it ceases]
[General] Cryheart thinks, "We are back in the plinte cavern."
Arahnim says, "No retreaet. No surrender."
Arahnim exclaims, "Retreat!"
Arahnim says, "Rather."
Arahnim says, "All this ash."
Cryheart asks, "How much ye figure they took, Magister Raelee?"
[General] Snowyetis thinks, "I saw one golem on the way to the bridge."
Thrassus says, "Any amount is too much."
[General] Elliathe thinks, "Have a care, sentinals out there."
Xorus says, "It is highly concentrated elemental energy."
Earthdiver says, "What you need it to do."
Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd asks, "What's the purity of this plinite?"
Thrassus says, "Many things. Mostly bad if it's not us doing it."
Nalver asks, "I mean, do we know why they are stealing it?"
Irval says, "Oh...oh no. That could spell disaster if they use it on siege weaponry."
Thrassus says, "They likely intend to use it to power something."
Geijon says, "On guard everyone."
Irval says, "I heard that those rock heads like to launch anything. From tree's , stones, and people..."
Tikba quietly says, "Yes, they seek it to use to destroy us."
[General] Juspera thinks, "Those worms are spiteful, impolite, and lacking in fellow-feeling."
[General] Pukk exclaims, "Gnul, Irval knows your plans you better get rid of him!"
Thrassus says, "It's not explosive on impact that I am aware of."
Speaking to Raelee, Thrassus asks, "Correct, Magister?"
Irval asks, "But it can be...weaponized?"
Speaking to Thrassus, Raelee says, "No."
The voice of Dendum says, "It can be made explosive though."
Irval says, "Good thing the militia are having practice fire drills then."
Pukk whispers something to Leafiara.
[General] Gnul thinks, "So shiny, the metal men are so generous."
Vaemyr asks, "Anymore worms?"
[General] Diablic asks, "Where is the fun happening?"
Geijon says, "Nobody needs sarcasm or secondary agendas right now."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Nalver asks, "Does the empire have permission to mine out here?"
Xorus says, "Amos' ships with the pylons that are too powerful to be manned by anything but golems. Those are powered with plinite. For example."
Speaking to Nalver, Raelee says, "This is not mining."
[General] Nyaria thinks, "You just stay out there."
Speaking to Raelee, Nalver asks, "What is it?"
Thrassus says, "This land wasn't owned by anyone anyway."
Guarrin mentions, "The firebird, I believe, is powered by plinite."
Speaking to Guarrin, Perigourd says, "It is."
Irval says, "Oy, that'd be something. Illoke with...pylons..."
[General] Tikba quietly thinks, "We will come to reclaim it, zrissantha."
Xorus says, "As was the Manticore."
Speaking heartily to Stormyrain, Dwi says, "Ye was leben steps ahead us."
Speaking to Nalver, Raelee says, "Cultivated."
Dwi heartily says, "Him."
Nalver says, "Funny. There are some Vaalorians building a fort next to the manticore..."
Raelee says, "This was... medium-high grade. I have handled stronger, but this is still far more potent than what you might harvest in the Elemental Confluence."
[General] Gutstorm drunkenly thinks, "Gnul, yoo should join our team, we fight back da empire."
Speaking to Guarrin, Vaemyr says, "It is, but it doesn't need any additional to keep going, it has the core of a mountain sized elemental."
[General] Dwi thinks, "Also..we switch sides...."
Speaking quietly to Vaemyr, Tikba says, "Half the core."
[General] Gnul asks, "You fight them by building their wooden towers?"
Speaking to Vaemyr, Guarrin says, "Yes, but that was using specific plinite."
Speaking quietly to Vaemyr, Tikba says, "The other half was in use for another project."
[General] Dwi thinks, "Pends onna da contract."
Raelee adds, "... Grand Magister Dennet created this space. It has been here for... years."
[General] Dwi asks, "Ye gots sumpthin fer me to build? outhouse maybe?"
[General] Gutstorm drunkenly thinks, "Tower notta weppin. it jush a roof wit 4 wall."
[General] Nyaria asks, "Wait, Gnul's attacks are because of the empire?"
[General] Geijon thinks, "Gnul, you should come forth. Your current tactics fail outside of causing death if that is your intent. If so, it will be met accordingly."
[General] Dwi asks, "Ditto outhouse eh Guts?"
[General] Kayse exasperatedly thinks, "Yes and only that reason."
Thrassus says, "He's gloating about the plinite."
Speaking to Raelee, Nalver asks, "What was the magister doing down here?"
Tikba asks, "Is this where he did his experiments?"
Bristenn slowly agrees, "Right, I hear."
[General] Irval thinks, "Gnul, you main gain allies against the empire. But they will never be your allies. We'll crush you to rubble and dust soon enough. And your temporary alliances will soon enough turn their focus against you."
