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'''Elemental Lore, Air''' is a widely used lore used by mainly bards and wizards for the benefits it adds to many of the Sonic spells used by bards and the increases in various air base spells, such as [[Hand of Tonis]], for wizards. Sorcerers also often train in this skill minimally for the benefits it adds to [[Dark Catalyst]].
'''Elemental Lore, Air''' is a widely used lore used by mainly bards and wizards for the benefits it adds to many of the Sonic spells used by bards and the increases in various air base spells, such as [[Hand of Tonis]], for wizards. Sorcerers also often train in this skill minimally for the benefits it adds to [[Dark Catalyst]].

==Minor Elemental==
;*[[Presence (402)]]
:Training in Air Lore provides a chance to be able to point out hidden targets. The formula highly favors the hider, but will allow an extremely dedicated Air Elementalists a chance against less skilled hiders.

;*[[Elemental Detection (405)]]
:30 ranks of Air Lore will give the ability to detect elemental weapon flares, and if an item is [[enhancive]] (but not the properties of said enhancement).

;*[[Elemental Wave (410)]]
:50 ranks of Air Lore will turn the ability into a spherical wave that can affect flying targets, but will not knock them out of the air.

;*[[Major Elemental Wave (435)]]
:50 ranks of Air Lore will turn the ability into a spherical wave that can affect flying targets, but will not knock them out of the air.

== Major Elemental ==
== Major Elemental ==
;*[[Chromatic Circle (502)]]
:Targets have a chance to incur a DS penalty (for 15 seconds or 2 attacks) of {{mono|2 per seed 1 summation of ranks }}to successive casts of the Cone of Elements (518) special vacuum bolt, (Tonis Bolt?), and attacks with vacuum-flaring weapons. Air Lore also determines activation of lightning vulnerability. In combination with Water Lore, Air Lore determines the DS penalty of follow-up attacks of Minor Shock, Major Shock, and lightning flaring weapons by {{mono|seed 1 summation [(Water Lore + Air Lore ranks) ÷ 2]}}.
{{#section:Chromatic_Circle_(502)#Lore_Benefit|Not Lightning}}

;*[[Slow (504)]]
;*[[Slow (504)]]
:A target successfully warded by slow, will have an additional one second of roundtime at 100 skill (24 ranks) of air lore, two seconds at 200 skill (100 ranks), and three seconds at 300 skill (200 ranks) of air lore.
:A target successfully warded by Slow will have an additional one second of roundtime at 100 skill (24 ranks) of air lore, two seconds at 200 skill (100 ranks), and three seconds at 300 skill (200 ranks) of Air Lore.

:Every 20 ranks adds one target in the open cast version. Total targets = 1 + ranks/20.

;*[[Hand of Tonis (505)]]
;*[[Hand of Tonis (505)]]
:20 ranks of Air Lore unlocks a bolt version of this spell (Tonis Bolt) that deals [[Unbalance critical table|Unbalance]] crits with a high chance of a knockdown and stun.
:Twenty ranks of Air Lore make Hand of Tonis into a bolt spell that deals Unbalance crits with a high chance of a knockdown and stun. This spell is only in bolt form from stances neutral and ones more offensive, in guarded and defensive the spell is still the warding version. Training in Air Lore beyond twenty ranks increases the [[damage factor]] by .001 per rank for ranks 21 to 70, .001 per two ranks for ranks 71 to 120 and .001 per four ranks for ranks 120 to 200. Total cumulative bonus of .095 at 200 ranks (300 skill) of air lore.
:Air Lore ranks also increase the bolt's [[damage factor]] by .001 per rank for ranks 1 to 50, .001 per two ranks for ranks 51 to 100 and .001 per four ranks for ranks 101 to 200. Total DF bonus is .100 with 200 air lore ranks.

;*[[Haste (506)]]
;*[[Celerity (506)]]
:50 ranks of Air Lore unlocks a group version using [[EVOKE]]. Reduces stamina cost by ... Reduces roundtime by ...
:At 100 skill of air lore (24 ranks), A wizard's haste will decrease roundtime by an additional one second. Roundtimes will be further decreased by two seconds at 200 skill (100 ranks) and by three seconds at 200 ranks (300 skill) of air lore.

