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The Deity Detect monocle was released in 2018 and is also known as the Divine Monocle or Divine Monocles. This religious item allows the wearer to gaze at another person and discern the pantheon of that person's deity. With 20 Spiritual Lore, Religion ranks, it will additionally provide information on the specific religious entity within the pantheon. It is frequently found in the Bloodriven Village shop Spellbound.
A smoke-tinted rolaren monocle is a religious item that is designed to allow the wearer to gaze at another person and discern (the pantheon of that person's deity | what deity that person follows). (wiki note: this messaging changes based on whether you have the Religion Lore training or not)
This ability can be blocked by unpresence. If not done while hidden or invisible, then the person that is gazed at will see a reflection of their deity's symbol in the monocle's lens.
Additional USAGE: Exhale, Remove, Rub, Touch, Turn, and Wear
Turning the monocle allows it to be toggled to become hidden in your inventory and show up in your unique feature line. If it is not toggled, then it will show normally in the inventory line.
Currently, the monocle is toggled to be hidden and will give a unique feature line of: He has a violet-tinted gold-rimmed monocle fitted over his right eye.
This monocle may be altered freely provided it stays with the noun of monocle, has a lens and metal frame.
Without Spiritual Lore, Religion
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With 20 ranks of Spiritual Lore, Religion
You gaze through your silver monocle at Thandiwe, your eyes roving over every inch of her natural aura. As the crystalline lens falls upon the space above her left shoulder, you notice a thin skin of stone solidify and dampen the light as it travels over her head from left shoulder to right.
NotThandiwe gazes through the crystalline lens of her monocle, her eyes roving over every inch of you. Her gaze falls upon your left shoulder, and you notice a thin skin of stone reflected in their depths.
Arianiss gazes through the crystalline lens of his monocle, his eyes roving over every inch of XXX.
At yourself
Shadows and light play across your vision, and you realize that it would be difficult to fully view yourself.
Shadows and light briefly play across the lens of Arianiss's gold-rimmed monocle.
Lifting a violet-tinted gold-rimmed monocle to your lips, you gently exhale your breath across the lens, which immediately fogs over. Lowering the monocle, you carefully polish the moisture away.
Lifting his gold-rimmed monocle to his lips, Arianiss gently exhales his breath across the lens, which immediately fogs over. Lowering the monocle, he carefully polishes the moisture away.
You gingerly pluck the gold-rimmed monocle from over your eye.
Arianiss gingerly plucks his gold-rimmed monocle from over his eye.
Not worn
You cup a violet-tinted gold-rimmed monocle in the palm of your hand, your thoughts far away, and trace the metallic rim with your right thumb. The cool metal slowly warms to your touch.
Cupping a violet-tinted gold-rimmed monocle in the palm of his hand, Arianiss stares into the distance as if deep in thought and absently traces small circles with his right thumb upon the rim of the eye piece.
You rub under your eye where the gold-rimmed monocle rests against your cheek.
Arianiss rubs under his eye where his gold-rimmed monocle rests against his cheek.
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You turn the gold-rimmed monocle over in your hand, adjusting the chain and lens as you do. You sense this will... (messaging that indicates the worn style it's being changed to)
Arianiss turns his gold-rimmed monocle over in his hand, adjusting its chain and lens ever so slightly.
You carefully fit the gold-rimmed monocle over your right eye, using your eyebrow ridge and upper cheek to hold it in place.
Arianiss carefully fits his gold-rimmed monocle over his right eye, using his eyebrow ridge and upper cheek to hold in place.
See Also
Deity Detect monocle Information
Mechanical Feature altering
Item Classification
Item(s) Applied to
Feature(s) Altered
Feature line
Original Release Venue
Must remain monocle. Must have lens and metal frame.