Piaere's Boutique

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Piaere's Boutique is a shop in Cysaegir that sells apparel and jewelry. It is located in the southernmost portion of town, next to the Surname Registry. The owner, Piaere, cannot be actively interacted with aside from shopping.

Piaere's Boutique, Main Room

[Piaere's Boutique, Main Room] RNUM: u14051008
A sprawling azure canopy, painted like the sky it obscures, shades this open-air platform enclosed by sturdy fel railing. The massive trunk of a linden tree rises through the heart of this cozy boutique, and several of its thick branches have been converted into makeshift clothing racks. A florid orange tree nearby scents the air with a heady fragrance, drawing iridescent hummingbirds to flit through the shop in search of sweet nectar. You also see a varnished floral-carved chest, a mist-filled silver bowl, a rigid ladder and a walkway leading from the shop.


  1. a wispy fern green sundress              17. a pair of tall dahlia leather boots
  2. a fiery rose spidersilk bliaut           18. some silk-laced indigo suede boots
  3. an airy dahlia red chiffon houppelande   19. a pair of long golden gossamer gloves
  4. an iridescent mango faille dress         20. a pair of short turquoise lace gloves
  5. a sunlight gold panne velvet dress       21. some iridescent oyster grey gloves
  6. a shimmery goldenrod satin gown          22. an ivy-trimmed fern green bonnet
  7. a lace-edged turquoise silk gown         23. a mango-hued wide straw hat
  8. a deep indigo watered silk kirtle        24. a wispy pale indigo sash
  9. an ebon-laced oyster chiffon kirtle      25. a crimson dahlia-beaded belt
  10. some pearlized oyster glass slippers    26. a silky rose-clasped cincture
  11. some sunlight gold brocade slippers     27. a pair of sheer star-spangled stockings
  12. some turquoise high-heeled slippers     28. a pair of black rose lace stockings
  13. some goldenrod crystal-beaded sandals   29. some plush pink wool socks
  14. a pair of pale mango-hued sandals       30. some baby blue wool socks
  15. a pair of slim fern-edged sandals       31. some lavender pearl-beaded socks
  16. some embossed rose-buckled boots       
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# Item Type Info Details Price
1 a wispy fern green sundress 10000
2 a fiery rose spidersilk bliaut 10000
3 an airy dahlia red chiffon houppelande 10000
4 an iridescent mango faille dress 10000
5 a sunlight gold panne velvet dress 10000
6 a shimmery goldenrod satin gown 10000
7 a lace-edged turquoise silk gown 10000
8 a deep indigo watered silk kirtle 10000
9 an ebon-laced oyster chiffon kirtle 10000
10 some pearlized oyster glass slippers 5000
11 some sunlight gold brocade slippers 5000
12 some turquoise high-heeled slippers 5000
13 some goldenrod crystal-beaded sandals 5000
14 a pair of pale mango-hued sandals 5000
15 a pair of slim fern-edged sandals 5000
16 some embossed rose-buckled boots 5000
17 a pair of tall dahlia leather boots 5000
18 some silk-laced indigo suede boots 5000
19 a pair of long golden gossamer gloves 2500
20 a pair of short turquoise lace gloves 2500
21 some iridescent oyster grey gloves 2500
22 an ivy-trimmed fern green bonnet 3500
23 a mango-hued wide straw hat 3500
24 a wispy pale indigo sash 3500
25 a crimson dahlia-beaded belt 3500
26 a silky rose-clasped cincture 3500
27 a pair of sheer star-spangled stockings 7500
28 a pair of black rose lace stockings 7500
29 some plush pink wool socks 5000
30 some baby blue wool socks 5000
31 some lavender pearl-beaded socks 5000

Piaere's Boutique

Directions: go ladder from the main room

[Piaere's Boutique] RNUM: u14051009
Variegated leaves from the neighboring flora have been affixed and sealed upon the wooden floor in an orderly fashion, like the footsteps of nature. Artfully arranged in three semi-circles, slender-legged tables and stands present beautifully crafted clothing and accessories. You also see a rigid ladder and a set of short wooden steps.


