Created by Kayse's player with MidJourney
CANDIDATE: Kayse Thaellian
CAMPAIGN MANAGERS: Meliyara and Tikba
CAMPAIGN SLOGAN: Peace in Adversity
SYMBOL: A stalk of mazarine delphira
5122-5123 Submitted Proposals
Kayse Thaellian 5122-5123 Town Council Proposals
5122-5123 Accomplishments
- The 5123 Wehnimer’s Landing Town Council voted unanimously to remove the racial restrictions when it came to merchanting within the walls of Wehnimer’s Landing.
- As a council, we voted in favor of a deal with the soon to be Barony of Darkstone which would for two years require them to purchase 25% of their weapons from Wehnimer’s Landing. Promoting growth, merchanting, and wealth for Wehnimer’s. The council also negotiated a deal on stone to go towards building and fortifying our wooden palisades.
- Kayse led a series of meetings with citizens, allies and defenders to discuss plans to remove the Imperial Captain Bodohal from further attacks against Wehnimer’s Landing. Her plan went on to be executed when she asked for the assistance of Elidal Dhenin to lure the man ashore. From there she led the main mission aboard his ship, “The Shiver” where the party successfully rescued Magister Remuliad.
- As an undercover operative for the Darkstone Bay Consortium, Kayse infiltrated the Brotherhood of the Rooks. She assisted in a secret mission to Idolone where she negotiated a deal with Stephos DeArchon to receive information regarding the Wraith. Information was eventually delivered to the town, which can now move forward in stopping the Remnants who are currently terrorizing the town.
- Hosted by the Darkstone Bay Consortium and led by Perigourd, Kayse organized a replanting initiative this past Lumnea. Many attended and help in the reforestation of the lower Dragonsclaw.
- Monthly, the 5123 Wehnimer’s Town Council held town halls to discuss current events and concerns.
- Kayse held open office hours where citizens and others could respond to concerns and suggest proposals for a better Wehnimer’s. Proposals were drawn and submitted to Mayor Thadston and passed off to Mayor Alendrial when she was elected.
Peace in Adversity. We’ve faced many hardships in the last year, some significant ones ongoing. I’ve shown my ability to remain calm and composed and face these problems head on. Let’s keep working together for the betterment of the town we all love, Wehnimer’s Landing. I would like to continue to move forward by staying the course as we overcome our adversity on the platform embracing: TRADE, DEFENSE EFFORTS, ART/CULTURE, and BEAUTIFICATION EFFORTS.
Created by Kayse's player with MidJourney
It is no secret I assist the Darkstone Bay Consortium and that my organization, the Black Hand Trading Company, works closely with it. Now that the port to the East has opened up, we can push more efforts to open up more imports and exports from Wehnimer’s Landing. In my proposals from last year, I indicated a need for a shipwright as well.
This past year, I have assembled members from the towns across Elanthia to put together a Board of Trade. Each city has one to two members as representatives. The plan is to meet quarterly to discuss possible trade and how we can assist each other as neighbors.
As town council, I would like to continue to build a solid relationship with the consortium to help increase prosperity as well as trade within our walls and with our neighbors, both near and far. The Darkstone Bay Consortium’s mission recognizes the potential and value of Wehnimer’s Landing. I have already begun community outreach on behalf of the consortium to educate and engage our denizens and will continue to do so.
Created by Kayse's player with MidJourney
It should be apparent that due to the value, location and history of Wehnimer’s Landing, we will always be under threat. Our enemies grow stronger and develop complex magic, armies, and tactics beyond our means often. Last year, I submitted Sir Guarrin’s defense plans to Mayor Thadston as well as drafted proposals to push these initiatives forward. I would like to continue to work with Mayor Alendrial to see the execution of these to protect our town further.
With the exposure of the Rooks, I would like discussion to take place about how their methods could be best used to benefit our town. If we learned anything over the past year, we should unite with those who have similar goals especially when it comes to defeating a common enemy I am still working closely with Marshal Stormyrain to create a war council when we are facing a great threat.
With the threat of the Remnants constantly attacking with crimson orbs I would like initiate a study on these objects. Perhaps magic or other means can be used to help defuse them in the future.
Created by Kayse's player with MidJourney
My proposal for more literature in various forms in the Wehnimer's Landing Library have been submitted. Monthly, I hosted speaking engagements for various experts to talk on their preferred expertise. These ranged from demonstrations to education on various topics. This will continue to take place as part of my initiative in this area.
