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==Current Shop Listing==
{{TOC limit|3}}
{{:BVShop:Spellbound/August 2024}}
==Current Inventory==
<section begin=current /><includeonly>
</includeonly>Last revised: 2/18/18* (*Update in progress. Note for Feb 2018: most inventory is the same from Aug 2017 with additional spell preps, illusion props, and shimmer trinket, and reorganization of BftB customizations)<!--Due to the volume of items in one room, this shop is set up slightly different from others by setting sections for each container-->

==Previous Shop Listings==
|look=a narrow space between two buildings
|location=Lich #23806, Room 16, go narrow space
===Spellbound Entry===
|desc=With barely enough room to move around, this cramped space between the two buildings seems more like a trap than anything else. A small pile of crumbled cement has gathered on the floor beneath a brick that protrudes slightly from the wall. Trails of fresh rat droppings lead between a sigil-incised display case and a rune-covered wooden crate. You also see a wave-painted brick door, a dilapidated wooden shelf with some stuff on it and a dust-covered note.
|exits = out}}
====On Shelf====
{{sign|sign=The shelf holds a couple very zesty tomes, gem jars of both 50 and 100 count, a Shimmer Trinket that comes with 3 charges, and a certificate to increase its maximum charges by 1. Each charge lasts for 1 month and the trinket can be recharged by monks and recharging merchants.}}
|container=On the dilapidated wooden shelf you see:}}
{| {{prettytable|font-size:95%}}
| a gold-banded short glass jar || Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)<br>one item||alchemy jar, 100-count|| 250
| a hexagonal golden glass bottle || Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)<br>one item||alchemy jar, 100-count|| 250
| a vaalin-banded square glass jar || Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)<br>one item||alchemy jar, 50-count|| 100
| a silver-hued tall glass bottle || Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)<br>one item||alchemy jar, 50-count|| 100
| a gold-spined thick leather codex || ||heavily scripted book prop|| 2000
| an enruned leather-bound tome || ||heavily scripted book prop|| 2000
| a shimmering trinket || || [[Shimmer_Trinket|Shimmer Trinket]], 3 charges|| 5000
| a shimmering certificate || ||Adds 1 maximum charge to a Shimmer Trinket|| 1000

[[Category:Bloodriven Village shops|S]]
====In Case====
{{sign|sign=Items in the case are 20x/day with details:

Cylinder: Thought Lash (1210)
Mirror: Force Projection (1207)
Fabric: Bone Shatter (1106)
Rock: Earthen Fury (917)
Scepter: Dark Catalyst (719)
Rod: Mana Disruption (702)
Bone: Spike Thorn (616)
Stick: Immolation (519)
Shard: Cold Snap (512)
Feather: Sleep (501)
Trinket: Elem. Wave (410)
Relic: Divine Fury (317)
Totem: Bind (214)}}
|container=In the sigil-incised display case you see:}}
{| {{prettytable|font-size:95%}}
| a featureless hollowed-out zorchar cylinder || 20x/day [[Thought Lash (1210)]]|| 15000
| a lor-framed slender cracked mirror || 20x/day [[Force Projection (1207)]]|| 10000
| a shred of bloodstained purple fabric || 20x/day [[Bone Shatter (1106)]]|| 20000
| a marred chunk of discolored rock || 20x/day [[Earthen Fury (917)]]|| 20000
| a red-whorled black glass scepter || 20x/day [[Dark Catalyst (719)]]|| 20000
| a skull-capped pointed invar rod || 20x/day [[Mana Disruption (702)]]|| 15000
| a grainy grey femur bone || 20x/day [[Spike Thorn (616)]]|| 20000
| a petrified orange firethorn-wrapped stick || 20x/day [[Immolation (519)]]|| 20000
| a stiff crimson-banded cockatrice feather || 20x/day [[Sleep (501)]]|| 10000
| a tightly wound white string totem || 20x/day [[Bind (214)]]|| 10000
| a streaked hexagonal eonake relic || 20x/day [[Divine Fury (317)]]|| 20000
| a rippled circular glass trinket || 20x/day [[Elemental Wave (410)]]|| 15000
| a tiny teardrop-shaped razern shard || 20x/day [[Cold Snap (512)]]|| 15000
| a silver necklace dangling a platinum-caged star ruby ||rowspan=3|[[Moonphase necklace]], neck-worn||rowspan=3| 25000
| a white gold necklace dangling a platinum-caged moonstone
| a black steel necklace dangling a platinum-caged opal
| a shimmering trinket || [[Shimmer trinket]] - 3 charges || 5000
| a shimmering certificate || Unlocks +1 max charges for [[shimmer trinket]] || 1000

====Behind Case====
{{sign|sign=Items behind the case are illusion pins. The base item (only) can be freely altered by any willing merchant. These items can also be hidden using COVER while worn.}}
|container=Behind the sigil-incised display case you see:}}

'''{{big|[[Illusion prop{{!}}Illusion pins]]}}
{| {{prettytable|font-size:95%}}
| a glazed ceramic pot relic overflowing with amber honey|| A disorganized swarm of dark-winged flies hovers about him/her. || rowspan=10|pin-worn|| rowspan=10|10000
| a square bloodjewel relic engulfed in golden flames|| Faint patterns of vibrant red flame dance across his/her body, sending occasional sparks of golden energy into the air.
| a filament-looped relic of overlapped topaz and garnet leaves|| He/She is cloaked by overlapping layers of topaz and garnet-hued leaves.
| a spherical dark glass relic caught in a black haze|| His/Her imposing figure is obscured by a haze of shadowy black.
| a relic of curled malachite and emerald vines|| He/She has a contorted series of sharply thorned vines creating a labyrinth across his/her arms.
| a serpentine relic covered in layers of sharp metallic scales|| His/Her visible skin is covered in layers of sharp, metal-like scales.
| a matte alum relic carved into a series of bats || He/She is encircled by dozens of hovering red-eyed bats.
| a rough leather hand relic with peeling edges || Bits of decaying flesh and open, weeping wounds cover his/her visible flesh.
| a polished black marble claw relic || Curved, well-sharpened claws extend from each of his/her fingertips.
| a floral bouquet relic of vibrant carved jewels || Scattered vibrantly colored blossoms swirl about his/her form.

====In Crate====
{{sign|sign=All new spell preps!

In the crate: Circles 100 - 400
Behind the brick: Circles 500 - 900
On the brick: Circles 1000 - 1700, and ALL casting}}
{{big|'''[[Custom spell prep{{!}}Spell preps]] all 750 BS}}

