MANA is a verb which allows you to view your maximum mana, remaining mana points, and how much mana you'll recover both on node and off node. It can also be used by those with sufficient Mana Control training to either force a mana pulse to occur immediately or instantly cast all known defensive spells.
- Shows information about currant mana capacity and amount of mana gains per pulse
>mana Maximum Mana Points: 314 Remaining Mana Points: 314 Mana gained off node: 64 Mana gained on node: 95 Mana Control abilities: MANA PULSE - Manually invoke a mana pulse to gain mana as if you were off a node. MANA SPELLUP - Instantly cast all of your defensive spells. You have used the MANA SPELLUP ability 2 out of 6 times for today. The available uses will reset in 23 hours and 59 minutes.
- Allows the caster to manually invoke a pulse as if they were off-node (subject to Mana Control ranks).
- Allows the caster to instantly cast all defensive spells known to them (subject to Mana Control ranks).
Mana Control Benefits
Training in the appropriate Mana Control skills (Elemental Mana Control, Mental Mana Control, Spiritual Mana Control) unlocks additional usages of Mana Pulse and Mana Spellup. Single sphere professions like wizards and clerics use one mana control skill for calculations, while hybrid professions like sorcerers and empaths use two mana control skills for calculations.
Mana Spellup
With the Mana Spellup ability, a caster may instantly selfcast all known standard duration, stacking defensive spells (i.e., not Wall of Force (140) or Wizard Shield (919)) at zero mana cost for a single cast. This ability may be used once per day for every 25 ranks of their profession's primary Mana Control skill.
For hybrid professions like sorcerers (elemental/spiritual hybrid), both mana control skills add to the number uses per day. The higher trained of the two counts for full ranks, the lesser counts for half ranks. If both are equal, one counts fully, the other for half.
This ability is particularly useful after deaths, during invasions, or after mass dispel effects. Casters wishing to avoid the penalties associated with trade-off spells like Spirit Barrier (102) should remember to stop these spells. Uses of mana spellup are available in the SimuCoins Store via Spell Up Pills.
- Example
A sorcerer with 50 ranks EMC and SMC, the effective ranks are 50 + (50/2) = 75 ranks, may invoke this ability thrice per day.
This chart applies to training only one Mana Control Mana Control ranks 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 Uses of Mana Spellup per day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
This chart assumes equal ranks trained in Mana Controls for a hybrid caster Mana Control ranks (each) 17 34 50 67 84 100 117 134 150 167 184 200 217 234 250 Uses of Mana Spellup per day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
>mana spellup (sorcerer) With your advanced understanding of spiritual and elemental mana, you transcend the normal limitations of magic and release upon yourself a flurry of abjurations... A light blue glow surrounds you. The air thickens and begins to swirl around you. You suddenly feel more powerful. There is a dim flash around you.You feel a strengthening of your internal fortitude. There is a dim flash around you.You feel a strengthening of your blood flow. A deep blue glow surrounds you. A misty halo surrounds you. A dull golden nimbus surrounds you. You suddenly feel a lot more powerful.You are surrounded by a white light. A silvery luminescence surrounds you. A bright luminescence surrounds you. A brilliant luminescence surrounds you. You are filled with a sense of great confidence. Your skin tingles for a moment and you feel more secure. A shadowy patch of ether rises up through the ground to encompass you, swiftly sinking into your skin. A cankerous ripple of vesicles temporarily disfigures your face and travels down your body, leaving a sickly green miasma as it disappears. Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Mana Pulse
- This ability allows the user to manually invoke a mana pulse.
- Every Mana Control rank allows this action to be performed 1 second sooner than when the actual pulse would happen.
- Effective Mana Control ranks is calculated the same as MANA SPELLUP. For hybrid classes like sorcerers (elemental/spiritual hybrid), the higher of the two MC counts for full value and the lesser MC counts for half.
- For example, with 50 Mana Control ranks, one can only use this ability when the natural mana pulse would trigger in the next 50 seconds.
- The amount of mana gained is the same as an off-node pulse
- After triggering the ability, a cooldown applies until a natural mana pulse occurs and the pulse would then return 0 mana.
Messaging for invocation:
>mana pulse An invigorating rush of mana pulses through you. Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Messaging for termination of the cool-down timer and skipped mana pulse:
You feel mana pulse within the area, but it does not reach you.
This skill will never give characters additional mana (and provides even less mana if the character is on a node when the cooldown pulse skips), but does allow characters more control over when to get mana. This can be useful for example to finish off a creature, get a final pulse before a hunt, or shortly before invoking Sign of Wracking so the natural pulse does not occur when a character is nearly full of mana.