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Latest revision as of 23:31, 20 February 2025

Meat Grinders are scripted cooking tools that can be used to make sausage when several ingredients, including meat, are added. Sausages made from a meat grinder are highly customizable based on the ingredients added and various optional unlocks to the meat grinder. Sausages made with it are raw but can be cooked by different means. They are sold at The Daily Grind at Duskruin and were created by GM Avaluka.

Meat Grinder

Meat grinders can be used to make a wide variety of sausages off the shelf.

Unlocks via certificate add additional optional features for the meat grinder:

  • Change the sausage's adjective via TURN
  • Change the sausage's long description via WAVE
  • Create ropes of sausage links via PINCH
  • Sausage flavor effects of "spicy" and "rancid", via ROLL


You analyze the bronze meat grinder and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
    -- Meat Grinder --
  This bronze meat grinder will make raw, cookable sausages.
  This is a basic meat grinder, which will require ingredients as well as charges from lightning spells or iron/silver wands to function.
  Minimum ingredients needed include raw meat, intestines for casings, and salt.  A secondary filler ingredient may be optionally added that can be another type of meat, an organ, a type of grain, wine, blood, a type of vegetable, or a mushroom.
  Food, foraged items, tea/coffee flavorings, and other items can be added to the bronze meat grinder during the creation process to infuse extra flavoring into the finished product.  You can only add up to two (2) of these extra flavorings, but they are not required.
  These extra flavorings will also affect the color of the resulting sausage's interior in both raw and cooked forms.
    ==Alteration Guidelines==
  * Alterations to the 15/15/15 and long description of this bronze meat grinder are fine, though it cannot take a show.
  * The noun must remain "grinder" with the adjective containing the word "meat" directly before the noun.
  * It should primarily be made of a type of metal and have a crank, as well as several buttons, dials, and the like.
  As a basic meat grinder, you have access to the following verbs:  DROP/POUR (Add ingredients/flavors/wands), FLIP (Change article of created sausage), CLEAN (Remove any in-progress work), PUSH (Create sausage).
  Add iron or silver wands to the bronze meat grinder or cast lightning spells at it to charge its power.
  Use INSPECT to view current information about how the created sausage will turn out.

You get no sense of whether or not the grinder may be further lightened.


Verb First Third
CLEAN Opening up various compartments and hatches, you tip the steel meat grinder on its side and turn the crank to disgorge any remaining contents on the ground. Satisfied all has been cleaned out, you return the grinder to its original position and snap the various openings closed.
DROP/PUT Flipping open a lid on top of the steel meat grinder, you slowly feed a chunk of raw pork into it while turning a crank steadily. Rumbling and humming noises emanate from within the mechanism as it grinds the pork into a fine mince that gets steadily funneled into an inner compartment. Once every last morsel has been fed inside the grinder, you flip the lid closed again. Flipping open a lid on top of the steel meat grinder, Player slowly feeds a chunk of raw pork into it while turning a crank steadily. Rumbling and humming noises emanate from within the mechanism as it grinds the pork into a fine mince that gets steadily funneled into an inner compartment. Once every last morsel has been fed inside the grinder, she flips the lid closed again.
FLIP You spin a dial to adjust the opening of the steel meat grinder, ensuring the sausage that comes out will be "a petite" sausage.
INSPECT Looking closely at the steel meat grinder, you inspect it in minute detail.

It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of steel, an extremely common metal. Affixed to the side of the steel meat grinder with a cog-laden contraption is a thick iron crank, the metal shaft humming with stored power. Peering into the various compartments of the steel meat grinder, you consider the contents critically.

PUSH First Push - You start to reach a finger toward the button on the front of the steel meat grinder but pause briefly to consider your actions. WARNING! You are about to create a rope of sausages that will make 5 individual "a petite pork sausage link with curved ends" with a raw color of pink and a cooked color of creamy ivory. There are no additional flavors. If you are sure about this, repeat this command in the next 30 seconds.
Second Push - Reaching forward, you press a button on the front of the steel meat grinder and it rumbles to life. A pink meat mixture slowly starts to extrude into a waiting section of casing, the carefully formed sausage soon moving out of an opening on the opposite side of the steel meat grinder. As it appears, you quickly tie it off at uniform intervals until you are left holding a rope of pork sausages.
Reaching forward, Player presses a button on the front of the steel meat grinder and it rumbles to life. A pink meat mixture slowly starts to extrude into a waiting section of casing, the carefully formed sausage soon moving out of an opening on the opposite side of the steel meat grinder. As it appears, Player quickly ties it off at uniform intervals until she is left holding a rope of pork sausages.


