Spook Contest

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The Spook Contest was introduced in 2022 at the Ebon Gate Festival with its move to Evermore Hollow.


You join the contest by visiting the Spectral Waifling at the Spookorium to get started (lich room number 31813 or UID u8084003). Top five winners at the end of Ebon Gate will receive special titles.


The waifling will give the player an enameled orange pumpkin pin that the player RUBs to spook ghosts in Evermore Hollow. A second rub after scaring a spook tells the length of time until a spook can be attempted again. A TOUCH of the pin gives the player's average score.

The contest runs from the opening of the Ebon Gate festival until the closing. At the end of the contest, GET pin in order to turn in your pin and receive a scripted jack-o-lantern pin in return. It is important that the player not use the GET command until the are absolutely sure they are ready to end the game. A new pin can be retrieved but will re-start the player's score.


[Town Hall, Spookorium] RNUM: 31813
Curtains of straggly spiderwebbing flutter in an unseen wind as air moves through the room, drawn down the chimney by the fire recessed in a brick-lined alcove. Forgotten sconces line the walls which are covered in peeling greyish paper, their tallows long since lost to the ravages of time. Skittering sounds occasionally punctuate the crackling grumble of the fire. You also see a spook game scoreboard, and a lilac-sheened blue spectral waifling.
Obvious exits: west


  Spook Contest Top Five
  Single Attempt Scores

 1. XXX - ###
 2. XXX - ###
 3. XXX - ###
 4. XXX - ###
 5. XXX - ###

  Spook Contest Top Five
  Cumulative Scores

 1. XXX - ###
 2. XXX - ###
 3. XXX - ###
 4. XXX - ###
 5. XXX - ###



Two postname titles were awarded for the top five in two categories:

Top Single Score

  • Grand Spookster of Naidem

Top Cumulative Score

  • Terror of the Haunted

Jack-o-Lantern Pin

The pin is lightly scripted and the article changes dependent upon the verb used.

Verb First Third
LICK (changes to menacing) You lick a menacing jack-o-lantern pin and it bites at your tongue! XXX licks a menacing jack-o-lantern pin and it bites at her tongue!
PEER (changes to innocent) You peer suspiciously at a scowling jack-o-lantern pin. Has it been bad? XXX peers at a scowling jack-o-lantern pin with suspicion. It suddenly affects an innocent expression.
POKE (changes to scowling) You poke an innocent jack-o-lantern pin and it snaps at your finger, scowling. XXX pokes at an innocent jack-o-lantern pin, causing it to snap at her finger with a scowl
PUNCH (changes to sad-faced) You punch a menacing jack-o-lantern pin. It lets out a cry of pain! A menacing jack-o-lantern pin lets out a cry of pain as XXX punches it.
RAISE (held, cycles through faces) You raise your jack-o-lantern pin in triumph, giving it a good squeeze! XXX raises her jack-o-lantern pin in triumph, giving it a good squeeze!
SPIN (changes to upside-down) You spin a sad-faced jack-o-lantern pin around and around, causing it to turn upside-down! XXX spins a sad-faced jack-o-lantern pin until it turns upside-down..
TAP (changes to grinning) You tap a sad-faced jack-o-lantern pin and it grins at you with silent mirth. XXX taps a sad-faced jack-o-lantern pin and it grins with silent mirth.