Rumor Woods/2020 saved posts

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Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 432
Author: GS4-RETSER
Date: 05/08/2020 01:49 PM CDT
Subject: Teaser: Mount Travel, Towns, & Hunting Grounds

Disclaimer: This is in active development and not final. This is a demo of the system as it stands. This maybe probably most likely will be ready by this run of RW.

MOUNT {target} - Mount messaging.
MOUNT TRAVEL - Travel options can be unlocked at Rumor Woods.
MOUNT TRAVEL TOWN - Allows the rider to travel to another town once every 24 hours. This command must be used from within a town.
MOUNT TRAVEL HUNTING - Allows the rider to travel to nearby hunting grounds based on the location used. This command must be used from within a town.
MOUNT TRAVEL RETURN - Allows the rider to return to their source room from their hunting ground. This command must be used from the arrival room of the hunting ground.

You are already riding a light chestnut horse. Did you mean to DISMOUNT?


mount travel town
Please provide a valid town.
1. Wehnimer's Landing
2. Icemule Trace
3. Solhaven
4. River's Rest
5. Zul Logoth - Not Supported
6. Ta'Illistim
7. Sylvarraend
8. Cysaegir
9. Ta'Vaalor
10. Teras


mount travel town 6

<Simulated time passes with messaging>

You dig your heels into the sides of your chestnut horse and set off on your journey.
[Horseback Journey]
The world races by you in a blur.
Obvious paths: none

A sudden gust of wind forces you to briefly avert your gaze from the path ahead.

A sudden gust of wind forces you to briefly avert your gaze from the path ahead.

A sudden gust of wind forces you to briefly avert your gaze from the path ahead.

Something can be seen racing alongside you in your peripheal vision, but it quickly fades away.

Your knees braced into the side of your chestnut horse grow tired as you keep your body elevated.

Your chestnut horse suddenly shakes its head forcing you to pull the reins and spur it along.

Your knees braced into the side of your chestnut horse grow tired as you keep your body elevated.

Your knees braced into the side of your chestnut horse grow tired as you keep your body elevated.

You ease the reins of your chestnut horse as you canter toward the stable of your destination.
[Erenad Courtyard]
Surrounded by a pale grey stone wall, the cobblestone courtyard of the carriage house fans out in semi-circular pattern with the focal point leading to a white paneled house. To the other side of the building is an archway that leads into the stable. Pots of blooming flowers are set about decorating the area with their bright colors.
Obvious paths: out

[Ta'Illistim, Vaeshean Wey]
The high city wall is unbroken save for the postern gate, an arch of heavy blocks with a marble keystone and latticework portcullis. Atop the wall, the sapphire and silver pennants of House Illistim flutter in the breeze. The cobblestones around the passage are worn smooth and slick. You also see a city guardsman.
Obvious paths: east


Please make a valid selection.
1. Blighted Forest 2. Maaghara Tower
3. Gossamer Valley 4. Teorrain Dale
5. Wraithenmist 6. Gyldemar Green
7. Gyldemar Forest 8. Gyldemar Forest, Shack
9. Yegharren Valley 10. Yegharren Plains
11. Gorget Trails 12. Orcswold
13. Emerald Forest 14. Black Moor
15. Maernstrike Caverns 16. Temple Wyneb
17. Masked Hills 18. Griffin's Keen
19. Gyldemar Road, Black Water

s>mount travel hunting 19
1. Blighted Forest 2. Maaghara Tower
3. Gossamer Valley 4. Teorrain Dale
5. Wraithenmist 6. Gyldemar Green
7. Gyldemar Forest 8. Gyldemar Forest, Shack
9. Yegharren Valley 10. Yegharren Plains
11. Gorget Trails 12. Orcswold
13. Emerald Forest 14. Black Moor
15. Maernstrike Caverns 16. Temple Wyneb
17. Masked Hills 18. Griffin's Keen
19. Gyldemar Road, Black Water

You selected: 19
Location: Gyldemar Road
[Please repeat this command within 30 seconds to confirm.]

mount travel hunting 19
You dig your heels into the sides of your chestnut horse and set off on your journey.
[Horseback Journey]
The world races by you in a blur.
Obvious paths: none

Something suddenly shifts in the undergrowth near the trail forcing you to steer to the opposite side.

You ease the reins of your chestnut horse as you canter toward your destination.

[Gyldemar Road]
Worn away by rain and the underground action of continual water, the road has sunk to swamp level. At this point, though, it remains firm enough for passage and rises slightly out of the swamp to the west. To the east the road disappears entirely under black water for twenty yards or so then emerges again to proceed unsteadily on its way. Continuing east is most likely a sink or swim proposition, and perhaps both. You also see the ruins of a paved stone road disappearing further into the swamp to the south.
Obvious paths: west


Well, time to go home! <Retser returns to where he rode to>

s>mount travel return
Are you sure you'd like to return to Ta'Illistim, Vaeshean Wey?
[Please repeat this command within 30 seconds to confirm.]

mount travel return
You dig your heels into the sides of your chestnut horse and set off on your journey.
[Horseback Journey]
The world races by you in a blur.
Obvious paths: none

Something can be seen racing alongside you in your peripheral vision, but it quickly fades away.

You ease the reins of your chestnut horse as you canter toward your destination.
[Ta'Illistim, Vaeshean Wey]
The high city wall is unbroken save for the postern gate, an arch of heavy blocks with a marble keystone and latticework portcullis. Atop the wall, the sapphire and silver pennants of House Illistim flutter in the breeze. The cobblestones around the passage are worn smooth and slick. You also see a city guardsman.
Obvious paths: east

Retser, SGM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 510
Author: GS4-RETSER
Date: 06/16/2020 02:37 PM CDT
Subject: Rumor Woods: Mount Travel

Hey everyone, MOUNT TRAVEL is going to be ready in time. Here is the mostly finalized HUNTING list. There are a few rooms that are "NOT SUPPORTED" that you will not be able to transport to. These rooms may be reviewed at a later date so I'm going to leave them in the readout for now.

The rest of the system remains the same.

MOUNT TRAVEL TOWN - Allows the rider to travel to another town once every 24 hours. This command must be used from within a town.
MOUNT TRAVEL HUNTING - Allows the rider to travel to nearby hunting grounds based on the location used. This command must be used from within a town.
MOUNT TRAVEL RETURN - Allows the rider to return to their source room from their hunting ground. This command must be used from the arrival room of the hunting ground.

