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Palestra Trials 5118/day 3
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- Day 1 - 5118 Charlatos 1
- Day 2 - 5118 Charlatos 2
- Day 3 - 5118 Charlatos 3
- Day 4 - 5118 Charlatos 19
Night three took place on day 3 of the month Charlatos in the year 5118, at 21:00 by the elven time standard. On this night the candidates--Brutish, Divyne, Hypolita, and Synathaesia--continued their trials by first battling each other, then facing Blade Mishrac, and finally joining together to face a vathor. The trials continued to be hosted by Blade Schalyne.
From the viewpoint of Allereli Lissina Faendryl.
(The log is heavily edited to remove almost everything not applicable to the Trials or Wehnimer's Landing election.)
[Academy Nexus, Antechamber] Grand tapestries cover the walls of the chamber. Their bright colors of the fabric create a sharp contrast to the pale stone. A pair of cushioned benches flank some double mistwood doors whose silver hue is accented by wrought iron fixtures. You also see a long ebonwood table with some stuff on it. Also here: Synathaesia, Lady Maetriks, Blade Durakar, Mourne, Brutish, Edanthiel, Hypolita, Divyne, Raethir, Blade Arku, Lady Lylia, Blade Schalyne, Cinnealk, Novra, Pris, Tysong Obvious exits: northeast, south Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "Good eve." Speaking in Faendryl, Brutish quietly says, "Good eve." Melikor just arrived. Livius just arrived. Speaking in Faendryl, Divyne says, "Good evening." Livius nods in greeting. Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia mockingly says, "'Demon summoning' in public. It was not a summoning! I was ordering it to stay outside the town's gates." Lylia gazes heavenward. Mourne nods in greeting. Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "Good evening." Speaking in Faendryl, Maetriks says, "Good evening." Speaking in Faendryl, Melikor says, "Good evening." Pris folds her hands behind her back. Livius gazes in amusement at Lylia. Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "They never pass a chance to tear at their betters." Lylia narrows her eyes. Speaking in Faendryl, Livius asks, "Causing trouble already?" Raethir nods respectfully at Schalyne. Livius raises an eyebrow. Speaking in Faendryl, you say, "A wonderful evening to all." Mourne nods to you. Speaking in Faendryl to Livius, Lylia says, "Yes, they were. I shall not forget it." Melikor turns to face you. Melikor inclines his head. Novra nods to you in greeting. Lylia nods in greeting to you. Speaking in Faendryl to you, Raethir says, "Likewise." Livius nods understandingly at Lylia. Lylia nods gratefully at Arku. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "With so many Palestra at hand, we could have swept in and claimed to save the day...." Lylia nods at Schalyne. Mourne chuckles. Novra grins. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "But I suppose the less they know of our actions in the embassy, the better." Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "Provincial thinking abounds even in the Argent Mirror's shining city, it seems." Hypolita adopts an agreeable expression. Lylia nods at Schalyne. Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "Agreed. I should have been more...discreet." Lylia smiles quietly to herself. Lylia hugs Xorus, who wraps her in a warm embrace. Xorus hugs Lylia, who wraps him in a warm embrace. Lylia joins Xorus's group. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "The candidates should join me please." Divyne joins Schalyne's group. Hypolita joins Schalyne's group. Brutish joins Schalyne's group. Raethir glances between Divyne and Hypolita. Raethir grins. Hypolita grins at Raethir. Synathaesia joins Schalyne's group. Various members of the academies move quickly as they go about their business. Speaking teasingly in Faendryl to Hypolita, Divyne says, "Always one step behind, sister." Divyne smirks. Novra smiles. Speaking softly in Faendryl to Divyne, Hypolita says, "That's ok. That means you can get hit first." Hypolita winks at Divyne. Raethir chuckles to himself. Mourne appears to be trying hard not to grin. Speaking in Faendryl, Arku softly says, "Perhaps I should have made them train last night." Arku appears to be trying hard not to grin. Speaking in Faendryl to Hypolita, Divyne says, "I may get hit first, but I'll be the one standing over you getting the laugh." Hypolita begins chuckling at Divyne! Lylia smiles. Speaking in Faendryl, Synathaesia wryly says, "I'll just chuckle from the sidelines as you wear it all down for me to kill." Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "The candidates will be put in the arena against each other." Melikor raises an eyebrow. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "We have drawn their names, and they will appear with their opponent shortly." Mourne nods. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "There is no shame in yielding." Synathaesia breaks out in a sweat. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "For one shows strength when one knows which battles to engage in." Raethir looks thoughtfully at Schalyne. Hypolita nods once. Lylia furrows her brow. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "We will of course find healing for those that may need it." Divyne nods understandingly. Speaking softly in Faendryl to himself, Arku says, "Or life." Schalyne agrees with Arku. Engaged in a lively discussion, a pair of Palestra stride by. The words, "demon" and "cowering" can be heard as they laugh together. Edanthiel rubs Raethir tenderly. Raethir grins at Edanthiel. Speaking in Faendryl, Mourne offers, "I can provide healing assistance for any who find themselves in need, if they wish." Lylia smiles at Mourne. Divyne gives a sidelong glance at Hypolita. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "If you will take your places in the viewing box, I will guide the candidates to their area." Livius nods approvingly at Mourne. Pris just went northeast. Blade Durakar's group just went northeast. >ne [Academy Nexus, Hallway] Beautiful alabaster stone is fitted together almost perfectly with barely a seam showing. Passageways break off leading in other directions. A glowing portal hovers above the floor, a bright sandy area can be seen on the other side. Several iron sconces are set into the walls and fitted with golden-hued candles. A wide variety of weapons hang on either side of the corridor with several shields interspersed between them. Obvious exits: northeast, east, southwest >e [Academy Nexus, Viewing Box] Rows of cushioned seats fill viewing boxes that are arranged all around a large arena. Beautifully embroidered canopies are pulled back allowing the moonlight to bath the area in a pale glow. A shimmering wall of magical energy protects each booth while still giving a clear view of the trial space. Also here: Lady Maetriks, Blade Durakar, Pris, Cinnealk who is sitting Obvious paths: west Tysong just arrived. Tysong walks over to the seat and settles down. You settle yourself on the cushioned seat for a moment's rest. Mourne just arrived. Mourne walks over to the seat and settles down. Edanthiel's group just arrived. Edanthiel walks over to the seat and settles down. You notice Novra moving stealthily into the area. Novra walks over to the seat and settles down. Xorus's group just arrived. Livius just arrived. Livius walks over to the seat and settles down. Melikor just arrived. Raethir walks over to the seat and settles down. Livius gazes thoughtfully at a shimmering wall. Gazing into the wall, you see... [Academy Nexus, Palestra Arena] Built in an outside area of the academy, the arena is surrounded by a wall of clear energy that rises into the air, joining at a central focal point and creating a shimmering dome. Several passageways can be seen behind the magical barrier. The ground of the area is covered in multi-hued cobblestones. There are no adornments or obstacles that can be seen except random areas that are blackened or discolored. Obvious paths: out Edanthiel looks thoughtfully at Arku. Raethir nods slowly at Arku. Melikor sits down. Melikor leans back. Various members of Faendryl society begin to move through the nexus and fill other boxes that can be seen across the arena. Lylia walks over to the seat and settles down. Xorus walks over to the seat and settles down. Livius smiles. Lylia runs the back of her hand along her neckline and dramatically flips several wisps of hair off of her shoulders. Lylia removes a thin silver mirror bordered with star rubies from in her wrap. Lylia gazes at her reflection in the silver mirror. Lylia put a thin silver mirror bordered with star rubies in her wrap. Raethir idly drums his fingers on the hilts of his sheathed weapons. Faendryl, each wearing different colors and triskele enter the other viewing boxes, the expression on their faces hard to read. (Pris remains standing with her gaze through the shimmering wall at the arena.) Lady Alasatia just arrived. [Into the Arena.] Lady Alasatia just went out. [Out of the Arena.] You chuckle. Melikor snickers. Livius gazes thoughtfully at a shimmering wall. Speaking in Faendryl, you say, "It is an Alasatia demon tonight." Mourne chuckles. Melikor grins at you. Raethir chuckles. Lylia chuckles. Speaking in Faendryl, Mourne comments, "I hear they are rather dangerous. And fiery." You agree with Mourne. Groups of Faendryl wearing the official insignia of the Basilica slowly enter another booth. Lylia nods in agreement. Speaking in Faendryl, Melikor says, "I wouldn't want to fight one of those." Lady Alasatia just arrived. [Into the viewing area.] Mourne nods in agreement. Speaking in Faendryl, Raethir amusedly says, "Must have made a wrong turn." Alasatia smiles. Lylia grins at Alasatia. Mourne grins mischievously at Alasatia. Novra grins. Lylia raises her voice in merry laughter. Lylia hugs Alasatia, who wraps her in a warm embrace. Alasatia hums happily to herself. Alasatia hugs Lylia. Melikor smiles at Alasatia. Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "It is as if she were summoned." Lylia gazes fondly at Alasatia. Alasatia nods in greeting. Speaking in Faendryl to Alasatia, Edanthiel says, "We were speculating that they would fight you instead of each other." Alasatia flashes a quick grin. Several guards enter a private booth across the arena. Speaking in Faendryl, Alasatia says, "I wouldn't put them through that." A figure in shimmering robes enters the same area and takes a seat, his form shrouded by his guards. Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "True. We do not want them all to perish in fire." Novra raises an eyebrow. Speaking in Faendryl, Novra asks, "Who is that?" Speaking in Faendryl, Edanthiel quietly says, "The Patriarch." Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia dryly says, "I shall save that for the guards of Ta'Illistim." You nod at Edanthiel. Lylia turns around. Novra nods. The guarded Faendryl slowly takes his seat, the others in his box follow his lead. Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "Quite an honor to have him present tonight to watch." Speaking in Faendryl, Edanthiel carefully says, "Honor and glory to the Patriarch." Melikor nods at Livius. Mourne nods. Arku agrees with Edanthiel. Novra adopts an agreeable expression. Speaking in Faendryl, Raethir echoes, "Honor and glory." Raethir nods. Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia quietly says, "He seems to take a particular interest in the Mahkra Academy. How far-sighted. Honor and glory indeed." Xorus nods in greeting. Speaking in Faendryl, Maetriks agrees, "Honor and glory." Speaking in Faendryl, Xorus echoes, "Those who are about to die salute you." Mourne chuckles to himself. A single row of trumpeters begins to call out a fanfare. (Raethir leans forward in his seat, peering across the arena as if his gaze might pierce the wall of guards surrounding the ruler.) Raethir squints. Raethir looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs. Raethir folds his arms behind his head. Livius looks thoughtfully at Xorus. Speaking in Faendryl, Durakar says, "Honor and Glory to the Patriarch." The Faendryl in the guarded box looks over at your viewing space and slowly nods his head. Xorus nods in greeting. Novra smiles. Livius inclines his head. Livius raises his Maelshyve shiraz in a toast! Arku inclines his head. Mourne glances away. Novra nods respectfully. The trumpeters call out another fanfare! Lylia inclines her head. Lylia smiles quietly to herself. Alasatia gingerly pats her hand along the top of her head and gently smooths her heavily textured hair into place. Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "Well, hopefully this will be an even better show tonight, given the audience." Mourne nods in agreement at Livius. Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "Not that last night's was lacking in any way." Blade Schalyne just arrived. Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "If the last trials were any indication, it will be quite a showing." Livius grins. Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "I'm looking forward to seeing Brutish living up to his name again." Speaking softly in Faendryl to Lylia, Arku says, "I have a feeling I will enjoy these more so than the last." Speaking in Faendryl to Arku, Tysong says, "A little safer this go around." Speaking in Faendryl to Arku, Tysong says, "For you at least." Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "I can hardly imagine why." Schalyne recites in Faendryl: "We begin the trials of the Wandering Palestra!" Lylia flashes a quick grin at Arku. Mourne nods approvingly. Speaking softly in Faendryl to Tysong, Arku says, "The view is definitely more comfortable." Arku appears to be trying hard not to grin. Maetriks curls her lip at Arku, her face contorting in a disdainful smirk. Schalyne recites in Faendryl: "In just a moment, we will begin the battle between candidates." Yakushi just arrived. Maetriks tries to pull Yakushi towards her. Speaking in Faendryl to Yakushi, Maetriks exclaims, "Stay!" Maetriks swiftly runs the tip of her forefinger across a shimmering wall. A veiled woman rests her arm on the guarded man. Yakushi smiles. Lylia nods slightly at Xorus. Xorus agrees with Lylia. Schalyne recites in Faendryl: "Lots have been drawn." Raethir leans forward. (Novra sits up straighter for a moment to look over at the guarded man in the other box curiously.) Schalyne walks about the arena until she reaches the box housing the guarded man. Schalyne bows. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne exclaims, "Glory and Honor to the Patriarch!" Lylia raises her dry merlot in a toast! Mourne nods in agreement. Livius raises his Maelshyve shiraz in a toast! Raethir raises his dark liquor in a toast! Speaking in Faendryl, Novra quietly says, "Glory and Honor." Schalyne turns around. Blade Schalyne just went out. Novra flashes a quick grin. Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "Honor to House Faendryl." Lylia nods once at Livius.
