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Ghezyte chelioboros jewelry

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Ghezyte chelioboros items were first introduced as the quest reward at Ebon Gate 2017, the first year at Caligos Isle. It is a self-charging item that has different abilities based on whether one has completed the yearly quest and/or converted to the deity Ghezresh. Each year allows for the item to upgrade as long as the appropriate amount of favor is earned. Each year you could earn up to a maximum 1,000 favor, culminating in 5,000 total favor in quest year 2021. Favor is garnered by doing the various Caligos Isle yearly quest(s). The items required for the quests have varied by year, but for the final year 2021, the item is a ghezyte-veined sea glass bauble.

Baubles can be obtained via digging, mini-games and Trick or Treat. The favor awarded per turn-in varies depending on whether you obtained the bauble directly from a game, or got it from another player. Baubles found in Trick or Treat are rumored to be worth more favor than items found in the regular games (digging and the mini-games in the caverns). Players who did not participate in the quest prior to the current year can "catch up" by turning in additional baubles via the quests.

There is a cost of 250,000 silver to purchase the bracelet from the chest when available on Caligos Isle. The chest is in room #65 on the map or Lich room #26556. Once purchased, the bracelet is attuned to the character that picked it up, and each character may purchase only one bracelet. Note: The verbs for each year are unlocked automatically each year, and are not tied to favor gain.

The item can be rotated between four various worn locations via the PROD verb. Those four locations include wrist(bracelet), finger(ring), neck(choker), and ankle(anklet).


Please note the below ANALYZE is for a T4 bracelet and the analyze does not drastically change between tiers.

You analyze your chelioboros bracelet and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
This chelioboros bracelet is from Ebon Gate 5117, Caligos Isle, and was a quest participation item.  While its exact function is shrouded in mystery, you sense that it is a progressive item and that its benefits will increase during subsequent quests on Caligos Isle.

This item cannot be altered in any way.

MECHANICAL USAGE (if eligible): POINT <target>, COVER

Each year, at the end of the festival, mechanical usage (POINT and COVER [if applicable]) will be updated to your current year's quest participation.

To change the item's worn location: PROD

You get no sense of whether or not the bracelet may be further lightened.

Year 1 - 2017

Verb Modifier First Second Third
COVER (Ghezresh Follower Only) Success You gingerly lay your hand on the eel head on your bracelet and watch as shadows leak from its anguilline eyes. As inky black mists seep into your skin, you feel a tinge of Ghezresh's natural resistance to fearful things fill you. N/A (Player) gingerly covers the eel head on (his/her) chelioboros bracelet, and suddenly, shadows leak from the eyes of the piece. As inky black mists seep into (his/her) skin, a look of resilience fills (his/her) eyes. Black shadows seep slowly from (player's) eyes.
(Ghezresh Follower Only) Failure - Not Enough Favor You place your hand over your chelioboros bracelet, but nothing happens. It feels cold beneath your palm. N/A N/A
(Ghezresh Follower Only) Failure - Backlash Your chelioboros bracelet has a greyish tinge to it, similar to an aquatic creature in the latter stages of decomposition. N/A N/A
(Ghezresh Follower Only) Failure - All Uses Expended for Day You cover your chelioboros bracelet, but nothing happens. Perhaps it hasn't been long enough since you last called upon the power of Ghezresh. N/A N/A
KISS N/A You lift your chelioboros bracelet, place your lips upon the head of the eel carved into the piece, and a spark of recognition passes to you. You sense a deep longing from the tiny anguillid and marvel at how much you feel needed by the small creature. N/A <Character> places a gentle kiss upon his/her chelioboros bracelet, and a look of wonder flits across his/her features.
LISTEN N/A Tilting your head to the side, a gurgling, aquatic voice rises to your ears from chelioboros bracelet. Pleadingly, it begs you to return to Caligos Isle and promises you such wonderful sights to see and pleasures to feel. The hypnotic voice lingers in your ears, and the scent of seawater momentarily fills the air. N/A Tilting his head to the side, Khaell listens intently for several moments.
POINT Success Quickly flicking the eel head of your chelioboros bracelet, you point its gaze directly at (player/creature) and concentrate on the power of Caligos Isle. Almost instantly, the piece of jewelry transforms into a silvery grey mist that splashes to the ground at your feet in a damp, watery mess. Indigo eyes appear in the puddle as the shape of an eel manifests before you.

Moving slowly and leaving a watery trail behind, the eel strikes out at (player 1) but quickly disintegrates into a splash of watery mist. After a moment, you find a chelioboros bracelet has returned to its resting place against your flesh.

Quickly flicking the eel head of (his/her) chelioboros bracelet, (Player) points its gaze directly at you and appears to concentrate intensely. Almost instantly, the piece of jewelry transforms into a silvery grey mist that splashes to the ground in a damp, watery mess. Indigo eyes appear in the puddle as the shape of an eel manifests before you!