A goal this year is to reach out to local organizations to make a Wehnimer's Landing-centric festival or art installation. I would also love to see festivals celebrating Wehnimer’s, cultural events, and celebrations to highlight the many facets of this frontier town. We have a great abundance of talent within these walls from adventures to Greater Houses to meeting halls to accomplish this.
Created by Kayse's player with MidJourney
As someone who has seen her home planet, Bre’Naere, drained of its natural resources and sucked dry, I think it is essential to give back when it comes to our assets. The kiramon invaded our planet and over time created a barren and unliveable world.
Yearly with the help of the Darkstone Bay Consortium, a replanting effort will be taking place to make sure we do not overtax our resources. This was implemented just this year as part of my platform from last year. As the barony continues to grow, it is even more essential we protect our land to make sure it is still fruitful and beautiful years and years from now.
I would also like to look into establishing more gardens for beauty and farming within our town. A community vegetable garden, where citizens of all varieties could come to work on it, would be wonderful.
Original Application for Town Council
(Councilors rerunning after being voted in, do not need to submit a new application)
What does Wehnimer's Landing mean to you?
Answer one
From an outside perspective Wehnimer’s at its core reflects many traits in my mind: Independence, resilience, and opportunity.
But personally, Wehnimer’s has come to hold a special place in my heart. It is the town I have connected with many of my colleagues and closest friends. It is the walls I have defended for eight years against Blameless, krolvin and other enemies. It is the place, I first discovered how much faith I really had in my Arkati. It is the destination I always want to go back to, even if I have just left the North Gate. It is the location where I recognized my purpose and found my voice. A town that gave me independence, resilience and opportunity.
It is the town I want to help grow and become prosperous--to give back as much as it has given to me.
It is the town I am proud to now call home.
What do you feel you can bring to Wehnimer's Landing, if serving on the town council?
Answer two
I feel I could bring numerous attributes to the town council. I have walked many paths in my lifetime. From being a slave in my homeworld to running a successful business outlet. At times I have been nothing and others have grown to something. My ability to relate to a variety of social classes and engage in the community with most I come in contact with would be a true value to the town council.
One of my greatest attributes would be listening. My platform is based off concerns of citizens and neighbors regarding the betterment of the town. I feel I can act as their voice and work to bring their ideas and concerns forward in a productive manner. As well as constructively listen and speak professionally with other town council members and bridge any gaps in opposing views.
I bring leadership experience, determination, and passion. Continuing education and growth is something near to my heart. Whether it be magic, combat or learning a new skill like origami, I am constantly working to better myself, which in turn would benefit the town of Wehnimer’s as well.
What are the goals you would like to accomplish for Wehnimer's Landing? How would you do this?
Answer three
My platform consists of four initiatives: Trade, Town Defense/Recovery, Arts/Culture, and Beautification Efforts. These topics are not the extent of passions or things I advocate for, but are causes I believe would help Wehnimer’s in the foreseeable future.
My initiatives require a village to be successful and appointing people to tasks, roles and groups. As town council we can guide these institutions to support these goals for the future and prosperity of Wehnimer’s Landing:
Trade: Soon the city of Ta’Vaalor will be opening a port, with Eastern waterways becoming a quicker and more desirable way to transport goods. Opening up many options to put Wehnimer’s on the map as a bustling trade metropolis. Along with the City-States, our Icemule neighbors have much to offer with the path to the Hinterwilds open, rare gems and hides become more accessible to be distributed to the west and the east. Having representatives from each city meeting on a board overseeing trade relations would be ideal to developing and establishing more imports and exports.
Town Defense/Recovery: Sir Guarrin recently curated a list of ways to increase the defensives of Wehnimer’s Landing. I would like the town council as well as other organizations within the town to combine forces and work to see these improvements happen. Along with that, Marshal Stormyrain has indicated a desire to start a war council when we are facing a great threat. I think both of these initiatives would be key to protecting our walls even further.
As far as recovery efforts, I would like to implement a team dedicated to ensuring we start getting back on track quickly after trauma. Cleaning crews to mop the signs of war, carpenters and painters to repatch our scars, and a facility to feed, cloth and support our citizens during any losses.
Arts/Culture: Our Great Houses and meeting halls are a wonderful example of institutions that keep performance alive. Our museum’s walls hold much of Wehnimer’s history and the library, I feel, has been neglected over time. I very much want to add to the shelves…and additional book shelves. New tomes, volumes, journals spilling stories of our pasts, displaying studies of our colleagues, or even whimsical stories. Fundraising efforts could prove to be successful in this cause. As a storyteller, I hope to research and dig into some tales and history of Wehnimer’s more deeply and bring those to life so others can learn.