1. Foothills
2. Spider Temple
3. Upper Trollfang
4. Graveyard
5. Mine Road
6. Mine
7. Upper Trollfang, Glatoph
8. Lysierian Hills
9. Monastery
10. Kobold Village
11. Darkstone
12. Sea Caverns
13. Upper Krag Slopes
14. Wehnimer's Sewer
15. Castle Anwyn
16. Thanatoph, Hot Springs

1. Abandoned Mine
2. Greymist Woods*
3. Manor House
4. Teras Isle, Beach (Whirlpool)
5. Wind Tunnel
6. Lava Flows
7. Glaes Tunnel
8. Eye of V'Tull
* Not Currently Supported

1. Outside Bonespear, Forest Road
2. Cairnfang
3. Vornavis, Outlands Road
4. Warrens
5. Deep Woods
6. Vornavian Coast, Beach
7. Vornavian Coast, Beached Hulk
8. Vornavian Coast, Caverns
9. Vornavian Coast, North Beach
10. Vornavis, Broken Tower
11. Vornavis, Wooded Plains
12. Vornavian Coast, The Bog
13. Vornavis, West Road
14. Vornavian Coast, Pine Forest
15. Vornavian Coast, The Hills
16. Vornavian Coast, Foggy Valley
17. Vornavis Holdings
18. Outlands Manor
19. Vornavian Coast, The Lagoon
20. Vornavian Coast, The Lake
21. Vornavian Coast, South Beach
22. Vornavian Coast, Forest Road
23. Noman's Land

River's Rest
1. Sea Cave
2. Cavern
3. Troll Lair
4. Reef*
5. Entrance Hall
6. Zoo
7. Alchemist
8. Infirmary
9. Maelstrom Bay*
10. Krolvin Carrack*
11. Garrison
12. Armory
13. Citadel, Outside
14. Citadel, Stables
15. River Tunnels
16. River Tunnels, Barrier
17. South River Road
18. Miasmal Forest*
19. Dismal Slough*
20. Karazja Jungle
* Not Currently Supported

1. Rat's Nest
2. Great Cavern
3. Abandoned Farm
4. Ice Plains
5. Snowflake Vale
6. Icemule Pioneer Mausoleum
7. Snow Fort
8. Icemule, Ruins
9. Abbey Cellar
10. Frozen Garden
11. Olbin Pass
12. Frozen Battlefield
13. Thurfel's Island*
14. Thurfel's Keep*
15. A Cavernous Approach
* Not Currently Supported

1. Czeroth Caverns
2. Mraent Cavern
3. Zaerthu Tunnels
4. Troll Burial Grounds

1. Blighted Forest
2. Maaghara Tower
3. Gossamer Valley
4. Teorrain Dale
5. Wraithenmist
6. Gyldemar Green
7. Gyldemar Forest
8. Gyldemar Forest, Shack
9. Yegharren Valley
10. Yegharren Plains
11. Gorget Trails
12. Orcswold
13. Emerald Forest
14. Black Moor
15. Maernstrike Caverns
16. Temple Wyneb
17. Masked Hills
18. Griffin's Keen
19. Gyldemar Road, Black Water

1. Fethayl Bog
2. Yander's Farm, Well
3. Yander's Farm, Turnip Patch
4. Yander's Farm, Wheat Fields
5. Yander's Farm, Barley Fields
6. Yander's Farm, Corn Fields
7. Rambling Meadows, Path
8. Rambling Meadows, Plateau
9. Rambling Meadows, Hilltop
10. The Toadwort
11. Glaise Cnoc
12. Barefoot Hill
13. Plains of Bone, Outer Circle
14. Plains of Bone, Virktoth's Path
15. Plains of Bone, Boneyard
16. Barley Field
17. Foothills
18. Briar Thicket
19. Neartofar Forest, Trail
20. Neartofor Forest, River
21. Neartofar Forest, Stockade
22. Lunule Weald, Slade
23. Lunule Weald, Perish Glen
24. Sorcerer's Isle

Some of the listed rooms use alternate rooms due to restrictions in place in the destination room. Here is a listing:

Target room | Alternate Room
Cavernhold | Foothills
Darkstone | Lower Dragonsclaw (Outside the path to the pool puddle)
Stronghold | Thanatoph, Hot Springs
Nelemar (No teleport in) | Outside Whirlpool
Wind Tunnel | Temple of Luukos, Altar
Glaes Tunnel | Teleport into V'Tull
Bonespear | Vornavian Coast, Forest Road
Vornavian Coast | Vornavian Coast, The HIlls
Vornavian Coast | Vornavian Coast, South Beach
Citadel Entrance | Citadel, Outside Gates
Black Moor | Yegharren Valley, Ravine's Edge
Wyneb | Masked Hills, Hairline Ridge
Griffin's Keen | Masked Hills, Hairline Ridge
Gyldemar Road, Black Water (Outside of OTF, pool)

Retser, SGM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 588
Date: 06/21/2020 07:21 PM CDT
Subject: Re: Horse Travel Upgrade

You do not have to own a stall for fast travel. You can travel from any stable, inside of town, and from your stall (if owned).

Purchase the mount, purchase the upgrade, find a room in town. Good to go!

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 620
Author: GS4-RETSER
Date: 06/23/2020 01:42 AM CDT
Subject: Rumor Woods: Mount Travel Updates

Hey everyone, a few changes are live effective immediately.

This unlock has been reduced in cost from 50,000 to 25,000.
If you have already purchased the HUNTING unlock please ASSIST and we'll get you taken care of for the difference.

There are 3 new hunting ground options. These hunting grounds will have level requirements to use fast travel to. They also are exceptions to the normal rules of teleportation.
[Kanchoco Cave, Entry] - Required level 80 or higher.
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana] - Required level 66 or higher.
[West Woods, Tiny Cottage] - Required level 73 or higher.

This is a new command that will allow you to ride back to where you started your journey from with MOUNT TRAVEL TOWN. The RETURN command must be used within 24 hours of using your TRAVEL TOWN. It must also be used from the room you arrived in to return to whence you came.

Thanks to Haliste, Wyrom, and Estild for coming together on these changes.

Retser, SGM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 643
Author: GS4-RETSER
Date: 06/25/2020 12:23 PM CDT
Subject: Re: Rumor Woods: Mount Travel Updates

Quick question: Does the cooldown reset at midnight, or is it 24 hours real-time? Also just want to reiterate again, fantastic changes - I purchased my town to town unlock yesterday! ~Land Pirate Maylan~

24 hours real-time from use.

Retser, SGM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 678
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 06/28/2020 02:29 PM CDT
Subject: Titles and Mounting in Combat

The limited run jousting titles (Serpentine Knight, Vermilion Knight, Virescent Knight, and Niveous Knight) requirements have been lowered from 1000 to 500 wins for each side.

You can now mount while in combat. This should allow you to immediately fast travel after a hunt without issue. You will still be dismounted if attacked or attacking though.

GameMaster Estild

Category: Paid Events: Adventurers, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 683
Date: 06/28/2020 09:19 PM CDT
Subject: Re: Mount QoL Brainstorming

>Thandiwe taught me via discord that INSPECT [PLAYER NAME] [MOUNT] should work for others to see the details of your mounts. But I do think a simple LOOK would be better. This is part of the reason I have held off on purchasing anything to fancify my turtle friend for now. ~Land Pirate Maylan~

>But I do think a simple LOOK would be better.

Agreed -- but that won't be able to be implemented. It's just not possible given all the things. I've inquired.

~ Haliste ~
SGM, Events
Auntie H, Forever

Category: Paid Events: Adventurers, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 686
Date: 06/29/2020 08:11 AM CDT
Subject: Re: Mount QoL Brainstorming

Horses should be able to eat stuff that meet criteria of being 1) food 2) foraged and 3) things that fall into the nouns of foods they can eat. I'll look at this if there seems to be issues with them not eating the things that they should be able to eat. Let me know if they're NOT eating things that they should.

