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Wingsong Collection

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The Wingsong Collection is a clothing line crafted with the Aelotoi in mind. The line was originally featured at the Dragonfly Festival in 5107, with sporadic availability over the years. The pieces are cultural items for the Aelotoi, and include a saephua, a wrap-skirt, and a cloak. Other races can also wear it without restriction. The items made a return on Caligos Isle at the 5119 Ebon Gate Festival in a shop called, "Wingsong.



You analyze your heliotrope silk saephua and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun."

The creator has also provided the following information:

Originally sold at the 5107 Dragonfly Festival, a silver-fringed heliotrope silk saephua was spruced up and resold at the 5119 Ebon Gate Festival on Caligos Isle.

The saephua is a wrap-style shirt that provides special cultural messaging for the aelotoi, though anyone can wear one.  It should always remain a fabric item, but can have the noun of saephua or chest-wrap.

The saephua is a Tier 1 (OTS) model and can be unlocked using certificates thrice.

It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, wear

You get no sense of whether or not the saephua may be further lightened.


Tier 1

Verb Race Gender First Third
WEAR Aelotoi Male Holding the fabric ends in each hand, you wrap it around your torso, mindful to go both above and below your sapphire wings, and finish it by tucking the ends under the bindings at hip-level. Holding the fabric in each hand, XXX wraps it around his torso, weaving the fabric both above and below his sapphire wings, and finishes it by tucking the ends under the bindings at hip-level.
Female You carefully lay the soft fabric against your back, just beneath your sapphire wings, and bring the ends up under your arms. Crossing the fabric over your chest, you loop it around your neck and tie a secure knot. XXX carefully lays the soft fabric against her back, just beneath her sapphire wings, and brings the ends up under her arms. Crossing the fabric over her chest, she loops it around her neck and ties it with a secure knot.
Non-Aelotoi Male Holding the fabric ends in each hand, you wrap it around your torso and finish it by tucking the ends under the bindings at hip-level. Holding the fabric in each hand, XXX wraps it around his torso and finishes it by tucking the ends under the bindings at hip-level.
Female You untie the knot at the base of your neck that holds your heliotrope silk saephua in place and allow the garment to fall into your waiting hand. XXX carefully lays the soft fabric against her back, and brings the ends up under her arms. Crossing the fabric over her chest, she loops it around her neck and ties it with a secure knot.
REMOVE All races Male You gently loosen the bindings on your heliotrope silk saephua and allow the garment to fall into your waiting hand. XXX loosens the bindings on his heliotrope silk saephua and allows the fabric to slip from his body into his waiting hand.
Female You untie the knot at the base of your neck that holds your heliotrope silk saephua in place and allow the garment to fall into your waiting hand. XXX unties the knot at the base of her neck that holds her heliotrope silk saephua in place and allows the fabric to slip from her body into her waiting hand.
PULL All races Both genders You tug lightly upon your saephua in an attempt to draw it higher up your chest. XXX tugs his saephua higher up his torso.
PUSH All races Both genders You slip a finger between the bindings of your saephua in an attempt to ease the tightness under your arm. XXX slips his index finger into the side of his saephua to loosen the fabric slightly.

Tier 2

Verb Race First Third
FOLD Aelotoi You curl your arms around your abdomen, stilling your sapphire wings as you lay them flat against the soft fabric of the saephua that covers your lower back. XXX curls her arms around her abdomen, stilling her sapphire wings as she lays them flat against the fabric of the saephua that covers her lower back.
Non-Aelotoi You curl your arms around your abdomen, the edge of your heliotrope silk saephua rubbing against your forearm. XXX curls her arms around her abdomen just beneath the edge of her heliotrope silk saephua.
HUG Aelotoi You rub your upper arms briskly, your sapphire wings trembling with a chill you cannot seem to shake. You stretch your arms around to your back, your hands brushing against the fabric of your heliotrope silk saephua as you attempt to bring some warmth into the tenebrous appendages. XXX rubs her upper arms briskly, her sapphire wings trembling. She stretches her arms around to her back, her hands brushing against the fabric of her heliotrope silk saephua as she attempts to bring some warmth into her tenebrous appendages.
Non-Aelotoi Feeling a bit chilled, you hug yourself tightly by folding your arms over your heliotrope silk saephua. XXX hugs herself tightly and folds her arms over her heliotrope silk saephua for warmth.
STRETCH Aelotoi You stretch your arms and sapphire wings one by one into the air, causing the edges of your heliotrope silk saephua to rise higher upon your ribs. XXX stretches her arms and sapphire wings one by one into the air, causing the edges of her heliotrope silk saephua to rise higher upon her ribs.
Non-Aelotoi You stretch your arms one by one into the air, causing the edges of your heliotrope silk saephua to rise higher upon your ribs. XXX stretches her arms one by one into the air, causing the edges of her heliotrope silk saephua to rise higher upon her ribs.
TOUCH All races You gently smooth out the folds of your heliotrope silk saephua, adjusting it for comfort. XXX gently smoothes out the folds of her heliotrope silk saephua, adjusting it for comfort.

