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Domain Death and Rebirth,
Winter, Deliverance
Symbol a golden key set upon a gate of black
Pantheon Pantheon of Liabo
Relationships Koar (father)
Lumnis (mother)
Phoen (brother)
Ronan (brother)
Voln (possible half-brother)
Smite/Bane Smite
Critical Plasma

Goddess of Death and Rebirth, Winter and Deliverance

Lorminstra is the Goddess of Death and Rebirth. She is the eldest offspring of Koar and Lumnis. Lorminstra is also the Goddess of Winter, that annual "death" of nature which parallels the death and rebirth of souls.

Lorminstra is also the Keeper of the Ebon Gate. It is her decision whether a soul is allowed to return to Elanthia each time an appeal is made via a ritual of resurrection, and even Koar will not gainsay her decision.

Lorminstra regards Luukos' enslavement of souls to animate his undead as abominable. She supports her brother, Ronan, in his struggle against Luukos' minions, and also petitions Koar frequently to take direct measures to curb Luukos' activities.

Lorminstra's preferred humanoid manifestation is that of a thin woman with black hair and pale alabaster skin. She wears two layers of robes, black over white, and at her side dangles a ring of keys, one for every soul. In manner, she is somber yet caring. Her symbol is a golden key, or a golden key set upon a gate of black.

Shrines, Statuary, and Holy Places

Wehnimer's Landing, Lorminstra's Temple

Lorminstra's Temple in Wehnimer's Landing is the primary holy place of Lorminstra.

[Temple, Altar]
The altar is plain, and bears only onyx bowls of smouldering incense and smoking paraffin. Draped behind it is a cloth banner, appliqued with an ancient mystical pattern. A legend is embroidered along the bottom. On the far side of the room at the end of an aisle, you see two pillars.
>read banner
In the Common language, it reads:
All things begin and end here.

Cleric Guilds

Displayed in the Prayer Rooms of each Cleric Guild is a statue of Lorminstra. These prayer rooms are considered a holy shrine to multiple deities.

You see the figure of a thin woman dressed in a double layer of robes, one hand on her hip, the other dangling a ring of keys.  On her face is an expression of compassion tempered with duty.

K>touch Lorminstra
You reach out and touch the statue of Lorminstra.

A warm feeling washes over you, as if Lorminstra smiled upon you.

Wehnimer's Landing Cleric Guild

Inside a small black marble building just outside the main building of the Wehnimer's Landing Cleric Guild is a shrine to Lorminstra.

[Cleric Guild, Shrine]
A solid black marble altar sits to the south, nestled within a small arched alcove of ivory. Many candles sit on the various ledges within the small space, their warm light casting the statue of a woman behind the altar in a soft, enveloping glow. The woman stands firmly with an air of both grace and seriousness, though her downturned eyes give her a slightly somber look. Delicate snowblossoms are strewn across the floor, their pale white hue reminiscent of winter's winds.
Obvious exits: out
>look statue
Carved from a rich white ivory, the statue's perfectly rounded diamond eyes flicker with reflected light from the candles gathered around it.  Lorminstra's robes are slightly tousled at her feet, as if she was captured standing against a strong wind.  In her hands she holds a long ebony staff, and her head is slightly bent to survey those who would pray at the altar.  Her expression is one of both caring and somberness, and her etched features convey a sense of deep resolution.

>look altar
Cut from a block of pure black marble, the altar's surface is very faintly carved with the outline of a large gate.  In the middle of the gate's seam the marble has been cut deeply into the form of a key, and pure gold has been filled within and smoothed to a lustrous shine.  A very large, old tome lies open on the altar.

>read tome
Scrawled in large, golden script are the words:
The Beginning shall be joyous, as all births are.  A new life, a new story and a new thread to the tapestry that is life.  Those who follow the Lady should also rejoice in the birth of another life, for it is our duty to protect it from all harm unnatural.

The numerous candles about the room flicker in unison for a moment, illuminating the book upon the altar's surface.

A chilly draft wafts into the room, swirling about in a column of cold air.  Suddenly, a tiny snowflake drifts down from somewhere and lands on the altar, melting within seconds of contact.

Located in the Antechamber of Liabo is a table inset with disks depicting all of the Liabo arkati, including one for Lorminstra. This area is not considered a holy shrine.

A golden key on a gate of black is painted on the crystal disk representing Lorminstra.

Kharam Dzu Cleric Guild

Just inside the entrance to the Kharam Dzu Cleric Guild is a pair of statues depicting Lorminstra and Luukos. This room is not considered a holy shrine.

Two statues, one carved from shimmering glaes and the other from soapstone in a sickly shade of green, glare at each other in the center of the room.  The figures stand on a pedestal of black stone, words painstakingly chipped into the surface.

>look statues
A thin woman in layered robes stands rigid, hatred written into every carved line.  Across from her stands a man of faintly reptilian cast, forked tongue flickering out as if to mock his opposer.  Each glares at the other, obviously distrustful of what one another will do.

>read pedestal
In the Common language, it reads:
"Only in death can we truly understand the Gods."


