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Blood Son - 2020-07-31 - Thadstonian Measures (log)
Koaratos 31-Phoenatos 1, 5120
by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]
- Marshal Thadston comes to Mayor Leafiara's office to discuss Malluch Burdos, saying we need a sign refusing cultists in the [[::Wehnimer's Landing|Landing]] and that Malluch must have forgotten Chaston looked like an ink blot in the end. Leafi says nonetheless, some have theorized he's being controlled and she'd like to bring him in alive, as some promised Murdos that we'd try. Thadston says Murdos is the one who sold Malluch away in the first place.
- Balley asks if Thadston knew Malluch had escaped; Thadston says no, he didn't escape, but town guards let him go since he wasn't under his (Thadston's) watch and Murdos was slick and rich enough to make things happen. Chandrellia asks why he wasn't under Thadston's watch; Thadston says the militia isn't the town guard.
- Captain Stormyrain asks if anyone's examined similarities between Malluch and Grishom Stone as a clue to Malluch's beliefs or Grishom's control over him. Thadston inquires further and she explains both were imprisoned, under the control of others, blinded during the process, and are Seers.
- Balley and Leafi bringing up the theory that Grishom's not directly involved and Malluch is trying to imitate him or executing his own plan. Thadston says we could test that by running hm through and seeing if Stone comes to his aid.
- Faerinn counterproposes letting Malluch heal him (Thadston) instead. A wisp of azure light dances along Thadston's neck and he says no and he's fine. Faerinn says he's not, as he's ordering killing a citizen and started a melee with people looking for healing; Thadston says that's inaccurate, as they came to the games and "some of you idiots attacked them," so he's here to clean up a mess already escalated. He says it would have been easier if the [[::Brotherhood of Rooks|Rooks]] attacked first, and maybe half of those gathered are them.
- Thadston says he has an idea, and to convince him otherwise: he gives them a week to break camp and move on, or else we arrest them and break down the camps ourselves. Thrassus, Stormy, Roelon, and Goldstr challenge the idea of arresting them outside the gates since town jurisdiction doesn't extend that far, so Thadston amends it to breaking down the camps sans arrest.
- Various people challenge this idea too as attacking people for different beliefs; Thadston asks how many threats have to fester beyond the walls before people realize it. Chandrellia says we don't have jurisdiction unless they breach our walls; Thadston says they did breach our walls and later retreated.
- He says he lost [[::Disean|his son]] to a zealot and asks if anyone else there has; Faerinn says he lost his [[::Talador|entire country]]; Thadston says then he should act like it. Stormy says that doesn't make this action conscionable as an official militia act, but Thadston says he's heard no good alternatives, unless everyone thinks Malluch brainwashing citizens into worshipping Stone is the plan, and it's an official act if he says it is.
- Alisette proposes another way: entering their camp to determine Malluch's reason or being here and if Stone is really involved. Thadstons asks then what; she says we can determine the real threat; Thadston says convincing townseople to worship Stone is a threat regardless of whether he's involved. She says it's not a threat yet, as he's just given them hope and been a martyr; Thadston says he's not a martyr yet.
- Radeek suggests that instead of fighting a new religion in town, we welcome it with a place for followers to worship. Thadston says he's too focused on containing a threat and noot eliminating it.
- Umbazi says killing people will grow his following; Thadston says he never said we'd kill Malluch, and we coould demand his surrender since his prison sentence was never carried out and he's a fugitive. Sir Cryheart asks if the charges are still valid; Thadston says Murdos oiling guards' hands doesn't erase the charges. Thrassus asks if he's certain that's what happened; Thadston asks Leafi if she pardoned him and she says no, then Thadston says Lylia didn't either. Faerinn asks if someone on the council could have been paid for a pardon; Thadston says only the mayor can pardon. Umbazi asks about investigating why the town guards aren't arresting Malluch; Thadston says he'll look into that next.
- Leafi asks what would stop Malluch from escaping even if we did arrest him again; Thadston says the militia would hold him this time. Stormyrain had earlier mentioned that we can't arrest outside the gates, but Thadston says not when it's a fugitive, and he'll put out a bounty if needed. He says we can arrange a way for him not to escape again, as we left a broken, drooling, blind fool in a cell and won't make that mistake again. Hapenlok asks if he's proposing a bane coffin and Thadston says if needed.
- Thadston says he'll send Mayor Leafiara a letter requesting her review of a bounty and she says she'll look into it. Balley says she's sure Malluch isn't serving Stone because Stone wouldn't want him proclaiming his sordid history; Thadston says Stone's history is literally wrapped in leather in the library. She says that means there's no need for Malluch to proclaim it.
- Captain Stormyrain has to step away, but before she does, she whispers something to Thadston and a flash of azure light glows behind his neck.
- Alvyara questions if we're doing the right thing locking up a desperate man who's helping others; Leafi asks who he's helping since we've only seen him cure wrinkles (caused by Vlashandra); Alvyara says it was more, as a piece of her soul was missing and is restored. She asks if Alisette (who had also been affected by Vlashandra) felt the same thing and Alisette says she can't say that, but can only say that instead of healing, she felt fear and cold. Balley (also affected by Vlashandra) says she felt panic from Malluch when he healed her.
- Thadston says he'll make his announcement and demand a surrender from the fugitive Malluch, and gives everyone less than a week to find an easier solution. Chandrellia starts to mention hearing a voice in her ear before Thadston marches off.
- Adventurers gathered discuss the situation for a bit on their own, but soon a militiaman arrives with a letter, saying Thadston's issued a proclamation. He declares Malluch a fugitive and who escaped imprisonment or bribed his way out of it, insults Malluch relying on his father to make it happen, and gives him less than a week to surrender to the militia or we'll come for him and remind him that justice is not optional.
- Most leave for the night, but later on, a town clerk comes by and drops off some papers, then passes by Leafi and brushes against her and her carryall before blushing and excusing herself...
Speaking to Hapenlok, Evia asks, "Want I should put ya up on the desk?" Speaking shortly to Evia, Hapenlok asks, "If you like your hands and the rest of the body in the state that it's presently in?" Speaking to Evia, Hapenlok says, "I think you know the rest of that answer." Speaking to Hapenlok, Evia exclaims, "Just trying to help a shortie out!"
Speaking softly to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "Ya know, with an attitude like that I'm surprised you can buy an ale."
Hapenlok says, "Anyone can be bought in this town, Faerinn." Hapenlok says, "The fact that I still walk among you is proof of that."
Thadston says, "Town guards let him go. He wasn't under my watch." Thadston says, "Murdos is slick and rich enough to make things happen." Chandrellia softly asks, "Not under your watch? Are you head of the town militia?" Thadston says, "The militia is not the town guard." Speaking softly to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "Oohh so I guess that's your way of passing the buck." Thadston asks, "Who are you?" Speaking softly to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "The name is Chandrellia. I'm a healer here, pleased to meet your acquaintance." Speaking softly to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "And I speak my mind." Thadston says, "That makes one of us at least." Evia says, "Doesn't sound pleased to me." Thadston says, "For the pleased part." Speaking softly to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "Oh I'm sorry you left your manners at home."
Evia asks, "So when does this orderly informational meeting begin?"
Balley softly says, "Evician would be running around waiting for the Blood God to show up I am sure. He has disappeared."
Hapenlok says, "My hopes for a bloodless solution went to hell, when the free for all started. But here's what I think about Malluch right now." Thadston says, "I don't even know if you could draw a bloodless solution Hapenlok, let alone execute one."
Speaking softly to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "You have no faith in the people of this town. Hap is very capable when he chooses to be, however his times for choosing are rarely seen so cut him some slack."
Roblar deeply says, "A purge iz needed." Speaking to Roblar, Evia says, "No purging in the mayor's office, bucket's outside for that."
Faerinn says, "You ordering the killing of a citizen and already started melees with those looking for healing. You are not fine." Thadston says, "Inaccurate." Thadston says, "They came to the gates. Some of you idiots attacked them." Thadston says, "I'm here to help clean up a mess already escalated." Thadston says, "It'd have been much easier if the Rooks attacked first. Hell half of you could be them." Speaking softly to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "So could you." Thadston begins chuckling at Chandrellia! Leafiara calmly says, "Now hold on, there's no need to argue amongst ourselves." Speaking softly to Thadston, Chandrellia asks, "What, it's ok for you to accuse us but not the other way around?" Leafiara adds, "At least not in this sense." Stormyrain can offer Leafiara only a blank expression.
Roblar deeply says, "Burn em out." Roblar deeply says, "Tired of zealots." Roblar deeply says, "Especially any who follow Stone." Umbazi asks, "And how is that going to convince them NOT to follow Stone?" Roblar deeply says, "No need to convince da dead."
Iskandr asks, "So what was all that blue light?" Speaking to Leafiara, Iskandr asks, "Are you sure it was really him?" Speaking to Iskandr, Leafiara asks, "Really Thadston?" Speaking confidently to Iskandr, Leafiara says, "I'm quite sure. We've dealt with Thadston impostors more than once." Speaking offhandedly to Iskandr, Leafiara says, "And we can always tell." Speaking to Leafiara, Iskandr says, "Honestly, THIS town." Iskandr says, "I was being mildly sarcastic but I guess anything is truly on the table as a possibility in the Landing."
Stormyrain's Birthday
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a pale-faced coppery barn owl, an animated longsword hovering in mid-air, the Dwi disk, a poofy piebald flop-eared kitten, a quirky sunburst spirit that is flying around, some manna bread, the Maags disk, a disorderly aurora spirit that is flying around, an ember-eyed fire wyrdling, a small black fox with a white masked face, a large acorn, a mace, some calamia fruit, a rock lizard potion, some frog's bone porridge, a large acorn, a rose-marrow potion, some wolifrew lichen, some wolifrew lichen, a raven feather, a large acorn, a large acorn, a large acorn, some stone benches with some stuff on it and an herbal remedy donation bin.
Also here: Mayor Leafiara, Marex, Lady Teana, Alionate who is sitting, Kippe, Magister Raelee, Guarrin, Syntharis, Lady in Waiting Chandrellia, Sophyme, High Lord Layndin, Lord Inches who is sitting, Eitov, Lord Legus, Kalithra, Uxenaman, Aeifel who is sitting, Opalina, Dwi, Drektor, Stormyrain, High Lady Rendena, Shinann, Yukito, Bernadette, Dame Evia, Eadre, Maags, Nochternus, Felita, Squire Legionnaire Iskandr who is sitting, Hapenlok, Gypsy Scribe Balley, Lexbubba, Sir Cryheart
The sky begins to fill with huge clouds, dark and grey on the bottom, pale and white atop, their puffy crowns ascending toward the heavens.
Leafiara musingly says, "Ah, rain."
Pukk recites:
"Everybody join Cryheart!"
Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Maags says, "No more donuts but I saved the tarts for yous."
Speaking to Dwi, Pukk says, "That's how it's done."
Dwi heartily says, "Long assit aint a stick."
[General] Leafiara notes, "Another rainy eve in the Landing!"
Kippe whispers something to Stormyrain.
Speaking to a poofy piebald flop-eared kitten, Maags says, "I has some for yous too."
Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Pukk exclaims, "I knew you would be here in time!"
[General] Sarlena exclaims, "Weather is lovely over here in the rest!"
Dwi heartily says, "Dat looks ebil."
Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Evia says, "We ate many donuts while you were off hooting around."
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "It's not rain it's Pukk's weekly shower."
[General] Nyatherra thinks, "Nice and cold here in Icemule."
Iskandr says, "Good thing the doughnut wolf wasn't about."
Speaking heartily to Sophyme, Dwi says, "I gots to hold it fer it to"
Maags says, "Even sir knight did not save for him."
[General] Sarlena exclaims, "Ew...definitely glad I'm not over there then!"
[General] Leafiara acknowledges, "Pukk often escapes the rain beneath trees and roofs, though."
Speaking heartily to Sophyme, Dwi says, "Jus callit ebil blade."
Sophyme asks, "No? too evil?"
[General] Pukk thinks, "Darn straight."
[General] Oldare thinks, "Cold? It's supposed to be swimsuit weather up there."
Maags says, "I will vote for the next candidate that promises an awning."