Tier 3

Verb Race First Third
APPLAUD Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Non-Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
GLARE Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Non-Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
GRIND Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Non-Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
PINCH Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Non-Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
SLAP Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Non-Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
STOMP (sitting) Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Non-Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
STOMP (standing) Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Non-Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TAP Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Non-Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TREMBLE Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Non-Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!



You analyze your ebon moire silk wrap-skirt and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item type should not change."

The creator has also provided the following information:

Originally sold at the 5107 Dragonfly Festival, a hip-tied ebon moire silk wrap-skirt edged in carnelian beads was enhanced and resold at the 5119 Ebon Gate Festival on Caligos Isle.

The wrap-skirt is a wrap-style skirt that provides special cultural messaging for the aelotoi, though anyone can wear it.  It should always remain a fabric item.

The wrap-skirt is a Tier 1 (OTS) model and can be unlocked using certificates twice.

It has access to the following verbs:  remove, wear

You get no sense of whether or not the wrap-skirt may be further lightened.


Tier 1

Verb First Third
REMOVE Untying the knot in your wrap-skirt, you let the fabric fall from your hips into your waiting hand. Untying the knot in her wrap-skirt, XXX let the fabric fall from her hips into her waiting hand.
WEAR Slipping the fabric of your wrap-skirt around you, you weave it into a complicated knot at your hip. XXX wraps fabric around her waist to create a wrap-skirt and then ties it at the hip with an intricate knot.

Tier 2

Verb Race Style First Third
LEAN All races Standing You sway back and forth, setting the folds of your ebon moire silk wrap-skirt to swinging, which causes the bells attached to its edges to chime. XXX sways back and forth, setting the folds of her ebon moire silk wrap-skirt to swinging, which cause the bells attached to it to chime.
Kneeling Spreading your sapphire wings for balance, you reposition your feet beneath you and use the fabric of your ebon moire silk wrap-skirt for cushion under your knees. Spreading her sapphire wings for balance, XXX repositions her feet beneath her and uses the fabric of her ebon moire silk wrap-skirt for cushion under her knees.
RAISE All races Standing Rising to your tip-toes, your sapphire wings spread for balance, you place your hands upon your skirt-covered hips and lift your chin in defiance. Rising to her tip-toes, her sapphire wings spread for balance, XXX places her hands upon her skirt-covered hips and lifts her chin in defiance.
All Other Positions Squinting, you place your hand upon your skirt-covered hips and lift your chin in a small display of defiance. Squinting, XXX places her hand upon her skirt-covered hips and lifts her chin in a small display of defiance.
SPIN Aelotoi Kneeling/Lying You think about jumping up and dancing with your hands in the air, your fingers twitching in the folds of your ebon moire silk wrap-skirt. XXX's fingers twitch in her ebon moire silk wrap-skirt.
Sitting (moves you to standing) Your sapphire wings twitch as you flutter them for balance, and you spin upon the floor for a brief moment before popping up from your seated position! The swift movement causes the bells on your ebon moire silk wrap-skirt to loudly chime. XXX's sapphire wings twitch as she flutters them for balance and spins upon the floor for a brief moment before popping up from her seated position! The swift movement causes the bells on her ebon moire silk wrap-skirt to loudly chime.
Standing You throw your arms in the air with abandon and dance in a slow circle to the sound of the ringing bells attached to the end of your swaying wrap-skirt. XXX throws her arms in the air with abandon and dances in a slow circle to the sound of the ringing bells attached to the end of her swaying wrap-skirt.
Non-Aelotoi Lifting your feet off the ground, you spin on your behind for a brief moment, but it is just long enough to set the bells upon your ebon moire silk wrap-skirt to chiming. Lifting her feet off the ground, XXX spins on her behind for a brief moment, but it is just long enough to set the bells upon her ebon moire silk wrap-skirt to chiming.
WAVE All races Collecting a corner of your ebon moire silk wrap-skirt in your hand, you wave it back and forth as you dance and fill the air with the sound of its melodic bells. Collecting a corner of her ebon moire silk wrap-skirt in her hand, XXX waves it back and forth as she dances and fills the air with the sound of its melodic bells.