Brutish v. Synathaesia
Blade Schalyne just arrived. Brutish just arrived. Lylia smiles at Alasatia. Synathaesia just arrived. A shimmering aura surrounds Synathaesia. A faint blue glow surrounds Synathaesia's hands. Edanthiel raises an eyebrow. You ponder. Synathaesia slings an ebon-nocked dark eahnor longbow off from over her shoulder. Edanthiel gives a sidelong glance at Arku. Alasatia walks over to the seat and settles down. Brutish appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around his form. The warm glow fades from around Brutish. Brutish's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms. Lylia winks at Alasatia. Melikor leans forward and rests his chin in his hand, a thoughtful expression on his face. Synathaesia appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around her form. Synathaesia's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around her arms. The warm glow fades from around Synathaesia. Schalyne recites in Faendryl: "Our first trial is between Candidate Brutish and Candidate Synathaesia!" Edanthiel gazes in amusement at Arku. Brutish bows to Synathaesia. Synathaesia bows to Brutish. Speaking in Faendryl, Brutish quietly says, "Fight well." Livius grins slowly. Speaking in Faendryl, you comment, "This should be interesting." Alasatia grins at Lylia. Lylia nods in agreement to you. Speaking in Faendryl, Arku softly says, "This should be interesting, strength against stealth." Arku agrees with you. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne asks, "Candidates are you ready?" Speaking in Faendryl, you say, "This means it is sister versus sister next." Synathaesia concentrates deeply for a moment. Brutish nods at Schalyne. Speaking in Faendryl, Synathaesia says, "Aye." Schalyne takes a few steps back. Mourne nods in agreement to you. Arku nods to you. Speaking in Faendryl, Arku softly says, "It does." Brutish concentrates deeply for a moment. Brutish searches around for a moment. Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "Not surprised it would come to that." Speaking in Faendryl, Novra says, "And she is hidden." Brutish searches around for a moment. Schalyne recites in Faendryl: "So it shall be." Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "At your will." Brutish lets loose an eerie, modulating cry! Raethir nods at Novra. Schalyne nods. Synathaesia is revealed from hiding. Synathaesia fires a pearlescent faewood arrow at Brutish! Brutish skillfully dodges the missile! The faewood arrow disappears into the local environs. Brutish lets loose a nerve-shattering bellow! A pearlescent faewood arrow flies out of the shadows toward Brutish! AS: +335 vs DS: +440 with AvD: +20 + d100 roll: +54 = -31 A clean miss. The faewood arrow streaks out of sight! Lylia leans forward. Brutish grins. Speaking in Faendryl, Brutish quietly exclaims, "That one had some pep on it!" Novra grins. Brutish searches around for a moment. Brutish finds a pearlescent faewood arrow that had been obscured from view! Alasatia grins slowly. Raethir chuckles. Synathaesia is revealed from hiding. Synathaesia fires a pearlescent faewood arrow at Brutish! Brutish skillfully interposes his shield between himself and the missile! The faewood arrow streaks out of sight! [Roll result: 211 (open d100: 49)] Brutish feints to the right, Synathaesia buys the ruse and twists awkwardly to block the blow that never came! Synathaesia is revealed from hiding. Synathaesia fires a pearlescent faewood arrow at Brutish! At the last moment, Brutish blocks the missile with his shield! The faewood arrow disappears into the local environs. Mourne appears to be trying hard not to grin. Brutish lunges forward at Synathaesia with his vultite wall shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 209 (open d100: 64)] Brutish lashes out with a slamming shield bash and Synathaesia is flipped through the air to crash on her head! ... 10 points of damage! Hearty smack to the head. Synathaesia is stunned! Durakar winces. Novra leans forward. Brutish seems a bit weaker than before. (Raethir lets out a low whistle.) Mourne glances to his right. Synathaesia's muscles twitch and a strained look crosses her face. Synathaesia stands up. Alasatia holds her breath. You smile. Mourne nods in agreement at Livius. Brutish grins. Lylia bites her lip. Pris sets her mouth in a thin line of disapproval. Brutish lets loose a nerve-shattering bellow! Brutish searches around for a moment. Brutish finds a pearlescent faewood arrow that had been obscured from view! Alasatia looks at Xorus and hums. Brutish chuckles. Brutish searches around for a moment. Synathaesia is revealed from hiding. Synathaesia fires a pearlescent faewood arrow at Brutish! With no room to spare, Brutish blocks the missile with his vultite wall shield! The faewood arrow zips past its target to the ground. Brutish glares at Synathaesia and lets out a nerve-shattering bellow! Synathaesia is startled enough to lose initiative! [Roll result: 162 (open d100: 16)] Brutish hurls himself at Synathaesia and connects! Brutish knocks Synathaesia flat and quickly jumps to his feet! Lylia glances between Alasatia and Xorus. Lylia flashes a quick grin. Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "It's a good match, that they give one another opportunity to spar." Xorus smiles slightly. Brutish leisurely polishes his silvery rolaren waraxe. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Synathaesia! AS: +459 vs DS: +225 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +32 = +298 ... and hits for 41 points of damage! Left leg mangled horribly. She is stunned! Novra winces. Alasatia shakes her head, clucking her tongue. Synathaesia's muscles twitch and a strained look crosses her face. Synathaesia stands up. The faint blue glow fades from around Synathaesia's hands. The shimmering aura fades from around Synathaesia. Brutish turns his shoulders to the left in a long, slow stretch. A shimmering aura surrounds Synathaesia. A faint blue glow surrounds Synathaesia's hands. Speaking in Faendryl, Arku softly says, "His restraint against an outmatched opponent is honorable." (Brutish steps back a little.) Synathaesia is revealed from hiding. Synathaesia fires a pearlescent faewood arrow at Brutish! Brutish barely dodges the missile! The faewood arrow streaks out of sight! Mourne nods in agreement. [Roll result: 200 (open d100: 79)] Brutish hurls himself at Synathaesia and connects! Brutish hammers Synathaesia to the ground. 3 hits! Brutish quickly jumps to his feet. Lylia nods in agreement. You nod. Alasatia nods slightly at Xorus. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Synathaesia! AS: +459 vs DS: +367 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +32 = +156 ... and hits for 13 points of damage! Torn muscle in Synathaesia's right leg! ** Brutish's silvery rolaren waraxe sprays forth a shower of pure water! ** Brutish grins at Synathaesia. Speaking in Faendryl, Brutish quietly exclaims, "Good good!" Synathaesia tucks her chin towards her chest and falls to the ground in an elegant roll. She tumbles smoothly and springs to her feet, ready for action! Brutish rolls forward, then springs to his feet, ready again for action! Livius grins. Brutish searches around for a moment. Brutish searches around for a moment. Speaking in Faendryl, the voice of Synathaesia says, "I yield." Livius gazes thoughtfully at a shimmering wall. Mourne nods approvingly. Livius nods approvingly. Brutish bows. You applaud. Novra applauds. Lylia applauds. Arku nods. Melikor applauds politely. Edanthiel applauds. Arku applauds. Livius raises his Maelshyve shiraz in a toast! Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "Well fought." Alasatia applauds politely. Raethir applauds. Mourne applauds encouragingly. Schalyne nods. Speaking in Faendryl, Synathaesia says, "Well met." Synathaesia bows to Brutish. Synathaesia adds a pearlescent faewood arrow to her bundle of arrows. Brutish bows to Synathaesia. Synathaesia bundles some faewood arrows together. Speaking in Faendryl, Brutish quietly says, "I found all your arrows." Speaking in Faendryl, Brutish quietly says, "Looking for you." Brutish chuckles. Livius laughs! Lylia raises her voice in merry laughter. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "Well fought." Speaking in Faendryl, Arku softly says, "A smart decision when knowingly outmatched. Preserves both candidates' honor." Speaking in Faendryl, Synathaesia says, "All but one." Speaking in Faendryl, Brutish quietly says, "Aye, good duel." Novra chuckles. Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "And returning her arrows." Lylia nods approvingly. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "You may return to the training room." Brutish bows to Schalyne. Synathaesia bows to Schalyne. Synathaesia just went out. Brutish just went out. Blade Schalyne just went out. Speaking in Faendryl, Durakar says, "At least after showing some of her ability. Too early and it would have been a different sign." Livius nods approvingly. Durakar grins. Lylia agrees with Durakar. Mourne nods in agreement. Raethir nods at Durakar. Arku agrees with Durakar. Speaking in Faendryl to Durakar, Maetriks says, "He couldn't find her... that was certainly to her advantage." Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "It is wise to yield when there is no other way. Both acted not only with adeptness in combat, but also a full understanding of what was at stake." Lylia smiles at Xorus. Xorus smiles slightly. Durakar nods at Maetriks. Speaking in Faendryl, Arku softly says, "The timing was very appropriate." (Pris remains rigid and statue-like as she continues to observe the proceedings through the shimmering wall.) Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "Though, I must admit, I had hoped to see a bit more blood fall first." Livius grins wryly. Mourne chuckles to himself. Edanthiel grins impishly at Livius. Arku frowns. Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "I am certain there is more blood to come." Melikor agrees with Lylia. Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "Just so." Livius nods in agreement.
Divyne v. Hypolita
Blade Schalyne just arrived. Divyne just arrived. Hypolita just arrived. Divyne deftly removes the mithril handaxe from her swordbelt. Divyne slings an embossed golvern shield off from over her shoulder. Hypolita removes a curved eahnor claidhmore from in her leather weapon harness. A shimmering aura surrounds Hypolita. A faint blue glow surrounds Hypolita's hands. Hypolita concentrates deeply for a moment. Speaking in Faendryl to Arku, Livius says, "I'm not sure if it's better or worse to see both of your apprentices face one another out there instead of other opponents." Hypolita removes a small glowing vial from in her leather cloak. Hypolita takes a drink from her glowing vial. Hypolita stands tall and appears more confident. Hypolita put a small glowing vial in her leather cloak. A shimmering aura surrounds Divyne. A faint blue glow surrounds Divyne's hands. Divyne concentrates deeply for a moment. Schalyne recites in Faendryl: "Our second trial is between Candidate Hypolita and Candidate Divyne!" Edanthiel looks thoughtfully at Livius. Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "It is a fair test. Palestra are often called upon to make difficult decisions, emotionally as well as tactically." Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne asks, "Candidates are you ready?" Hypolita nods once. Speaking in Faendryl, Divyne says, "Ready." Speaking in Faendryl, Hypolita softly says, "I am ready." Schalyne recites in Faendryl: "So it shall be." Speaking softly in Faendryl to Livius, Arku says, "I would prefer to see them face something unknown. They spar against one another often." Schalyne takes a few steps back. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "At your will." Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia admits, "You have a point." Schalyne nods. Livius nods understandingly at Arku. Speaking softly in Faendryl to Divyne, Hypolita asks, "Like we used to do it back home, sister?" Hypolita grins. (Hypolita circles to the left a bit.) (Divyne side steps as she circles the room, keeping Hypolita at a good distance.) Hypolita seems a bit weaker than before. Divyne seems a bit weaker than before. Speaking in Faendryl to Hypolita, Divyne says, "Just like back home." Divyne grins at Hypolita. Hypolita chuckles to herself. [Roll result: 172 (open d100: 66)] Hypolita feints to the left, Divyne buys the ruse and twists awkwardly to block the blow that never came! Hypolita grins. Hypolita concentrates deeply for a moment. Divyne lunges forward at Hypolita with her golvern shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 113 (open d100: 62)] Divyne lashes out with a quick shield bash, but Hypolita manages to partially avoid it. ... 1 point of damage! Broken finger on Hypolita's left hand! Hypolita winces. Divyne snickers. Speaking in Faendryl, Hypolita softly says, "Nice." Hypolita nods. Hypolita glares intently and lets out a nerve-shattering bellow! Speaking in Faendryl, Moxslayer says, "She broke a nail." Speaking in Faendryl to Moxslayer, Lylia murmurs, "Criminal." Lylia shakes her head. Speaking in Faendryl, Raethir snickers, "Horror of horrors." Divyne concentrates deeply for a moment. (Divyne swings her handaxe in an arcing motion towards Hypolita.) Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "I might bellow too, if someone broke mine." Lylia examines her fingernails. (Hypolita circles around behind you.) Edanthiel begins chortling at Lylia. Arku starts chortling. Divyne scowls. [Roll result: 145 (open d100: 79)] Hypolita hurls herself at Divyne and connects! Hypolita knocks Divyne flat and quickly jumps to her feet! Hypolita chuckles. Speaking in Faendryl to Lylia, Xorus says, "I would be kinder, and take the whole hand." Novra chuckles. Lylia grins at Xorus. Divyne stands up. Speaking in Faendryl, Arku softly says, "Nice form on that tackle." Hypolita seems a bit weaker than before. Divyne launches a quick bash with her golvern shield at Hypolita! [Roll result: 65 (open d100: 9)] Divyne's bash connects! Hypolita is unaffected by Divyne's futile bash! Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Hypolita! AS: +525 vs DS: +768 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +86 = -131 A clean miss. Hypolita throws back her head and lets out a thundering holler! (Hypolita sways back in forth as she assumes Tree in the Wind, her blade held before her defensively.) Divyne gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Divyne gestures. An invisible force guides Divyne. Divyne snickers. Hypolita concentrates deeply for a moment. Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Divyne! Divyne skillfully interposes her shield between herself and the attack! Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Hypolita! Hypolita barely dodges the attack! Divyne seems a bit weaker than before. Speaking in Faendryl, Arku softly says, "I'm not sure Divyne can crack that defense." Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Divyne! AS: +578 vs DS: +518 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +88 = +167 ... and hits for 16 points of damage! Bones in left arm crack. Divyne launches a quick bash with her golvern shield at Hypolita! [Roll result: 116 (open d100: 42)] Divyne's bash connects! ... 5 points of damage! Hypolita's wrist twisted slightly. Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Hypolita! AS: +586 vs DS: +473 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +1 = +140 ... and hits for 4 points of damage! Glancing blow to Hypolita's right leg! The guiding force leaves Divyne. Divyne gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Divyne gestures. An invisible force guides Divyne. Livius grins slowly. [Roll result: 125 (open d100: 72)] Hypolita swings her eahnor claidhmore at Divyne's mithril handaxe and connects! Divyne's mithril handaxe is knocked to the ground! Yakushi ponders. Yakushi gasps. Speaking in Faendryl to Arku, Lylia asks, "You were saying?" Edanthiel winces. A perfect mithril handaxe rises from the ground and flies back to Divyne's waiting hand! Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Divyne! AS: +578 vs DS: +704 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +95 = -12 A clean miss. Mourne chuckles. Divyne confidently calls upon her patron as she motions forcefully... Divyne gestures at Hypolita. Divyne briefly closes her eyes, and a translucent black gate rises up from the ground behind her. A faint white light builds up and emanates from Divyne's hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal chain of keys, and Divyne thrusts it forward! A flurry of golden snowflake-shaped motes unwind from the chain of the ethereal keys, striking Hypolita! CS: +425 - TD: +392 + CvA: -31 + d100: +86 - -5 == +93 Warded off! The ethereal keys in Divyne's hand slowly melt away. Speaking in Faendryl, Arku softly says, "The shield strike was a smart move." Lylia nods in agreement. Hypolita glares at Divyne and lets out a nerve-shattering bellow! Divyne is startled enough to lose initiative! Speaking in Faendryl, Novra quietly says, "I see how the weapon works with the shield..." Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Divyne! AS: +578 vs DS: +704 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +7 = -100 A clean miss. Divyne traces a simple symbol as she reverently calls upon the power of her patron... Divyne gestures. As the sepulchral tones of Divyne's prayer die away, an arctic chill permeates the air around her, and her eyes shift to solid black. Novra nods in agreement. Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "Her patron is Winter. Fascinating." Hypolita chuckles. Livius gazes thoughtfully at a shimmering wall. [Roll result: 121 (open d100: 43)] Hypolita feints to the right, Divyne buys the ruse and moves to block the blow that never came! The shimmering aura fades from around Hypolita. The faint blue glow fades from around Hypolita's hands. A shimmering aura surrounds Hypolita. Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Divyne! With extreme effort, Divyne blocks the attack with her shield! Casting fervent aspirations into the air, Divyne pleads for Lorminstra's guidance, and wisps of pale illumination manifest into a veil that falls gently about her. With a look of renewed focus, Divyne cuts blurring swaths of alabaster and ebony with her handaxe as she wields it with precision. Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Hypolita! AS: +586 vs DS: +473 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +64 = +203 ... and hits for 11 points of damage! Deft slash across chest draws blood! Hypolita takes a deep breath. The invisible force draws back to guide Divyne once more. ** Divyne's mithril handaxe pulses with a burst of plasma energy! ** ... 10 points of damage! Hypolita's hand is encased in shimmering blue flames! ** Divyne's mithril handaxe sprays with a burst of plasma energy! ** ... 10 points of damage! Powerful burst to Hypolita's back causes excruciating pain. The faint blue glow fades from around Divyne's hands. The shimmering aura fades from around Divyne. Hypolita grunts. A shimmering aura surrounds Divyne. A faint blue glow surrounds Divyne's hands. A faint blue glow surrounds Hypolita's hands. Divyne concentrates deeply for a moment. Speaking in Faendryl, Hypolita softly says, "Nice." Hypolita nods. Divyne grins. Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Divyne! With incredible finesse, Divyne deflects the attack with her golvern shield! Mourne nods approvingly. Yakushi's face turns slightly pale. Casting fervent aspirations into the air, Divyne pleads for Lorminstra's guidance, and wisps of pale illumination manifest into a veil that falls gently about her. With a look of renewed focus, Divyne cuts blurring swaths of alabaster and ebony with her handaxe as she wields it with precision. Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Hypolita! AS: +600 vs DS: +473 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +68 = +221 ... and hits for 16 points of damage! Stomach shot lands with a hollow *thump*. The guiding force leaves Divyne. Divyne gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Divyne gestures. An invisible force guides Divyne. Hypolita seems a bit weaker than before. Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "They are very well matched." Livius nods approvingly. Lylia nods in agreement. Raethir agrees with Livius. Divyne confidently calls upon her patron as she motions forcefully... Divyne gestures at Hypolita. Divyne briefly closes her eyes, and a translucent black gate rises up from the ground behind her. A faint white light builds up and emanates from Divyne's hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal chain of keys, and Divyne thrusts it forward! A flurry of golden snowflake-shaped motes unwind from the chain of the ethereal keys, striking Hypolita! CS: +425 - TD: +392 + CvA: -31 + d100: +32 - -5 == +39 Warded off! The ethereal keys in Divyne's hand slowly melt away. Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "This might end in a draw." Livius grins slowly. Novra nods. [Roll result: 82 (open d100: 14)] Hypolita feints high, Divyne almost buys the ruse, but recovers just in time. Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Divyne! AS: +565 vs DS: +516 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +77 = +145 ... and hits for 7 points of damage! Close shave! Divyne takes a quick step back. The dim aura fades from around Alasatia. Hypolita concentrates deeply for a moment. Speaking in Faendryl, Arku softly says, "They are fairly even in strength and skill." Divyne lunges forward at Hypolita with her golvern shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: -26 (open d100: 20)] Hypolita deftly avoids the shield bash. [Roll result: 91 (open d100: 25)] Hypolita hurls herself at Divyne and connects! Hypolita fails to bring Divyne down, but manages to scramble back to her feet. Divyne lunges forward at Hypolita with her golvern shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 138 (open d100: 69)] Divyne lashes out with a fair shield bash and Hypolita is knocked over by the blow. ... 10 points of damage! Bones in right arm crack. Livius nods at Arku. Hypolita stands up. Hypolita glares at Divyne and lets out a nerve-shattering bellow! Divyne is unaffected! Divyne seems a bit weaker than before. Hypolita grins at Divyne. Divyne charges forward at Hypolita with her golvern shield and attempts a shield charge! [Roll result: 103 (open d100: 79)] Divyne lunges forward with a weak shield charge, but Hypolita manages to partially avoid it. ... 3 points of damage! Blow raises a welt on Hypolita's right arm. [Roll result: 101 (open d100: 28)] Hypolita swings her eahnor claidhmore at Divyne's mithril handaxe and connects! Divyne's mithril handaxe is knocked to the ground! Novra grins. A perfect mithril handaxe rises from the ground and flies back to Divyne's waiting hand! Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Divyne! AS: +558 vs DS: +514 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +19 = +82 A clean miss. Surprisingly, Hypolita manages to effortlessly reverse her momentum and strike again! Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Divyne! AS: +558 vs DS: +514 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +62 = +125 ... and hits for 4 points of damage! A feeble blow to Divyne's right arm! Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Hypolita! Hypolita evades the attack by a hair! Divyne traces a simple symbol as she reverently calls upon the power of her patron... Divyne gestures. Nothing happens. Hypolita throws back her head and lets out a thundering holler! The guiding force leaves Divyne. [Roll result: 130 (open d100: 52)] Hypolita feints low, Divyne buys the ruse and twists awkwardly to block the blow that never came! Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Divyne! AS: +578 vs DS: +514 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +33 = +116 ... and hits for 3 points of damage! Weak slash across chest! Slightly less painful than heartburn. Hypolita seems a bit weaker than before. Divyne concentrates deeply for a moment. Speaking in Faendryl, you say, "This battle has been going on their entire lives." Livius nods slowly to you. Divyne gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Divyne gestures. An invisible force guides Divyne. Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Hypolita! AS: +600 vs DS: +715 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +2 = -87 A clean miss. The guiding force leaves Divyne. [Roll result: 148 (open d100: 82)] Hypolita hurls herself at Divyne and connects! Hypolita knocks Divyne flat and quickly jumps to her feet! Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Divyne! AS: +565 vs DS: +708 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +18 = -106 A clean miss. Hypolita chuckles. Divyne stands up. Hypolita concentrates deeply for a moment. Divyne lunges forward at Hypolita with her golvern shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 59 (open d100: 15)] Hypolita deftly avoids the shield bash. Hypolita nods. Speaking softly in Faendryl to Divyne, Hypolita says, "You've grown up." Hypolita grins. Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Divyne! AS: +578 vs DS: +758 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +93 = -68 A clean miss. Speaking in Faendryl to Hypolita, Divyne says, "As have you sister, I don't remember you being quite so tricky to hit." Hypolita chuckles. Divyne charges forward at Hypolita with her golvern shield and attempts a shield charge! [Roll result: 77 (open d100: 53)] Hypolita deftly avoids the charge. [Roll result: 94 (open d100: 16)] Hypolita feints to the right, Divyne almost buys the ruse, but recovers just in time. Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Hypolita! AS: +525 vs DS: +718 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +32 = -135 A clean miss. Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Divyne! AS: +578 vs DS: +516 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +47 = +128 ... and hits for 4 points of damage! Glancing blow to Divyne's back. That could have been more effective. Speaking in Faendryl to Arku, Lylia asks, "Which is the older of the two, Blade?" Divyne gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Divyne gestures. An invisible force guides Divyne. Divyne seems a bit weaker than before. Speaking softly in Faendryl to Lylia, Arku says, "I've never asked." Lylia nods. Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "A wise decision." Speaking in Faendryl, Moxslayer asks, "What happens in the case of stalemate?" Livius nods understandingly. Speaking in Faendryl to Lylia, you say, "My guess is Divyne." Hypolita seems a bit weaker than before. Lylia agrees with you. Divyne confidently calls upon her patron as she motions forcefully... Divyne gestures at Hypolita. Divyne briefly closes her eyes, and a translucent black gate rises up from the ground behind her. A faint white light builds up and emanates from Divyne's hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal chain of keys, and Divyne thrusts it forward! A flurry of golden snowflake-shaped motes unwind from the chain of the ethereal keys, striking Hypolita! CS: +425 - TD: +392 + CvA: -31 + d100: +61 - -5 == +68 Warded off! The ethereal keys in Divyne's hand slowly melt away. Speaking in Faendryl to Moxslayer, Maetriks says, "A yield." Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "Sometimes it's best not to ask two ladies who is the elder." Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Divyne! Divyne skillfully blocks the attack with her shield! Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Hypolita! AS: +586 vs DS: +457 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +25 = +180 ... and hits for 10 points of damage! Blow raises a welt on Hypolita's left arm. The invisible force draws back to guide Divyne once more. A haunting wind whips around Divyne, taking the chill in the air with it, and she blinks away the blackness that had clouded her eyes. Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Hypolita! Hypolita gracefully avoids the attack! Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "Indeed. even with twins, I have never seen a pair of them who were not well aware which was the elder." Lylia begins chuckling at Livius! Hypolita glares at Divyne and lets out a nerve-shattering bellow! Divyne is startled enough to lose initiative! A shimmering aura surrounds Hypolita. Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Divyne! AS: +545 vs DS: +514 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +25 = +75 A clean miss. Hypolita appears less confident. The faint blue glow fades from around Divyne's hands. The shimmering aura fades from around Divyne. The faint blue glow fades from around Hypolita's hands. Livius grins slowly. Livius nods in agreement at Lylia. A faint blue glow surrounds Hypolita's hands. Hypolita concentrates deeply for a moment. [Roll result: 156 (open d100: 78)] Hypolita feints high, Divyne buys the ruse and twists awkwardly to block the blow that never came! Speaking dryly in Faendryl to Livius, Lylia says, "I do try to avoid the subject with the short-lived races." A shimmering aura surrounds Divyne. A faint blue glow surrounds Divyne's hands. Divyne concentrates deeply for a moment. Hypolita squints at Divyne. Speaking in Faendryl, Arku softly says, "Divyne just can't quite land that judgment." Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Divyne! AS: +533 vs DS: +516 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +46 = +82 A clean miss. Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Hypolita! AS: +600 vs DS: +448 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +36 = +214 ... and hits for 18 points of damage! Blade slashes across Hypolita's face! Nice nose job. She is stunned! The guiding force leaves Divyne. Lylia gasps. Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Hypolita! AS: +525 vs DS: +435 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +23 = +139 ... and hits for 4 points of damage! Glancing blow to Hypolita's back. That could have been more effective. Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Hypolita! AS: +525 vs DS: +435 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +53 = +169 ... and hits for 9 points of damage! Attack hits Hypolita's throat but doesn't break the skin. Close! ** Divyne's mithril handaxe pulses with a burst of plasma energy! ** ... 20 points of damage! Skin blasted away leaving exposed and bloody muscle! She is stunned! Mourne cocks his head. Speaking in Faendryl, Maetriks says, "Well, well..." Novra winces. Raethir grunts. You applaud. Speaking in Faendryl to Lylia, Livius says, "Their thoughts dwell over mere years as ours do over centuries." Melikor nods. Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Hypolita! AS: +525 vs DS: +403 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +44 = +192 ... and hits for 14 points of damage! Torn muscle in Hypolita's left leg! Speaking in Faendryl, Mourne murmurs, "An advantage at last." Hypolita nods once. Speaking in Faendryl, Arku softly says, "Divyne found the opening she needed." Livius gazes thoughtfully at a shimmering wall. (Divyne backs away.) Speaking softly in Faendryl to Divyne, Hypolita says, "I yield, sister." Hypolita put a curved eahnor claidhmore in her leather weapon harness. Pris nods. Arku nods. Raethir nods approvingly. Novra applauds. Divyne nods slowly. Arku applauds. Livius nods approvingly. Lylia applauds. Edanthiel applauds. Lylia nods approvingly. Mourne applauds. Melikor applauds politely. Hypolita seems a bit weaker than before. Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "Very well fought." Raethir lets out a cheer! Divyne carefully hangs her handaxe from her swordbelt. It rattles against the handaxe hanging from it, and she carefully adjusts them. Divyne slings an embossed golvern shield over her shoulder. Divyne seems a bit weaker than before. Maetriks applauds politely. Novra adopts an agreeable expression. You applaud. Hypolita chuckles. Speaking in Faendryl, Arku softly says, "They are both tenacious. I believe they could outwait a stone if needed." Livius grins slowly. Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "Both showed a measured restraint." Raethir grins at Arku. Raethir nods at Edanthiel. Edanthiel nods at Arku. Schalyne nods. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "Well fought." Divyne bows to Schalyne. Hypolita faces Schalyne and smartly brings her right fist up to her chest. Holding it there, she bows deeply. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "Well matched." Hypolita loses an aura of resolve. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "Come." Blade Schalyne just went out. Hypolita just went out. Divyne just went out. Speaking in Faendryl to Arku, Lylia says, "I do not know which of you chose better -- the sisters for seeking you as their mentor, or you for choosing them as your acolytes. How fortunate for them and for you." Novra agrees with Lylia. Speaking softly in Faendryl to Lylia, Arku says, "The fortune was all mine. They have kept me sharp where I might have become fatter and sassier." Arku appears to be trying hard not to grin. Lylia raises her voice in merry laughter. Mourne chuckles. Synathaesia just arrived. Novra chuckles. Livius grins slowly. Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "I can hardly imagine such a thing." Lylia gazes in amusement at Arku. Edanthiel begins chortling at Arku. Novra applauds Synathaesia. Mourne nods at Synathaesia. Synathaesia nods once. Synathaesia just went west. Mourne just went west. Lylia glances west. Arku curls his lip at Lylia, his face contorting in a disdainful smirk. Mourne just arrived. Mourne walks over to the seat and settles down. Lylia gazes in amusement at Arku. Raethir appears to be trying hard not to grin. Matriarch Berkana just arrived. Lylia smiles at Berkana. Berkana grins. Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "You found us; lovely." Berkana kisses Lylia on the cheek. Lylia stands up. Arku whispers something to Lylia. Lylia kisses Berkana tenderly on the cheek. Melikor nods to Berkana in greeting. Lylia walks over to the seat and settles down. Berkana says, "Yes, eventually I figure it out." Berkana chuckles. Edanthiel smiles at Berkana. Berkana sits down next to Lylia. Novra nods to Berkana in greeting. Lylia leans forward. Berkana nods in greeting at Novra. Berkana surveys her surroundings carefully. Lylia smiles at Arku. Raethir waves. Berkana gives Alasatia a lingering kiss on the cheek. Berkana hugs Xorus. Xorus hugs Berkana. Berkana applauds. Livius nods in greeting. Berkana exclaims, "Fights!" Novra grins. Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "You missed the first two matches. I expect we'll see more soon." Lylia begins chuckling at Arku! Speaking in Faendryl, Raethir asks, "The candidates are to fight a Master next?" Raethir cocks his head at Arku. Mourne thoughtfully taps a finger against his lips. Mourne stands up. Mourne just went west. Speaking softly in Faendryl to Raethir, Arku says, "I believe so." Novra shifts her weight. Lylia grins at Arku. Mourne just arrived. Mourne walks over to the seat and settles down. Lylia nods knowingly at Arku. Yakushi just went west. Arku agrees with Lylia. Berkana frowns. Berkana glances at Lylia. Berkana asks, "Is it bring your own?" Berkana removes a shot of Elanthian Comfort from in her argent sable jacket. Livius shakes his head. Pris checks her footing. Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "There's a table just over that way with refreshments." Livius glances west. Berkana says, "Ah, thanks." Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "I decided to pick up a glass from the table as I passed." Lylia winks. Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "Might be closer to the column you entered through." Speaking to herself, Berkana says, "So used to carrying food and drink..." Speaking in Faendryl to Berkana, Novra says, "There are plates to put your choices on, also." Berkana asks, "Indeed?" Novra nods. Speaking in Faendryl, Raethir distractedly says, "Cheese, wine, crickets. Some delectable fried scorpion." Berkana shudders. Livius agrees with Raethir. Berkana says, "I've never lived in a cave, I didn't have to forage for bugs." Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "The scorpions are quite tasty." Berkana shivers. Mourne chuckles. Berkana tosses back her head and runs her fingers through her hair. Raethir looks thoughtfully at Berkana. Matriarch Berkana just went west. Raethir looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs. Novra gazes up into the sky. Novra smiles. Speaking in Faendryl, Novra comments, "Tilaok is especially beautiful tonight."
Synathaesia v. Mishrac
[Academy Nexus, Viewing Box] Rows of cushioned seats fill viewing boxes that are arranged all around a large arena. Beautifully embroidered canopies are pulled back allowing the moonlight to bath the area in a pale glow. A shimmering wall of magical energy protects each booth while still giving a clear view of the trial space. Also here: Cinnealk who is sitting, Mourne who is sitting, Moxslayer, Lady Alasatia who is sitting, Melikor who is sitting, Livius who is sitting, Lady Lylia who is sitting, Xorus who is sitting, Novra who is sitting, Blade Arku, Raethir who is sitting, Edanthiel who is sitting, Tysong who is sitting, Lady Maetriks, Blade Durakar, Pris Obvious paths: west Blade Schalyne just arrived. Synathaesia just arrived. Blade Mishrac just arrived. Synathaesia slings an ebon-nocked dark eahnor longbow off from over her shoulder. Mishrac slings an ebon mithril shield off from over his shoulder. Raethir smiles at Novra. Mishrac bows to Synathaesia. Synathaesia bows to Mishrac. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne asks, "Are you both ready?" Synathaesia removes a single faewood arrow from a bundle of faewood arrows. Speaking in Faendryl, Synathaesia says, "Aye." Mishrac concentrates deeply for a moment. A shimmering aura surrounds Synathaesia. A faint blue glow surrounds Synathaesia's hands. Synathaesia concentrates deeply for a moment. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "Very well." Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "At your will." Mishrac lifts his face and lets out an eerie, modulating cry! Mishrac leans forward stalking about the arena. Mishrac seems a bit weaker than before. Synathaesia is revealed from hiding. Synathaesia fires her dark eahnor longbow at Mishrac but the shot flies wide of the target! The faewood arrow disappears into the local environs. Synathaesia is revealed from hiding. Synathaesia fires her dark eahnor longbow at Mishrac but the shot flies wide of the target! The faewood arrow streaks out of sight! Mishrac lifts his face and lets out an eerie, modulating cry! Synathaesia is revealed from hiding. Synathaesia fires a pearlescent faewood arrow at Mishrac! AS: +335 vs DS: +673 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +2 = -310 A clean miss. The faewood arrow zips past its target to the ground. [Roll result: -1270 (open d100: 54)] Synathaesia crouches and sweeps a leg at Mishrac but misses! Synathaesia ends up tripping herself! Raethir winces. Synathaesia tucks her chin towards her chest and falls to the ground in an elegant roll. She tumbles smoothly and springs to her feet, ready for action! Melikor winces. Synathaesia is revealed from hiding. Synathaesia fires a pearlescent faewood arrow at Mishrac! Mishrac evades the missile gracefully! The faewood arrow zips past its target to the ground. Arku coughs. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Synathaesia! AS: +251 vs DS: +417 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +38 = -96 A clean miss. Mishrac nods. Synathaesia is revealed from hiding. Synathaesia fires a pearlescent faewood arrow at Mishrac! Mishrac gauges the missile's flight and moves a fraction of an inch as it passes harmlessly by! The faewood arrow disappears into the local environs. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Synathaesia! AS: +301 vs DS: +246 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +30 = +117 ... and hits for 3 points of damage! Glancing blow to Synathaesia's back. That could have been more effective. Synathaesia comes out of hiding. [Roll result: -1283 (open d100: 36)] Synathaesia crouches and sweeps a leg at Mishrac but misses! Synathaesia ends up tripping herself! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Synathaesia! AS: +301 vs DS: +367 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +7 = -27 A clean miss. Synathaesia tucks her chin towards her chest and falls to the ground in an elegant roll. She tumbles smoothly and springs to her feet, ready for action! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Synathaesia! AS: +301 vs DS: +417 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +7 = -77 A clean miss. Mishrac nods. Synathaesia is revealed from hiding. Synathaesia fires her dark eahnor longbow at Mishrac but the shot flies wide of the target! The faewood arrow streaks off into the distance! Mishrac moves about the arena peering into the shadows. Synathaesia is revealed from hiding. Synathaesia fires a pearlescent faewood arrow at Mishrac! Mishrac evades the missile gracefully! The faewood arrow streaks out of sight! Synathaesia is revealed from hiding. Synathaesia fires a pearlescent faewood arrow at Mishrac! Mishrac barely dodges the missile! The faewood arrow zips past its target to the ground. Synathaesia comes out of hiding. [Roll result: -1227 (open d100: 91)] Synathaesia tries to stomp on Mishrac, but misses! Synathaesia stumbles! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Synathaesia! AS: +301 vs DS: +196 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +90 = +227 ... and hits for 18 points of damage! Wild slash bounces off the back of Synathaesia's hand. Synathaesia tucks her chin towards her chest and falls to the ground in an elegant roll. She tumbles smoothly and springs to her feet, ready for action! Synathaesia is revealed from hiding. Synathaesia fires a pearlescent faewood arrow at Mishrac! Mishrac skillfully blocks the missile with his shield! The faewood arrow disappears into the local environs. Synathaesia is revealed from hiding. Synathaesia fires a pearlescent faewood arrow at Mishrac! Mishrac skillfully dodges the missile! The faewood arrow streaks off into the distance! Mishrac spins about with his blade, turning to face where the arrow flew from. Synathaesia is revealed from hiding. Synathaesia fires a pearlescent faewood arrow at Mishrac! Mishrac moves at the last moment to evade the missile! The faewood arrow disappears into the local environs. Mishrac takes a few steps to his right. A pearlescent faewood arrow flies out of the shadows toward Mishrac! Mishrac evades the missile by inches! The faewood arrow streaks out of sight! Mishrac lets loose an eerie, modulating cry! Synathaesia is revealed from hiding. Synathaesia fires a pearlescent faewood arrow at Mishrac! Mishrac dodges just in the nick of time! The faewood arrow streaks out of sight! Synathaesia is revealed from hiding. Synathaesia fires a pearlescent faewood arrow at Mishrac! Mishrac evades the missile gracefully! The faewood arrow streaks off into the distance! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Synathaesia! AS: +251 vs DS: +246 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +48 = +85 A clean miss. Synathaesia is revealed from hiding. Synathaesia fires a pearlescent faewood arrow at Mishrac! Mishrac evades the missile with incredible finesse! The faewood arrow streaks out of sight! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Synathaesia! AS: +301 vs DS: +246 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +27 = +114 ... and hits for 2 points of damage! Weak slash across chest! Slightly less painful than heartburn. Synathaesia is revealed from hiding. Synathaesia fires a pearlescent faewood arrow at Mishrac! Mishrac skillfully blocks the missile with his shield! The faewood arrow disappears into the local environs. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Synathaesia! AS: +301 vs DS: +246 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +83 = +170 ... and hits for 11 points of damage! Quick slash to Synathaesia's upper left arm! Just a nick. Mishrac turns about sweeping his blade. Synathaesia is revealed from hiding. Synathaesia fires a pearlescent faewood arrow at Mishrac! AS: +335 vs DS: +638 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +38 = -239 A clean miss. The faewood arrow streaks out of sight! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Synathaesia! AS: +301 vs DS: +246 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +8 = +95 A clean miss. Synathaesia is revealed from hiding. Synathaesia fires a pearlescent faewood arrow at Mishrac! Mishrac easily blocks the missile with his mithril shield! The faewood arrow disappears into the local environs. Lylia smiles at Xorus. Speaking in Faendryl, Mishrac says, "You have skill." Speaking in Faendryl, Mishrac says, "Your bow serves you well." Speaking in Faendryl, the voice of Synathaesia says, "Thank you. She is my pride and joy." Synathaesia is revealed from hiding. Synathaesia fires a pearlescent faewood arrow at Mishrac! Mishrac moves at the last moment to evade the missile! The faewood arrow streaks out of sight! Mishrac continues to circle the arena, his eyes on the shadows. From behind Schalyne, speaking in Faendryl, Synathaesia's voice says, "But the shadows serve me just as well." Synathaesia is revealed from hiding. Synathaesia fires a pearlescent faewood arrow at Mishrac! Mishrac skillfully dodges the missile! The faewood arrow disappears into the local environs. Speaking in Faendryl, Mishrac says, "It does." Speaking in Faendryl, Mishrac says, "Your skill in them is impressive." Speaking in Faendryl, the voice of Synathaesia says, "Years of practice." Synathaesia is revealed from hiding. Synathaesia fires a pearlescent faewood arrow at Mishrac! AS: +335 vs DS: +603 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +72 = -170 A clean miss. The faewood arrow disappears into the local environs. Mishrac lunges forward at Synathaesia with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 158 (open d100: 19)] Mishrac lashes out with a solid shield bash and Synathaesia is knocked over by the blow. ... 10 points of damage! Flattened Synathaesia's left hand. Synathaesia is revealed from hiding. Synathaesia fires a pearlescent faewood arrow at Mishrac! Mishrac evades the missile by inches! The faewood arrow streaks off into the distance! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Synathaesia! AS: +301 vs DS: +196 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +81 = +218 ... and hits for 21 points of damage! Large gash to the right arm, several muscles torn. She is stunned! Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "Oh-- that's a fair hit." Livius gazes thoughtfully at a shimmering wall. Synathaesia tucks her chin towards her chest and falls to the ground in an elegant roll. She tumbles smoothly and springs to her feet, ready for action! Speaking in Faendryl, Mishrac says, "Your agility does you well." Speaking in Faendryl, the voice of Synathaesia says, "Well... shall I yield? You have wounded me to the point of being unable to shoot my bow." Mishrac nods. Synathaesia searches around for a moment. Synathaesia finds a pearlescent faewood arrow that had been obscured from view! Speaking in Faendryl, Mishrac says, "I think we can fair say that against a normal opponent you would do well." [Synathaesia continues to search for her arrows.] Mishrac bows. Speaking in Faendryl, Synathaesia marvels, "I did shoot a significant amount at you, it would seem." Speaking in Faendryl, Mishrac says, "You did, the shadows favor you." Synathaesia nods at Mishrac. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "When you are ready." Schalyne nods at Synathaesia. Blade Schalyne just went out. Speaking in Faendryl to Mishrac, Synathaesia says, "Thank you." Synathaesia bows to Mishrac. Synathaesia just went out.