Speaking to Maags, Hapenlok says, "I promise an awning."
Dwi heartily says, "Sorry."
Maags says, "Has been asking for that for years."
Speaking to Maags, Hapenlok says, "And I'm probably running for Mayor."
Leafiara amusedly says, "I mean, good luck. I can't even get the council to agree to a wastebasket here in the square."
Hapenlok asks, "Because ...why not?"
Maags says, "Ohhh."
Leafiara says to Falvicar, "You, sir, are a peevish, boil-bottomed miscreant!"
Falvicar says to Leafiara, "You, madam, are a lewd clotpole!"
Speaking heartily to Sophyme, Dwi says, "Dont feel bad...I almos coulnt hold da ol' mayer's skinnin was jus a lil less ebil."
The coppery barn owl hoots at Maags.
Speaking quietly to Opalina, Nochternus says, "My love."
Opalina heartily asks, "Yes darling?"
Stormyrain squints at a wrapped device-stamped present.
Speaking to Stormyrain, Pukk exclaims, "Happy Birthday!"
Stormyrain says, "..not."
Stormyrain removes an ayanad crystal from in her device-stamped present.
Pukk says, "Just a crystal in a present."
Dwi heartily says, "Bbee's here... let da barn dance commence."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Maags exclaims, "Happies birthday!"
Stormyrain says, "Not my birthday."
Berost deeply asks, "We formed on tha night?"
Speaking to Stormyrain, Hapenlok says, "It is now."
Stormyrain says, "I have had this in m--no, it is not."
Speaking amiably to Berost, Leafiara exclaims, "On Sir Cryheart as ever!"
Speaking heartily to Hapenlok, Dwi asks, "Ye brung a barn eh?"
Speaking to Stormyrain, Maags says, "I can makes a cake."
Berost deeply says, "As ever."
Speaking to Dwi, Hapenlok stammers, "I-I, I have no idea what those words were, were they Common?"
Corwin asks, "What's up?"
Stormyrain dryly says, "You could, but it would still not be my birthday. You are all quite late on that."
[General] Pukk exclaims, "Everybody wish Stormyrain a happy birthday!"
Cryheart says, "Stormy rain."
[General] Stormyrain thinks, "..except it is not."
Speaking heartily to Hapenlok, Dwi says, "Speak up..My ears is up here."
Rendena softly says, "Happy birthday Stormyrain."
Cryheart says, "We are expecting the marshall..Thadston for a town meeting soon."
Leafiara approvingly says, "Should be a good one."
Roelon deeply says, "Snacks and pitchforks provided it seems."
Speaking amiably to Roelon, Leafiara says, "Exactly."
Speaking to Cryheart, Thrassus asks, "Are you sure it's a meeting or a mob gathering?"
Maags says, "Prefers snacks."
Iskandr says, "I wish Draelor was here to ask why his men killed him last week."
Speaking to Roelon, Guarrin says, "Oh good, that's convenient."
Bbee asks, "Anyone want a pill or three?"
Maags says, "If we has to choose."
Speaking heartily to Roelon, Dwi asks, "Snackforks?"
Cryheart says, "Well..both..and depends on how Thadston sets the tone."
Pukk recites:
"Remember to join Cryheart"
[General] Ysharra thinks, "Happy unbirthday to you, Stormyrain."
Speaking heartily to Pukk, Dwi exclaims, "Bout daggum time!"
Speaking to Alisette, Maags says, "Tells Pukk now much better no boots is."
[General] Stormyrain thinks, "Thank you."
Bbee asks, "Anyone want a pill or three?"
Speaking heartily to Pukk, Dwi says, "I was gonna wilt waitin fer ye to say it."
Speaking heartily to Cryheart, Opalina says, "Seems like your the guy to join around here."
Maags says, "Oh."
Speaking approvingly to Opalina, Leafiara explains, "Finest knight in the region, he is."
[General] Pukk thinks, "No getting away from it. I'm a herald afterall."
Speaking deeply to Opalina, Roelon says, "He makes ah good shield when things turn sour."
Maags exclaims, "Sweets!"
Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Opalina says, "I agre with you 100%."
[General] Dwi thinks, "I wraps ol' fish inna herald."
Iskandr says, "I love when the other cult leader doesn't show up and everyone was scrounging for spells."
Alvyara asks, "We're not expecting battle tonight, are wel?"
Speaking amusedly to Iskandr, Leafiara says, "I can't tell if you really like or really dislike the Dreavenings."
Evia says, "Ya never know."
Speaking softly to Alvyara, Chandrellia asks, "Why take a chance?"
[General] Dwi thinks, "Also da times...anna da clarion...anna da Dwarf's Daily...I wraps fish in lotta stuff."
Speaking to Alvyara, Iskandr says, "Hope not, I have a hangover."
Speaking musingly to Alvyara, Leafiara says, "Probably not, but Evia's right. Never know."
Maags says, "Always there is a battle of words when Thadston is about."
Speaking to Iskandr, Alvyara asks, "Have you been at the festival?"
Maags exclaims, "Always somebodies is angries!"
Speaking to Maags, Pukk says, "Your sweets are better than this."
Speaking to Alvyara, Iskandr says, "Yes, I arrived here drunk as can be."
Speaking softly to Bbee, Chandrellia asks, "Two more sir?"
Pukk says, "This is still good though."
Speaking to Pukk, Maags exclaims, "Who made it!"
Maags exclaims, "But thank yous!"
Speaking to Maags, Pukk says, "Found it on the bench."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Alisette asks, "Where is Lalkcriga?"
Dwi heartily exclaims, "Maags fills her tart wit tart!"
Speaking to Falvicar, Pukk asks, "You want me to eat your bacon?"
Corwin says, "Me too."
Maags says, "Of course."
Speaking to Falvicar, Pukk exclaims, "You're a sick puppy!"
Evia says, "If it's Stormyrain's birthday, she should have cake."
Speaking to Falvicar, Pukk says, "I will need eggs with the bacon."
Maags exclaims, "I has the frosting!"
Stormyrain says, "I had cake, on my birthday. Which is not today."
Bbee offers Stormyrain a faceted dark sapphire pill.
Speaking to Falvicar, Pukk exclaims, "Well, Maags has frosting for the bacon, so that will be good!"
Speaking to Bbee, Stormyrain says, "I don't need it, thank you."
Speaking to Alisette, Alvyara asks, "How are you, my friend?"
Speaking to Stormyrain, Maags says, "We did not gets to celebrate yous so yous mus has to has it again."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Pukk says, "The first pill is always free...."
Stormyrain says, "..oh but you all did."
Stormyrain says, "You just don't remember because it was months ago."
Iskandr says, "Someone needs to brew up some coffee."
Alvyara wistfully says, "Coffee would be very nice.."
Speaking to Iskandr, Maags says, "The best is at the bath house."
Awaiting a Meeting
[General] Thadston thinks, "Evening."
Maags says, "Well the second best."
[General] Leafiara greets, "Evening Thadston!"
[General] Evia thinks, "Hello."
[General] Pukk thinks, "Nobody's here."
[General] Cryheart thinks, "Good evening Lord Thadston."
[General] Faerinn thinks, "Good evening."
[Realm] Guarrin thinks, "Evening."
[General] Thadston thinks, "I'll be along to the Mayor's office soon."
Bbee says, "No bowing."
[General] Shinann thinks, "Evening, Marshal."
[General] Maags thinks, "Good eves to yous sir."
[General] Beluar thinks, "Evening Thadston."
Cryheart says, "Thadston on the thought net."
Speaking to Maags, Iskandr says, "But then I'd get all caught up in buying cigars and getting coffee and just forget to tag along."
[General] Bernadette thinks, "Good eve Marshall Thadston."
Leafiara says, "And there he is."
Nochternus quietly says, "Only hugging for Bbee."
[General] Pukk exclaims, "Great going everybody. We wanted to surprise him!"
[General] Falvicar thinks, "Hmph."
[General] Evia asks, "Is it his birthday too?"
[General] Goldstr exclaims, "Evenin Sir Andrews!"
[General] Faerinn thinks, "I hope you have a much better idea than killing refugees tonight Marshal."
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Well Thaddy."
Cryheart says, "Moving to the mayor's office."
Loscar asks, "Were we hugging?"
[General] Yakushi asks, "Are we getting rid of the current one?"
Cryheart says, "Moving in three....."
Cryheart recites:
"Moving in two"
Maags quickly prompts, "Threetwoone!"
[General] Leafiara asks, "The current what?"
Falvicar whispers something to Maags.
Cryheart recites:
"Moving to the mayor's office"
[Mayor Leafiara's Office]
Silk-cushioned chairs surround a circular cherry red table toward the back of the room. Plush carpets of fake fur blanket the polished oak floor while myriad painted treats span the office's walls, interrupted by an oversized placard. In a back corner, above a brick fireplace, a mounted stag's head watches vigilantly from a distance over a hazelwood dart board near the entryway. A leaf-shaped window invites outside light toward a drink bar that stands beneath a painting. You also see a basket of sticks and a tiny two-tiered bookshelf.
Also here: Mayor Leafiara, Lady Teana, Kippe, Magister Raelee, Guarrin, Lady in Waiting Chandrellia, Pukk, Opalina, Dwi, Stormyrain, Yukito, Bernadette, Dame Evia, Felita, Hapenlok, Gypsy Scribe Balley, Roelon, Quartermaster Tsarok, Bbee, Alvyara, Berost, High Lady Rendena, Lady Alisette, Falvicar, Lord Kordoc, Razanetika, Loscar, Maags, Sir Cryheart, Barrister Faerinn
Cryheart says, "We beat em."
Maags says, "Better yous stays awake in case we needs yous to yell at somebodies."
Leafiara acknowledges, "Well, he has a longer walk after all."
[General] Pukk thinks, "The chef."
Bbee asks, "Anyone want a pill?"
Falvicar whispers something to Maags.
Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Dwi asks, " kept da floor eh?"
Maags says, "Actuallies."
Leafiara amiably says, "Feel free to have a seat, any and everyone."
Pukk yells, "It's too late to thunder! We are already here! We can't come here again while we are here already!"
Speaking to Hapenlok, Evia asks, "Want I should put ya up on the desk?"
Maags exclaims, "No not me!"
Guarrin whispers something to Cryheart.
Goldstr says, "I was surprised, was thinkin he have this meetin in the Barracks."
Iskandr says, "I seem to have forgotten I was sitting down."
Speaking shortly to Evia, Hapenlok asks, "If you like your hands and the rest of the body in the state that it's presently in?"
Guarrin whispers something to Cryheart.
Speaking to Evia, Hapenlok says, "I think you know the rest of that answer."
Falvicar whispers something to Maags.
Maags says, "Hoipoi not allowed there."
Speaking to Goldstr, Leafiara admits, "I thought he'd want it there too, but... well, his choice."
Maags says, "Not that anybodies here is that."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Evia exclaims, "Just trying to help a shortie out!"
Maags says, "But in case."
Cryheart whispers something to Guarrin.
Speeding Through Greetings to the Meat of the Meeting
Lord Thadston just came through a glossy maoral door.
Speaking to Evia, Hapenlok says, "I don't need help. Thank you."
Rendena softly says, "I wish I had a group trying for my birthday."
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara greets, "Good eve."
Stormyrain places a hand over her heart.
Stormyrain bows to Thadston.
Balley softly says, "Hello Thadston."
Thadston walks in, hand gripping his walking stick, his eyes staring forward.
Shinann bows to Thadston.
Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr says, "Evenin Sir Andrews."
Thadston clenches his jaw.
Thadston says, "Evening."
Speaking to Thadston, Guarrin greets, "Good evening."
Speaking to Thadston, Pukk exclaims, "Wow, it's like I saw you enter twice!"
Speaking to Thadston, Shinann says, "Evening."
>l thads
You see Lord Thadston Andrews.
He appears to be a Human from Hendor.
He is very tall. He appears to be mature. He has glassy steel grey eyes and tanned skin. He has a shaven head of golden-brown hair streaked with white. He has a scruffy face, a broken nose and an unkempt, golden-brown beard shot with flecks of white. Thin fragments of blackened kroderine seem woven into parts of the flesh along his forearms.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a thick red oak walking stick in his right hand.
