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Twisted weapon

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A twisted weapon is a specialty weapon that was introduced at Return to Coraesine Field by the merchant Hurdragof. When unlocked and fully "trained", the weapon can change from a white-runed twisted steel weapon to a scintillating twisted steel weapon, and will produce small whirlwinds.


You analyze your twisted steel falchion and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item type should not change."

The creator has also provided the following information:

The twisted steel falchion is unlocked!

Available Actions: RUB, PULL, TILT, KNOCK, RAISE, WAVE, WAVE AT [target], and WAVE AT [self].

This falchion may be altered to have a different 15/15/15 and SHOW description ONLY.  No LONG descriptions!

Special merchants that are skilled with this type of weapon may also alter the weapon's parts.  These are currently set to blade, edge, and hilt.

This falchion makes little whirlwinds.

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the twisted steel falchion for you.


The weapons were sold off the shelf as a white-runed twisted steel <weapon>. By treating the weapon with a powder, the merchant can unlock its full potential.

Hurdragof grabs a handful of scintillating white powder from inside his tool satchel, and begins to rub it over the surface of his sledgehammer.  After a moment, the sledgehammer begins to hum loudly and shimmers briefly.
Hurdragof examines his sledgehammer, staring at it intently from all possible angles.  Having acquainted himself with its inner workings, Hurdragof gives a satisfied nod.

As the wielder uses the weapon, they begin to train it - or the weapon trains them. With enough training, the weapon will reach its full potential, at which time it becomes a scintillating twisted steel <weapon>, and will begin to produce whirlwinds.

It's important to note that allowing someone else to use the weapon will reset all the training and the owner will have to start the process over again.