|container=In the rune-covered wooden crate you see:}}

{| {{prettytable|font-size:95%}}
| a marigold paint-spattered papyrus || First Person: You draw an abstruse sigil for [Spell Name] in the air with your fingers, and brilliant light swirls up out of your pores.<br>Third Person: Person draws an abstruse sigil in the air with her fingers, and brilliant light swirls up out of her pores.<br>Hidden or Invisible: Brilliant light swirls around the area.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[419]]
| a blue and jet dual-colored palimpsest || First Person: You close your eyes and twin beams of violet light issue from your illuminated eye sockets as you invoke the powers of the elements for the [Spell Name] spell...<br>Third Person: Person closes her eyes and twin beams of violet light issue from her illuminated eye sockets as she invokes the powers of the elements.<br>Hidden or Invisible: You hear someone invoking the powers of the elements.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[416]]
| a long violet-inked scroll || First Person: Murmuring a soothing invocation for [Spell Name], bright arcs of elemental energy spark around you as you pull on their power.<br>Third Person: Murmuring a soothing invocation, bright arcs of elemental energy spark around Person.<br>Hidden or Invisible: Bright arcs of elemental energy spark through the air.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[405]]
| a dark orange scroll || First Person: As you gesture precise movements for the [Spell Name] spell, your fingers transform into elongated objects before returning to their original shape...<br>Third Person: Person gestures precise movements, and for a moment, her fingers transform into elongated objects.<br>Hidden or Invisible: <br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[403]]
| an ebon-tined parchment || First Person: Platinum energy streaks through your body, your veins and eyes glowing brightly as you growl a violent prayer for [Spell Name].<br>Third Person: Platinum energy streaks through Person's body, her veins and eyes glowing brightly as she growls a violent prayer.<br>Hidden or Invisible: Platinum energy streaks through the air in an odd pattern as a violent prayer pierces the air.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[317]]
| a wide grey-dotted paper || First Person: As you gaze off into the distance, concentrating on the thought of a simple litany for [Spell Name], gently flowing wisps of mist rise up and circle around you.<br>Third Person: Person gazes off into the distance, and gently flowing wisps of mist rise up and circle around her.<br>Hidden or Invisible: Gently flowing wisps of mist rise up and float in a circular motion.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[303]]
| a stamped and gold-inked palimpsest || First Person: Preparing [Spell Name], you solicit the spirits with a casual flick of the hand, and tendrils of sanguine thread appear, then wrap around your hand in an agonizingly painful bind before they fade away.<br>Third Person: Person casually flicks her hand, tendrils of sanguine thread appearing and then wrapping tightly around it before they fade away.<br>Hidden or Invisible: Tendrils of sanguine threading appear in the air, then move in an odd but clearly regular pattern before fading away.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[214]]
| a lightly curled white paper || First Person: Motes of pearly light dance across your fingers and splay out around you as you quietly, lullingly, whisper the incantation for [Spell Name].<br>Third Person: While Person whispers quietly, lullingly, motes of pearly light dance across her fingers and splay out around her.<br>Hidden or Invisible: Motes of pearly light dance through the air as quiet, lulling whispering floats through the area.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[202]]
| a stylized argent-swirled parchment || First Person: Tendrils of darksome mist gather about you, swirling upwards, as you beseech the lesser spirits for aid with the [Spell Name] spell...<br>Third Person: Tendrils of darksome mist gather about Person, swirling upwards as she beseeches the lesser spirits for aid...<br>Hidden or Invisible: You hear someone beseeching the lesser spirits for aid.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[125]]
| lightly smudged palimpsest || First Person: Murmuring an incantation for [Spell Name], you momentarily feel as if you are flying through the stars, darkness pressing in on you.<br>Third Person: Person's eyelids flicker rapidly and a star-pricked darkness flows across her skin as she murmurs a magical incantation.<br>Hidden or Invisible: You hear soft murmuring.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[116]]
| a burnt-edged coal black paper || First Person: Grating out a request to the nearby spirits, you leech upon their power for [Spell Name], your veins light up with a dim luminescence.<br>Third Person: Grating out an incomprehensible phrase, Person's eyes flash with power, her veins lighting up with a dim luminescence.<br>Hidden or Invisible: A dim luminescence glows briefly in the shape of a figure, then disappears.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[103]]
====Behind Brick====
{{big|'''[[Custom spell prep{{!}}Spell preps]] all 750 BS}}

|container=Behind the brick you see:}}
{| {{prettytable|font-size:95%}}
| a double-thick ivory parchment || First Person: A great mass of turbulent air roils before you as you invoke the phrase for [Spell Name]...<br>Third Person: A great mass of turbulent air roils before Person as she invokes a magical phrase.<br>Hidden or Invisible: You hear someone invoking a magical phrase.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[912]]
| a heavily creased palimpsest || First Person: As you draw heated power from the earth for the [Spell Name] spell, bits of flesh flake off of your skin, rising up into the air and turning to brightly burning cinders that whirl around you.<br>Third Person: Bits of flesh flake off of Person's skin, rising up into the air and turning to brightly burning cinders that whirl around her.<br>Hidden or Invisible: Brightly burning cinders whirl through the air.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[917]]
| a gilt-edged cream vellum || First Person: You feel energy ripple around you in chaotic waves, and you yank it toward you as you prepare the [Spell Name] spell.<br>Third Person: Person's eyes darken, then glow with chaotically shifting light, as she chants a magical phrase.<br>Hidden or Invisible: You hear someone chant a magical phrase.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[905]]
| a thick rounded-edged paper || First Person: Your eyes roll back into your head and your body heaves spasmodically as the invocation of the [Spell Name] spell issues from the rictus of your gaping mouth...<br>Third Person: Person's eyes roll back into her head and her body heaves spasmodically as an invocation issues from her gaping mouth.<br>Hidden or Invisible: You hear someone invoking a spell.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[725]]
| a rough deep crimson papyrus || First Person: The whites of your eyes glow a luminous green around the black depths of your pupils as you forcefully invoke [Spell Name]...<br>Third Person: The whites of Person's eyes glow a luminous green around the black depths of her pupils as she forcefully invokes a spell.<br>Hidden or Invisible: You hear someone forcefully invoking a spell.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[713]]
| a delicately calligraphed parchment || First Person: The flesh of your fingers blackens as you breathe in deeply, blood seeping out around your knuckles, then returns to normal as you focus on preparing [Spell Name].<br>Third Person: The flesh of Person's fingers blackens, blood seeping out around her knuckles as she breathes in deeply, then returns to normal.<br>Hidden or Invisible: <br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[712]]
| a velvety garnet red scroll || First Person: Your body flushes with a blood red hue, your veins standing out from your skin, as you incant a mantra for [Spell Name].<br>Third Person: Person's body flushes a blood red hue, her veins standing out from her skin and twisting her features, as she incants a mantra.<br>Hidden or Invisible: You hear a quiet incantation.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[701]]
| a neatly inked cyan papyrus || First Person: As you quickly call forth the [Spell Name] spell, variegated pale turquoise light encompasses your hands.<br>Third Person: As Person chants a magical phrase, variegated pale turquoise light encompasses her hands.<br>Hidden or Invisible: Variegated pale turquoise light briefly lights up the area.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[619]]
| a forest green-stamped paper || First Person: You envision a forest growing up around you, evergreen trees bending down toward you to listen to your incantation of [Spell Name].<br>Third Person: For just a moment, Person appears to be surrounded by evergreen trees bending toward her to listen to her magical incantation.<br>Hidden or Invisible: <br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[605]]
| a pale red embossed parchment || First Person: Barking an order at the ground below you to prepare the [Spell Name] spell, you feel it respond with a light tremble that sends a jolt of elemental energy racing through you.<br>Third Person: Person barks an order at the ground below her, and it trembles lightly in response.<br>Hidden or Invisible: The ground trembles lightly.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[514]]
| a wavy-edged azure vellum || First Person: Swiping your hand emphatically through the air, you deliberately slow its motion as you finish the stylized gesture for the [Spell Name] spell.<br>Third Person: Person swipes her hand emphatically through the air, her motion slowing significantly as she finishes the stylized gesture.<br>Hidden or Invisible: <br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[504]]
====On Brick====
{{big|'''[[Custom spell prep{{!}}Spell preps]] all 750 BS}}

