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Twisted Realms
The Twisted Realms is the plane of existence where the Nameless Necromancer was storing the pattern for the Planar Shift (740) spell. It is a realm with demons and the undead, specifically twisted black corpses, along with oculoths and abyran'ra. There was also some other black mass that was clearly demonic and was difficult to destroy. Most of the twisted plane looks indistinguishable from the rest of it. It is a realm of whorling shadows and blackness, with luminescent ribbons of energy writhing overhead. It only appears differently near a "nexus" with gnarled trees and aqueous rolling ground.
Twisted Realm
There was a cowled dark-robed man who was leading a group after Vellinos, who was residing on a plane where the Nameless Necromancer had a nexus of five monoliths. It was holding the pattern for the Planar Shift (740) spell in a mechanism of pillars, like the entrance to the Sorcerer Guild outside Ta'Illistim which was formerly his lair. This resulted in the mass release of the planar shift spell.
XXXXX just went through a vast black rip. >go rip [Twisted Realms, Blackness] Cloying blackness surrounds you, stirred into a frenzied whorling mass of shadows as luminescent ribbons of energy writhe overhead. You also see a twisted black corpse that appears dead, a twisted black corpse that appears stunned, a twisted black corpse, a twisted black corpse and a twisted black corpse. Also here: XXXXX Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest (random direction movements) >n [Twisted Realms, Blackness] Cloying blackness surrounds you, stirred into a frenzied whorling mass of shadows as luminescent ribbons of energy writhe overhead. You also see a tall stone obelisk. Also here: XXXXX Obvious paths: east, south >e A tall stone obelisk blocks further travel in that direction. XXXXX gestures at a tall stone obelisk. A tall stone obelisk becomes a bit unsubstantial, and a shrill noise pierces the air as pieces of it simply disappear into nothingness! The stone obelisk explodes violently, sending out shards of shrapnel and bits of sigils everywhere as its core becomes exposed! >look [Twisted Realms, Blackness] Cloying blackness surrounds you, stirred into a frenzied whorling mass of shadows as luminescent ribbons of energy writhe overhead. You also see some stubby translucent chalk, some stubby translucent chalk, some stubby translucent chalk, some long translucent chalk, some long translucent chalk, some long translucent chalk, some long translucent chalk, some long translucent chalk, some long translucent chalk, some long translucent chalk, some long translucent chalk, some long translucent chalk, some long translucent chalk, some long translucent chalk, some long translucent chalk, some long translucent chalk, some long translucent chalk, a cowled dark-robed man. Also here: XXXXX Obvious paths: east, south A cowled dark-robed man just went east. >e [Twisted Realms, Blackness] Cloying blackness surrounds you, stirred into a frenzied whorling mass of shadows as luminescent ribbons of energy writhe overhead. You also see a massive tenebrous oculoth that is flying around, a cowled dark-robed man. Also here: XXXXX Obvious paths: west, northwest A cowled dark-robed man just went northwest. >nw [Twisted Realms, Blackness] Cloying blackness surrounds you, stirred into a frenzied whorling mass of shadows as luminescent ribbons of energy writhe overhead. You also see a cowled dark-robed man. Obvious paths: southeast, southwest Spectral fog rolls in, lit up by red and black hues -- forming talons that seemingly claw at you, then fade away harmlessly. (eventually another obelisk, more oculoths, abyran'ra) [Twisted Realms, Blackness] Cloying blackness surrounds you, stirred into a frenzied whorling mass of shadows as luminescent ribbons of energy writhe overhead. You also see a monstrous black mass and a whorling black vortex. Also here: XXXXX Obvious paths: south look mass The mass is a conglomeration of shadows and a thick, oily substance -- its bulging, hulking exterior continually reforms, its liquid body simultaneously forming yellowed eyes to see, sharp teeth to gnash, and acidic tentacles to lash outward in a frenzy of maddening wrath. The black mass screams with a million mouths formed just seconds before, then shifts its hulking mass as millions of beady eyes stare out from where its mouths were. The black mass explodes in a frenetic whirling pattern, whipping outward with its black tentacles! ... 