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(updated tier 3)
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The WoodChopper Box was released during the 2022 run of [[Rumor Woods]]. [[Runestaff]]s and [[quarterstaff]]s, along with alter fodder branches dropped during [[Duskruin Dig]] and sold at [[RWShop:Woodn't Yew|Woodn't Yew]] can be used in the box. Extremely rare materials, such as [[firewheel]], [[illthorn]], [[sephwir]], and [[surita]] will not be accepted in weapon form.
The WoodChopper Box was released during the 2022 run of [[Rumor Woods]]. [[Runestaff]]s and [[quarterstaff]]s, along with alter fodder branches dropped during [[Duskruin Dig]] and sold at [[RWShop:Woodn't Yew|Woodn't Yew]] can be used in the box. Extremely rare materials, such as [[firewheel]], [[illthorn]], [[sephwir]], and [[surita]] will not be accepted in weapon or shield form.

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Revision as of 21:17, 17 June 2023

The WoodChopper Box was released during the 2022 run of Rumor Woods. Runestaffs and quarterstaffs, along with alter fodder branches dropped during Duskruin Dig and sold at Woodn't Yew can be used in the box. Extremely rare materials, such as firewheel, illthorn, sephwir, and surita will not be accepted in weapon or shield form.

Tier 1

This is the off-the-shelf tier which creates basic wood blocks that can be used for forging*. At this tier, it will only require the fodder and charges from casting Minor Shock or Major Shock (910), or silver wands.

*Please note: While woods noted may be made into blocks, they may not be recognized by forging, as forging requires an update to do so.


|    *Congratulations on your purchase of the Woodn't Yew's premier product: The WoodChopper Box.*    |
|                                                                                                     |
| The WoodChopper Box is able to take your unwanted runestaffs and quarterstaffs and turn them into   |
| something else with a flick of a switch and the press of a button.  All your wildest dreams can     |
| come true with this  amazing creation.  That's an exaggeration, but just wait and see what it can   |
| do!                                                                                                 |
|                                                                                                     |
| Instructions:                                                                                       |
|  Step 1 - PUT your unwanted piece of wood into your WoodChopper Box.                                |
|  Step 2 - Either CAST Minor Shock (901) or Major Shock (910) at the contraption OR PUSH a silver    |
|           wand into your WoodChopper Box*.                                                          |
|           *NOTE* - The WoodChopper Box can hold a maximum of 40 charges.  When using a silver wand, |
|                    please note that it will fully deplete all charges from the wand.  Item creation |
|                    will use 10 charges each time.                                                   |
|  Step 3 - TWIST the lever on your WoodChopper Box and listen as it chops your wood up and creates   |
|           something better.                                                                         |
|  Step 4 - TURN the knob on your WoodChopper Box to get your new item.                               |
|                                                                                                     |
| Additional Instructions:                                                                            |
|  * If you decided you do not want to make an item just yet, you can TURN your WoodChopper Box to    |
|    retrieve your wooden sacrifice.                                                                  |
|  * If you wish to clear your WoodChopper Box's charges, you can PULL it.                            |
|                                                                                                     |
| This WoodChopper Box is currently unlocked to Tier 1, off-the-shelf, and has access to the          |
| following verbs:                                                                                    |
|   DROP, SHOW, PULL, PUSH, TURN, TWIST                                                               |
|                                                                                                     |
| This WoodChopper Box is currently set up to make:                                                   |
|    Tier 1  -  Forging Blocks                                                                        |