;*[[Floating Disk (511)]]
;*[[Floating Disk (511)]]
:Ten ranks of Air Lore make the Wizard's disk increase capacity from eight item slots to nine. A maximum capacity of twenty (8 base + 12 bonus) item slots is achieved at 186 ranks of air lore. Use seed 10 of the [[summation chart]] to determine the minimum number of ranks required for additional bonus slots.
:10 ranks of Air Lore make the Wizard's disk increase capacity from eight item slots to nine. A maximum capacity of twenty (8 base + 12 bonus) item slots is achieved at 186 ranks of air lore. Use seed 10 of the [[summation chart]] to determine the minimum number of ranks required for additional bonus slots.

;*[[Cone of Lightning (518)]]
;*[[Rapid Fire (515)]]
:Training in Air Lore provides a chance to cause a spell to be CHANNELled without incurring the normal hard RT from channeling based on a seed 1 summation of ranks. When this effect occurs for a warding spell, the caster will be treated as if they were in offensive stance for the purposes of determining the bonus from channeling.
:Training in Air Lore increases the [[damage factor]] by .001 per two ranks up to rank 100 and .001 per 4 ranks for ranks 101 to 200. Total cumulative bonus of .075 at 200 ranks (300 skill) of air lore.

;*[[Cone of Elements (518)]]
:20 ranks of Air Lore unlocks Air specification, which uses a [[vacuum critical table|vacuum]] based bolt that is currently unique to Cone of Elements.
:10 ranks of Air Lore (along with 10 ranks of Water Lore) is also required to unlock Lightning specification, which uses [[Major Shock (910)]], and gains from Major Shock's respective lore benefits.

;*[[Mage Armor (520)]]
:Training in Air Lore will increase the carrying capacity bonus based on a seed 1 [[summation]] of ranks. The maximum benefit of this aspect is 31 lbs at 231 Air Lore ranks.
:{{#section:Mage_Armor (520)|Air Lore Bonus}}

;*[[Haste (535)]]
:Every five ranks of Air Lore increases the roundtime reduction by 1%, capped at 60% at 165 ranks with 35 Major Elemental spell ranks.

;*[[Time Stop (550)]]
:Training in Air Lore will increase the amount of roundtime that is removed and the amount of time that is removed from negative effects by (1.5 * seed 1 summation of their EL:A ranks) seconds (e.g. at 28 ranks, it removes an additional 10 seconds; at 55 ranks, it removes an additional 15 seconds, etc).

== Wizard Base ==
== Wizard Base ==
;*[[Minor Shock (901)]]
;*[[Minor Shock (901)]]
:Training in Air Lore increases the damage factor by .001 per two ranks up to rank 100 and .001 per 4 ranks for ranks 101 to 200. Total cumulative bonus of .075 at 200 ranks (300 skill) of air lore.
:Training in Air Lore increases the damage factor by .001 per two ranks up to rank 100 and .001 per 4 ranks for ranks 101 to 200. Total cumulative bonus of .075 at 200 ranks (300 skill) of air lore.
:Air Lore also adds a seed 5 summation of skill chance of applying a persistent electrical jolt on the target called Stun Shock, for which the duration of is determined by Water Lore.
{{#section:Minor_Shock_(901)#Stun_Shock|Air Lore Bonus}}

;*[[Major Shock (910)]]
;*[[Major Shock (910)]]
:Training in Air Lore increases the damage factor by .001 per two ranks up to rank 100 and .001 per 4 ranks for ranks 101 to 200. Total cumulative bonus of .075 at 200 ranks (300 skill) of air lore.
:Training in Air Lore increases the damage factor by .001 per two ranks up to rank 100 and .001 per 4 ranks for ranks 101 to 200. Total cumulative bonus of .075 at 200 ranks (300 skill) of air lore.
:Air Lore also adds a seed 5 summation of skill chance of applying a persistent electrical jolt on the target called Stun Shock, for which the duration of is determined by Water Lore.
:10 ranks of Air Lore (along with 10 ranks of Water Lore) unlocks lightning element specification, which multi-casts this spell with [[Cone of Elements (518)]].
{{#section:Major_Shock_(910)#Stun_Shock|Air Lore Bonus}}