|container=On the brick you see:}}
{| {{prettytable|font-size:95%}}
| a sickly pale green-hued paper || First Person: Wisps of crimson light materialize in your palms, slowly floating into the air and disappearing as you chant the phrase for [Spell Name]...<br>Third Person: Wisps of crimson light materialize in Person's palms, slowly floating into the air and disappearing as she chants a phrase...<br>Hidden or Invisible: Wisps of crimson light float into the air.
| a broad lilac-outlined vellum || First Person: A haze of black mist gathers around you as you prepare [Spell Name]...<br>Third Person: A haze of black mist gathers around Person as she prepares a spell...<br>Hidden or Invisible: A haze of black mist appears and slowly dissipates.
| an ivy-bordered painted vellum || First Person: A haze of noxious vapor forms in the air overhead as you recite the esoteric command for [Spell Name]...<br>Third Person: A haze of noxious vapor forms in the air overhead as Person recites an esoteric command.<br>Hidden or Invisible: You hear someone reciting an esoteric command.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[109]]
| a silver-sheened papyrus || First Person: Waves of argentine light curl around you, embracing and seeping into you as you call upon your patron for [Spell Name].<br>Third Person: Waves of argentine light curl around Person, embracing and seeping into her as she calls upon her patron.<br>Hidden or Invisible: Waves of argentine light appear curl through the air until they disappear.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[1615]]
| a small dagger-stamped scroll || First Person: Calling forth the [Spell Name] spell with the intonation of a single syllable, a murky shroud peels away from you and vanishes.<br>Third Person: As Person intones a spell with a single syllable, a murky shroud peels away from her and vanishes.<br>Hidden or Invisible: You hear a single intoned syllable.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[1606]]
| an off-white goatskin parchment || First Person: Clearing your mind of all but the [Spell Name] spell, you touch the tips of your fingers together and focus on the single thought of terrible pain slicing outward from them.<br>Third Person: Person touches the tips of her fingers together, a cruel expression flitting across her features.<br>Hidden or Invisible: <br> Specific Spell Restriction: [[1210]]
| a lightly stained vellum || First Person: Crooning the [Spell Name] spell in an archaic tongue, you focus on the passage of time, quickly shuttering the past and the present away.<br>Third Person: As Person croons an archaic phrase, she stares off into the distance, her eyes briefly turning to pools of marbled argent.<br>Hidden or Invisible: You hear soft crooning sounds.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[1204]]
| smooth cocoa-hued scroll || First Person: As you raise your hands up to prepare the [Spell Name] spell and insistently beckon several spirits to you, the faint outlines of their caliginous shadows flutter in and out of sight.<br>Third Person: The faint outlines of caliginous shadows flutter in and out of sight around Person as she raises her hands in an insistently beckoning manner.<br>Hidden or Invisible: The faint outlines of caliginous shadows flutter in and out of sight.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[1115]]
| a slender ruby-dusted palimpsest || First Person: You close your eyes and focus on [Spell Name], envisioning how your limbs' anatomical structure -- the tendons, muscles, bones, blood vessels -- all work together in perfect harmony.<br>Third Person: Person closes her eyes, and the skin on her limbs briefly fades to transluscency, the anatomical structure -- the tendons, muscles, bones, blood vessels -- visible for a mere moment.<br>Hidden or Invisible: <br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[1102]]
| a red and white-striped papyrus || First Person: Drawing in a long breath to prepare [Spell Name], you eke out an off-key melody fit for shattering glass, and a sharp pain stabs your mind.<br>Third Person: Person draws in a long breath, her expression suddenly pained as she ekes out an off-key melody fit for shattering glass.<br>Hidden or Invisible: An off-key melody fit for shattering glass fills the air.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[1019]]
| a blue block-lettered vellum || First Person: Breaking into a tortured song for [Spell Name], you focus on crafting a tune rife with loathing and distress.<br>Third Person: Person breaks into a tortured song, crafting a tune rife with loathing and distress.<br>Hidden or Invisible: A tortured song drifts through the area, its tune rife with loathing and distress.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[1001]]

===Bolt From The Blue Entry===
|roomname=Bolt From The Blue
|desc=The narrow walls are painted in shades of midnight blue and stormy grey, the paler hues sweeping in spiraling arcs around a rectangular seascape painting at the back. On opposite sides of the room, a dark-grained mistwood case and a carved white pine chest symmetrically mirror the position of a broad willow-planked hutch, each container illuminated by a solitary hanging silver lantern.
|exits = south, out}}
|container=In the mistwood case you see:}}

'''{{big|[[Custom bolt messaging{{!}}Premade bolt messaging]], 2500 BS}}
{| {{prettytable|font-size:95%}}
| a blue-white flickering fire token || [[Fire Spirit (111)]] || You hurl a flickering ball of blue-white fire at a giant rat!<br>Person hurls a flickering ball of blue-white fire at a giant rat!
| a white web token || [[Web (118)]] || You shoot thin, silken strands of sticky white webbing at a giant rat!<br>Person shoots thin, silken strands of sticky white webbing at a giant rat!
| a radiant-white whorled water token || rowspan=2|[[Holy Bolt (306)]] || You toss radiant-white whorled water at a giant rat!<br>Person tosses radiant-white whorled water at a giant rat!
| an incandescent water token || You conjure a stream of incandescent water at a giant rat!<br>Person conjures a stream of incandescent water at a giant rat!
| a geyser token ||rowspan=2| [[Minor Water (903)]] || You direct a geyser of water at a giant rat!<br>Person directs a geyser of water at a giant rat!
| a wave token || You summon a small wave of water at a giant rat!<br>Person summons a small wave of water at a giant rat!

|container=In the white pine chest you see:}}

'''{{big|[[Custom bolt messaging{{!}}Premade bolt messaging]], 2500 BS}}
{| {{prettytable|font-size:95%}}
| a white pale fire token || [[Fire Spirit (111)]] || You conjure a pale orb of white fire at a giant rat!<br>Person conjures a pale orb of white fire at a giant rat!
| a green light token || [[Disintegrate (705)]] || You summon a sidewinding green light at a giant rat!<br>Person summons a sidewinding green light at a giant rat!
| a dark green fireball token || [[Balefire (713)]] || You summon a dark green fireball at a giant rat!<br>Person summons a dark green fireball at a giant rat!
| a small orb of white lightning token ||rowspan=7| [[Minor Shock (901)]] || You conjure a small orb of '''{white}''' lightning at a giant rat!<br>Person conjures a small orb of '''{white}''' lightning at a giant rat!
| a small orb of red lightning token || '''red
| a small orb of black lightning token || '''black
| a small orb of purple lightning token || '''purple
| a small orb of green lightning token || '''green
| a small orb of orange lightning token || '''orange
| a small orb of yellow lightning token || '''yellow
| a white-hot fireball button || rowspan=2|[[Major Fire (908)]] || You belch a white-hot fireball at a giant rat!<br>Person belches a white-hot fireball at a giant rat!
| a flame sigil button ||You project a sigil wrought of smoke and flame at a giant rat!<br>Person projects a sigil wrought of smoke and flame at a giant rat!
| a black spark rune || rowspan=8|[[Major Shock (910)]] || You conjure a crackling orb of '''{black}''' lightning at a giant rat!<br>Person conjures a crackling orb of '''{black}''' lightning at a giant rat!
| a white spark rune || '''white
| a blue spark rune || '''blue
| a purple spark rune || '''purple
| a red spark rune || '''red
| a green spark rune || '''green
| a yellow spark rune || '''yellow
| an orange spark rune || '''orange

|container=In the willow-planked hutch you see:}}

'''{{big|[[Custom bolt messaging{{!}}Premade bolt messaging]], 2500 BS}}
{| {{prettytable|font-size:95%}}
| a gust of air token || rowspan=3|[[Hand of Tonis (505)]] || You exhale a powerful gust of air at a giant rat!<br>Person exhales a powerful gust of air at a giant rat!
| a frigid air token || You project a frigid blast of air at a giant rat!<br>Person projects a frigid blast of air at a giant rat!
| a howling air token ||You propel a howling blast of air at a giant rat!<br>Person propels a howling blast of air at a giant rat!
| an air vortex token || [[Cone of Elements (518)]] (Air Only) || You summon a tightly focused vortex of air at a giant rat!<br>Person summons a tightly focused vortex of air at a giant rat!
| a cloud bauble || rowspan=3|[[Minor Steam (1707)]] || You exhale a seething blast of steam at a giant rat!<br>Person exhales a seething blast of steam at a giant rat!
| a steam bauble || You summon a blistering wave of steam at a giant rat!<br>Person summons a blistering wave of steam at a giant rat!
| a rolling fog bauble || You propel a roiling wave of hissing fog at a giant rat!<br>Person propels a roiling wave of hissing fog at a giant rat!
| a craggy rock token || [[Hurl Boulder (510)]] || You conjure a massive craggy rock at a giant rat!<br>Person conjures a massive craggy rock at a giant rat!
| a smoldering orb button || [[Major Fire (908)]] || You exhale a smoldering orb of flames at a giant rat!<br>Person exhales a smoldering orb of flames at a giant rat!

