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North by Northwest (storyline)/2023-07-07 - Arranging Exchanging (log)
Koaratos 7-8, 5123
by Leafiara Autumnwind of the TownCrier
This log is purely intended as an archival record of spoken words and actions of characters within the game as could be witnessed by the character or characters who were present to record them. Leafiara's player and the TownCrier hold no position on the veracity, falsity, legitimacy, nor illegitimacy of any character dialogue, opinions, perspectives, interpretations, and stances presented herein.
Wehnimer's Landing eventually gets a signal from Warchief Haidan as blood red dust floats near the wooded hills. However, as adventurers go to investigate, they notice Commander Sablo on North Ring Road. He begins to say if there's danger, then marches away.
Adventurers eventually locate the source of the dust, then a scar in the area opens the way to the Ember Vale for them. They make their way inside and eventually meet Haidan in the Goatyard, the tavern of the Ember Vale's village. He's aware that they didn't bring Rheshay, so others instead explain Elidal's words about wanting a neutral location of the Alabaster Spire and confirmation that Aronia is alive. Haidan says that's near, but so is the Gryphons' den of soldiers, so the Vale would be wise to match one for one.
A spider wanders by and Haidan crushes it, then asks if the Landing is prepared to become the Ember Vale's enemies if this is a trap and Elidal betrays them; replies are mixed. Haidan says he'll consider their request, then people follow up about confirming Aronia's condition; Haidan signals another reiver to get her, then several come back escorting her, uninjured but bound and gagged with red webbing. She's led away, then Haidan says he'll send word when he's decided about everyone's request and when the exchange will happen.
People bring up Elidal's other request about wanting to meet with Haidan to speak about peace. Haidan asks if he's bled enough, then asks if even the Landing trusts the fancy lord and his kin when its own people rile and shake. He says it's unwise to agree to new words until they know if Elidal can even be trusted with Rheshay.
Meanwhile, just after saying he's done for the eve, he picks up an owl feather and shows off several more collected in his pouch. He tells Magister Raelee not to pluck her bird; she says he's molting; he says it's treachery, depending who one asks. Haidan says he's ordered everyone unharmed on their way out if they don't linger, then leaves and everyone else returns to the Landing.
Editing Protocol of this Log
- NPC dialogue, NPC actions, and PC dialogue or actions which NPCs react to are bolded.
- Actions are edited out unless they come from NPCs, are necessary to understand the context of surrounding dialogue that meets all other criteria, or are within the first three of a PC's responses to an NPC who was directing actions or dialogue toward them.
- Greetings, farewells, dialogue on OOC ESP channels, and dialogue related to various services including but not limited to healing, resurrection, locksmithing, armor adjustments, and spellups are edited out unless they come from NPCs, are directed toward NPCs, or are necessary to understand the context of surrounding dialogue that meets all other criteria.
- Dialogue in languages other than Common is presented from the perspective of a character who only knows Common so as not to give preferential treatment to languages which the logging character knows.
- IC group whispers are excluded so as not to give preferential treatment to the group which the logging character is in.
- OOC whispers that don't come from NPCs are excluded due to being OOC.
- Visible whispers are presented from the perspective of a third-party observer.
- Other dialogue not mentioned above is included.
- Travel between a starting room and destination room is excluded unless it shows off unique and newly created rooms.
- Combat is excluded.
- Rights are reserved to include anything that seems especially amusing, all of the above notwithstanding.
Idle Chatter
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the web-draped Missoni disk, the repousse copper Perigourd disk raised in leafy designs, a lazy wild crimson dog, the Scram disk, the Seagle disk, the Saiteari disk, the orange Grouk disk, a little blue penguin, the Trackesh disk, a whiskered cloudy grey panther, an animated troll-claw hovering in mid-air, the Khoal disk, the vermeil Julenne disk draped with silver strands of tidal pearls, the Citan disk, the violet Ashumm disk, a pale-faced coppery barn owl that is flying around, a majestic king cheetah, the Guennwhfar disk, the Chamorr disk, the Bluey disk, a whimsical forest spirit that is flying around, a black leather book flying around with its feathery wings, the discordant Lahanna disk, the Qiv disk, a pair of tall carved modwir poles supporting a festively painted banner, a path of particolored asters leading northwest, a round silver-banded barrel, an herbal remedy donation bin, some wide stone benches with some stuff on it and an old well.
Also here: Bernadette, Whimweaver Leafiara, Missoni, Preservationist Perigourd, Rivienne, Ketiosin, Seaward Scram, The Infamous Seagle, Saiteari, Sanies, The Infamous Grouk, The Infamous Trackesh, Jurist of Claw Citan, Julenne, Commodore Khoal, Ashumm, Lord Diablic, Lady Guennwhfar, Markx, Chamorr, Jurist of Eye Bluey, High Lady Lahanna, Qiv, Andromalius, Healai
Speaking to Missoni, Rivienne exclaims, "You did such a good job!"
Bluey sings:
The gangs all here!"
Speaking to Rivienne, Diablic says, "Likewise."
Speaking to Rivienne, Missoni exclaims, "Thank you!"
Speaking to Rivienne, Missoni says, "I had great fun."
Khoal recites heartily:
"Alright whos down to sail some?"
Bluey exclaims, "Ooo blessed rain!"
Speaking to Missoni, Rivienne says, "It looked fun, it was certainly fun to watch."
Julenne softly says, "Ooo."
The ghostly voice of Fetii says, "I got toasted nicely."
Julenne softly asks, "Drektor?"
Julenne softly asks, "Wanna sail?"
Guennwhfar asks, "What was that?"
Speaking to Rivienne, Missoni says, "I am so glad you enjoyed it."
Leafiara exclaims, "The crowd assembles!"
Bluey asks, "Fetii what took you apart?"
Khoal yells, "On me fer sailing!"
The ghostly voice of Fetii says, "I decided to ignore a trap and roasted myself."
Bluey says, "Well you did a fine job of it Fetii."
Speaking to Tikba, Perigourd says, "Despite the best efforts of those in the Sanctum, yes."
Speaking to Bluey, the ghostly voice of Fetii exclaims, "Thank you!"
Speaking to Fetii, Guennwhfar says, "Picking through traps almost never works."
Khoal yells, "Moving in like a min or so!"
Julenne softly exclaims, "Too family and Friends!"
Speaking to Guennwhfar, the ghostly voice of Fetii says, "Agreed."
Speaking to Perigourd, Tikba says, "You left abruptly. I am glad it was not serious."
Julenne softly says, "Mmm."
Speaking to Tikba, Perigourd says, "Serious in its own way."
Speaking to Rivienne, Diablic says, "What brings you to Landing/."
Vaemyr asks, "So obviously, everything is just gonna go perfect tonight, no issues whatsoever right?"
Speaking to Diablic, Rivienne says, "Revelia Carnivale."
Bluey says, "Brother stan still there is a spider on your nose."
Speaking to Diablic, Rivienne says, "I've really enjoyed it so far."
Julenne softly says, "Sure."
Speaking optimistically to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "Surely Haidan won't possibly take the counteroffer as an affront or insult."
Speaking to Rivienne, Diablic says, "I havent been yet."
Julenne softly says, "Go for it."
Speaking heartily to Vaemyr, Khoal says, "I could mess tings up if ya wan."
Ketiosin softly asks, "It?"
Speaking to Diablic, Rivienne says, "You should."
Speaking optimistically to Vaemyr, Leafiara continues, "No suspicions, doubts, concerns, or fears whatsoever."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Bakarus says, "I have not seen you in some time."
Citan deeply says, "No hurt Em's."
Speaking optimistically to Vaemyr, Leafiara concludes, "Why, this has fewer than fifty possible ways to go wrong."
Julenne softly says, "As long as it stays on that side."
Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Chamorr asks, "Tonight we bring the proposal?"
Julenne softly says, "Sailin."
Khoal recites heartily:
"We ready to head to the ship and leave these land lubber prollems on land?"
Speaking to Chamorr, Leafiara answers, "Being serious for a moment... yes."
Speaking to Khoal, Asben says, "Always runnin away."
Bluey says, "Wait be right back."
Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Chamorr asks, "Who? me?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "That's like... fifty less than our usual plans."
Speaking heartily to Asben, Khoal says, "Come sail away with me."
Speaking to Chamorr, Leafiara says, "No, everyone else."
Kiyna says, "If it seems like he's offended by the proposal, I won't hesitate to remind him whose decision that was. Let's hope he doesn't shoot the messenger."
Speaking brightly to Vaemyr, Leafiara agrees, "Exactly!"
Speaking to Alosaka, Bakarus says, "The short of opinion reporting."
Speaking to Khoal, Diablic says, "I will go. why not."
Speaking offhandedly to Kiyna, Leafiara says, "Oh, I doubt he'll be mad at us regardless."
Speaking heartily to Asben, Khoal asks, "You coming for a few rounds?"
Saiteari softly says, "He should be ready to go."
Leafiara ponders, "On another note, watch out for Sablo in the shadows or something."
Ketiosin softly says, "But he just got here."
The coppery barn owl hoots at Leafiara.
Speaking to Bluey, the ghostly voice of Fetii says, "I can't directly replace it, but sure."
Speaking heartily to Asben, Khoal says, "Wack."
Re-Entering the Vale
A fleck of blood red dust floats near the wooded hills.
Julenne softly says, "I will replace it."
Speaking to Lylia, Guennwhfar asks, "Imperatrix of what imaginary nation?"
Leafiara curiously says, "Well then."
Vaemyr says, "Or Remnants, or anyone else that might want to ruin things."
Khoal yells, "We moving in 10 seconds!"
Leafiara recites:
"Everyone join Cryheart!"
Fetii exclaims, "I'm blind!"
Cryheart says, "Time to head to the wooded hills."
Leafiara hopefully says, "One of these days Pukk will make his glorious return and resume herald duties."
Cryheart says, "Leaving soon."
Speaking heartily to Cryheart, Chamorr says, "You shore is poplar."
Bluey says, "Sure thing Fetii."
Cryheart says, "Moving out."
Sir Cryheart's group just went north.
[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
The road turns gradually at this point as it forms the northwest corner of the city. The main path curves along the north and west walls, and another leads south between the buildings. The massive oak and modwir logs of the city palisade tower overhead. You also see the web-draped Missoni disk, the repousse copper Perigourd disk raised in leafy designs, a lazy wild crimson dog, a path of particolored asters leading east and an old weathered cart with some stuff on it.
Also here: Whimweaver Leafiara, Chamorr, Bernadette, Lord Thrassus, Tikba, Bakarus, Lord Spenster who is invisible, Asben, Imperatrix Lylia, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Sir Cryheart, Missoni, Preservationist Perigourd, Commander Sablo
Speaking to Sablo, Perigourd says, "Not uncommon over the last few evenings."
[Cryheart briefly moves past him, then returns after noticing]
Cryheart says, "Evening Commander."
Sablo says, "No, seems it's not uncommon at all."
Sablo says, "Evening."
[General] Saiteari thinks, "Cannot see the stars tonight for the clouds; hope that isn't indicative of a storm coming."
Tikba mildly greets, "Commander."
Sablo says, "If there is danger..."
Sablo nods.
Commander Sablo just marched off to the southwest.
Missoni optimistically says, "It will be a peaceful discussion."
Chamorr heartily says, "You comin to deliver a proposal fer peace, huh."
Leafiara asks, "Was that some kind of ultimatum?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr asks, "Uhhh I see things are already off to a great start?"
Kiyna asks, "What happened?"
Cryheart says, "Moving out."
Leafiara yells, "We don't need your help either way!"
Perigourd says, "I think he meant that he's here to assist if the town comes under attack."
Alosaka says, "I got some mapping tools."
A fleck of red dust falls down.
Tikba mildly says, "I prefer to know Sablo's intentions rather than to presume them."
Alosaka says, "If we can spot some higher features like mountains in the Vale, I can try to figure out our location."
Chamorr heartily says, "Right, bring a peace propsal while plannin an invasion, when that ever happen."
[Lower Dragonsclaw, Wooded Hills]
This face of the hill is completely bare of trees, and doesn't even have many bushes. You notice that even the bird and insect noises are gone, leaving you with an eerie silence, broken only by the wind. Off the side of the trail, you notice a depression in the hillside, with a dark pit at the bottom. You also see a velnalin, a sharp-nosed grey puppy with long corded fur, the coffin-shaped Maevie disk, the purple Spenster disk, the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk, the web-draped Missoni disk, the Chamorr disk, the repousse copper Perigourd disk raised in leafy designs, a lazy wild crimson dog, a concerned wasteland spirit that is flying around, a sleek grey-headed hawk that is flying around and a flame-eyed burnished ember fox.
Flecks of red ichor begin to float in the air and then slowly form a jagged scar in the air before you, which begins to spread and expand like a dripping, wicked grin.
Bakarus says, "So violent."
Bakarus says, "I would never."
Tayler says, "That looks welcoming."
Perigourd says, "About as welcoming as the Rift."
Vaemyr says, "Bout as welcoming as last time."
Cryheart asks, "We awaiting Lord Elidal?"
Cryheart asks, "Or someone else?"
Leafiara says, "We're awaiting Haidan."
Alosaka says, "I don't think Lord Elidal is coming this time."
Cryheart says, "Ahhh."
Tikba says, "Elidal was warned specifically not to come."
Speaking to Cryheart, Vaemyr says, "I don't think he was coming tonight, we advised him that would probably be a mistake currently."
Cryheart says, "Ok."
Speaking to Deckits, Lylia says, "Good to see you."
Leafiara says, "Or maybe just messengers of Haidan's inviting us in... but either way."
Flecks of crimson dust form outside of the maw, then float inside.
Cryheart says, "Aye."
Alosaka says, "Well, I think we're invited in."
Thrassus says, "We only carry a reply this evening."
Kiyna says, "Alright, fine."
Cryheart says, "Let us try."
Missoni agrees, "I suppose we ought to."
Tikba says, "Haidan expected us to visit him, yes."
Speaking to Lylia, Deckits says, "Great to see you as well, it has been awhile."
[Luinne Bheinn, Granite Edge]
Wind-scarred walls of rugged granite form a high natural barrier around a deep valley nestled among the mountain range below. Several rocks have been chiseled away into the shape of crude ramparts, giving the very peaks a castle-like appearance. You also see a gaping incarnadine maw dripping wiith reddish-black blood.
Obvious paths: northeast, south
[Luinne Bheinn, Granite Edge]
Wind-scarred walls of rugged granite form a high natural barrier around a deep valley nestled among the mountain range below. Several rocks have been chiseled away into the shape of crude ramparts, giving the very peaks a castle-like appearance.
[Luinne Bheinn, Granite Edge]
Wind-scarred walls of rugged granite form a high natural barrier around a deep valley nestled among the mountain range below. Several rocks have been chiseled away into the shape of crude ramparts, giving the very peaks a castle-like appearance.
[Luinne Bheinn, Granite Edge] Wind-scarred walls of rugged granite form a high natural barrier around a deep valley nestled among the mountain range below. Several rocks have been chiseled away into the shape of crude ramparts, giving the very peaks a castle-like appearance.
[Luinne Bheinn, Granite Edge]
Wind-scarred walls of rugged granite form a high natural barrier around a deep valley nestled among the mountain range below. Several rocks have been chiseled away into the shape of crude ramparts, giving the very peaks a castle-like appearance.
Alosaka says, "Go slowly."
[Luinne Bheinn, Granite Edge]
Wind-scarred walls of rugged granite form a high natural barrier around a deep valley nestled among the mountain range below. Several rocks have been chiseled away into the shape of crude ramparts, giving the very peaks a castle-like appearance.
[Luinne Bheinn, Granite Edge]
Wind-scarred walls of rugged granite form a high natural barrier around a deep valley nestled among the mountain range below. Several rocks have been chiseled away into the shape of crude ramparts, giving the very peaks a castle-like appearance.
Alosaka says, "Look for features we recognize. Mountain peaks."
Missoni agrees, "We should observe."
Kiyna says, "We're gonna run into that sea of bones here soon..."