Speaking to Nalver, Raelee says, "His work."
Pukk says, "Raelee's secret laboratory is around here."
Speaking to Pukk, Geijon says, "Who cares."
Speaking pointedly to Pukk, Raelee says, "My laboratory, which I only wish was a secret, is on the second floor."
Speaking heartily to Pukk, Dwi says, "Lubs secrets."
[General] Irval thinks, "So I guess its a moot point, considering I'll be using your head as a paper weight soon enough."
Vaemyr asks, "Raelee so, given that he took off with a good bit of plinite from here... how pure is the stuff in here, how much do we need to worry about that?"
Speaking to Raelee, Nalver says, "I am not being contentious. I'm actually trying to hear you all out in a way that doesn't look like the empire is taking land from the Landing to power their military ships."
Speaking to Raelee, Pukk says, "See. If you want to keep it a secret. You don't tell me..."
Speaking to Nalver, Raelee says, "It was a personal project of a man who has been dead for years."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Thrassus says, "Mid to high grade she said."
Tikba offers Raelee a shard of green plinite.
Raelee accepts Tikba's green plinite.
Speaking quietly to Tikba, Raelee says, "Thank you."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Thrassus says, "Enough for us to be very worried."
Raelee tucks a shard of green plinite into a small silk-lined pocket inside of her white linen robe.
Geijon says, "Focus on th' now everyone."
Speaking to Raelee, Nalver says, "You say it's been known for years and we've been fighting golems for a while."
[General] Gutstorm drunkenly thinks, "Gnul, iffa ye need a sign ferra a rock to chuck at Irval, lemme knowed."
Xorus says, "It was the Landing that stole plinite from the Empire. The Grand Magister came here to get it back."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Guarrin says, "Hopefully not powerful enough as what Paidreg can craft, but powerful enough to be worried is what I am gathering."
Speaking to Geijon, Lylia says, "Good luck with that."
Speaking to Raelee, Nalver says, "If that information was never shared..."
The voice of Dendum says, "Eh...suprised the Gnul just didn't....blow this place up before anyone arrived..."
Speaking to Lylia, Pukk says, "You know me so well."
Speaking to Lylia, Geijon says, "Happens to be what I'm good at."
Nalver tiredly says, "I don't have to spell it out. Leaves a bad taste."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Raelee says, "You should be concerned, yes."
[General] Irval thinks, "Gnul doesnt fight on the front lines. He's more of a voyeur to get his rocks off..."
Dwi heartily says, "Da walls here...."
Earthdiver says, "So what are we doing now."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "How much Kilron pay for plinite?"
Speaking to Earthdiver, Kiyna says, "Losing."
Speaking to Irval, Geijon says, "That was a good one."
Speaking to Nalver, Thrassus says, "We knew about it back then and we still know about it now. It wasn't a secret from anyone."
Speaking offhandedly to Gutstorm, Leafiara says, "You want Murdos in that case."
Pukk exclaims, "Watch out for Dendum! He is a gnome and is in cahoots with those gnomes that were stealing the plinite!"
Speaking to Thrassus, Raelee says, "Precisely."
Nalver says, "Then I am mistaken."
Tikba tiredly corrects, "Gnolls."
[General] Evia thinks, "Ground Gnul bits would make fantastic sewer drain lining."
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Imma sooprised ye noticed."
Speaking to Tikba, Thrassus says, "And gnomes."
Speaking to Geijon, Pukk asks, "Did you just agree with me?"
Pukk exclaims, "I'm confused now!"
Raelee says, "Ignoring the plinite, this may still take weeks to repair... to seal the holes."
Speaking to Pukk, Geijon says, "I thought about it."
Geijon says, "No."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Mebbe we fine more plinite."
Speaking to Pukk, Geijon says, "Must be rough that we agree on demons."
Tikba says, "No doubt you will."
Speaking heartily to Pukk, Dwi says, "Imma need a pickaxe."
Speaking to Geijon, Pukk exclaims, "I reverse what I said then! We can't have this!"
Irval asks, "So Magister are you able to give a rough estimate on how much plinite was taken?"
Speaking to Dwi, Pukk says, "Keep this place in mind when you want to visit again...when nobody is looking..."
Speaking to Pukk, Geijon says, "Folk say a lot. I am not worried."
[Realm] Guarrin asks, "Are things calm in town?"
Gutstorm picks up a dented cup.
Gutstorm sings with jollity:
Ycelacie curiously asks, "What is the empire using the plinite for anyway?"
[Realm] Missoni thinks, "Seems so."
Raelee tiredly asks, "... approximately... half?"