~ Haliste ~
SGM, Events
Auntie H, Forever

Category: Paid Events: Adventurers, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 709
Date: 07/02/2020 12:08 PM CDT
Subject: Mount inventory limits

There was a bug that was allowing you to put more than the 10-item limit on (some) mounts. This was causing inventory to disappear! (Think of it as the last itee you put on the mount pushes off the first item because there's only room for 10 things!) This has been resolved. However...

Just because the limit is 10 items doesn't mean you will be able to have 10 items! Horse mounts have lots of inventory locations - tortoise mounts not so much. They only have: head (2), neck (1), front legs (2) and back legs (2), which means the most they will have (not included the leads) is 7.

In addition, there was another bug that allowed you to put more than the declared inventory limit (ie: 3 bracelets on the front legs), but this has also been squashed.

Let me know if you have any questions.

~ Haliste ~
SGM, Events
Auntie H, Forever

Category: Paid Events: Adventurers, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 711
Date: 07/02/2020
Subject: Reins/Leads and containers

To (hopefully) prevent some unintended loss of important information, I've implemented a few blocks to the summoning devices.

1) You cannot put a summoning device in a stall storage container or disk
2) If your mount is summoned, you should not be able to put your summoning device in containers that aren't worn (except for your locker). (So this will mean you can't put it in a cloak on the bench or something.)

Let me know if you notice any weird stuff with these updates.

~ Haliste ~
SGM, Events
Auntie H, Forever

Flypaper Designers

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 439
Date: 5/10/2020
Subject: Teaser: Did you ever...

... wish that people could see the writing on your tattoo without having to read it to them?

... want to touch intricate details of your tattoo that have otherwise been untouchable?

... want to trace a specific part of your tattoo that's your favorite?

... want others to see the great detail of your beloved tattoo without them getting so close and personal?

Yea... Me, too.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 499
Date: 6/12/2020
Subject: Announcing - Flypaper Designers

Flypaper Designers will be featured at Rumor Woods. It is a piece of paper that can be customized to better express different components of your tattoo.

There are 27 Unique Designs available at the in the tent, as well as 1 piece of flypaper that can be customized.

What are Flypaper Designers?

This piece of flypaper was designed by Flypaper Tattoo Designers. It will allow you to tattoo your body and will give you special messaging for certain actions taken against the tattoo.

There are several customization fields still missing from this piece of flypaper, however, a talented merchant can continue to work on the tattoo once it is on your body.

The following customizations are in place for a thin piece of flypaper:

Base Tattoo: (awaiting an article - you can not tattoo yourself without this field) (awaiting an adjective - you can not tattoo yourself without this field) tattoo
Long Description Tattoo: (awaiting your design)
Show Description Tattoo: (awaiting your design)
Location of Tattoo: Back (this can be changed using FLIP)

The Customized Verbs are:
(Clench): "Bunching your shoulders, the muscles in your back ripple, causing the (awaiting your design) of your tattoo to appear more pronounced."
(Rub): "You trace (awaiting your design) within the tattoo on your back."
(Slap): "You slap your tattoo, the sting briefly reminding you of the burn of the tattooing process. In that instance, you think about when (awaiting your design) first graced your alabaster flesh and how it felt when the ink was injected."
(Stretch): "You give a mighty stretch, the movement highlighting (awaiting your design) of your tattoo."
(Tap): "You lightly tap your tattoo to draw attention to (awaiting your design) at its center."
(Touch): "You trace the edges of your tattoo, carefully highlighting (awaiting your design) inked near its lower edge."
Slogan: You may have words or phrases as part of your tattoo. If you do, then they will appear as part of TOUCH. However, you are not required to create a slogan.

--Lastly, I will have a merchant that will be customizing the flypaper at the Rumor Woods. It costs 200 raihken per field that is customized.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 503
Date: 6/13/2020
Subject: Announcing - Flypaper Designers

Sorry for the confusion. These have nothing to do with monks. They are purely fluff.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~ ASGM of Events

Fox Pets

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 446
Author: GS4-RETSER
Date: 5/16/2020
Subject: Day in the life of a fox, a diary entry.

Dear Fox Diary, today I was summoned by my master. Who does he think he is?

Your silver fox trots in and up to you.

The silver fox paces uneasily in a circle.

I follow him around, he gives me food now and then.


Your silver fox ambles into the area and up to you.

The silver fox slinks away, her tail low to the ground.

He keeps picking me up! I don't like being held, but he isn't so bad. So I let him hold me now and then. Not for long though! I am a fox! I really don't like it when people who aren't my master try to play with me. Sometimes I even let him pet me...

get fox
You lean down and call to your silver fox who canters eagerly to you. Your fox stands up on its haunches allowing you to slide one arm under her belly. You draw her in against your side and lift her up.

Your silver fox arches her neck up and licks you.

Your silver fox squirms.

Your silver fox nibbles at your side as if it is cleaning you. Hey, that tickles!

Your silver fox pushes off of you and jumps to the ground from your grasp.

pet fox
You reach out and pat your silver fox on the head. pet fox
You reach out and scratch behind your silver fox's ears. pet fox
You reach out and stroke your silver fox's tail.

point fox You point just behind your silver fox who quickly turns around prepared to attack. Your fox sits down and gives you a look over her shoulder.

A sleek silver fox with oversized ears sits down and takes a moment to lick her paws.

Your silver fox walks up to you and places one paw on your knee before sitting down. A curious look on her face.

I can be a boy or a girl. I can be many colors and have different features. There are many combinations! I like to play with other animals and pets!

If you leave me alone after you decide to be done adventuring, I'll come back when you call to me. If you haven't seen me recently you can call to me again.

I think that is all for today.

xoxo, Foxy Lady

Retser, SGM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 549
Author: GS4-RETSER
Date: 6/20/2020
Subject: Rumor Woods: Fox Updates

Foxes will now move in 10 second intervals down from 60 second intervals. There was a small bug where they wouldn't follow you in some areas, that was fixed.
Foxes will now travel cross realm/town and no longer stop themselves.
Foxes will now de-summon themselves near-instantly when a player logs out, regardless of coming back.
Foxes still obey the restrictions of rooms that do not allow familiars.
Bugles will now apply a 5 minute cooldown to itself to allow for the system to clean up. You can check on how long is left in the ANALYZE.
I also added some messaging to let you know that your bugle is not ready to summon again if you EXHALE before it is ready.

Retser, SGM

White Alloy

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 473
Date: 6/1/2020
Subject: A Tale of Dwarven Mettle

Voices echoed through the smooth cavern halls, the quiet drone transforming the low-light dwelling from day activities to the solace of night. Solace for all but one within the dwarven monastery.

Sweat dripping from braids, brow, and beard, she stood over the forge with a pit in her stomach, an anger born of frustration on her lips and deep disappointment constricting her airways. When she had started the morning, she thought that this would be the day that she would achieve her goal. She had thought that the long hours before the heat, forging hammer in hand, would bring to her the satisfaction of success. Instead, she stared down at the mace on the anvil and felt only disgust and a vague soreness of muscle.

Closing her eyes, she placed her forging hammer upon the anvil and slowly dropped to her knees.