Verb First Third
Cast (901/910)
Charges full
Your <WoodChopper Box> is already charged to its max capacity. N/A
Cast (901/910)
Charges not full
A small drawer slides open as you press a button on the side of your <WoodChopper Box>. As you hover your hand over several leather-insulated steel hooks, sparks erupt from your fingers as you cast your spell. <Person> presses a button on the side of <his/her> <WoodChopper Box>, and a small drawer slides open. Hovering <his/her> hand over the drawer, sparks erupt from <his/her> fingers towards several leather-insulated steel hooks as <he/she> casts <his/her> spell.
Box not held
Your <WoodChopper Box> needs to be held in order to work. N/A
Fodder not held
You need to be holding the wood to feed your <WoodChopper Box>. N/A
Something already in it
Your <WoodChopper Box> already has something in it. Please empty it and try again later. N/A
Not correct fodder
It appears your <WoodChopper Box> doesn't like what you're trying to put in it. Please find a proper piece of wood to be consumed. N/A
Fodder MARKed
Are you sure you want to put your <wood> in your <WoodChopper Box>? That appears to be special to you. N/A
Scripted runestaff/quarterstaff
Your <WoodChopper Box> rejects your <fodder> for being too fancy. N/A
Extremely rare wood runestaff/quarterstaff
The <fodder> is made from a rare or magical wood that is not suited for your <WoodChopper Box>. Please try something else. N/A
Unrecognized wood
It appears as though your <WoodChopper Box> doesn't recognize the wood of your <fodder>. Please find a more suitable specimen and try again later. N/A
You gingerly place your <wood> in your <WoodChopper Box>, taking care to ensure your fingers avoid the various cutting and carving implements within it. You exhale a sigh of relief once you hear it click into place. <Person> gingerly places <his/her> <wood> in <his/her> <WoodChopper Box>, taking care to ensure <his/her> fingers avoid the various cutting and carving implements within it. Something within the <WoodChopper Box> clicks, and <Person> exhales a sigh of relief.
Hidden: You hear a quiet click followed by a sigh of relief.
Not held
Your <WoodChopper Box> needs to be held in order to work. N/A
No charges
You pull a small knob on the side of your cocobolo contraption, only to hear a sharp buzz in response. It appears as though there were no charges. <Person> pulls a small knob on the side of <his/her> <WoodChopper Box> and is answered by a sharp buzzing sound.
Hidden: A sudden, sharp buzz is heard throughout the area.
Clear charges
PULLing your <WoodChopper Box> will clear it of all charges. Please confirm you wish to continue by repeating the action again within 30 seconds.}}

As you pull a small knob on the side of your <WoodChopper Box>, a series of three long beeps can be heard.

As <Person> pulls a small knob on the side of <his/her> <WoodChopper Box>, a series of three long beeps can be heard.
Hidden: You hear a series of three beeps.
Not held
Your <WoodChopper Box> needs to be held in order to work. N/A
Wand not held
You need to be holding both items in order to make this work. N/A
Not using a silver wand
A loud and long buzzing sound alerts you to your <WoodChopper Box>'s inability to accept your <wand>. A loud and long buzzing sound erupts from <Person> <WoodChopper Box>.
Hidden: A loud and long buzzing sound erupts from the shadows.
Box charges full
A loud and long buzzing sound, followed by three quick beeps, erupts from your <WoodChopper Box>, denoting that your <WoodChopper Box> is fully charged. A loud and long buzzing sound, followed by three quick beeps, erupts from <Person>'s <WoodChopper Box>.
Hidden: A loud and long buzzing sound. followed by three quick beeps, erupts from the shadows.
A small drawer slides open as you press a button on the side of your <WoodChopper Box>, within which are several leather-insulated steel hooks. With care and precision, you ease your <wand> into place among the hooks, your <WoodChopper Box> emitting a short series of gentle beeps. Once done, you retrieve the <wand> from the <WoodChopper Box> and close the drawer. $P0 presses a button on the side of $P0H $O1S, causing a small drawer to slide open. After placing $P0H $O2S within it, $P0H $O1S emits a short series of gentle beeps, and $P0G retrieves the $O2S from the $O1S and slides the drawer closed.
Hidden: A short series of gentle beeps can be heard from nearby.
Both hands full
You'll need at least one empty hand to do that. N/A
Box empty
You turn a knob on the side of your <WoodChopper Box>, then lift its lid to reach inside. Finding nothing within it, you allow the lid to ease itself closed. <Person> turns the knob on the side of <his/her> <WoodChopper Box>, then lifts its lid to reach inside. Finding nothing within it, <he/she> allows the lid to ease itself closed.
Something in it
You turn a knob on the side of your <WoodChopper Box, then lift its lid to retrieve <fodder/created item> from within. Shortly after, the lid slowly lowers itself back into place. <Person> turns a knob on the side of <his/her> <WoodChopper Box>, then lifts its lid to retrieve <fodder/created item> from within. Shortly after, the lid slowly lowers itself back into place.
Nothing in the box
You twist a lever on your <WoodChopper Box>, but nothing happens. <Person> twists a lever on <his/her> <WoodChopper Box> with no results.
Wand in box, Not enough charges
As you twist a lever on your <WoodChopper Box>, you hear a slight grinding sound followed by a small puff of smoke coming out of its side. As <Person> twists a lever on <his/her> <WoodChopper Box>, you hear a slight grinding sound followed by a small puff of smoke coming out of its side.
Success Pre-Confirmation
Just as you are about to twist the lever on your <WoodChopper Box>, you stop to verify what you plan to make.
Please confirm you wish to create <item to be created> from <fodder> by TWISTing your <WoodChopper Box> again in the next 30 seconds.
<Person> twists a lever on <his/her> <WoodChopper Box>, but stops as <he/she> appears to check its various settings.
Note: If any of the confirmed settings are changed prior to confirming, this message will repeat.
Success Confirmed
You give a lever on your <WoodChopper Box> a hard twist, causing it to jump in your hands as it starts to whir. As it settles down, a soft glow permeates from within it while gentle vibrations hum and combine with the sound of cutting wood. After a few moments, the glow dies down as the sounds settle into silence. <Person> gives a lever on <his/her> <WoodChopper Box> a hard twist, causing it to jump in <his/her> hands as it starts to whir. As it settles down, a soft glow permeates from within it while gentle vibrations hum and combine with the sound of cutting wood. After a few moments, the glow dies down as the sounds settle into silence.
Hidden: A sudden whirring hum, followed by a soft glow and the sound of cutting wood, fills the area.