Moving slowly and leaving a watery trail behind, the eel strikes out at you but soon disintegrates into a splash of watery mist. You notice a chelioboros bracelet has returned to its resting place on (player).

Quickly flicking the eel head of (his/her) chelioboros bracelet, (player 1) points its gaze directly at (player 2) and appears to concentrate intensely. Almost instantly, the piece of jewelry transforms into a silvery grey mist that splashes to the ground in a damp, watery mess. Indigo eyes appear in the puddle as the shape of an eel manifests before you!

Moving slowly and leaving a watery trail behind, the eel strikes out at (player 2) but soon disintegrates into a splash of watery mist. You notice a chelioboros bracelet has returned to its resting place on (player 1).

Failure - Not Enough Favor Your chelioboros bracelet appears dull and lifeless, and it does not respond to your touch. N/A N/A
Failure - Backfire Quickly flicking the eel head of your (item), you point its gaze directly at (target) and concentrate on the power of Caligos Isle. Almost instantly, the piece of jewelry transforms into a silvery grey mist that splashes to the ground at your feet in a damp, watery mess.

Sudden and unexpected, the eel turns its indigo eyes upon you, and you feel the weight of its gaze as it rises to a towering, misty shape above you. The weight of its intimidating stare renders you powerless before it completely dissolves into a mist. A moment later, you find (item) has returned to its resting place against your flesh.

N/A Quickly flicking the eel head of (his/her) (item), (character) points its gaze directly at (target) and appears to concentrate intensely. Almost instantly, the piece of jewelry transforms into silvery grey mist that splashes to the ground at (his/her) feet in a damp, watery mess. Indigo eyes appear in the puddle as the shape of an eel manifests before you!

Sudden and unexpected, the eel turns its indigo eyes upon (character) as it begins to rise in a towering, misty shape above (him/her)! A moment later, the eel dissolves into a fine mist, and you notice (item) has returned to its resting place on (character).


A silvery grey mist splashes to the ground in a damp, watery mess. Indigo eyes appear in the puddle as the shape of an eel manifests before you!
The eel suddenly disappears into the shadows.

Failure - Backlash Your chelioboros bracelet has a greyish tinge to it, similar to an aquatic creature in the latter stages of decomposition. N/A N/A
Failure - Used all daily uses You flick the eel head on your chelioboros bracelet, but it remains unmoving. Perhaps it hasn't been long enough since you last called upon the powers of Caligos Isle. N/A N/A
PROD N/A You prod your chelioboros bracelet and, reluctantly, the eel opens its mouth and releases its own tail. As if sensing your desire, the bracelet slowly transforms into a ghezyte chelioboros ring. N/A (Person) prods her chelioboros bracelet and, reluctantly, the eel opens its mouth to release its own tail. Slowly, it transforms into a ghezyte chelioboros ring.
Changes worn location of the item.
RUB N/A You run your fingers over the smooth surface of your chelioboros bracelet and watch as eyes within the eel flash bright indigo for several seconds. N/A Khaell runs his fingers over his chelioboros bracelet, and eyes within the eel flash bright indigo for several seconds.
TOUCH N/A Cool and damp, a ghezyte chelioboros bracelet seems to wriggle to life at your touch, and its eyes flash indigo for a brief moment. In that instance, an image of Caligos Isle seems to call to you, and you are reminded of its distant shores. The desire to return takes longer to fade than the vision lasted. N/A Khaell touches his chelioboros bracelet, his gaze briefly unfocused before returning to normal.

Year 2 - 2018

Verb First Third
NUDGE Using your index finger, you gently nudge your anguillian friend that lays dormant within your chelioboros bracelet. Opening one indigo eye, it gazes in acknowledgement of you and then returns to slumber. Khaell gently nudges the tiny eel that forms his chelioboros bracelet, and you could swear it winked at him.
TICKLE Tracing the sleek form of the eel frozen within your chelioboros bracelet, you feel an oppressive weight settle upon you and shiver as damp air traces goose bumps across your arms. As the weight resides and the chill leaves you, you could swear that the eel smirks at you. Tracing the line of the eel frozen in his chelioboros bracelet, Khaell suddenly pauses as an indigo and silver light falls across his rough, darkly tanned features. As the light recedes, you could swear the eel in his chelioboros bracelet smirks at him.