"Father of Creation," she intoned with the barest of breath from her lungs. Scarcely audible, any dwarf that passed the hall would not have heard, yet something in her quiet words caused a stillness in the forging hall and it was as if the entire underworld was holding its breath.

"Father…" she began again, but this time the word came out thick, her emotions betraying her to the point of vulnerability and she wept. Soft, silently, the tears disappearing into her beard, she let her frustration, anger, and grief seep from her tired frame.

She lowered her forehead to the anvil, the large stone and iron object that had become an altar to her over the past few days, weeks, months, and let it support her as it always had. As her faith always had.

Licking her lips, she began again.

"Father of my Creation, Hear this Hammer's unsanctioned Rogation. My Sisters and Brothers die, as I pound on this forge. My arm is weak, my spirit is waning, but I can not eat or drink for despair has turned it to ash. Please, Father, guide my hands. Helping me to forge a weapon that can hurt the ethereal, bring it low, and bind it. Please do not ask me to remain useless. Do not ask me to attend another funeral. Let me right the wrong."

A shiver of air set the fires of the forge to flickering, the gust of heat adding to her discomfort but she hardly noticed.

Gravely and deep, a voice from the hallway called out to her.

"Daughter of the Hammer," and she lifted her head to stare at the simply garbed friar with daisies in his beard.

He strode to her and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Here, let me guide you. You are so close to your goal, do not let the despair take it from you."

Licking her parched lips, she numbly nodded even as she noticed a tingle in her arm where his hand had touched her.

"Show me what you have done…"

Mutely, tired, and fatigued from her countless efforts, she was too tired to argue with the unusually large dwarven friar.

She rose to her feet and guided him through the steps she'd been taking. She spoke to him of the smelting process, the ores that she used in her metals, of the molds she had crafted herself. He offered not a word to any of it but nodded at appropriate intervals. Lastly, she brought him to the forge and showed the crafted item.

His eyes did not leave the smelter.

"Daughter of the Hammer," he said to her, and she was struck by the formality of it for the second time that night. "Your ratios are off by the barest of measures. Add a touch more eonake to your vultite and white ora."

Turning, she tore her gaze from the object that had consumed her every waking thought and dreams, her eyes as round as moons, and asked, "How…" But the question died on her lips. The friar was gone.

Not wanting to lose a moment, she began her days work anew. Resmelting the ores, filling the forms, and began working at the anvil once more. Each strike of her hammer ringing out loud enough to deafen, but in her ears, she only heard the sound of her own heartbeat.

As the midnight bell tolled, she gazed down at her work with awe and wonder. She had succeeded, the new metal she had created held form, the mace was a thing of beauty.

The next day, they found her there in the forge -- a white alloy mace in her hand, instructions scribbled in coal upon the ground, and a single daisy in her beard.

White alloy was originally the failed attempt to create a cheap permanently blessed material. However, it was recently discovered that, when properly blended, this alloy is anathema to the cursed shades and undead spirits that haunt Elanthia. Undead spirits struck by a white alloy weapon take extra damage and are temporarily anchored to the mortal plane when slain. Undead spirits recoil from white alloy armor and shields, making it harder for them to damage those bearing such equipment.

White alloy is considered a magical metal and can be used to craft weapons, armor, and shields. However, it is unsuitable for bows, staves, claidhmores, and katanas. It has a natural enchantment of +20. It can not be dyed.

In addition to that, it's non-corporeal undead bane, which means its +8 damage weighting and doesn't require a bless to hit non-corporeal undead. When it does hit non-corporeal undead, it anchors their spirit, preventing them from instantly decaying. It does require a bless to hit corporeal undead.

The new metal, white alloy, will be released in Rumor Woods. You can look for it in the shop, Devout Alloy.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 557
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 6/20/2020
Subject: White Alloy

White alloy is an alloy of vultite, white ora, and eonake. As such, it's intended to be sanctified. I'll be making an update to automatically correct that property on any white alloy weapons that went out without that property. However, at the same time, I'm also making another update that will allow Bless (304) and Symbol of Bless to work on naturally holy materials (which is just white ora, eonake, and white alloy for now). The net result is clerics and paladins can bless such items for holy water flares and non-clerics/paladins will be able to get such weapons blessed to be used against the undead.

GameMaster Estild

Look at Me Jewelry

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 476
Date: 6/5/2020
Subject: Jewelry ... with a twist

Ever been frustrated about not being able to indicate exactly which finger you were wearing your ring on? Or show others whether those bracelets were just on one wrist or both? Look at Me Jewelry, debuting at Rumor Woods this year, can be the solution for you.

This special new script for fluff accessories allows for a separate description when worn, giving you more flexibility on alterations. There are also specific settings to indicate where you are wearing that perfect piece of jewelry so that the messaging updates properly. So that engagement ring can actually be on your left ring finger, or you can actually have manacles on both of your wrists.

Be sure to check out Vaunt It and Flaunt It and peruse the curated selection of jewelry for sale there to find the best accessory for your outfit. Something not to your liking? Any merchant should be able to alter the worn or unworn descriptions, as well as change the specific area an item is worn (such as changing what finger a ring is worn on.)

Current "general" wear locations you may find: pin-worn (brooches, armbands, etc.), finger-worn, neck-worn, wrist-worn, ankle-worn, single ear and both ears. Each general wear location has several specific locations they can be set to to better indicate where/how exactly something is being worn, and the messaging is slightly different for each - be sure to find the right piece for your outfit!


Spell Prep Prop

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 477
Author: GS4-SINDIN
Date: 6/5/2020
Subject: Teaser - The Spellsmith

This linen ritual shroud was getting jealous of everyone's spell preps and decided to do something about it:

>pre 101
The folds of your linen ritual shroud float for a moment, drifting in the currents of a phantom wind as you prepare Spirit Warding I.
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
A light blue glow surrounds you.


Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 484
Author: GS4-SINDIN
Date: 6/6/2020
Subject: Teaser - The Spellsmith

The Spellsmith will be introducing a new script which... I haven't named yet!

What's it do? It attaches a spell prep to an inventory item, rather than a player. This allows for some fun possibilities, like...

>The eyes of your black diamond cameo flash with ruby light as you invoke the dark glory of your patron to prepare Prayer!

>The branches of your maoral crown sprout fresh green leaves in harmony with your incantation of Sneaking.

>Arcs of lightning coruscate along the surface of your mithril gorget as you prepare Call Familiar, casting your world in an eerie light...

It opens up a world of possibilities to let your inventory tell a story with your spell casting.

We will debut this script with a little over a dozen pre-made items that cover most of the spell circles (and one item covering one specific spell). There's a lot of possibilities with this script and fun places to go with it. And the messaging in this first round of items is written to give you decent latitude in altering the items themselves to your liking.

Worth noting: The script plays fine with your existing custom spell preps. I can get into more detail about it later, but the simple version is, if you have a custom prep that overlaps with an inventory-based prep, the latter will take precedence.

I hope people like this! Thank you so much to GM Oscuro for coding this weird idea of mine and to GM Haliste for her help as well.


Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 487
Author: GS4-SINDIN
Date: 6/6/2020
Subject: Teaser - The Spellsmith

I got a couple of questions about this privately, so wanted to answer publicly:

To debut this script, we are selling it on items off-the-shelf. I really wanted to make sure they could be generally incorporated into people's inventories, so they're non-functional (except for the pocketed cloak of course).