The voice of Dendum says, "Little of this...little of that..."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Leifa says, "Game of kick the can sounds better than the usual arguments."
Geijon says, "Lets calm everyone."
Vaemyr says, "Great..."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "We being tricked ere? all da egg in one brishket and all dat?"
Vaemyr says, "Just... great."
Evia says, "I'mma eat my bacon, thats what."
Geijon asks, "Action and Gnul seem to have receeded. What killed Raelee?"
Cryheart says, "We shall make do, and repair."
Pukk says, "They are using the plinite for magical research and is doing it here because if there is a problem then it is contained to an area that is of little concern to them."
Ycelacie admits, "I mean, I really don't care. But something..."
Speaking to Pukk, Raelee says, "... that is false."
Speaking to Ycelacie, Geijon says, "Great."
Speaking to Pukk, Tikba says, "Except that the Outpost would collapse into the ground."
Thrassus says, "It's safer to experiment here than on the surface."
Speaking to Raelee, Pukk says, "Good. Because if I was right then I would lose confidence in my ignorance."
Speaking to Geijon, Ycelacie asks, "Great what?"
[Drakes] Dwi thinks, "Some ye'd die...fer shore.."
Bristenn sighs, "Well, we've a brief inventory of the loss, here. We ought to return to the surface."
Speaking drunkenly to Leifa, Gutstorm slurs, "Ye come ere often?"
Tikba tiredly says, "I assume the Empire does not station its men above this cavern because they expect it to explode."
Cryheart says, "Dinnae think they are coming back to steal what is left."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Leifa says, "You must be more drunk than usual if you are mistaking me for your usual crush."
Guarrin says, "Ideally we can close off whatever tunnels they entered through."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Pukk whispers aloud, "You are flirting with somebody else right in front of Lylia?"
Perigourd says, "Hmm.."
Raelee says, "And this is far from the only place 'the Empire' is working with plinite."
Dwi heartily asks, "Folks?"
Dwi heartily says, "Dis place..."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Oh right."
Dwi heartily says, "Not good to hang out here."
Dwi heartily says, "Unless ye gots da proper gear."
Speaking to Cryheart, Guarrin says, "Let's head topside, at least."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dwi shafe, she gotta hat."
Cryheart says, "Ok..moving topside."
Tikba quietly says, "Yes, it is not pleasant to be in a cavern again."
Earthdiver says, "Seems like they could easily come back for more."
Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd says, "Perhaps flood those with fire."
Vaemyr says, "Plinite is a powerful energy source, and we've seen it used in a variety of weapons, our hand pylons that Amos sells being one of them, and we know those aren't sourced or made here."
Dwi heartily says, "Dat's pure kablooey."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "Hand pylons use elemental essences."
Ycelacie nasally says, "They went there."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "I thought they were crafted with plinite as the core, and that's what the essences resonate with."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "Oh, I see what you mean."
Speaking curiously to Raelee, Ycelacie asks, "Why is the plinite so important?"
Speaking to Ycelacie, Raelee says, "Because it is energy. And with energy... is potential."
Speaking to Yukito, Perigourd says, "There was much to save."
Leafiara muses, "Well, that was marginally challenging."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "In the same way that the siege pylons int he landing need to be infused with mana, even with the plinite they have."
Speaking quietly to Perigourd, Raelee says, "... thank you."
Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd says, "That's what I managed, at any rate, in the melee."
Missoni says, "I managed to scoop up some as well."
Raelee asks, "And what does she want now?"
[General] Nyaria asks, "All clear?"
Missoni offers Raelee a shard of red plinite.
[General] Geijon thinks, "All clear, but losses."
Raelee says, "The Lady Larsya is up..."
Raelee accepts Missoni's red plinite.
Raelee tucks a shard of red plinite into a small silk-lined pocket inside of her white linen robe.
Missoni produces a shard of green plinite from the depths of her airy robes.
Speaking to Missoni, Raelee says, "... thank you."
Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd says, "I imagine she would have been awakened from the attack."
Missoni offers Raelee a shard of green plinite.
[General] Cryheart thinks, "Lady Larsya is in the innter courtyard of the Outpost."
Raelee accepts Missoni's green plinite.
Raelee tucks a shard of green plinite into a small silk-lined pocket inside of her white linen robe.
Larsya's Response
[Outpost, Inner Courtyard]
An imposing stone tower stands at the center of the inner courtyard, taking up the majority of the space. Similar to the build of the rest of the outpost, the windows of the tower are narrow and better designed for arrows and defense than to offer light and a scenic view. A wing extends from the tower's north side and soldiers continually file northward back and forth from it. You also see the Vaemyr disk, the Guarrin disk and a stone bench.