Year 3 - 2019

Verb First Third
GAZE As you gaze upon your chelioboros bracelet, the twisting and twining of the eel's body hypnotic, you feel yourself falling into a bit of a trance as its indigo eyes draw you in. You begin to feel as though you are drowning, which pulls you awake, gasping for air. Khaell's eyes fall upon a ghezyte chelioboros bracelet and he becomes distracted in a near trance-like state. His face fills with an unhealthy color just before he snaps out of his stupor with an alarmed gasp of air.
PRAY Suddenly flooded with thoughts of your chelioboros bracelet, you close your eyes and force yourself to focus on anyone that will listen instead, concentrating on your chosen path of devotion. Khaell closes his eyes and appears to concentrate intently.

Year 4 - 2020

Verb First Third
HISS The familiar weight of the bracelet on your wrist suddenly becomes burdensome, heavier than is sensible, and it tightens on your wrist in an unflinching grip that makes your breath hiss from between your teeth. Its hold is just shy of painful, and you gaze into the glittering eyes of the eel and feel a rising sense of dread in the pit of your stomach. Khaell's eyes flash down to the bracelet on his wrist momentarily, the corners of his mouth growing tight. As he hisses a breath between his teeth, you notice the lithe body of the bracelet coiling tighter, and Khaell shakes his hand as if trying to cast something off. A breath or two later, the body of the eel goes lax, and Khaell blinks rapidly and sighs.
MOCK You turn a critical eye down to your chelioboros bracelet, scraping your thumbnail against the engravings on its surface as you marvel at how easily such power was taken from a self-proclaimed deity. The thought is barely completed before you feel a blinding pain in your wrist, and you look down to see that the eel has awoken, bitten into your skin, and is slowly crawling beneath. You scrabble, wildly trying to stop the anguillid creature, but it burrows deep and slithers up your arm, over the curve of your shoulder, and along your neck. A scream is perched just on the tip of your tongue, ready to rip free at any moment, and you hear a dark, roiling whisper against your ear, "You have only what I have given and to a purpose that is only for me to know. Do not suppose you are anything other than a pawn." Chest tight and arm pulsing with pain, you glance down only to find your chelioboros bracelet on your wrist as usual, placid and unmoving, and you're left to wonder if. Khaell thumbs his chelioboros bracelet and goes perfectly still and unbreathing for several long moments. Khaell looks decidedly blue around the gills before he takes a deep, shuddering breath and blinks several times in rapid succession.

Year 5 - 2021

Verb First Third
SCREAM An uneasy calm washes over you, and you find your thoughts drifting like an abandoned vessel at sea. Rising from the tips of your toes to the crown of your head, the wave of silence is swiftly replaced by a strangling congestion in the back of your throat. You cough a few times in an attempt to clear the blockage, which lingers more than a few moments. Person sways slightly and appears as if he might faint, but he quickly regains his balance and coughs forcefully a few times.
TURN Grabbing the front of your chelioboros choker, you turn it slowly clockwise. With each rotation, the choker becomes more and more constricting, and you hear a crunching sound, much like teeth scraping metal. Sharp and burning pain develops in your neck as something seems to be lodged into your skin, preventing it from moving! After a number of attempts, the piece loosens its grip, and the pain subsides. Grabbing the front of his chelioboros choker, Person turns it slowly clockwise. With each rotation, the choker appears to devour more of its tail as the choker constricts around his neck, gradually burying itself into his flesh, but after a second glance, everything appears normal.

Additional Information


The ghezyte chelioboros jewelry item has a hard-coded show as part of its design.

Shards of ultrafine ghezyte are wedded together with a mercurial compound that resembles silver to form an abhorrent and twisted shape of an eel devouring its own tail.  Thin skeins of inky black, indigo-hued ghezyte form the dorsal and underbelly fins, while silver inlay around the black coral eyes gives the anguilline form an insidious cast.  Though largely smooth, something about the piece seems sinister and disturbing.

Mechanical Information

In order to activate any of the special abilities on the bracelet, the user must have the required amount of favor for that ability. Minimum required favor is 1000.

Year/Total Favor POINT (at target) COVER
Adds an intimidate debuff to the target that reduces the targets DS/TD by: Must follow Ghezresh
Lasts 5 minutes, Sheer Fear Boost will increase user's sheer fear effective level by:
2017 - 1000 favor 5/3, 5x/day +1 effective level, 1x/day
2018 - 2000 favor 10/6, 10x/day +2 effective level, 2x/day
2019 - 3000 favor 15/9, 15x/day +3 effective level, 3x/day
2020 - 4000 favor 20/12, 20x/day +4 effective level, 4x/day
2021 - 5000 favor 25/15, 25x/day +5 effective level, 5x/day


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See Also

Ghezyte chelioboros jewelry Information
Type Mechanical
Item Classification Accessory
Item(s) Applied to Jewelry
Alterable No
Light/Deep No
Original Release Venue Ebon Gate
Original Release Year 2017
Quest Item Yes
Tiered Yes
Number of Tiers 5
How to Unlock Quest
Attunement Yes
Attunes to Character
Item Verbs