Sausages made by a meat grinder are raw. They can be cooked, either by impaling them on a stick and cooked over a fire source, or by CASTing a fire spell at them.


You analyze the sausage link and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "There do not seem to be any specific limitations."

The creator has also provided the following information:
    --Cookable Sausage--
  This is a sausage made by a meat grinder.
  You can EAT, SMELL, PUSH (pierce on a stick), PULL (remove from stick), and WAVE (cook on a fire) this sausage link.
  This sausage link is completely raw.  You need to find a stick to PUSH onto it and then either WAVE it at a fire source or CAST fire spells at it to cook it.
    --Current Settings--
  * Raw Color: pink
  * Cooked Color: creamy ivory
  * Flavor #1: spice
  * Flavor #2: smoke
  * Salt Type: salt

You get no sense of whether or not the link may be further lightened.


Verb First Third
PUSH [link with stick] With a precise jab, you pierce a petite pork sausage link with curved ends onto the end of your wooden stick. With a precise jab, Player pierces a petite pork sausage link with curved ends onto the end of her wooden stick.
WAVE [at fire] Holding a petite pork sausage link with curved ends pierced on a wooden stick out over the mithril brazier, you rotate it slowly over the flames, letting the heat evenly distribute over each side.

The faint sizzle and crackle of cooking meat soon rises to fill the air along with the tantalizing scents of salt, spice, and smoke. The raw pink flesh of the sausage link slowly starts to turn to creamy ivory as it cooks.

Holding a petite pork sausage link with curved ends pierced on a wooden stick out over the mithril brazier, Player rotates it slowly over the flames, letting the heat evenly distribute over each side.

The faint sizzle and crackle of cooking meat soon rises to fill the air along with the tantalizing scents of salt, spice, and smoke. The raw pink flesh of the sausage link slowly starts to turn to creamy ivory as it cooks.

WAVE (after cooked) With wildly exaggerated motions, you wave a petite pork sausage link with curved ends pierced on a wooden stick through the air to try to cool it off faster, pausing every so often to blow on it to speed the process along.

The heat radiating from your sausage link dissipates.

With wildly exaggerated motions, Player waves a petite pork sausage link with curved ends pierced on a wooden stick through the air to try to cool it off faster, pausing every so often to blow on it to speed the process along.
WAVE (after cooled) You wave a petite pork sausage link with curved ends around wildly as though trying to hit something with it, sending the faint scents of spice, smoke, and salt briefly into the air. Player waves a petite pork sausage link with curved ends around wildly as though trying to hit something with it, sending the faint scents of spice, smoke, and salt briefly into the air.
SMELL (after cooked) You lift a petite pork sausage link with curved ends pierced on a wooden stick to your nose and inhale slowly, savoring the scents of spice, smoke, and salt rising from it. Player lifts a petite pork sausage link with curved ends pierced on a wooden stick to her nose and inhales slowly, savoring the scent.
PULL (while on stick, after cooked and not cooled) Reaching out, you try to pull the sausage link from the end of the stick but end up jerking your hand back as soon as it touches the surface. That's way too hot to handle yet! Reaching out, Player tries to pull the sausage link from the end of the stick but ends up jerking her hand back as soon as she touches the surface.
PULL (while on stick, after cooked and cooled) You pull a petite pork sausage link with curved ends off of the end of your wooden stick. Player pulls a petite pork sausage link with curved ends off of the end of her wooden stick.
EAT (on stick, after cooked and not cooled) Gripping the end of the stick pierced through it, you bring the sausage link to your mouth and bite through its lightly cooked skin, briefly revealing its creamy ivory interior. The sudden heat of the piece of sausage in your mouth nearly burns your tongue, and you find yourself forced to try to cool it with some open-mouth breathing before attempting to swallow. Gripping the end of the stick pierced through it, Player brings the sausage link to her mouth and bites through its lightly cooked skin, briefly revealing its creamy ivory interior. Steam rises from the extremely hot link, and Player is forced to do some awkward open-mouthed breathing to try to cool her mouthful before swallowing painfully.
EAT (on stick, after cooked and cooled) Gripping the end of the stick pierced through it, you bring the sausage link to your mouth and bite through its crispy skin, briefly revealing its creamy ivory interior.
The tender pork sausage, seasoned lightly with salt, tastes strongly of spice mingled throughout with smoke. Firm and striped lightly with charred sections, the skin is well-cooked.
Gripping the end of the stick pierced through it, Player brings the sausage link to her mouth and bites through its crispy skin, briefly revealing its creamy ivory interior.
EAT (off stick, after cooked) You bring the sausage link to your mouth and bite through its crispy skin, briefly revealing its creamy ivory interior.

