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Arboreal Refuge

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Arboreal Refuge is a private property located in Cysaegir and accessed through the arboreal-carved door in the perfume shop, Absolute Scentsibility. The property was auctioned off during Duskruin in February 2023. It is owned by Rohese and Mirkk. It is a permanent property with no monthly rent and serves as their marital home when they are not residing in Ta'Illistim.


[Arboreal Refuge, Garden]
Latticed walls of reddish mahogany enclose the garden, the wood hooked with jars of colorful glass filled with tiny votives. Several pale wicker benches encircle a firepit at the center of the cobblestone pathway, the seating facing the floral-edged cream stone bungalow framed by a duo of vert-leafed cypress trees at the edge of the well-tended garden. A shaded corner of the garden is decorated with birdhouses, the occupants swooping down to bathe in the arboreal stone fountain. You also see an arboreal-carved door.
Obvious paths: none

>look pathway

Colorful cobblestones dot the ground from an arboreal-carved door towards the bungalow, creating a pathway that wends its way through the garden.

>gaze garden

You gaze at a verdant well-tended garden with a practiced eye, noting that you could probably harvest a cup-shaped amethyst bellflower, a pale blue love-in-a-mist flower, a bright saffron-colored sunflower, a feather-edged reddish parrot tulip, and a long-petaled warm yellow tulip.


[Arboreal Refuge, Foyer]
Circular windows of stained glass reflect sunlight across the rope-strung pots suspended above the table in the center of the room, the jewel-toned rays dancing along the polished mahogany floor. Wrought brass rails frame the wood-planked staircase, the patinaed spirals adorned in woven florals preserved in thin lacquer, each blossom cradled in faenor leaves. Brushed teal velvet chairs sit nestled by a leaf-carved curio of fine-grained heartwood, the tall cabinet filled with whimsical knickknacks.
Obvious paths: northeast, northwest, out

>look at window

You gaze through the stained glass window and see... [Cysaegir, Pond]

>gaze pot

You gaze at a rope-strung ceramic pot with a practiced eye, noting that you could probably harvest a plum-striated pale purple violet, a dense-petaled lavender mauve rose, a blush-tinted creamy lilac sprig, a five-petaled tiny heliotrope flower, a bright indigo bluebell sprig, and a fuzzy bright chartreuse leaf.

>look on table

On the mahogany table you see a bundle of twine-knotted incense, and a trio of teal glass bottles.


[Arboreal Refuge, Workroom]
Swatches of fabric sit alongside a rack of vibrant dyes, the materials scattered across a window-framed mahogany table stacked with leather volumes and bits of metal. A pair of wooden stools sit before a paint-splattered basin on the opposite end of the room, a long terracotta planter set behind the cloth-hung bowl. Dried bundles of herbs hang from the beam above a carved wooden easel, the colorful parcels framing a pierced brass dish filled with twine-tied incense.
Obvious paths: southeast

Tea Room

[Arboreal Refuge, Tea Room]
Lattice-woven walls of mahogany drape fragrant bundles of flowers across the room, the bouquets sweeping downward towards the piles of colorful silk cushions encircling a low heartwood tea table center-set on the floor. A brass-framed cart of cream-colored leather stands in the back corner, flanked by a tall pair of curved glass vases, their surfaces etched in leaf arabesques. Set before an arched window is a pot-bellied stove of lavender-colored iron wrapped in faenor ivy.
Obvious paths: southwest

>gaze flowers

You gaze at a fragrant bundle of flowers with a practiced eye, noting that you could probably harvest an unfurled blue-violet wisteria, a creamy orange hyacinth stalk, a sprig of pastel violet lilac, a fluted bright white tuberose sprig, a creamy ivory and pink plumeria, and a long waxy green leaf.

>look on table

On the tea table you see a pile of buttery garlic pastries, an arrangement of scones, a rose-shaped vegetable tart, a cherry-topped dark chocolate cake, a tray of sesame seed crackers and a pitcher of citrus-infused water.

>look under table

Under the tea table you see a spherical glazed wicker basket.

>look in basket

In the glazed wicker basket you see a lapis-tipped bright teal match, a dry split log and a handful of tinder.

>look on stove

On the lavender iron stove you see a vert-colored cast iron kettle.

>look at window

You gaze through the mahogany-framed window and see... [Cysaegir, Waterwheels]


[Arboreal Refuge, Chamber]
Several bark-roofed birdhouses are hung from the branches outside the partially ajar ceiling-high windows, their inhabitants darting in and out before descending to the ground below. Charcoal-drawn sketches of the avian neighbors dot the lacquered mahogany writing desk set opposite against the branch-framed fireplace scattered with soft woolen blankets. A duo of brass lanterns flank the immense quilt-covered bed, the ceiling above hung with lengths of colorful silk. You also see a spiraling wood-planked staircase.
Obvious paths: north

>look at window

You gaze through the ceiling-high window and see...[Cysaegir, Boulder]

>look on desk

On the mahogany desk you see a tiny pale ceramic bowl.

>look in bowl

In the pale ceramic bowl you see a handful of colorful dried seeds.

>look at fireplace

You see a neatly laid-out pile of wood and tinder awaiting only the application of flame to come to life. Nearby is a starburst-pierced brass cylinder filled with wooden sticks ready to be used to light the fire or to keep it burning.

>look on bed

On the quilt-covered bed you see a flora-stitched quilt.

>tap quilt

You tap a flora-stitched quilt of cream-colored wool on an immense quilt-covered bed crafted from fine-grained mahogany.

>look under quilt

Under the flora-stitched quilt you see a soft watercolor silk sheet.


[Arboreal Refuge, Sanctum]
Slender ivory candles sit displayed in lunar-shaped candlesticks, the surface of the crate tables sprinkled in flecks of melted wax. A curved glass tub of pale blue-green water rests amongst the tapers, the shining glass resting above a square of moss-covered stones covering the wood-planked floor. A cushion-covered wicker chaise sits across from the tub, guarded by a quartet of spherical lanterns gradually draped above the starburst-stitched seating.
Obvious paths: north

>look on table

On the crate table you see a bundle of twine-knotted incense and a trio of teal glass bottles.