===BftB Niche===
|roomname=Bolt From The Blue
|desc=A faint note of ozone hangs lightly in the air, aptly playing off the sky blue tones used in the niche's interior. Finely honed woodworking skills are presented in the forms of a glossy mahogany counter and a lacquered oak table placed at the center of the space. Stacked neatly at the back, some golden spinewood crates sit next to an oversized iron-bound trunk that is incised with an array of silvery glyphs and symbols.
|exits = north}}
|container=On the mahogany counter you see:}}

'''{{big|[[Custom bolt messaging{{!}}Premade bolt messaging]], 2500 BS}}
{| {{prettytable|font-size:95%}}
| a radiant spark token || [[Minor Shock (901)]] || You flick a radiant spark at a giant rat!<br>Person flicks a radiant spark at a giant rat!
| a hissing fluid token || [[Minor Acid (904)]] || You direct a stream of caustic, hissing fluid at a giant rat!<br>Person directs a stream of caustic, hissing fluid at a giant rat!
| a blue ice orb trinket ||rowspan=3| [[Major Cold (907)]] || You summon a glistening orb of blue ice at a giant rat!<br>Person summons a glistening orb of blue ice at a giant rat!
| a blistering orb trinket || You summon a blistering cold orb at a giant rat!<br>Person summons a blistering cold orb at a giant rat!
| an icy shard trinket || You let fly a fractured stream of icy shards at a giant rat!<br>Person lets fly a fractured stream of icy shards at a giant rat!
| a kaleidoscopic coin || [[Arcane Blast (1700)]] || You fling a mote of kaleidoscopic energy at a giant rat!<br>Person flings a mote of kaleidoscopic energy at a giant rat!
| a craggy ice chunk ornament ||rowspan=2| [[Minor Cold (1709)]] || You conjure a craggy ice chunk at a giant rat!<br>Person conjures a craggy ice chunk at a giant rat!
| a jagged snowy rock ornament || You summon a jagged snow-covered rock at a giant rat!<br>Person summons a jagged snow-covered rock at a giant rat!
| a bilious miasma stone || rowspan=2| [[Major Acid (1710)]] || You exhale a dark and bilious miasma at a giant rat!<br>Person exhales a dark and bilious miasma at a giant rat!
| a green miasma stone || You throw a green orb of hissing miasma at a giant rat!<br>Person throws a green orb of hissing miasma at a giant rat!

|container=On the oak table you see:}}

'''{{big|[[Custom bolt messaging{{!}}Premade bolt messaging]], 2500 BS}}
{| {{prettytable|font-size:95%}}
| a greenish brown acid token || rowspan=5| [[Minor Acid (904)]] || You direct a stream of greenish brown acid at a giant rat!<br>Person directs a stream of greenish brown acid at a giant rat!
| a caustic green liquid token || You summon a stream of caustic green liquid at a giant rat!<br>Person summons a stream of caustic green liquid at a giant rat!
| a green acid token || You belch caustic green liquid at a giant rat!<br>Person belches caustic green liquid at a giant rat!
| an acrid mist token || You spray forth a hazy, acrid mist at a giant rat!<br>Person sprays forth a hazy, acrid mist at a giant rat!
| an acid spray token || You spit a messy spray of bitter liquid at a giant rat!<br>Person spits a messy spray of bitter liquid at a giant rat!
| a phoenix flame token || rowspan=3| [[Minor Fire (906)]] || You summon flame-wrought semblance of a '''{phoenix}''' at a giant rat!<br>Person summons flame-wrought semblance of a '''{phoenix}''' at a giant rat!
| a dragon flame token || '''dragon
| a drake flame token || '''drake
| a translucent statue || rowspan=2|[[Empathic Assault (1110)]] || You summon a translucent orb of shifting plasma at a giant rat!<br>Person summons a translucent orb of shifting plasma at a giant rat!
| a pure white statue || You conjure a shifting orb of pure white energy at a giant rat!<br>Person conjures a shifting orb of pure white energy at a giant rat!
| a white statue || rowspan=8| [[Empathic Assault (1110)]] ||You conjure a shifting orb of '''{white}''' plasma at a giant rat!<br>Person conjures a shifting orb of '''{white}''' plasma at a giant rat!
| a red statue || '''red
| a purple statue || '''purple
| a black statue || '''black
| a green statue || '''green
| an orange statue || '''orange
| a blue statue || '''blue
| a yellow statue || '''yellow
| a caustic orb stone ||rowspan=2| [[Major Acid (1710)]] || You exhale a caustic green orb at a giant rat!<br>Person exhales a caustic green orb at a giant rat!
| an acrid mist stone || You project a hissing torrent of acrid mist at a giant rat!<br>Person projects a hissing torrent of acrid mist at a giant rat!

|container=In the spinewood crates you see:}}

'''{{big|[[Custom bolt messaging{{!}}Premade bolt messaging]], 2500 BS}}
{| {{prettytable|font-size:95%}}
| a scintillating rune token || [[Minor Shock (901)]] || You draw a thready, scintillating rune at a giant rat!<br>Person draws a thready, scintillating rune at a giant rat!
| a vaporous rune token || [[Minor Water (903)]] || You draw a fluid string of vaporous runes at a giant rat!<br>Person draws a fluid string of vaporous runes at a giant rat!
| a flaming rune charm || [[Minor Fire (906)]] || You fling a flickering stream of flaming runes at a giant rat!<br>Person flings a flickering stream of flaming runes at a giant rat!
| a splintered arc rune || [[Major Shock (910)]] || You release a splintered arc of searing electricity at a giant rat!<br>Person releases a splintered arc of searing electricity at a giant rat!
| a crackling sigil rune || [[Major Shock (910)]] || You project a complex sigil composed of crackling energy at a giant rat!<br>Person projects a complex sigil composed of crackling energy at a giant rat!
| a frayed beam token || [[Disintegrate (705)]] || You project a frayed beam of sickly luminescence at a giant rat!<br>Person projects a frayed beam of sickly luminescence at a giant rat!

|container=In the iron-bound trunk you see:}}

'''{{big|[[Custom bolt messaging{{!}}Premade bolt messaging]], 2500 BS}}
{| {{prettytable|font-size:95%}}
| a jet of white fire charm ||rowspan=8| [[Minor Fire (906)]] || You breathe a jet of sizzling '''{white}''' fire at a giant rat!<br>Person breathes a jet of sizzling '''{white}''' fire at a giant rat!
| a jet of red fire charm ||'''red
| a jet of black fire charm ||'''black
| a jet of purple fire charm ||'''purple
| a jet of blue fire charm ||'''blue
| a jet of green fire charm ||'''green
| a jet of orange fire charm ||'''orange
| a jet of yellow fire charm ||'''yellow
| an orb of white fire button ||rowspan=8| [[Major Fire (908)]] || You summon a fiery orb of '''{white}''' fire at a giant rat!<br>Person summons a fiery orb of '''{white}''' fire at a giant rat!
| an orb of red fire button || '''red
| an orb of black fire button || '''black
| an orb of purple fire button || '''purple
| an orb of blue fire button || '''blue
| an orb of green fire button || '''green
| an orb of orange fire button || '''orange
| an orb of yellow fire button || '''yellow
|}</blockquote><section end=current />