He is wearing a crystal amulet, a silver-threaded blue tabard, some fitted dark leather pants, and a pair of stained black boots.
Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain greets, "Marshal."
Umbazi says, "Good evening, sir."
Thadston turns to face Stormyrain.
Thadston bows to Stormyrain.
Thadston says, "Captain."
Thadston turns to face Shinann.
Thadston says, "Captain."
Thadston nods at Leafiara.
Shinann says, "Marshal."
Thadston says, "Mayor."
Speaking amiably to Thadston, Leafiara says, "Marshal."
[General] Cryheart thinks, "We are in Mayor Leafiara's office now about to begin a meeting with Thadston."
Loscar says, "Kitty."
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia asks, "Will Goblyn be here for this?"
Speaking slowly to Thadston, Leafiara says, "So... most of us have heard the rumors that you wanted to discuss the Blood Son this eve."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Pukk says, "Usually only if there is going to be bloodshed."
Thadston nods.
Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara replies, "Probably not. Miss Goblyn comes and goes, though, so anything's possible."
Speaking to Thadston, Pukk asks, "Did you bring the pitchforks and torches?"
Thadston says, "We need a new sign outside of town. One that says no cultists allowed."
Alvyara protests, "Cultist can mean many things..."
Thrassus asks, "But what of all the temples and shrines already in the town?"
Thadston says, "Malluch must have forgotten what Chaston looked like in the end."
Leafiara says, "Well... yeah, the problem is we already have lots of cultists living here."
Speaking to Thadston, Iskandr says, "Doesn't seem they much care for signs."
Thadston knocks over a vial of ink on Leafiara's table.
Speaking to Thadston, Faerinn asks, "Is that what we do now? Mandate which religions are legal and aren't?"
Thadston says, "Like that. He looked like that."
Leafiara slowly agrees, "Well, yes, that he did..."
Thadston glances at Faerinn.
Bbee says, "Usually not the bbest title to share though."
Speaking softly to Thadston, Chandrellia exclaims, "Hey!"
Opalina heartily says, "Rude."
(Leafiara reaches for the cherry red table and rights the ink bottle.)
Speaking softly to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "This is the Mayor's office, not your living room. Act accordingly."
Pukk exclaims, "You spilled the ink. Now you have to pick up some ink and toss it over your shoulder!"
Hapenlok says, "But Talador was destroyed before we killed him. So we won, but we lost."
Radeek mutters, " inkblots be givin folks d'rections fer what we need ta does."
Iskandr exclaims, "We were gonna make the signs with that ink!"
Speaking to Radeek, Stormyrain whispers aloud, "I mean, are you surprised by this?"
Hapenlok mutters, "Wonderful start."
Leafiara says, "All that said, Hapenlok and others have theorized that Malluch might be under control in some form, so I'd like to bring him in alive."
Leafiara adds, "Some of us here also promised Murdos that we'd try."
Thadston asks, "Under control how?"
Cryheart says, "Stone's influence."
Leafiara says, "Some believe he's a puppet of Stone... though I don't fully believe that one."
Cryheart says, "Perhaps."
Leafiara says, "Hapenlok thinks Malluch's blades might be hexed like Walkar's armor."
Thadston says, "To hell with Murdos. He's the one who sold his broken boy away in the first place."
Dwi heartily says, "A stone puppet would hert her hand."
Speaking softly to Thadston, Balley asks, "Did you know Malluch had escaped?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "That's true."
Thadston says, "No."
Speaking to Thadston, Faerinn asks, "Or was let out?"
Bbee asks, "Destroyed bbefore you killed him, is that even possible?"
Guarrin whispers something to Stormyrain.
Leafiara acknowledges, "Yes, it's true none of us have quite placed when Malluch got out."
Thadston says, "He didn't escape."
Speaking softly to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "Ya know, with an attitude like that I'm surprised you can buy an ale."
Shinann says, "Town guard had him."
Thadston says, "Town guards let him go. He wasn't under my watch."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "A good way to tell if he is under control in some form is to tie some stones to his legs and toss him into the bay. If he able to swim to the top of the water he is under somebody's control. If he dies, then he wasn't."
Speaking to Thadston, Faerinn asks, "Who ordered that?"
Thadston says, "Murdos is slick and rich enough to make things happen."
Chandrellia softly asks, "Not under your watch? Are you head of the town militia?"
Speaking to Pukk, Iskandr says, "I think that's a GREAT idea."
Leafiara says, "Well, if that's the case he lied to us--though I suppose that's not surprising."
Hapenlok says, "Anyone can be bought in this town, Faerinn."
Thadston says, "The militia is not the town guard."
Hapenlok says, "The fact that I still walk among you is proof of that."
Dwi heartily says, "Da town guard aint da town gard onna weekends."
Speaking softly to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "Oohh so I guess that's your way of passing the buck."
Bbee says, "I can't bbe bbought."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Pukk asks, "Were you here when Evician was bought?"
Thadston asks, "Who are you?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Chandrellia.
Evia asks, "So when does this orderly informational meeting begin?"
Umbazi says, "Even assuming that we could or even should outlaw religion--and there are a lot of faiths I don't like--how would we enforce such an edict? And should we attack people based on their religion? I would say no. That would be playing right into Stone's hands. We can't defend our freedom by crushing freedom."
Chandrellia grins at Thadston.
Leafiara explains, "The town guard handle local peacekeeping. The militia are more like our defense against outside forces."
Chandrellia walks toward Thadston.
Speaking to Maags, Bbee says, "Well I can'r."
Speaking softly to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "The name is Chandrellia. I'm a healer here, pleased to meet your acquaintance."
Loscar says, "Dwi has a ton of experience with the town guard."
Chandrellia drops smoothly into a deep curtsy before Thadston, sweeping her arms grandly to her sides.
Balley softly says, "Evician would be running around waiting for the Blood God to show up I am sure. He has disappeared."
Speaking to Umbazi, Alvyara exclaims, "Yes, that's exactly right!"
Speaking softly to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "And I speak my mind."
Thadston says, "That makes one of us at least."
Evia says, "Doesn't sound pleased to me."
Thadston nods at Chandrellia.
Thadston says, "For the pleased part."
Hapenlok says, "My hopes for a bloodless solution went to hell, when the free for all started. But here's what I think about Malluch right now."
Speaking to Umbazi, Leafiara says, "Normally I'm with you, but when his first message in town when we *did* let him in peacefully was to remind us about Stone's past murders and vows of vengeance, it seems the Blood Son and company don't like when we practice what they preach."
Maags says, "Religon is not synonymous with cults."
Stormyrain asks, "Has anyone examined the ways Malluch and Grishom share similarities in their past as a potential clue into the belief Malluch holds ..or the control Grishom has over him?"
Speaking softly to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "Oh I'm sorry you left your manners at home."
Speaking curiously to Stormyrain, Leafiara asks, "Not that I know of... can you clarify?"
Thadston says, "I don't even know if you could draw a bloodless solution Hapenlok, let alone execute one."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Maags says, "They both have quite the large ego."
Speaking to Thadston, Hapenlok says, "Fair."
Thadston peers quizzically at Stormyrain.
Thadston asks, "What do you mean?"
Speaking softly to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "See there you go again."
Speaking to Maags, Bbee says, "Especially the real ones."
Maags says, "Surlies Stone feeds that."
Speaking offhandedly to Chandrellia, Leafiara explains, "He's a bit blunt. He always has been."
Stormyrain says, "Both were imprisoned and under the control of others, both were blinded during the process, and both are Seers."
Evia says, "He ain't the only one, apparently."
Speaking to Maags, Iskandr says, "Thanks again for the coffee, I can actually keep up with things now."
Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Dwi says, "Anna sunburnt."
Speaking softly to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "You have no faith in the people of this town. Hap is very capable when he chooses to be, however his times for choosing are rarely seen so cut him some slack."
Stormyrain says, "Grishom, at the hands of Althedeus. Malluch as Rone."
Stormyrain looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.
Stormyrain says, "It's not surprising that Malluch finds solace in Grishom."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Hapenlok interjects, "Not the time for this. I can take care of my own business."
Balley softly says, "I think Malluch is trying to imitate or copy Stone for his own reasons."
Maags whispers something to Iskandr.
Evia says, "So let's hear some information and such, and less [gripe]-fest."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Hapenlok says, "And I'm not rising to that bait, not tonight."
Faerinn says, "That is what disciples do. Mimic their teacheres."
Shinann says, "To me, Malluch has been used an awful lot by others."
Thadston says, "So to what end..."
Goldstr asks, "His own reasons?"
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "Yes, what Balley just said is another point--others of us are unconvinced that Grishom is directly involved here, and Malluch is just acting in the ways he thinks suit Stone."
'Thadston says, "It's possible."
Leafiara nods at Thadston.
Thadston says, "We could run him through with a sword and test that theory."
Speaking heartily to Chandrellia, Dwi says, "Jus in case."
Thadston says, "See if Papa Stone comes to his aid."
Stormyrain says, "As a Jastevian it's not surprising he would be drawn to Grishom's power as a Seer."
Goldstr asks, "Did nae Malluch state he serves the Blood God Stone?"
Speaking to Thadston, Faerinn says, "Better idea. Let Malluch heal you."
Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain asks, "He is still a citizen of the Landing, no?"
Roblar deeply says, "Let's run a few people through."
A wisp of azure light faintly dances along Thadston's neck.
Roblar deeply adds, "Just to be sure."
Speaking to Goldstr, Leafiara says, "He did say it. The question is whether the planning is Malluch's or Stone's."
Hapenlok says, "And then there's me, who remembers Stone actually helping us, and helping himself. He kept his word, but managed to free himself in the process. So, it could be a matter of a similar promise being implied with Malluch."
Maags asks, "I heard Malluch 'sposedlies healed people?"
Leafiara reasons, "So much of Malluch's approach has been similar to his time as Rone that I think it's Malluch's own planning."
Guarrin casually suggests, "Perhaps running people through isn't the best way to test theories."
Balley softly says, "I am just saying, when Malluch healed my wrinkles, the energies were OFF. They did not feel like Stone's and I felt him flinch when he touched me."
Roblar deeply says, "A purge iz needed."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Evia says, "Good point, but that could apply to any others too I guess."
Maags says, "If so, then he is getting odd powers from somewhere."
[General] Dwi thinks, "Grumpy ol' farts aint to be trusted... dey werse den Oldsters."
Speaking to Thadston, Pukk says, "My collar doesn't light up like that. You're lucky."
Speaking to Thadston, Faerinn says, "Yeah, the leaky lights of whatever you brought back with you from the Bleaklands is an excellent reason to see Malluch for healing."
Speaking softly to Maags, Balley says, "He removed wrinkles from some of us."
Speaking to Roblar, Evia says, "No purging in the mayor's office, bucket's outside for that."
Thadston says, "Malluch can't heal me."
Speaking to Balley, Maags says, "He could not has done that before."
Leafiara mentions, "The only healing we've seen from Malluch so far is fixing wrinkles. When he led us out to the caravan, he didn't lift a finger to help any of us against the bandits."
Speaking to Thadston, Alisette asks, "How do you know, sir?"
Loscar asks, "We could play him a much better song?"
Dwi heartily says, "Da oldsters is linin up."
Speaking to Thadston, Maags says, "Well problies yous would has to want him to which, likelies yous do not."
Speaking to Leafiara, Guarrin asks, "Did he heal any of his own that were wounded?"
Speaking to Guarrin, Leafiara says, "Not that I noticed."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "That probably falls into my theory about the blades."
Speaking to Evia, Stormyrain says, "What other Jastevian or Seer has been imprisoned, blinded, and used to the same degree as Malluch and Grishom? I cannot think of one but I could be missing information from years I was traveling."
Speaking to Thadston, Faerinn says, "He says he can break the connections of those being compromised by the Bleak."
Speaking to Guarrin, Iskandr says, "Just their wrinkles."
Thadston glances at Faerinn.
Thadston says, "I am fine."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Evia says, "I do not know, I just raised it as a thought that we don't always know all about everyone."
Alvyara says, "I'm not sure -"
Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr asks, "What do be Malluch's threat to us?"
Speaking to Cryheart, Pukk exclaims, "If Malluch can heal all ailments, there is hope for you! He can make you faster!"