Tier 2

When unlocked, this tier comes with the ability to create toothpicks. Additional unlocks at this tier include the ability to create weavable beads and foraged sticks. A gem valued at 500 silvers or higher would be required for items to be created at this tier.


Please note: Only the updates to the analyze for tier 2 are shown here.

| Instructions:                                                                                       |
|  Step 3 - NUDGE an appropriate gem into your WoodChopper Box in order charge it for zesting.        |
|           (optional)                                                                                |
|           *NOTE* - What you can make is dependent on the value of the gem you sacrifice.            |
|           **DISCLAIMER** - Sacrifice of the gem is PERMANENT and cannot be undone.  Once your       |
|                            WoodChopper Box eats your gem, it is gone and you cannot get it back.    |
|  Step 4 - TINKER with your WoodChopper Box's dials to find which result you want. (optional)        |
|  Step 5 - TWIST the lever on your WoodChopper Box and listen as it chops your wood up and creates   |
|           something better.                                                                         |
|  Step 6 - TURN the knob on your WoodChopper Box to get your new item.                               |
| Additional Instructions:                                                                            |
|  * If you wish to clear out the gem in your WoodChopper Box, you can PINCH it.                      |
|                                                                                                     |
| This WoodChopper Box is currently unlocked to Tier 2, and has access to the following verbs:        |
|   DROP, SHOW, PULL, PUSH, TURN, TWIST, POKE, NUDGE, PINCH, TINKER                                   |
|                                                                                                     |
| This WoodChopper Box is currently set up to make:                                                   |
|    Tier 2  -  Toothpicks                                                                            |
|               Weavable Beads                                                                        |
|               Foraged Sticks                                                                        |
|                                                                                                     |
| Please note: The WoodChopper Box will require the sacrifice of a gem at Tiers 2 and up to make      |
| zested items.  Tier 2 items will require a gem with a value of 500 silvers or higher, while Tier 3  |
| items will require a gem valued at 1000 silvers or more.                                            |


Verb First Third
Not held
You need to be holding your <WoodChopper Box> to do that. N/A
Not holding item to nudge in
You should be holding the item you wish to nudge into your <WoodChopper Box>. N/A
Not holding gem
A small aperture opens on the side of your <WoodChopper Box>, allowing you access to a recess housing a quad-pronged apparatus. You attempt to nudge your <gem> into the apparatus, however since it's not a gem it won't fit. As the aperture slides closed, a slight whoosh of air escapes. A small aperture opens on the side of <Person>'s <WoodChopper Box>, allowing <him/her> access to a recess housing a quad-pronged apparatus. <He/She> attempts to nudge <his/her> <gem> into the apparatus, but it won't fit. As the aperture slides closed, a slight whoosh of air escapes.
Hidden: You hear a slight whoosh of air.
Gem already inside
A small aperture opens on the side of your <WoodChopper Box>, allowing you access to a recess housing a quad-pronged apparatus, which already holds a gem within it. As the aperture slides closed, a slight whoosh of air escapes. A small aperture opens on the side of <Person>'s <WoodChopper Box>, allowing <him/her> access to a recess housing a quad-pronged apparatus. <He/She> peeks inside and shakes <his/her> head. As the aperture slides closed, a slight whoosh of air escapes.
Hidden: You hear a slight whoosh of air.
Gem not minimum value of 500
A small aperture opens on the side of your <WoodChopper Box>, allowing you access to a recess housing a quad-pronged apparatus. As you attempt to nudge your <gem> into the apparatus, it falls out, and you quickly retrieve it from the ground, realizing that it must not be worth that much. A small aperture opens on the side of <Person>'s <WoodChopper Box>, allowing <him/her> access to the recess housing a quad-pronged apparatus. As <he/she> attempts to nudge <his/her> <gem> into the apparatus, it falls out, and <he/she> quickly retrieves it from the ground with a shake of <his/her> head.
Success Pre-confirmation
It appears your <gem> is capable of creating up to <second/third> tier items.