Also here: Whimweaver Leafiara, Stormyrain, Town Councilor Vaemyr, Town Councilor Kayse, Ulfwine, Tikba, Earthdiver, Sir Mynon, Imperatrix Lylia, Conquerer of Reim Leifa, Tamma, Grand Lady Jubbley, Sir Guarrin, Ifanna, Sir Bristenn, Sir Geijon, Dame Evia, Whisker, Sir Cryheart, Lady Larsya
Cryheart asks, "Are ye ok?"
Larsya says, "I feel fine. Who cares."
Cryheart says, "We do."
Larsya says, "That bastard rock man hit us."
Larsya asks, "Why is there plinite still beneath here?"
Larsya peers quizzically at Raelee.
Cryheart says, "Aye, he is a trouble."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Hey langwich little lady!"
Larsya exclaims, "Octaven said we had no more when my brother asked!"
[General] Elliathe asks, "Have things quieted down?"
Speaking to Larsya, Vaemyr says, "That's a good question."
[General] Elliathe asks, "Enough to rejoin the group?"
Speaking to Larsya, Raelee says, "I do not speak for the Grand Magister, Lady."
[General] Elliathe asks, "Or should I remain at triage?"
Speaking to Larsya, Raelee says, "If your brother had asked me instead, he might have gotten a different answer."
[General] Thrassus thinks, "It seems to have quited down, yes."
Larsya asks, "Why would he ask you? Isn't she your boss?"
Larsya squints.
[General] Cryheart thinks, "Take care of any wounded ye hae."
Larsya asks, "Maybe you could have told him anyway?"
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "She got her bow, yoo needta hide."
[General] Cryheart thinks, "Aye, it seems to be quiet for now."
[General] Elliathe thinks, "I think it has quieted down here as well."
Tikba wryly says, "Bosses are so unreliable when it comes to the location of precious stones."
[General] Elliathe asks, "Where is everyone at?"
Speaking to Larsya, Raelee says, "Because unlike her, I am here far more reliablu."
[General] Stormyrain thinks, "The Lady Larsya is here speaking with us in the outpost."
[General] Stormyrain thinks, "In the inner courtyard."
[General] Khoal thinks, "Ran away and joined the circus im afraids."
Larsya asks, "What else is down there?"
Leifa quips, "Something about crevices and diamonds."
Larsya stiffens her lip and puffs up her shoulders some.
Ulfwine says, "My leg is down there somewhere."
Speaking to Larsya, Raelee says, "Granite. A workbench."
Raelee adds, "Several new holes."
Speaking to Larsya, Geijon says, "Could use your direction here."
Bristenn dryly remarks, "Gnoll blood."
Evia says, "And a great deal less plinite, apparently."
Larsya says, "As acting Commander of this Outpost, I demand a full accounting to me by tomorrow evening of what exists beneath this outpost still, and to what end."
Tikba quietly says, "Gnul seemed to know the plinite was here."
Larsya nods at Raelee.
Speaking to Bristenn, Perigourd says, "Among other kinds."
Vaemyr says, "There's also the Sanctuary and Dais, before you even reach the plinite cavern."
(Raelee gives Larsya a *look* for a moment.)
Earthdiver says, "Sounds like it should not stay soon as possible."
Raelee schools her face into a neutral expression.
Speaking heartily to Ycelacie, Dwi says, "See? I aint totally useless."
Speaking flatly to Larsya, Raelee says, "... fine."
Larsya nods at Raelee.
Speaking to Larsya, Thrassus says, "If you dig down far enough you'll find Dennet's corpse."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Raelee showt me a cuppa shekrit pashichesh last few day, me should go wit her Larsya, keep her honesht."
Larsya says, "Oh! Wait..."
Elliathe says, "I fear I have a bit of catching up to do."
Guarrin whispers something to Larsya.
Speaking tiredly to Earthdiver, Tikba says, "There is not much left down there."
Elliathe says, "Triage keeps us a bit out of the loop."
Larsya returns to her stiffened stance.
Speaking quietly to Dendum, Dwi asks, " it's jus nonsense eh?"
Larsya clears her throat.
Earthdiver asks, "I thought that only half was taken?"
Guarrin whispers something to Larsya.
Earthdiver says, "Did I mishear."
Larsya says, "...and I want a full report by next Leyan of your proposal on how to safely remove and transport or destroy the plinite remaining."
Larsya nods at Raelee.
Speaking to Earthdiver, Raelee says, "Roughly. I did not precisely have time to count the crystals."
Speaking to Larsya, Raelee says, "... we are not destroying it."
Larsya says, "Leaving it here just invites more foolishness."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me got shlootion, shell da plinite to Brashton."
Speaking to Earthdiver, Vaemyr says, "That's right, but seems like still enough to potentially blow up a lot of stuff."
