Marshtown Metalworkers

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Marshtown Metalworkers is a shop in Marshtown, around Solhaven, that sells forging glyphs and materials. It is off of Green Ell, which runs north of the Market Bridge.

The proprietor is Fortog.

[Metalworkers' Enclave

[[Metalworkers' Enclave] Room: 4905002, RNUM: 5038
A broad wooden walkway leads north to a canopied platform. A counter and attendant occupy the center of the platform, and a number of narrower walkways radiate from it to other platforms, each supporting a small, tin-roofed building with a brick chimney. To either side of the gatehouse to the south, the roofs and upper stories of Marshtown's taller buildings can be seen above the enclave's high fence.
Obvious paths: north

Metalworkers' Central Platform

Directions: north

[Metalworkers' Central Platform] Room: 4905003, RNUM: 5039
A metal-topped counter occupies the central third of the platform, and a large sign hangs from the main post that rises behind the counter. A ruddy-complected giantman, with shoulders and arms heavily muscled even for one of his race, leans on an oversized boarding pike, a polished glaes toothpick protruding from his mouth. You also see the clerk Fortog, some forging workshops and a large placard.
Obvious exits: south


  1. a leather crafter's apron             26. a quarterstaff endcap-glyph
  2. a bronze bar                          27. a mattock haft-glyph
  3. a hickory block                       28. a mattock head-glyph
  4. a heavy steel slab                    29. a flail haft-glyph
  5. a large skin of tempering oil         30. a flail head-glyph
  6. a large skin of enchanted oil         31. a spear shaft-glyph
  7. a large skin of twice-enchanted oil   32. a spear head-glyph
  8. a large skin of ensorcelled oil       33. a pilum shaft-glyph
  9. a heavy mithril slab                  34. a pilum head-glyph
  10. a heavy ora slab                     35. a halberd shaft-glyph
  11. a heavy imflass slab                 36. a halberd head-glyph
  12. a heavy vultite slab                 37. a knuckle-duster handle-glyph
  13. a dagger hilt-glyph                  38. a knuckle-duster blade-glyph
  14. a dagger blade-glyph                 39. a hook-knife hilt-glyph
  15. a shortsword hilt-glyph              40. a hook-knife blade-glyph
  16. a shortsword blade-glyph             41. a knuckle-blade handle-glyph
  17. a main gauche hilt-glyph             42. a knuckle-blade blade-glyph
  18. a main gauche blade-glyph            43. a troll-claw handle-glyph
  19. a cudgel handle-glyph                44. a troll-claw blade-glyph
  20. a cudgel head-glyph                  45. a katar handle-glyph
  21. a mace handle-glyph                  46. a katar blade-glyph
  22. a mace head-glyph                    47. a yierka-spur handle-glyph
  23. a crowbill handle-glyph              48. a yierka-spur blade-glyph
  24. a crowbill head-glyph                49. a trident shaft-glyph
  25. a quarterstaff shaft-glyph           50. a trident head-glyph

In addition to the forging supplies sold, forging workshop scan also be rented here.

|                                                      |
|                                                      |
|  1. You need to be wearing an apron in order to      |
|     work in a workshop or forge.  NOTHING will       |
|     work if you are not wearing one!                 |
|                                                      |
|  2. You only need tempering oil when forging steel   |
|     or better materials.  There is water in a        |
|     cistern in the forging chamber for use with      |
|     bronze or iron.                                  |
|                                                      |
|  3. Enchanted tempering oil is only needed when      |
|     forging magical materials.                       |
|                                                      |
|  4. Bronze is an easy material to work with and      |
|     is intended for practicing.  It makes LOUSY      |
|     weapons; however, you can make hilts/hafts       |
|     and blades/heads from it.  It is a good          |
|     all-around practice material, as is iron.        |
|                                                      |
|  5. The blocks of wood are for use in crafting       |
|     the hilt/haft of a weapon; however, the type     |
|     of wood will not be apparent in the finished     |
|     weapon.  You can as easily craft hilts or        |
|     hafts from bronze or iron.                       |
|                                                      |
|  6. You cannot forge until you first craft a         |
|     forging-hammer for yourself.  A good hammer      |
|     will improve your chance of success when         |
|     forging.  A poor hammer will decrease your       |
|     chance of success when forging.                  |
|                                                      |
|  7. Magical materials can only be forged with        |
|     a forging-hammer constructed from magical        |
|     materials.  This means the hammer must be        |
|     made of mithril or better.  The choice of        |
|     which magical material to use is a personal      |
|     preference and has NO impact on the hammer's     |
|     ability to forge, other than enabling you to     |
|     forge magical materials.                         |
|                                                      |
|  8. Glyphs are patterns.  You need two for any       |
|     weapon you intend to craft.  Forging-hammer      |
|     glyphs are permanent in each workshop on the     |
|     workbench and do not need to be purchased.       |
|                                                      |
|  9. Glyphs are made of various materials.  The       |
|     weaker materials contain fewer uses before       |
|     they crumble.  The choice of which to buy        |
|     should be based on convenience.  Stronger        |
|     glyphs cost slightly more per use, but are       |
|     lighter, considering the number of uses they     |
|     contain.                                         |
|                                                      |
| 10. The number of uses for glyph materials are:      |
|                                                      |
|              Wax         -  10                       |
|              Cuirbouilli -  25                       |
|              Modwir      -  50                       |
|              Tin         - 100                       |
|              Silver      - 250                       |
|              Gold        - 500                       |
|                                                      |
| 11. Glyphs for three weapons of each forging skill   |
|     group are offered for sale.  They are listed     |
|     in ascending difficulty.  You will not be able   |
|     to craft the second or third weapons until       |
|     your skill is advanced enough.  Practice on      |
|     the first weapon until you realize that it is    |
|     too simple for you to learn from, then move on   |
|     to the second weapon, etc.                       |
|                                                      |
| 12. Each supply shop will offer glyphs for a         |
|     weapon or two that are not regularly sold        |
|     at other supply shops.  These glyphs are         |
|     posted towards the bottom of the sign and        |
|     are usually of mid- to high-difficulty.          |
|     Don't bother buying them until you are able      |
|     to craft all of the similar skill weapons        |
|     listed farther up on the sign.                   |
|                                                      |