Tier 3

Verb RACE First Third
RUB Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Non-Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
SLAP Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Non-Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TAP Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Non-Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
THUMP Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Non-Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!



You analyze your linen cloak and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item type should not change."

The creator has also provided the following information:
Originally sold at the 5107 Dragonfly Festival, a flat linen cloak with tiny tone-on-tone stripes was enhanced and resold at the 5119 Ebon Gate Festival on Caligos Isle.

The cloak is cut to fit aelotoi wings, but could be worn by anyone.  If altered, it should remain a fabric-based cloak-type item (no leather or metal mesh - these materials cause wing chaffing).

The cloak is a Tier 1 (OTS) model and can be unlocked using certificates twice.

It has access to the following verbs:  pull, push, remove, wear
You can tell that the cloak's pockets could not possibly get any deeper, but you might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the linen cloak for you.


Tier 1

Verb Race First Third
WEAR Aelotoi Spreading your wings outward from your body, you carefully shift the fabric of your linen cloak around them and fit your wings into the tailored back slots before settling the cloak upon your shoulders. XXX spreads her wings out from her body and carefully slips them into the back-slots of her linen cloak before settling the garment upon her shoulders.
Non-Aelotoi You shrug your shoulders and slip into the linen cloak. XXX shrugs her shoulders as she slips out of the linen cloak.
REMOVE Aelotoi You shrug your shoulders at the same time that you lower your wings, allowing your linen cloak to slip from your shoulders and over your wings into your waiting hand. Drooping her wings, XXX slips her linen cloak from her shoulders and gracefully off of her wings.
Non-Aelotoi You shrug your shoulders and slip out of the linen cloak. XXX shrugs her shoulders as she slips into the linen cloak.
PULL All races Gathering the collar of your linen cloak in your hands, you tug it close to keep warm. XXX places a hand upon either side of the collar on her linen cloak and draws it tightly about her neck and cheeks for warmth.
PUSH All races Feeling a fine sweat trickle between your wings, you push back the edges of your linen cloak to allow some air in. A hint of sweat glistens upon XXX's face, and she fans the edges of her linen cloak against her body to alleviate the discomfort.