Geijon says, "Mm."
Larsya says, "No, making it go bye bye is probably stupid."
Larsya says, "About as stupid as having it here still."
Earthdiver says, "With no way of protecting it here."
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi exclaims, "So he kin crash dat thing onna my head!"
Larsya gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Lylia dryly remarks, "While we are at it, let us destroy the library, which might put thoughts in people's heads, and all laboratories, as they only lead to mischief."
Larsya asks, " much did he take?"
Speaking to Larsya, Thrassus says, "You would be throwing away a vauluable resource."
Speaking to Larsya, Raelee suggests, "Half. Approximately."
[General] Snowyetis asks, "Anyone know a gnome bard who hunts only with two handed weapons?"
Speaking to Raelee, Kiyna asks, "Right... how much is half?"
Vaemyr asks, "Might I suggest turning it into additional siege pylons and equiping the outpost? I mean if we have the stuff... might as well put it to use?"
[General] Stormyrain thinks, "Yes."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me recovered shum, Larsya."
Larsya asks, "Half of ten shards? Half of hundreds?"
[General] Stormyrain thinks, "Oh, no..Two handed. I do not."
Speaking in Guildspeak, Dendum says something you don't understand.
Geijon whispers something to Guarrin.
[General] Stormyrain offers, "I hunt with two weapons, though."
[General] Snowyetis exclaims, "And you're a gnome bard?!"
[General] Stormyrain adds, "And I'm not..a gnome."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Sheem durable nuff."
[General] Leafiara tentatively thinks, "I don't think you're a gnome either, unless you're an exceptional master of disguise--"
[General] Stormyrain thinks, "I should not answer thoughts when I am distracted, clearly."
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Dat goes off inna yer's yer teef."
Larsya says, "Yes yes, we won't destroy it. I'm not a book burning prelate."
Larsya says, "But we need it gone, somehow."
Larsya nods.
Speaking carefully to Larsya, Raelee says, "Two to three hundred crystals."
[General] Stormyrain thinks, "I just get excited when someone asks bardic hunting questions. Alas."
Larsya says, "...and it doesn't fall on the Magi...."
[General] Snowyetis thinks, "I was trying to come up with the most unique hero."
Larsya glances at Raelee.
Larsya asks, "...half of that?"
Elliathe says, "I'm not healing his face if that happens on account of... uh... well imprudent behavior."
Larsya asks, "Or that is half?"
Speaking to Larsya, Raelee says, "... that is half."
[General] Stormyrain thinks, "We are all the most unique heros, in case you had not heard."
Larsya says, "Sweet FashloKai."
Larsya asks, "What can he do with that much?"
Speaking quietly to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Imma tellin dem idjits did somethin to make a spark...we'd been in a oben."
Thrassus says, "Quite a bit."
[General] Snowyetis thinks, "What a warm thought."
Dendum says, "Could power 300 firebirds the size of a hand cross bow."
Cryheart says, "Speculation, but perhaps to energize weapons."
Bristenn slowly reasons, "..well, he has enchanters able to create quite a swarm of feras armaments."
Speaking to Larsya, Elliathe says, "Well he has these terrible fire spewing catapults but I don't know if those require the plinite. They are nasty."
Vaemyr says, "Maybe build a couple mechanical manticores..."
Kelfyr says, "I'm sure you could shove the rest of it into the young wizard's crystal cavern."
Speaking heartily to Dendum, Dwi says, "Encouragin stoopid...notta idear."
[General] Khoal thinks, "Im nots gonna lies either... i be kinda a hero meself.. figure i share dat seeing yas all opening up like."
[General] Asben thinks, "What about a dual weapon wielding sorcerer? I don't know if that exists."
[General] Stormyrain thinks, "It is true. Everyone I know is unique in some way."
Speaking to Elliathe, Vaemyr says, "More worried about him using plinite bombs and firing those from the catapults."
Vaemyr says, "They would... be very destructive."
Elliathe exclaims, "Let's hope not!"
[General] Khoal thinks, "Asben can concur."
Speaking to Raelee, Kiyna asks, "Do you think Gnul's forces have the expertise to make use of the stuff? It's kinda... touchy, right?"
Bristenn neutrally concedes, "However, excuse me. The hour's late."
[General] Nyaria thinks, "I wanna know if there is a polearm weilding cleric."
Larsya says, "Valid question."
Larsya nods at Kiyna.
Tikba tiredly says, "We must try to recover it."
Earthdiver says, "That is the only reasonable assumption, for safety's sake."
Larsya asks, "Aren't they idiots?"
Larsya says, "Brutes, the lot of them."
Speaking heartily to Kiyna, Dwi says, "Anna I doubt it."
[General] Zaaldine thinks, "If you consider brawling as duel wielding I"m sure that's quite viable."
