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Valid places:
Valid places:
ALCHEMY (Alchemist's House, Consignment)
ARMOR (Aznell's Armory, Forge)
BANK (First Elanith Bank, Teller)
BANK (First Elanith Bank, Teller)
PAWN (Kilron's Pawnshop, Front Room)
BOUNTY (Adventurer's Guild, Office)
CHRONOMAGES (Wehnimer's, Shop Cellar)
COLLECTIBLES (Collectibles Shop)
DEBTS (Moot Hall, Debt Collector's)
FLETCHER (Quaeta's Fletcher Shop)
FURRIER (Dakris's Furs, Front Room)
FURRIER (Dakris's Furs, Front Room)
GEMSHOP (Gemcutter's, Front Room)
GEMSHOP (Gemcutter's, Front Room)
ALCHEMY (Alchemist's House, Consignment)
GUARD (Wehnimer's, Exterior)
BOUNTY (Adventurer's Guild, Lobby)
JUSTICE (Wehnimer's, Constabulary)
HEALER (Healer's Tent, Treatment Room)
HEALER (Healer's Tent, Treatment Room)
THRAK (Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom)
HERBALIST (Herbalist's, Dispensary)
HERBALIST (Herbalist's, Dispensary)
WEAPONS (Tykel's Arms, Showroom)
INN (Raging Thrak Inn, Front Desk)
ARMOR (Aznell's Armory, Forge)
JUSTICE (Wehnimer's, Constabulary)
LOCKSMITH (Locksmith, Backroom)
LOCKSMITH (Locksmith, Backroom)
LOCKSMITHPOOL (Land Tower East, Office)
HELGAS (Helga's Tavern, Barroom)
FRITHS (Frith's Inn, Front Desk)
PAWN (Kilron's Pawnshop, Front Room)
STABLE (City Stables, Stalls)
CHRONOMAGES (Wehnimer's, Shop Cellar)
TABLES (Raging Thrak Inn, Dining Room)
TEMPLE (Temple, Chapel)
TEMPLE (Temple, Chapel)
MOOT (Moot Hall, Great Lobby)
TOWNHALL (Landing Hall, Courtyard)
FLETCHER (Quaeta's Fletcher Shop)
BARDGUILD (Bard Guild, Courtyard)
WAYSIDE (Wayside Inn, Dining Room)
CLERICGUILD (Cleric Guild, Courtyard)
EMPATHGUILD (Empath Guild, Entrance)
WARRIORGUILD (Warrior Guild, Entryway)
BELDRINS (Beldrin's Game Hall, Reception)
BELDRINS (Beldrin's Game Hall, Reception)
BLACKSMITH (Blacksmith, Forge)
EASTTOWER (Land Tower East, Office)
EASTTOWER (Land Tower East, Office)
FRITHS (Frith's Inn, Front Desk)
HEARTHSTONE (Hearthstone, Front Porch)
HELGAS (Helga's Tavern, Barroom)
MOOTHALL (Moot Hall, Great Lobby)
THRAK (Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom)
WAYSIDE (Wayside Inn, Dining Room)
WESTGATE (Wehnimer's, West Ring Rd.)
WESTGATE (Wehnimer's, West Ring Rd.)
NORTHGATE (Wehnimer's, Land's End Rd.)
NORTHGATE (Wehnimer's, Land's End Rd.)
TSC (Town Square Central)
TSC (Town Square Central)
HEARTHSTONE (Hearthstone, Front Porch)
BLACKSMITH (Blacksmith, Forge)
WARRIORGUILD (Warrior Guild, Entryway)
BARDGUILD (Bard Guild, Courtyard)
EMPATHGUILD (Empath Guild, Entrance)
CLERICGUILD (Cleric Guild, Courtyard)
DEBTS (Moot Hall, Debt Collector's)
INN (Raging Thrak Inn, Front Desk)
TABLES (Raging Thrak Inn, Dining Room)
COLLECTIBLES (Collectibles Shop)

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Obvious exits: out
Obvious exits: out

==See Also==
==See Also==

Revision as of 15:09, 19 August 2020

The Urchin Guide system can be used for quick navigation through towns. Access to the Urchin Guide may be purchased through the Simucoin Store for 50 simucoins for 30 days of unlimited use. Once purchased, users will gain access to the URCHIN verb.

URCHIN (verb)


   URCHIN GUIDE [PLACE]    - Call a local street urchin to guide you to the chosen place.
   URCHIN PLACES           - View places that you can be guided to from your current location.
   URCHIN STATUS           - Check the current status of your access to the urchin guides.

In any town, use URCHIN PLACES to see the valid destinations. For example, in Wehnimer's Landing: URCHIN PLACES

Valid places:
ALCHEMY         (Alchemist's House, Consignment)
ARMOR           (Aznell's Armory, Forge)
BANK            (First Elanith Bank, Teller)
BOUNTY          (Adventurer's Guild, Office)
CHRONOMAGES     (Wehnimer's, Shop Cellar)
COLLECTIBLES    (Collectibles Shop)
DEBTS           (Moot Hall, Debt Collector's)
FLETCHER        (Quaeta's Fletcher Shop)
FURRIER         (Dakris's Furs, Front Room)
GEMSHOP         (Gemcutter's, Front Room)
GUARD           (Wehnimer's, Exterior)
HEALER          (Healer's Tent, Treatment Room)
HERBALIST       (Herbalist's, Dispensary)
INN             (Raging Thrak Inn, Front Desk)
JUSTICE         (Wehnimer's, Constabulary)
LOCKSMITH       (Locksmith, Backroom)
LOCKSMITHPOOL   (Land Tower East, Office)
PAWN            (Kilron's Pawnshop, Front Room)
STABLE          (City Stables, Stalls)
TABLES          (Raging Thrak Inn, Dining Room)
TEMPLE          (Temple, Chapel)
TOWNHALL        (Landing Hall, Courtyard)
BARDGUILD       (Bard Guild, Courtyard)
CLERICGUILD     (Cleric Guild, Courtyard)
EMPATHGUILD     (Empath Guild, Entrance)
WARRIORGUILD    (Warrior Guild, Entryway)
BELDRINS        (Beldrin's Game Hall, Reception)
BLACKSMITH      (Blacksmith, Forge)
EASTTOWER       (Land Tower East, Office)
FRITHS          (Frith's Inn, Front Desk)
HEARTHSTONE     (Hearthstone, Front Porch)
HELGAS          (Helga's Tavern, Barroom)
MOOTHALL        (Moot Hall, Great Lobby)
THRAK           (Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom)
WAYSIDE         (Wayside Inn, Dining Room)
WESTGATE        (Wehnimer's, West Ring Rd.)
NORTHGATE       (Wehnimer's, Land's End Rd.)
TSC             (Town Square Central)

Once a destination is chosen, use urchin guide [destination] to travel.


>urchin guide pawn
You flag down a nearby urchin and indicate your desired destination. The urchin nods to you and rapidly guides you through a series of back alleys, side streets, and little-used shortcuts until you reach your destination in mere seconds.
[Kilron's Pawnshop, Front Room]
This little pawnshop is somewhat cheerier than you would expect, presided over by its well-dressed and well-heeled owner, Kilron. A polished white marble counter is set off by freshly whitewashed walls and a highly varnished wood floor. An antique cabinet on the far wall holds several impressive and equally ancient weapons, some precious trinkets, and several items that you cannot identify, except that they seem to glow in different shades of colored light with different intensities. You also see a slatted wooden case and an oak door.
Obvious exits: out

See Also