Brutish v. Mishrac
Blade Schalyne just arrived. Brutish just arrived. Mishrac bows to Brutish. Brutish bows to Mishrac. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne asks, "Are you both ready?" Brutish nods at Schalyne. Mishrac nods. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "At your will." Mishrac nods. Interlocking his fingers above his head, Brutish stretches slowly, extending his spine in a satisfying stretch. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac skillfully blocks the attack with his shield! Livius gazes with interest at his surroundings. Mishrac moves around Brutish, his eyes never leaving his opponent. Mishrac stares down Brutish and lets out an eerie, modulating cry! Brutish looks at Mishrac in utter terror! Brutish lets out a loud snarling growl and goes berserk! Brutish shakes with a sudden rage and breaks free of his motionless state! The berserker's rage leaves Brutish's eyes. Mishrac nods. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! With blinding speed, Mishrac blocks the attack with his shield! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +301 vs DS: +619 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +27 = -270 A clean miss. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac skillfully dodges the attack! Mishrac lunges forward at Brutish with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: -12 (open d100: 13)] Brutish deftly avoids the shield bash. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac gracefully avoids the attack! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +301 vs DS: +619 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +87 = -210 A clean miss. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac moves slightly, letting the attack pass harmlessly by! Mishrac lunges forward at Brutish with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 13 (open d100: 38)] Brutish deftly avoids the shield bash. Brutish lunges forward at Mishrac with his vultite wall shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: -301 (open d100: 72)] Brutish's attempt to bash fails miserably and managed to hit himself instead! Self-inflicted blow leaves Brutish reeling about comically! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +301 vs DS: +385 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +11 = -52 A clean miss. Brutish grumbles. Brutish twists his head slightly, cracking his neck. He looks relieved. Brutish concentrates deeply for a moment. Speaking in Faendryl, Mishrac says, "Your knowledge is impressive." Brutish's look of utter terror dissipates. Mishrac concentrates deeply for a moment. Mishrac lunges forward at Brutish with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 56 (open d100: 81)] Brutish deftly avoids the shield bash. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! With blinding speed, Mishrac dodges the attack! Mishrac lunges forward at Brutish with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 51 (open d100: 51)] Brutish deftly avoids the shield bash. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +363 vs DS: +633 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +70 = -179 A clean miss. Brutish throws back his head and lets out a thundering holler! Mishrac turns his blade toward Brutish, circling him. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +311 vs DS: +633 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +85 = -216 A clean miss. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! AS: +480 vs DS: +666 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +91 = -66 A clean miss. [Roll result: 10 (open d100: 29)] Mishrac swings his bladed falcata at Brutish's silvery rolaren waraxe and connects! Mishrac fails to knock the waraxe away! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac skillfully dodges the attack! Surprisingly, Brutish manages to effortlessly reverse his momentum and strike again! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! With blinding speed, Mishrac blocks the attack with his shield! Brutish seems a bit weaker than before. Mishrac lunges forward at Brutish with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 51 (open d100: 51)] Brutish deftly avoids the shield bash. Mishrac lunges forward at Brutish with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 24 (open d100: 24)] Brutish deftly avoids the shield bash. Mishrac seems a bit weaker than before. Speaking in Faendryl, Mishrac says, "You have an inner strength that will only grow from here." Mishrac nods. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +352 vs DS: +618 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +13 = -232 A clean miss. Brutish concentrates deeply for a moment. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac gracefully avoids the attack! Mishrac lunges forward at Brutish with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 92 (open d100: 74)] Brutish deftly avoids the shield bash. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac evades the attack with incredible finesse! Mishrac lunges forward at Brutish with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 34 (open d100: 16)] Brutish deftly avoids the shield bash. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +352 vs DS: +633 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +40 = -220 A clean miss. Mishrac stares down Brutish and lets out an eerie, modulating cry! Brutish looks at Mishrac in utter terror! Brutish lets out a loud snarling growl and goes berserk! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +352 vs DS: +343 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +11 = +41 A clean miss. Brutish struggles against the forces binding him! Mishrac lunges forward at Brutish with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: -14 (open d100: -72)] Brutish deftly avoids the shield bash. Brutish struggles against the forces binding him! Mishrac lunges forward at Brutish with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 133 (open d100: 75)] Mishrac lashes out with a sharp shield bash, but Brutish manages to partially avoid it. ... 1 point of damage! Stomach shot lands with a hollow *thump*. Brutish is stunned! Brutish shakes off the stun and begins frothing at the mouth! Brutish shakes with a sudden rage and breaks free of his motionless state! The berserker's rage leaves Brutish's eyes. Mishrac nods. Speaking in Faendryl, Mishrac says, "Well trained." Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +352 vs DS: +633 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +40 = -220 A clean miss. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac skillfully dodges the attack! [Roll result: 72 (open d100: 73)] Mishrac swings his bladed falcata at Brutish's silvery rolaren waraxe and connects! Mishrac fails to knock the waraxe away! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac gauges the attack and expertly deflects it with his mithril shield! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +352 vs DS: +393 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +7 = -13 A clean miss. Brutish's look of utter terror dissipates. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +352 vs DS: +393 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +36 = +16 A clean miss. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! In the nick of time, Mishrac interposes his bladed falcata between himself and the blow! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +352 vs DS: +393 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +59 = +39 A clean miss. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! AS: +460 vs DS: +603 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +59 = -55 A clean miss. Brutish seems a bit weaker than before. Mishrac lunges forward at Brutish with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 28 (open d100: 10)] Brutish deftly avoids the shield bash. Brutish throws back his shoulders and lets out a resounding yowlp! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +402 vs DS: +384 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +75 = +114 ... and hits for 2 points of damage! Light slash to Brutish's abdomen! Barely nicked. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac evades the attack with ease! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +402 vs DS: +384 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +14 = +53 A clean miss. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac barely manages to fend off the attack with his falcata! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +402 vs DS: +384 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +82 = +121 ... and hits for 2 points of damage! Light slash to Brutish's abdomen! Barely nicked. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac evades the attack by inches! Mishrac nods as he moved in closer. Brutish concentrates deeply for a moment. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +402 vs DS: +633 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +75 = -135 A clean miss. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! With incredible finesse, Mishrac deflects the attack with his mithril shield! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +402 vs DS: +393 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +62 = +92 A clean miss. Speaking in Faendryl, you say, "This may be a while." Brutish becomes solid again. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac dodges just in the nick of time! Surprisingly, Brutish manages to effortlessly reverse his momentum and strike again! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac evades the attack with ease! Lylia nods in agreement. Livius nods in agreement to you. Mishrac lunges forward at Brutish with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 57 (open d100: 21)] Brutish deftly avoids the shield bash. Mishrac lunges forward at Brutish with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 234 (open d100: 198)] Mishrac lashes out with an awesome shield bash and Brutish is flipped through the air to crash on his head! ... 4 points of damage! Hearty smack to the head. Brutish is stunned! Lylia bites her lip. Brutish lets out a loud snarling growl and goes berserk! Brutish shakes off the stun and begins frothing at the mouth! The berserker's rage leaves Brutish's eyes. Brutish rolls backward, then springs to his feet, ready again for action! Brutish returns to normal color. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +402 vs DS: +590 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +89 = -78 A clean miss. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac evades the attack with incredible finesse! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +402 vs DS: +363 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +91 = +151 ... and hits for 4 points of damage! Weak slash to Brutish's right arm. That doesn't even sting. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac skillfully interposes his shield between himself and the attack! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +402 vs DS: +363 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +98 = +158 ... and hits for 4 points of damage! Hit glances off Brutish's hip. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! At the last moment, Mishrac blocks the attack with his shield! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +402 vs DS: +363 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +72 = +132 ... and hits for 3 points of damage! Blow glances off Brutish's shoulder. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! AS: +460 vs DS: +546 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +53 = -4 A clean miss. Mishrac spins about bringing his sword down. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +402 vs DS: +363 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +33 = +93 A clean miss. Berkana asks, "A sign of a good match?" Mishrac grunts. Brutish concentrates deeply for a moment. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +452 vs DS: +590 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +28 = -89 A clean miss. Brutish lets out an aggressive snarl and takes a spinning leap towards Mishrac! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! AS: +478 vs DS: +490 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +39 = +56 A clean miss. Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "They are very evenly matched." Livius nods. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +452 vs DS: +377 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +97 = +193 ... and hits for 7 points of damage! Glancing blow to Brutish's back. That could have been more effective. Brutish lets out an aggressive snarl and takes a spinning leap towards Mishrac! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! With no room to spare, Mishrac blocks the attack with his mithril shield! Berkana says, "It shouldn't be easy or fast..." Mishrac lunges forward at Brutish with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 121 (open d100: 85)] Mishrac lashes out with a light shield bash and Brutish is knocked over by the blow. ... 1 point of damage! Torn muscle in Brutish's left leg! Berkana nods at Livius. Brutish rolls to the right, then springs to his feet, ready again for action! Mishrac stares down Brutish and lets out an eerie, modulating cry! Brutish looks at Mishrac in utter terror! Mishrac lunges forward at Brutish with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 131 (open d100: 55)] Mishrac lashes out with a sharp shield bash and Brutish is knocked over by the blow. ... 1 point of damage! Jarring blow to Brutish's back. ** A spike on Mishrac's mithril shield jabs into Brutish! ** ... 1 point of damage! Glancing strike to the head! You hear a loud *POP* come from Brutish's muscles! Brutish lets out a loud snarling growl and goes berserk! Brutish shakes with a sudden rage and breaks free of his motionless state! The berserker's rage leaves Brutish's eyes. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +402 vs DS: +279 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +76 = +220 ... and hits for 12 points of damage! Stomach shot lands with a hollow *thump*. Brutish rolls to the right, then springs to his feet, ready again for action! Raethir grunts. Brutish put a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe with a dragon's-tear diamond set in its haft in his weapon harness. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +402 vs DS: +419 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +97 = +101 ... and hits for 1 point of damage! Near-miss! Knuckles kissed but little damage. Brutish removes a green glass bottle of creamy ivory elixir from in his spidersilk cloak. Brutish takes a drink from his creamy ivory elixir. Brutish no longer looks as tired as he did a moment ago. Brutish put a green glass bottle of creamy ivory elixir in his spidersilk cloak. Brutish removes a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe with a dragon's-tear diamond set in its haft from in his weapon harness. Speaking in Faendryl, Moxslayer says, "Uh oh, I heard some flesh pop." Brutish grins. [Roll result: 40 (open d100: 48)] Mishrac swings his bladed falcata at Brutish's silvery rolaren waraxe and connects! Mishrac fails to knock the waraxe away! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac skillfully interposes his shield between himself and the attack! Lylia nods at Moxslayer. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +402 vs DS: +319 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +84 = +188 ... and hits for 7 points of damage! Hard blow, but deflected. Not much damage. Speaking in Faendryl, Raethir mutters, "I know that sound better than I want to admit." Mishrac lunges forward at Brutish with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 70 (open d100: 59)] Brutish deftly avoids the shield bash. Edanthiel frowns at Raethir. Mourne chuckles to himself. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! At the last moment, Mishrac parries the blow with his falcata! Mishrac lunges forward at Brutish with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 91 (open d100: 55)] Brutish deftly avoids the shield bash. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +402 vs DS: +526 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +45 = -58 A clean miss. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac dodges just in the nick of time! Brutish seems a bit weaker than before. Berkana grins at Raethir. Brutish's look of utter terror dissipates. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +402 vs DS: +323 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +29 = +129 ... and hits for 2 points of damage! Light slash to Brutish's abdomen! Barely nicked. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! AS: +444 vs DS: +546 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +72 = -1 A clean miss. Mishrac lunges forward at Brutish with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 112 (open d100: 76)] Mishrac lashes out with a weak shield bash, but Brutish manages to partially avoid it. ... 1 point of damage! Cut over Brutish's left eye. Mishrac attempts to jab Brutish! UAF: 142 vs UDF: 662 = 0.214 * MM: 18 + d100: 47 = 50 A clean miss! Brutish throws back his head and lets out a thundering holler! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +402 vs DS: +516 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +67 = -26 A clean miss. Brutish looks determined and focused. In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, Brutish engages Mishrac in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac gauges the attack and expertly deflects it with his mithril shield! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac evades the attack with ease! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac dodges just in the nick of time! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +402 vs DS: +323 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +97 = +197 ... and hits for 8 points of damage! Deft slash across chest draws blood! Brutish takes a deep breath. A faint silvery glow fades from around Brutish. Speaking in Faendryl, Mishrac says, "Much skill to grow with." Mishrac nods. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +402 vs DS: +491 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +76 = +8 A clean miss. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac evades the attack with ease! Surprisingly, Brutish manages to effortlessly reverse his momentum and strike again! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac dodges just in the nick of time! Mishrac lunges forward at Brutish with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 127 (open d100: 91)] Mishrac lashes out with a quick shield bash, but Brutish manages to partially avoid it. ... 1 point of damage! Stomach shot lands with a hollow *thump*. Mishrac lunges forward at Brutish with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 68 (open d100: 57)] Brutish deftly avoids the shield bash. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac easily blocks the attack with his mithril shield! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +402 vs DS: +298 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +21 = +146 ... and hits for 4 points of damage! Near-miss! That'll hurt tomorrow. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! With blinding speed, Mishrac dodges the attack! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +452 vs DS: +491 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +91 = +73 A clean miss. Brutish concentrates deeply for a moment. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac evades the attack by a hair! Mishrac concentrates deeply for a moment. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +415 vs DS: +501 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +57 = -8 A clean miss. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac barely manages to block the attack with his shield! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +415 vs DS: +304 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +93 = +225 ... and hits for 11 points of damage! Whiplash! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! With blinding speed, Mishrac dodges the attack! Mishrac lunges forward at Brutish with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 72 (open d100: 36)] Brutish deftly avoids the shield bash. Mishrac lunges forward at Brutish with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 76 (open d100: 40)] Brutish deftly avoids the shield bash. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! AS: +480 vs DS: +550 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +41 = +0 A clean miss. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +415 vs DS: +304 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +12 = +144 ... and hits for 4 points of damage! Thumped Brutish's chest. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +415 vs DS: +501 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +28 = -37 A clean miss. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! By amazing chance, Mishrac evades the attack! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +467 vs DS: +304 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +85 = +269 ... and hits for 14 points of damage! Jarring blow to Brutish's back. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac evades the attack by a hair! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +467 vs DS: +304 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +7 = +191 ... and hits for 7 points of damage! Flashy swing! Brutish is lucky that it only bopped his nose. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +467 vs DS: +501 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +30 = +17 A clean miss. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac evades the attack with ease! Mishrac lunges forward at Brutish with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 124 (open d100: 70)] Mishrac lashes out with a quick shield bash and Brutish is flipped through the air to crash on his head! ... 1 point of damage! Blow to the head causes Brutish's ears to ring! Brutish lets out a loud snarling growl and goes berserk! All of a sudden, Brutish rolls hard to his side, and then leaps to his feet! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Brutish! AS: +467 vs DS: +304 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +81 = +265 ... and hits for 14 points of damage! Quick slash to Brutish's upper left arm! Just a nick. Brutish spins around looking for something to attack! Brutish lets out a blood curdling scream of frustration! The berserker's rage leaves Brutish's eyes. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac gracefully avoids the attack! Surprisingly, Brutish manages to effortlessly reverse his momentum and strike again! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at Mishrac! Mishrac gracefully avoids the attack! Mishrac lunges forward at Brutish with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 99 (open d100: 45)] Brutish deftly avoids the shield bash. Mishrac lunges forward at Brutish with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 104 (open d100: 50)] Mishrac lashes out with a feeble shield bash, but Brutish manages to partially avoid it. ... 2 points of damage! Neck vertebrae snap. He is stunned! ** A spike on Mishrac's mithril shield jabs into Brutish! ** ... 1 point of damage! Minor puncture to the chest. Brutish seems a bit weaker than before. Speaking in Faendryl, Novra says, "Ouch." Mishrac seems a bit weaker than before. Brutish winces. Raethir nods grimly. Mishrac nods. Speaking in Faendryl, Mishrac says, "You are a worthy opponent." (Brutish covers his abdomen with his arm.) Speaking in Faendryl, Mourne comments, "He certainly has stamina, and shrugs off the blows well. A formidable defense." Livius agrees with Mourne. Edanthiel nods at Mourne. Lylia agrees with Mourne. Berkana agrees with Mourne. Mishrac steps back giving Brutish a moment. The bright luminescence fades from around Mishrac. The brilliant luminescence fades from around Mishrac. Brutish begins to do his best to bandage his wounded abdomen. Mourne thoughtfully taps a finger against his lips. Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia approvingly says, "And can look after himself without seeking help." Mourne nods in agreement. Mishrac nods. Speaking in Faendryl, Brutish quietly says, "I'm afraid I may make too big a mess to clean up." Speaking in Faendryl, Raethir says, "And answered with some decent blows of his own." Mishrac bows. Brutish bows to Mishrac. Brutish winces. Speaking in Faendryl, Mishrac says, "You did well." Speaking in Faendryl, Arku softly says, "He certainly does have the stamina to see a fight through." Speaking in Faendryl, Brutish quietly says, "Thank you." You applaud. Lylia applauds. Arku applauds. Raethir applauds. Mourne applauds warmly. Edanthiel applauds. Melikor applauds politely. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "Follow when ready." Blade Schalyne just went out. Brutish nods. Brutish just limped out, favoring his left leg. Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "Before the next fight, I think I need a drink." Lylia stands up. Lady Lylia just went west. Blade Mishrac just went out.
