Candle Shop

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Revision as of 17:43, 6 February 2023 by ECHEAUX (talk | contribs) (Updated inventory)
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Candle Shop is a specialty shop in Solhaven. It is located in a haon and fel shop in South Market SE and sells both candles and incense. The west room sells candles while the east room sells incense.

[Candle Shop] RNUM: 13473
Filled with many burning candles, a pair of large bay windows flank the doorway. The white walls are stained a sooty yellow-grey near the ceiling, and the floor is composed of green slate and blue riverstone blocks. A red brocade curtain leads west, standing perpendicular to the glaes-topped counter at the rear of the room.


Welcome to the Candle Shop!

A clerk offers her catalog to browse.
A clerk gives you a nod of recognition as you enter.

  1. a red and black spider candle           27. an arch-winged ivory Gosaena candle
  2. a pale green stylized wisp candle       28. a coiled serpent candle
  3. a fragile white wax feather candle      29. a pale white upturned sword candle
  4. a silvery red clenched fist candle      30. a squat pierced heart candle
  5. a tall golden crown-shaped candle       31. a crimson and gold lute candle
  6. an upright golden leaf candle           32. a stylized flame candle
  7. a black rose candle                     33. a slit-pupilled yellow eye candle
  8. a pale ivory dagger-shaped candle       34. a banded rolled scroll candle
  9. a key-embossed black candle             35. a golden anvil candle
  10. a twisted six-point star candle        36. a silvery black eight-pointed candle
  11. a pale grey jumping dolphin candle     37. a golden sheaf of grain candle
  12. a flower-etched red heart candle       38. an iridescent pale grey ball candle
  13. a cracked skull-shaped candle          39. a tall black candle
  14. a squat yellow sunburst candle         40. a slender indigo candle
  15. a silvery black sword-shaped candle    41. a plain yellow candle
  16. a snarling jackal's head candle        42. a small white candle
  17. a small golden quarter note candle     43. a squat crimson candle
  18. an arch-winged golden pegasus candle   44. an embossed beeswax candle
  19. a rose-scented red and yellow candle   45. a translucent verdigris candle
  20. a white flat shield-shaped candle      46. a conical viridian candle
  21. an upturned black scimitar candle      47. a square sorrel candle
  22. a silvery crescent moon candle         48. a simple violet candle
  23. a slender black cat's head candle      49. a rotund orange candle
  24. a two-headed purple serpent candle     50. a two-tiered silvery candle
  25. a lily-scented white square candle     51. an elaborate golden candle
  26. a sea green trident-shaped candle      52. a small beeswax candle

You can APPRAISE, INSPECT or DESCRIBE any item by number, ORDER by number to get pricing and customization options, BUY to purchase, or ORDER HELP for more info.

West Room


[Candle Shop] RNUM: 14270
A plethora of varied sconces decorate the dingy white walls, occupied by tall colorful tapers. A noxious odor of bergamot and orange blossom waft from a pair of oversized braziers on either side of a large glaes and fel case. Between the curtain to the east and the display to the west, a broad red wool runner covers the creaking fel floor.
A clerk offers her catalog to browse.
A clerk exclaims, "Greetings stranger, have a look around!"

  1. some pink freesia incense            13. some white water lily incense
  2. some white gardenia incense          14. some blue alyssum incense
  3. some yellow jasmine incense          15. some orange bergamot incense
  4. some purple mezereon incense         16. some dusky sandalwood incense
  5. some purple nightshade incense       17. some dark red cinnamon incense
  6. some pale honeysuckle incense        18. some coral vanilla incense
  7. some purple lilac incense            19. some green pinion pine incense
  8. some purple lavender incense         20. some bluish juniper incense
  9. some yellow petunia incense          21. some pale star anise incense
  10. some red rose incense               22. some yellow saffron incense
  11. some yellow lemon verbena incense   23. some thin rosemary incense
  12. some pale orange blossom incense    24. some fragrant thyme incense

You can APPRAISE, INSPECT or DESCRIBE any item by number, ORDER by number to get pricing and customization options, BUY to purchase, or ORDER HELP for more info.

Previous Inventory

Prior to 2/6/2023, both rooms had the same inventory.

A clerk offers her catalog to browse.
A clerk exclaims, "Greetings stranger, have a look around!"

  1. a red and black spider candle           35. a golden anvil candle
  2. a pale green stylized wisp candle       36. a silvery black eight-pointed candle
  3. a fragile white wax feather candle      37. a golden sheaf of grain candle
  4. a silvery red clenched fist candle      38. an iridescent pale grey ball candle
  5. a tall golden crown-shaped candle       39. some orange bergamot incense
  6. an upright golden leaf candle           40. some blue alyssum incense
  7. a black rose candle                     41. some white water lily incense
  8. a pale ivory dagger-shaped candle       42. some pale orange blossom incense
  9. a key-embossed black candle             43. some yellow lemon verbena incense
  10. a twisted six-point star candle        44. some red rose incense
  11. a pale grey jumping dolphin candle     45. some yellow salorisa incense
  12. a flower-etched red heart candle       46. some purple lavender incense
  13. a cracked skull-shaped candle          47. some purple lilac incense
  14. a squat yellow sunburst candle         48. some pale honeysuckle incense
  15. a silvery black sword-shaped candle    49. some purple nightshade incense
  16. a snarling jackal's head candle        50. some purple mezereon incense
  17. a small golden quarter note candle     51. some yellow jasmine incense
  18. an arch-winged golden pegasus candle   52. some white gardenia incense
  19. a rose-scented red and yellow candle   53. some pink freesia incense
  20. a white flat shield-shaped candle      54. a tall black candle
  21. an upturned black scimitar candle      55. a slender indigo candle
  22. a silvery crescent moon candle         56. a plain yellow candle
  23. a slender black cat's head candle      57. a small white candle
  24. a two-headed purple serpent candle     58. a squat crimson candle
  25. a lily-scented white square candle     59. an embossed beeswax candle
  26. a sea green trident-shaped candle      60. a translucent verdigris candle
  27. an arch-winged ivory Gosaena candle    61. a conical viridian candle
  28. a coiled serpent candle                62. a square sorrel candle
  29. a pale white upturned sword candle     63. a simple violet candle
  30. a squat pierced heart candle           64. a rotund orange candle
  31. a crimson and gold lute candle         65. a two-tiered silvery candle
  32. a stylized flame candle                66. an elaborate golden candle
  33. a slit-pupilled yellow eye candle      67. a small beeswax candle
  34. a banded rolled scroll candle