==Archived Inventory==
<section begin=archive /><includeonly>
</includeonly>The scrolls are unlockable, infusable, and come with 40 charges per spell off-the-shelf. To calculate the silver value, multiply the scrip cost by 100.
===Spellbound Entry===
====In Crate====
{| {{prettytable|font-size:95%}}
|a carved jade leaf pin
|1x/day [[618|Mobility]]
|a stylized pewter fist pin
|1x/day [[1606|Dauntless]]
|a translucent glass pin
|2x/day [[916|Invisibility]]
|an enruned mithril disk pin
|2x/day [[511|Floating Disk]]
|a slit-pupiled citrine quartz pin
|1x/day [[1750|Fash'lo'nae's Gift]]
|a ivy-traced green spell book
|([[605]]) Whispering Willow ([[606]]) Phoen's Strength ([[608]]) Camouflage ([[613]]) Self Control ([[618]]) Mobility
|a blood-stained crimson spell book
|([[1101]]) Heal ([[1107]]) Adrenal Surge ([[1109]]) Empathic Focus ([[1118]]) Herb Production ([[1119]]) Strength Of Will
|a silver-edged purple spell book
|([[905]]) Prismatic Guard ([[913]]) Melgorehn's Aura ([[916]]) Invisibility ([[918]]) Duplicate ([[919]]) Wizard's Shield
|an embossed dark gold spell book
|([[402]]) Presence ([[418]]) Mana Focus ([[507]]) Elemental Deflection ([[508]]) Elemental Bias ([[515]]) Rapid Fire
|a glittering silver spell book
|([[110]]) Unbalance ([[116]]) Locate Person ([[120]]) Lesser Shroud ([[211]]) Bravery ([[215]]) Heroism
|a gilt-edged white spell book
|([[304]]) Bless Item ([[305]]) Preservation ([[308]]) Well of Life ([[310]]) Warding Sphere ([[318]]) Raise Dead
=====12/11/2016 Update=====
{{sign|sign=In the Common language, it reads:

The wand/rod/baton can be used once a day.
Enruned witchwood rod: 507, 508, 905
Sigil-encised wand: 1705, 1712, 1701
Heavy crystal baton: 1720, 1711

Items with x/day details:

Bracer - 1x - Dragonclaw
Armband - 2x - Resist Elements
Bandage - 5x - Heal II
Scepter - 1x - Spirit Shield
Pin - 2x - Poison Resist

Magic-filled puzzles contain 20 charges of each spell, but must be solved to unlock their power:
Sphere: 211, 509, 506
Pyramid: 101, 107, 508
Cube: 202, 503, 507}}
|container=In the rune-covered wooden crate you see:}}
{| {{prettytable|font-size:95%}}
| a claw-clasped wide leather bracer ||1x/day Dragonclaw (1209) || 7500
| a leather armband adorned with seed pearls and sapphires ||2x/day Resist Elements (602) || 7500
| a tattered wool bandage ||5x/day Heal II (806) || 10500
| a silver scepter adorned with a ruby-inlaid double helix ||1x/day Spirit Shield (202) || 7500
| an eahnor-tongued patinaed asp pin ||2x/day Poison Resistance (105) || 7500
| a heavy crystal baton || || 12500
| a sigil-incised golden wand || || 12500
| an enruned witchwood rod || || 12500
| a striated wooden sphere || || 500
| a small oak pyramid || || 500
| a silk-covered cube || || 500
====Behind Brick====
{| {{prettytable|font-size:95%}}
!bgcolor=#DDDDDD colspan="3"|[[Custom spell prep|Spell Preps]] (Invoke to apply to a character)
|a silver-inked vellum parchment
|First Person: You command the elements, a silver-hued fist appearing in the air above your hand...<br>Third Person: Tei commands the elements, a silver-hued fist appearing in the air above her hand...<br>Hidden or Invisible: <br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[407]]
|a verdant green-inked parchment
|First Person: In hushed tones, you quell and quiet the local spirits to mask your passage...<br>Third Person: In hushed tones, Tei quells and quiets the local spirits...<br>Hidden or Invisible: <br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[617]]
|a thin leather-bound tome
|First Person: Your field of vision begins to rapidly vibrate, then shrinks as you prepare the Eye Spy spell...<br>Third Person: Tei's eyes begin to vibrate and her pupils shrink to black slivers as she prepares a spell...<br>Hidden or Invisible: <br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[707]]
|an ebon-inked vellum tome
|First Person: The shadows darken and engulf you, flowing around your shoulders as you prepare the Cloak of Shadows invocation...<br>Third Person: The shadows darken and engulf Tei, flowing around her shoulders as she prepares an invocation...<br>Hidden or Invisible: <br>Specific Spell Restriction: [[712]]
|a thin dog-eared papyrus
|First Person: You quietly utter an incantation as you prepare the [Spell Name] spell...<br>Third Person: Tei quietly utters an incantation as she prepares a spell...<br>Hidden or Invisible: You hear a quietly uttered incantation.
|a crumpled coffee-stained papyrus
|First Person: You murmur softly under your breath, preparing the [Spell Name] spell...<br>Third Person: Tei murmurs softly under her breath, preparing a spell...<br>Hidden or Invisible: You hear a soft murmuring.
=====12/11/2016 Update=====

{| {{prettytable|font-size:95%}}
| a stamped cream papyrus || First Person: All casting: You toss your head back and howl loudly as swirling wisps of mana flow out of thin air and into your mouth, spiraling downward to fill your lungs with power...<br>Third Person: <Player> tosses his/her head back and howls loudly as swirling wisps of mana flow out of thin air and into his/her mouth...<br>Hidden or Invisible: You hear a loud howl followed by swirling wisps of mana appearing and vanishing.|| 750
| a thin onion skin paper || First Person: You chant a short mantra as you focus your thoughts on the rigidity of steel and iron...<br>Third Person: <Player> chants a short mantra, focusing his/her thoughts...<br>Hidden or Invisible: You hear someone chanting a short mantra.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: 1202|| 750
| a charred red-inked parchment || First Person: Invoking the power of your patron, you prepare to break a curse...<br>Third Person: Invoking the power of his/her patron, <player> chants a short prayer...<br>Hidden or Invisible: You hear a faint whisper.<br>Specific Spell Restriction: 315|| 750
| a scallop-edged white palimpsest ||First Person: Thin, straight grey lines cover the palms of your hands as you prepare the Disintegrate spell...<br>Third Person: Thin, straight grey lines cover the palms of <player's> hands...<br>Hidden or Invisible:<br>Specific Spell Restriction: 705|| 750
| a gold-lettered black vellum || First Person: Spirits swirl around you, shrouding your form partially as you prepare the Unpresence spell...<br>Third Person: Spirits swirl around <player>, shrouding his/her form partially as he/she utters a short phrase...<br>Hidden or Invisible:<br>Specific Spell Restriction: 204|| 750
====Under Brick====
=====12/11/2016 Update=====

|sign=In the Common language, it reads:
On the shelf you'll find containers for your jewels and alchemy ingredients and some very fancy books. In the crate you will find some magic-filled puzzles and other items, detailed below.

Spell prep phrases are behind the brick and are as follows:

Cream papyrus: All casting
Onion skin paper: Iron Skin
Red-inked parchment: Remove Curse
White palimpsest: Distintegrate
Black vellum: Unpresence

Items with x/day details:

Bracer - 1x - Dragonclaw
Armband - 2x - Resist Elements
Bandage - 5x - Heal II
Scepter - 1x - Spirit Shield
Pin - 2x - Poison Resist

Rod - 1x - 507, 508, 905
Wand - 1x - 1705, 1712, 1701
Baton - 1x - 1720, 1711)}}

====On Shelf====
=====12/11/2016 Update=====

{| {{prettytable|font-size:95%}}
| a rat-shaped gold pattern ||[[gem cutter pattern]]|||| 100
| a tarnished rat catcher statue ||[[gem cutter]]|||| 500
| a gold-banded short glass jar || Pocketed:VSA (<2-4)<br>one item||100-ct|| 250
| a hexagonal golden glass bottle || Pocketed:VSA (<2-4)<br>one item||100-ct|| 250
| a vaalin-banded square glass jar || Pocketed:VSA (<2-4)<br>one item||50-ct|| 100
| a silver-hued tall glass bottle || Pocketed:VSA (<2-4)<br>one item||50-ct|| 100
| a gold-spined thick leather codex ||heavily scripted |||| 2000
| an enruned leather-bound tome ||heavily scripted |||| 2000
=====8/22/2017 Update=====
{| {{prettytable|font-size:95%}}
| a dwarven archaeologist figurine || ||[[gem cutter]]|| 500
| a moon-shaped mithril pattern || ||[[gem cutter pattern]]|| 100
====In Case====
=====8/19/2017 Update=====
{{sign|sign=Items in the case are 1x/day with details:

Rod: Patron's Blessing (1611)
Orb: Force Projection (1207)
Globe: Major Sanctuary (220)
Eye: Higher Vision (1610)
Figurine: Zealot (1617)
Stone: Crusade (1618)
Cube: Benediction (307)
Baton: Elemental Focus (513)
Stake: Self Control (613)
Trinket: Melgorehn's Aura (913)
Chunk: Strength of Will (1119)
Cloth: Blink (1215)
Charm: Dragonclaw (1209)
Scepter: Mage Armor (520)}}
|container=In the sigil-incised display case you see:}}
{| {{prettytable|font-size:95%}}
| a lightning bolt-shaped blued steel rod || 1x/day [[Patron's Blessing (1611)]]|| 16000
| a large green glaesine orb with a rippled surface || 1x/day [[Force Projection (1207)]]|| 4000
| a flawless clear glass globe || 1x/day [[Major Sanctuary (220)]]|| 20000
| a large obsidian eye set with an aster opal iris || 1x/day [[Higher Vision (1610)]]|| 12000
| a miniature red-cloaked orc figurine || 1x/day [[Zealot (1617)]]|| 16400
| a circular grey stone chiseled outward into numerous radiant points || 1x/day [[Crusade (1618)]]|| 12000
| a pearl-edged white ora cube engraved with variegated symbols || 1x/day [[Benediction (307)]]|| 13000
| a short gold-leafed navy blue baton || 1x/day [[Elemental Focus (513)]]|| 15000
| a long wooden stake with a dull blackened tip || 1x/day [[Self Control (613)]]|| 13400
| a small polychromatic trinket || 1x/day [[Melgorehn's Aura (913)]]|| 12000
| a grimy chunk of petrified wyrwood || 1x/day [[Strength of Will (1119)]]|| 12000
| a shred of soft purple cloth || 1x/day [[Blink (1215)]]|| 8000
| a ruby-inset charm dangling two silver talons || 1x/day [[Dragonclaw (1209)]]|| 9300
| a pitch black twisted mithril scepter || 1x/day [[Mage Armor (520)]]|| 20000

====Behind Case====
=====2/18/2018 Update=====
{{sign|sign=Items behind the case are illusion pins. The base item (only) can be freely altered by any willing merchant. These items can also be hidden using COVER while worn. There is one for each element as follows:

Trinket: lava
Charm: sand
Pin: mud
Pendant: acid
Brooch: steam
Droplet: water}}
|container=Behind the sigil-incised display case you see:}}

'''{{big|[[Illusion prop{{!}}Illusion pins]]}}
{| {{prettytable|font-size:95%}}
| a small crystal water droplet edged in deep blue tones|| Water: Glistening water drops hover in a constantly shifting halo around him/her. || rowspan=7|pin-worn|| rowspan=6|10000
| a gold-speckled white opal teardrop brooch|| Steam: Churning droplets shroud him/her and glimmer faintly with the heat of a mirage.
| a smoke-filled glass orb pendant|| Acid: A hazy miasma of verdant droplets swirls chaotically around him/her.
| a muddy garden pin|| Mud: Muddy droplets churn in an earthen haze around him/her.
| a pearlescent seashell charm|| Sand: Golden sand whirls loosely around him/her in a hazy shroud.
| a jagged volcanic rock trinket|| Lava: Globules of molten rock form a dimly glowing halo around him/her.

<section end=archive />

[[Category: Bloodriven Village Shops|S]]

Latest revision as of 19:29, 16 August 2024

Current Shop Listing

a narrow space between two buildings, [Map Room 16], Room# 8214516, Lich# L26877, go narrow space


[Spellbound - 8212545]
With barely enough room to move around, this cramped space between the two buildings seems more like a trap than anything else. A small pile of crumbled cement has gathered on the floor beneath a brick that protrudes slightly from the wall. Trails of fresh rat droppings lead between a sigil-incised display case and a rune-covered wooden crate. You also see a wave-painted brick door, a small round table haphazardly draped with square cloths, a dust-covered note and a dilapidated wooden shelf.
Obvious exits: south, out
a dust-covered note

In the Common language, it reads:

Items in the case are magical trinkets which automatically recharge daily.  INSPECT each one to learn which spell they cast and how many charges are available per day.

Some items sold in this shop may be purchased with account attunement for a discounted price (Prime only). Attunement is permanent and cannot be removed.

Attunement Discount Legend
* Account attunement available for a 25% discount.

In the wooden crate you see: a heavy invar necklace set with square-cut rubies, a diamond-linked silver necklace dangling tiny sapphires, and a twisted rose gold necklace accented with dark aquamarine rosettes.

Item Type Info Details Price
a heavy invar necklace set with square-cut rubies < 1 lb
MoonPhase Necklace - Liabo

a diamond-linked silver necklace dangling tiny sapphires < 1 lb
MoonPhase Necklace - Tilaok

a twisted rose gold necklace accented with dark aquamarine rosettes < 1 lb
MoonPhase Necklace - Lornon


On the round table you see: a smoke-tinted rolaren monocle, a rose-tinged bronze monocle, a silver squiggly-framed monocle, and a filigreed gold-tinted monocle.

Item Type Info Details Price
a smoke-tinted rolaren monocle < 1 lb
Deity Detect monocle

a rose-tinged bronze monocle < 1 lb
Deity Detect monocle

a silver squiggly-framed monocle < 1 lb
Deity Detect monocle

a filigreed gold-tinted monocle < 1 lb
Deity Detect monocle


On the wooden shelf you see: a glittering ticket, a smooth turquoise leather journal embossed with a peacock feather, an ivory suede-spined gold puma fur-covered ledger, a translucent gold and teal bottle, a twine-wrapped smoky grey jar, a gold-leafed shimmering pink bottle, a black-eyed skull-shaped jar, a shimmering certificate, a dilute golden ayan'eth potion, a dilute silver ayan'eth potion, a dilute copper ayan'eth potion, an absinthe green tincture, a pearlescent purple philter, a moss green mixture, a sparkling white elixir, and a shimmering trinket.

Item Type Info Details Price
a glittering ticket unlock certificate
Shimmer Trinket
The glittering ticket will add 1 appearance set to an existing Shimmer Trinket. No matter the number of total appearance sets, a trinket can only store the appearance of a set number of items, determined by the number of items in your largest set times the number of sets, up to 100. i.e. you can have 5 sets with 20 items each, but if one set has 21 items, you can then only have 4 sets (since 5 x 21 = 105, which is greater than 100, so not possible).
a smooth turquoise leather journal embossed with a peacock feather < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
Fluff book
an ivory suede-spined gold puma fur-covered ledger < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
Fluff book
a translucent gold and teal bottle < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
Alchemy jar
Capacity: 50 items
a twine-wrapped smoky grey jar < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
Alchemy jar
Capacity: 50 items
a gold-leafed shimmering pink bottle < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
Alchemy jar
Capacity: 100 items
a black-eyed skull-shaped jar < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
Alchemy jar
Capacity: 100 items
a shimmering certificate unlock certificate
Shimmer Trinket
The shimmering certificate will add 1 current and maximum charge to an existing Shimmer Trinket.
a dilute golden ayan'eth potion 2 lbs
Enchanting Potion

a dilute silver ayan'eth potion 2 lbs
Enchanting Potion

a dilute copper ayan'eth potion 2 lbs
Enchanting Potion

an absinthe green tincture liquid < 1 lb
Profession Service Potion
Temporarily enhances enchanting skill by 500

Quaffs Remaining: 5

a pearlescent purple philter liquid < 1 lb
Profession Service Potion
Temporarily enhances ensorcelling skill by 500

Quaffs Remaining: 1

a moss green mixture liquid < 1 lb
Profession Service Potion
Temporarily enhances nature resistance skill by 250

Quaffs Remaining: 1

a sparkling white elixir liquid < 1 lb
Profession Service Potion
Temporarily enhances sanctifying skill by 500

Quaffs Remaining: 1

a shimmering trinket < 1 lb
Shimmer Trinket
Show / Analyze
A soft shimmer resonates through the the trinket, making it appear to be every color and yet no color at all.

