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GoryWeapons were created by GM Wyrom and released at Ebon Gate in 2012. They are a unique weapon script that allow weapons both LONGs and SHOWs with varying degrees of customization and versatility, similar to Climate wear and Pirate Harnesses. However only the clean and fully gore-saturated are able to be altered as the other levels of gore coverage are hard coded into the script.



The creator has also provided the following information:

The eahnor katana is a weapon that gets gory as you vanquish creatures that have blood or ectoplasm.  It can be cleaned at any time via CLEAN, attacking certain creatures, or after a certain amount of time without killing creatures.  It will not work on players.  This item can have both a long description and a show description.  It can also have custom descriptions when gory.  For the long description, it only works when it's fully saturated with gore.  Show descriptions will have a varying degree of how gory it is with the custom gory description.

  The katana is fully unlocked.

The katana has the following custom descriptions:
  Long Description: a hooked eahnor katana with a silk-wrapped wyrwood hilt
  Bloody Long Description: a hooked eahnor katana dripping with deep scarlet coagulated blood
  Ectoplasm Long Description: None.
  Blood and Ectoplasm Long Description: None.
  Show Description: The long blade of this katana begins at a sharp point and gradually curves in a unique fashion to the hooked stem of the off-set base, the tip of which features a small opening that leads to a deep groove set within the blade's center.  Intricate drops of blood are acid-etched on each side and fade as the pattern reaches the stem.  Fashioned out of lacquered wyrwood, the hilt is wrapped in alternating gold and red silk which weave their way across the length to ensure a steady grip.
  Gory Show Description: None.

Verb List:
  Tier 1:          RAISE, CLENCH, TURN, TILT.
  Tier 2:          PULL, PUSH, BOW, POINT katana AT [CREATURE, PLAYER, OBJECT].


a hooked eahnor katana flecked with droplets of gore

a hooked eahnor katana spattered with blood

a hooked eahnor katana smeared with blood

a hooked eahnor katana slicked with blood

a hooked eahnor katana dripping with blood

a hooked eahnor katana wet with blood

a hooked eahnor katana drenched with blood

a hooked eahnor katana slathered with blood

a hooked eahnor katana dripping with deep scarlet coagulated blood



Verb Style First Third
CLEAN You clean off your eahnor katana, wiping off the surface. XXX cleans off her eahnor katana, wiping off the surface.
With Cloth You clean off your eahnor katana with your cotton cloth, wiping off the surface. XXX cleans off her eahnor katana with her cotton cloth, wiping off the surface.
LICK You extend your tongue and drag it over the surface of your eahnor katana. XXX slowly extends her tongue and drags it over the surface of her eahnor katana.
RUB You run a hand over your eahnor katana, admiring the craftsmanship. XXX runs a hand over her eahnor katana, admiring the craftsmanship.
SNAP You snap your eahnor katana up, displaying it for all to see. XXX snaps her eahnor katana up, displaying it for all to see.
<creature> with <weapon> You strike the dead plumed cockatrice with your eahnor katana, leaving a wake of blood spilling from its lifeless form. XXX strikes the dead plumed cockatrice with her eahnor katana, leaving a wake of blood spilling from its lifeless form.
Note: Performing this action will add gore to the weapon, moving the level of gore up with each strike.

Tier 1

Verb First Third
CLENCH You clench your eahnor katana and grit your teeth. XXX clenches her eahnor katana and grits her teeth.
RAISE You raise your eahnor katana heavenward in triumph. XXX raises her eahnor katana heavenward in triumph.
TILT You rotate your wrist, tilting your eahnor katana from side to side. XXX rotates her wrist, tilting her eahnor katana from side to side.
TURN You turn over your eahnor katana and plant it into the ground. XXX turns over her eahnor katana and plants it into the ground.

Tier 2

Verb Style First Third
BOW You hold your eahnor katana in front of yourself and bow your head. XXX holds her eahnor katana in front of herself and bows her head.
POINT At person or creature You point your eahnor katana at XXX, taunting her. XXX points her eahnor katana at you, taunting you.
At object You point your eahnor katana at the XXX disk and give it a once-over. XXX points her eahnor katana at the XXX disk and give it a once-over.
PULL You thrust your eahnor katana skyward, poised to strike. XXX thrusts her eahnor katana skyward, poised to strike.
PUSH You swing your eahnor katana in front of yourself. XXX swings her eahnor katana in front of herself.

Tier 3

Verb Style First Third
DANCE You dance around the area, flaunting your eahnor katana. XXX dances around the area, flaunting her eahnor katana.
POSE You thrust your eahnor katana into the ground and strike a heroic pose. XXX thrusts her eahnor katana into the ground and strikes a heroic pose.
SALUTE You hold your eahnor katana in front of yourself and render a sharp salute. XXX holds her eahnor katana in front of herself and renders a sharp salute.
WAVE At person, creature, or object You shake your eahnor katana at XXX. XXX shakes her eahnor katana at you.