10 points of damage! Acid splash near the eye causes blisters that almost swell it shut! He is stunned! (etc.) The black mass rolls a red eye about its surface, blinking in a disquieting fashion. XXXXX gestures at a monstrous black mass. A monstrous black mass becomes a bit unsubstantial, and a shrill noise pierces the air as pieces of it simply disappear into nothingness! The black mass deflates like a water-filled bladder, seeping its black, inhuman organs onto the ground which sizzle and disintegrate instantly. A cowled dark-robed man steps through the vortex. >go vortex [Twisted Realms] Monstrous latticeworks of energy roil and tumble throughout the air, cloying the area like a foggy luminescent mist as they twist and writhe to form faint arcane patterns in the air. The ground rolls and swells like a hulking black monstrosity, its aqueous surface rippling with distorted images that do not reflect the world around you in any fashion. You also see a cowled dark-robed man. Also here: XXXXX Obvious paths: north A cowled dark-robed man just went north. >n [Twisted Realms, Nexus] Jutting upward into the sky like the ragged husks of dead, gnarled trees are a series of five pillars -- each marking the points of a huge pentagram pattern upon the ground. Sigils creep across the stone surfaces of the pillars like molten lava, their spidery forms shifting with every passing moment. Complex geometric patterns, seemingly carved here ages ago, fill the interior of the pentagram pattern like a madman's journal. Streams of shadowy energy arc from the five monoliths, bathing a central figure in the chaotic flow of essence. You also see a cowled dark-robed man. Also here: XXXXX Obvious paths: south >look figure The figure appears to be bathed completely in the shadowy essence pouring down from the pillars like a torrent of water -- you can barely make it out within the haze of shadow, but you can hear him murmuring quietly as if in intense concentration. A single, pale crimson wisp of energy continually rises up from where the figure's left eye would be.
Release of Planar Shift
(casting at pillars) A rotted angular sigil upon the deep black pillar comes alive with a labyrinthine webwork of scarlet-laced shadow.. The pentagram of pillars suddenly explode, immersing the figure in the middle with shadowy energy... The twisted plane dissolves around you in a whitewash of non-color... XXXXX just vanished. You feel yourself pulled away. (returned to Sorcerer Guild) Suddenly, a wave of irreality washes over you, like the aftershock of a massive explosion, and for a brief moment you glimpse a world not your own -- a world full of twisting, aqeuous horrors and a bloody sky that weeps black tears of acid. And then the vision fades away. Flashes of brilliant crimson light fill your vision like newborn stars, and each pinpoint of light begins to pulse brighter and brighter. The crimson stars begin to swirl and coalesce upon one another, forming vicious torrents of swirling cyclones that fill the entirety of your vision with their vast intricacies. A pattern begins to form out of the massive torrent of unleashed energy building before your eyes -- the bright, angular channels cutting a swath through the chaotic mass of crimson and channeling it into a defined pathway. The pattern continues to slice through the chaotic haze of crimson, and for a time it looks as if the two are fighting -- an eternal struggle of order against chaos, the swirling incarnadine spirals lashing outward against the angles desperately. The pattern slowly resolves itself into a clear, complete image before you -- its lines flaring brightly as the remaining scarlet swirls are confined within its borders. The ground beneath you violently shakes and rumbles causing you to fall down! Roundtime: 11 seconds. The pattern within your mind begins to flare brightly -- and for a moment, you see the entirety of it, every line, every angle, every complex loop and curve that forms its overall structure, every supporting arch and every detailed flourish -- each tiny detail burns itself into your mind, branding the very core of your thoughts with its intricate patterns. And then it fades away, and the knowledge of its complexity feels as if it had been there all along.