[yes, by the way, these are all different rooms]
[Luinne Bheinn, Granite Edge]
Wind-scarred walls of rugged granite form a high natural barrier around a deep valley nestled among the mountain range below. Several rocks have been chiseled away into the shape of crude ramparts, giving the very peaks a castle-like appearance.
Alosaka says, "This... high valley doesn't help, but we may be able to see over the edges at some point."
[Luinne Bheinn, Granite Edge]
Wind-scarred walls of rugged granite form a high natural barrier around a deep valley nestled among the mountain range below. Several rocks have been chiseled away into the shape of crude ramparts, giving the very peaks a castle-like appearance.
[Luinne Bheinn, Granite Edge]
Wind-scarred walls of rugged granite form a high natural barrier around a deep valley nestled among the mountain range below. Several rocks have been chiseled away into the shape of crude ramparts, giving the very peaks a castle-like appearance. You also see a moss-covered slope.
[General] Sirtalman thinks, "Perfect night for a bonfire."
[Luinne Bheinn, Granite Edge]
Wind-scarred walls of rugged granite form a high natural barrier around a deep valley nestled among the mountain range below. Several rocks have been chiseled away into the shape of crude ramparts, giving the very peaks a castle-like appearance.
[Luinne Bheinn, Granite Edge]
Wind-scarred walls of rugged granite form a high natural barrier around a deep valley nestled among the mountain range below. Several rocks have been chiseled away into the shape of crude ramparts, giving the very peaks a castle-like appearance.
Missoni murmurs, "They have good wards. I cannot see the rune pattern."
[Luinne Bheinn, Granite Edge]
Wind-scarred walls of rugged granite form a high natural barrier around a deep valley nestled among the mountain range below. Several rocks have been chiseled away into the shape of crude ramparts, giving the very peaks a castle-like appearance. You also see a gaping incarnadine maw dripping wiith reddish-black blood.
Cryheart says, "Well..we hae made a complete circle it seems."
Alosaka says, "Looks like a Shroud, almost."
Alosaka says, "Like the Grimswarm use to hide."
Missoni says, "Given some time, I think we could disrupt it."
[General] Tikba thinks, "For those who wish to visit the Ember Vale, the way has been opened for us."
Vaemyr asks, "We not heading to the Vale?"
Chamorr heartily says, "Afore we break da door down, maybe letem know we here."
[General] Bakarus asks, "This sounds positive?"
Someone in the crowd says, "Wasn't there a slope we passed?"
Cryheart says, "Hmmm."
[Luinne Bheinn, Granite Edge]
Wind-scarred walls of rugged granite form a high natural barrier around a deep valley nestled among the mountain range below. Several rocks have been chiseled away into the shape of crude ramparts, giving the very peaks a castle-like appearance. You also see a moss-covered slope.
Bakarus says, "I am a pilgrim, I will stay in the back."
Vaemyr says, "Yes there was definitely a slope."
Cryheart says, "Aha."
Sir Cryheart's group just climbed down a moss-covered slope.
[Luinne Bheinn, Skyline Slope]
Patches of dark green moss cling to jagged clusters of rocks along the winding slope, while the ground itself is blackened and pitted from lighting or fire from the sky. A cool breeze stirs through the angled passage, and lights flicker below in the center of the valley. You also see the repousse copper Perigourd disk raised in leafy designs.
Alosaka says, "I wonder if they can see our flares back in the Landing."
[General] Tikba thinks, "We must hope it will be."
[Luinne Bheinn, Skyline Slope]
Patches of dark green moss cling to jagged clusters of rocks along the winding slope, while the ground itself is blackened and pitted from lighting or fire from the sky. A cool breeze stirs through the angled passage, and lights flicker below in the center of the valley.
Speaking to Perigourd, Bakarus says, "I am glad you are here."
[Luinne Bheinn, Skyline Slope]
Patches of dark green moss cling to jagged clusters of rocks along the winding slope, while the ground itself is blackened and pitted from lighting or fire from the sky. A cool breeze stirs through the angled passage, and lights flicker below in the center of the valley.
[Luinne Bheinn, Skyline Slope]
Patches of dark green moss cling to jagged clusters of rocks along the winding slope, while the ground itself is blackened and pitted from lighting or fire from the sky. A cool breeze stirs through the angled passage, and lights flicker below in the center of the valley.
Speaking to Bakarus, Missoni says, "I will do my best to see to your safety."
[Luinne Bheinn, Skyline Slope]
Patches of dark green moss cling to jagged clusters of rocks along the winding slope, while the ground itself is blackened and pitted from lighting or fire from the sky. A cool breeze stirs through the angled passage, and lights flicker below in the center of the valley.
[Luinne Bheinn, Skyline Slope]
Patches of dark green moss cling to jagged clusters of rocks along the winding slope, while the ground itself is blackened and pitted from lighting or fire from the sky. A cool breeze stirs through the angled passage, and lights flicker below in the center of the valley.
[The Ember Vale, Bone Nest]
At the base of the slope is a narrow field that has been cluttered by hundreds of bones. Meat still clings to several rotted skeletons, but several large vultures strut among the remains, pecking and peeling as they go. The odor of death and blood emanate throughout the area, only stirred about by the wind from the passage above.
[General] Alosaka asks, "Did anyone see a golden griffin flare in the Landing area a moment ago?"
[The Ember Vale, Bone Nest]
At the base of the slope is a narrow field that has been cluttered by hundreds of bones. Meat still clings to several rotted skeletons, but several large vultures strut among the remains, pecking and peeling as they go. The odor of death and blood emanate throughout the area, only stirred about by the wind from the passage above.
Kiyna says, "...Aye, here it is."
Speaking to Missoni, Bakarus says, "You are kind, I am frail."
[The Ember Vale, Bone Nest]
At the base of the slope is a narrow field that has been cluttered by hundreds of bones. Meat still clings to several rotted skeletons, but several large vultures strut among the remains, pecking and peeling as they go. The odor of death and blood emanate throughout the area, only stirred about by the wind from the passage above.
[The Ember Vale, Field of Tombs]
The valley opens wide, complete with swathes of verdant grass and low rocky platforms. The dirt is stained black with blood in several spots, with faint trails leading away as if bodies were drug off by victorious predators. The ground is littered with broken spearheads and arrows. The first sign of stone buildings rise up ahead.
[The Ember Vale, Field of Tombs]
The valley opens wide, complete with swathes of verdant grass and low rocky platforms. The dirt is stained black with blood in several spots, with faint trails leading away as if bodies were drug off by victorious predators. The ground is littered with broken spearheads and arrows. The first sign of stone buildings rise up ahead.
[The Ember Vale, Field of Tombs]
The valley opens wide, complete with swathes of verdant grass and low rocky platforms. The dirt is stained black with blood in several spots, with faint trails leading away as if bodies were drug off by victorious predators. The ground is littered with broken spearheads and arrows. The first sign of stone buildings rise up ahead.
[The Ember Vale, Field of Tombs]
The valley opens wide, complete with swathes of verdant grass and low rocky platforms. The dirt is stained black with blood in several spots, with faint trails leading away as if bodies were drug off by victorious predators. The ground is littered with broken spearheads and arrows. The first sign of stone buildings rise up ahead.
[The Ember Vale, Viridian Pass]
Beyond the stretch of rock and blood, the land turns verdant and lush, with entire swathes of vibrant green grass leading in all directions. To the east, the plump forms of mountain roltons graze in fenced meadows, and to the west, the land is dotted with several farms. To the north stands a wide gathering of stone walls and buildings, bathed in the moonlight from the open sky high above.
[The Ember Vale, Viridian Pass]
Beyond the stretch of rock and blood, the land turns verdant and lush, with entire swathes of vibrant green grass leading in all directions. To the east, the plump forms of mountain roltons graze in fenced meadows, and to the west, the land is dotted with several farms. To the north stands a wide gathering of stone walls and buildings, bathed in the moonlight from the open sky high above.
[General] Rivienne thinks, "I saw a golden griffin flare."