(Roblar kicks Loscar's damned puppy out the door.)
Hapenlok says, "Walkar's armor absorbed blood. And eventually, after the orchard was planted here, he gained the ability to heal the fallen."
Loscar screams!
Umbazi says, "Usually whether a religion is considered a cult depends on how people in control view it. And saying 'we're going to crush Cult X' sets a bad precedent. Cult X today, another more mainstream faith later. I don't like Malluch, I don't trust Malluch, and I don't know why the people in town are going to him instead of the empaths in town who work for free. I want the town protected--without the help of the Rooks. But I don't want the Landing to forget about the rights of its citizens while protecting itself from a probable threat."
Thadston says, "The last zealots who sparked a movement within our walls did not end well for our people."
Speaking to Evia, Stormyrain says, "True. I just think that there's enough of a similarity to explain Malluch's putting Grishom on a pedestal."
Speaking slowly to Hapenlok, Leafiara clarifies, "So you're thinking that Malluch's healing powers aren't great until after he's... fed his blades? That's the theory?"
Faerinn says, "You ordering the killing of a citizen and already started melees with those looking for healing. You are not fine."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "That's my working theory."
Loscar says, "That was really mean."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "One not based in any shred of fact."
Thadston says, "Inaccurate."
Roblar offers Loscar a winter white stein of ale.
Roblar deeply says, "Drink yer sorrows away."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Iskandr asks, "Wouldn't his blades have been fed well last week?"
Thadston says, "They came to the gates. Some of you idiots attacked them."
Speaking to Iskandr, Hapenlok says, "Possibly."
Thadston says, "I'm here to help clean up a mess already escalated."
Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr says, "I agree but I don't think we should act prematurely."
Leafiara acknowledges, "Well, yes, our adventurers at the gates did initiate."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Iskandr says, "That was an initial thought I had when we started attacking them, that we might be empowering them. I'm not sure it went that way though."
Thadston says, "It'd have been much easier if the Rooks attacked first. Hell half of you could be them."
Roblar deeply says, "A glorious night."
Leafiara says, "Then the second strike was them sneaking into town after being warned against it."
Speaking softly to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "So could you."
Thadston begins chuckling at Chandrellia!
Speaking to Thadston, Iskandr says, "If I were a Rook, that would be quite a reveal."
Leafiara calmly says, "Now hold on, there's no need to argue amongst ourselves."
Speaking softly to Thadston, Chandrellia asks, "What, it's ok for you to accuse us but the other way around?"
Leafiara adds, "At least not in this sense."
Thadston says, "I stated a fact."
Speaking to Thadston, Hapenlok says, "Yet....the Rooks lived up to their end of the bargain. They stayed inside."
Felita says, "Aint we posa be onna same side."
Speaking heartily to Chandrellia, Dwi says, "He's rong haff us is prawns...I had dis splained to me."
Speaking to Thadston, Hapenlok asks, "Interesting, isn't it?"
Plan of Action
Thadston says, "Here's my idea."
Faerinn says, "That Mother would lie. That's not really interesting at all."
Thadston says, "Convince me otherwise."
Leafiara admits, "All ears."
Speaking softly to Dwi, Chandrellia says, "Well he only seems to have half a mind and he not in his right one."
Speaking to Balley, Bbee says, "I used to have wrinkles on my forehead, bbut my bbaby bbrother was always tugging on my ankles, eventually my wrinkles disappeared. So you see it doesn't take talent to remove wrinkles, just persistence."
Thadston says, "I give them a week to break camp and move on. Or we arrest them and break down their camps ourselves."
Radeek sternly says, "A d'vided an fractured town be a town what can't win...ya'lld bes' be a'learnin how ta work tagetha fer da common good."
Speaking to Thadston, Alvyara exclaims, "No!"
Pukk asks, "What is the reason we would arrest them?"
Thrassus says, "They are outside the city jurisdiction."
Stormyrain says, "Arrest them on what charges? They are outside the gates."
Bbee asks, "What?"
Bbee says, "It's true."
Cryheart asks, "Aye..on what charges?"
Loscar says, "More force with force without the force to back it up Thad."
Roelon deeply asks, "Ah thought the law does nae extend outside the walls?"
Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr says, "But dem camps be outside da gates."
Chandrellia softly asks, "Defacing town property?"
Dwi heartily says, "Campin witout a permit."
Thadston says, "I give them a week to break camp and move on. Or we break it down for them."
Speaking to Thadston, Faerinn says, "There, I was being prescient. You were moments away from giving the order I was talking about."
Speaking to Cryheart, Iskandr says, "I mean, there WERE acolytes attacking within the town."
Thadston says, "There. Fixed."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Stormyrain says, "They would be subject to that if they committed the crime and stepped into town."
Hapenlok says, "The time for that is long past. And honestly, it'll spill more blood, blood that Malluch can use to power his rituals."
Alvyara protests, "Most of them are sick and injured!"
Guarrin says, "Not to mention, arresting folks for differing beliefs, as someone already eloquently mentioned, is a dangerous path to take."
Roblar deeply says, "Burn em out."
Melikor whispers something to Faerinn.
Umbazi says, "No, Thadston."
Leafiara says, "They already did step in town after being warned otherwise."
Roblar deeply says, "Tired of zealots."
Speaking softly to Stormyrain, Chandrellia says, "His followers did."
Umbazi asks, "That's wrong. Attacking sick people. What is the point?"
Roblar deeply says, "Especially any who follow Stone."
Thadston shakes his head.
Speaking softly to Roblar, Chandrellia says, "It's not proven he is."
Umbazi asks, "And how is that going to convince them NOT to follow Stone?"
Speaking to Thadston, Pukk says, "You know you're wrong when Roblar agrees with you."
Loscar says, "YOU follow Stone though Roblar."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Stormyrain says, "Then if they step inside the gates the town guard can arrest them."
Balley softly asks, "Does anyone think that Stone will actually show up like Malluch was stating? I thought he was to be here already?"
Radeek mutters, "Now I hears da empire a'comin out....breakin down der camp indeed...welcome to da free town a Wehnimer''s yer torch an' pitchfork."
Loscar exclaims, "You kick puppies!"
Roblar deeply says, "No need to convince da dead."
Thadston asks, "How many threats need to fester beyond our walls before half of you realize it?"
Evia asks, "Golly, don't step into town without permission now?"
Speaking to Balley, Leafiara says, "I don't think he will."
Faerinn says, "Wehnimer's Landing: Leave your religious beliefs at the gates so we may slaughter your sick and tired for them."
Speaking to Roblar, Umbazi asks, "What is WRONG with you?"
Speaking to Roblar, Guarrin asks, "Where is the line? How is that action anything but a different form of zealotry?"
Roblar deeply asks, "Do ah?"
Balley softly says, "That is another reason why I do not think Stone is in control."
Speaking deeply to Guarrin, Roblar says, "Warn, then act."
Alvyara says, "Disarm the camp's guards if you will. But leave the poor followers alone."
Roblar deeply says, "Dey av a choice."
Speaking softly to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "Until they BREACH our walls, we have no jurisdiction on the outside, you force them to break camp and it will be bad on us as a town."
Leafiara curiously asks, "So all of you think that Malluch coming here to preach about Grishom's message of vengeance was just a history lesson and not a veiled threat, then?"
Roblar deeply says, "Zealots av a cause."
Umbazi asks, "And this is the town that protests that it cares so much for the rights of its people?"
Maags says, "I think we are speaking of a belief in Grishom Stone, which we has much reason to deny."
Thadston says, "They did breach our walls. And retreated."
Speaking to Thadston, Faerinn says, "No, I like this line of thought. Burn down the temples. Arrest anyone that practices religion. Problems solved."
Roblar deeply says, "Me az no cause."
Thadston glances at Faerinn.
Roblar deeply says, "Except avin peaceful ale."
Thadston says, "I never said that."
Roblar deeply says, "Widout clamor in da streets."
Thadston's entire body tenses as he tightens his grip on his oak walking stick and glances over at Faerinn.
Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr says, "I be verra aware of da Chaston view but we shoulds see a direct threat first."
Speaking to Thadston, Guarrin says, "I understand the desire to protect the city and be proactive about it, but this is not the way. Surely."
Iskandr says, "They did breach our walls and seem to still be able to do so. He has a point there."
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "Mayor, I don't like the man one bit, but where was little Thaddy here when Vlashandra pulled her little stunts OUTSIDE the city walls? I didn't see him making these same remarks, it was left to us."
Iskandr says, "A somewhat mysterious means of appearing in town."
Speaking to himself, Guarrin mutters, "Breaching the walls isn't exactly difficult."
Thadston says, "Casi alone is itching to riddle them with knives. I've kept her occupied with militia duties. But I understand her concern."
Loscar says, "I just want to live in peace, we have not enough empaths or clerics, what do we do about that."
Thadston asks, "I lost my son to a zealot. Any of you?"
Speaking to Guarrin, Radeek says, "Aye, called walkin in thru da fron' gate."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "I'm sure he had other concerns at the time, to be fair."
Speaking quietly to Mongonator, Dwi says, "I hear da boln folks issa gitta a symbol o' ale."
Thadston asks, "No?"
Thadston says, "Didn't think so."
Umbazi coldly says, "They are not currently attacking. And if it comes to breaching the walls, roltons and kobolds do that every day."
Speaking to Thadston, Faerinn says, "I lost my entire country."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Shinann asks, "Did you not volunteer for her?"
Thadston says, "Then act like it."
Thadston nods at Faerinn.
Berost deeply says, "I fer one am tired o them zealot and blood portals this and witches that. All well an good ta be an open town, but I will do what need be doin ifn it needs be done."
Bbee asks, "What's a zealot?"
Pukk says, "I say, everybody should convert to Cholen. Then we would all be happier."
Speaking deeply to Bbee, Roblar says, "A crusader."
Speaking heartily to Bbee, Dwi says, "Issa horse wit ..stripes."
Speaking softly to Shinann, Chandrellia says, "Yes I did, under false pretense. Do I regret it, yes I do."
Dwi heartily says, "Oh."
Alternate Advancement
Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain says, "That does not make this action conscionable as an official act of the militia."'
Speaking to Bbee, Alvyara explains, "A zealot is someone who feels very strongly about something you dislike."
Speaking softly to Shinann, Chandrellia asks, "I am big enough to OWN up to my mistakes, is anyone else?"
Speaking deeply to Thadston, Roelon says, "Ye would blame all for another's crime. Very just."
Thadston glances at Stormyrain.
Speaking to Roblar, Pukk asks, "What's a crusader?"
Thadston says, "I sure as hell haven't heard any good alternatives."
Thadston seems to be waiting for something.
Speaking to Chandrellia, Pukk asks, "Can you own up to my mistakes for me please?"
Speaking to Stormyrain, Radeek says, "Stop wit' da big words..some here is but simple folks what can't git it thru der heads what yer a'sayin."
Shinann says, "I did not volunteer. Cannot understand how anyone would."
Thadston says, "Unless you all think Malluch brainwashing townspeople into worshipping Grishom Stone is the plan."
Leafiara whispers something to Alisette.
Speaking heartily to Chandrellia, Dwi says, "Take too long."
Faerinn says, "Send Murdos out to them."
Speaking to Thadston, Alisette asks, "What reason will you give for mandating that they leave?"
Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr says, "I fought alongside ye when Disean was taken away, I unnerstand, but we needs still keep our heads."
Umbazi asks, "Attacking sick people because we're afraid of what they might do. Since when do we charge people for crimes they haven't committed yet?"
Hapenlok says, "Honestly, with a bit more time, I think we can bring him back. But we're not going to have a chance if we demolish that camp."
Speaking to Radeek, Stormyrain says, "What he's suggesting isn't ok as an official act of the militia, regardless of his personal feelings."
Roblar deeply says, "Ah remember Chaston's brainwashin..."
Alvyara quietly says, "If we cannot heal what these people suffer from, perhaps they -should- turn to him."
Roblar deeply says, "Though dat was moar magical."
Leafiara acknowledges, "Well, Hapenlok and Raelee have floated the theory that bloodshed is precisely what Stone wants."
Roblar deeply says, "Or da witch's doing."