I know the ideal would be to add a script like this to a player's existing inventory item for some hyper delicious customization. That is technically possible, and something we'll be looking at down the line, but for now we're just offering this off-the-shelf version.


Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 580
Author: GS4-SINDIN
Date: 6/21/2020
Subject: Spellsmith: a note

Hello folks--

A reminder about the inventory in the Spellsmith: currently, any spell preps on items from the Spellsmith will take priority over custom preps already attached to your character.

So if you have a 906 custom attached to your character, and you wear the circlet that covers the 900s, you will get the circlet's spell prep messaging and not your 906. Your 906 spell prep will work fine once you take off the circlet.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Bradach's Belt

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 490
Date: 6/8/2020
Subject: Teaser - In the Loop

Overheard near the stables near Rumor Woods...

"Kids these days. Let me tell you. I’m so tired of seeing their skives. Why can’t then just get a belt? Holds up their pants, you can hang things off it, and the buckles are kind of nice, too. They all just need a nice new belt."


An old auction script for a belt was given a facelift for Rumor Woods. The belt is now tiered and has the option to have its buckle customized. Visit the shop, "In the Loop" to buy one!

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Grooming Tools

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 492
Date: 6/10/2020
Subject: Teaser - Trim and Polish

This year there will be a shop that sells grooming tools for tortoises (and their fellows). These tools differ from the horse grooming tools but can still be stored in the same bags as those tools.

Please note, horse grooming tools do not work on tortoises. Tortoise grooming tools do not work on horses.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Stick Horses

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 494
Author: GS4-ELIDI
Date: 6/12/2020
Subject: Teaser - Stick horses no longer one-trick ponies!

The stick horses sold at Fanfare are all new and a little more lively!

sG>nudge my horse
You nudge your fel stick horse with your hand. It just lays there, unresponsive.
You stand back up.
G>nudge my horse
You nudge your fel stick horse with the inside of your calf and skip forward a few steps.
G>pull my horse
You roughly yank the reins of your fel stick horse back towards your chest and dramatically call out, "Woooooooah!"

Some of the messaging differs when standing vs. sitting. Unlock certificates will be sold in the shop.

~*GM Elidi*~

Giantkin Kindred Garb

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 504
Date: 6/15/2020
Subject: New Document - The Arisaid - A study in the female highlander garb of the T'Kirem Bear Clan

The Arisaid - A study in the female highlander garb of the T'Kirem Bear Clan

Worn in the highlands, the arisaid is a traditional female clothing item that is as unique as the kilt. Arisaids can be fashioned of all manner of cloth, though historically they are made of rolton or lamb's wool. Their coloring varies from plain to striped, with brighter colors being more expensive, however, a recent push for tartan fabrics has begun under the tutelage of a young enterprising merchant of the T'Kirem Clan.

The garment is fashioned from a long rectangular piece that is twice the height of the wearer and as wide as the distance between the wearer's extended arms from wrist to wrist.

To wear the piece, the female would wrap the fabric from the short end around the waist and form simple pleats that can be belted at the waist. While the bottom edge is never lower than the ankle, the upper edges are pinned or knotted at the throat. This pinning around the torso allows the edges to be drawn closed to stave off the weather or cold, or thrown back to manipulate items or cool the torso. Frequently, the careful knotting or pinning at the throat creates a bowl of fabric that can be used as a hood or left to drape cape-like down the back.

In practice, the highlander female would wear a chemise as her bottom layer, followed by a bodice, a skirt, and an arisaid. She would then accessorize with her belt, her brooch, and her clan armband. Tall boots, either calf or knee-height, would round out her outfit, which is to say nothing for the various hidden daggers scattered throughout her assemblage.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 505
Date: 6/16/2020
Subject: Documentation: The Tartan Cloth - a T'Kirem Initiative

Honor to your Ancestors, my Kindred cousins, for I hope this missive finds you hale and whole. As our clans look to the future, there is much of our past that I wish to preserve and hold dear. As such, I have worked hard with many of the artisans of my clan to bring forth to you the gift of the tartan cloth. Long have those of us in the highlands treasured this symbol of our people, of our ways, and we would present to your clans a cloth that offers the same. Below are samples and details of the design we have created in your honor, which we hope you will embrace.

~Lyudmila T'Kirem

T'Kirem Bear Clan

Hunter Tartan - Formulated of four thick setts of cobalt blue on the horizontal and equally as many dark green setts on the vertical, the hunter tartan has narrow pivots of dark brown. This tartan is a midweight lamb's wool.

Symbolism in Colors

  • Cobalt Blue represents the lakes of the highlands when the sky is clear.
  • Dark Green represents the hills in spring when the clans meet.
  • Dark Brown represents the bear of their namesake.

Wsalamir Arctic Clan

Winter Tartan - Formulated of two thick setts of light blue on the horizontal and three winter white setts on the vertical, the winter tartan has six pivots of steel grey in alternating patterns with the setts. This tartan is double layered lamb's wool in a heavyweight.

Symbolism in Colors

  • Azure represents the arctic skies on a clear day.
  • Winter White represents the snows of their homeland.
  • Steel Grey represents the wendigo of their namesake.

Grishknel Wolf Clan

Shadow Tartan - Forming an alternating and repeating pattern, shadow tartan has an ebon sett followed by smoky grey pivots, a reverse ebon sett, and three more smoky grey pivots before the repeat on the horizontal. The vertical is comprised of only pivots in ebon, though the whole piece is on a background of russet. This tartan is lightweight lamb's wool.

Symbolism in Colors

  • Ebon represents the darkness of night where any of the Grishknel Clan find their home.
  • Smoky Grey represents the shadows by which they cling to.
  • Russet represents the wolf of their namesake.

Issimir Ogre Clan

Coinage Tartan - Broad bands of stone grey form alternating setts around pivots of metallic-sheened silver threads on the horizontal with a background of canary yellow. The vertical pivots and setts are equidistance apart and match the patterning of the horizontal with precision. This tartan is lightweight rolton wool.

Symbolism in Colors

  • Stone Grey represents the settlements, structure, and involvement the clan has had in building up societies across the lands.
  • Silver represents the coinage they are known for and their path as shrewd merchants.
  • Canary Yellow represents the hearth, denoting that the clan has given up its roaming ways.

Grot'karesh Hammer Clan

Dark Tartan - Set upon a background of brick red, there are no setts within the horizontal and vertical patterns of the cloth. Instead, there are eight narrow pivots of different colors that are evenly spaced on both the vertical and horizontal. They are, in order before repetition, ebon, dark brown, russet, winter white, canary yellow, flaxen, sage, and lilac. This is a heavyweight rolton wool.

Symbolism in Colors

  • Brick Red represents the blood of all the clans that was shed in Maelshyvve.
  • Ebon represents the darkness that followed the Grot'karesh out of Maelsyvve.
  • Dark Brown, Russet, Winter White, Canary Yellow, Flaxen, Sage, and Lilac represent each of the clans that have fed the ranks of the Hammer Clan over the centuries.

