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Premium contest/2021-10 - Amazing Armaments
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Got a sharp eye for a well-honed blade? Love the stories told about ancient armor? Well here's your chance to share your passion with Elanthia! Here are the requirements: 1. Provide a container meant for the viewing of either weapons or armor. This may be a container that hangs on a wall or sits on the floor, or nearly anything else, with the caveat that it must be something that it is possible to look into. Provide a 15/15/15 description of this container at minimum, though the container MAY contain a Long description (maximum of 58 characters total if a Long is entered.) 2. Provide either a weapon or piece of armor to be displayed in the item listed in 1 above. This must be a type of weapon or armor that already exists in Elanthia. Provide a 15/15/15 description of the item at minimum, though this item MAY contain a Long description (same guidelines as listed in 1 above.) 3. Provide a second item following the same guidelines as listed in 2 above. 4. Provide a SHOW description for the item listed in 2 above. Minimum of 50 characters and maximum of 350 characters. 5. Provide a SHOW description for the item listed in 3 above. Minimum of 50 characters and maximum of 350 characters. 6. Provide some sort of plaque, scroll, inscription, or some other in-character means to be either displayed alongside the items contained in 2 and 3 above, or inscribed on the item described in 1 above. Provide a 15/15/15 ONLY of this item, along with a note as to how it is attached to the previous items. 7. Provide the text displayed on the item listed in 6 above. This can be in Common, or in an already existing language that can be spoken by players. (If no language is specified, then Common is assumed.) The contents of the text should pertain to the items outlined in 2 and 3 above in some way, and must conform to POLICY. Example of a submission: 1. A wide mahogany cabinet with gold-plated hinges 2. A gleaming vultite dagger with a bloodstained leather hilt 3. Some adamantine full plate 4. The blade of this dagger has been polished until it gleams, drawing a sharp counterpoint to the hilt, which is heavily stained. 5. This set of armor has seen better days. It's covered in dents and gouges, and in a few places along one shoulder a few rivets have gone missing. 6. A small brass plate (on the cabinet). 7. The dagger and armor worn by the bandit who took the life of my son. May the Gods forgive me. Entries that do not conform to the above requirements will not be considered eligible.
Here are the Premium Contest winners in alphabetical order:
- Avawren
- Belair
- Draelor
- Laehna
- Laelithonel
- Naamit
- Rivienne
- Roseantha (Plat)
- Traiva
- Vincien
1. a lightly toned eahnor weapon case 2. a crafted elven longsword that faintly radiates light 3. a crafted elven longsword that faintly radiates darkness 4. The longsword is forged from eahnor and appears expertly crafted by an elven smith. A faint aura of holy light radiates from the entirety of the weapon. 5. The longsword is forged from eahnor and appears expertly crafted by an elven smith. A faint aura of holy darkness radiates from the entirety of the weapon. 6. a small faewood inscription (on the case) 7. Duality can be a source of strength. Let these blades strike true to your enemies, whatever they may be. (elven)
1. a simple shipping crate with a pried-open lid 2. a blackened steel kidney dagger with a monir hilt 3. some brigandine armor with dark blue-edged scales 4. The blade of the kidney dagger is spotless, as if the weapon has not yet seen use. A few notches in the monir hilt seem to prove otherwise. 5. The set of brigandine armor is black as night, with a subtle glint of dark blue at the edges of its protective scales. A small section of broken, bent and missing scales can be seen low on one side of the piece which would cover the wearer's torso. Notably, the damaged section is thickly caked in a flaky, dark red substance. 6. a scrap of weathered parchment (laying in one corner of the crate) 7. We hope you recognize the armor and weapon which, until a recently, belonged to (these words are smudged beyond recognition). Infamous thief, self-proclaimed criminal mastermind, and now...dead man. We know you were associated in the past, along with (several words have been scratched out here). If you wish to protect them as you have promised, see that you give us no reason to send you to a similar end.
1. A tall glass-etched case framed in multi-hued cherrywood 2. A patinated bronze mithril corselet 3. A kelyn obsidian-hued francisca 4. Streaks of bronze describe broad, sweeping tessellation ornamentation along the dark and rippled surface. Its rings are mithril, translucent and nearly black, where the bright bronze has not obscured their natural luster. The chest of the corselet is slashed thrice across the chest, the faint stain of rust-hued pigment on the edges of the tears. 5. Smooth and refined except for a small knick at the top, the curved blade rests comfortably in a polished black willow haft. Swirls and twists in the wood grain provide a multi-dimensional contrast of light and dark coloring compared to the matte hue of the blade. 6. An antique ecru vellum card 7. The blade and armor worn by an unknown officer of The River's Rest Irregulars during the Third Elven War at the battle of Creyth. “There's a time to play the fish and a time to cut bait, and this fish is too big.”
1. a massive open geode display case 2. a battered and broken glaes mining pick 3. a shattered and rent mithril breastplate 4. Light playing across the wreck of the mining pick briefly reveals masterfully intricate detail once adorned this weapon, as shadow playing through the translucent material makes it appear as though the detail extends far beneath the surface. The illusion is somewhat marred by a trail of mithglin slag that may have once been a spike. 5. The dwarf-sized breastplate appears to have been torn open easily by a very determined, very large, and very strong creature of indeterminate origin. Based on the gouges visible through the opening, the occupant could not have fared much better. 6. a polished argent plaque inlaid with onyx lettering 7. On loan from Ranthas Borthuum, son of Lhursa, son of Ghorsa, discoverer of the Pyrothag; missing.
1. A glass-fronted case bordered with entwined eels 2. A chelioboros engraved axe with a twisted driftwood haft 3. A polished ghezyte kris with a chelioboros ring pommel 4. Though worn nearly bare of coating, traces of indigo lacquer remain visible in the deep grooves of the intricately engraved ruby-eyed chelioboros adorning the head of this axe. The haft has been neatly shaped where it joins to the head, however its nautical origins are revealed in the sinuous, organic flow of the wood nearer to the eel-skin grip. 5. An artful blend of ritualistic tool and fearsome weapon, the deep indigo blade of this kris has been polished to a mirror sheen. The sinuous lines of the edges flow seamlessly into a stylized etching of an eel’s head, jaws splayed as if lunging towards the wielder’s hand. The simple leather wrapped grip ends in a large chelioboros ring pommel. 6. An indigo enameled brass plaque. (on the case) 7. Taken from the corpse of a nameless champion of Ghezresh, found afloat after Charl struck down Caligos Isle.
1. a glass-domed/white marble/table with arched mithril legs. 2. a crude dented/rolling-pin/club marred with red splotches 3. a flour-dusted/ruddy brown/aketon scorched on one side. 4. The club once served as a fine baking implement, but has been abruptly modified to be a deadly weapon. Carved from black willow, it is covered in dried milled flower with pale white hand prints marring the handle. Several red splotches are scattered around a rather large indentation at the opposite side where a matching broken handle struggles to remain attached. 5. The aketon bares the tell tale signs of having been through many battles, however it has since been modified with stretched leather pockets that are weathered with indentations of various baking implements. Splotches of dried egg, milled flour and sugar are scattered all over, but strangely the left side has been blackened as if having been set on fire. 6. a glazed stale/dark rye/plaque (on the table) 7. May this sacred tool of mine always serve as a reminder to those brave enough to interrupt a baker while they work. Woe to thee who ruins my creations. (common language)