[The Ember Vale, Viridian Pass]
Beyond the stretch of rock and blood, the land turns verdant and lush, with entire swathes of vibrant green grass leading in all directions. To the east, the plump forms of mountain roltons graze in fenced meadows, and to the west, the land is dotted with several farms. To the north stands a wide gathering of stone walls and buildings, bathed in the moonlight from the open sky high above.
Also here: Chamorr, Preservationist Perigourd, Bernadette, Lord Thrassus, Tikba, Bakarus, Asben, Imperatrix Lylia, Magister Raelee, Town Councilor Vaemyr, Town Councilor Kiyna, Squire Alosaka, Missoni, Gardener Maevie, Town Councilor Kayse, Sarissa Tayler, Deckits, Xorus, Sir Cryheart
A tiiny red spider skitters by.
[General] Alosaka asks, "Where did it seem to come from?"
A tiny one too.
[The Ember Vale, Northern Gate]
Rough walls of stone expand outward, providing several chiseled ramparts for guards above. Glimpsed beyond the parapets are flat thatched roofs of numerous buildings and homes. Wedged between tall stone towers stands a sturdy wooden gate.
Alosaka says, "Interesting."
[General] Rivienne thinks, "Talador, I believe."
Speaking in Sylvankind, Kayse slowly deadpans something you don't understand.
Missoni blandly says, "Oops."
(OOC) Kenstrom's player whispers to the group, "Flares fixed. Ignore Talador haha."
Some reivers appear upon the ramparts.
Deckits says, "Well, this snail seems to have woken up."
Leafiara amiably greets, "Hello there!"
Cryheart yells, "Hello!"
Vaemyr says, "Greetings."
Tikba loudly explains, "We have come to speak with the Warchief, regarding the proposed exchange."
A reiver guard shouts down, "We'll open the gates, the Warchief will meet ye in the Goatyard soon enough. If ye wand'r, behave, or else."
Cryheart yells, "Ok!"
Leafiara yells, "Good to know, thank you!"
Tikba loudly says, "Thank you."
The gates creak open.
[The Ember Vale, Outer Ring]
Dozens of stone homes and buildings are positioned about, some with brick chimneys filling the air with smoke and heat. Beds of flowers line rough granite walkways, each one meandering through clusters of sturdy rock structures. Huge blue-grey earthen walls encircle the area. You also see a sturdy wooden gate.
Bakarus says, "We always behave."
[The Ember Vale, Outer Ring]
Dozens of stone homes and buildings are positioned about, some with brick chimneys filling the air with smoke and heat. Beds of flowers line rough granite walkways, each one meandering through clusters of sturdy rock structures. Huge blue-grey earthen walls encircle the area.
Tayler asks, "... did he say goatyard?"
Chamorr heartily says, "Poorly."
Thrassus says, "He did."
[The Ember Vale, Outer Ring]
Dozens of stone homes and buildings are positioned about, some with brick chimneys filling the air with smoke and heat. Beds of flowers line rough granite walkways, each one meandering through clusters of sturdy rock structures. Huge blue-grey earthen walls encircle the area.
[The Ember Vale, Outer Ring]
Dozens of stone homes and buildings are positioned about, some with brick chimneys filling the air with smoke and heat. Beds of flowers line rough granite walkways, each one meandering through clusters of sturdy rock structures. Huge blue-grey earthen walls encircle the area.
Leafiara affirms, "Yes, the Goatyard."
Speaking amusedly to Tayler, Tikba says, "Where they keep the goats."
[The Ember Vale, Outer Ring]
Dozens of stone homes and buildings are positioned about, some with brick chimneys filling the air with smoke and heat. Beds of flowers line rough granite walkways, each one meandering through clusters of sturdy rock structures. Huge blue-grey earthen walls encircle the area.
[The Ember Vale, Outer Ring]
Dozens of stone homes and buildings are positioned about, some with brick chimneys filling the air with smoke and heat. Beds of flowers line rough granite walkways, each one meandering through clusters of sturdy rock structures. Huge blue-grey earthen walls encircle the area.
[The Ember Vale, Outer Ring]
Dozens of stone homes and buildings are positioned about, some with brick chimneys filling the air with smoke and heat. Beds of flowers line rough granite walkways, each one meandering through clusters of sturdy rock structures. Huge blue-grey earthen walls encircle the area.
Asben says, "There better be goats."
[The Ember Vale, Outer Ring]
Dozens of stone homes and buildings are positioned about, some with brick chimneys filling the air with smoke and heat. Beds of flowers line rough granite walkways, each one meandering through clusters of sturdy rock structures. Huge blue-grey earthen walls encircle the area.
Bernadette softly asks, "Mebbe fer goats?"
[The Ember Vale, Outer Ring]
Dozens of stone homes and buildings are positioned about, some with brick chimneys filling the air with smoke and heat. Beds of flowers line rough granite walkways, each one meandering through clusters of sturdy rock structures. Huge blue-grey earthen walls encircle the area.
Sir Cryheart's group just went east.
[The Ember Vale, Fennel Road]
Running east and west, the path is weathered and, in some places, uneven. Large stone structures dominate the edges of the road, some with rock or thatched roofs. Wooden booths and stalls are set about, many unattended but filled with various fruits or dried meats. You also see a soot-stained stone building.
[The Ember Vale, Fennel Road]
Running east and west, the path is weathered and, in some places, uneven. Large stone structures dominate the edges of the road, some with rock or thatched roofs. Wooden booths and stalls are set about, many unattended but filled with various fruits or dried meats.
[The Ember Vale, Fennel Road]
Running east and west, the path is weathered and, in some places, uneven. Large stone structures dominate the edges of the road, some with rock or thatched roofs. Wooden booths and stalls are set about, many unattended but filled with various fruits or dried meats. You also see a tall stone chapel.
[The Ember Vale, Dryad Lane]
Running north and south, the path here is worn and smoothed with only a few rough patches of gravel and jutted rocks. Granite buildings frame the path, many set with open windows that provide a measure of warm orange glows from candles or fireplaces. A mountain breeze stirs through the area. You also see a fortified huge wooden gate.
[The Ember Vale, Dryad Lane]
Running north and south, the path here is worn and smoothed with only a few rough patches of gravel and jutted rocks. Granite buildings frame the path, many set with open windows that provide a measure of warm orange glows from candles or fireplaces. A mountain breeze stirs through the area. You also see a tall reiver sculptor.
Thrassus says, "It makes sense to keep one's herd in the central, most defensive part of the place."
[The Ember Vale, Dryad Lane]
Running north and south, the path here is worn and smoothed with only a few rough patches of gravel and jutted rocks. Granite buildings frame the path, many set with open windows that provide a measure of warm orange glows from candles or fireplaces. A mountain breeze stirs through the area. You also see a two-story stone building.
[The Ember Vale, Dryad Lane]
Running north and south, the path here is worn and smoothed with only a few rough patches of gravel and jutted rocks. Granite buildings frame the path, many set with open windows that provide a measure of warm orange glows from candles or fireplaces. A mountain breeze stirs through the area. You also see a tall dusty black tent.
[The Ember Vale, Outer Ring]
Dozens of stone homes and buildings are positioned about, some with brick chimneys filling the air with smoke and heat. Beds of flowers line rough granite walkways, each one meandering through clusters of sturdy rock structures. Huge blue-grey earthen walls encircle the area.
Alosaka says, "I... did not mark any 'goatyard' the last time we were here."
Tikba says, "If you do not have a fence, the goats will get everywhere."
Speaking to Thrassus, Tayler says, "Breed the right sort of goats and they'll defend themselves."
Cryheart says, "Well..your guess is as good as anyones."
Alosaka says, "Try the center of town. South of here."
[The Ember Vale, Dryad Lane]
Running north and south, the path here is worn and smoothed with only a few rough patches of gravel and jutted rocks. Granite buildings frame the path, many set with open windows that provide a measure of warm orange glows from candles or fireplaces. A mountain breeze stirs through the area. You also see a tall dusty black tent.
[The Ember Vale, Dryad Lane]
Running north and south, the path here is worn and smoothed with only a few rough patches of gravel and jutted rocks. Granite buildings frame the path, many set with open windows that provide a measure of warm orange glows from candles or fireplaces. A mountain breeze stirs through the area. You also see a two-story stone building.