Verb Traps

Tier 1 RUB White-runed - Your twisted steel stiletto hums gently as you run your thumb over its blade. Suddenly, the air around your fingers begins to swirl ominously and you deftly pull your right hand away before something terrible happens to it. The quiet humming ceases immediately. Person's twisted steel stiletto hums gently as she runs her thumb over its blade. As Person pulls her right hand away from the stiletto, the quiet humming suddenly stops.
Scintillating - Your twisted steel stiletto buzzes loudly as you run your thumb over its blade. Suddenly, the air around your fingers begins to swirl violently and you barely pull your right hand away before something terrible happens to it. The metallic buzzing ceases immediately. Person's twisted steel stiletto buzzes loudly as she runs her thumb over its blade. As Person pulls her right hand away from the stiletto, the metallic buzzing suddenly stops.
PULL White-runed - With a flick of your wrist, you draw the blade of your twisted steel stiletto parallel to your body. The air around you churns gently, and a subtle shudder travels from the hilt of your stiletto to its edge. Suddenly, your stiletto emits a metallic hum, and the air around you grows more calm. With a flick of her wrist, Person draws the blade of her twisted steel stiletto parallel to her body. The air around her churns rapidly, and she fumbles around with her stiletto as it emits a brief, metallic hum.
Scintillating - With a flick of your wrist, you draw the blade of your twisted steel stiletto parallel to your body. The air around you churns powerfully, raising the hairs on the back of your neck. A profound shudder from the hilt of your stiletto travels to its edge and ceases as the stiletto emits a brief, metallic buzz. With a flick of her wrist, Halishae draws the blade of her twisted steel stiletto parallel to her body. The air around her churns powerfully, and her stiletto emits a brief, metallic buzz.
TILT White-runed - You readjust your hold on the hilt of your twisted steel stiletto and feel a stream of air flow powerfully along its blade as you tilt it steadily from side to side. The edge of your stiletto blurs for a moment in the roiling air. Person readjusts her hold on the hilt of her twisted steel stiletto, tilting it steadily from side to side. The air around the stiletto roils powerfully, blurring its edge.
Scintillating - You readjust your hold on the hilt of your twisted steel stiletto and feel a stream of air churn turbulently along its blade as you tilt it steadily from side to side. The edge of your stiletto blurs for a moment in the roiling air, and the white light surrounding it flickers as tendrils of scintillating energy coil lazily around its blade. Person readjusts her hold on the hilt of her twisted steel stiletto, tilting it steadily from side to side. The air around the stiletto roils turbulently, blurring its edge, and the white light surrounding it flickers as tendrils of scintillating energy coil lazily around its blade
KNOCK White-runed - You strike the edge of your stiletto steadily against the ground. Person strikes the edge of her stiletto steadily against the ground.
Scintillating - You strike the edge of your stiletto steadily against the ground and feel a gentle pulse of energy grow within its hilt. The energy suddenly flows into the stiletto's edge and the air around you swirls lazily in response, forming a rippling little whirlwind near your feet that quickly dissipates. Person strikes the edge of her stiletto steadily against the ground and the air around her swirls lazily. A rippling little whirlwind suddenly forms near Halishae's feet, but quickly dissipates.
With weapon or shield in off-hand - You strike the edge of your twisted steel stiletto steadily against your krodera shield and feel a strong pulse of energy grow within its hilt. The energy suddenly surges into the stiletto's edge and the air around you churns rapidly in response, forming a wild little vortex near your feet that quickly dissipates. Person strikes the edge of her twisted steel stiletto steadily against her krodera shield and the air around her churns rapidly. A wild little vortex suddenly forms near Halishae's feet, but quickly dissipates.
Tier 2 RAISE (changes forms) White-runed - As you raise your twisted steel stiletto overhead, chaotic ripples of scintillating energy spiral sinuously along its blade and coil around its edge! A scintillating white light suddenly envelops your stiletto! As Person raises her stiletto overhead, chaotic ripples of scintillating energy spiral sinuously along its blade and coil around its edge! A scintillating white light suddenly envelops the twisted steel stiletto!
Scintillating- As you raise your twisted steel stiletto overhead, chaotic ripples of scintillating energy coil outward from its edge and spiral sinuously down its blade! The scintillating white light surrounding your stiletto suddenly flickers and fades! As Person raises her stiletto overhead, chaotic ripples of scintillating energy spiral sinuously along its blade and coil around its edge! A scintillating white light suddenly envelops the twisted steel stiletto!
WAVE White-runed - You brandish your twisted steel stiletto for all to see! Suddenly, your stiletto hums with power and the air around you churns lazily. As Person brandishes her twisted steel stiletto it hums with power and the air around her churns lazily.
Scintillating - You brandish your twisted steel stiletto for all to see! Suddenly, your stiletto hums with power and the air around you roils turbulently! The white light surrounding your stiletto flickers as tendrils of scintillating energy coil lazily around its blade. As Person brandishes her twisted steel stiletto it hums with power and the air around her roils turbulently! The white light surrounding Person's stiletto flickers as tendrils of scintillating energy coil lazily around its blade.
WAVE (at target) White-runed - As you brandish your twisted steel stiletto at Person your stiletto hums with power and a turbulent gust of wind surges around her! As Person brandishes her twisted steel stiletto at you the stiletto hums with power and a turbulent gust of wind surges all around you!
Scintillating - As you brandish your twisted steel stiletto at Person your stiletto hums with power and a turbulent gust of wind surges around her! As Person brandishes her twisted steel stiletto at you the stiletto hums with power and a turbulent gust of wind surges all around you!
WAVE (at selt) White-runed - You brandish your twisted steel stiletto for all to see! Suddenly, your stiletto hums with power and the air around you churns lazily. As Person brandishes her twisted steel stiletto it hums with power and the air around her churns lazily.
Scintillating - You brandish your twisted steel stiletto for all to see! Suddenly, your stiletto hums with power and the air around you roils turbulently! The white light surrounding your stiletto flickers as tendrils of scintillating energy coil sinuously around its blade. As Person brandishes her twisted steel stiletto it hums with power and the air around her roils turbulently! The white light surrounding Person's stiletto flickers as tendrils of scintillating energy coil sinuously around its blade.

Note: The tier 1 verbs on a locked version, or on an untrained weapon, come with a three second roundtime.