  1. an ebon-laced chocolate brown tunic       11. a pair of short navy leather boots
  2. a dark red and black plaid tunic          12. some thick silver-heeled boots
  3. a gold-slashed navy blue satin tunic      13. some thick black suede brogans
  4. a moonlight silver silk tunic             14. a pair of brown gold-toed shoes
  5. a jungle green linen tunic                15. a pair of soft jungle green moccasins
  6. a pair of dark navy blue slacks           16. a supple jungle green leather jerkin
  7. a pair of grey silver-threaded trousers   17. a silk-lined silver leather jerkin
  8. some black plaid-lined breeches           18. a cerulean spidersilk tabard
  9. some fitted vine-edged trousers           19. a tasseled black doeskin vest
  10. some ebon-edged deep brown pants         20. an opal-clasped brocatelle vest
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# Item Type Info Details Price
1 an ebon-laced chocolate brown tunic 10000
2 a dark red and black plaid tunic 10000
3 a gold-slashed navy blue satin tunic 10000
4 a moonlight silver silk tunic 10000
5 a jungle green linen tunic 10000
6 a pair of dark navy blue slacks 5000
7 a pair of grey silver-threaded trousers 5000
8 some black plaid-lined breeches 5000
9 some fitted vine-edged trousers 5000
10 some ebon-edged deep brown pants 5000
11 a pair of short navy leather boots 5000
12 some thick silver-heeled boots 5000
13 some thick black suede brogans 5000
14 a pair of brown gold-toed shoes 5000
15 a pair of soft jungle green mocassins 5000
16 a supple jungle green leather jerkin 15000
17 a silk-lined silver leather jerkin 15000
18 a cerulean spidersilk tabard 15000
19 a tasseled black doeskin vest 15000
20 an opal-clasped brocatelle vest 15000

Piaere's Boutique, Atelier

Directions: go steps from second room

[Piaere's Boutique, Atelier] RNUM: u14051010
Elevated just above the main boutique floor, this spacious atelier beholds the beauty of its arboreal environment. Partially finished designs inspired by the stunning backdrop are suspended from a network of cords high above. A stand of posed mannequins have been clothed in completed outfits beside a crowded sewing table. You also see a set of short wooden steps and a large gilded sign.


  1. a deep blue topaz-studded medallion      11. an iridescent opal heart pendant
  2. a fur-trimmed royal blue silk pallium    12. a gold-applique pale spidersilk roquelaure
  3. a gold-braided sapphire velvet doublet   13. a silver-traced sheer white blouse
  4. some cerulean spidersilk trousers        14. a bias-cut pearl chiffon skirt
  5. some twilight blue leather boots         15. some silk-laced ivory velvet slippers
  6. a chrysoprase cabochon-inset circlet     16. a brilliant fire pearl lavaliere
  7. a beryl-edged back-slitted cloak         17. a long garnet watered silk cloak
  8. a sea green crushed velvet bodice        18. a ruby-toned jacquard bodice
  9. a lace-edged celadon faille skirt        19. a multi-layered gauzy crimson skirt
  10. a pair of jade silk-strapped sandals    20. a pair of slim red-ribboned sandals
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# Item Type Info Details Price
1 a deep blue topaz-studded medallion 5000
2 a fur-trimmed royal blue silk pallium 35000
3 a gold-braided sapphire velvet doublet 15000
4 some cerulean spidersilk trousers 10000
5 some twilight blue leather boots 5000
6 a chrysoprase cabochon-inset circlet 5000
7 a beryl-edged back-slitted cloak 35000
8 a sea green crushed velvet bodice 15000
9 a lace-edged celadon faille skirt 10000
10 a pair of jade silk-strapped sandals 5000
11 an iridescent opal heart pendant 5000
12 a gold-applique pale spidersilk roquelaure 35000
13 a silver-traced sheer white blouse 15000
14 a bias-cut pearl chiffon skirt 10000
15 some silk-laced ivory velvet slippers 5000
16 a brilliant fire pearl lavaliere 5000
17 a long garnet watered silk cloak 35000
18 a ruby-toned jacquard bodice 15000
19 a multi-layered gauzy crimson skirt 10000
20 a pair of slim red-ribboned sandals 5000