[The Ember Vale, Dryad Lane]
Running north and south, the path here is worn and smoothed with only a few rough patches of gravel and jutted rocks. Granite buildings frame the path, many set with open windows that provide a measure of warm orange glows from candles or fireplaces. A mountain breeze stirs through the area. You also see a tall reiver sculptor.
Alosaka says, "At the intersection."
[The Ember Vale, Dryad Lane]
Running north and south, the path here is worn and smoothed with only a few rough patches of gravel and jutted rocks. Granite buildings frame the path, many set with open windows that provide a measure of warm orange glows from candles or fireplaces. A mountain breeze stirs through the area. You also see a fortified huge wooden gate.
Cryheart says, "Tis closed."
Alosaka says, "This is where we recovered the children last time."
Leafiara helpfully says, "The place can only be so large. Surely we'll see, hear, or smell the goats eventually."
Several burly reivers man the ramparts above, and shake their head. "Move along."
Cryheart says, "Oh."
[The Ember Vale, Dryad Lane]
Running north and south, the path here is worn and smoothed with only a few rough patches of gravel and jutted rocks. Granite buildings frame the path, many set with open windows that provide a measure of warm orange glows from candles or fireplaces. A mountain breeze stirs through the area. You also see a tall reiver sculptor.
[The Ember Vale, Dryad Lane]
Running north and south, the path here is worn and smoothed with only a few rough patches of gravel and jutted rocks. Granite buildings frame the path, many set with open windows that provide a measure of warm orange glows from candles or fireplaces. A mountain breeze stirs through the area. You also see a two-story stone building.
[The Ember Vale, Garrison]
The stench of sweat and oiled metal has infused the area, and the ground holds crumpled piles of ruined armor plates. Numerous cots fit along a wall, some even built into the wall with a connecting ladder to the floor. A stained stew pot bubbles with the day's meal in the center of the room.
[The Ember Vale, Dryad Lane]
Running north and south, the path here is worn and smoothed with only a few rough patches of gravel and jutted rocks. Granite buildings frame the path, many set with open windows that provide a measure of warm orange glows from candles or fireplaces. A mountain breeze stirs through the area. You also see a two-story stone building.
[The Ember Vale, Dryad Lane]
Running north and south, the path here is worn and smoothed with only a few rough patches of gravel and jutted rocks. Granite buildings frame the path, many set with open windows that provide a measure of warm orange glows from candles or fireplaces. A mountain breeze stirs through the area. You also see a tall dusty black tent.
[The Ember Vale, Shaman Tent]
Thick canopies of black rolton hide are pulled tight to form the walls of the tent, with a singular curtain of bone beads leading out. The ground is almost moist and black with old blood. Piles of nibbled bones lie in a corner, flies buzzing around some gamey meat still clinging to greasy ligaments. The air is heavy, almost suffocating.
Kiyna says, "Oh. The Goatyard is the tavern."
[The Ember Vale, Dryad Lane]
Running north and south, the path here is worn and smoothed with only a few rough patches of gravel and jutted rocks. Granite buildings frame the path, many set with open windows that provide a measure of warm orange glows from candles or fireplaces. A mountain breeze stirs through the area. You also see a tall dusty black tent.
[The Ember Vale, Outer Ring]
Dozens of stone homes and buildings are positioned about, some with brick chimneys filling the air with smoke and heat. Beds of flowers line rough granite walkways, each one meandering through clusters of sturdy rock structures. Huge blue-grey earthen walls encircle the area.
Alosaka says, "Ah."
[The Ember Vale, Outer Ring]
Dozens of stone homes and buildings are positioned about, some with brick chimneys filling the air with smoke and heat. Beds of flowers line rough granite walkways, each one meandering through clusters of sturdy rock structures. Huge blue-grey earthen walls encircle the area.
Alosaka says, "East of the interesection."
[The Ember Vale, Outer Ring]
Dozens of stone homes and buildings are positioned about, some with brick chimneys filling the air with smoke and heat. Beds of flowers line rough granite walkways, each one meandering through clusters of sturdy rock structures. Huge blue-grey earthen walls encircle the area.
[The Ember Vale, Outer Ring]
Dozens of stone homes and buildings are positioned about, some with brick chimneys filling the air with smoke and heat. Beds of flowers line rough granite walkways, each one meandering through clusters of sturdy rock structures. Huge blue-grey earthen walls encircle the area.
[The Ember Vale, Outer Ring]
Dozens of stone homes and buildings are positioned about, some with brick chimneys filling the air with smoke and heat. Beds of flowers line rough granite walkways, each one meandering through clusters of sturdy rock structures. Huge blue-grey earthen walls encircle the area.
[The Ember Vale, Dryad Lane]
Running north and south, the path here is worn and smoothed with only a few rough patches of gravel and jutted rocks. Granite buildings frame the path, many set with open windows that provide a measure of warm orange glows from candles or fireplaces. A mountain breeze stirs through the area. You also see a tall dusty black tent.
[The Ember Vale, Dryad Lane] Running north and south, the path here is worn and smoothed with only a few rough patches of gravel and jutted rocks. Granite buildings frame the path, many set with open windows that provide a measure of warm orange glows from candles or fireplaces. A mountain breeze stirs through the area. You also see a two-story stone building.
[The Ember Vale, Dryad Lane]
Running north and south, the path here is worn and smoothed with only a few rough patches of gravel and jutted rocks. Granite buildings frame the path, many set with open windows that provide a measure of warm orange glows from candles or fireplaces. A mountain breeze stirs through the area. You also see a tall reiver sculptor.
Tayler asks, "The... Tavern is called the Goatyard?"
[The Ember Vale, Dryad Lane]
Running north and south, the path here is worn and smoothed with only a few rough patches of gravel and jutted rocks. Granite buildings frame the path, many set with open windows that provide a measure of warm orange glows from candles or fireplaces. A mountain breeze stirs through the area. You also see a fortified huge wooden gate.
[The Ember Vale, Fennel Road]
Running east and west, the path is weathered and, in some places, uneven. Large stone structures dominate the edges of the road, some with rock or thatched roofs. Wooden booths and stalls are set about, many unattended but filled with various fruits or dried meats.
Leafiara amusedly says, "Oh, guess he could have just said that."
[The Ember Vale, Fennel Road]
Running east and west, the path is weathered and, in some places, uneven. Large stone structures dominate the edges of the road, some with rock or thatched roofs. Wooden booths and stalls are set about, many unattended but filled with various fruits or dried meats. You also see a wide stone tavern.
Chamorr heartily says, "Tavern, excellent choice."
Awaiting Haidan
[The Goatyard]
A long wooden counter runs the length of the back wall, stained with old liquor and blood. Corked bottles line cubbies that have been hollowed into the stone wall, and mounted between them is a huge, grizzled goat's head with bulbous lifeless eyes. Tables and chairs are placed about, some of them more worn down than others. The aromatic blend of spices and meat wafts through the area. You also see a scar-covered reiver barkeep.
Cryheart says, "Ahah."
>l on count
On the wooden counter:
Food/Drink [15]: a mug of thick sludgy coffee, a mug of ginger mead, a glass of pomegranate juice, a tankard of oatmeal stout, a shot of ice blue vodka, a glass of fresh goat milk, a mug of dark brown ale, a fried boar's ear, a bowl of mutton stew, a trencher of baked raccoon, a whole roasted tomato, a skewer of grilled manticore, a handful of crispy grilled tadpoles, a salted strip of porcupine meat, a haunch of grilled rabbit in birch bark
Tayler says, "No goats, alas."
Alosaka confesses, "I just marked it as the 'tavern'."
Speaking amiably to a scar-covered reiver barkeep, Leafiara exclaims, "Good eve!"
Tikba says, "A poor place to keep goats."
Cryheart says, "Well...good to know for reference sake."
Speaking to Tayler, Kayse says, "I gave you all plenty of goats two months ago at Goat Fest."
Speaking heartily to a scar-covered reiver barkeep, Chamorr says, "Howdy, my tab still open."
Speaking to Kayse, Tayler says, "Very true."
Alosaka says, "Ooh."
