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'Tain't Much Magic

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'Tain't Much Magic is a shop in the Northern Caravansary, around Wehnimer's Landing, that sells magical supplies, components, and/or alchemy tools and purchases and resells alchemical reagents. It is located on East Row, south of the bank.

The proprietor is the apprentice Ralston.
['Tain't Much Magic Tent] Room: 4746126
The enclosed atmosphere of this small tent is laden with the greasy odor of spiced rolton jerky. A tangled heap of blankets has been shoved into a back corner, and a pock-faced young Dark Elf slouches on a three-legged stool behind a display case and an open strongbox resting on crates. You also see a wooden sign and the apprentice Ralston.
Obvious exits: east, out
a wooden sign
In the Common language, it reads:
Amulets!  Potions!  Wands!  Rolton jerky!  ORDER what you will and buy it if you like it.


  1. some spiced rolton jerky   13. a crystal wand
  2. a crystal amulet           14. a twisted wand
  3. a rohnuru potion           15. a delicate fel rune brush 
  4. a duqnuru potion           16. a small glaes vial of rune ink
  5. a dirtokh potion           17. a rusty iron cup
  6. a grot t'kel potion        18. a small granite runestone
  7. a silver wand              19. an aish'vrak potion
  8. an iron wand               20. some waxy translucent chalk
  9. a golden wand              21. some fine crystalline chalk
  10. a metal wand              22. a leather book
  11. an oaken wand             23. a long steel tattoo needle
  12. an aquamarine wand        24. a silver jar of tattoo ink

'Tain't Much Magic, Consignment

Directions: east of entry

['Tain't Much Magic, Consignment] Room: 160016
A spiced rolton jerky odor mixed with a mild vanilla scent overwhelms the area. Along the tent's dusky edges, dim lanterns light the way.
Obvious exits: east, west

'Tain't Much Magic, Emporium

Directions: east from Consignment

['Tain't Much Magic, Emporium] Room: 160017
A strong vanilla scent pervades the air, overwhelming the faint aroma of jerky. A small, overturned flask lies on the ground, giving a hint as to the origin of some of the smells. You also see a large coarse table with some stuff on it.
Obvious exits: west