;*[[Mass Blur (911)]]
:Training in Air Lore increases Dodge ranks by +1 per seed 1 summation. This bonus applies to the caster only and not any group members.
{{#section:Mass_Blur_(911)#Lore_Benefit|Air Lore Bonus}}

;*[[Call Wind (912)]]
;*[[Call Wind (912)]]
:Training in air lore will give the Wizard a chance of forming a windy vortex when casting Call Wind. A 2% chance of summoning a vortex occurs at five ranks, while the maximum of 30% is achieved at 200 ranks of air lore.
:Training in air lore will give the wizard a chance of forming a windy vortex when casting Call Wind by {{mono|2% per seed 5 summation of ranks}}.
{{#section:Call_Wind_(912)#Lore_Benefit|Air Lore Bonus}}

;*[[Sandstorm (914)]]
;*[[Sandstorm (914)]]
:Air lore has two effects: it reduces the summoning time and increases [[Unbalance critical table|unbalance]] critical damage per seed 6 [[summation chart|summation]].
:Air lore increases the duration of a sandstorm and the damaged caused by it.
{{#section:Sandstorm_(914)#Elemental_Lore.2C_Air|Air Lore Bonus}}

;*[[Invisibility (916)]]
:50 ranks of Air Lore will unlock a [[group]] version that will make everyone in the group invisible for 2 minutes, and also disband the group. This is cast using [[EVOKE]].

;*[[Call Familiar (920)]]
:Every 100 skill bonus of Air Lore will decrease the amount of time it takes for a familiar to find a player, with the maximum benefit occurring at 200 skill.
{{#section:Call_Familiar_(920)#Elemental_Lore.2C_Air|Air Lore Bonus}}

;*[[Core Tap (950)]]
:Training in Air Lore allows for a chance to CHANNEL the spells cast (without having to be in offensive stance or receiving the RT) using a seed 1 summation with a 5 multiplier, such that 50 ranks it's 47% chance, at 100 ranks, it's 68%, etc.
{{#section:Core_Tap_(950)#Elemental_Lore.2C_Air|Air Lore Bonus}}

== Bard Base ==
== Bard Base ==
;*[[Stunning Shout (1008)]]
;*[[Stunning Shout (1008)]]
:Every three (3) ranks of EL:Air lore will increase the damage inflicted by a successful result by one (1) additional Hit Point.
:Every three (3) ranks of EL:Air lore will increase the damage inflicted by a successful result by one (1) additional Hit Point.

;*[[Sonic Equipment Songs, three of them]]
:For all three of the "Sonic Equipment Songs" (Shield, Weapon, and Armor), each rank of EL:Air will increase their DUrability (used in comparing items when they clash in combat, to determine which--if any--will be subject to being broken) by the standard amount for skills progression: +5/rank for ten ranks, then +4/rank for ten ranks, +3/rank for ten ranks, +2/rank for ten ranks, and finally by +1/rank for all additional ranks. This is usually called the "5/4/3/2/1 rank progression", and is followed for all skills available through the [[Character Manager]] except for Spell Research.

;*[[Sonic Shield Song (1009)]]
;*[[Sonic Shield Song (1009)]]
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:Both flares draw from the same critical hit chart, so it is entirely possible to get only minor hits (add 5 hit points of damage) for both... or to get major hits (add 40-75 hit points of damage, break/sever limbs, instant death) for both. (If the primary flare kills, of course, the second never gets a chance to activate.)
:Both flares draw from the same critical hit chart, so it is entirely possible to get only minor hits (add 5 hit points of damage) for both... or to get major hits (add 40-75 hit points of damage, break/sever limbs, instant death) for both. (If the primary flare kills, of course, the second never gets a chance to activate.)