The barkeep says, "Yer early. Haidan will nae be 'long fer anoth'r ten minutes. Perhaps ye not take every table jus' yet? Wand'r a bit, enjoy our people. We nae much different."
Leafiara muses, "Fair enough, I suppose."
Speaking civilly to a scar-covered reiver barkeep, Lylia says, "Thank you for the invitation."
Bernadette softly says, "We dun like ta be late."
Tayler says, "That looks a little..."
Missoni says, "I would like to talk to that sculptor a bit... Perhaps a commission for the gallery."
Tayler says, "Thick."
Leafiara pleasantly comments, "Sweet juice."
Perigourd says, "Hmm.."
Some reivers approach, then suddenly stop. They look at the large crowd and grumble. They march out and the barkeep sighs.
Cryheart says, "Sorry barkeep."
Leafiara says, "I think we might be interfering with his business..."
Cryheart says, "Aye."
Leafiara ponders, "Then again, it was Haidan's idea..."
Speaking to a scar-covered reiver barkeep, Vaemyr says, "Sorry... we were told to wait there."
Speaking to a scar-covered reiver barkeep, Tayler says, "How much do you make an evening, I'm sure we can repay you for your lost business."
Speaking to a scar-covered reiver barkeep, Lylia says, "We should not take up all your tables without offering you business."
Deckits takes a bite of his crispy grilled tadpoles.
Deckits says, "Oof, salty."
Bakarus says, "An exchange."
Speaking heartily to a scar-covered reiver barkeep, Chamorr says, "Smooth vodka, how ya keep it so cold."
Speaking to Chamorr, Tayler says, "Ice, I suspect."
Thrassus says, "Thier chapel is rather bare."
Speaking heartily to Tayler, Chamorr says, "Its really cold."
Thrassus says, "Nothing that indicates who it is dedicated to."
Speaking to Thrassus, Tikba says, "Unused, perhaps."
Neutrality Considerations
Warchief Haidan just arrived.
Tikba says, "It is not consecrated."
Speaking to Thrassus, Bakarus asks, "As second council, is it ok to drink?"
Cryheart says, "Evening."
Speaking amiably to Haidan, Leafiara greets, "Good eve!"
Thrassus shrugs at Bakarus.
Haidan squints.
Speaking heartily to Haidan, Chamorr says, "Howdy."
Speaking to Thrassus, Bakarus says, "Your council is...terrible."
Tikba politely greets, "Warchief."
Haidan nods.
Haidan says, "I've been told ye dinnae bring Rheshay."
Speaking to Bakarus, Thrassus says, "I doubt you will keel over, if that is what you are asking."
Speaking heartily to Haidan, Chamorr says, "Have a vodka, its good stuff ya got here."
Cryheart asks, "Were we supposed to?"
Speaking to Haidan, Thrassus says, "We do bring a reply however."
Tikba says, "Elidal did not agree to make the exchange within the Vale, just as you would not agree to make the exchange within the camp."
Leafiara explains, "Elidal has some issues of paranoia."
Haidan says, "Many yappin' chiefs."
Haidan shakes his head.
Tikba says, "We must find a location acceptable to both parties."
Speaking heartily to Haidan, Chamorr says, "Cant deny that."
Lylia offers, "We have such a location in mind."
Speaking to Haidan, Thrassus says, "He proposes a neutral place for the exchange."
Haidan says, "He speaks o' paranoia..."
Haidan smirks.
Speaking to Haidan, Thrassus says, "One that neither party could use to enact any treachery."
Bernadette softly says, "Dis be gud coffee."
Haidan says, "It was he that und'rwent the treachery."
Haidan says, "We only repaid it in kind."
Kelfyr asks, "Does recognizing that allow us to move past it?"
Tikba mildly says, "And now both parties understand each other."
Speaking to Haidan, Vaemyr says, "We still would like to faciliate an exchange, but at a bit more... neutral location? We also would please request to see proof that Aronia is alive."
Leafiara frankly says, "Elidal has doubts--well, no, correcting myself, he *expresses* doubts that Aronia is even still alive, so in part we've come in hopes to verify such."
Haidan frowns.
Haidan asks, "And where does this fancy man propose? In yer walls I am to guess?"
Haidan asks, "Or perhaps in the bed wit' yer krol captain ye share it wit'?"
Speaking to Haidan, Thrassus says, "The Alabaster Spire."
Bakarus whispers something to Zeminar.
Lylia explains, "Neither within his walls, nor yours. Nor is it within the Landing."
Haidan says, "It is near."
Alosaka curiously asks, "Is it?"
Haidan says, "But near yer den o' soldiers."
Haidan points at Cryheart.
Cryheart says, "I imagine ye will bring your own."
Cryheart says, "Which is fine."
Speaking to Haidan, Kiyna says, "The Spire does not answer to the Empire. Nor the Landing, for that matter, though we do consider them our allies."
Haidan says, "Aye, we would be wise to match one fer one."
Haidan nods at Cryheart.
Kelfyr says, "Close as well to the Bheinn, where there has been peace between the Spire and the clans therein."
Haidan says, "Ye are not the wis'st choice o' allies."
Haidan nods at Kiyna.
[General] Barnessa exclaims, "I'm fine hun, thanks!"
Haidan says, "I will remind ye o' the krolvin."
Speaking to Haidan, Vaemyr says, "I would say, based on your ability to appear troops in the past, you might have a slight edge in getting people there or retreating from, but yes it is not too far from where the Gryphon Knight's holding are. It also does not have any affiliation with any parties involved, and seemed like a good suggestion of location."
Haidan asks, "And the fancy lord's pet?"
Leafiara ponders, "The krolvin have been unpredictable in this... situation... so perhaps bringing more than a one to one ratio would be a good idea for your side."
Haidan asks, "The droolin' pig?"
Lylia points out, "The krolvin fell to Faendryl hands on Glaoveln, among others."
Tikba dryly says, "Elidal has promised to leash his dog for the occasion."
Speaking to Haidan, Geijon says, "We told you not to engage us. Terms weren't even particular."
Chamorr heartily says, "I remember that, i kilt da krol."
Alosaka says, "I don't believe Elidal will risk offending the Faendryl by breaching their neutrality. He has Sablo on a short leash these days."
Tikba whispers something to Kayse.
A tiny spider skitters along the ground, near where Haidan stands. Without hesitation, he stomps on it.
Kayse whispers something to Tikba.
Speaking to Haidan, Vaemyr says, "The exchange would still take place between your group and us. We would not want Sablo there any more than you would in attempts to assure everything goes well."
Kayse casually asks, "Not a fan of spiders?"
Alosaka says, "Speaking of pets, though... I don't think it would be wise to bring your other chieftan to this exchange."
Haidan asks, "Are ye prepared to become the Ember Vale's enemies, and yer gates open to our kin, if this becomes a trap or the fancy lord betrays us?"
Kelfyr says, "If he betrays you, he's betrayed us as well."
Haidan asks, "Then ye will be his enemy?"
Leafiara says, "What he said."
Haidan peers quizzically at Kelfyr.
Kelfyr nods at Haidan.
Kelfyr says, "I am no chief."
Kelfyr says, "But I will commit to that."
Haidan asks, "And join us in battle?"
Haidan peers quizzically at Kelfyr.
Speaking heartily to Haidan, Chamorr says, "Heck, some have been on yer side from the start."
Haidan nods at Chamorr.
Kayse evenly says, "Perhaps we should be careful of making claims on behalf of the entire town."
Cryheart says, "Let us agree to the meeting place."
Haidan says, "Many chiefs..."
Haidan shakes his head.
Lylia simply says, "If it is a trap on either side, those responsible risk the displeasure of the Faendryl."
Alosaka suggests, "It would certainly be an appalling breach of our agreements with Elidal if he violated this neutrality."
Haidan asks, "Do all o' yer chiefs agree wit' da Spire?"
Haidan peers quizzically at Cryheart.
Tikba evenly says, "I would hope that all here would agree to protect the safety of the exchange from any who would seek to threaten it."
Leafiara says, "Perhaps mediating this entire exchange is a poor idea in the first place if either side will read too much into an unexpected outcome, but it seems implausible to make it happen without the middleman..."