Verb Style First Third
CLEAN You clean off your eahnor katana, removing the blood. XXX cleans off her eahnor katana, removing the blood.
With cloth You clean off your eahnor katana with your cotton cloth, removing the blood. XXX cleans off her eahnor katana with her cotton cloth, removing the blood.
LICK You extend your tongue and drag it over the surface of your eahnor katana, tasting the blood of your enemies. XXX slowly extends her tongue and drags it over the surface of her eahnor katana, licking the blood of her enemies.
RUB You run a hand over your eahnor katana, wiping off some blood. XXX runs a hand over her eahnor katana, wiping off some blood.
You run a hand over your eahnor katana, wiping off all of the blood. XXX runs a hand over her eahnor katana, wiping off all of the blood.
SNAP You snap your eahnor katana skyward, and with a quick downward motion, you sling blood everywhere! XXX snaps her eahnor katana skyward, and with a quick downward motion, she slings blood everywhere!
You snap your eahnor katana skyward, and with a quick downward motion, you sling the remaining blood everywhere! XXX snaps her eahnor katana skyward, and with a quick downward motion, she slings the remaining blood everywhere!
<creature> with <weapon> Same as clean.

Tier 1

Verb First Third
CLENCH You grip your eahnor katana, allowing the blood to pool in your clenched hand. XXX grips her eahnor katana, allowing the blood to pool in her clenched hand.
RAISE You raise your eahnor katana heavenward in triumph, allowing blood to drip down onto your face! XXX raises her eahnor katana heavenward in triumph, allowing blood to drip down onto her face!
You raise your eahnor katana heavenward in triumph, allowing the remaining blood to drip down onto your face! XXX raises her eahnor katana heavenward in triumph, allowing the remaining blood to drip down onto her face!
TILT You rotate your wrist, causing blood to drip down from your eahnor katana and onto your hand. XXX rotates her wrist, causing blood to drip down from her eahnor katana and onto her hand.
You rotate your wrist, causing the remaining blood to drip down from your eahnor katana and onto your hand. XXX rotates her wrist, causing the remaining blood to drip down from her eahnor katana and onto her hand.
TURN You turn over your eahnor katana and plant it into the ground, causing blood to splatter off of the katana. XXX turns over her eahnor katana and plants it into the ground, causing blood to splatter off of the katana.
You turn over your eahnor katana and plant it into the ground, causing the remaining blood to splatter off of the katana. XXX turns over her eahnor katana and plants it into the ground, causing the remaining blood to splatter off of the katana.

Tier 2

Verb First Third
BOW You hold your eahnor katana in front of yourself and bow your head, allowing blood to drip from the katana onto the ground. XXX holds her eahnor katana in front of herself and bows her head, allowing blood to drip from the katana onto the ground.
You hold your eahnor katana in front of yourself and bow your head, allowing the remaining blood to drip from the katana onto the ground. XXX holds her eahnor katana in front of herself and bows her head, allowing the remaining blood to drip from the katana onto the ground.
POINT Same as clean.
PULL You thrust your eahnor katana skyward, launching blood into the air and causing it to rain down before you. XXX thrusts her eahnor katana skyward, launching blood into the air and causing it to rain down before her.
You thrust your eahnor katana skyward, launching the remaining blood into the air and causing it to rain down before you. XXX thrusts her eahnor katana skyward, launching the remaining blood into the air and causing it to rain down before her.
PUSH You swing your eahnor katana in front of yourself, slinging blood all over the area. XXX swings her eahnor katana in front of herself, slinging blood all over the area.
You swing your eahnor katana in front of yourself, slinging the remaining blood all over the area. XXX swings her eahnor katana in front of herself, slinging the remaining blood all over the area.

Tier 3

Verb Style First Third
DANCE You dance around the area and flaunt your eahnor katana, which is flecked with droplets of blood. XXX dances around the area and flaunts her eahnor katana, which is flecked with droplets of blood.
POSE You thrust your eahnor katana into the ground, striking a threatening pose as the blood on your katana glistens in the moonlight. XXX thrusts her eahnor katana into the ground, striking a threatening pose as the blood on her katana glistens in the moonlight.
SALUTE You hold the eahnor katana in front of yourself and render a sharp salute, slinging blood from the katana. XXX holds the eahnor katana in front of herself and renders a sharp salute, slinging blood from the katana.
WAVE You shake your eahnor katana, slinging blood everywhere. XXX shakes her eahnor katana, slinging blood everywhere.
At person, creature, or object You shake your eahnor katana at XXX, splattering her with blood. XXX shakes her eahnor katana at you, splattering you with blood.
XXX shakes her eahnor katana at a Neartofar troll, splattering her with blood.


While the following table lists blood, the scripts have been confirmed to be interchangeable with blood and/or ectoplasm. Also, messaging does not necessarily equal to a specific level of gore.

Blood splatters onto your eahnor katana after snuffing the orc!

Blood continues to bathe your eahnor katana after destroying the orc!

Blood continues to bathe your eahnor katana after executing the troll!

Blood continues to bathe your eahnor katana after slaying the cockatrice!

Blood continues to bathe your eahnor katana after slaughtering the orc!

Blood continues to bathe your eahnor katana after slaying the troll!

Blood continues to bathe your eahnor katana after assassinating the cockatrice!

Blood continues to bathe your eahnor katana after eliminating the orc!

Your eahnor katana is completely soaked with blood after eliminating the orc!

See Also

GoryWeapons Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Weapon
Item(s) Applied to All
Item Verbs