;*[[Sonic Armor (1014)]]
;*[[Sonic Armor Song (1014)]]
:Sonic Armor's heat, cold, and electrical resistances will improve with training in Elemental Lore, Air.
:Apart from the increases in DUrability mentioned above, training in EL:Air does nothing for Sonic Armor Song.

;*[[Song of Tonis (1035)]]
;*[[Song of Tonis (1035)]]
:This Song normally provides some ranks of Dodge to the Bard's group while it is active; with additional training in EL:Air these ranks are increased. The rank progression does '''not''' follow one of the normal Lore "seed" patterns. One (1) additional rank of Dodge is conferred at one (1) rank of EL:Air; a maximum of twenty (20) additional ranks of Dodge are conferred at ninety six (96) ranks of EL:Air.
:This Song normally provides some ranks of Dodge to the Bard's group while it is active; with additional training in EL:Air these ranks are increased. The rank progression does '''not''' follow one of the normal Lore "seed" patterns. One (1) additional rank of Dodge is conferred at one (1) rank of EL:Air; a maximum of twenty (20) additional ranks of Dodge are conferred at ninety six (96) ranks of EL:Air.
:At thirty (30) ranks of EL:Air, Song of Tonis gives an additional one (1) second of [[RoundTime]] reduction to the Bard's party (-1s is inherent in the spell effect; a total of -2s at this skill level).
:At thirty (30) ranks of EL:Air, Song of Tonis gives an additional one (1) second of [[roundtime]] reduction to the Bard's party (-1s is inherent in the spell effect; a total of -2s at this skill level).
:At seventy five (75) ranks of EL:Air, Song of Tonis gives still another one (1) second (a total of -2s from this skill and -1s from the spell, for -3s total) reduction.
:At seventy five (75) ranks of EL:Air, Song of Tonis gives still another one (1) second (a total of -2s from this skill and -1s from the spell, for -3s total) reduction.

== Sorcerer Base ==
== Sorcerer Base ==
;*[[Energy Maelstrom (710)]]
:Training in Air Lore will increase the damage of lightning cycles (and not vacuum). Any combination of Elemental Lore ranks will speed up the formation of the storm at 5, 15, 30, 50, and 75 total ranks, with the storm forming in less than 10 seconds at 75 ranks.

;*[[Dark Catalyst (719)]]
;*[[Dark Catalyst (719)]]
:At 12 ranks of a given lore, the critical rank of the relevant damage cycle is increased by one level; at 50 ranks, it is increased by 2 levels; and at 100 lore ranks, it is increased by 3 levels. This flat modifier is unaffected by the warding margin.
:Despite being a [[Sorcerer]] spell, Dark Catalyst is affected only by Elemental Lores. All four Lores affect only the damage from the respective element during Dark Catalyst's cycle. It is not based on the [[Summation Chart]], but instead on a mysterious equation. It is known, however, that returns for this spell from training in Elemental Lores diminish after ten ranks.

;*[[Animate Dead (730)]]
== Related Links ==
:Training in Air Lore will increase the damage of an animate corpse explosion for air-attuned sorcerers.

== Resources ==
*[[Elemental Lore]]
*[[Elemental Lore]]
*[[Elemental Lore, Earth]]
*[[Elemental Lore, Earth]]
*[[Elemental Lore, Fire]]
*[[Elemental Lore, Fire]]
*[[Elemental Lore, Water]]
*[[Elemental Lore, Water]]
*[[Lore chart]] (updated 2014)
*[[Lore chart]]
*[[Elemental lore review (saved posts)]]

== External Links ==
*[ Lore Benefits Summation Chart] (updated 2009)

[[Category:Lores|Elemental Lores]]
[[Category:Lores|Elemental Lores]]

Latest revision as of 23:45, 11 January 2023

Since mid-2015 there has been a considerable amount of development with Hot Summer Nights 2015, the Elemental Lore Review, and the Teleportation review.

Pages with this banner have been affected by development and are in various stages of update progress, but not yet complete.