Hypolita v. Mishrac
Blade Mishrac just arrived. Blade Schalyne just arrived. Hypolita just arrived. Hypolita removes a curved eahnor claidhmore from in her leather weapon harness. Mishrac slings an ebon mithril shield off from over his shoulder. Mishrac removes a dark bladed falcata from in his leather sheath. Hypolita faces Mishrac and smartly brings her right fist up to her chest. Holding it there, she bows deeply. A shimmering aura surrounds Hypolita. A faint blue glow surrounds Hypolita's hands. Hypolita concentrates deeply for a moment. Mishrac bows to Hypolita. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne asks, "Are you both ready?" Hypolita nods once. Mishrac nods. Arku slowly empties his lungs. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "At your will." Hypolita throws back her head and lets out a thundering holler! Mishrac stares down Hypolita and lets out an eerie, modulating cry! [Roll result: 105 (open d100: 68)] Hypolita feints low, Mishrac buys the ruse and moves to block the blow that never came! Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! AS: +588 vs DS: +642 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +94 = +65 A clean miss. Mishrac throws back his shoulders and lets out a resounding yowlp! Mishrac lunges forward at Hypolita with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 63 (open d100: 59)] Hypolita deftly avoids the shield bash. Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! By amazing chance, Mishrac evades the attack! Novra grins. Hypolita seems a bit weaker than before. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! AS: +316 vs DS: +748 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +35 = -376 A clean miss. [Roll result: 99 (open d100: 91)] Hypolita swings her eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac's bladed falcata and connects! Hypolita fails to knock the falcata away! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! AS: +352 vs DS: +452 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +84 = +5 A clean miss. Mishrac lunges forward at Hypolita with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 40 (open d100: 59)] Hypolita deftly avoids the shield bash. Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! AS: +575 vs DS: +717 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +11 = -106 A clean miss. Surprisingly, Hypolita manages to effortlessly reverse her momentum and strike again! Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! Mishrac evades the attack by a hair! Mishrac lunges forward at Hypolita with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: -3 (open d100: 16)] Hypolita deftly avoids the shield bash. Hypolita concentrates deeply for a moment. Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! AS: +578 vs DS: +717 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +32 = -82 A clean miss. Mishrac lunges forward at Hypolita with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 45 (open d100: 39)] Hypolita deftly avoids the shield bash. Hypolita glares at Mishrac and lets out a nerve-shattering bellow! Mishrac is unaffected! Mishrac circles his opponent waiting. Mishrac stares down Hypolita and lets out an eerie, modulating cry! Mishrac glares at Hypolita and lets out a nerve-shattering bellow! Hypolita is unaffected! (Hypolita circles to the left.) Mishrac takes a few steps to his right. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! Hypolita skillfully deflects the attack with her claidhmore! Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! Mishrac skillfully dodges the attack! Mishrac lunges forward at Hypolita with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 75 (open d100: 69)] Hypolita deftly avoids the shield bash. Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! AS: +588 vs DS: +717 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +76 = -28 A clean miss. Mishrac lunges forward at Hypolita with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 85 (open d100: 79)] Hypolita deftly avoids the shield bash. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! AS: +301 vs DS: +751 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +94 = -335 A clean miss. Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! Amazingly, Mishrac manages to parry the attack with his falcata! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! AS: +301 vs DS: +453 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +98 = -33 A clean miss. Mishrac concentrates deeply for a moment. Hypolita seems a bit weaker than before. Hypolita loses an aura of resolve. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! Hypolita evades the attack by inches! [Roll result: 76 (open d100: 39)] Hypolita feints low, Mishrac almost buys the ruse, but recovers just in time. Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! AS: +555 vs DS: +666 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +81 = -5 A clean miss. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! AS: +363 vs DS: +735 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +78 = -273 A clean miss. Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! In the nick of time, Mishrac interposes his mithril shield between himself and the attack! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! AS: +363 vs DS: +439 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +85 = +30 A clean miss. Hypolita concentrates deeply for a moment. Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! With no room to spare, Mishrac blocks the attack with his mithril shield! Mishrac lunges forward at Hypolita with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 81 (open d100: 82)] Hypolita deftly avoids the shield bash. [Roll result: 53 (open d100: 46)] Hypolita swings her eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac's bladed falcata and connects! Hypolita fails to knock the falcata away! [Roll result: 9 (open d100: 79)] Mishrac swings his bladed falcata at Hypolita's eahnor claidhmore and connects! Mishrac fails to knock the claidhmore away! Mishrac lunges forward at Hypolita with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 86 (open d100: 87)] Hypolita deftly avoids the shield bash. Lylia flashes a quick grin. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! Hypolita skillfully dodges the attack! Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "Both going after one another's weapons. Clever." Novra chuckles. Hypolita glares at Mishrac and lets out a nerve-shattering bellow! Mishrac is unaffected! Mishrac stares down Hypolita and lets out an eerie, modulating cry! Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! In the nick of time, Mishrac interposes his mithril shield between himself and the attack! Mishrac seems a bit weaker than before. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! AS: +301 vs DS: +440 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +21 = -97 A clean miss. Livius nods in agreement. The faint blue glow fades from around Hypolita's hands. The shimmering aura fades from around Hypolita. A shimmering aura surrounds Hypolita. A faint blue glow surrounds Hypolita's hands. Speaking in Faendryl, Mishrac says, "Well met." Speaking in Faendryl, Mishrac says, "Your skills are impressive." [Roll result: -185 (open d100: -90)] Mishrac swings his bladed falcata at Hypolita's eahnor claidhmore only for the blow to deflect harmlessly off of the claidhmore and smack Mishrac in the shin! Mishrac frowns. Novra winces. Lylia snickers. Melikor snickers. Speaking softly in Faendryl to Mishrac, Hypolita says, "Thank you, Master." Hypolita seems a bit weaker than before. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! Hypolita gracefully avoids the attack! Arku appears to be trying hard not to grin. [Roll result: 45 (open d100: 38)] Hypolita swings her eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac's bladed falcata and connects! Hypolita fails to knock the falcata away! Mishrac lunges forward at Hypolita with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 77 (open d100: 53)] Hypolita deftly avoids the shield bash. [Roll result: 77 (open d100: 90)] Hypolita hurls herself at Mishrac and connects! Hypolita fails to bring Mishrac down, but manages to scramble back to her feet. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! AS: +301 vs DS: +439 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +62 = -55 A clean miss. Mishrac lunges forward at Hypolita with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 34 (open d100: 35)] Hypolita deftly avoids the shield bash. Mishrac lunges forward at Hypolita with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 26 (open d100: 27)] Hypolita deftly avoids the shield bash. Hypolita concentrates deeply for a moment. Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! With no room to spare, Mishrac blocks the attack with his mithril shield! Deep shadow forms, coruscating with metallic glints. Xorus turns and enters the sudden swelling of darkness. The sudden clink of coins and muffled footsteps is heard before everything dissipates, leaving no sign of Xorus. [Roll result: 90 (open d100: 160)] Mishrac swings his bladed falcata at Hypolita's eahnor claidhmore and connects! Mishrac fails to knock the claidhmore away! Hypolita put a curved eahnor claidhmore in her leather weapon harness. Hypolita removes a perfect oak-hafted steel maul from in her leather weapon harness. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! Hypolita dodges just in the nick of time! Hypolita swings a perfect steel maul at Mishrac! AS: +575 vs DS: +660 with AvD: +45 + d100 roll: +12 = -28 A clean miss. Mishrac lunges forward at Hypolita with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 86 (open d100: 87)] Hypolita deftly avoids the shield bash. Hypolita swings a perfect steel maul at Mishrac! Mishrac moves at the last moment to evade the attack! [Roll result: -40 (open d100: 20)] Mishrac swings his bladed falcata at Hypolita's steel maul but fails to connect! Speaking in Faendryl, Arku softly says, "Oh, she switched weapons." Mishrac lunges forward at Hypolita with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 87 (open d100: 88)] Hypolita deftly avoids the shield bash. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! AS: +301 vs DS: +756 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +29 = -405 A clean miss. Raethir grins. [Roll result: 45 (open d100: 18)] Hypolita feints to the right, but Mishrac isn't fooled for a second. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! AS: +301 vs DS: +445 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +3 = -120 A clean miss. Hypolita nods once. Hypolita put a perfect oak-hafted steel maul in her leather weapon harness. Hypolita removes a curved eahnor claidhmore from in her leather weapon harness. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! AS: +301 vs DS: +738 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +43 = -373 A clean miss. Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! Mishrac moves at the last moment to evade the attack! Speaking in Faendryl, Raethir approvingly says, "Quite fluidly, at that." Speaking in Faendryl, Mishrac says, "Diverse weaponry." Mishrac nods. Speaking in Faendryl, Hypolita softly says, "My trainer thought it would come in very handy." Hypolita seems a bit weaker than before. [Roll result: 31 (open d100: 24)] Hypolita swings her eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac's bladed falcata and connects! Hypolita fails to knock the falcata away! Novra adopts an agreeable expression. Mishrac lunges forward at Hypolita with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 106 (open d100: 82)] Mishrac lashes out with a feeble shield bash, but Hypolita manages to partially avoid it. ... 10 points of damage! Smash to the kneecap. [Roll result: -79 (open d100: 16)] Mishrac swings his bladed falcata at Hypolita's eahnor claidhmore but fails to connect! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! AS: +301 vs DS: +722 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +33 = -367 A clean miss. Mishrac nods. Hypolita throws back her head and lets out a thundering holler! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! AS: +301 vs DS: +722 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +50 = -350 A clean miss. Hypolita concentrates deeply for a moment. Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! AS: +588 vs DS: +660 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +57 = +10 A clean miss. Mishrac concentrates deeply for a moment. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! Hypolita barely manages to fend off the attack with her claidhmore! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! With extreme effort, Hypolita beats back the attack with her claidhmore! Meit nods briefly. Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! AS: +588 vs DS: +607 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +36 = +42 A clean miss. Mishrac lunges forward at Hypolita with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 50 (open d100: 8)] Hypolita deftly avoids the shield bash. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! AS: +363 vs DS: +725 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +61 = -280 A clean miss. Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! By amazing chance, Mishrac evades the attack! Surprisingly, Hypolita manages to effortlessly reverse her momentum and strike again! Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! AS: +588 vs DS: +607 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +82 = +88 A clean miss. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! AS: +363 vs DS: +430 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +49 = +3 A clean miss. Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! In the nick of time, Mishrac interposes his mithril shield between himself and the attack! [Roll result: 29 (open d100: 81)] Mishrac swings his bladed falcata at Hypolita's eahnor claidhmore and connects! Mishrac fails to knock the claidhmore away! Speaking softly in Faendryl to Mishrac, Hypolita says, "You move faster than anyone I've ever seen." Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! Hypolita evades the attack with ease! Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! Mishrac evades the attack by inches! Mishrac lunges forward at Hypolita with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 102 (open d100: 60)] Mishrac lashes out with a feeble shield bash, but Hypolita manages to partially avoid it. ... 10 points of damage! Smash to the kneecap. ** A spike on Mishrac's mithril shield jabs into Hypolita! ** A suit of black alloy field-plate partially deflects the onslaught of the puncture attack. ... 10 points of damage! Strike pierces thigh! She is knocked to the ground! Novra winces. Hypolita stands up. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! Hypolita moves at the last moment to evade the attack! Hypolita seems a bit weaker than before. Mishrac lunges forward at Hypolita with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: -71 (open d100: -88)] Hypolita deftly avoids the shield bash. Hypolita appears less confident. Mishrac seems a bit weaker than before. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! In the nick of time, Hypolita interposes her eahnor claidhmore between herself and the blow! Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! Mishrac skillfully dodges the attack! The faint blue glow fades from around Hypolita's hands. The shimmering aura fades from around Hypolita. A shimmering aura surrounds Hypolita. A faint blue glow surrounds Hypolita's hands. Hypolita concentrates deeply for a moment. Speaking in Faendryl, Mishrac says, "You have learned much in your time away from us." Pris gives a sidelong glance around the area. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! Hypolita evades the attack by inches! Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! At the last moment, Mishrac blocks the attack with his shield! Mishrac concentrates deeply for a moment. Mishrac lunges forward at Hypolita with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 24 (open d100: 7)] Hypolita deftly avoids the shield bash. Pris squints at a shimmering wall. [Roll result: 59 (open d100: 75)] Hypolita swings her eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac's bladed falcata and connects! Hypolita fails to knock the falcata away! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! AS: +363 vs DS: +690 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +26 = -280 A clean miss. Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! With no room to spare, Mishrac blocks the attack with his mithril shield! Mishrac lunges forward at Hypolita with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 73 (open d100: 31)] Hypolita deftly avoids the shield bash. Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! AS: +553 vs DS: +607 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +63 = +34 A clean miss. Mishrac lunges forward at Hypolita with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 96 (open d100: 54)] Hypolita deftly avoids the shield bash. Mishrac lunges forward at Hypolita with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 157 (open d100: 140)] Mishrac lashes out with a solid shield bash and Hypolita is sent tumbling by the blow! ... 5 points of damage! Blow to the head causes Hypolita's ears to ring! All of a sudden, Hypolita rolls hard to her side, and then leaps to her feet! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! AS: +363 vs DS: +666 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +73 = -209 A clean miss. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! AS: +363 vs DS: +666 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +51 = -231 A clean miss. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! Hypolita evades the attack by a hair! Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! AS: +553 vs DS: +550 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +46 = +74 A clean miss. Hypolita seems a bit weaker than before. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! By amazing chance, Hypolita evades the attack! Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! In the nick of time, Mishrac interposes his mithril shield between himself and the attack! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! AS: +415 vs DS: +391 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +10 = +55 A clean miss. Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! Amazingly, Mishrac manages to block the attack with his shield! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! AS: +415 vs DS: +391 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +42 = +87 A clean miss. Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! AS: +540 vs DS: +550 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +15 = +30 A clean miss. Mishrac seems a bit weaker than before. Mishrac lunges forward at Hypolita with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 108 (open d100: 48)] Mishrac lashes out with a feeble shield bash, but Hypolita manages to partially avoid it. ... 5 points of damage! Blow leaves an imprint on Hypolita's chest! Hypolita is stunned! A faint silvery glow fades from around Hypolita. Livius gazes thoughtfully at a shimmering wall. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! AS: +402 vs DS: +366 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +29 = +86 A clean miss. Maetriks leans softly against Durakar. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! In the nick of time, Hypolita interposes her eahnor claidhmore between herself and the blow! Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! AS: +540 vs DS: +546 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +50 = +69 A clean miss. Surprisingly, Hypolita manages to effortlessly reverse her momentum and strike again! Hypolita swings a curved eahnor claidhmore at Mishrac! AS: +540 vs DS: +546 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +85 = +104 ... and hits for 1 point of damage! Weak slash to Mishrac's right arm. That doesn't even sting. Hypolita concentrates deeply for a moment. Mishrac concentrates deeply for a moment. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! AS: +415 vs DS: +641 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +100 = -105 A clean miss. Mishrac nods. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Hypolita! Hypolita moves at the last moment to evade the attack! Meit flashes a toothy grin. Speaking in Faendryl, Mishrac says, "We are fair matched." Hypolita nods in agreement at Mishrac. Mishrac takes a few steps back. Novra grins. Mishrac bows to Hypolita. Hypolita put a curved eahnor claidhmore in her leather weapon harness. Speaking in Faendryl, Mishrac says, "Well fought." Hypolita faces Mishrac and smartly brings her right fist up to her chest. Holding it there, she bows deeply. Lylia applauds. Raethir nods approvingly. Raethir applauds. Melikor applauds politely. Mourne applauds. Livius nods approvingly. You applaud. Speaking softly in Faendryl to Mishrac, Hypolita says, "It was an honor, Master." Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "And excellent display." s>clap Mishrac seems a bit weaker than before. Hypolita seems a bit weaker than before. Speaking in Faendryl, Mishrac says, "The honor was mine." Edanthiel applauds. Speaking in Faendryl, Mishrac says, "If I had had you in the academy when you were small." Mishrac sighs. Schalyne smirks. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "Come." Schalyne nods. Blade Schalyne just went out. Hypolita just went out.
