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SWOON is a verb used during roleplay. It has special functionality for weddings.


Swoon help:

    SWOON                            - Swoons
    SWOON {self}                     - Swoons dramatically
    SWOON {target}                   - Swoons after glancing at a target
    SWOON SET [option]               - Shows or sets the SWOON verb options available.

Verb Info

>verb info swoon
Verb information for verb "SWOON":

People Targets:
CATHEDRAL WEDDING  - As you begin to sway, (target) reaches out, trying to catch
                     you before you fall.
WAVEDANCER WEDDING - You twirl on your toes and fall into (targets) arms with a
                     deep sigh.
  FIRST PERSON     - As you take a step forward, you suddenly lose your footing
                     on the icy ground! You flail wildly as you attempt to steady
                     yourself, but land sprawled out in front of (target) with a painful *WHUMP*!
  SECOND PERSON    - Retser slips on an icy patch and goes down with a loud *WHUMP*,
                     sprawled out in front of you!
  THIRD PERSON     - Person slips on an icy patch and goes down with a loud *WHUMP*,
                     sprawled out in front of (target)!
STANDARD           - You glance at (target) and swoon.

Self Target:
  Your eyes suddenly roll up into your head and you fall to the ground in a heap!

Object Targets:
Held or Worn Objects:
  FIRST PERSON     - As you take a step forward, you suddenly lose your footing
                     on the icy ground!  You flail wildly as you attempt to protect
                     your (target) from the fall and land on your rear rear with a painful *WHUMP*!
  THIRD PERSON     - Person slips on an icy patch! She clutches her (target) desparately as
                     if trying to protect it/them and falls on her rear with a *WHUMP*!
Non-Inventory Objects In a Room:
  FIRST PERSON     - As you take a step forward, you suddenly lose your footing
                     on the icy ground! You flail wildly as you attempt to steady
                     yourself, but land sprawled out in front of (target) with a painful *WHUMP*!
  THIRD PERSON     - Person slips on an icy patch and goes down with a loud *WHUMP*,
                     sprawled out in front of (target)!
Object Attached To Another Object:
  FIRST PERSON     - As you take a step forward, you suddenly lose your footing
                     on the icy ground! You flail wildly as you attempt to steady
                     yourself, but land sprawled out and staring at (target) with a painful *WHUMP*!
  THIRD PERSON     - Person slips on an icy patch and goes down with a loud *WHUMP*.
                     She lands sprawled out and staring at something in (target)!
  You glance at (object) and swoon.

Creature targets:
  FIRST PERSON     - As you take a step forward, you suddenly lose your footing
                     on the icy ground! You flail wildly as you attempt to steady
                     yourself, but land sprawled out in front of (target) with a painful *WHUMP*!
  THIRD PERSON     - Person slips on an icy patch and goes down with a loud *WHUMP*,
                     sprawled out in front of (target)!
  You glance at (creature) and swoon.

No Target:
  FIRST PERSON     - My, my, aren't we dramatic today?
  OTHERS           - Person swoons.
  FIRST PERSON     - As you take a step forward, you suddenly
                     lose your footing on the icy ground! You
                     flail wildly as you attempt to steady yourself,
                     but land on your rear with a painful *WHUMP*!
  THIRD PERSON     - Person slips on an icy patch and lands on her rear
                     with a *WHUMP* amid a flurry of flailing limbs!

NOTE:  ONLY first person messaging is listed unless it differs substantially from other versions.  Wedding messaging will only work with your spouse, all other targets default to standard messaging.  Messaging without an option shown applies to all options.  Special scripts and areas may override listed messaging.