Nudging your <gem> into your <WoodChopper Box> will result in it being unable to be retrieved at a later time. Confirm this is okay by NUDGEing your <WoodChopper Box> again in the next 30 seconds.

Success Confirmed
A small aperture opens on the side of your <WoodChopper Box>, allowing you access to a recess housing a quad-pronged apparatus. You gently nudge your <gem> into the apparatus, settling it into place among the prongs' tips. As the aperture slides closed, a slight whoosh of air escapes. A small aperture opens on the side of <Person>'s <WoodChopper Box>, allowing <him/her> access to a recess housing a quad-pronged apparatus. <He/She> gently nudges <his/her> <gem> into the apparatus, settling it into place among the prongs' tips. As the aperture slides closed, a slight whoosh of air escapes.
Hidden: You hear a slight whoosh of air.
Not held
You need to be holding your <WoodChopper Box> to do that. N/A
Both hands full
You need at least one hand free if you wish to pinch your <WoodChopper Box>. N/A
No gem in it
As you pinch a tiny latch between your fingers, a small aperture opens on the side of your <WoodChopper Box>. Seeing nothing housed within the recess's apparatus, you allow the aperture to slide closed, causing the <WoodChopper Box> to release a slight hiss of air. As <Person> pinches a tiny latch between <his/her> fingers, a small aperture opens on the side of <his/her> <WoodChopper Box>. <He/She> peeks inside, then allows the aperture to slide closed, causing the <WoodChopper Box> to release a slight hiss of air.
Hidden: You hear a slight hiss of air.
Gem not used up Pre-confirmation
**WARNING**: Attempting to remove the gem from within your <WoodChopper Box> will result in its permanent destruction. If you are certain you wish to continue, please **CONFIRM** by PINCHing your <WoodChopper Box> again. N/A
Gem not used up Confirmed
As you pinch a tiny latch between your fingers, a small aperture opens on the side of your <WoodChopper Box>. With great care, you attempt to pry the gem within from its place within a four-pronged apparatus. Unfortunately, in doing so, you shatter the gem into a powdery dust, and the aperture slides closed with a slight hiss of air. As <Person> pinches a tiny latch between <his/her> fingers, a small aperture opens on the side of <his/her> <WoodChopper Box>. With great care, <he/she> attempts to pry a gem from its place within a four-pronged apparatus. Unfortunately, the gem shatters into a powdery dust, and the aperture slides closed with a slight hiss of air.
Hidden: A powdery dust scatters about the area and is followed by a slight hissing sound.
Not held
You need to be holding your <WoodChopper Box> to do that. N/A
Both hands full
You need at least one hand free to manipulate that. N/A
Poke As you poke at your <WoodChopper Box>, your finger slips and hits a toggle at its base. It emits an angry hiss of air, and you withdraw your hand. As <Person> pokes at <his/her> <WoodChopper Box>, <his/her> finger slips and hits a toggle at its base. It emits an angry hiss of air, and <he/she> withdraws <his/her> hand.
Hidden: You hear an angry hiss of air.
Not held
You find it incredibly difficult to tinker with your <WoodChopper Box> without holding it. N/A
Both hands full
Try as you might, you can't tinker with your <WoodChopper Box> while your hands are full. N/A
Tinker As you tinker with the dials on your <WoodChopper Box>, you turn one knob from <current selection> to <next selection>. N/A

