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Core Tap (950)

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AOE/Multi-target spells underwent a revamp in December 2020. Until this article is updated, be sure to read the saved posts

Core Tap (950)
Mnemonic [CORETAP]
Duration Immediate
Utility Magic  
Subtype Cast Multiple Spells 
Availability Self-cast 
Wizard Base Spells
Minor Shock (901) Attack
Minor Elemental Edge (902) Offensive
Minor Water (903) Attack
Minor Acid (904) Attack
Prismatic Guard (905) Defensive
Minor Fire (906) Attack
Major Cold (907) Attack
Major Fire (908) Attack
Tremors (909) Attack
Major Shock (910) Attack
Mass Blur (911) Defensive
Call Wind (912) Attack
Melgorehn's Aura (913) Defensive
Sandstorm (914) Attack
Weapon Fire (915) Attack
Invisibility (916) Utility
Earthen Fury (917) Attack
Duplicate (918) Utility
Wizard's Shield (919) Defensive
Call Familiar (920) Utility
Enchant (925) Utility
Familiar Gate (930) Utility
Core Tap (950) Utility

Core Tap allows the caster to specify up to 6 spells to instantly cast at all creatures in the room, up to the wizard's target cap of 5 + (Elemental Mana Control skill / 50). It has a base 1 minute cooldown. It can be used to cast any spell (including defensive spells, AoE spells, and single target spells). AoE spells are only cast once, not at each creature in the room. Due to the AoE nature of the spell, runestaves will not flare when casting this spell. Single target attack spells will cost 2x their mana cost when used in conjunction with 950. No matter what spells are used Core Tap will always cost a minimum of 50 mana.


To cast the spell, the wizard simply specifies the list of spells they want to cast after CAST <target> or INCANT 950. e.g. 'INCANT 950 912 410 907 908 510 910', which would cast Call Wind (912) once, Elemental Wave (410) once, then Major Cold (907), Major Fire (908), Hurl Boulder (510), and Major Shock (910) at every creature in the room (up to the caster's target limit). All of these spells are cast instantly and in the specified order.

The mana cost for the above example would be 12 + 10 + 14 + 16 + 20 + 20 - 50 (offset from 0 water lore) = 42 mana, plus 50 from 950 itself, so 92 mana total. It's a costly but powerful spell and wizards can customize it by using specific spells to lower the mana cost or achieve certain setups.

Once 950 is cast once, it will remember what spells the caster used and subsequent casts can forego the list to just recast the same spells (e.g. after using 'INCANT 950 912 410 907 908 510 910' once, the caster can just 'INCANT 950' in the future to always recast the same spells again).

Mana Control Benefit

Training in Elemental Mana Control (EMC) increases the number of target creatures that the spell can affect. The maximum number of targets is 5 + (EMC skill bonus/ 50).

Total Targets = 5 + [EMCSkill/50]
Mana Control ranks 0 10 24 50 100 150 200 250
# of targets 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Lore Benefits

Unlike almost all other spells utilizing summation seeds, wizards training in the three lores that utilize seeds for Core Tap will receive benefits from each rank trained, rather than just at the seed thresholds.

Elemental Lore, Earth

Training in Earth Lore unlocks an additional use per minute at 60, 135, and 210 ranks.

Elemental Lore, Earth ranks 0 60 135 210
# of uses per minute 1 2 3 4

Elemental Lore, Air

Training in Air Lore allows for a chance to CHANNEL the spells cast (without having to be in offensive stance or receiving the RT) based on a 5 multiplier of a seed 1 summation, such that 50 ranks it's 47% chance, at 100 ranks, it's 68%, etc.

Elemental Lore, Air ranks 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 50 55
Chance to channel 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 47 50
Elemental Lore, Air ranks 66 78 91 100 105 120 136 153 171 190 210
Chance to channel 55 60 65 68 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Training benefits between standard thresholds

Elemental Lore, Water

Training in Water Lore allows for more free mana to fuel spells based on a 6 multiplier of a seed 10 summation.

Elemental Lore, Water ranks 0 10 21 33 46 60 75 91 108 126 145 165 186 208 231
Free mana 50 56 62 68 74 80 86 92 98 104 110 116 122 128 134
Training benefits between standard thresholds

Elemental Lore, Fire

Training in Fire Lore increases the caster's bolt attack strength (AS) and casting strength (CS) for the subsequent spells that are cast from 950 based on a 6 multiplier of a seed 10 summation (e.g. 50 ranks is +25 AS, 100 ranks is +45 AS, etc. +CS value is 3/5 of the AS value).

Elemental Lore, Fire ranks 10 21 33 46 50 60 75 91 100 108 126 145 165 186 208 231
AS bonus 6 12 18 24 25 30 36 42 45 48 54 60 66 72 78 84
CS bonus 3 7 10 14 15 18 21 25 27 28 32 36 39 43 46 50
Training benefits between standard thresholds


Any spell cast with Core Tap is treated by the shroud as an area of effect (AoE) spell and will affect the shroud of a warcamp. The spells individually count much less than most other true AoE spells (even though their effect is just as pronounced).


Third Person
Swirling ribbons of fiery red, deep blue, earthen brown, and airy white energy rise up from the floor and surround Whirlin.  They linger for a brief moment, then explode into a shower of sparks!
Warcamp shroud
A burst of flame from your roaring ball of fire flies off and hits a Grimswarm orc ranger.
... 15 points of damage!
Minor burns to back. Looks uncomfortable.

Distorted ripples begin to appear across the mystical shroud surrounding this area!

Your hands glow with power as you invoke the phrase for Major Fire...
You gesture at a Grimswarm orc ranger.
You hurl a roaring ball of fire at a Grimswarm orc ranger!
AS: +517 vs DS: +355 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +55 = +261
... and hit for 64 points of damage!
Nasty burns to chest make you wish you never heard of heartburn.
The orc ranger rolls over and dies.
{Spells dropping}
The roaring ball of fire strikes a Grimswarm orc ranger, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.

The ripples in the mystical shroud surrounding the area become more prominent!

The ripples in the mystical shroud surrounding the area become more prominent!

The ripples in the mystical shroud surrounding the area become more prominent!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
