Weathered blue oak cart

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The weathered blue oak cart is a wandering cart in the Western Harbor, around Mist Harbor, that specializes in weaving tools. It is available during the spring and is run by an aging and stooped fishwife.

[Western Harbor, Jetty] Room: 3216010
Tangled knots of seaweed clutter the sandstone blocks of the jetty, their ends glistening in the sunlight and fluttering in the sea breeze. The thunderous crashing of waves along the eastern facing is punctuated by the spray of seawater that falls in a fine mist from the air. You also see a weathered blue oak cart and an aging and stooped fishwife.
Obvious paths: southeast, northwest


In the blue oak cart you see: a pair of red-handled shears, a slender steel awl, a small red clay jar, a tan oiled leather hat, a pair of red-handled snips, a pair of red-handled scissors, a soft white votive, a tiny cracked glass vial and a wide-brimmed woven wicker hat.

Item Type Info Details Price
a pair of red-handled shears Weaving tool - shears
a slender steel awl Weaving tool - awl
a small red clay jar 900
a tan oiled leather hat 500
a pair of red-handled snips Weaving tool - snips
a pair of red-handled scissors Weaving tool - scissors
a soft white votive 3500
a tiny cracked glass vial 1200
a wide-brimmed woven wicker hat 500