Thadston says, "It's an official act if I say it is."
Speaking to Thadston, Alisette says, "Sir, there may be another way."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Iskandr asks, "Back to what exactly?"
Stormyrain settles her gaze on Thadston, watching him intently.
Thadston glances at Alisette.
Speaking to Stormyrain, Radeek says, "But he runs da m'litia, right?"
Leafiara says, "The people in the camps aren't sick, to my knowledge. They're the ones well, which is why they're following him."
Thadston says, "I'm listening."
Dwi heartily exclaims, "Da free ale act!"
Speaking to Roblar, Pukk asks, "Did Chaston brainwash you?"
'Thadston turns an inquisitive ear toward Alisette.
Dwi heartily exclaims, "Gotta ring to it!"
Balley softly says, "No I think Malluch is here to cause divide and infighting. Then he can come in and take control."
Hapenlok says, "Back to the fold, as it were. I feel like if it hadn't been a combat situation, we could have parleyed more."
Speaking to Thadston, Umbazi says, "And if I were a member of the militia, I would disobey you. A bad order should be disobeyed."
Speaking to Roblar, Pukk says, "It's okay. He can't hurt you now."
Speaking to Radeek, Stormyrain says, "For the now, yes, but not as a permanent head."
Speaking deeply to Pukk, Roblar asks, "To kill others?"
Loscar says, "Whoa my head."
Roblar deeply says, "Maybe."
Roblar deeply says, "Not to follow his warped deities."
Speaking to Thadston, Faerinn says, "Let Murdos speak to him. Send Murdos out to the camps to talk to them."
Maags says, "We do not has to attack and kill anybodies but do -not- lets them in town."
Speaking to Thadston, Alisette says, "Perhaps we could .... actually enter their group, seek Malluch's reason for being here, and determine if Stone is really involved."
Speaking to Thadston, Hapenlok says, "And honestly, they're closer to yon outpost than to this city."
Faerinn says, "Find that blasted symbol of Jastev."
Thadston asks, "And then what?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Alisette.
Berost deeply says, "Murdos goes to them camps he aint comin back tha same... if at all."
Speaking amiably to Alisette, Leafiara says, "I like it."
Bbee asks, "Why are these meetings always after my brain stops working for the night?"
Speaking softly to Alisette, Chandrellia asks, "So you are saying infiltrate?"
Speaking to Thadston, Alisette says, "Make an educated decision on why he is here, and determine the real threat."
Speaking to Alisette, Pukk exclaims, "Will you stop making sense! That's cheating!"
Speaking deeply to Bbee, Roblar says, "Take a pill."
Speaking to Berost, Faerinn says, "It sounds like the marshal is find with that."
Roblar deeply says, "Am sure you av somes."
Speaking to Alisette, Pukk exclaims, "We don't take kindly to people making sense!"
Thadston says, "Convincing townspeople to worship Stone, regardless of Stone's involvement, is a threat."
Roblar deeply asks, "See?"
Alisette glances at Thadston.
Thadston nods at Alisette.
Alvyara says, "I would.. pretend to be one of Malluch's followers, if it would help."
Thadston says, "I don't see how that matters."
Bbee says, "Didn't help a bbit."
Speaking deeply to Bbee, Roblar advises, "Take two and no send for me in da mornin."
Speaking softly to Thadston, Chandrellia asks, "Boy you just to blockade everyone don't you?"
Alvyara says, "It might be believable. But I don't know that it will help us, in the end."
Goldstr says, "Convin dem be da point der."
Speaking respectfully to Thadston, Alisette says, "Not at this time, it is not, he has given them hope, been a martyr, as it were."
Leafiara says, "Malluch did originally say he was only going to be here a couple of weeks, so in theory he should be fine with a week to leave. In practice, I bet he won't be."
Speaking quietly to Bbee, Dwi says, "Dey call dat buildin a tolerance."
Thadston says, "He's not a martyr yet."
Falvicar quietly says, "Ye can say the say the same thing when it comes to Liablo and Lornon with that simple logic."
Radeek says, "Ya know...mebbe ders a new r'ligion in town. Mebbe, insteada a fightin it, mebbe ya shoul' thinks bouts welcomin it....mebbe givbe it a place fer followers ta worship."
Speaking to Thadston, Guarrin says, "Yes, it is a threat. Meeting force on force seems like a poor strategy though, no? I would suggest instead perhaps discover why they follow him. Remove those reasons."
Speaking softly to Alisette, Chandrellia says, "I like your idea sissy."
Thadston glances at Radeek.
Speaking curiously to Guarrin, Leafiara asks, "Elaborate?"
Alvyara simply says, "His healing power is real."
Speaking deeply to Thadston, Roelon says, "Yet. But ye will be makin' him such. Find another way first, before ye bash some skulls in."
Speaking to Thadston, Faerinn says, "You plan to make him one though. Unless you can beat him to it."
Speaking to Guarrin, Leafiara asks, "What would we do even if we had that information?"
Roblar deeply says, "Religions shud die."
Falvicar quietly says, "Worship isn't a threat."
Speaking quietly to Bbee, Dwi says, "Kinda like Gutstorm anna ale...dimish'd returns."
Roblar deeply says, "Take stock of yerselves."
Speaking to Berost, Alvyara asks, "Didn't you hear?"
Speaking deeply to Alvyara, Berost says, "Sound like ya already done joined."
Speaking to Thadston, Alisette asks, "Perhaps it is worth considering?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Guarrin continues, "We would need more information before determining action. But I would suggest if it is healing, we find other means."
Alvyara exclaims, "No!"
Speaking to Thadston, Umbazi says, "I think that Guarrin is right. If we could find out what need Malluch fills and then fill that need ourselves..."
Pukk says, "I say we send Dwi out to talk to him. After a couple of hours of confusion he will leave."
Alvyara says, "No, that's not it at all."
Cryheart says, "There is a difference between wanting to be healed...and wanting to join a cult.....if Malluch makes it a condition that that those who want to be healed they must follow Stone...then you will have leverage."
Iskandr says, "I'd volunteer to be a pretend follower, but I'm pretty sure I've mentioned I think this town should just kill him to his face perhaps more than once."
Speaking to Thadston, Radeek says, "Sometimes it ain't all bouts fightin...a lesson hard learn'd over da years...take a page from m'book an look at more'n one angle."
Iskandr says, "Wouldn't feel very organic."
Speaking heartily to Pukk, Dwi exclaims, "Yer idears aint dummer den mine!"
Alvyara says, "But we shouldn't be acting confused about why people are following him."
Speaking to Cryheart, Umbazi says, "We need to find out if that is a condition or not."
Speaking to Dwi, Pukk exclaims, "Thank you!"
Alvyara says, "He has real power."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "So much for discussing the portal and hex blades theory."
Speaking to Dwi, Pukk exclaims, "Wait...they are too!"
Loscar says, "We could hold a tournament."
Thadston says, "I think you're far too focused on containing a threat and not eliminating a threat."
Dwi heartily says, "Yes..."
Speaking wryly to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "And so much for not fighting among ourselves. But this is the Landing, after all."
Speaking heartily to Pukk, Dwi says, "Yes dey is."
Speaking curiously to Alvyara, Chandrellia asks, "You have seen firsthand his power?"
Speaking to Thadston, Guarrin says, "Then why bother with the minor threat and instead focus on the greater? Stone."
Alvyara says, "And I think.. if he is curing people of things that no one else can cure, perhaps we should let..."
Compliance with the Law?
Umbazi says, "Killing people is not eliminating a threat. It's creating martyrs. Martyrs grow religions."
Speaking to Dwi, Pukk asks, "Oh yeah?"
Speaking to Dwi, Pukk exclaims, "Leben!"
Faerinn says, "I would also volunteer for such an infiltration."
Thadston says, "I never said we'd kill him."
Speaking to Thadston, Alisette says, "We are, however...we have no valid reason to demand he leave at this point."
Alvyara exclaims, "Yes, that!"
Thadston says, " all honesty...."
Thadston says, "We could demand his surrender."
Speaking to Thadston, Radeek says, "Plus, if ya gives em a place ta worship ya can gathers em all in one spot....den ya crushes em...all at da same time."
Thadston says, "His prison sentence was not carried out."
Speaking to Thadston, Alisette asks, "For what crime, sir?"
Speaking heartily to Thadston, Dwi asks, "Why dont we den?"
Alisette says, "Oh."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "That's true."
Bbee says, "Yes, demand his surrender."
Roblar deeply says, "Ah no want to kill da lad, his father iz guud for business."
Leafiara says, "I do agree the infiltration seems like a good idea, for those who could pull it off. He has a hero complex, so he's likely looking to play to villains or victims... as it were."
Goldstr says, "Ah, good point."
Thadston says, "He's a fugitive."
Stormyrain says, "Then if he steps inside the gates, have him arrested."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "He did escape."
Cryheart asks, " the prison sentence still valid then?"
Iskandr says, "This feels like a martyr plan in the making."
Roblar deeply says, "Only any who fight us, agin."
Speaking to himself, Pukk asks, "Wait..what are you saying?"
Dwi heartily says, "Some me best frends is foogitiff."
Speaking to Thadston, Umbazi says, "You said, break down the camps. You said, they can't fight back if they are dead. You definitely indicated that murdering sick people was on the table." [well, that was Roblar with the dead line, but...]
Balley softly says, "I warn you Malluch is using Stone's name and getting us to argue and fight between ourselves. With this chaos, other chaos will ensue and then Malluch will carry out his master plan."
Roblar deeply says, "He iz a fool, though."
Thadston says, "Murdos oiling the hands of guards doesn't erase his charges."
Guarrin slowly asks, "And once he's arrested, his followers will just sit by?"
Speaking to Thadston, Alisette says, "That still makes him a martyr."
Speaking to Thadston, Thrassus asks, "Are you certain that is what happened?"
Evia asks, "Who has the authority to apprehend a fugitive outside our walls?"
Iskandr says, "IF he surrenders, either in captivity or dead falling into captivity, his people will go nuts."
Thadston asks, "Are you not?"
Dwi heartily says, "Yeesh..our guards gits paid best dey kin..."
Speaking deeply to Guarrin, Roblar says, "Up to dem."
Thadston peers quizzically at Thrassus.
Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Dwi asks, "Yer not payin em eh?"
Thadston asks, "Did you pardon him?"
Speaking to Evia, Stormyrain says, "No one that I'm aware of."
Thadston peers quizzically at Leafiara.
Roblar deeply says, "Law of town never let em free."
Speaking offhandedly to Dwi, Leafiara asks, "Who?"
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "No."
Speaking to Balley, Goldstr says, "A verra good view a dis."
Thrassus says, "I don't know, I wasn't present when he was let go."
Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Dwi says, "Da guards."
Thadston says, "Lylia sure as hell didn't either."
Speaking to Roblar, Guarrin says, "Come on, that's just picking a fight and you know it."
Roblar deeply says, "We shud empty our prisons den."
Speaking to Evia, Hapenlok says, "Wellllll....I have hunted wanted fugitives for coin, before."
Speaking to Balley, Kippe agrees, "The town being divided could be exactly what Malluch wants."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Evia says, "Well then that strikes the marshal's plan I would say."
Thadston says, "He was freed behind all of our backs."
Thadston says, "I should lock up Murdos with him."
Roblar deeply says, "Maybe dey all want to join dem too and follow a blood god."
Speaking to Kippe, Maags says, "Is what Stone wants."
Balley softly says, "Malluch was a mess when we had seen him in custody last.. We have no idea what was done to him, or what the price was.. We all know Stone and most others have a steep price for their magic, or their help."
Maags says, "Always has."
Dwi heartily says, "We gots wot? one feller who looks like Sleepy...anna his twin brudder...Sleepy."
Umbazi asks, "He escaped and none of the town guards are willing to arrest him. Why don't you investigate that, Lord Thadston?"
Falvicar whispers something to Evia.
Speaking to Hapenlok, Evia says, "Bounty hunters sure."
Speaking to Thadston, Faerinn asks, "What about anyone else on the council? Could any of them been paid for a pardon?"
Thadston says, "Only Mayor can pardon."
Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Dwi says, "Ye sure shoulnt be payin em."
