Redux, also known as Damage Reduction, is the ability of a character to resist damage as a result of physical training, resulting in less health loss as well as reducing or negating the severity of a wound. This is not to be confused with Defensive Strength (DS), which reduces the endroll in the combat formula. Redux does not activate until the character is successfully hit, when it will reduce the damage correspondingly.
Redux Terms Used
RP: Redux Points: These are obtained from training in physical skills for your character. Each physical skill grants a specific quantity of points that are used in subsequent calculations.
F: Redux Floor: Based on your level, there is a certain quantity of Redux Points required in order to 'activate' Redux.
KS: Kroderine Soul
Spell Penalty Tier: Spell Penalties are bucketed as a function of your individual spell research training relative to your level. Each tier applies a level of penalty against your current Redux quantity.
Spell Penalty: A function of the Spell Penalty Tier, the actual amount of reduction of Redux.
Redux Points
Redux is achieved by training in physical skills, and are divided into primary, secondary, and tertiary skills. Primary skills provide 10 "points" towards redux, secondary skills provide 4 points, and tertiary provide 3 points.
RP = (Primary * 50) + (Secondary * 20) + (Tertiary * 15) |
Primary Skill: 50 points per rank
Secondary Skills: 20 points per rank
Tertiary Skills: 15 points per rank
- One-Handed Edged Weapon Training
- One-Handed Blunt Weapon Training
- Brawling Weapon Training
- Polearm Weapon Training
- Ranged Weapon Training
- Thrown Weapon Training
- Two-Handed Weapon Training
Redux Floor
Each level, the threshold to obtain DFRedux decreases. This Redux Floor will be used in subsequent calculations. The floor is
F = 5300 + 20*(Trunc(550/(Level+1))) |
Please Note: This simplified equation was derived from the following equations:
- Base value = ((Primary * 50) + ((Secondary - age based modifier) * 20) + (Tertiary * 15)) / 20
- Must be > 250 to have redux.
- Age based modifier = TRUNC(550 / (level + 1))
- Secondary requirement where (10000 - (10000 - 2640000/(RP/50))/2 must be less than 10000
- This equation was verified from testing conducted by Riltus prior to release of Redux equations
Order of Operations
Redux, consists of two parts. Part I functions against the weapon damage factor is reduced by the redux factor and the resulting reduced raw damage determines the maximum critical rank. Part II includes an additional raw damage reduction plus critical damage reduction.
Conventional AS resolved Attack
For the purposes of this comparison, there is an assumption of a working knowledge of the combat system.
The process begins upon resolving an attack with the endroll margin * DF to determine your raw damage. Here, the equation forks:
Critical Damage = TRUNC((Raw Damage - Critical Padding) * (1 - Redux)) |
From there, the critical damage goes through the standard Critical Divisor and Critical Randomization. Once a critical is determined:
Blood Raw Damage = TRUNC((Raw Damage - Damage Padding) * (1 - Redux)) |
Final Damage = (Blood Raw Damage + Critical Damage) - TRUNC((1-Redux)*(Blood Raw Damage + Critical Damage)) |