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BOOST is used to redeem Login Rewards.



  BOOST [option] {args}

   INFO                     - View your currently available boosts.
   BRIDGE MIN  [#]          - Set the minimum login streak to achieve before using a login bridge.
   BRIDGE MAX  [#]          - Set the maximum number of bridges to use at a time.

   CRYSTAL                  - Redeem a random magical crystal that is attuned to you.
   LOOT [MINOR|MAJOR]       - Add a boost to your LOOT rolls for 15 minutes.
   ENHANCIVE PAUSE          - Redeem 5 Enhancive Pauses.
   ENHANCIVE STATS          - Enhance all your stats for 15 minutes.
   ENHANCIVE RECOVERY       - Enhance your stamina and mana regeneration for 15 minutes.
   GUIDES                   - Gain access to the Urchin Guide system for 15 minutes.
   BOUNTY                   - Significantly reduce the wait time between Adventurer's Guild tasks.
                              This lasts for 1 hour or until you complete or share a task.
   RUNNERS                  - Gain one use of the LOCKER/BANK runners.
                              This includes 15 minutes of temporary LOCKER MANIFEST access.
   ENCUMBRANCE              - Reduce your effective encumbrance level by 50 lbs for 15 minutes.
   GUILD PROFESSION         - Double your Training Point awards when completing profession guild tasks.
                              This lasts for 15 minutes.
   GUILD BOUNTY             - Expend your Guild boost to gain one additional Bounty Boost.
   ABSORB                   - Instantly absorb up to 1000 points of field experience.
   DEATHSTING               - Instantly reduce some of your current death's sting penalty.
   WAIVER                   - Waive your choice of Adventurer's Guild task type from being assigned to you.
   SUPERCHARGE              - Supercharge your combat items for 15 minutes.
   LUCK                     - Enhance your luck for 15 minutes.
   REALMS CHRONOMAGE [TOWN] - Gain a Chronomage orb to a destination of your choice.
   REALMS SILVER            - Gain a bank-to-bank silver transfer.
   GIFT LUMNIS              - Gain one use of LUMNIS SCHEDULE.
   GIFT OLEANI              - Remove 60 converted Training Points from your 30-day skill migration cycle.
   GIFT EONAK               - Gain an advantage on crafting skill rolls for 15 minutes.
   GIFT LORMINSTRA          - Gain 10 deeds.
   EXPERIENCE               - Double your experience absorption for the next 15 minutes.
>boost info

:Character:, your Login Rewards information is as follows:
Current Login Streak:           :X: days
Login Bridges Earned:           :X:
Minimum Days before use:        No minimum
Maximum to use at once:         :X:
Random Magical Crystals:        :X:
Minor Loot Boosts:              :X:
Major Loot Boosts:              :X:
Enhancive Boosts:               :X:
Urchin Guide Access:            :X:  
Bounty Boosts:                  :X:   
Urchin Runner Uses:             :X:  
Encumbrance Boosts:             :X:  
Guild Boosts:                   :X:   
Instant Mind Clearers:          :X:   
Death's Sting Reducers:         :X:  
Bounty Task Waivers:            :X: 
Item Superchargers:             :X:  
Luck Boosters:                  :X:  
Realms Boosts:                  :X:  
Gifts of the Gods:              :X:   
Doubled Experience Boosts:      :X:   


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