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Bloodriven Village/shop listing August 2015

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< Bloodriven Village
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Bloodriven Village is where Duskruin Arena is located. All purchases are made with bloodscrip.

The Cover Up

2015 Items

Room 3: a narrow building

Whisper cloaks

Men's Room

On the short male mannequin:

Item Bloodscrip Info
some flowing grey and silver marbrinus robes 75 locked whisper cloak
a double-breasted dark leather longcoat 750 unlocked whisper cloak
a hooded ebon-hued velvet robe 75 locked whisper cloak
a tailored longcoat lined with dark silk 75 locked whisper cloak
a dual-toned grey bourde cassock edged with silver piping 75 locked whisper cloak

On the tall male mannequin:

Item Bloodscrip Info
a long midnight blue greatcloak 75 locked whisper cloak
a tenebrous black cloak lined with smooth satin 75 locked whisper cloak
a black linen overcoat with wide-cuffed sleeves 75 locked whisper cloak

Women's Room

On the petite female mannequin:

Item Bloodscrip Info
a billowing sanguine cape adorned with fiery jacinth beading 75 locked whisper cloak
a flowing black silk cloak dappled with red dreamstones 75 locked whisper cloak
a black velvet cape lined with rich burgundy silk 75 locked whisper cloak
a sable lambswool cloak trimmed with ebon-tipped fox tails 750 unlocked whisper cloak
an ankle-length deep russet coat with a fitted waist. 75 locked whisper cloak

On the tall female mannequin:

Item Bloodscrip Info
some elegant grey-on-black chainsil robes 75 locked whisper cloak
a dark silk mantle with a wool capelet 75 locked whisper cloak
a cowled midnight-hued cloak with a subtle blued sheen 75 locked whisper cloak
a coal black velvet pelisse 75 locked whisper cloak
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Smoke Screen

Removed 4/24/2016

On the table you see:

a painted ceramic flagon 15
a round mithril flask encased in a brushed leather wrap 15
a stone jug with a leather-strung cap 15
an etched silver flask with a carved onyx mouthpiece 15
a silver-trimmed black leather flask 15

In the glass bowl

a gold star pendant with diamond tails wearable mirror 25
a stag-embossed mithril kilt pin
a silver stickpin with sapphire cabochons
a coral-bordered ivory cameo
a veniom-framed dark jade brooch

In the trunks you see:

a fireleaf-inlaid carved oak pipe 75
a curved mossbark pipe with an ivory mouthpiece 75
a long-stemmed oak and maple pipe 75
a thistle-etched brass pipe 75
a small black matchbook 1
some emerald mint pipe tobacco 1
some beige rum pipe tobacco 1
some white coconut pipe tobacco 1
some scarlet cherry pipe tobacco 1
some dark hazelnut pipe tobacco 1

SS Back Room

Removed 4/24/2016

The cigar tubes inside this case are rather unique. I am unable to reveal more.

On the stone hearth:

Item Bloodscrip Info
a thick dark brown cigar 5
a tapered forest green cigar 5
a thin light taupe cigar 5
a slender deep crimson cigar 5
a narrow almond-hued cigar 5

In the display case you see:

a burnished mahogany cigar tube Pocketed:VSA (<2-4)
one item
holds lockpicks 50
a dark brown leather cigar tube
a marbeled dark oak cigar tube
an etched metal cigar tube
a pearl-inlaid silver cigar tube 300
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Under the Counter


2015 Inventory

>read plac
In the Common language, it reads:
The potables contain the following magic to aid you in your roguish endeavors:
  • Stout ~ Spirit Fog
  • Gin ~ Light
  • Bourbon ~ Darkness
  • Whiskey ~ Lock Lore
  • Cider ~ Trap Lore
  • Scotch ~ Celerity
  • Liquor ~ Colors
  • Vodka ~ Camouflage
  • Porter ~ Sneaking

Under the counter:

Item Bloodscrip Info
a tiny glass of bright green liquor 6 Colors (601)
a glass of rich porter 20 Sneaking (617)
a glass of hard cider 14 Trap Lore (404)
a glass of peppered vodka 12 Camouflage (608)
a skinny glass of gin 15 Light (205)
a tumbler of golden whiskey 12 Lock Lore (403)
a glass of dark stout 13 Spirit Fog (106)
a tumbler of dark amber bourbon 15 Darkness (206)
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