Tier 3

This tier unlock provides the ability accept shields and ranged weapons, and to create lockmastery clasps. If foraged sticks were unlocked at Tier 2, the ability to make foraged bark automatically becomes available with Tier 3. Additionally, Tier 3 allows for additional unlocks to create cobbling materials, fletching shafts, hairpicks, and cobbling heels. PROD becomes available to swap between foraged sticks and bark (foraged items), uppers (currently chopines only), plates, and settings (cobbling), and arrows, bolts, and darts (fletching). A gem valued at 1000 silvers or higher would be required for items to be created at this tier.


|    *Congratulations on your purchase of the Woodn't Yew's premier product: The WoodChopper Box.*    |
|                                                                                                     |
| The WoodChopper Box is able to take your unwanted wooden shields, bows, crossbows, runestaffs, and  |
| quarterstaffs, and turn them into something else with a flick of a switch and the press of a        |
| button.  All your wildest dreams can come true with this amazing creation.  That's an exaggeration, |
| but just wait and see what it can do!                                                               |
|                                                                                                     |
| Instructions:                                                                                       |
|  Step 1 - PUT your unwanted piece of wood into your WoodChopper Box.                                |
|  Step 2 - Either CAST Minor Shock (901) or Major Shock (910) at the contraption OR PUSH a silver    |
|           wand into your WoodChopper Box*.                                                          |
|           *NOTE* - The WoodChopper Box can hold a maximum of 40 charges.  When using a silver wand, |
|                    please note that it will fully deplete all charges from the wand.  Item creation |
|                    will use 10 charges each time.                                                   |
|  Step 3 - NUDGE an appropriate gem into your WoodChopper Box in order charge it for zesting.        |
|           (optional)                                                                                |
|           *NOTE* - What you can make is dependent on the value of the gem you sacrifice.            |
|           **DISCLAIMER** - Sacrifice of the gem is PERMANENT and cannot be undone.  Once your       |
|                            WoodChopper Box eats your gem, it is gone and you cannot get it back.    |
|  Step 4 - TINKER with your WoodChopper Box's dials to find which result you want. (optional)        |
|  Step 5 - PROD the switch on your WoodChopper Box to further determine what type of the thing you   |
|           wish to create.  This option is only available for cobbling materials, fletching shafts,  |
|           and creating foraged bark. (optional)                                                     |
|  Step 6 - TWIST the lever on your WoodChopper Box and listen as it chops your wood up and creates   |
|           something better.                                                                         |
|  Step 7 - TURN the knob on your WoodChopper Box to get your new item.                               |
|                                                                                                     |
| Additional Instructions:                                                                            |
|  * If you decided you do not want to make an item just yet, you can TURN your WoodChopper Box to    |
|    retrieve your wooden sacrifice.                                                                  |
|  * If you wish to clear your WoodChopper Box's charges, you can PULL it.                            |
|  * If you wish to clear out the gem in your WoodChopper Box, you can PINCH it.                      |                                                                                                               
|                                                                                                     |
| This WoodChopper Box is currently unlocked to Tier 3, fully unlocked, and has access to the         |
| following verbs:                                                                                    |
|   DROP, SHOW, PULL, PUSH, TURN, TWIST, POKE, NUDGE, PINCH, TINKER, PROD                             |
|                                                                                                     |
| This WoodChopper Box is currently set up to make:                                                   |
|    Tier 1  -  Forging Blocks                                                                        |
|    Tier 2  -  Toothpicks                                                                            |
|               Weavable Beads                                                                        |
|               Foraged Sticks                                                                        |
|               Foraged Bark                                                                          |
|    Tier 3  -  Lockmastery Clasps                                                                    |
|               Cobbling Materials                                                                    |
|               Fletching Shafts                                                                      |
|               HairPicks                                                                             |
|               Cobbling Heels                                                                        |
|                                                                                                     |
| Please note: The WoodChopper Box will require the sacrifice of a gem at Tiers 2 and up to make      |
| zested items.  Tier 2 items will require a gem with a value of 500 silvers or higher, while Tier 3  |
| items will require a gem valued at 1000 silvers or more.                                            |


Verb First Third
Not held
You find it incredibly difficult to prod at your <WoodChopper Box> without holding it. N/A
Both hands full
Try as you might, you can't properly prod at your <WoodChopper Box> with your hands full. N/A
Cobbling/Fletching Unlocked and Set to be made
You prod a small switch on the side of your <WoodChopper Box>, flipping it to the indicator for "<item>". <Person> flips a small switch on the side of <his/her> <WoodChopper Box>.
Prod You prod at a switch on your <WoodChopper Box>, but that seems to not do anything at all. <Person> prods at a switch on <his/her> <WoodChopper Box> with seemingly no success.