Bbee says, "Tell the guard that Helga is off limit till he rids us of this problem. Problem solved."
Speaking to Thadston, Thrassus asks, "Perhaps you should investigate that?"
Speaking to Thadston, Faerinn says, "Actually I like that compromise. Lock them both up. They can have that conversation."
Leafiara asks, "Even if we do arrest him, what would stop him from getting out again?"
Thadston says, "Oh trust me. I'll be looking into the guards next."
Leafiara says, "Especially given that there's a chance Grishom really is working with him."
Speaking deeply to Guarrin, Roblar says, "Put him in dat tower Grishom was locked in."
Roelon deeply says, "What would stop the townsfolk from turnin' against ye? Those who were already considerin'..."
Speaking heartily to Thadston, Dwi says, "I like our guards."
Speaking to Leafiara, Evia says, "Another fancy coffin."
Thadston says, "The militia would hold him."
Speaking softly to Thadston, Chandrellia asks, "I thought you were militia and had nothing to do with the guards, all of a sudden you do?"
Umbazi asks, "The one that the town guards let Stone out of?"
Roelon deeply says, "Ye will give them that final push."
Roblar deeply says, "Dat wud be, appropriate."
Speaking heartily to Thadston, Dwi says, "Dey know where da badnicks is."
Balley softly says, "I really think we need to stop the infighting and arguing,"
Roblar deeply says, "Kerse Stone escpaed dat one too."
Loscar says, "But Grishom has a past of working against our own intersts..."
Speaking to Thadston, Radeek says, "Careful usin dem words...when someone says trust me it kinda tends ta mean dat sooner er later der gonna winds up burnin da town to da ground."
Iskandr says, "If you hold him, his people are going to get crazier than they already are."
Speaking to Thadston, Hapenlok says, "Everyone has a price, Marshal. You weren't around when Stennis was in charge here. A lot of those men were in his employ."
Speaking softly to Balley, Chandrellia says, "Yes mama."
Dwi heartily says, "Oh wait..."
Faerinn says, "Keep Malluch and Murdos in the same cell. They can hash out their blood dad and blood son stuff here."
Speaking to Thadston, Alisette says, "I believe we need more and valid information."
Leafiara pragmatically says, "I think we first have to explore the possibility that we can free him from control, *if* indeed he's under control. Suss that out first and then we have a more realistic picture of what our options even are."
Speaking to Thadston, Hapenlok asks, "You think all that is going to change in years?"
Speaking to himself, Guarrin mutters, "Arresting him might be a good pretense for infiltrating the camp."
Speaking heartily to Mongonator, Dwi says, "Da guards know where da badnicks is...."
Balley softly says, "Pointing fingers and pointing blame on others for past events does NOTHING but cause divide."
Speaking heartily to Mongonator, Dwi says, "Imma onto sumpthin..."
Guild Taskmaster Thadston
Thadston says, "And as for being in town...."
Cryheart says, "If the sentence is still valid for a crime he committed but did not fully serve, he should be arrested, in particular if a judge did not release him."
Thadston glances at Stormyrain.
Loscar says, "I say banishment again."
Thadston says, "We don't need him in our gates to apprehend a fugitive."
Speaking heartily to Mongonator, Dwi says, "Lost it."
Thadston says, "I'll put out a damn bounty if needed."
Balley softly says, "Malluch got out, he is running wild with his followers, we need to get them away from us and figure out Malluch's true objective."
Stormyrain asks, " the militia will sanction bounty hunters?"
Speaking to Cryheart, Guarrin says, "While I agree. That will escalate the situation."
Speaking to Thadston, Pukk says, "You should have started with that."
Speaking softly to Alvyara, Chandrellia asks, "What seems to be your fascination with him?"
Faerinn says, "Back to this again."
Speaking deeply to Guarrin, Roblar says, "Sometimes escalation iz unavoidable."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Alvyara says, "I've no fascination with him."
Speaking to Thadston, Alisette says, "Then you chance outcry from the people, and validate Malluch's claim of oppression."
Roblar deeply says, "One does not act because of fear."
Thadston says, "I'll strongly speak with the town council and the mayor in regards to a potential bounty."
Leafiara recalls, "There was already a bounty on Rone once before... though that one was Alendrial's idea, I believe." [actually, I think there were bounties on both of the previous Rones and both were Alendrial's idea]
Speaking to Roblar, Guarrin says, "But it serves no purpose at this point."
Speaking softly to Alvyara, Chandrellia says, "No? you seem to be defending him pretty harshly."
Alvyara says, "But there are people all over the continent with ailments that healers can't heal."
Roblar deeply says, "It will rid them, one way or another."
Shinann says, "Bounties always seem to backfire."
Roblar deeply says, "Dat iz a purpose."
Leafiara asks, "That said, everyone's raising a good question--even if we take in Malluch, what about the rest of them?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Money talks."
Alvyara asks, "If Malluch can heal them -- who are we hurting, even killing, by locking him up?"
Balley softly says, "That did no good Leafi, Malluch escaped or was let out. It will happen again and you will not know about it."
Evia asks, "What about em?"
Speaking softly to Alvyara, Chandrellia says, "And what has he healed exactly? Your wrinkles, that's it."
Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Dwi asks, "Cookies?"
Speaking deeply to Bbee, Roblar says, "You took toow many widout enough water."
Alvyara says, "The deaths of many innocents could be on our hands."
Speaking to Roblar, Guarrin says, "I...truly appreciate your optimism."
Speaking deeply to Bbee, Roblar says, "Get some air."
Dwi heartily says, "Silber anna cookies."
Speaking to Alvyara, Hapenlok says, "So far, he hasn't shown any ability in that regard....yet."
Thadston says, "We can arrange for a way for Malluch not to escape."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Alvyara asks, "Do you not even care?"
Speaking softly to Alvyara, Chandrellia says, "The healers of this town do more than that everyday."
Speaking to Alvyara, Maags says, "Because if he is working with Stone, it will come at a price."
Maags says, "To all of us."
Speaking to Thadston, Hapenlok says, "Yeah, not keeping him in our jail."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Alvyara says, "They couldn't, for me."
Radeek mutters, "It's called killin him."
Roblar deeply says, "Itz what ah am, mr happy."
Balley softly asks, "Has he ever healed that woman who came here by ship?"
Thadston says, "The mistake was made that we left a broken, drooling, blind fool in a cell."
Dwi heartily says, "I'd leaf town fer nuff silber anna cookies."
Speaking to Thadston, Umbazi asks, "Are we back to you proposing murder again?"
Thadston says, "That mistake won't be made this time."
Speaking softly to Alvyara, Chandrellia asks, "Aahhh so to you he is a hero?"
Thadston says, "No. Not murder."
Dwi heartily says, "Ye kint afford it."
Leafiara says, "I don't think we have to kill him except as a last resort. He is still our citizen."
Balley softly says, "Has anyone ever seen true healing? Maybe that is a way to isolate him to capture him."
Speaking to Thadston, Hapenlok asks, "A bane coffin?"
Speaking to Chandrellia, Alvyara says, "Perhaps, in your ivory tower, surrounded by money, you've forgotten what it's like to be vulnerable, or sick." Dwi smirks.
Maags says, "If Malluch is locked up then the followers may move on."
Leafiara admits, "And I'd really, really prefer not to kill him, personally."
Shinann says, "I tried to get him out... for two years."
Thadston says, "If needed Hapenlok."
Maags exclaims, "Make stronger gates!"
Speaking to Thadston, Pukk says, "Also throw in a petting zoo for the town. That would be a great prize for catching him."
Thadston says, "Everyone else is using them."
Speaking to Guarrin, Maags exclaims, "Maybes!"
Roblar deeply says, "Haflings need to take half."
Alvyara says, "But I come from poverty. And I know what it's like to finally be given hope - and then have it taken away."
Roblar deeply says, "Too much for yer weight."
Iskandr asks, "Thadston is offering a week. Perhaps a week is enough to sort through this enough to get a better answer?"
Speaking to Thadston, Alisette says, "Perhaps a clearer plan is in order, sir."
Speaking to Thadston, Hapenlok says, "Yes, and as far as I'm concerend, they're compromised."
'Thadston nods.
Umbazi says, "Oh, of course. Imitating all the horrible things the villains are doing! What a brilliant plan."
Speaking to Iskandr, Leafiara says, "We have to be prepared for whatever their answer is, though."
Speaking softly to Alvyara, Chandrellia asks, "I left that ivory tower, as you so call it, to lead a life of healing for those that can't heal themselves. MY motives are pure, can you say the same for Malluch?"
Speaking to Chandrellia, Pukk asks, "'re surrounded by money?"
Faerinn says, "One day I am going to wake up early enough to make this yard sale where the Hall is selling all these bane coffins."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Pukk says, "I love what you did with your hair.."
Alvyara says, "-That- is my fascination. Not with him, but with the vulnerable. And the hope that some day, they can have more."
Stormyrain says, "Pardon me, I need to take my leave."
Speaking to Maags, Guarrin says, "Quite the risk for a maybe."
Stormyrain places a hand over her heart.
Stormyrain bows.
Thadston says, "I'll send you a letter tomorrow, officially requesting your review of a bounty."
Alvyara quietly says, "No. His motives are not pure."
Thadston nods at Leafiara.
Leafiara nods at Thadston.
Speaking softly to Pukk, Chandrellia says, "No my family disowned me becasue I decided to heal those they felt were beneath them."
Iskandr asks, "Perhaps Thadston can agree in a week's time to hear the evidence you've gathered before acting?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "And we'll talk about my fee, later."
Alvyara says, "If he says he serves Stone, I'm sure he's right."
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "I'll certainly look into it at least. As a preliminary step."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Radeek says, "Nite cap'n."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Remember to request a petting zoo."
Alvyara says, "But -"
Speaking to Guarrin, Maags says, "We cannot jus attack and kills them."
Maags says, "We can but."
Speaking to Thadston, Faerinn says, "With Malluch in custody that would make it much easier for a group to infiltrate the camp for more information."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Pukk exclaims, "But you have a tower and you are surrounded by money!"
Stormyrain touches Thadston.
Speaking to Maags, Guarrin says, "I do not want to do that."
Stormyrain nods at Thadston.
Speaking softly to Alvyara, Chandrellia says, "Look all I am saying is look deeper into his heart, let his shallow facade cover your eyes and blind you to what you can see if you look hard enough hon."
Roblar deeply says, "We can drag em."
Balley softly says, "I am sure he does not serve Stone. Stone would not want anyone putting his sordid history out the way Malluch proclaimed it."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Alvyara says, "Oh, I see him clearly. He's a desperate man clinging to a power-hungry blackguard."
Cryheart asks, "Should he not be in prison..rather than just the jail?"
Iskandr says, "A week, a week with no action on Malluch or the camps. After that, meet again and perhaps convince the man here that the status quo has shifted."
Leafiara reminds, "I will say, so far we aren't even sure what Malluch's capabilities in battle are, so how difficult or easy it will be to detain him is... in question."
Maags says, "I needs to hear and see Malluch before I has a best opinion."
Thadston says, "Stone's sordid history is literally wrapped in leather in the library."
Iskandr says, "And if not, well, such is life."
Speaking deeply to Cryheart, Roblar says, "Shud be in a hole."
Maags says, "For what it is worth."
Roblar deeply says, "A deep one."
Maags says, "Sorries I missed him."
Speaking softly to Alvyara, Chandrellia asks, "But because he did one thing that semed no one else could, that makes it ok?"
Speaking to Chandrellia, Alvyara asks, "But should we really lock up a desperate, clinging man when he is helping others?"
Roblar deeply says, "Because a regular cell az shown not strong enough."
Faerinn says, "Its a sordid autobiography."
Pukk says, "Stone's history is also in those baths."
Speaking to Alvyara, Leafiara says, "Who's he helping? We've seen him cure nothing but wrinkles."
Speaking deeply to Cryheart, Roblar says, "Me so happen to av one in ma dungeon."
Roblar deeply says, "Put him in der, will...make room."
Pukk says, "Those baths are evil."
Loscar asks, "Alv did you hear the history?"
A flash of azure light glows briefly behind Thadston's neck when Stormyrain leans in to whisper to him.
