Portable Water Hole

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Portable Water Hole is an eatery in Mist Harbor that sells food and tableware. It is located at the corner of Wisteria Lane and Rose Avenue in a large canvas-roofed oak wagon fitted with enormous wheels. There are four tables located inside.

The Portable Water Hole

[The Portable Water Hole] Room: 3217103
Oilcloth and canvas panels are strapped to monstrously large sea thrak ribs to create a weather-friendly roof that is loose enough to allow breezes to enter, yet tight enough to protect against rain. Several of the ribs are yellowed with age, while others display tiny fractures that are mended with wide strips of rawhide. A narrow corridor runs the length of the wagon with barely enough room to travel between the four booths housing tidy tables, the narrow entryway, and the bustling kitchen.
Obvious exits: east, out

Portable Water Hole, Kitchen

Directions: east from main room

[Portable Water Hole, Kitchen] Room: 3217108
Wrapped in canvas and oilcloth, the wagon's roof is supported by enormous sea thrak ribs that are anchored to the low oak walls. A pot-bellied cast iron stove is positioned in a corner behind a long modwir plank counter, its chimney rising between oak and canvas for ventilation. Various copper pots, steel ladles, and cast iron pans are neatly arranged on hooks set into the back wall, and a copper-banded wooden barrel is set nearby.
Obvious exits: west


  Portable Menu
  1. a mug of very strong coffee       11. a bowl of creamy cinnamon oatmeal
  2. a mug of whiskey-spiked coffee    12. a bowl of thick porridge
  3. a cup of spiked tropical juice    13. some spicy rolton sausage
  4. a chilled glass of water          14. a bowl of salted ham and beans
  5. a cup of fruity coconut milk      15. a bowl of hearty onion soup
  6. a clay mug of strong spirits      16. a bowl of hearty rolton stew
  7. a boar-wrapped hard boiled egg    17. a cheese and meat stuffed roll
  8. a pickled hard boiled egg         18. a simple wooden spoon
  9. a slice of toasted herb bread     19. a simple wooden bowl
  10. a slice of honeyed wheat bread   20. a simple clay mug
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# Item Type Info Details Price
1 a mug of very strong coffee liquid If it were any more powerful, it would probably be catalogued by the Faendryl as a new kind of demon. Your mouth feels like it wants to turn inside-out from the bitterness.
Bitter enough to need a quart of sugar and strong enough to keep you from sleeping for a week!
2 a mug of whiskey-spiked coffee liquid Nutmeg, hazelnut, and cinnamon swirl through the dark blend, but they fail to conceal the sizeable alcoholic kick. Phew, that's strong!
The strongly spiced coffee carries a hidden passenger -- a not-insignificant quantity of whiskey lurks within the brew. A drink to wake you up and knock you out at the exact same time!
3 a cup of spiked tropical juice liquid Orange, coconut, and pineapple juice soften the strong rum taste.
Several combinations of fresh squeezed juices merged with chunks of pineapples conceal the bitter taste of the rum.
4 a chilled glass of water liquid Just the subtlest hint of lemon adds a bright note to the spring water.
The crystal clear water is cool and refreshing, enhanced by the slightest hint of lemon zest.
5 a cup of fruity coconut milk liquid Citrus and guava mingle enjoyably in the cold, creamy milk.
A dash of honey infuses the sweet, delectable fruity coconut milk.
6 a clay mug of strong spirits liquid The fumes rising off the drink are powerful, but not as powerful as the taste. That lime burns strong enough to be used in a minor acid spell!
Strong orange, lemon, and lime flavors sear down your throat, accompanying an equally powerful blast of alcohol.
7 a boar-wrapped hard boiled egg food Juices from the thin slices of boar that wrap the hard-boiled egg make the otherwise dry core almost tolerable.
A bitter coating of rock salt makes the palate crave something to drink.
8 a pickled hard boiled egg food Sharp vinegar fumes invade your nasal passage with each bite.
Salt-laden and soaked in vinegar, the mild taste of the egg is completely overwhelmed by the stronger flavors.
9 a slice of toasted herb bread food Bits of sun-dried tomato add a light tang to the warm, lightly toasted bread.
Chewy and strong, and filled with a confident although simple blend of spices.
10 a slice of honeyed wheat bread food A sweet layer of mulberry preserves makes this honeyed wheat bread a satisfying treat.
The warm, soft bread has been slathered with mulberry preserves which are liberally mixed with tart, chewy bits of apricot.
11 a bowl of creamy cinnamon oatmeal food Hearty, warm oats mingle with sweet cream in each bite.
Thick and creamy, the warm oatmeal is flavored with cinnamon and riddled with sweet raisins.
12 a bowl of thick porridge food The slimy mess slides around playfully in your mouth.
A large chunk of goop slips down your throat with ease.
13 some spicy rolton sausage food Fresh chives give the spicy sausage a delightful nip.
A buttery exterior gives way to a delightful mixture of chives and sausage.
14 a bowl of salted ham and beans food The various flavors and textures of the dish combine toward a marvelous result in the same way that the various instruments of an orchestra combine to create a single symphony.
A mild sauce knits the robustness of the meat together with the smoothness of beans and the pleasant savor of the gently spiced rice for a complete, well-rounded flavor.
15 a bowl of hearty onion soup food The slivers of sweet onion add a hearty texture to the piping hot broth.
The richly flavored broth is accented by swirls of melted cheese and bits of crunchy garlic-flavored croutons.
16 a bowl of hearty rolton stew food Large chunks of potatoes make this soup hearty and filling.
Both tasty and satisfying, it comforts and sustains you.
17 a cheese and meat stuffed roll food Packed with bitter Mestanir cheese, the meat stuffed roll has bits of rolton and mushroom mixed into it.
Wrapped in a thin, yet dense, pastry, the meat stuffed roll has tiny garlic cloves that complement the cheese, rolton, and mushrooms baked within.
18 a simple wooden spoon 315
19 a simple wooden bowl 283
20 a simple clay mug 283