Larsya asks, "What could they hope to do with plinite?"
Thrassus says, "Most of them, yes."
Earthdiver says, "Makes no sense to assume they can't use it."
Speaking to Kiyna, Vaemyr says, "The gnomes that helped steal them tonight."
Kelfyr says, "Brutes, yes. Idiots? Far from it."
Raelee says, "The most crude usage would likely be as an explosive."
Vaemyr says, "We've seen what a couple of Gnomes did with plinite before."
Speaking to Larsya, Irval says, "Weaponize it..."
Speaking to Larsya, Dendum reminds, "They were smart enough to know whats under the outpost you were not aware of."
Speaking heartily to Kiyna, Dwi says, "Touchy wit dat stuff issa like callin Gutstorm a tea-tottler."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Geijon asks, "Gnomes, eh?"
Raelee says, "The better usage would be to power a more... advanced weapon."
Elliathe says, "Gnul has shown some craftiness ere now. What with the griffen hatcheries and such."
Thrassus says, "The leaders tend to not be so much, else they wouldn't have became leaders."
Lylia says, "They may be quite stupid, but Gnul is not."
Leafiara says, "They've managed to import and train griffins, etch their bodies with antimagic runes, and--what Dendum said."
Larsya glances at Dendum.
Larsya asks, "Maybe you told them?"
Leafiara says, "Where Gnul gets his information is a baffling question."
Larsya peers quizzically at Dendum.
Larsya says, "You're mouthy enough."
Dendum snickers.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Hey hey hey! Dendum friend."
Speaking to Leafiara, Guarrin says, "That is the question."
Tikba says, "Gnul cannot see down that far."
Larsya says, "We're not all evil and bad you know."
Larsya nods at Dendum.
Tikba says, "He would never have known."
Kayse flatly says, "I am sure arguing and accusing each other is going to get us far in solving the problem."
[General] Snowyetis thinks, "Gnome sorcerer."
Thrassus says, "It would be a simple matter for stone worshippers to find things in the earth."
[General] Snowyetis thinks, "Hmmm no, a dual wielding giant sorcerer."
Xorus says, "It is best to not underestimate the intelligence of adversaries. Many have fallen to the hubris of dismissing 'barbarians' and 'savages'."
Irval says, "I think that we need to strike at the forge sooner than later. And hopefully recover the stolen plinite or detonate the lot they stole and take their entire encampment down with them...just a thought."
Speaking to Kayse, Lylia says, "It always does, surely."
[General] Snowyetis asks, "Is there a polearm anything out there?"
Geijon says, "Lady Larsya."
Speaking to Raelee, Guarrin asks, "Is there a known method to track plinite energy source?"
Speaking to Larsya, Dendum says, ""More importantly they have shown they are able to travel in great numbers under the grounds."
Earthdiver says, "That much plinite may be easy to track."
[General] Stormyrain thinks, "Yes, there are a few polearm bards that I am aware of."
Larsya nods at Dendum.
[General] Snowyetis thinks, "A dwarf with pole arms."
Speaking heartily to Earthdiver, Dwi says, "Yeah...cause it goes...."
Speaking to Larsya, Vaemyr says, "I think it's highly likely to assume Gnul has insider information, and could potentially access someone whom could work with Plinite. We've seen examples of him knowing things he really shouldn't if he was just a stone giant, and the fact we've never met him in person, who knows if he's a giant at all."
Dwi recites heartily:
Speaking to Guarrin, Raelee says, "... it is doable, in theory."
Geijon says, "Mmm."
Guarrin mentions, "He has proven more than capable in his strategy. Xorus is correct."
Larsya asks, "There is someone behind Gnul?"
Dwi heartily exclaims, "Ye needs essperts!"
Irval asks, "His Ego?"
Cryheart says, "Could be."
Evia asks, "Probably?"
Speaking to Larsya, Vaemyr says, "I think that's likely."
Earthdiver says, "Gnul could be anyone."
Leafiara says, "Or someone feeding him information. Or a mentalist. Many possibilities."
Ulfwine says, "That is the question."
Speaking to Larsya, Perigourd says, "We've yet to confront Gnul in person to know exactly what he is."
Kiyna says, "We've never... seen Gnul. He may be a stone giant, but he may not be. Until we see him before us, we can't be sure."
Dwi heartily asks, "Notta buncha folks who stood inna cabe til some Dwarf said..hey..aint dis all Plinite?"
Speaking to Raelee, Guarrin says, "That seems promising. Distinguish them from the pylons as well? That could lead us right to Gnul."
[General] Snowyetis asks, "Any thrown weapon experts out there?"
Evia says, "Maybe someones mother keeps him informed."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Grishim Shtone mebbe?"