Araime Sun Clan

Sun Tartan - Woven upon a field of flaxen, three setts of ginger, indigo, and umber framed by white pivots reverse to create the primary horizontal pattern of the cloth. The vertical is comprised only of pivots in dandelion yellow. This is a lightweight lamb's wool.

Symbolism of Colors

  • Flaxen and Dandelion Yellow represent the sun as the primary worship of the clan.
  • Ginger represents the element of fire.
  • Indigo represents the element of water.
  • Umber represents the element of earth.
  • White represents the celestial bodies that govern the tertiary worship of the clan.

Maeramil Wind Runner Clan

Meadow Tartan - Horizontal setts of sage and pine green are flanked by steel grey pivots on a backdrop of cornflower blue. The vertical pattern is a reverse of the horizontal whereby the sage and pine green threads form the pivots and the steel grey forms the setts. This is a midweight lamb's wool cloth.

Symbolism in Color

  • Sage and Pine Green colors represent the clan's propensity for nature.
  • Steel Grey represents the winds of freedom by which the clan makes its code.
  • Cornflower Blue represents the rivers that the clan usually follows, as these are the pathways to greater freedoms.

Vaikalimara Clan

Mist Tartan - Formulated upon a misty grey backdrop, the tartan fabric has narrow pivots of lilac that flank alternating white and amber setts on the horizontal plane. Conversely, the vertical plane is comprised of viridian and ebon setts flanked by lilac pivots. This is a midweight lamb's wool cloth.

Symbolism in Color

  • Mist Grey represents the shroud of mystery that settles over the clan's inner workings.
  • Lilac represents the color of Mishka, the clan's founder.
  • White represents Liabo.
  • Ebon represents Lornon.
  • Amber represents Tilaok.
  • Viridian represents Mikiri.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 519
Date: 6/17/2020
Subject: Announcing: The Kindred Garb

In honor of these new documents:

The Arisaid

The Tartan Cloth

Rumor Woods will be featuring a new shop called, "The Tartan Cloth."

This shop will feature the fashion line known as, "The Kindred Garb."

Clan Brooches
Each clan will find that this shop has a brooch that honors them. There is also one that is blank for everyone else to use, however, if you like a clan brooch's style can purchase it.

You analyze your vultite brooch and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of this line. This piece is part of the "Brooch" accessory.

A penannular vultite brooch can support a long or a show description, but can also have further detail on the symbol etched upon it.

This piece's symbol is "the arching symbol of two knotwork grizzly bears." And honors the T'Kirem Bear Clan.

It is currently tier 2 of 2 tiers. It has access to the following verbs: cover*, ponder*, pound*, touch*, turn, twist, remove, and wear

  • Denotes that this brooch has special messaging for giantmen.

You can TURN the brooch to hide it in your Kindred Garb clothing, or TWIST it to unhide it.

New Belt
Different than the belts that can be found in the shop, "In the Loop," these belts are designed as part of the "Kindred Garb" collection.

You analyze your black leather belt and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of this line. This piece is part of the "Belt" accessory.

A rugged black leather belt can support a long or a show description, but can also have a custom buckle.

This piece's buckle is "bear-etched."
It is currently tier 2 of 2 tiers. It has access to the following verbs: nudge, pinch, poke, pull, push, remove, rub, and wear

Any merchant can customize your buckle, but the buckle may never have anything after its noun.

New Chemise/Shirt
These unique chemises/shirts allow you to roll up your sleeves and bind them with the ribbons woven in the unique channels. This is reflected in their LONG descriptions. They, too, are part of the "Kindred Garb" collection.

You analyze your off-white linen chemise and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of its line. This piece is part of the "Chemise" line of clothing.

A soft off-white linen chemise should be fashioned of cloth only and will never support a long description as you can pull the sleeves up to expose your arms. It can support a show description.

It is currently tier 2 of 2 tiers.

It has access to the following verbs: lace, pull, push, remove, pinch, touch, wear

You now have the ability to change the drawstrings of your chemise by lacing and unlacing ribbons into it. To add a new ribbon, UNLACE your chemise to remove the old ribbon and then LACE your chemise with your new RIBBON. Please note: This will only work with unscripted ribbons. The following are the only nouns that are acceptable: blouse, chemise, leine, shift, shirt, underdress, undergown, or undershirt.

Female-Only - New Bodices
Like the chemises/shirts mentioned above, these bodices have laces in them that can be removed. You can wear the bodice with or without them, which will be reflected in their zests. Ladies, these bodices can be tightened for a bit of risque behavior, or loosened for modesty. The choice is yours and is reflected in their LONG descriptions. They, too, are part of the "Kindred Garb" collection.

You analyze your hunter green bodice and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of this line. This piece is part of the "Bodice" accessory.

An embossed hunter green bodice can support a show description, but can also have custom laces.

This piece's laces are "a pair of ebon rawhide laces."

It is currently tier 2 of 2 tiers. It has access to the following verbs: fold, lace, lean, pull, push, remove, unlace, and wear

You now have the ability to change the laces of your bodice by lacing and unlacing laces into it. To add new laces, UNLACE your bodice to remove the old laces and then LACE your bodice with your new LACES. Please note: This will only work with unscripted LACES.

This item is intended to be worn by a female-only.

Female-Only - New Cloth/Arisaid
In honor of the new noun, I am happy to present a cloth that can be used to create an arisaid when you wear it. It is also part of the "Kindred Garb" collection.

You analyze your hunter tartan cloth and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of this line. This piece is part of the "Arisaid" design and can only be worn by females.

A lightweight hunter tartan cloth can support a long or show description, but cannot have its noun changed.

It is currently tier 3 of 3 tiers. It has access to the following verbs: bow, curtsy, hug, lean, pinch, pose, pull, push, rub, snuggle, and wear

This particular cloth is fashioned of Hunter Tartan, which honors the T'Kirem Bear Clan. To gain a better idea of the design, please LOOK at the cloth when it is not worn.

In Closing
Each piece of the "Kindred Garb" collection interacts with the other. In many cases, the acknowledgment of the collection's pieces changes the zest messaging.

Lastly, there is a cloth representing each clan available at the shop in Rumor Woods. There is also a unique cloth designed to honor the nature of Rumor Woods as well.

This particular cloth is fashioned of Custom Tartan, which was fashioned as a representation of "Rumor Woods - Tourney of the Coney and the Tortoise."

This is its pattern:

Blended with lamb's wool and flax, the tartan fabric is incredibly soft and has an azure base. Horizontal and vertical setts of umber and virescent hues face cerise and winter white setts over a silver-threaded pivot. Simple knots finish off the edges to create a short, thumb-thick fringe.

I hope you enjoy the new "Kindred Garb" collection.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

General Teasers/Posts

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 445
Date: 5/15/2020
Subject: Teaser 2

Rumor Woods is about a month away and we are putting the finishing touches on many things.

Things like...

Two new Giantkin documents.

One new Dwarven vignette.

Is everyone getting excited for the return of the Grand Tourney at Rumor Woods and the Battle of the Coney and the Tortoise?

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 450
Date: 5/29/2020
Subject: Is it time yet?

Rumor Woods will run from Friday, June 19th at 9:00 PM through Sunday, June 28 at 11:59 PM. There are LOTS of additions and updates this time around, so buckle in!

