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< User:DAID
Revision as of 13:44, 22 October 2013 by DAID (talk | contribs) (canned the popping boxes sandbox, as it was received well enough at least not to be deleted)
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Welcome to my playground!

I just finished my guide on magically opening boxes, now located at Popping boxes.

Also tossed some quick notes on realm ending points for teleportation...

Now I'm going to start a draft page on my own character, because I'm conceited.

Realm Ending Points

To clean up later, using Lich ID numbers or something, but should be useful to know the precise breaking points of realms for various intrarealm teleport (gold rings, 130, 225, Travel Song, Planar Shift, etc etc etc). See eg Kastrel's Planar Shift Guide Realm Colors as note the places with the same color are the same realm.

Straight from my runebook:

1. a set of squiggly aquamarine "beq-beq-sh-gy-op" sigils [Solhaven, North Market]
2. a set of circular aquamarine "beq-beq-sh-gy-th" glyphs [Solhaven, Liabo Plaza]
3. a set of angular aquamarine "beq-zi-op-op-zi" glyphs [Vornavis, Broken Tower]
4. a set of curving slate grey "beq-eks-pu-jil-ka" glyphs [Northern Caravansary, Stockade]
5. a set of angular aquamarine "beq-noj-eda-wo-zi" runes [Redwing Spire, Planning Room]
6. a set of twisting aquamarine "zi-ka-fs-pu-rov" signs [Solhaven, South Market]
7. a set of circular aquamarine "zi-ka-fs-so-th" sigils [Solhaven, Beacon Tower]
8. a set of twisting slate grey "beq-eks-pu-jil-rov" glyphs [Northern Caravansary, Green]
9. a set of curving slate grey "beq-eks-pu-jil-ka" glyphs [Northern Caravansary, Stockade]
10. a set of curving stone grey "ul-str-ka-rov-ve" glyphs [Plateau, Flynth River]
11. a set of spiraling stone grey "ul-str-ka-rov-ch" symbols [Tor Aganrahk, Switchbacks]
12. a set of broken stone grey "beq-eks-eks-fs-so" glyphs [Zortahg's Spine, Highroad]
13. a set of sinuous stone grey "beq-eks-eks-pu-lu" symbols [Stoneharrow Swale, Roadway]
14. a set of broken stone grey "beq-eks-eks-pu-eda" glyphs [Stoneharrow Swale]
15. a set of jagged ash grey "beq-eks-so-mer-beq" symbols [Cairnfang Pineforest, Bridge]
16. a set of curving aquamarine "beq-eks-gy-rov-gy" symbols [Marshtown, Glok's Pier]

1. a set of squiggly twilight grey "mer-pu-jil" glyphs [Wehnimer's, Land's End Rd.]
2. a set of squiggly twilight grey "mer-th-jil" runes [Town Square Central]
3. a set of jagged twilight grey "aq-beq-beq" glyphs [Town Square, Small Park]
4. a set of twisting twilight grey "ve-fs-gy-rov" sigils [Courtyard]
5. a set of broken twilight grey "im-op-eda" symbols [Graveyard, Crypt]
6. a set of curving twilight grey "rov-qom-eda-gy" sigils [Lysierian Hills, A Small Shrine]
7. a set of angular twilight grey "rov-ac-so-sh" sigils [Monastery, Misty Chamber]
8. a set of jagged twilight grey "es-hee-so-mer-eks" sigils [Inside the Glacier]
9. a set of sinuous twilight grey "ve-rov-ty" glyphs [Foothills]
10. a set of thin twilight grey "ul-qom-str" symbols [Baker's Shop, Alcove]
11. a set of broken twilight grey "ty-qom-eda" glyphs [Spider Temple, Near Altar]
12. a set of twisting twilight grey "ty-ac-fs-pu" glyphs [Sea Caverns, Stagnant Pool]
13. a set of sinuous twilight grey "es-hee-lu-ty-lu" signs [Temple, Crypt]
14. a set of twisting twilight grey "mer-th-pu-qom" glyphs [A Faint Path]
15. a set of circular twilight grey "es-gy-rov-ve-mer" sigils [Locksmehr River, South Dock]
16. a set of squiggly twilight grey "es-hee-so-mer-jil" runes [Glatoph, Glacier]
20. a set of thin twilight grey "pu-ty-wo" runes [Abandoned Inn, Ruined Workshop]

1. a set of squiggly frosty white "ul-str-gy-aq-jil" glyphs [Icemule Trace, Town Center]
2. a set of sinuous frosty white "beq-es-so-mer-ul" symbols [Abandoned Farm, Garden]
3. a set of jagged frosty white "beq-es-eks-noj-beq" signs [Ice Plains, Shrine]
4. a set of angular frosty white "beq-hee-op-op-sh" runes [Northern Slopes, Rocky Incline]
5. a set of spiraling frosty white "beq-hee-op-op-aq" glyphs [Northern Slopes, Rock Ledge]
6. a set of angular frosty white "ul-str-so-fs-sh" glyphs [Tartifacts, Balcony]
7. a set of curving ghostly white "ul-str-pu-jil-ka" glyphs [Glatoph, Glacier Chasm]
8. a set of squiggly ghostly white "ul-str-pu-jil-im" runes [Snowy Plains, Bridge]
9. a set of squiggly pearly white "ul-str-pu-qom-jil" glyphs [Snowy Plains, The River]
10. a set of squiggly pearly white "ul-str-pu-ty-op" runes [Blue Glacier, Mountain Pass]
11. a set of squiggly bone white "ul-str-pu-fs-im" glyphs [Icemule Trail, Tundra]
12. a set of spiraling bone white "ul-str-pu-ay-aq" symbols [Icemule Trail, Snowy Forest]
13. a set of sinuous frosty white "beq-es-sh-im-ty" symbols [Icemule Trace, Forest]