Additional Information


The WoodChopper Box has a hard-coded Show as part of its design. The bolded portions may change based on settings and contents.

Oblong in shape, with a length of about six hands, the wooden box is an interesting device.  Two glass buttons blink in tandem on the back of the box; the dull blue one blinks over a small drawer and the dull silver one flashes over a panel.  Positioned between the two is a turn style knob that sits above a small window with the words, "Arrow Shafts" positioned in its center.  At the top of the piece is a small door that dominates seven-eighths of the expanse, with the remaining space being occupied by a large, round lid.  A window on the right side provides a view of the sawdust-lined interior.


Runestaffs, quarterstaffs, shields (T3), and ranged weapons (T3) will also be accepted, but extremely rare woods, which includes firewheel, illthorn, sephwir, and surita, will not work in weapon/shield form. The WoodChopper Box will accept all woods listed in alter fodder form, which is typically "a branch/stick of (wood)," but does not include sticks/branches/limbs sold at fletcher shops. Additionally, there are woods that would otherwise INSPECT as "wood" which can be used, with a comprehensive list available below.

  • Aeunarad
  • Bramblespine
  • Ebonwood
  • Fel
  • Ghostwood
  • Haon
  • Jadewood
  • Ko'nag
  • Lasimor
  • Maoral
  • Mistwood
  • Monir
  • Nightwillow
  • Resaeun
  • Smasten
  • Tanik
  • Thanot
  • Traesharm
  • Widowwood
  • Wrotwood
  • Zydris
Real World
  • Acacia
  • Aformosia
  • Afzelia
  • Alder
  • Amboyna
  • Applewood
  • Araucaria
  • Ash
  • Aspen
  • Balsa
  • Basswood
  • Beech
  • Birch
  • Blackwood
  • Bloodwood
  • Boxwood
  • Bubinga
  • Butternut
  • Camphor
  • Canver
  • Catalpa
  • Cedar
  • Ceiba
  • Cherry
  • Chestnut
  • Cocobolo
  • Coralwood
  • Cottonwood
  • Cucumbertree
  • Cumaru
  • Cypress
  • Dogwood
  • Ebiara
  • Elm
  • Fir
  • Greenheart
  • Hackberry
  • Hawthorn
  • Hazelwood
  • Hemlock
  • Hickory
  • Hornbeam
  • Inceana
  • Ipe
  • Ipil
  • Iroko
  • Ironwood
  • Jacaranda
  • Jarrah
  • Jatoba
  • Juniper
  • Katalox
  • Koa
  • Kwila
  • Kingwood
  • Lacewood
  • Larch
  • Lati
  • Laurel
  • Lemonwood
  • Leopardwood
  • Limba
  • Limewood
  • Linden
  • Magnolia
  • Mahogany
  • Makore
  • Maple
  • Marblewood
  • Marri
  • Meranti
  • Merbau
  • Milkwood
  • Mirindiba
  • Monkeypod
  • Mopane
  • Morado
  • Myrtlewood
  • Narra
  • Oak
  • Olivewood
  • Orangewood
  • Ovangkol
  • Padauk
  • Pearwood
  • Pecan
  • Pine
  • Poplar
  • Purpleheart
  • Ramin
  • Redwood
  • Redheart
  • Rosewood
  • Sandalwood
  • Sapele
  • Sassafras
  • Satinwood
  • Sequoia
  • Snakewood
  • Spruce
  • Sucupira
  • Sugi
  • Sweetbay
  • Sweetgum
  • Sycamore
  • Tabebuia
  • Tambootie
  • Teak
  • Thuja
  • Tulipwood
  • Tupelo
  • Turpentine
  • Walnut
  • Wandoo
  • Wenge
  • Whitewood
  • Willow
  • Wyrmwood
  • Yellowheart
  • Zebrawood
  • Ziricote
  • Zitan

See Also

WoodChopper Box Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Miscellaneous
Item(s) Applied to Container
Alterable Yes
Light/Deep No
Original Release Venue Rumor Woods
Tiered Yes
Number of Tiers 3
How to Unlock Certificate
Restrictions The WoodChopper Box has a SHOW that cannot be altered. The base description and LONG (tap) can be altered within alteration guidelines.
Item Verbs