To add messaging, see deity messaging.
Spell/Ability Messaging
CHANT (verb)
[1p cleric] You chant a reverent orison, asking for death and rebirth to grace the world through Lorminstra's will.
[3p cleric] CLERIC chants a short but reverent orison, asking for death and rebirth to grace the world.
[1p paladin] You bow your head and chant a short prayer to Lorminstra, causing pure golden and black light to momentarily coalesce in front of you.
[3p paladin] PALADIN bows her head and chants a short prayer, causing pure golden and black light to momentarily coalesce in front of her.
Major Sanctuary (220)
A shiver of wind touches your breath and you feel your eyelashes grow thick with a coating of snow. You lift your eyes to the sky and white blurs your vision...
[Winter's Sanctuary]
Pines and evergreens form a loose circle around the snow-swept glade, their branches heavy with frost and icicles. Onyx marble benches with legs carved in the bas-relief image of funeral processions provide a sharp contrast to the white landscape. A chill wind speckled with snowflakes swirls past. A smattering of iceblossoms at the heart of the sanctuary lends the air a light, sweet fragrance.
Rising suddenly, the chill air sends a flurry of snow towards you and your vision swims with white flakes...
Well of Life (308)
As you sense your souls have linked together, the chill of winter spreads slowly through your body.
Condemn (309)
[Success] The ambient temperature abruptly plummets, sending TARGET into fits of shivering.
[Failure] A chill breeze briefly swirls around TARGET, but nothing comes of it.
[Damage] Ripples of cold white flame flare up around TARGET and blister (him/her/it) for X points of damage!
[Debuff end] The icy chill surrounding TARGET fades away.
Blind (311)
[1p] As your faith overcomes TARGET's weakened defenses, you sense the somber, majestic power and the caring presence of the Gatekeeper flowing through you.
[2p] CASTER's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see the image of a thin woman with alabaster-hued skin. Snowflakes collect in her raven black hair, and winter's chill sweeps over you as her somber gaze meets yours. The image sears into your vision, and then everything goes dark.
Prayer (313)
[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the compassion of your deity to protect you. The delicate chill of autumn's first frost settles over your skin, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
[3p] Pallid light glows in CASTER's eyes.
Censure (316)
The Gatekeeper's hand and key will be against you, parting your spirit and body, leaving you helpless in a mortal world that does not know your presence....
Raise Dead (318)
[1p] Thin at first, a fine layer of rime tickles your hands and fingertips. The hoarfrost smoothly glides between you and TARGET, turning to a light powder as it traverses the space between. The white substance clings to TARGET's eyelashes and cheeks for a moment before it becomes charged with spiritual power, then it slowly melts away.
[2p] This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
[3p] Thin at first, a fine layer of rime coats CASTER's hands and fingertips. The hoarfrost smoothly glides across the space between CASTER and TARGET, turning to a light powder in the open air. The white substance clings to TARGET's eyelashes and cheeks for a moment before it becomes charged with spiritual power, then it slowly melts away.
a gold-traced banded onyx key symbol
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Divine Wrath (335)
As you pour your soul into an appeal to Lorminstra, the image of a snow-covered forest with an open ebon gate at its center flashes through your mind, and the cold of winter slowly settles into your bones.
It begins to snow -- small, white, faintly glowing snowflakes that appear immediately overhead and drift delicately down to dissolve as soon as they strike the ground. Several strike your skin, and, instead of melting, they only deepen the icy chill that resides within your marrow. The power of Lorminstra has answered your prayer.
As several faintly glowing snowflakes settle upon TARGET, they ignite with cold white flame.
As your connection to Lorminstra lessens, the snowflakes stop falling, and the few that still cling to you melt away. The icy cold gradually lifts from your body.
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[Look Caster]
Symbol of the Proselyte (340)
[Cast] You rest your hand atop your banded onyx key symbol. The edges of your hand go black, and from the core of the symbol shines a golden light. The effect is not unlike light through a keyhole.
[Chant] You chant a reverent orison and lightly clasp your banded onyx key symbol. A rush of divine power washes over you. Your symbol pulses once and you feel the eternal watchfulness of Lorminstra staring through your eyes.
Miracle (350)
[1p] Distant and echoing, the sound of keys jingling strikes a familiar chord within you as it precedes the sound of a heavy metal gate slamming shut. Pale snowflakes drift through the air and settle upon your lifeless body. As the snow accumulates into a thin, chilling layer, you distinctly hear the somber voice of a female speaking softly in your ear. "The gates are closed to you for now, my child," she says, and several moments later the snow seeps into your skin, leaving you chilled and damp.
[3p] Distant and echoing, the sound of keys jingling precedes the sound of a heavy metal gate slamming shut. Pale snowflakes drift through the air and settle upon the lifeless body of CLERIC. The light dusting covers her form, obscuring it from sight for several moments before the flakes melt away leaving CLERIC's clothing damp.
Aid the Fallen (1613)
Repentance (1615)
[1p] A pillar of swirling white radiance manifests around TARGET.
[2p] This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Judgment (1630)
You briefly close your eyes, and a translucent black gate rises up from the ground behind you. A faint white light builds up and emanates from your hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal chain of keys!
A flurry of golden snowflake-shaped motes unwind from the chain of the ethereal keys, striking TARGET!
The ethereal keys in your hand slowly melt away.
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Divine Incarnation (1650)
[Cast 1p] This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
[Cast 3p]
[Expiration 1p]
[Expiration 3p]
[Zeal 1p]
[Zeal 3p]
[Armor 1p]
[Armor 3p]
[Smite 1p]
[Smite 3p]
[Onslaught 1p]
[Onslaught 3p]
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