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Wellani, the officiant
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Wellani is a Wedding Officiant that performs wedding ceremonies for those that purchase a wedding package from the Simucoin Store during Rings of Lumnis, Duskruin, Rumor Woods, or Ebon Gate.
You see Wellani the Priestess of the Holy Assembly of Lorminstra. She appears to be a Human. She is short and appears to be young and sprightly. She has gold-hearted rich brown eyes and caramel-hued skin. She has shoulder length braided black hair woven throughout with thick golden beads. Her lips are plump and full and touched with the color of fine wine. She is in good shape. She is wearing a gleaming ferroniere suspending a tiny pure gold key, an ebon velvet mantle embroidered with tone-on-tone silk roses, a floor-length white silk and lace robe, and some delicate aurulent satin slippers.
Wellani claps loudly to gain attention and raises her hands, gesturing grandly. "Greetings to all, and welcome to the joining of GROOM and BRIDE!" She lowers her hands and folds them demurely in front of herself as she nods to you and BRIDE with a smile on her face. "We stand here together in the presence of the Lady Lorminstra, Goddess of Winter and Keeper of the Keys to the Ebon Gate, to bless this couple into peaceful wedlock. Death is no great ending that should be feared. It should be viewed as part of a cycle that is ever renewing and changing the face of the world around us. As one thing ends, so must another begin. As the sun rises, so it must set," continues Wellani. Wellani takes a moment to observe the gathered wedding party as she smiles softly and continues. "On this day we witness both an end and a beginning. The end of the lives led separately by GROOM and BRIDE, and the beginning of their wedded bond as they form a glorious union together." Turning to face you, Wellani asks, "Do you choose to end your life alone and begin your journey with BRIDE?" Turning to face BRIDE, Wellani asks, "Do you choose to end your life alone and begin your journey with GROOM?"
- Success
Wellani clasps her hands in front of herself and bows her head. "Lady Lorminstra, I beseech you to give this couple your blessing. May their joining constantly evolve and change to become stronger and richer for the many experiences they will share with one another. All the years of their lives let them share another fully until the time comes once more for them to return home to your embrace." Slowly, Wellani lifts her head and makes a circular gesture with her hand over your and BRIDE's visages. "Rise anew in your holy love for each other, as I declare you both wed." She smiles and adds, "Go forth and be joyful together." She nods once and moves from the area.
- Rejection
"Every beginning is an end, and every end a beginning," Wellani intones. "Today we see both, as it has been decided not to move forward with the ceremony, thus ending this union and beginning a new chapter in life," she continues. She nods once and moves from the area.