Speaking heartily to Haidan, Chamorr says, "Lylia will give them that stern look."
Speaking to Haidan, Tayler says, "This may be a hard concept to grasp, but none of us speak for everyone here."
Kayse wryly says, "Some of us are elected chiefs."
Kiyna says, "I, for one, think the Spire is a good choice."
Cryheart says, "I think many would nae want to displease those of the Spire."
Haidan says, "Elections..."
Haidan waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.
Cryheart says, "Called a democracy."
Haidan says, "Words. Tongues as silv'r as yer treasure."
Kelfyr asks, "Do you not lead because people heed your voice and rally to your banner?"
Tikba wryly says, "You have come to meet us to bandy words, more than once."
Tikba says, "You must see value in them."
Haidan says, "I will consid'r yer request."
Haidan nods.
Aronia's Condition
Kelfyr asks, "And our second request?"
Speaking to Haidan, Vaemyr says, "We all do what works for our own clans, I would say our system, while flawed still supports our people quite well."
Speaking to Haidan, Lylia says, "Thank you."
Haidan asks, "The woman?"
Haidan peers quizzically at Kelfyr.
Kelfyr nods at Haidan.
Cryheart asks, "May we see if the Lady is alive?"
Speaking heartily to Haidan, Chamorr says, "Please."
Haidan motions to the barkeep, he whispers to another reiver, who then in turn walks out of the tavern.
Haidan nods.
Leafiara says, "Excellent, we'll be able to put at least some portion of Elidal's worries to rest."
Vaemyr sighs.
Speaking curiously to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "What? This has been pretty productive, all things considered."
Tikba says, "I would be glad to see Aronia with my own eyes as well."
Bakarus whispers something to Zeminar.
Speaking to Deckits, Tayler says, "Interesting choice of all of that there."
Kelfyr says, "I'd imagine that's where that fellow went."
Speaking to Tayler, Deckits says, "A rare find."
Chamorr heartily says, "Ya know."
Speaking to Haidan, Kiyna says, "It should be said, Elidal intends to be at the prisoner exchange personally. He wishes to meet with you there."
Speaking to Deckits, Tayler says, "Not everything should be cooked."
Speaking to Haidan, Vaemyr says, "One other message. That the fancy lord would like to bring. If the exchange does go well. He does wish to try and have a dialog with you, leader to leader."
Chamorr heartily says, "If he brings back a head, all hell gonna break loose."
Deckits says, "More appealing than raw, worth a try."
Deckits says, "If you enjoy salty, and I mean very salty food."
Speaking to Deckits, Tayler says, "I find salt and tannin to be particularly unhappy bedfellows, and I do quite love my wine."
Bakarus whispers something to Tikba.
Speaking heartily to Haidan, Chamorr says, "Ya makes good vodka."
Several red-veined reivers arrive, escorting a woman among their ranks. Her fern green eyes are stoic, solid, and silently reassuring. Her blonde hair is unkempt in some areas, but no bruises or scrapes cover her skin. However, glistening red webbing entombs her hands and feet, and silken crimson threads weave up and down her arms and legs and form a seal over her mouth. She moves slowly, but is guided by the reivers. She nods when Haidan motions to her, and then the red reivers escort her away.
Haidan says, "Yer proof."
Speaking to Haidan, Perigourd asks, "Is gagging her necessary?"
Cryheart says, "Well, that was a bit quick, but seems she is ok."
Tikba carefully says, "Thank you."
Thrassus says, "She is a spellcaster."
Tikba mildly says, "She is a priestess."
Speaking to Perigourd, Vaemyr says, "I mean... yes it probably is."
Tayler says, "I suppost it might be preferable to her casting or screaming."
Haidan says, "She is dangerous as he is allurin'."
Bakarus whispers something to Perigourd.
Cryheart says, "Thank ye."
Speaking heartily to Haidan, Chamorr says, "Keep her safe n unharmed please."
Haidan says, "I will consid'r yer request. I will send word when I have decid'd, and upon when we shall do the exchange."
Speaking to Haidan, Kelfyr says, "For all our differences, I will note that you've upheld your end of every request we've made of you, on both occasions we've journeyed here."
Haidan asks, "Do ye have more fer me?"
Tikba politely says, "We ask nothing better."
Chamorr heartily says, "Cant ask more n that."
Haidan nods at Kelfyr.
Speaking to Tikba, Alosaka says, "Well..."
Cryheart asks, "So we hae terms?"
Speaking amusedly to Alosaka, Tikba says, "*We* ask nothing better."
Future Prospects
Alosaka says, "There was the matter of Elidal's second request."
Haidan says, "No, ye have the promise tae consid'r it."
Haidan asks, "A second request?"
Leafiara asks, "Second request?"
Alosaka says, "He wishes to speak with you. About the potential for peace."
Chamorr heartily asks, "Second request?"
Speaking to Haidan, Vaemyr says, "Just what I said before, that the Lord would like to speak with you."
Haidan asks, "Has he bled too much?"
Cryheart says, "Speaking as leader to leader."
Kayse says, "That was mentioned....many times."
Alosaka says, "We have all bled a lot."
Haidan asks, "Does his people nae wish to press on?"
Leafiara says, "The opposite, he thinks you've bled too much."
Tikba says, "They do wish to press on."
Cryheart says, "Any discussion as such should be between them."
Haidan says, "Peace..."
Tikba says, "But he hopes to spare the blood that will follow."
Haidan asks, "Ye hope fer peace wit' the Empire at yer door?"
Haidan asks, "Have ye agreed to peace?"
Speaking heartily to Haidan, Chamorr says, "Does it matter at this point, a chance fer peace is a chance fer peace."
Haidan says, "Ev'n yer own kin still rile and shake...."
Haidan says, "Spittin' and stompin'."
Alosaka says, "It is you he wishes to discuss peace with, not us."
Bakarus says, "Eloquent."
Haidan asks, "Do ye trus' the fancy lord and his kin?"
Lylia whispers something to Xorus.
Missoni says, "Not everyone is so riled over it."
Speaking to Haidan, Perigourd says, "Some of us do."
Speaking heartily to Haidan, Chamorr says, "Cant hurt to listen."
Speaking to Haidan, Vaemyr says, "Trust needs to be earned, but it can be with small steps."
Alosaka dryly says, "You are the warchief, not us."
Tikba carefully says, "I trust that Elidal does not intend us harm."
Kayse says, "Elidal is working on rebuilding his trust with us. It is a process."
Leafiara says, "Regardless, even if he goes, someone else might replace him who's worse. A quandary."
Haidan says, "I think it is unwise to agree tae anythin', or any new words, until we know if the fancy lord can ev'n be trust'd with Rhe."
Speaking diplomatically to Haidan, Tikba says, "Peace must grow, like an acorn grows into a great tree under Imaera's guidance."
Kelfyr says, "An exchange of persons could lead to an exchange of words then."
Leafiara says, "If it helps, we have seen Rheshay alive as well."
Tikba says, "We must start by planting the seed."
Kiyna asks, "Then, if the exchange goes well, you will consider it?"
Haidan says, "I trus' she is alive. I know our enemy."
Leafiara nods at Haidan.
(Raelee takes advantage of the renewed conversation and casually allows her owl feather to slip from her grasp, where it falls into a dusty corner.)
Vaemyr says, "That I agree with, but, if this exchange can go well, Rheshnay returned to you unharmed, then perhaps then. At least something you will be able to consider."
Thrassus says, "Indeed, but the path must start somewhere."
Haidan says, "We are done dis eve."
Kelfyr says, "Thank you for hearing, and considering."
Cryheart says, "Then we hae an agreement for now."
Speaking to Haidan, Missoni wishes, "Fair eve."
Alosaka says, "We look forward to your answer."
Cryheart says, "Thank ye for this meeting."
Cryheart says, "So we are done."
Haidan leans forward, picing up an owl feather into his hand. He reaches into his brocade pouch, and pulls out several more.
Haidan glances at Raelee.
Speaking heartily to Haidan, Chamorr says, "Thanks fer seeing us."