Balley softly says, "You are correct Thadston then there is no need to stand and proclaim it as a coming of a new idol."
Radeek says, "So be a really good tehir coffee in dem baths."
Speaking heartily to Pukk, Dwi says, "If'n da Kernel Genrel was here he'd say... Imps."
Speaking to Alvyara, Goldstr asks, "Is he helpin?"
Shinann says, "Written by a madman..."
Speaking softly to Alvyara, Chandrellia says, "When the motives for his actions mean anything but what purity yes."
Alvyara quietly says, "Not just wrinkles. A piece of my very soul was taken."
Umbazi says, "There's that odd glow again..."
Speaking to Dwi, Pukk says, "Imps."
Alvyara says, "It's back, now. I feel it."
Faerinn says, "You're leaking again."
Bbee says, "That was a loud whisper."
Speaking heartily to Pukk, Dwi asks, "So..wot's an imp?"
Speaking to Bernadette, Radeek says, "Ya gots a bug on yer face."
Speaking to Thadston, Hapenlok says, "To be fair, though. That encampment is pretty much on the Outpost's front yard."
Maags says, "Maybes Malluch jus admires Stone's ego more even than his own and strives to be like him."
Speaking to Dwi, Pukk says, "An imp is a imp."
Speaking to Alisette, Alvyara asks, "You did too, didn't you? Some of your.. your soul, your life-force, was returned when he touched you.. wasn't it?"
Speaking heartily to Pukk, Dwi says, "Oh."
Balley softly says, "A copycat."
Speaking heartily to Pukk, Dwi says, "I learn so much."
Thadston says, "I'll make an announcement soon and demand his surrender."
Alvyara mutters, "It's not a matter of wrinkles."
Speaking to Alvyara, Alisette says, "I cannot say that. I can only say what I did NOT feel."
Speaking to Balley, Maags says, "Yes but I do has my doubts that is all it is if he has healing powers."
Thadston says, "He's a fugitive. Regardless of his new status and healing."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "At this point, after Praxopius, Vlashandra, and Malluch, I'd be more surprised if Breshon *did* respond to a problem than if he didn't."
Speaking to Alisette, Alvyara asks, "What was that?"
Iskandr says, "This won't go well."
Speaking softly to Radeek, Bernadette says, "Tanks crazy lil buggers aint em."
Speaking softly to Alvyara, Balley says, "I felt him flinch. I felt panic more than anything when he touched me."
Dwi heartily says, "Some my best frens is Foogitiff."
Alisette says, "I did not feel the healing aspect, I felt fear, and....."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Well, he's consistent."
Dwi heartily says, "Harpin on dat same point."
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara admits, "A fair enough line of reasoning, for anyone who appreciates law and procedure."
Loscar says, "Whats a foogliff."
Speaking to Balley, Alvyara says, "Well, that's obvious. You're intimidatingly good-looking."
Alisette stammers, "Cold."
Speaking curiously to Alisette, Leafiara asks, "Elaborate? You felt that from Malluch?"
Alvyara asks, " did?"
Speaking softly to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "Did ya learn a new spell or something that was a pretty light that was flashing behind your neck when Miss Stormy was chatting in your ear."
Alisette says, "But he did heal me."
Cryheart says, "Technically, he managed to escape his sentence, which was nae fully served."
Bbee asks, "Is consistent good in an enemy?"
Leafiara says, "Curious..."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Pukk says, "Shhhh you're not suppose to notice that. It's because he might be Stone."
Thadston says, "I'll give you less than a week to find an easier solution."
Speaking to Alisette, Leafiara ventures, "And you've never felt that from another healer, I take it."
Speaking heartily to Pukk, Dwi asks, "Da puppet?"
Alisette recalls, "When I touched Stone..... much different."
Speaking softly to Pukk, Chandrellia whispers aloud, "Oohhhh ooopsssss."
Iskandr says, "Well, at least there's some time."
Roblar deeply says, "Stone iz jus goin to sacrifice dem."
Speaking to Thadston, Faerinn says, "I still like the idea of grabbing Murdos too on corruption charges...get them talking. Listen in to what they say."
Speaking offhandedly to Roblar, Leafiara says, "Yeah, probably."
Speaking to Thadston, Umbazi says, "Easier is not necessarily better."
Roblar deeply says, "Best to not let him get der power of blood."
Speaking to Cryheart, Guarrin says, "You arrest him. His followers will likely take up arms."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I'll try and parlay with him tomorrow."
Roblar deeply says, "Ah remember what he did in da musuem."
Radeek mutters, "Blood in da streets an fire in da skies yet ag''er gonna learns."
Pukk says, "Poor poor Anemegus."
Speaking to Thadston, Alisette asks, "Does that mean you will consider my idea?"
Cryheart says, "That is a possibility."
Roblar deeply says, "To scores of women."
Chandrellia softly asks, "Oohh ok did anyone else hear that?"
Dwi heartily says, "Regwen's puppet wassa delite...dey waddnt made outta stone tho."
Loscar says, "You are just mean."
Hapenlok says, "And honestly folks, the blades are probably drawing in the blood spilled, that's where he's likely going to get his power from."
Speaking to Radeek, Leafiara says, "Well, at this point half the Landing would make a better Blood Son than him."
Speaking to Guarrin, Goldstr says, "Dey take up arms den be der fault wha happens."
Bbee says, "I still like the idea of telling the guard he can't see Helga till he resolves this."
Chandrellia yells, "Did anyone elese just hear that in their ear!"
Iskandr says, "I feel this will all end like last week's chaos at the rate we're going."
Speaking deeply to Loscar, Roblar snarls, "Look elsewhere or will take an eye."
Thadston says, "Less than a week."
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "Mayor, something isn't right."
Lord Thadston just marched stiffly through a glossy maoral door.
Leafiara amiably says, "Understood. We'll contemplate it."
Leafiara says, "And there he goes."
Discussion Afterward
Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "Let me guess..."
Chandrellia softly exclaims, "No no I'm telling you!"
Roblar deeply says, "Or cut off da puppy's head."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "Where would I sign up to be the Blood Son?"
Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara asks, "A voice warning you to stay away?"
Cryheart says, "Well..abrupt Thadston."
Speaking heartily to Roblar, Dwi says, "Der'll be no puppy cuttin."
Goldstr says, "I agrre wid dat plan."
Loscar says, "What a charmer you are, Roblar."
Speaking amusedly to Pukk, Leafiara says, "Just call yourself the Blood Son and you'll be better at it than Malluch. He doesn't even seem to like blood."
Roblar deeply says, "Iz a toy."
Iskandr asks, "So what was all that blue light?"
Faerinn says, "He's compromised from here to the Bleaklands."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I'll try to speak with him."
Speaking to Iskandr, Alvyara says, "That's what I want to know."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Failing that...."
Faerinn asks, "He still Interim Marshal? Or did they finally vote him in?"
Umbazi says, "Perhaps he should be relieved of his command. He seems a bit too eager to lash out."
Hapenlok says, "Well, there's always my original plan."
Speaking heartily to Hapenlok, Dwi asks, "Ye'll stop talkin?"
Leafiara says, "I have to admit, that was a far less violent plan than I expected from him."
[General] Pukk exclaims, "It has been agreed! I, Pukk, am the real Blood Son!"
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "Do me a favor?"
Roelon deeply says, "Gutsy one. Ye think he thought himself the Mayor or something."
Speaking tentatively to Hapenlok, Leafiara asks, "Depends what it is?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Done."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Silence that ..."
Hapenlok points at Dwi.
Speaking to Leafiara, Iskandr asks, "Are you sure it was really him?"
Speaking to Iskandr, Leafiara asks, "Really Thadston?"
Speaking deeply to Umbazi, Roblar says, "Dat iz because he iz wise."
Dwi heartily exclaims, "I aint bein nobody's bait!"
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I don't have a scroll for that."
Roblar deeply says, "And know battle, and dis town."
Speaking to Roelon, Evia says, "Mayors aren't all so much anyway."
Speaking confidently to Iskandr, Leafiara says, "I'm quite sure. We've dealt with Thadston impostors more than once."
Speaking offhandedly to Iskandr, Leafiara says, "And we can always tell."
Hapenlok says, "Actually, I do."
Speaking to Leafiara, Iskandr says, "Honestly, THIS town."
Hapenlok put a wrinkled scroll in his leather scroll case.
Alvyara sadly says, "I should sleep. If I can."
Alvyara says, "Good evening, everyone."
Speaking quietly to herself, Raelee says, "... one does wonder where he thinks he is going to acquire a bane coffin."
Speaking to Roblar, Radeek says, "Ne'er seems ta end...dis town only knows how ta fight, but not when ta fight...ain't ne'er gonna learn I reckon."
Speaking softly to Alvyara, Chandrellia asks, "Do you have a moment?"
Speaking amusedly to Raelee, Leafiara says, "Probably ask Cordarius."
Speaking to Goldstr, Evia says, "Ask em, they will maybe say the same, only so much they even have control over."
Speaking to Raelee, Hapenlok says, "Hopefully, he isn't."
Faerinn says, "The Thadston that came back from the Bleaklands is not the same one that was selected for that office."
Speaking to Raelee, Pukk says, "From a bane of course."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Alvyara says, "Just a moment, yes."
Speaking to Alvyara, Alisette says, "Rest well."
Roblar deeply says, "Action better den talkin all day."
Iskandr says, "I was being mildly sarcastic but I guess anything is truly on the table as a possibility in the Landing."
Maags says, "Brass Tower in the interim."
Roblar deeply says, "On dat note."
Speaking heartily to Pukk, Dwi says, "Ye keep yer bane innit ...silly."
Speaking to Iskandr, Leafiara assures, "Oh, no need to be sarcastic about that. It's very true."
Maags says, "Would work."
Umbazi says, "Talking can prevent bloodshed."
Maags asks, "Maybes?"
Roblar deeply asks, "Who was to Reim wid me?"
Speaking softly to Alvyara, Chandrellia asks, "Some place more quiet?"
Umbazi says, "And action is not always justice."
Hapenlok says, "Okay, I've got a few notes to write."
Balley softly says, "Leafi we shall talk tomorrow, many thoughts and I would like to explore with you."
Faerinn says, "Maybe it's time Thadston gets to retire a hero before he goes down this route."
Speaking to Balley, Leafiara asks, "I'd love to. You're off to sleep then?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Guess the hex and the portals don't matter to him."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Like I expected."
Dwi heartily says, "Sure glad Chandrellia dint gits tossed inna hoose gow."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "He's going to kill him, you know."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Well... never a night that goes quite as we expect, that's for sure."
Balley softly says, "I am, I shall be back. I think we need to do some wandering."
Pukk says, "I say Thadston is Grishom."
Speaking to Faerinn, Goldstr says, "He still da Thadston we knows jesshas a curse dat huts him, nae us."
Radeek says, "Gonna go takes a walk an' reckon a bit on what were said here tanite...."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok repeats, "He's not going to survive long enough to get put back into a jail cell, I expect."
Balley softly says, "I think Malluch is a joke and trying to divide us to get revenge for his capture."
Leafiara says, "Chandrellia never answered me what voice she heard..."
Guarrin says, "Rest well everyone."
Speaking heartily to Pukk, Dwi exclaims, "I say Pukk is Dwi since ye ne'er seen em both inna same place!"
Dwi heartily exclaims, "Case closed!"
Cryheart says, "I would suggest having a plan on how to deal with his followers who may object to Malluch being arrrested."
Dwi bossily exclaims, "Case closed!"
Bernadette softly says, "Nite all."
Pukk says, "And Stormy is the councilwoman, who is also Malluch, who is also Rone."
Thrassus says, "Well, that's enough entertainment for tonight. Good evening all."
Pukk says, "Oh, and she is Mother too."
Speaking to Cryheart, Leafiara says, "Right, the uprising afterward is the bigger problem--at least potentially."
Speaking to Cryheart, Hapenlok says, "If they have blades? It's an easy question."
Speaking to Cryheart, Radeek says, "Same plan as a'ways....kill em til dey quit comin."
Speaking to Balley, Goldstr says, "Nudder good point but I still think Stone has control a him."
Iskandr exclaims, "Who here looks like Malluch? We could do a swap!"