Let's start with shops. We have new shops! We have old shops! We have updated shops! Want a list? Okay!

Born to Adorn
Debout Alloy
Flypaper Designers
In the Loop
Robes of Resistance
Rollin' in the Greens
The Colorful Carapace
The Spellsmith
Trim and Polish
Vaunt It and Flaunt It

Cloak 'N Mount
Container Yourself
Gifts of Atan Irith
Horse of a Different Fashion
Horsing Around
Poiret & Co.
Quit Stallin'
Sweetie Pies
The Gallant Groomer
The Galloping Gait
The Gift Horse
The Knight's Way
The Tartan Cloth
Tourney Tents
Unfurling Battle
What Remains

Ostler's Den*
Braid and Mane**
Mane and Tail Above the Rest
Stick Your Nose In It

  • This time around, you won't have to deal with feature upgrade certificates! Ostler has come to live in Rumor Woods, and he is available to handle all your feature upgrade needs without all the fuss of feature certificates. He's got all the fine details for available upgrades specific to your mount, and he can handle them with minimal effort. Please note that with this boosted functionality comes some feature tier changes -- you may have received some features last run that are not available this run due to tier changes. This is intended. We did an overhaul of all of the available features and feel we have done a good job dividing them all up to make sure that each tier has some special feature alterations available.

If you happen to have any feature certificates stockpiled from last year, you'll need to RAISE the certificate to get your raikhen back.

Ostler can also handle a gender-swap if you decide that you would rather have a female horse or turtle instead of a male horse or turtle (or vice versa), though he can't make your filly a male or your colt a female (oh, right. We didn't have colts last year...but this is 2020??!). Any gender-specific mount-nouns will remain available only to that gender.

    • Horse braid features are functioning this time (BUUUUUUUT if you happen to have one of those braid items from the 2019 run, do not use it until after you have received an all clear). The scripts that govern this functionality ARE NOT in the live instances yet, so if you use those old items, you're going to break your mount again! Not too much longer, and you'll be able to use them safely.


I know, this is what you really want to know about! Right?

  • Theme! The Battle of the Coney and the Tortoise! WOO. All of the grounds have been updated to reflect this. No more serpents and phoenixes. If you really liked those, I'm sorry. This year you get coneys and tortoises!
  • There's a new garment in town: Arisaid. Look for the excellent documentation on this, as well.
  • Resistance cloaks are a thing now. Just when you thought you were done with your battle wardrobe!
  • Fancy ways to travel - or, at least, prepare the spell that helps you travel. We came up with some fancy schmancy stuff! Oh, and speaking of fancy schmany spell prep stuff, make sure you check out The Spellsmith. It's customized spell preps like you've never seen them before.
  • Koras and banduras are now eligible nouns for instruments. If you're not familiar with them, check 'em out. They're pretty nifty instruments.
  • Interactive Tattoos - GM Thandiwe shared these with you already, but they're still very shiny and new. And glorious.
  • Foxes. Cute, sweet, adorable foxes. These rare creatures can only be obtained in the Fox Hunt activity - and these are extremely rare (think golvern segment rare). In addition, you don't have to worry about a cage or a basket or something to attach to your belt. Nope, GM Retser was insistent on making sure he saved your belt spots for other things. So instead, you will find a bugle, and that is how you will call your beloved furry friend to your side. But bear in mind, once you use the bugle and call your foxy fur fiend - it's yours forever. And, with the bugles, once you find one, you're done -- as in, you won't find any more if you continue to participate in the fox hunt activity. You can give your bugle away if you are absolutely not interested, but, not if you have already summoned the fox. (As a side note, there's a chance that when you summon your fox, you could be fortunate enough to lure a vixen or a tod, or maybe even a kit! But you'll always get a fox once you have a bugle. And, whatever you summon the first time, is what you'll summon everytime thereafter.)
  • Mounts. We have lots going on here! First - in line with our new Tournament Theme for 2020, which is "The Battle of the Coney and the Tortoise", we are releasing our second mount, the giant tortoise! "I'm going to ride a turtle????" I know this is what you're thinking. But turn your eyes over there. >>> These GIANT tortoises are, well, huge. And the uncommon version is even huger. More huge? Bigger huger? A cryptodira is pretty big. The rare version of the giant tortoise -- the Megalochelys atlas -- let's just say I don't ever want to come face-to-face with one in real life. OK? And that brings me to my next update...
  • Draft horse. These are huge horses! Majestic horses! Probably way too big for halflings or gnomes to ride. In fact, they're definitely too big for halflings and gnomes to ride. But that's okay, because...
  • Ponies. Yep. I said it. We made them. They're there. They're NOT Shire ponies, and they should not be confused with them, but ponies definitely exist in Elanthia. I have proof. I've seen them in Rumor Woods. Oh, and giantmen? Sorry...
  • Fast travel! Finally! 'NUFF SAID. (Ok, there's more, but I'll let GM Retser handle it.)
  • Backtrack just a bit -- with draft horses and giant tortoises, those two specifically, will always carry that adjective. The atlas turtles will always have "Megalochelys" as part of the base description, as well. It's a mouthful. Who came up with these words way back then anyway?
  • War paint for turtles! It's temporary, yo - but paint up those shells! You know you always wanted to do that.
  • You will now be able to upgrade your surita runestaves from lesser to greater. And, we'll make sure to have at least one runestaff available that is unscripted.
  • White alloy: a new melee material; held weapons and UAC only (no runestaves, no bows). There is a vignette soon to be released about this, so I won't spoil it for you.
  • Cost review of weight reduction over 20%. [added to list 5/30/20]
  • And probably more things I've forgotten to add to this list!

~ Haliste ~
SGM, Events
Auntie H, Forever

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 467
Date: 5/30/2020
Subject: Is it time yet?

>Will existing white alloy weapons retain their properties, or gain these?
As far as I know, no existing white alloy weapons (if any exist) have any properties. And if they do exist, they will not gain the properties of this material.

>What are the chances of being able to go to a particular area and have a smaller pool to summon a fox from?
At this point, slim. We've already handled the summon/creation process and it doesn't involve player location.

>...white alloy discussion...
Any existing white alloy is not the real white alloy. It's probably a metal material with the description "white alloy". Very different and not REALLY white alloy. This is usually the case for materials that suddenly become a real material rather than just a text description on your item (which is what used to happen "way back when".)

~ Haliste ~
SGM, Events
Auntie H, Forever

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 482
Date: 6/6/2020
Subject: Is it time yet?

Hey guys -- just a few more things here.

  • Mount bugs - I'm aware of some outstanding bugs here. I have some fixes in currently that won't be LIVE until the event opening. Please bear with me on these - I know it's a little frustrating (for all of us!) but I'm hopeful that we've nailed down most of them. If you continue to experience issues, though, please let me know about them.
  • Stalls - there are some upgrades coming here. I don't know if I'll get them in for this run or the next run, but these will see some nice upgrades in the (near) future.

~ Haliste ~
SGM, Events
Auntie H, Forever

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 483
Date: 6/6/2020
Subject: Teaser - Container Yourself


Container Yourself has been upgraded this run with the new theme. Gone are the days of the Phoenix and Serpent. Instead...

A snowy white coney is stitched at the center of the pouch's flap.

