Gertie's Flavored Ices

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Gertie's Flavored Ices is a shop in Solhaven that sells beverages, and specializes in flavored ices. The proprietor is Gertie. Gertie's cart is permanently located on Bayside Road, just west of North Market.

[Solhaven, Bayside Road] RNUM: 1474, u4209029
Bayside Road borders the North Market, bustling with noise and activity. The North Market Pier juts northwestward into the bay. A street peddler has set up her cart nearby, doing a brisk trade with thirsty shoppers. You also see the peddler Gertie and a small wooden sign.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, south, southwest, northwest


|              *    *    *    *    *    *              |
|            *   Gertie's Flavored Ices   *            |
|          *   *                        *   *          |
|                                                      |
|                Flavors                               |
|                ---------                             |
|                1. A Winterberry Ice                  |
|                2. A Raspberry Ice                    |
|                3. A Strawberry Ice                   |
|                4. A Lemon Ice                        |
|                5. A Blaestonberry Ice                |
|                                                      |
|                                                      |
|    Just ORDER them by number to check the prices,    |
|           then BUY them if you like them!            |
|                                                      |
|  ** Type HELP for examples on using this system **   |