Speaking softly to Goldstr, Balley says, "The energy did not feel like Stone."
Leafiara says, "I'm mostly with Balley that Malluch is doing the planning on his own terms."
Speaking to Leafiara, Radeek says, "I reckon we both knows dats how its gonna be."
Leafiara says, "The only thing that makes me secondguess myself..."s
Cryheart says, "I would nae harm the sick or ill..they need some guidance."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Oh, that's probably true."
Leafiara says, "Is that Malluch hasn't responded to a single jab I've thrown at him."
Leafiara says, "The old one would have."
Loscar asks, "Couln't we just lock them both in together?"
Loscar asks, "See what happens?"
Alisette says, "He hasn't responded to anything that I know of."
Cryheart says, "Good night well."
Speaking to Cryheart, Radeek says, "Dey takes der guidance from da blood son...yer gonna hafta be better'n him at swayyin folks a'fore dats gonna change."
Goldstr says, "If Malluch nae surrenders does nae mean we should attack dem camps."
Speaking to Alisette, Leafiara says, "Yes, it's mostly like he's just putting on a show with his own script to follow."
Thadston's Proclamation
A town militiaman arrives.
Faerinn says, "Ysharra was able to get under Malluch's skin."
Speaking to a town militiaman, Faerinn says, "Hello."
Cryheart says, "Well..followers are nae the ill and sick seeking healing as well."
Speaking amiably to a town militiaman, Leafiara says, "Evening there."
Cryheart says, "But there are those who came to be healed."
Speaking to a town militiaman, Alisette says, "Hello."
Speaking to Cryheart, Radeek says, "An' dey won't leaves til dey is healed...has alla da makins of a martyr."
Loscar says, "It got really intense and the mean one tried to kick my puppy."
Maags says, "The sick are no threat anyhow."
The militiaman looks around, holding a note in his hand.
Leafiara says, "If Malluch was actually perforrming regular healings, I'd let him go about it. That much is sure."
Allyria asks, "Message?"
Speaking to a town militiaman, Radeek asks, "Can ya even reads?"
Speaking amusedly to Shinann, Leafiara says, "I believe that's for you."
Cryheart says, "We cannae force folks to follow any."
The militiaman says, "Lord Thadston has, um, issued a proclamation."
Evia says, "Oy."
Leafiara surprisedly asks, "Already?"
Faerinn says, "Oh, good."
Hapenlok says, "Well, that was quick."
Goldstr says, "Maybe some of our own grand Healers could lend a hand to heal dose poor folks."
Maags exclaims, "That was fast!"
Radeek mutters, "Oh it comes."
Shinann asks, "Oh?"
Hapenlok asks, "It's like he already had it written down, innit?"
The militiaman holds out a hastily penned letter and clears his throat.
Hapenlok says, "So much for our week."
Loscar asks, "Is it a good puppy services?"
The militiaman reads aloud, "Malluch...."
Maags says, "Realllies he has always has his decisions made before talking with us."
Radeek mutters, "Hear ye hear ye...come one now..git it right."
The militiaman reads aloud, "You fancy yourself bigger than you really are. The only truth is that your strings are longer than others, but a puppet is always a puppet. You are not a blood son. You are a wooden boy. Furthermore, you are a fugitive. You were tried and sentenced in Wehnimer's Landing and you either escaped imprisonment or bribed your way out of it. Either or likely involved aid from your father Murdos, because we all know you can't accomplish anything on your own. Ever. You have less than a week to surrender yourself to the Town Militia where you will be placed into our custody to serve out the rest of your sentence. If you do not surrender, we will come for you and remind those who break our laws that justice is not optional."
Speaking to Maags, Leafiara says, "Well, we did talk him out of that evacuation the one night--"
The militiaman salutes and walks out.
Evia says, "Well, not so very professional there."
Pukk yells, "Wow, that was a long breath!"
Roelon deeply says, "Nae patience at all, that man."
Leafiara says, "...language is a bit harsh, but, uh..."
Radeek says, "Oh sheesh..he's a'baitin da kid...tauntin him..."
Chandrellia softly says, "Wow."
Hapenlok says, "Reminds me of Walkar."
Speaking to Radeek, Leafiara admits, "Oh, I can't fault hm there. I tried baiting Malluch too."
Hapenlok says, "He wasn't the most diplomatic person, either."
Speaking to Evia, Shinann says, "We are just volunteers."
Iskandr says, "Huh, that's.....a interesting way to make 'wanted' proclamation."
Cryheart says, "I would nae hae been so personal myself...but the reason is sound."
Pukk says, "I think that militiaman is a bard on his offtime."
Pukk says, "He is longwinded like Nehor."
Xorus says, "Similar to how he baited Disean."
Speaking to Leafiara, Alisette says, "That is bait too."
Speaking to Leafiara, Maags says, "He did. But he had alreadies decided."
Cryheart says, "Good eve all."
Speaking to Pukk, Hapenlok says, "Please, don't mention Nehor."
Speaking to Leafiara, Maags says, "There is always an exception. We has to be persuasive when we can."
Leafiara says, "Well, all else aside, Thadston does have a point that Malluch evaded the laws."
Speaking to Shinann, Evia says, "That was one wild proclamation."
Speaking to Leafiara, Radeek says, "Right way ta bait somoene be ta gives em what dey wants...den, jus' afore dey grabs fer it ya yanks it away."
Hapenlok says, "Ah well."
Pukk says, "Ney has been absent for a bit."
Goldstr says, "And der still be da week."
Hapenlok says, "I'm still going to go into the camp."
Shinann says, "Thadston has a bit of a temper."
Speaking to Shinann, Pukk says, "Just a small bit."
Speaking wryly to Shinann, Leafiara says, "Ya don't say."
Loscar says, "More of a bit."
Shinann says, "He always has."
Speaking to Shinann, Goldstr says, "He does."
Maags says, "And his experience with Chaston and his son makes his feelings even stronger than they would be. There is part emotion driving him."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Alisette asks, "Will you wait a short time, please?"
Shinann says, "That is why I knew the golem was not him... did not argue."
Speaking to Shinann, Maags says, "He is a grouchies."
Speaking softly to Pukk, Chandrellia says, "Not evasion."
Speaking to Shinann, Maags says, "In the best of times."
Leafiara says, "Funny thing is I actually was contemplating pardoning Malluch in light of information we found out after his sentence, but apparently he was already gone..."
Hapenlok says, "He failed with Disean."
Shinann says, "Normal for him."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Pukk exclaims, "Too bad. That's what you have now and you will like it!"
Radeek says, "Thadston still reckons dat words read from a paper has strength...dey don't....strength comes from da heart, an from dem what fights a'side ya...til ya'll r'members dat yer not gonna win."
Leafiara relents, "This seems like a technicality either way, but I suppose it is what it is."
Hapenlok says, "I really think....that if it comes to it? He'll kill Malluch, rather than let it spread any further."
Speaking to Leafiara, Alisette says, "Could be an advantage...."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "I agree, but we'll aim to not let that happen."
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "So now he is Thadston's problem, but Malluch will take it out on us."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Iskandr says, "Held or killed, his people will just love all this."
Hapenlok says, "Honestly, I feel the same."
Alisette says, "For infiltration....might make him nervous and open to sympathizers."
Speaking to Alisette, Hapenlok says, "I never said I was going to infiltrate."
Pukk says, "Well, I'm going to go and get some sleep."
Speaking to Alisette, Hapenlok says, "I'm going to parley, again."
Radeek says, "Break out yer rowboats folks...ders gonna be rivers a blood in da streets a'fore dis be done."
Maags says, "I has to be home too."
Pukk says, "I don't like parsley."
Maags says, "Goodnight everybodies."
Iskandr says, "Well, at least when he's in jail you can finally get him to meet one on one with his dad."
Goldstr says, "We will see folks. A good compromise has been given by Sir Andrews."
Alisette says, "Goodnight, Maags."
Speaking softly to Maags, Chandrellia says, "Night sweet Maags."
Iskandr says, "So that part of the plan is finally coming up roses."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "He will take it out on us, yeah, but... it's alright. This was unavoidable, probably."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "Just given who we are and who he is."
Hapenlok says, "Anyway, I need to get going. I need to compose a note. And ...plan."
Speaking hesitantly to Leafiara, Chandrellia asks, "Embrace the chaos?"
Speaking sagely to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "Always."
Faerinn says, "I also have some writing to do."
Shinann says, "I am going to the barracks... excuse me."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "You asked for chaos, and you got it."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "It's either that or find a new place to live."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Iskandr says, "Thanks for the drunk cure."
Roelon deeply says, "Stir up the chaos and add some salt..."
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia exclaims, "Oh by the rifts no! This is my home!"
Leafiara clarifies, "I didn't ask for chaos. I just know it's what we always have, so I embrace it."
Iskandr says, "I should sleep too."
Goldstr says, "As I."
Speaking to Leafiara, Radeek says, "I don' reckon dis be be has'n some kinda order to it...not sure what it be called."
Iskandr says, "Off to my treehouse."
Goldstr says, "Take care folks."
Leafiara says, "Rest well, everyone headin' out."
Faerinn says, "Get to sleep and let the letters form in my head."
Allyria says, "Good evening."
Speaking to Radeek, Leafiara says, "Controlled madness."
Radeek says, "Time fer dat walk an' smoke..makes da right choice an mebbe some won't die."
Discussion After-Afterward
Alisette says, "Well."
Speaking to Leafiara, Alisette says, "Seems we have a week."
Speaking amiably to Alisette, Leafiara asks, "Seems so. Would you like to discuss further?"
Chandrellia softly says, "I'll leave you two be."
Roelon deeply says, "Ah week, before things could get worse."
Alisette says, "Our other party is not here...."
Alisette says, "But I see no reason to not continue."
Leafiara amiably says, "That's okay."
Loscar says, "They could be better if we maybe evened the odds."
Leafiara curiously asks, "Here or elsewhere?"
Alisette says, "We await an answer to my scroll."
Loscar says, "An if someone didn't got messin with my puppies."
Roelon deeply says, "With Thadston's little push. Ah am curious to Malluch's answer, to both."
Speaking wearily to Roelon, Leafiara says, "He'll probably go on another moralizing tirade."
Loscar says, "Put them in a box together, let them fight it out."
Speaking to Leafiara, Alisette says, "That is my fear. And we do not need the town divided as such."
Roelon deeply says, "Ah kin see some of the townfolks goin' against Thadston fir sure."
Alisette says, "If we take away hope...."
Speaking to Roelon, Leafiara says, "Well, last year there was an incident where rogue militia members calling themselves the Warcats took him out of action for a few weeks."
Leafiara says, "Because he got into an argument with Stormyrain and they preferred her."
Alisette says, "We risk internal revolt."
Roelon deeply says, "That is never good."
Alisette says, "And we don't wish a repeat of that sort of uprising."
Loscar asks, "So...since when have we never tried the same thing twice?"
Roelon deeply says, "Divided leaves ah big opening for things to slip through."
Roelon deeply says, "Like Malluch did."
Alisette says, "Well, without an answer from Malluch, we are basically without a method to try."
Loscar asks, "Why didn't it work the first time? If you don't mind me asking?"
Leafiara says, "Hopefully he will listen."
Alisette says, "And a week will pass quickly."
Alisette asks, "Then what?"
Leafiara says, "But, like we said earlier... he might just be running on some 'script' of his, as it were."
Alisette says, "True."
Roelon deeply says, "Ah don' see Malluch backin' down to Thadston."
Alisette says, "I don't either."
Speaking to Loscar, Leafiara asks, "Why didn't what work the first time?"
Leafiara sadly says, "I really want to provoke him, but it just seems he's not buying it. I'd do so well at it, too."
Loscar says, "The 'truce.'"
Leafiara says, "Ah well..."
A town clerk arrives and places some papers on Leafiara's desk. She passes by Leafiara and seems to brush against her, touching her cherry red carryall before blushing and excusing herself and walking out.
Leafiara says, "Maybe I'll taunt him anyway--"
Leafiara gazes in amusement at her surroundings.
Loscar says, "Thats was fast."
Leafiara says, "Curious--"
Leafiara slowly says, "...oh."
Leafiara confidentially says, "Well... it would seem we have at least one new option."