Charges: 3 / 3 Available Sets: 1


In the display case you see: a short glass rod, a large deep blue baton, a small luminescent baton, a long spiral crystal wand, a bright yellow potion trinket, a pearl-edged white ora cube engraved with variegated symbols, a metallic shiny knight symbol, a green leaf symbol, a shiny gold coin pin, a small statue clasp, a blue quartz symbol, a dazzling golden shield pin, a gleaming white eonake cross, an earthen brown rock trinket, a twisted crystal wand, an elegant white ora rod, and a blackened green mossbark wand.

Item Type Info Details Price
a short glass rod magic item < 1 lb
It is currently imbedded with the Telekinesis (1206) spell.
Charges Remaining: 20
Activator: Wave
It will persist after its last charge is depleted.
a large deep blue baton magic item < 1 lb
It is currently imbedded with the Spirit Warding II (107) spell.
Charges Remaining: 1
Activator: Wave
It will persist after its last charge is depleted.
a small luminescent baton magic item < 1 lb
It is currently imbedded with the Elemental Defense III (414) spell.
Charges Remaining: 1
Activator: Wave
It will persist after its last charge is depleted.
a long spiral crystal wand magic item < 1 lb
It is currently imbedded with the Mental Dispel (1218) spell.
Charges Remaining: 5
Activator: Wave
It will persist after its last charge is depleted.
a bright yellow potion trinket magic item < 1 lb
pin-worn (functional)
It is currently imbedded with the Adrenal Surge (1107) spell.
Charges Remaining: 3
Activator: Rub
It will persist after its last charge is depleted.
a pearl-edged white ora cube engraved with variegated symbols magic item < 1 lb
pin-worn (functional)
It is currently imbedded with the Benediction (307) spell.
Charges Remaining: 1
Activator: Raise
It will persist after its last charge is depleted.
a metallic shiny knight symbol magic item < 1 lb
pin-worn (functional)
It is currently imbedded with the Dauntless (1606) spell.
Charges Remaining: 1
Activator: Raise
It will persist after its last charge is depleted.
a green leaf symbol magic item < 1 lb
pin-worn (functional)
It is currently imbedded with the Phoen's Strength (606) spell.
Charges Remaining: 1
Activator: Raise
It will persist after its last charge is depleted.
a shiny gold coin pin magic item < 1 lb
pin-worn (functional)
It is currently imbedded with the Arcane Decoy (1701) spell.
Charges Remaining: 20
Activator: Rub
It will persist after its last charge is depleted.
a small statue clasp magic item < 1 lb
pin-worn (functional)
It is currently imbedded with the Spirit Guard (1712) spell.
Charges Remaining: 1
Activator: Raise
It will persist after its last charge is depleted.
a blue quartz symbol magic item < 1 lb
pin-worn (functional)
It is currently imbedded with the Mindward (1208) spell.
Charges Remaining: 1
Activator: Raise
It will persist after its last charge is depleted.
a dazzling golden shield pin magic item < 1 lb
pin-worn (functional)
It is currently imbedded with the Mantle of Faith (1601) spell.
Charges Remaining: 3
Activator: Raise
It will persist after its last charge is depleted.
a gleaming white eonake cross magic item < 1 lb
pin-worn (functional)
It is currently imbedded with the Remove Curse (315) spell.
Charges Remaining: 3
Activator: Rub
It will persist after its last charge is depleted.
an earthen brown rock trinket magic item < 1 lb
pin-worn (functional)
It is currently imbedded with the Tremors (909) spell.
Charges Remaining: 40
Activator: Rub
It will persist after its last charge is depleted.
a twisted crystal wand magic item < 1 lb
It is currently imbedded with the Phase (704) spell.
Charges Remaining: 40
Activator: Wave
It will persist after its last charge is depleted.
an elegant white ora rod magic item < 1 lb
It is currently imbedded with the Condemn (309) spell.
Charges Remaining: 40
Activator: Wave
It will persist after its last charge is depleted.
a blackened green mossbark wand magic item < 1 lb
It is currently imbedded with the Wild Entropy (603) spell.
Charges Remaining: 40
Activator: Wave
It will persist after its last charge is depleted.

Spellbound, Crevice

[Spellbound, Crevice - 8212615]
Collapsing cement blocks are surrounded by cascading dirt and debris that integrate into a filthy rubble at the base of the side wall. Imposing upon most of the space, a dilapidated birch shelf, a hole-riddled plank, and a decaying oaken slab are haphazardly lodged in the cramped, dingy crevice.
Obvious exits: north

On the hole-riddled plank you see: an aranthium mesh wand belt, a pure white aranthium wand harness, a dark aranthium wand belt, and an aranthium mesh wand harness.

Item Type Info Details Price
an aranthium mesh wand belt 2 lbs
Pocketed: A medium amount (a number of very small items) (in)
waist-worn (functional)

The mesh wand belt is an endless wand harness.  It will create a tapered aranthium wand (an aranthium wand) when rubbed.
  The belt may be customized to set the wand description.
  The wand slots within it can be customized and are currently set to: faenor-bound 
    (Examples of possible options: angled, gold filigree, graduated ring, fluted brass, braided cord, silk ribbon)
  It can create a wand every 86,400 seconds.
  The wands:
    * last for 86,400 seconds before crumbling.
    * cast the Bone Shatter spell when waved.
    * have 40 charges.
    * have a 15% chance to Twin Cast a spell.
    * have been infused with the power of an earth elemental and have 15% chance to flare after a successful attack.
a pure white aranthium wand harness 2 lbs
Pocketed: A medium amount (a number of very small items) (in)
waist-worn (functional)

The aranthium wand harness is an endless wand harness.  It will create a flame-tipped white aranthium rod (an aranthium rod) when rubbed.
  The harness may be customized to set the wand description.
  The wand slots within it can be customized and are currently set to: fretwork white ora 
    (Examples of possible options: angled, gold filigree, graduated ring, fluted brass, braided cord, silk ribbon)
  It can create a wand every 86,400 seconds.
  The wands:
    * last for 86,400 seconds before crumbling.
    * cast the Condemn spell when waved.
    * have 40 charges.
    * have a 15% chance to Twin Cast a spell.
    * have  infused with the power of an earth elementalhas been infused with a flaming substance and have 15% chance to flare after a successful attack.
a dark aranthium wand belt 2 lbs
Pocketed: A medium amount (a number of very small items) (in)
waist-worn (functional)

The aranthium wand belt is an endless wand harness.  It will create an ebony-inlaid aranthium wand (an aranthium wand) when rubbed.
  The belt may be customized to set the wand description.
  The wand slots within it can be customized and are currently set to: woven flyrsilk 
    (Examples of possible options: angled, gold filigree, graduated ring, fluted brass, braided cord, silk ribbon)
  It can create a wand every 86,400 seconds.
  The wands:
    * last for 86,400 seconds before crumbling.
    * cast the Disintegrate spell when waved.
    * have 40 charges.
    * have a 15% chance to Twin Cast a spell.
    * have used with the power of an earth elementalhas been infused with a flaming substancehas been infused with a disintegrating substance and have 15% chance to flare after a successful attack.
an aranthium mesh wand harness 2 lbs
Pocketed: A medium amount (a number of very small items) (in)
waist-worn (functional)

The mesh wand harness is an endless wand harness.  It will create a nacre-flecked aranthium rod (an aranthium rod) when rubbed.
  The harness may be customized to set the wand description.
  The wand slots within it can be customized and are currently set to: fretwork veniom 
    (Examples of possible options: angled, gold filigree, graduated ring, fluted brass, braided cord, silk ribbon)
  It can create a wand every 86,400 seconds.
  The wands:
    * last for 86,400 seconds before crumbling.
    * cast the Major Fire spell when waved.
    * have 40 charges.
    * have a 15% chance to Twin Cast a spell.
    * have  with the power of an earth elementalhas been infused with a flaming substancehas been infused with a disintegrating substancehas been infused with the power of a fire elemental and have 15% chance to flare after a successful attack.

