Aunt Marnie's Solace

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Aunt Marnie's Solace is an eatery in Marshtown, around Solhaven, that sells beverages. It is located in the small wooden building in the Plaza of the Cypress Walk Premium home neighborhood.

The proprietor is Marnie.

Aunt Marnie's Solace

[Aunt Marnie's Solace] Room: 712119, RNUM: 14460
A wizened human woman sits behind a weathered bar, watching the small stage set up in the corner. Groups of musicians take turns performing, their soft music passing over a scattering of dancing couples. A heavy, salty breeze enters through the open windows. You also see a sign near the bar and some swinging doors.
Obvious exits: north


  1. some bright red liquor   6. some rich wheat beer
  2. a shot of green liquor   7. some pale pub ale
  3. some citrus liquor       8. some green tea
  4. some lemon liquor        9. some fragrant pale tea
  5. some frothy cider        10. some mellow herbal tea

Aunt Marnie's Solace, Patio

Directions: north

[Aunt Marnie's Solace, Patio] Room: 712114, RNUM: 14463
Standing about seven feet tall, the tops of the four wrought iron torches burn ferociously, emitting a thick black smoke. Seven stone benches fill the cobblestone patio, each grouped with a small round table. Manicured hawthorn bushes line the rounded area, providing a bit of privacy and quietude from the traffic of the plaza.
Obvious exits: south