The tender pork sausage, seasoned lightly with salt, tastes strongly of spice mingled throughout with smoke. A hint of the fire that cooked it is still present in its charcoal-striped skin.

Player brings the sausage link to her mouth and bites through its crispy skin, briefly revealing its creamy ivory interior.

Sausage Rope

Sausages ropes consist of multiple sausages. Individual sausages can be removed via TWIST.


You analyze the pork sausages and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
    --Rope of Sausage Links--
  This is a rope of sausage links created by a meat grinder.
  You can TWIST the pork sausages to remove an individual sausage link.
    -- Current Settings --
  * Number of Sausage Links: 5
  * Individual Sausage Appearance: a petite pork sausage link with curved ends.
  * Flavor #1: Spice.
  * Flavor #2: Smoke.
  * Salt Type: salt

You get no sense of whether or not the sausages may be further lightened.


Segmented into 5 even lengths, the rope looks like it would produce individual links that look like: a petite pork sausage link with curved ends.


Verb First Third
TWIST You twist the end of a rope of pork sausages, detaching a petite pork sausage link with curved ends. Player twists the end of a rope of pork sausages, detaching a petite pork sausage link with curved ends.

Additional Information

Making Sausages

Sausages require a piece of raw meat, intestines, and salt, and the meat grinder must be powered by an iron or silver wand or by a lightning-based spell.

Optional sausage ingredients include:

  • A second piece of different raw meat, an organ (heart, liver, or kidney), grain, wine, blood, vegetable, or mushroom.
  • Up to two (2) flavor ingredients to infuse into the filling (these are items exactly like the alcohol still - foraged Items, food, cooking/brewing additives, etc.)

The combination of the base ingredient (meat) and the optional 2nd filler ingredient will change the taste messaging you end up with, as some meats are more gamy or greasy and obviously a blood sausage tastes different than one infused with wine.


Looking closely at the steel meat grinder, you inspect it in minute detail.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of steel, an extremely common metal.
Affixed to the side of the steel meat grinder with a cog-laden contraption is a thick iron crank, the metal shaft humming with stored power.
Peering into the various compartments of the steel meat grinder, you consider the contents critically.
Charges: 8 [DROP in iron or silver wands, or cast lightning spells to charge]
Casings: 2 [DROP in intestines to add]
Main Ingredient: None [DROP in raw meat to add]
Secondary Ingredient (Optional): None [DROP in organs, grains, wine, blood, vegetables, or mushrooms to add].
Salt: None.
Flavor Additive #1: None.
Flavor Additive #2: None.
Optionally add in food, foraged items, or cooking/brewing ingredients to infuse extra flavor into the finished product.
Effect: None [ROLL to change].

Article Options

Article options can be selected via FLIP. An article can also be selected by using FLIP GRINDER TO # as shown in the table below.

# Article
1 a small
2 a petite
3 a diminutive
4 a miniature
5 a squat
6 a thin
7 an oblong
8 a lumpy
9 a misshapen
10 a disfigured
11 a plump
12 a slender
13 a fat
14 a salty
15 a briny
16 a salted
17 a brined
18 a dense
19 a tubular
20 a mottled

Adjective Options

Adjective options can be unlocked by certificate and are selected via TURN. An adjective can also be selected by using TURN GRINDER TO # as shown in the table below.

# Adjective
1 <Main Ingredient>
2 <Main Ingredient>-stuffed
3 <Main Ingredient>-filled
4 <Main Ingredient> and <Secondary Ingredient>

Long Description Options

Long description options can be unlocked by certificate and are selected via WAVE. COVER will toggle using a long description on or off. Long description options can also be selected by using WAVE GRINDER TO # as shown in the table below.

# Article
1 with curved ends
2 with bulbous ends
3 twisted at both ends
4 with a glossy skin
5 with a crooked shape
6 shaped in a slight curve
7 with an oblong shape
8 with a uniform width
9 with slightly mottled skin
10 formed into a single long piece
11 knotted at both ends
12 infused with <flavor1>
13 laced with <flavor1>
14 flavored with <flavor1>
15 infused with <flavor2>
16 laced with <flavor2>
17 flavored with <flavor2>
18 seasoned with salt
19 enclosed in salt-flecked casing


Meat Grinder Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Miscellaneous
Item(s) Applied to Meat grinder
Alterable Yes
Original Release Venue Duskruin
Original Release Year 2024
How to Unlock Certificate
Restrictions Must remain a meat grinder.
Cannot take a show description.
See analyze for more details.
Item Verbs