Earthdiver says, "His own troops may be deceived as well."
Dwi heartily says, "Honest mite NOT burn...cause ye could jus turn to ice."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Geijon says, "Th' paranoia and noise would lend itself to Stone."
Tikba says, "Whoever Gnul is, they are capable of mustering a vast army. I am not sure their shape is important."
Geijon says, "What are th' facts of tonight everyone can present."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Heddo Geijon."
Larsya sighs.
[General] Snowyetis thinks, "A rogue using throw weapons would be fun."
Larsya says, "I am sorry, I was rude, and not lady like, or Athalia like, or whoever else is coming. I can't keep them straight."
Larsya nods at Dendum.
Speaking to Gutstorm, Geijon says, "Hello Gutstorm."
Speaking to Geijon, Evia asks, "Venimus vidimus vicimus?"
Thrassus asks, "Wait, she is coming here?"
Speaking to Larsya, Dendum says, ""It is ok you have failed mightily and this will make one upset."
Larsya says, "I just want to play pirate and not plinite."
Larsya nods at Dendum.
Dendum nods at Larsya.
Speaking drunkenly to Larsya, Gutstorm slurs, "Shoulda sheen Cryheart tonite around Athalia, him knee were knockin."
Larsya glances at Dendum.
Speaking evenly to Larsya, Kayse says, "Be yourself, it suits you. There is no reason to be like Athalia."
Dendum exclaims, ""If it makes you feel better fort still stands!"
Tikba says, "Do not fear. We failed together."
Speaking to Guarrin, Thrassus says, "Good, it would not have been a good idea."
Dendum raises his fist defiantly.
Speaking to Larsya, Geijon says, "Few of us were fooled by that and if you thought the game was fun, it wasn't. You were no pirate. We were at war."
Dwi heartily says, "A fortune aint worf nuffin if'n yer splatter'd frem here to restday."
Speaking to Larsya, Vaemyr says, "Perhaps we need to do some pirating then... and steal the plinite back..."
Earthdiver says, "Gnul will expect us to come for the plinite."
Larsya says, "...I take it all back. Your nose is bigger than your brain."
Larsya nods at Dendum.
Speaking to Larsya, Perigourd says, "They didn't get it all. This is something considering the nature of the surprise attack."
Speaking to Larsya, Kiyna says, "I think you're much better than Athalia."
Speaking to Larsya, Dendum says, ""Argh."
Speaking to Raelee, Vaemyr asks, "What type of workshop would they need to work with the Plinite?"
Speaking to Vaemyr, Kayse says, "That is sooo 5116."
Guarrin says, "Agreed."
Larsya exclaims, "Arggghh!"
Larsya nods at Dendum.
Dendum nods.
Speaking to Vaemyr, Raelee says, "None."
Larsya and Dendum shake hands.
Speaking heartily to Vaemyr, Dwi says, "Ye dunno dat many Dwarfs."
Raelee says, "People have done grand things with plinite with naught more than the crystal in their hands."
Larsya says, "We could try to steal it back."
Earthdiver says, "If I were him, I would split it up into many groups that later reconvene when the plan is ready."
Speaking to Earthdiver, Irval says, "Well I dont think hes in a position to hold on to it. Im sure he knows that we are coming for his forge. His only real recourse I feel is to utilize the plinite as fast as he can before we get to it first."
Larsya says, "I know Eli is trying to find their forge."
Speaking to Larsya, Dendum remarks, ""Now figure out how to stop Gnul from digging...else he could come back place exploding plinte under stone wall and you will not have a stone wall."
Speaking to Larsya, Perigourd asks, "Has Commander Sablo returned yet?"
Earthdiver says, "The faster his plan, the more crude I might expect it to be."
Larsya shrugs at Perigourd.
Speaking to Perigourd, Elliathe says, "I was just wondering that."
Thrassus says, "That would be a good idea, the longer they have it the more danger grows."
Larsya says, "He smells like the trolls, I couldn't tell if he's back or not."
Speaking to Larsya, Vaemyr says, "Perhaps if we hit the forge we can look for the plinite too."
Tikba helpfully suggests, "You should seek Commander Sablo using sight or sound, not smell."
Kelfyr says, "I'd think you'd have heard him, screaming through the forest."
Larsya nods at Vaemyr.
Larsya says, "I mean it though, those reports."
Larsya nods at Raelee.
Speaking to Larsya, Lylia asks, "He smells like the trolls?"
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Rooksh sheem shtealfy nuff, mebbe dey kin recover da plinite."
Larsya nods at Lylia.
Speaking curtly to Larsya, Raelee says, "Very well."
Lylia says, "Perhaps Dawn could smell more than we could."
Larsya says, "He's smells like dirt and spit."