On the oaken slab you see: a coin-edged piece of sheet music, a sheet of watermarked music, a violet cotton sheet, a soft sigil-etched sheet, and a whorl-edged cloud white note.

Item Type Info Details Price
a coin-edged piece of sheet music < 1 lb
Custom Spell Prep Potion/Certificate
Invoking this piece of sheet music will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:

First Person:  Humming a familiar ditty about a knave found on the wrong side of a door, you weave the simple somatic components of [Spell Name] into the air...
Third Person:  Humming a familiar ditty about a knave found on the wrong side of a door, Thandiwe weaves the simple somatic components of a spell into the air.
Hidden or Invisible:  Rising on the air is a familiar ditty.
Specific Spell Restriction:  403
a sheet of watermarked music < 1 lb
Custom Spell Prep Potion/Certificate
Invoking this watermarked music will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:

First Person:  Lifting your voice in song, you spin a quick tale involving a small child trying to discover the mysteries of water elementals.  As you sing, you weave your fingers in a complicated pattern that mimics the cadence of your tune and cast [Spell Name] in the process...
Third Person:  Lifting her voice in song, Thandiwe spins a quick tale involving a small child trying to discover the mysteries of water elementals.  As she sings, she weaves her fingers in a complicated pattern that mimics the cadence of her tune and in the process, casts a spell.
Hidden or Invisible:  A simple song about a small child trying to discover the mysteries of water elementals rises on the air.
Specific Spell Restriction:  405
a violet cotton sheet < 1 lb
Custom Spell Prep Potion/Certificate
Invoking this cotton sheet will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:

First Person:  Tracing simple lines upon your smooth, ivory white brow, you invoke the elements and implore them to give you deeper insight.  Within seconds, a third sea green eye opens in your forehead as you cast the [Spell Name] spell.  The eye fades in a matter of moments...
Third Person:  Tracing simple lines upon her smooth, ivory white brow, Thandiwe invokes the elements and almost instantly a third sea green eye opens in her forehead.  Seconds after she releases the spell, the eye fades away.
Hidden or Invisible:  
Specific Spell Restriction:  416
a soft sigil-etched sheet < 1 lb
Custom Spell Prep Potion/Certificate
Invoking this sigil-etched sheet will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:

First Person:  Tracing sigils in the air, each illuminating in various brilliant hues, you invoke the elements to provide [Spell Name] around you...
Third Person:  Tracing sigils in the air, each briefly illuminating in various brilliant hues, Thandiwe invokes the elements as she casts her spell.
Hidden or Invisible:  
Specific Spell Restriction:  419
a whorl-edged cloud white note < 1 lb
Custom Spell Prep Potion/Certificate
Invoking this cloud white note will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:

First Person:  Drawing arcane energy about you, you trace your fingers through the elemental mana of the world, and it feels as if you are pulling your fingers through mud.  Gradually, the world around you becomes sluggish as you complete the somatic components of the [Spell Name] spell...
Third Person:  Drawing her fingers through the air, Thandiwe's movements gradually become sluggish as she finishes the somatic components of her spell.
Hidden or Invisible:  
Specific Spell Restriction:  504

On the birch shelf you see: a smooth off-white vellum, a translucent cream-hued vellum, a silvery lightning-motif vellum, a small scale-shaped parchment, an inky black palimpsest, and a thin shadowy black parchment.

Item Type Info Details Price
a smooth off-white vellum < 1 lb
Custom Spell Prep Potion/Certificate
Invoking this off-white vellum will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:

First Person:  Cajoling the lesser spirits, you utter a lyrical prayer that is accompanied by simple gestures.  Your sea green eyes flash with a holy light as you release the [Spell Name] spell...
Third Person:  Cajoling the lesser spirits, Thandiwe utters a lyrical prayer that is accompanied by simple gestures.  Her sea green eyes flash with a holy light as she releases her spell.
Hidden or Invisible:  From somewhere nearby, the sound of someone cajoling the spirits with a lyrical voice can be heard.
Specific Spell Restriction:  103
a translucent cream-hued vellum < 1 lb
Custom Spell Prep Potion/Certificate
Invoking this cream-hued vellum will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:

First Person:  Closing your eyes tightly, you concentrate on an image within your mind's eye and murmur a soft prayer to the spirits.  As the last syllable falls from your lips, your sea green eyes fly wide open and you flick your fingers, releasing the [Spell Name] spell...
Third Person:  Closing her eyes tightly, Thandiwe appears to be concentrating for several seconds as she murmurs a soft prayer to the spirits.  As the last syllable falls from her lips, her sea green eyes fly wide open and she flicks her fingers, releasing her spell.
Hidden or Invisible:  Sea green light suddenly flashes in the air.
Specific Spell Restriction:  116
a silvery lightning-motif vellum < 1 lb
Custom Spell Prep Potion/Certificate
Invoking this lightning-motif vellum will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:

First Person:  Curling your fingers into claws, you forcefully confront the spirits and demand that they mold to your will.  Zorchar energy crackles across the surface of your smooth, ivory white skin as you release the stored energy of the [Spell Name] spell...
Third Person:  Curling her fingers into claws, Thandiwe forcefully confronts the spirits and demands that they mold themselves to her will.  Zorchar energy crackles across the surface of her smooth, ivory white skin as she releases the stored energy of her spell.
Hidden or Invisible:  Zorchar energy crackles through the air.
Specific Spell Restriction:  125
a small scale-shaped parchment < 1 lb
Custom Spell Prep Potion/Certificate
Invoking this scale-shaped parchment will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:

First Person:  Sibilantly forming the simple words of your [Spell Name], you implore shadows and darkness to protect you...
Third Person:  Sibilantly forming the simple words of her prayer, Thandiwe implores shadows and darkness to protect her.
Hidden or Invisible:  Sibilant prayers issue from the darkness.
Specific Spell Restriction:  303
an inky black palimpsest < 1 lb
Custom Spell Prep Potion/Certificate
Invoking this black palimpsest will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:

First Person:  Flexing your fingers slightly, you summon the very essence of your spirit to the surface of your form and feel inky shadows within you respond.  Slowly, darkness seeps from your sea green eyes and transforms into a [Spell Name] before you...
Third Person:  Flexing her fingers slightly, Thandiwe's form begins to darken and shadows seep from her sea green eyes.  Thandiwe releases her spell by transforming that darkness around her into a spiritual shield.
Hidden or Invisible:  Darkness briefly pools about the area.
Specific Spell Restriction:  202
a thin shadowy black parchment < 1 lb
Custom Spell Prep Potion/Certificate
Invoking this shadowy black parchment will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:

First Person:  Tenebrous shadows slip across your smooth, ivory white skin as you demand divinity to heed your prayers.  As if in answer, a darkness falls across your vision and you release your [Spell Name]...
Third Person:  Tenebrous shadows slip across Thandiwe's smooth, ivory white skin as she demands divinity to heed her prayers.  As if in answer, her sea green eyes briefly blacken as she releases her fury.
Hidden or Invisible:  
Specific Spell Restriction:  317

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