Elemental Lore, Air is a widely used lore used by mainly bards and wizards for the benefits it adds to many of the Sonic spells used by bards and the increases in various air base spells, such as Hand of Tonis, for wizards. Sorcerers also often train in this skill minimally for the benefits it adds to Dark Catalyst.

Minor Elemental

Training in Air Lore provides a chance to be able to point out hidden targets. The formula highly favors the hider, but will allow an extremely dedicated Air Elementalists a chance against less skilled hiders.
30 ranks of Air Lore will give the ability to detect elemental weapon flares, and if an item is enhancive (but not the properties of said enhancement).
50 ranks of Air Lore will turn the ability into a spherical wave that can affect flying targets, but will not knock them out of the air.
50 ranks of Air Lore will turn the ability into a spherical wave that can affect flying targets, but will not knock them out of the air.

Major Elemental

Click to collapse/expand lore tables

Targets have a chance to incur a DS penalty (for 15 seconds or 2 attacks) of 2 per seed 1 summation of ranks to successive casts of the Cone of Elements (518) special vacuum bolt, (Tonis Bolt?), and attacks with vacuum-flaring weapons. Air Lore also determines activation of lightning vulnerability. In combination with Water Lore, Air Lore determines the DS penalty of follow-up attacks of Minor Shock, Major Shock, and lightning flaring weapons by seed 1 summation [(Water Lore + Air Lore ranks) ÷ 2].
Elemental Lore ranks 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55 66
DS penalty 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Elemental Lore ranks 78 91 105 120 136 153 171 190 210 231
DS penalty 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
A target successfully warded by Slow will have an additional one second of roundtime at 100 skill (24 ranks) of air lore, two seconds at 200 skill (100 ranks), and three seconds at 300 skill (200 ranks) of Air Lore.
Elemental Lore, Air ranks 24 100 200
Additional seconds of roundtime 1 2 3
Every 20 ranks adds one target in the open cast version. Total targets = 1 + ranks/20.
Elemental Lore, Air ranks 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Total # of targets 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
20 ranks of Air Lore unlocks a bolt version of this spell (Tonis Bolt) that deals Unbalance crits with a high chance of a knockdown and stun.
Air Lore ranks also increase the bolt's damage factor by .001 per rank for ranks 1 to 50, .001 per two ranks for ranks 51 to 100 and .001 per four ranks for ranks 101 to 200. Total DF bonus is .100 with 200 air lore ranks.
50 ranks of Air Lore unlocks a group version using EVOKE. Reduces stamina cost by ... Reduces roundtime by ...
10 ranks of Air Lore make the Wizard's disk increase capacity from eight item slots to nine. A maximum capacity of twenty (8 base + 12 bonus) item slots is achieved at 186 ranks of air lore. Use seed 10 of the summation chart to determine the minimum number of ranks required for additional bonus slots.
Elemental Lore, Air ranks 0 10 21 33 46 60 75 91 108 126 145 165 186 208 231
Total disk capacity 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Training in Air Lore provides a chance to cause a spell to be CHANNELled without incurring the normal hard RT from channeling based on a seed 1 summation of ranks. When this effect occurs for a warding spell, the caster will be treated as if they were in offensive stance for the purposes of determining the bonus from channeling.
Elemental Lore, Air ranks 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55 66
Chance for channel bonus 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11%
Elemental Lore, Air ranks 78 91 105 120 136 153 171 190 210 231
Chance for channel bonus 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 19% 20% 21%
20 ranks of Air Lore unlocks Air specification, which uses a vacuum based bolt that is currently unique to Cone of Elements.
10 ranks of Air Lore (along with 10 ranks of Water Lore) is also required to unlock Lightning specification, which uses Major Shock (910), and gains from Major Shock's respective lore benefits.
Training in Air Lore will increase the carrying capacity bonus based on a seed 1 summation of ranks. The maximum benefit of this aspect is 31 lbs at 231 Air Lore ranks.
Carrying Capacity Increase
Elemental Lore, Air ranks 0 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55
Carrying Capacity Increase (in lbs) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Elemental Lore, Air ranks 66 78 91 105 120 136 153 171 190 210 231
Carrying Capacity Increase (in lbs) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Every five ranks of Air Lore increases the roundtime reduction by 1%, capped at 60% at 165 ranks with 35 Major Elemental spell ranks.
Total RT Reduction. (Note that Major Elemental Ranks are capped at the caster's level.)
Elemental Lore, Air ranks 0 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 90 100 115 140 150 165
RT Reduction (35 MjE Ranks) 27% 28% 29% 31% 33% 35% 37% 40% 45% 47% 50% 55% 57% 60%
RT Reduction (50 MjE Ranks) 30% 31% 32% 34% 36% 38% 40% 43% 48% 50% 53% 58% 60% 60%
RT Reduction (100 MjE Ranks) 40% 41% 42% 44% 46% 48% 50% 53% 58% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60%
Training in Air Lore will increase the amount of roundtime that is removed and the amount of time that is removed from negative effects by (1.5 * seed 1 summation of their EL:A ranks) seconds (e.g. at 28 ranks, it removes an additional 10 seconds; at 55 ranks, it removes an additional 15 seconds, etc).
Elemental Lore, Air ranks 0 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55 66 78 91
total seconds reduced RT 60 61 63 64 66 67 69 70 72 73 75 76 78 79
Elemental Lore, Air ranks 105 120 136 153 171 190 210 231 253 276 300
total seconds reduced RT 81 82 84 85 87 88 90 91 93 94 96