Kiyna mutters, "I don't know why we're having that crass fool make the plans anyway..."
Elliathe amusedly states, "Sounds like someone needs a bath then."
Xorus remarks, "You are welcome to store the plinite in the Alabaster Spire. We do not mind the hazard of dangerous materials, and the Magister would still have unfettered access."
Speaking to Lylia, Thrassus says, "He likely has a battlefield wallowing habit much like Zolis."
Larsya says, "I could try...with Dawn...."
Larsya nods at Lylia.
Speaking to Larsya, Ulfwine says, ""He smells like a warrior."
Larsya says, "Do you..."
Ulfwine says, "Which is what he is."
Geijon whispers something to Evia.
Speaking to Thrassus, Lylia says, "Well, that would explain quite a lot."
Speaking casually to Larsya, Guarrin mentions, "Likely due to his extensive time in the field. Finding caravans. Or fighting gnul's forces."
Speaking heartily to Lylia, Dwi says, "Perhaps we could all go willy nilly wit some black powder anna pickaxes anna all gits rich? Not."
Larsya asks, "The plinite. Is there some? some I could safely hold?"
Lylia says, "Absolutely. We would be willing to take on this challenge."
Raelee offers Larsya a shard of green plinite.
Tikba says, "If the plinite is so powerful, then we must try to seize it back. If there is a trap, we must only not fall into it."
Speaking to Lylia, Thrassus says, "I do wish Zolis could meet him, they would get along swimmingly."
Larsya accepts Raelee's green plinite.
Larsya nods.
Larsya says, "Thank you."
Larsya says, "I'll see if Dawn can help. She hasn't come around much lately."
Speaking in Elven, Stormyrain murmurs something you don't understand.
Speaking to Larsya, Dendum remarks, ""You do know about spying crystals and other things in this fort yes?"
Larsya nods at Dendum.
Speaking to Stormyrain, Thrassus asks, "You have seen that helmet of his, yes?"
Larsya asks, "Did Eli come around earlier?"
Geijon says, "I tried."
Kiyna looks over at Larsya and shakes her head.
Speaking to Larsya, Perigourd asks, "This evening?"
Cryheart says, "I dinnae hear he did."
Larsya says, "Oh."
Larsya sighs.
Stormyrain says, "Yes he's quite fond of toss his hair back and putting that thing on, but traditionally that is at the end of our discussion and drink."
Larsya shrugs.
Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm slurs, "Big boom."
Speaking to Larsya, Tikba deadpans, "I will tell him you asked after him."
Vaemyr says, "Not that I've seen? We spoke to his brother the other night."
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Ye aint seeeen sucha boom."
Ulfwine says, "We haven't seen him in a few days."
Larsya says, "Please don't."
Tikba grins at Larsya.
Tikba says, "Do not fear."
Speaking to Larsya, Geijon says, "Lady Larsya, people need reassurance."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Thrassus says, "He hasn't cleaned it in over a decade, if that tells you anything."
Larsya says, "I fear nothing. I am Dread Black Pirate Larsya. I am fear."
Larsya says, "I am the danger."
Larsya nods at Tikba.
Larsya strikes a heroic pose.
Speaking slowly to Thrassus, Stormyrain says, "It tells me I'm glad our conversation is at an end when he puts that damned thing on, and I will thank him for it."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me fink Larsya hang out wit Shtormyrain to much."
Larsya put a shard of green plinite in her white leather cloak.
Tikba nods encouragingly at Larsya.
Larsya says, "Thank you all for your help."
Evia says, "That's what we do."
Larsya says, "We'll work on securing the rest of the plinite and getting rid of any more targets."
Larsya slings a light green wyrwood short bow off from over her shoulder.
Earthdiver says, "We stopped the other half from being taken, at least. Maybe that's enough to ruin his plans."
Mynon says, "Take care of yourself, Lady Larsya."
Larsya plucks at the string of her wyrwood short bow, making a dull twanging sound.
Earthdiver says, "Now only half the town will be on fire."
Elliathe muses, "We can hope."
Earthdiver says, "You need to look on the bright side of things."
Speaking to Larsya, Lylia says, "If there is anything we can do to help secure it, do call upon us."
Earthdiver says, "It will be very bright."
Speaking to Earthdiver, Vaemyr says, "I think... that was probably still enough to cover the whole town, and then some."
Larsya drums her fingers against a light green wyrwood short bow while glancing nonchalantly about the room.
Earthdiver says, "Actually."
Larsya nods at Lylia.
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Tried."
Speaking to Earthdiver, Kiyna says, "The bright side meaning, the half of town that will be on fire. Yes, I understand."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me got twenny on Dendum."
Larsya waves.
Lady Larsya just went west.