Haidan says, "Ye are wise not to pluck yer bird, 'leas we cook it."
Haidan nods at Raelee.
Speaking neutrally to Haidan, Raelee says, "Molting."
Speaking to Haidan, Raelee says, "Perigourd has been just waiting for this moment."
Haidan says, "Treachery."
Speaking to Haidan, Tayler says, "I would literally pay to see you try."
Haidan says, "Dependin' on who ye ask."
Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd says, "True enough."
Thrassus says, "Her bird is more likely to eat you. It's happened before."
Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd says, "They make good fletchings."
Cryheart asks, "We ready to head back?"
Haidan says, "I have order'd ye unharm'd on yer way out, if ye do nae ling'r."
Speaking to Haidan, Stormyrain asks, "Do you not have owls in the Vale? Certainly owl feathers are numerous here?"
Haidan nods.
Warchief Haidan just went out.
Leaving the Vale
Kiyna says, "Aaand he's gone."
Tikba wryly says, "Let us not linger, then."
Cryheart says, "Moving out."
Vaemyr says, "We did what we came for."
Cryheart says, "Linger at your own risk."
Vaemyr says, "And learned some valuable information."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara asks, "What did we learn other than Aronia being alive?"
Cryheart asks, "Ye coming?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Later."
Alosaka says, "I didn't spot any features in the mountains."
Alosaka says, "As best I can tell we're in a deep valley somewhere."
Tayler asks, "Could we not just overload a pylon and push it through the maw?"
Kiyna says, "We learned that Haidan may in fact be open to discussion. Even suggesting he might consider it is a step up from his previous rhetoric."
Cryheart says, "Oops."
(Raelee releases another feather, and it flutters away behind her.)
Tayler says, "The explosion would surely be noticeable."
Cryheart asks, "Did I miss the slope?"
Leafiara suddenly says, "On second thought, I don't actually want to know what we learned other than Aronia being alive."
Bakarus asks, "Which...maw exactly?"
Tayler says, "The one we used to come here."
Speaking to Tayler, Alosaka says, "I tried flares earlier... they seem to be blocked now."
Speaking to Leafiara, Kiyna says, "Too late."
Cryheart says, "We are on the slope."
Bakarus says, "Ahh, should be fine then."
Geijon says, "Should sue for peace in addition to this prisoner swap."
Cryheart says, "Hmm.."
Cryheart says, "No way out."
Speaking to Alosaka, Tayler says, "I was thinking a pylon exploding might be a hair more... visible."
Cryheart asks, "Should we try fogging?"
Tikba asks, "Did we linger?"
Cryheart says, "No."
Leafiara says, "That's a no on fogging."
Speaking to Tikba, Perigourd says, "Passage up the slope left little obvious way back down."
Chamorr heartily says, "Did ya see da slope."
Cryheart says, "We are on the slope."
OOPS? [Kenstrom provided a way in but not a way back]
Geijon says, "I had some trouble up here."
Alosaka says, "We can try fixing some of these clouds, see if we recognize them when we get back."
Tayler says, "I'm sure the path will reveal itself."
Deckits says, "Reivers have ways yet mysterious to us."
Vaemyr says, "We just need to make our own path up I think."
[Luinne Bheinn, Skyline Slope]
Patches of dark green moss cling to jagged clusters of rocks along the winding slope, while the ground itself is blackened and pitted from lighting or fire from the sky. A cool breeze stirs through the angled passage, and lights flicker below in the center of the valley. You also see a moss-covered slope, the skull-shaped Zeminar disk, the web-draped Missoni disk, the Stormyrain disk, the repousse copper Perigourd disk raised in leafy designs, the leaf-shrouded Kelfyr disk encircled by overlapping leaves, the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk and the Chamorr disk.
Leafiara says, "Ah, there it is, just didn't see it in the night."
Tikba says, "The moss."
Leafiara sagely says, "A closer look."
Cryheart says, "There we go."
Chamorr heartily says, "Wait."
Cryheart asks, "Aye?"
Chamorr heartily says, "Kin we go back, ran outta vodka."
Cryheart says, "Sorry."
Leafiara amusedly says, "There's plenty of vodka in the Landing."
Tayler says, "Oh do not fear."
Geijon says, "It's all made th' same."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "So what I was going to say, is that the people there, They seem mostly against Tyeid, some even saying they should kill all the spiders. Some others also seemed to be... tired of the war and might want peace as well."
Chamorr heartily says, "Thanks."
Discussion Afterward
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Yasuru disk, the violet Ashumm disk, the Ardimas disk, a large acorn, a lean red fox, the Rivienne disk, a plump black goat, a sinuous bone white serpent, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, a pair of tall carved modwir poles supporting a festively painted banner, a path of particolored asters leading northwest, a round silver-banded barrel, an herbal remedy donation bin, some wide stone benches with some stuff on it and an old well.
Speaking surprisedly to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "Oh, that's what you were talking about."
Cryheart says, "Back to town we be."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Yes, that is what I would consider valuable information."
Tikba says, "Well, I suppose we have done what we were asked, at least."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "...I could have sworn we already found that out the first time in the Vale."
Tikba vaguely says, "And Aronia is not likely to be in danger."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "It means if we can get Rheshay there, she would have enough support to most likely remove him, if it also wouldn't cause their annihilation at the hands of Sablo and his forces."
Speaking to Perigourd, Raelee says, "That may be useful."
Lylia says, "I do not think it is in their nature to be of one mind, nor to follow too easily. It does not surprise me that some are weary of the spiders in their midst."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "They were skeptical the first time, now it was... worse. The people are seeing what Tyeid's doing to them and don't like it."
Geijon says, "A bit of guesswork from what I saw. Maybe he just got stung by a bug or it was a trap to assume."
Speaking idly to Vaemyr, Leafiara remarks, "Ah."
Geijon says, "Stone was subtle like this and obvious things can be obvious traps."
Thrassus says, "Then it would not be unwise to expect Tyeid to cause some problems with the exchange or peace talks."
Geijon says, "Your theory has some facts that could be true."
Alosaka says, "And unless we can get a higher vantage point in there, I don't think we can figure out the Vale's location. Not with mundane means, anyway, and if they really have a Shroud defenidng the Vale, perhaps not with magical means either."
Geijon says, "A bit extra though."
Chamorr heartily says, "Awesome."
Alosaka says, "Well, cause for hope, at least."
Chamorr heartily says, "Went well, i think."
Geijon says, "That seemed to move us forward."
Vaemyr says, "They certainly seem to have the vale similarly hidden to the way a warcamp is hidden aye, I think no amount of searching is going to find it. We need someone who can sense an opening and open one, similar to a warcamp I suspect."
Leafiara says, "As well as we can consider taking three nights to get someone to tentatively consider something."
Lylia says, "Forgive me, but I should see to other matters."
Speaking to Lylia, Vaemyr says, "I'd like to mention again, that I thank you and the Enclave for volunteering a neutral location."
Speaking neutrally to Vaemyr, Raelee says, "I did leave something behind."
Lylia says, "I am pleased to offer such a space."
Speaking to Raelee, Vaemyr says, "Perhaps that can be a start then, if we need it."
Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Chamorr says, "Everyone leaving."
Speaking to Chamorr, Leafiara says, "Yep."
Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Chamorr says, "Coulda had a party."
Leafiara says, "You know... more and more, I feel certain I need to explain to Elidal that absolutely nothing I'm doing is for his sake in the slightest. People's motivations are getting lumped together rather quickly these days."
Julenne softly says, "I need a break for a while."
Leafiara says, "Ah, the oceanic crew returns."
Khoal yells, "Nope!! what boxes ye have be yours!"
Citan deeply says, "Always fun."
Speaking heartily to Bluey, Khoal says, "Nopes.. i want the runstaff."
Speaking heartily to Khoal, Chamorr says, "Ya missed all da yappin."
Julenne softly says, "Thanks for sailin Commodore."
Bluey asks, "Ya sure?"
Leafiara considers, "Welp. Don't know what exactly I unwittingly became a part of tonight, but I'll worry about that another time. Better practice for Revelia tomorrow."
Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Khoal says, "Worss comes ta worse.. ya always have a spot on my crew."