I would also love to see festivals celebrating Wehnimer’s, cultural events, and celebrations to highlight the many facets of this frontier town. We have a great abundance of talent within these walls from adventures to Greater Houses to meeting halls to accomplish this.
Beautification Efforts: I would like to move forward with a group of individuals overseeing our resources so they are not depleted. Perigourd put the idea of replanting trees and monitoring wildlife into my head. As someone who has seen her home planet, Bre’Naere, drained of its natural resources and sucked dry, I think it is essential to give back when it comes to our assets. The kiramon invaded our planet and over time created a barren and unlivable world. As I thought about it more, I realized how quickly we could repeat history if we did not take care of things.
Describe your connection to Wehnimer's Landing, your history with the town and its people, and why this makes you the best choice for councilor?
Answer four
In my just under a decade of time in Wehnimer’s, my history and what I have accomplished fighting alongside the citizens of this town is plentiful. Many of you, I work and speak with on a daily basis--whether it be business connections or friendship. We attend each other’s events, consult one another for advice, share a drink at the Cutlass, or take up arms in battle.
I also served as Mayor Cruxophim's counselor in matters of Trade and Negotiation during part of his term. During this time, I negotiated an arrangement so Rodnay could be exchanged for stolen Plinite with Dennet Kestrel. This was a result of working with Mayor Cruxophim to pardon Stephos DeArchon and his wife Alendrial DeArchon so they could return to Wehnimer's Landing.
Originally I hail from River’s Rest and although Wehnimer’s is now my home, a part of me will always be a River Rat. Although River's Rest runs deep with culture, lore, and beauty, part of its charm are the stubborn denizens. They are rather set in their ways and so is the town itself--it is part of its charm and appeal. But I could not continue to bloom in River’s Rest and grow into the person I have become today by staying there. The reason I came to Wehnimer’s is the same reason I believe I am the best choice for town councilor.
As mentioned in another question, Wehnimer’s is a place of opportunity and it has given me much over the time I have been a resident. New faces are constantly arriving in town square, organizations such as the Darkstone Bay Consortium are building roots, and things are always in motion--We are a town vibrant and constantly in flux. It is imperative we do not get comfortable and truly expand on the town’s best attributes and help it fully blossom.
I came to Wehnmer’s to find my purpose and I would like to help it continue to do the same. As someone who believes in continual personal growth and education, I feel I am the right person to push the town towards its own betterment. We can still maintain its traditions while also helping bring in future changes.
Besides it being my home, I am invested in many organizations and groups within Wehnimer’s Landing. Due to my line of work, I find it important to keep connections in every town or place I visit. I am actively participating and attending others’ events. From galas to fishing contests to lectures, I believe involvement within the town and surrounding areas is imperative to keeping up community relations.
The desire of continual growth, networking/contacts, and my demonstration of leadership through the years in the Black Hand and also Beacon Hall Archive are what make me the best choice for town councilor.
Do you belong to any organizations, inside or outside of Wehnimer's Landing?
Answer five
Within the palisades of Wehnimer’s Landing I am involved in a few organizations. I lead as Negotiator of the Black Hand Trading Company, a mercantile company importing and exporting rare oddities and goods. Our headquarters is based in Wehnimer’s due to its centralized location to other avenues.
Since coming to this World, I have found enjoyment in fashion and textiles, which led me to join Elanthian Elegance with like minded individuals. Arranging fashion lectures and classes in a variety of related topics. I also act as a correspondent to the Town Crier team as needed--helping to create news’ summaries for current events and keeping the public well informed. In an effort to better the community, I am also a Guild Master within the rogue guild.
Recently, I became a member of the Darkstone Bay Consortium and one of Amos’ fireflies. On behalf of the Darkstone Bay Consortium, I host a series of lectures, discussions and interviews monthly. These events serve as a vehicle to educate the community on trade, mercantile services, and imports/exports within Wehnimer’s Landing and the surrounding areas.
Outside of Wehnimer’s, I act as Storyteller of Beacon Hall Archive. I feel my responsibility in that position is sharing tales and history, specifically that of River’s Rest. After a many year hiatus, I single handedly planned The Goat Days Festival, an event with much cultural and historical importance to the town. I often bring those stories to Wehnimer’s and tell them on the Hearthstone steps.