Divyne v. Mishrac
Blade Schalyne just arrived. Divyne just arrived. Schalyne nods. Mishrac bows to Divyne. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne asks, "Are you both ready?" Mishrac nods. Divyne deftly removes the mithril handaxe from her swordbelt. Divyne slings an embossed golvern shield off from over her shoulder. [Hypolita visits the viewing box for healing and receives praise from the audience.] A shimmering aura surrounds Divyne. A faint blue glow surrounds Divyne's hands. Mishrac nods. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "At your will." Mishrac nods. Divyne nods. Mishrac stares down Divyne and lets out an eerie, modulating cry! Mishrac concentrates deeply for a moment. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Divyne! Divyne evades the attack by a hair! Divyne confidently calls upon her patron as she motions forcefully... Divyne gestures at Mishrac. Divyne briefly closes her eyes, and a translucent black gate rises up from the ground behind her. A faint white light builds up and emanates from Divyne's hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal chain of keys, and Divyne thrusts it forward! A flurry of golden snowflake-shaped motes unwind from the chain of the ethereal keys, striking Schalyne! CS: +425 - TD: +330 + CvA: -9 + d100: +59 - -5 == +150 Warding failed! Schalyne is stricken for 53 points of damage! ... 1 point of damage! Minor burns to Schalyne's weapon arm. Schalyne is driven to her knees! A flurry of golden snowflake-shaped motes unwind from the chain of the ethereal keys, striking Mishrac! CS: +425 - TD: +331 + CvA: -25 + d100: +44 - -5 == +118 Warding failed! Mishrac is stricken for 36 points of damage! ... 1 point of damage! Minor burns to Mishrac's shield arm. The ethereal keys in Divyne's hand slowly melt away. Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Mishrac! Mishrac easily blocks the attack with his mithril shield! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Divyne! AS: +247 vs DS: +535 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +19 = -248 A clean miss. Novra blinks. Lylia flashes a quick grin. Meit flashes a wide grin. Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Mishrac! Mishrac evades the attack by a hair! Mishrac lunges forward at Divyne with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: -29 (open d100: 38)] Divyne deftly avoids the shield bash. Edanthiel smiles. Meit begins to applaud, but stops after a few moments. Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Mishrac! Mishrac dodges just in the nick of time! Speaking in Faendryl, Melikor says, "Hmm." Mishrac lunges forward at Divyne with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: -23 (open d100: 44)] Divyne deftly avoids the shield bash. Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Mishrac! AS: +572 vs DS: +690 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +9 = -77 A clean miss. [Roll result: 15 (open d100: 36)] Mishrac swings his bladed falcata at Divyne's mithril handaxe and connects! Mishrac fails to knock the handaxe away! Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "A bold opening." Divyne gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Divyne gestures. An invisible force guides Divyne. Novra grins. Edanthiel nods in agreement at Lylia. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Divyne! Divyne easily blocks the attack with her golvern shield! Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Mishrac! AS: +647 vs DS: +690 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +34 = +23 A clean miss. The invisible force draws back to guide Divyne once more. Speaking in Faendryl, Novra says, "Quite." Mishrac stares down Divyne and lets out an eerie, modulating cry! Divyne looks at Mishrac in utter terror! Divyne is frightened into immobility! Melikor chuckles. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Divyne! With extreme effort, Divyne blocks the attack with her shield! Divyne beseeches her deity for some divine assistance. Divyne seems a bit weaker than before. Divyne's look of utter terror dissipates. Mishrac lunges forward at Divyne with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: -44 (open d100: 13)] Divyne deftly avoids the shield bash. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Divyne! AS: +252 vs DS: +533 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +88 = -172 A clean miss. Divyne lunges forward at Mishrac with her golvern shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 24 (open d100: 41)] Mishrac deftly avoids the shield bash. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Divyne! Amazingly, Divyne manages to block the attack with her shield! Mishrac lunges forward at Divyne with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: -11 (open d100: 38)] Divyne deftly avoids the shield bash. Divyne launches a quick bash with her golvern shield at Mishrac! [Roll result: 30 (open d100: 44)] Divyne's bash connects! Mishrac is unaffected by Divyne's futile bash! Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Mishrac! Mishrac barely dodges the attack! Mishrac seems a bit weaker than before. Mourne just arrived. [Roll result: 19 (open d100: 12)] Mishrac swings his bladed falcata at Divyne's mithril handaxe and connects! Mishrac fails to knock the handaxe away! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Divyne! AS: +292 vs DS: +775 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +41 = -421 A clean miss. Divyne confidently calls upon her patron as she motions forcefully... Divyne gestures at Mishrac. Divyne briefly closes her eyes, and a translucent black gate rises up from the ground behind her. A faint white light builds up and emanates from Divyne's hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal chain of keys, and Divyne thrusts it forward! A flurry of golden snowflake-shaped motes unwind from the chain of the ethereal keys, striking Schalyne! CS: +425 - TD: +330 + CvA: -9 + d100: +89 - -5 == +180 Warding failed! Schalyne is stricken for 42 points of damage! ... 1 point of damage! Precise burst of energy causes Schalyne's neck to blacken and peel. She is stunned! Schalyne strains as if burdened by some invisible force. A flurry of golden snowflake-shaped motes unwind from the chain of the ethereal keys, striking Mishrac! CS: +425 - TD: +331 + CvA: -25 + d100: +80 - -5 == +154 Warding failed! Mishrac is stricken for 57 points of damage! ... 9 points of damage! Superheated arc of plasma traces blackened path across Mishrac's belly! He is stunned! Mishrac is driven to his knees! The ethereal keys in Divyne's hand slowly melt away. Meit flashes a toothy grin. Lylia gasps. Speaking in Faendryl, Novra says, "Ooh." Mourne grins slowly. All of a sudden, Mishrac rolls hard to his side, and then leaps to his feet! Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Mishrac! Mishrac evades the attack by a hair! Edanthiel lets out a cheer! Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Mishrac! Mishrac easily blocks the attack with his mithril shield! Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Mishrac! AS: +633 vs DS: +607 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +64 = +122 ... and hits for 1 point of damage! Hit glances off Mishrac's hip. The guiding force leaves Divyne. Mishrac concentrates deeply for a moment. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Divyne! With no room to spare, Divyne blocks the attack with her golvern shield! Divyne concentrates deeply for a moment. Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Mishrac! AS: +572 vs DS: +612 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +73 = +65 A clean miss. Mishrac lunges forward at Divyne with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: 53 (open d100: 130)] Divyne deftly avoids the shield bash. Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Mishrac! Mishrac evades the attack with ease! Divyne gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Divyne gestures. An invisible force guides Divyne. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Divyne! With extreme effort, Divyne blocks the attack with her shield! Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Mishrac! Mishrac skillfully blocks the attack with his shield! Mishrac lunges forward at Divyne with his mithril shield and attempts a shield bash! [Roll result: -14 (open d100: 55)] Divyne deftly avoids the shield bash. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Divyne! In the nick of time, Divyne interposes her golvern shield between herself and the attack! Divyne launches a quick bash with her golvern shield at Mishrac! [Roll result: -43 (open d100: 56)] Mishrac avoids the bash! Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Mishrac! Mishrac easily blocks the attack with his mithril shield! Divyne traces a simple symbol as she reverently calls upon the power of her patron... Divyne gestures. As the sepulchral tones of Divyne's prayer die away, an arctic chill permeates the air around her, and her eyes shift to solid black. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Divyne! With extreme effort, Divyne blocks the attack with her shield! Casting fervent aspirations into the air, Divyne pleads for Lorminstra's guidance, and wisps of pale illumination manifest into a veil that falls gently about her. With a look of renewed focus, Divyne cuts blurring swaths of alabaster and ebony with her handaxe as she wields it with precision. Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Schalyne! Schalyne moves at the last moment to evade the attack! Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Mishrac! AS: +647 vs DS: +496 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +86 = +269 ... and hits for 17 points of damage! Bones in left arm crack. The invisible force draws back to guide Divyne once more. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Divyne! With extreme effort, Divyne blocks the attack with her shield! Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Mishrac! AS: +647 vs DS: +650 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +96 = +125 ... and hits for 1 point of damage! Glancing blow to Mishrac's back. That could have been more effective. The guiding force leaves Divyne. Divyne gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Divyne gestures. An invisible force guides Divyne. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Divyne! AS: +290 vs DS: +731 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +39 = -381 A clean miss. Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Mishrac! Mishrac moves at the last moment to evade the attack! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Divyne! AS: +242 vs DS: +781 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +42 = -476 A clean miss. Divyne launches a quick bash with her golvern shield at Mishrac! [Roll result: 12 (open d100: 31)] Divyne's bash connects! Mishrac is unaffected by Divyne's futile bash! Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Mishrac! AS: +647 vs DS: +650 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +45 = +74 A clean miss. The guiding force leaves Divyne. Divyne gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Divyne gestures. An invisible force guides Divyne. Speaking in Faendryl, Novra softly says, "Goodness." Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Divyne! Divyne easily blocks the attack with her golvern shield! Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Mishrac! Mishrac evades the attack by inches! Edanthiel nods in agreement. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Divyne! Divyne barely manages to block the attack with her shield! Divyne launches a quick bash with her golvern shield at Mishrac! [Roll result: 52 (open d100: 71)] Divyne's bash connects! Mishrac is unaffected by Divyne's futile bash! Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Mishrac! In the nick of time, Mishrac interposes his mithril shield between himself and the attack! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Divyne! AS: +242 vs DS: +535 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +37 = -235 A clean miss. Mishrac seems a bit weaker than before. Divyne confidently calls upon her patron as she motions forcefully... Divyne gestures at Mishrac. Divyne briefly closes her eyes, and a translucent black gate rises up from the ground behind her. A faint white light builds up and emanates from Divyne's hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal chain of keys, and Divyne thrusts it forward! A flurry of golden snowflake-shaped motes unwind from the chain of the ethereal keys, striking Schalyne! CS: +425 - TD: +330 + CvA: -9 + d100: +7 - -5 == +98 Warded off! A flurry of golden snowflake-shaped motes unwind from the chain of the ethereal keys, striking Mishrac! CS: +425 - TD: +331 + CvA: -25 + d100: +46 - -5 == +120 Warding failed! Mishrac is stricken for 21 points of damage! ... 1 point of damage! Stinging burn to Mishrac's hand Mishrac is driven to his knees! The ethereal keys in Divyne's hand slowly melt away. All of a sudden, Mishrac rolls hard to his side, and then leaps to his feet! Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Mishrac! AS: +647 vs DS: +644 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +93 = +128 ... and hits for 1 point of damage! Hard blow, but deflected. Not much damage. The guiding force leaves Divyne. ** Divyne's mithril handaxe pulses with a burst of plasma energy! ** ... 4 points of damage! Blistering strike to leg shrivels skin and causes excruciating pain. ** Divyne's mithril handaxe sprays with a burst of plasma energy! ** ... 4 points of damage! Searing bolt of energy strikes Mishrac, scorching a wide swath of flesh! Divyne seems a bit weaker than before. Speaking in Faendryl, Arku softly says, "She is agressive." Lylia gasps. Divyne gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Divyne gestures. An invisible force guides Divyne. Speaking in Faendryl, Raethir says, "She's holding nothing back. Blade Schalyne keeps finding herself in the crossfire." Speaking in Faendryl, Maetriks says, "Noted." Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Mishrac! Mishrac evades the attack with ease! Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Divyne! At the last moment, Divyne blocks the attack with her shield! Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Mishrac! With extreme effort, Mishrac blocks the attack with his shield! Speaking in Faendryl, Meit interestedly exclaims, "Yes it seems so!" Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Divyne! At the last moment, Divyne blocks the attack with her shield! Speaking in Faendryl, Moxslayer says, "Blade Schalyne dodged those last two." Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at Mishrac! AS: +633 vs DS: +633 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +72 = +104 ... and hits for 1 point of damage! Glancing blow to Mishrac's back. That could have been more effective. The guiding force leaves Divyne. Mishrac swings a dark bladed falcata at Divyne! AS: +234 vs DS: +533 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +96 = -182 A clean miss. The brilliant luminescence fades from around Mishrac. Divyne gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Divyne gestures. An invisible force guides Divyne. Divyne confidently calls upon her patron as she motions forefully... Divyne gestures at Mishrac. Divyne briefly closes her eyes, and a translucent black gate rises up from the ground behind her. A faint white light builds up and emanates from Divyne's hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal chain of keys, and Divyne thrusts it forward! A flurry of golden snowflake-shaped motes unwind from the chain of the ethereal keys, striking Schalyne! CS: +425 - TD: +330 + CvA: -9 + d100: +66 - -5 == +157 Warding failed! Schalyne is stricken for 73 points of damage! ... 1 point of damage! Searing strike to back causes Schalyne to grunt in pain. Schalyne strains as if burdened by some invisible force. A flurry of golden snowflake-shaped motes unwind from the chain of the ethereal keys, striking Mishrac! CS: +425 - TD: +324 + CvA: -25 + d100: +64 - -5 == +145 Warding failed! Mishrac is stricken for 56 points of damage! * Mishrac drops dead at your feet! The bright luminescence fades from around Mishrac. The ethereal keys in Divyne's hand slowly melt away. Livius blinks. Novra gasps. Pris raises an eyebrow. Livius gazes thoughtfully at a shimmering wall. Raethir gives a short little hum of surprise. Lylia's jaw drops. Arku applauds. You applaud. Moxslayer applauds. Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "That's a surprise." Divyne carefully hangs her handaxe from her swordbelt. It rattles against the handaxe hanging from it, and she carefully adjusts them. Divyne slings an embossed golvern shield over her shoulder. Lylia applauds. Speaking in Faendryl, Arku softly says, "There's my girl." Mourne nods approvingly. Melikor nods. Melikor applauds. Novra applauds. Speaking in Faendryl, Moxslayer says, "Impressive." The shimmering aura fades from around Divyne. The faint blue glow fades from around Divyne's hands. Speaking in Faendryl, you say, "Very impressive." Edanthiel lets out a long, contemplative breath. Edanthiel applauds. Mourne applauds loudly. Novra grins at Arku. Speaking in Faendryl, Maetriks says, "Wow." Divyne bows to Mishrac. Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia appreciatively says, "Ferocious." A pair of warriors stride in and drag Mishrac away with a smirk. Speaking in Faendryl to Schalyne, Divyne says, "Apologies." Speaking in Faendryl, Pris sardonically whispers aloud, "Oopsie." Mourne nods in agreement. Melikor agrees with Lylia. Meit leans forward, applauding eagerly. Schalyne stands up. Raethir pauses, glancing about expectantly. It looks as though he is waiting for applause or something. Raethir coughs. Speaking in Faendryl to Lylia, Melikor says, "Quite impressive." Alasatia smiles. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "Impressive." Raethir applauds warmly. Divyne inclines her head. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "Come." Blade Schalyne just went out. Divyne just went out.