Wizard Base

Click to collapse/expand lore tables

Training in Air Lore increases the damage factor by .001 per two ranks up to rank 100 and .001 per 4 ranks for ranks 101 to 200. Total cumulative bonus of .075 at 200 ranks (300 skill) of air lore.
Air Lore also adds a seed 5 summation of skill chance of applying a persistent electrical jolt on the target called Stun Shock, for which the duration of is determined by Water Lore.
Air Lore Skill Converted to Ranks
Elemental Lore, Air ranks 1 3 4 6 7 9 12 15 18 22 27
Chance for Stun Shock 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11%
Elemental Lore, Air ranks 33 43 61 80 100 121 143 166 190 215 241
Chance for Stun Shock 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 19% 20% 21% 22%
Training in Air Lore increases the damage factor by .001 per two ranks up to rank 100 and .001 per 4 ranks for ranks 101 to 200. Total cumulative bonus of .075 at 200 ranks (300 skill) of air lore.
Air Lore also adds a seed 5 summation of skill chance of applying a persistent electrical jolt on the target called Stun Shock, for which the duration of is determined by Water Lore.
10 ranks of Air Lore (along with 10 ranks of Water Lore) unlocks lightning element specification, which multi-casts this spell with Cone of Elements (518).
Elemental Lore, Air ranks 1 3 4 6 7 9 12 15 18 22 27 33 43 61 80 100 121 143 166 190 215 241
% chance for Stun Shock 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Training in Air Lore increases Dodge ranks by +1 per seed 1 summation. This bonus applies to the caster only and not any group members.
Elemental Lore, Air ranks 0 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55
Total Dodge rank benefit 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Elemental Lore, Air ranks 66 78 91 105 120 136 153 171 190 210 231
Total Dodge rank benefit 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
Training in air lore will give the wizard a chance of forming a windy vortex when casting Call Wind by 2% per seed 5 summation of ranks.
Elemental Lore, Air ranks 5 11 18 26 35 45 56 68 81
Chance for vortex 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18%
Elemental Lore, Air ranks 95 110 126 143 161 180 200 221 243
Chance for vortex 20% 22% 24% 26% 28% 30% 32% 34% 36%
Air lore has two effects: it reduces the summoning time and increases unbalance critical damage per seed 6 summation.
Elemental Lore, Air Ranks 6 13 21 30 40 51 63 76 90 105 121 138 156 175 195 216 238
Increase in critical rank .2 .4 .6 .8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4
50 ranks of Air Lore will unlock a group version that will make everyone in the group invisible for 2 minutes, and also disband the group. This is cast using EVOKE.
Every 100 skill bonus of Air Lore will decrease the amount of time it takes for a familiar to find a player, with the maximum benefit occurring at 200 skill.
Elemental Lore, Air ranks 24 100
Approximate % time reduction 25% 50%
Training in Air Lore allows for a chance to CHANNEL the spells cast (without having to be in offensive stance or receiving the RT) using a seed 1 summation with a 5 multiplier, such that 50 ranks it's 47% chance, at 100 ranks, it's 68%, etc.
Elemental Lore, Air ranks 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 50 55
Chance to channel 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 47 50
Elemental Lore, Air ranks 66 78 91 100 105 120 136 153 171 190 210
Chance to channel 55 60 65 68 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Training benefits between standard thresholds