Kaldonis Harvest-Moon

Kaldonis hails from a small farming community near the outskirts of Icemule Trace, typical of his Paradis ancestry. A product of his environment, he has experienced a sequence of traumas in life, beginning with the destruction of his village and most of the Harvest-Moon clan. A wandering band of sylvans took him in, with whom he traveled far, learning about the Lady Imaera, the shaping flesh to suit any purpose, and spiritual magic. Out gathering herbs one day far from the camp, he was kidnapped by a group of Faendryl for experimentation, including being sent to Lorae'tyr on numerous occasions, complicating any attempt to quantify his time in captivity. His service to the dark elves terminated upon his escape by squirming into an unstable interplanar rift. Already missing some extremities and exiting well above the ground, he landed abruptly in Kharam Dzu with a sickening thud. Unable to discern any apparently useful information amidst his endless screams and prognostications for the future, he was escorted by the local dwarves to Teras Asylum in short order, where he remained for some decades. His stay there did little to cure, and likely only added to, his tormented mental condition. His strange fascination with the smell of socks found him one day in a laundry bag, leading to his inadvertent release back into the world...

He has been hiding in exile in River's Rest ever since.

Views on Demonology

Having spent significant amounts of time with minor demons while in captivity, in particular imps and shien, Kaldonis holds an educated and empathetic view towards these creatures. He possesses a rather unusual wealth of knowledge for our plane, including being able to draw from memory several uncommon summoning runes. He also quickly realized that considering all beings from other planes evil as the result of the Undead War would be similar to considering Truefolk evil for being co-inhabitants of Elanthia with the likes of dark elves and dwarves. He also points out that the Paradis clan originated by separating from the other halfling cultures to found Icemule Trace, owing to disgust and shame with their allegiance with such vile and brutish creatures from this and other planes, and yet Icemule Trace is the only city in Elanthia where minor demons are entirely legal.

When the First Common Edition of the Enchiridion Valentia was published in 5103, Kaldonis had to ensure history would follow its proper course by allowing humans to retain their ridiculous superstitions. Thus, he went into a league of mischief with his longtime demonic collaborators, inconveniencing greedy people by dropping especially loving items (so-called "cursed") here and there which they had difficulty selling. Within a short time, he was ejected from the Sorcerer Guild, and the town of Wehnimer's Landing passed an ordinance outlawing demonic summoning. Although such laws originated primarily from the interests of would-be merchants rather than serious concerns for public safety, many other towns heard bad rumors and quickly followed suit. Prior to these legal changes across Elanthia, membership in the Sorcerer Guild was unfavorable to many, as the monthly dues did not seem justified for paltry parlor tricks. Kaldonis suspects a sizable fraction of Sorcerer Guild funding lines the pockets of influential politicians so that the guild can continue to justify its existence.

Dietary Preferences

Kaldonis's metabolism never fully recovered from the inadequate foodstuffs provided in his past. To survive he had to consume whatever fungi grew in the dank and dark holes he was locked in. Although these molds largely eradicated his taste buds, he observed they seemed to demotivate the dark elves from consuming his limbs while feeding him a diet full of sovyn. Unfortunately, dealing with Faendryl over such vast epochs, many fell ill and met their demise to inexplicable fungal toxicity. His developed love for any and all mushrooms and molds probably explains the emergence of his peculiar fondness for the scent of used socks.

Since his re-introduction to society, he can often be found rooting around for and munching on such delicacies as blue trafel, daggerstalk, softwhite, and trollfear mushrooms. Unlike many of his more well-fed cousins, he will not usually eat donuts, tarts, muffins and the like unless they are at least partially stale, and greedily devours ones which provide thriving colonies of mold.


You see Keeper Kaldonis Harvest-Moon the Witch Doctor.
He appears to be a Halfling.
He is diminutive and appears to be decrepit with age. He has hazy mismatched violet and green eyes and waxy sallow skin. He has ankle-length, knotted silvery white hair with a large bald spot. He has an emaciated face and large feet.
He has a tattooed rendition of a large-pupiled eye on his forehead, a series of numbers boldly inked on the back of his neck, and a tattooed Faendryl pentagram on his wrist.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a flame-etched ebonwood staff capped with a rusty doorknob in his right hand.
He is wearing a sunshine yellow wide-brimmed wicker hat with woven golden daffodils and sunflowers cascading down the sides, a sickly faewood mask grossly contorted into a scream, a pulsating blue sunstone earring, a starched white ritual robe covered with a thick layer of black soot, an oversized silk cloak with muddy footprints stamped about the hem, a blood-eagle feather talisman, a moonflower amulet covered with a blue crystal carapace, a golden brown acorn amulet, a harvest moon charm, a deep crimson silk sash, a gore-covered troll-leg backsheath, a polished maple baby rattle, a mithril chain wristlet, a hoary green tourmaline band, a braided leather rope belt with an ink-black ribbon woven into the braids, a snap-top small metal case, an inky black pouch intricately woven with verlok feathers and clasped with a polished runestone button, and some mismatched black and grey socks sporting a large hole in one toe.