Tier 2

Verb Race Style First Third
KNEEL Aelotoi Lying You rub your upper arms briskly, your sapphire wings trembling with a chill you cannot seem to shake. You stretch your arms around to your back, your hands brushing against the fabric of your heliotrope silk saephua as you attempt to bring some warmth into the tenebrous appendages. XXX rubs her upper arms briskly, her sapphire wings trembling. She stretches her arms around to her back, her hands brushing against the fabric of her heliotrope silk saephua as she attempts to bring some warmth into her tenebrous appendages.
Non-Aelotoi Lying You push off the ground and move to your knees amid the folds of your linen cloak. XXX pushes off the ground and moves to her knees amid the folds of her linen cloak.
Aelotoi Sitting You uncross your ankles and move to a kneeling position, using the folds of your linen cloak for cushion. XXX uncrosses her ankles and moves to a kneeling position, using the folds of her linen cloak for cushion.
Non-Aelotoi Sitting You uncross your ankles and move to a kneeling position, using the folds of your linen cloak for cushion. XXX uncrosses her ankles and moves to a kneeling position, using the folds of her linen cloak for cushion.
Aelotoi Standing You lower yourself to your knees, the fabric of your linen cloak pooling around you. XXX lowers herself to her knees, the fabric of her linen cloak pooling around her.
Non-Aelotoi Standing You lower yourself to your knees, the fabric of your linen cloak pooling around you. XXX lowers herself to her knees, the fabric of her linen cloak pooling around her.
PONDER Aelotoi Your sapphire wings flutter against the back of your linen cloak as you ponder your current situation. XXX's sapphire wings flutter against the back of her linen cloak as she stares ahead deep in thought.
Non-Aelotoi Your fingers fidget in the folds of your linen cloak as you ponder your current situation. XXX fingers fidget in the folds of her linen cloak as she stares ahead deep in thought.
SIT Aelotoi Kneeling Using your sapphire wings for balance, you lean back into a sitting position, tucking the folds of your linen cloak beneath you. Using her sapphire wings for balance, XXX leans back into a sitting position, tucking the folds of her linen cloak beneath her.
Non-Aelotoi Kneeling You lean back into a sitting position, tucking the folds of your linen cloak beneath you. XXX leans back into a sitting position, tucking the folds of her linen cloak beneath her.
Aelotoi Lying Using your sapphire wings for balance, you push off the ground and sit amid the folds of your linen cloak. Using her sapphire wings for balance, XXX pushes off the ground and sits amid the folds of her linen cloak.
Non-Aelotoi Lying You push off the ground and sit amid the folds of your linen cloak. XXX pushes off the ground and sits amid the folds of her linen cloak.
Aelotoi Sitting Using your sapphire wings for balance, you smooth out the fabric of your linen cloak, which has become bunched while you were sitting. Using her sapphire wings for balance, XXX takes a moment to smooth out the fabric of her linen cloak.
Non-Aelotoi Sitting You smooth out the fabric of your linen cloak, which has become bunched while you were sitting. XXX takes a moment to smooth out the fabric of her linen cloak.
STAND Aelotoi Standing Fluttering your sapphire wings for balance, you shift your weight, causing the hem of your linen cloak to swirl around your ankles. Fluttering her sapphire wings for balance, XXX shifts her weight, causing the hem of her linen cloak to swirl around her ankles.
Non-Aelotoi Standing You shift your weight, causing the hem of your linen cloak to swirl around your ankles. XXX shifts her weight, causing the hem of her linen cloak to swirl around her ankles.
Aelotoi All others Fluttering your sapphire wings for balance, you stand in one smooth motion, causing the hem of your linen cloak to swirl around your ankles. Fluttering her sapphire wings for balance, XXX stands in one smooth motion that sets the hem of her linen cloak to swirling around her ankles.
Non-Aelotoi All others You stand in one smooth motion, causing the hem of your linen cloak to swirl around your ankles. XXX stands in one smooth motion that sets the hem of her linen cloak to swirling around her ankles.

Tier 3

Verb Race First Third
FLUTTER Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Non-Aelotoi This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
SHRUG Aelotoi You shrug your shoulders in an non-committal fashion, your wings fluttering slightly, and the fabric of your linen cloak swaying around you. XXX shrugs her shoulders in a non-committal fashion, her wings fluttering slightly, and the fabric of her linen cloak swaying around her.
Non-Aelotoi You shrug your shoulders in an non-committal fashion, causing the fabric of your linen cloak to sway around you. XXX shrugs her shoulders in a non-committal fashion, causing the fabric of her linen cloak to sway around her.
THUMP Aelotoi Using your open palm, you thumb your hand against your linen cloak-covered shoulder to create a steady beat and flutter your dark blue wings in a matching rhythm. Using her open palm, XXX thumbs her hand against her linen cloak-covered shoulder to create a steady beat and flutters her dark blue wings in a matching rhythm.
Non-Aelotoi Using your open palm, you thumb your hand against your linen cloak-covered shoulder to create a steady beat. Using her open palm, XXX thumbs her hand against her linen cloak-covered shoulder to create a steady beat.
WAVE Aelotoi Slipping your linen cloak slightly off your shoulders, you ripple the fabric in a gentle wave that allows air to move across your back and between your wings. Slipping her linen cloak slightly off her shoulders, XXX ripples the fabric in a gentle wave in an attempt to cool her back and wings.
Non-Aelotoi Slipping your linen cloak slightly off your shoulders, you ripple the fabric in a gentle wave that allows air to move across your back. Slipping her linen cloak slightly off her shoulders, XXX ripples the fabric in a gentle wave in an attempt to cool her back
Wingsong Collection Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Clothing
Item(s) Applied to
Alterable Yes
Original Release Venue Dragonfly Festival
Original Release Year 2007
Tiered Yes
Number of Tiers 3
Item Verbs