Bard Base

Every three (3) ranks of EL:Air lore will increase the damage inflicted by a successful result by one (1) additional Hit Point.
At twenty (20) ranks of EL:Air skill, the effective size--for purposes of calculating hindrance to Dodge--of a Bard's Sonic Shield is reduced by one (1) step, so a Tower sized Sonic Shield would only hinder the Bard to the extent that a normal Large shield would.
At fifty (50) ranks of EL:Air skill, the effective size is reduced by one (1) more (a total of -2 size reduction), so a Tower sized Sonic Shield would hinder as a normal Medium shield.
At one hundred (100) ranks of EL:Air skill, the effective size is further reduced by one (1) (a total of -3 size reduction), so a Tower sized Sonic Shield would hinder the Bard's Dodge as though it were a normal Small shield.
Training in EL:Air will first give, and then increase, the possibility of a Bard's chosen Sonic Weapon flaring a second time. Sonic Weapon Song already has the best inherent flares in the game: they have the possibility of flaring on consecutive swings, and that is very uncommon outside of ridiculously rare/expensive items.
The second flare that Sonic Weapon Song has is independent of the first flare, and the two flares have different messaging; the second flare is indicated by "With a loud snap" (and then additional text which I do not recall). Since this flare is independent, it is possible to have a swing which generates no flare, one (normal) flare, one (second) flare, or two (one each normal and second) flares. While this is superficially similar to the Paladin spell which also confers second flares, the Paladins can only get their second flare on a swing which generates the primary flare.
Both flares draw from the same critical hit chart, so it is entirely possible to get only minor hits (add 5 hit points of damage) for both... or to get major hits (add 40-75 hit points of damage, break/sever limbs, instant death) for both. (If the primary flare kills, of course, the second never gets a chance to activate.)
Sonic Armor's heat, cold, and electrical resistances will improve with training in Elemental Lore, Air.
This Song normally provides some ranks of Dodge to the Bard's group while it is active; with additional training in EL:Air these ranks are increased. The rank progression does not follow one of the normal Lore "seed" patterns. One (1) additional rank of Dodge is conferred at one (1) rank of EL:Air; a maximum of twenty (20) additional ranks of Dodge are conferred at ninety six (96) ranks of EL:Air.
At thirty (30) ranks of EL:Air, Song of Tonis gives an additional one (1) second of roundtime reduction to the Bard's party (-1s is inherent in the spell effect; a total of -2s at this skill level).
At seventy five (75) ranks of EL:Air, Song of Tonis gives still another one (1) second (a total of -2s from this skill and -1s from the spell, for -3s total) reduction.

Sorcerer Base

Training in Air Lore will increase the damage of lightning cycles (and not vacuum). Any combination of Elemental Lore ranks will speed up the formation of the storm at 5, 15, 30, 50, and 75 total ranks, with the storm forming in less than 10 seconds at 75 ranks.
At 12 ranks of a given lore, the critical rank of the relevant damage cycle is increased by one level; at 50 ranks, it is increased by 2 levels; and at 100 lore ranks, it is increased by 3 levels. This flat modifier is unaffected by the warding margin.
Training in Air Lore will increase the damage of an animate corpse explosion for air-attuned sorcerers.