A virescent tortoise is stitched at the center of the pouch's flap.


~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 517
Date: 6/17/2020
Subject: Fox Hunt Updates

The experience that you earn by TRACK, OBSERVE, and SEARCH has all been increased. You earn 10exp per TRACK and OBVERSE and 25exp for SEARCH. You can TRACK/OBSERVE as much as you can in the allotted time (90 seconds). Both incur a 5 second roundtime, so plan wisely!

We've added an extremely rare prize, a brass bugle, which can summon a pet fox. You do not need to find the fox to be awarded a bugle. The bugle will be inside your gunny sack after leaving the fox hunt. If you do not have a free hand, it will be placed on the ground when you exit (like arena packages at Duskruin).

Each run through the fox hunt will award raikhen and an additional item. The prize pull (outside the bugle) are the following items:

an Adventurer's Guild voucher pack (2 uses)
a blue feather-shaped charm (1 use)
a squat jar of pallid grey salve (1 use)
an urchin guide contract (10 days)
an Elanthian Guilds voucher pack (2 uses)
a brass and gold sphere (1 for each town) [removed in Platinum]
a small glowing orb (1 use)

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 521
Date: 6/19/2020
Subject: Stall Upgrades

Please note that not all of these upgrades will be available this time around. I'm working on it, but it's a relatively new addition!

1) All stalls will now allow groups to enter. Mounted group members will be dismounted, as there's only enough room for one mount to exist in each stall. (Characters can no longer login to the stall rooms.)
2) All stalls will now allow magic and familiars.
3) Fast travel will now work from all stables, including stalls (assuming the ability functions in that area AND you have purchased this upgrade from the stablehand).
4) Stall decor limits have been removed.
5) You can now teleport out of your stall.

a) Mount Association -- Change the mount that lives in a stall. COST: 625 raikhen
b) Stable Location -- Change the town of your stall (assuming one is currently available in that town). COST: 1250 raikhen
2) PERSONAL NODE -- COST: 5000 raikhen
3) STORAGE -- add a container able to hold 50 pounds. COST: 10000 raikhen
(NOTE: Stalls are limited to 1 storage container.)
4) STORAGE UPGRADE in 10 pound increments
a) 50 to 100 pounds -- COST: 1000 raikhen
b) 100 to 150 pounds -- COST: 2000 raikhen
b) 150 to 200 pounds (max capacity) -- COST: 3000 raikhen
a) Level 1: Purchase a trashcan from the shop. COST: 400 raikhen
b) Level 2: Purchase a trashcan ROOM DESCRIPTION. (IE: "A small hole in the floor serves as a waste receptacle." versus "You also see <item>".) COST: 675 raikhen
c) Level 3: Purchase a CLEAN function to clean up a stall room (similar to inn tables). COST: 1075 raikhen
(Note: These options function separately. You do not have to purchase lower levels to get upper levels.)
a) Benches and chairs. COST: 400 raikhen
7) REMODEL -- purchase a new stall description. COST: 1300 raikhen

~ Haliste ~
SGM, Events
Auntie H, Forever

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 528
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 6/19/2020
Subject: Couturier's Retreat

When Rumor Woods first opens, the seamstress (weight reduction) in Couturier's Retreat will not be available for work. The cost for weight reduction above 20% is being reduced and once finalized, hopefully tonight, she'll be available then.

In addition, shimmering blue orbs will be available for sale in Couturier's Retreat, Storage for 3,500 raikhen. These are level 2 full experience multipliers.

GameMaster Estild

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 644
Date: 6/25/2020
Subject: Quit Stallin' - Grand Reopening


This shop will be reopening shortly. You'll find that it now has a backroom in it. This backroom has stall certificates and papers of all variety.

For some background:

packing slips = container for a stall notes = deepening certificates for a stall

shipping labels = trash receptacles certificates = Adds a sentence to your room about a trash receptacle AND moves a trash receptacle into a stall

contract - adds an earth node to your stall

blueprint - changes the day and night description of your stall

instructions - adds a functional bench

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 682
Date: 6/28/2020
Subject: Irons in the Fire

This shop will be opening in just a little bit.

EDIT: Once this shop opens, please check the irons as I have made some changes to this script. You can now select the LOCATION of the branding with TURN, and the STYLE of the branding with PUSH.

The location can be one of the following:

  • right side of the neck
  • left side of the neck
  • right haunch
  • left haunch
  • right side of the jaw
  • left side of the jaw
  • right shoulder
  • left shoulder
  • right hindquarter
  • left hindquarter

The style can be one of the following:

  • He/She has <design> branded on his/her <location>.
  • Branded on his/her <location> is <design>.
  • <Design> is branded on his/her <location>.
  • Dark and somewhat new, <design> is branded on his/her <location>.
  • Somewhat faded, he/she has a branding of <design> on his/her <location>.
  • <Design> is superimposed over another image, causing the branded area on his/her <location> to be somewhat blurred.
  • Clear and distinct, he/she has <design> branded onto his/her <location>.
  • He/She is branded with <design> on his/her <location>, which is fresh and slightly puckered.
  • Fairly small and discreet, he/she is branded on his/her <location> with <design>.
  • Rather large and bold, he/she is branded on his/her <location> with <design>.

~ Haliste ~
SGM, Events
Auntie H, Forever

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 704
Date: 6/30/2020
Subject: Summit Customizations

The attendants found at Summit Academy will now take any token, OR if you do not have one, they will remove your tickets (in this case, raikhen) directly if you have enough.

If you notice any weirdness with this, please let me know. I am not aware if the FEATURE customization has been finished to handle things this way or not, but I know that it is also being worked on.

~ Haliste ~
SGM, Events
Auntie H, Forever

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 705
Date: 6/30/2020
Subject: Horse Mane Braiding Items


I purposefully left the horse braiding items visible on your horses because I didn't want everyone to be confused or forget what the noun. It isn't like when you wear a hair changing item. All you have to do is type INVENTORY and it shows as (hidden on your blah blah blah). When you look at your mount, if it is hidden then, it's totally invisible and effectively gone. Some of the braids aren't intuitive as to what their noun is, which is another reason to keep it visible on your mount. I don't want you to permanently change the mane and never be able to upgrade it.

I hope that helps with some of the confusion.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and Simucoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 714
Date: 7/3/2020
Subject: And the Victor is...

Trumpets blared far and wide, as a lone figure stood on the balcony of Sylinar's Spire. Raising his hands in the air, he waited for the sound of the echoing horn blasts to fade in the valley below.

"Let it be known, that we have a victor," Siethidi called out into the silence.

He nodded to his assistants, who tore down the cerise banners at the young lord of the spire's silent cue.

"The victor of this year's Tourney is the Tortoise," he called out into the cold air.

"Those that qualify will now be known as Lictors of the Umber Creep, while those that championed for the coney will be known as Defeated of the Umber Creep."

Turning on his heels, Siethidi retired to the tower's study to begin working on plans for next year's tourney. As he sat at the desk, his assistant could hear him muttering.

"Lion... Goat... Deer... Rolton... Seathrak... Eagle... Unicorn... Ki-lin... Ferret... " the list mumbled on.

--- The Tortoise overwhelming won the contest at just over 2 to 1.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events