All v. Vathor
Blade Schalyne just arrived. Divyne's group just arrived. Hypolita slowly empties her lungs. Lylia leans forward. Mourne gazes thoughtfully at a shimmering wall. A shimmering aura surrounds Hypolita. A faint blue glow surrounds Hypolita's hands. Hypolita concentrates deeply for a moment. A fanfare of trumpets fills the arena. Brutish concentrates deeply for a moment. Speaking in Faendryl, Tysong asks, "Demons?" Brutish put a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe with a dragon's-tear diamond set in its haft in his weapon harness. Brutish removes a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe with a dragon's-tear diamond set in its haft from in his weapon harness. Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia murmurs, "One may hope." Edanthiel nods at Arku. Melikor agrees with Lylia. Speaking in Faendryl to Lylia, Tysong says, "Or dread." Brutish nods. Divyne traces a simple symbol as she reverently calls upon the power of her patron... Divyne gestures. Rippling cylinders of spiritual force encompass Divyne's arms and the arms of those around her. Lylia grins at Tysong. Livius chuckles. A shimmering aura surrounds Synathaesia. A faint blue glow surrounds Synathaesia's hands. Hypolita grins at Brutish. Brutish grins at Hypolita. Schalyne nods. Hypolita seems a bit weaker than before. Schalyne glances up. Brutish seems a bit weaker than before. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "Prepare." Hypolita squints. Divyne concentrates deeply for a moment. A shimmering aura surrounds Divyne. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "They summon." A faint blue glow surrounds Divyne's hands. Brutish looks about and lets loose an echoing shout! Mourne leans forward. Speaking in Faendryl, Arku softly says, "They were discussing a vathor when I was speaking to the girls a moment ago." Hypolita concentrates deeply for a moment. Lylia watches the surroundings in breathless anticipation. A low chanting rings throughout the arena. Raethir gazes with interest at his surroundings. Melikor steeples his fingers in his lap, quietly observing his surroundings. A huge incarnadine vathor arrives, shaking the area slightly with its massive footsteps. Blade Schalyne just went out. [Leaves the arena.] Divyne gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Divyne gestures at a huge incarnadine vathor. The demonic essence bathing the vathor deflects the power of the attack! Hypolita throws back her head and lets out a thundering holler! Blade Schalyne just arrived. [Enters the viewing room.] Mourne raises an eyebrow. A huge incarnadine vathor eyes burn with an intense black fire as it glares harshly at Synathaesia! CS: +509 - TD: +224 + CvA: +2 + d100: +49 - -5 == +341 Warding failed! Synathaesia's dark eahnor longbow is struck with a huge incarnadine vathor's cast. Hypolita swings a perfect steel maul at a huge incarnadine vathor! The incarnadine vathor moves at the last moment to evade the attack! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! The incarnadine vathor gracefully avoids the attack! A burst of flame leaps from an ebon-nocked dark eahnor longbow in Synathaesia's left hand. ... 85 points of damage! Left eye explodes. Sizzling pieces of brain drip from the empty socket. * Synathaesia drops dead at your feet! [Synathaesia's spells drop.] Divyne utters a light chant and raises her hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to her aid... Divyne gestures at a huge incarnadine vathor. The demonic essence bathing the vathor deflects the power of the attack! A huge incarnadine vathor pounds at Hypolita with its fist! AS: +624 vs DS: +468 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +12 = +200 ... and hits for 12 points of damage! Cut over Hypolita's left eye. Novra gasps. Divyne utters a light chant and raises her hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to her aid... Divyne gestures at a huge incarnadine vathor. The demonic essence bathing the vathor deflects the power of the attack! Hypolita swings a perfect steel maul at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +615 vs DS: +634 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +9 = +29 A clean miss. Brutish's silvery rolaren waraxe pulses with a soft white light as it cleaves a burning swath through the chaotic forces shrouding the incarnadine vathor! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +502 vs DS: +634 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +7 = -102 A clean miss. You cringe. Livius winces. Mourne says, " it appears." Divyne utters a light chant and raises her hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to her aid... Divyne gestures at a huge incarnadine vathor. The demonic essence bathing the vathor deflects the power of the attack! A burst of flame leaps from an ebon-nocked dark eahnor longbow in Synathaesia's left hand. A huge incarnadine vathor cleaves a burning trail of fiery sigils through the air. Lylia bites her lip. Divyne utters a light chant and raises her hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to her aid... Divyne gestures at a huge incarnadine vathor. The demonic essence bathing the vathor deflects the power of the attack! Melikor winces. Hypolita swings a perfect steel maul at a huge incarnadine vathor! The incarnadine vathor gracefully avoids the attack! Brutish lets out a loud snarling growl and goes berserk! Brutish assaults a huge incarnadine vathor with an unrelenting fury! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! The incarnadine vathor dodges just in the nick of time! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +531 vs DS: +785 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +75 = -156 A clean miss. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +531 vs DS: +785 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +46 = -185 A clean miss. A huge incarnadine vathor eyes burn with an intense black fire as it glares harshly at Hypolita! CS: +476 - TD: +403 + CvA: -31 + d100: +45 - -5 == +92 Warded off! A dull grey beam snakes out toward Hypolita, but dissipates upon impact. Meit begins to applaud, but stops after a few moments. Divyne gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Divyne gestures. An invisible force guides Divyne. A burst of flame leaps from an ebon-nocked dark eahnor longbow in Synathaesia's left hand. A huge incarnadine vathor cleaves a burning trail of fiery sigils through the air. Divyne utters a light chant and raises her hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to her aid... Divyne gestures at a huge incarnadine vathor. Nothing happens. Brutish assaults a huge incarnadine vathor with an unrelenting fury! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! The incarnadine vathor gracefully avoids the attack! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +531 vs DS: +794 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +83 = -157 A clean miss. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +531 vs DS: +794 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +17 = -223 A clean miss. Hypolita swings a perfect steel maul at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +615 vs DS: +794 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +21 = -119 A clean miss. Divyne utters a light chant and raises her hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to her aid... Divyne gestures at a huge incarnadine vathor. The demonic essence bathing the vathor deflects the power of the attack! A huge incarnadine vathor eyes burn with an intense black fire as it glares harshly at Hypolita! CS: +476 - TD: +403 + CvA: -31 + d100: +60 - -5 == +107 Warding failed! A dull grey beam snakes out toward Hypolita! ... 22 points of damage! ... 5 points of damage! Surface of right leg etched to little effect. Brutish assaults a huge incarnadine vathor with an unrelenting fury! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +531 vs DS: +769 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +64 = -151 A clean miss. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! The incarnadine vathor moves at the last moment to evade the attack! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! The incarnadine vathor barely dodges the attack! A burst of flame leaps from an ebon-nocked dark eahnor longbow in Synathaesia's left hand. Speaking in Faendryl, Maetriks says, "Weapon fire... hate it." A huge incarnadine vathor tries to bite Hypolita! AS: +599 vs DS: +739 with AvD: +7 + d100 roll: +91 = -42 A clean miss. Divyne utters a light chant and raises her hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to her aid... Divyne gestures at a huge incarnadine vathor. The very powerful look leaves a huge incarnadine vathor. The white light leaves a huge incarnadine vathor. A hazy film coats a huge incarnadine vathor. Divyne utters a light chant and raises her hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to her aid... Divyne gestures at a huge incarnadine vathor. The light blue glow leaves a huge incarnadine vathor. Hypolita swings a perfect steel maul at a huge incarnadine vathor! A huge incarnadine vathor's exterior hardens for a moment and softens the attack! AS: +615 vs DS: +538 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +41 = +157 ... and hits for 25 points of damage! Blow leaves an imprint on the incarnadine vathor's chest! Brutish assaults a huge incarnadine vathor with an unrelenting fury! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +531 vs DS: +538 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +77 = +93 A clean miss. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +531 vs DS: +538 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +65 = +81 A clean miss. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! The incarnadine vathor evades the attack by a hair! A burst of flame leaps from an ebon-nocked dark eahnor longbow in Synathaesia's left hand. The dark eahnor longbow in Synathaesia's left hand returns to normal. A huge incarnadine vathor tries to bite Hypolita! AS: +599 vs DS: +445 with AvD: +7 + d100 roll: +34 = +195 ... and hits for 15 points of damage! Quick slash catches Hypolita's cheek! Dimples are always nice. Raethir smirks as a haughty expression flits across his face. Divyne utters a light chant and raises her hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to her aid... Divyne gestures at a huge incarnadine vathor. A shadow seems to detach itself from a huge incarnadine vathor, swiftly dissipating into the air. Divyne utters a light chant and raises her hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to her aid... Divyne gestures at a huge incarnadine vathor. The powerful look leaves a huge incarnadine vathor. Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "And one down aready. Pity, I had hoped to see her against it." Brutish assaults a huge incarnadine vathor with an unrelenting fury! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +531 vs DS: +434 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +55 = +175 ... and hits for 18 points of damage! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +531 vs DS: +434 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +77 = +197 ... and hits for 28 points of damage! Blow leaves an imprint on the incarnadine vathor's chest! ** Necrotic energy from Brutish's silvery rolaren waraxe flares up momentarily! ** Brutish appears to gain succour from the unnatural energy! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! A heavy barrier of stone momentarily forms around a huge incarnadine vathor and blocks the attack! A huge incarnadine vathor tries to bite Hypolita! AS: +599 vs DS: +714 with AvD: +7 + d100 roll: +81 = -27 A clean miss. Divyne's mithril handaxe pulses with a soft white light as it cleaves a burning swath through the chaotic forces shrouding the incarnadine vathor! Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +667 vs DS: +434 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +47 = +306 ... and hits for 61 points of damage! Smash to the kneecap. The guiding force leaves Divyne. Brutish assaults a huge incarnadine vathor with an unrelenting fury! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +551 vs DS: +429 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +45 = +190 ... and hits for 28 points of damage! Torn muscle in the incarnadine vathor's right leg! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +531 vs DS: +429 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +57 = +182 ... and hits for 20 points of damage! Broken finger on the incarnadine vathor's right hand! ** Brutish's silvery rolaren waraxe sprays forth a shower of pure water! ** Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +531 vs DS: +429 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +12 = +137 ... and hits for 9 points of damage! Thumped the incarnadine vathor's chest. Divyne gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Divyne gestures. An invisible force guides Divyne. Hypolita swings a perfect steel maul at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +615 vs DS: +421 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +8 = +241 ... and hits for 53 points of damage! Blow raises a welt on the incarnadine vathor's right arm. A huge incarnadine vathor cleaves a burning trail of fiery sigils through the air. Brutish assaults a huge incarnadine vathor with an unrelenting fury! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! The incarnadine vathor moves at the last moment to evade the attack! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +531 vs DS: +498 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +18 = +74 A clean miss. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! The incarnadine vathor moves at the last moment to evade the attack! Pearly light flares up suddenly from within Divyne! Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +682 vs DS: +498 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +76 = +286 ... and hits for 48 points of damage! The guiding force leaves Divyne. A huge incarnadine vathor eyes burn with an intense black fire as it glares harshly at Hypolita! CS: +509 - TD: +403 + CvA: -31 + d100: +42 - -5 == +122 Warding failed! Wisps of black smoke swirl around Hypolita and she bursts into flame causing 15 points of damage! ... 15 points of damage! Burst of flames to right eye incinerates eyelid. Gruesome. She is stunned! ... 10 points of damage! Burst of flames to chest toasts skin nicely. ... 5 points of damage! Minor burns to abdomen. Looks painful. The flames around Hypolita continue to burn! Brutish assaults a huge incarnadine vathor with an unrelenting fury! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! The incarnadine vathor moves at the last moment to evade the attack! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +528 vs DS: +527 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +45 = +69 A clean miss. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +528 vs DS: +527 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +90 = +114 ... and hits for 3 points of damage! A feeble blow to the incarnadine vathor's right arm! ** Brutish's silvery rolaren waraxe sprays forth a shower of pure water! ** Divyne seems a bit weaker than before. A huge incarnadine vathor suddenly throws its head back, baring its fangs as it raises its . The flames whirl around it in a tight vortex, then turn black as night as the vathor brings it down sharply, tearing open a rip in reality! A huge incarnadine vathor casts into the air above its head and a rip appears in the sky! The fissure begins to feed on the air around you! The vathor is unaffected by the void! Livius winces. Divyne gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Divyne gestures at Hypolita. The glazed look leaves Hypolita. Berkana says, "Ouch." Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +578 vs DS: +429 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +44 = +219 ... and hits for 34 points of damage! Slash to the incarnadine vathor's right leg hits high! Kinda makes your knees weak, huh? ** Divyne's mithril handaxe pulses with a burst of plasma energy! ** ... 25 points of damage! Minor burns to the incarnadine vathor's shield arm. ** Divyne's mithril handaxe sprays with a burst of plasma energy! ** ... 25 points of damage! Pinpoint strike sears the incarnadine vathor's chest. Brutish assaults a huge incarnadine vathor with an unrelenting fury! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +531 vs DS: +416 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +23 = +161 ... and hits for 17 points of damage! Jarring blow to the incarnadine vathor's back. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +531 vs DS: +416 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +70 = +208 ... and hits for 28 points of damage! Blow raises a welt on the incarnadine vathor's left arm. Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +531 vs DS: +416 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +22 = +160 ... and hits for 17 points of damage! Jarring blow to the incarnadine vathor's back. The flames surrounding Hypolita flare up violently... ... 5 points of damage! Minor burns to left leg. That hurts a bit. The flames around Hypolita continue to burn! A huge incarnadine vathor pounds at Hypolita with its fist! AS: +624 vs DS: +623 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +60 = +93 A clean miss. Hypolita swings a perfect steel maul at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +595 vs DS: +408 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +59 = +285 ... and hits for 75 points of damage! Mighty blow cracks several ribs. Mourne nods approvingly. Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! A huge incarnadine vathor's exterior hardens for a moment and softens the attack! AS: +578 vs DS: +408 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +79 = +275 ... and hits for 46 points of damage! Jarring blow to the incarnadine vathor's back. ** Divyne's mithril handaxe pulses with a burst of plasma energy! ** ... 5 points of damage! Brutish assaults a huge incarnadine vathor with an unrelenting fury! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! AS: +531 vs DS: +408 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +61 = +207 ... and hits for 28 points of damage! Jarring blow to the incarnadine vathor's back. ** Necrotic energy from Brutish's silvery rolaren waraxe flares up momentarily! ** Brutish appears to gain succour from the unnatural energy! Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! A huge incarnadine vathor's exterior hardens for a moment and softens the attack! AS: +531 vs DS: +408 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +11 = +157 ... and hits for 16 points of damage! Blow raises a welt on the incarnadine vathor's right arm. ** Brutish's silvery rolaren waraxe sprays forth a shower of pure water! ** Brutish swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! The incarnadine vathor barely dodges the attack! A huge incarnadine vathor suddenly throws its head back, baring its fangs as it raises its . The flames whirl around it in a tight vortex, then turn black as night as the vathor brings it down sharply, tearing open a rip in reality! A huge incarnadine vathor casts into the air above its head and a rip appears in the sky! The fissure begins to feed on the air around you! The vathor is unaffected by the void! Speaking in Faendryl, Divyne says, "ROll LITA." Divyne swings a perfect mithril handaxe at a huge incarnadine vathor! A huge incarnadine vathor's exterior hardens for a moment and softens the attack! AS: +578 vs DS: +408 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +100 = +296 ... and hits for 51 points of damage! Blow raises a welt on the incarnadine vathor's right arm. The flames surrounding Hypolita flare up violently... ... 10 points of damage! Burst of flames to right leg burns skin bright red. The flames surrounding Hypolita quickly die down. The black void continues to suck the air out of the area! The vathor is unaffected by the void! Air is sucked away from Hypolita! Hypolita's fingernails fly off as blood spurts from the jagged stumps! +22 Hits. Hypolita is stunned! Air is sucked away from Brutish! Audible popping noises come from Brutish's chest! Brutish slumps over as his chest cavity collapses! * Brutish drops dead at your feet! [Brutish's spells drop.] Air is sucked away from Divyne! Divyne lets out a silent scream as her eyeballs are sucked out! The eyeballs burst into thousands of pieces covering her face. +183 Hits. * Divyne drops dead at your feet! [Divyne's spells drop.] A huge incarnadine vathor tries to bite Hypolita! AS: +599 vs DS: +520 with AvD: +7 + d100 roll: +87 = +173 ... and hits for 14 points of damage! Torn muscle in Hypolita's right leg! Mourne winces. Livius winces. Speaking in Faendryl, Arku softly says, "Well as a team." Lylia bites her lip. Hypolita seems a bit weaker than before. The warm glow fades from around Hypolita. Hypolita's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around her arms. Hypolita appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around her form. Hypolita seems hesitant, looking unsure of herself. Speaking in Faendryl, Livius says, "And a second.." A huge incarnadine vathor cleaves a burning trail of fiery sigils through the air. The black void continues to suck the air out of the area! The vathor is unaffected by the void! Air is sucked away from Hypolita! Vitreous fluid boils in Hypolita's eyes, causing them to burst! +35 Hits. * Hypolita drops dead at your feet! [Hypolita's spells drop.] Speaking in Faendryl, Melikor says, "Hmm." The black void has almost sucked all air out of the area! The vathor is unaffected by the void! Berkana says, "Nasty vathor." Durakar glances at Arku. A huge incarnadine vathor suddenly slashes open its own wrist, causing a torrent of fiery blood to pour forth into its hand. The blazing inferno begins to writhe and reform, the flames solidifying into a sleek black metal that takes the shape of a flaming axe! Speaking in Faendryl, Maetriks says, "Yikes." Speaking in Faendryl, you say, "Never ignore the void." Livius nods slowly. A huge incarnadine vathor raises its membranous wings high, sending forth currents of fire-laced air! Lylia nods once to you. Berkana nods to you. The black void has almost sucked all air out of the area! The vathor is unaffected by the void! Speaking softly in Faendryl to Durakar, Arku asks, "Are we going to have to put it down?" The black void has sucked all air out of the area! The vathor is unaffected by the void! Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "Just so." Maetriks rests a gentle hand on Durakar's arm. A huge incarnadine vathor cleaves a burning trail of fiery sigils through the air. A huge incarnadine vathor stomps its foot on the ground, causing the blazing inferno around it to leap higher with scarlet flames! The black void has sucked all air out of the area! The vathor is unaffected by the void! As soon as the void sucks all the air up around it, it explodes with great fury! Air is pushed out with tremendous force! The vathor is unaffected by the void! Speaking in Faendryl to Arku, Durakar says, "Tis what I was wondering." Novra shifts her weight. [Academy Nexus, Viewing Box] Rows of cushioned seats fill viewing boxes that are arranged all around a large arena. Beautifully embroidered canopies are pulled back allowing the moonlight to bath the area in a pale glow. A shimmering wall of magical energy protects each booth while still giving a clear view of the trial space. You also see an ebon porcelain plate edged in braided gold. Also here: Blade Schalyne, Blade Arku, Pris, Lady Lylia who is sitting, Mourne, Meit, Raethir who is sitting, Lady Alasatia who is sitting, Melikor who is sitting, Tysong who is sitting, Moxslayer, Matriarch Berkana who is sitting, Livius who is sitting, Novra who is sitting, Edanthiel who is sitting, Lady Maetriks, Blade Durakar Obvious paths: west A vivid white light briefly appears around the body of Brutish. A huge incarnadine vathor slashes its flaming axe through the air as it growls something in a strange, flowing speech. A warm glow begins to emanate from Brutish's body. Berkana says, "Of course the vathor isn't going to be affected by the void." Gazing into the wall, you see... [Academy Nexus, Palestra Arena] Built in an outside area of the academy, the arena is surrounded by a wall of clear energy that rises into the air, joining at a central focal point and creating a shimmering dome. Several passageways can be seen behind the magical barrier. The ground of the area is covered in multi-hued cobblestones. There are no adornments or obstacles that can be seen except random areas that are blackened or discolored. You also see a black void and a huge incarnadine vathor. Also here: the body of Hypolita who is lying down, the body of Brutish who is lying down, the body of Synathaesia who is lying down, the body of Divyne who is lying down Obvious paths: out You see a wave of energy emanate from Brutish toward Divyne. It coalesces around her body and then seeps in, leaving a glow around the body. You see a wave of energy emanate from Brutish toward Synathaesia. It coalesces around her body and then seeps in, leaving a glow around the body. You see a wave of energy emanate from Brutish toward Hypolita. It coalesces around her body and then seeps in, leaving a glow around the body. A huge incarnadine vathor cleaves its flaming axe through the air, causing the black inferno of flames to rise higher in response. As soon as the void sucks all the air up around it, it explodes with great fury! Air is pushed out with tremendous force! The vathor is unaffected by the void! Livius nods slowly. Speaking in Faendryl, Arku softly says, "Divyne should be able to field raise herself." Livius surreptitiously glances at Schalyne. Speaking in Faendryl, the ghostly voice of Synathaesia says, "Well, that did not go as planned." Speaking in Faendryl, Arku softly says, "If she thinks of it." The demon disappears. Novra slowly empties her lungs. Speaking in Faendryl, the ghostly voice of Brutish quietly says, "No, no it did not." Speaking in Faendryl, the ghostly voice of Hypolita softly says, "Not at all." Speaking in Faendryl, Arku softly says, "Those voids were very nasty." Mourne nods sympathetically. Durakar nods in agreement at Arku. Edanthiel nods in agreement at Arku. Some attendants begin to rush in and pull out the fallen. Raethir nods grimly. Lylia nods. Speaking in Faendryl, Arku softly says, "They had it defeated, but for that one cast." Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "As Lady Allereli noted, one must never ignore the void, even if it seems the lesser threat in the heat of the moment." Livius nods in agreement at Lylia. (Lylia sniffs the scorched air.) Arku agrees with Lylia. Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, " to speak." Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "A lesson to be sure." Blade Schalyne just went west. [From viewing area.]
Novra stands up. Mourne thoughtfully taps a finger against his lips. Blade Arku just went west. Berkana asks, "What are we waiting for?" Blade Schalyne's group just arrived. [Into viewing area.] Lylia clasps Xorus's hand tenderly. Meit flashes a wide grin at Berkana. Speaking in Faendryl, Mourne murmurs, "That." Berkana grins. Novra smiles. Berkana chuckles. Hypolita just went west. Xorus leans softly against Lylia. Blade Arku's group just arrived. Mourne nods politely. Hypolita just arrived. Hypolita joins Arku's group. Novra smiles. Arku whispers something to Divyne. Maetriks gives Durakar a lingering kiss on the cheek. Lady Maetriks just went west. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "This was certainly an interesting trial." Mourne nods in agreement. Novra adopts an agreeable expression. Edanthiel nods in agreement. You nod at Schalyne. [Academy Nexus, Viewing Box] Rows of cushioned seats fill viewing boxes that are arranged all around a large arena. Beautifully embroidered canopies are pulled back allowing the moonlight to bath the area in a pale glow. A shimmering wall of magical energy protects each booth while still giving a clear view of the trial space. You also see an ebon porcelain plate edged in braided gold. Also here: Hypolita, Divyne, Blade Arku, Blade Schalyne, Xorus who is sitting, Mourne, Meit, Pris, Lady Lylia who is sitting, Raethir who is sitting, Lady Alasatia who is sitting, Melikor who is sitting, Tysong who is sitting, Moxslayer, Matriarch Berkana who is sitting, Novra, Edanthiel who is sitting, Blade Durakar Obvious paths: west Schalyne nods to you. Speaking in Faendryl to Schalyne, you ask, "Will they face the vathor again?" Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "Not this night." Xorus sighs. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "But I am sure they will face many." Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "Or even worse in their careers." Meit nods with satisfaction. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "I think Master Mishrac was a bit pleased with the outcome... his ego is a bit, bruised." Mourne chuckles. Hypolita nods at Arku. Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia diplomatically says, "How fortunate that it is only his ego." Lylia inclines her head. Durakar chuckles. Hypolita grins at Divyne. Divyne smiles quietly to herself. Hypolita grins at Arku. Arku starts chortling. Hypolita nods. Speaking in Faendryl, Novra says, "Very impressive bouts, both of you." Novra nods at Hypolita. Novra nods at Divyne. Melikor nods. Speaking softly in Faendryl to Novra, Hypolita says, "Thank you." Speaking in Faendryl, Divyne says, "Thank you." Hypolita smiles at Novra. Mourne nods in agreement. Speaking in Faendryl, Melikor says, "All acquitted themselves well." Lylia nods in agreement. Hypolita grins at Novra. Hypolita nods at Arku. Novra flashes a quick grin. Raethir nods in agreement at Melikor. Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "Indeed. Congratulations to all of you for fighting valiantly." Arku grins at Hypolita. Hypolita chuckles. Speaking in Faendryl, Novra admits, "I was glad not to be in there today." Speaking in Faendryl, Meit reluctantly says, "I look forward to seeing you all in battle, should the need arise." Speaking in Faendryl, Raethir seriously says, "You have shown me something tangible to strive for in my own training, and I am grateful." Hypolita nods at Meit. Meit flashes Novra a toothy grin. Divyne inclines her head. Novra agrees with Raethir. Lylia nods at Raethir. Speaking in Faendryl to Raethir, Novra says, "Well said." Hypolita grins at Raethir. Raethir winks at Hypolita. Speaking reluctantly in Faendryl to Arku, Divyne says, "I'm almost afraid to ask, if I may be excused to rest for fear I will have to train before sleep." Raethir grins crookedly. Arku starts chortling. Edanthiel begins chortling at Divyne. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "We will hold the ceremony on the nineteenth day of this month." Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "At nine in the evening." Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "I will send out a notice." Speaking softly in Faendryl to Divyne, Arku says, "You have aquitted yourself fantastically. Let us retire for the evening and rest." Hypolita nods once. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "All Faendryl will be welcome to attend." Speaking in Faendryl, Edanthiel says, "I am sure we will all look forward to this." Speaking in Faendryl to Schalyne, Lylia says, "I look forward to it." Edanthiel smiles. Speaking softly in Faendryl to Hypolita, Arku says, "That goes for you as well." Novra nods at Schalyne. Hypolita nods at Arku. Divyne sighs gratefully. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "They should be tired." Raethir nods at Schalyne. Divyne nods once. Speaking softly in Faendryl to Arku, Hypolita says, "I'm quite tired myself." Hypolita chuckles. Speaking in Faendryl to Schalyne, Lylia says, "And our invitation to the west remains open, of course." Speaking in Faendryl to Arku, Divyne says, "I am ready, Blade." Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "Just the mental battle can be grueling." Lylia nods respectfully at Schalyne. Schalyne nods. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "Of course." Speaking softly in Faendryl to Lylia, Arku says, "It was a pleasure seeing you again." Speaking in Faendryl to Arku, Lylia says, "The pleasure was mine, Blade Arku. Blade Schalyne is not the only one who should be seen more in the west." Lylia smiles. Divyne blushes a nice shade of dark red. Arku starts chortling. Speaking in Faendryl to Arku, Lylia says, "You and your wife are welcome anytime at the Enclave's Alabaster Spire." Speaking softly in Faendryl to Lylia, Arku says, "I'll prod Durakar to go more often then." Arku winks. Raethir glances between Azryen and Edanthiel. Raethir grins at Azryen. Lylia raises her voice in merry laughter. Speaking in Faendryl, Mourne remarks, "This has been a sight to behold, once more. I am glad to have witnessed the trials again." Lylia grins at Durakar. Edanthiel grins at Azryen. Lylia turns to face Azryen. You agree with Mourne. Durakar grins at Arku. Azryen folds his hands behind his back. Durakar grins at Lylia. Divyne inclines her head. Azryen nods respectfully at Lylia. Speaking softly in Faendryl to Lylia, Arku says, "Perhaps we will make the trip someday. Your offer is appreciated." Mourne nods at Hypolita. Lylia bows to Arku. Hypolita smiles at Mourne. Mourne grins mischievously. Speaking in Faendryl, Arku softly says, "A pleasant evening to you all." Blade Arku's group just went west. Mourne nods respectfully. Mourne glances west. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne asks, "'I wonder what they in the west will think when their mayor is a Faendryl?" Mourne grins slowly. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "They will be lucky to have one of our house's expertise." Novra chuckles. Mourne nods in agreement. Speaking in Faendryl to Schalyne, Melikor asks, "Have you seen the current mayor?" Azryen grins slowly. Speaking in Faendryl, Raethir says, "Stranger things have hap--" Melikor grins crookedly. Lylia inclines her head. Raethir points at Melikor. Speaking in Faendryl, Xorus says, "The warm embrace will slowly become the suffocation of a serpent's coil, and democracy shall fall to the natural order of things." Speaking in Faendryl, Raethir says, "Exactly." Melikor nods at Raethir. Speaking in Faendryl to Schalyne, Lylia says, "Indeed, Blade. Thank you." Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "I avoid that place, but perhaps I will come more with someone suitable in charge." Lylia flashes a quick grin. Xorus nods in agreement. Mourne nods approvingly. Speaking in Faendryl, Xorus says, "There are some very unstable, dangerous magical things in that region. They could use proper attention." Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "It is my intent, should the people see the wisdom of electing me, to make it more congenial to our own." Melikor smiles at Lylia. Speaking in Faendryl to Lylia, Melikor says, "I look forward to it." Speaking in Faendryl, Novra says, "That would be a nice change." Xorus smiles at Lylia. Mourne nods in agreement. Lylia smiles at Xorus. Xorus grins at Lylia. Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia modestly says, "One does what one can." Lylia smiles quietly to herself. Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "Speaking of which, I should see to writing some letters and returning west." Raethir nods understandingly at Lylia. Melikor smiles at Lylia. Melikor inclines his head. Edanthiel smiles at Lylia. Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "I will be off as well, some business to attend." Speaking in Faendryl, you say, "Good travels to all." Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "Thank you for joining us." Mourne nods respectfully at Schalyne. Novra bows to Schalyne. Edanthiel kisses Lylia on the cheek. Tysong nods respectfully at Schalyne. Raethir smiles at Lylia. Speaking in Faendryl, you say, "Until the 18th for many of us." Speaking in Faendryl, Novra says, "It was a pleasure." Speaking in Faendryl, Edanthiel says, "Thank you for allowing us to watch the trials, Blade Schalyne." Speaking in Faendryl to Schalyne, Lylia says, "Thank you so much for extending the invitation once again." Schalyne nods. Speaking in Faendryl to Schalyne, Tysong says, "Take care and was an experience to see the trials first hand." Speaking in Faendryl, Schalyne says, "Always a pleasure."