Moonglae Inn

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Moonglae Inn is an inn in Ta'Illistim that sells food. It is located on Briarstone Court in the western part of the city. Visitors can CHECK IN at the front desk in the lobby. Private tables, each named after a constellation, are found in the skylit atrium. Lodging and rooms are upstairs, and there is a rooftop park that looks over the sights of the Shining City. Food and drink can be ORDERed in the kitchen or at any of the tables found in the Atrium. As of 07/20/2020, Moonglae Inn allows dark elves to enter.

[Moonglae Inn, Kitchen] Room: 13107012
A carved oak service bar separates the customers from the workspace in this large kitchen. A small host of cooks and their helpers bustle about their chores in an efficient, if poorly choreographed, ballet. Open firepits line the far wall, with spacious ovens built into the brick above. Several large tables in the center of the room are covered with ingredients in the process of being chopped, sliced, diced, and minced in preparation of one dish or another. You also see a serving wench, a handwritten sign and some swinging doors.


  1. a small apple cheese loaf         10. a glass of water
  2. a savory onion loaf               11. a small cup of tea
  3. a sesame seed dinner roll         12. a stein of mugwort ale
  4. a small block of cheese           13. a shot of orange peel gin
  5. some leek and cabbage soup        14. a shot of lime gin
  6. some roquefort stuffed eggplant   15. a shot of lemon-infused gin
  7. a honey-dipped roast quail        16. a shot of apple brandy
  8. a brandied apricot                17. a glass of deep red merlot
  9. a gingerbread elf                

Moonglae Inn, Atrium

Directions: through the doors from the kitchen and into the atrium, from any room in the cloister, or if coming from the main entry, north to the lobby, then through the archway, which leads to the cloister

[Moonglae Inn, Atrium] Room: 13107012
A skylight two stories above allows the moons' glow to flood this room, giving it the feel of an outdoor cafe. Set into the grey marble pillars surrounding the atrium are metal planters filled with a variety of flowers, plants, and hanging vines. A burbling fountain in the center of the room makes the illusion complete. You also see a variety of tables spaced throughout the room.
Obvious exits: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest

Behind the Scenes

Moonglae Inn's atrium is Room #0 of Script Go2's map database.