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Landing Events - 2020-03-13 - Manafirestarters (log)
Charlatos 13-14, 5120
by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]
- Magister Cordarius gathers everyone with Magister [[::Raelee_Svala|Raelee]] at the Hearthstone porch. He asks if any bards are here to sing [[::Song of Noise (1017)|noisily]] and Naamit volunteers for when the time comes.
- Cordarius briefs that the goal was to starve the blight, which feeds on mana, by initiating anti-mana fires--but there were concerns of potentially throwing the [[::Wehnimer's Landing|Landing]] into a bubble of anti-magic on accident. So the current plan is to create fires that will absorb mana, feed the blight, and poison it. He says it's possible the blight will only greatly subside and never truly go away.
- Several people raise the previous concerns over whether the poisoned mana can be contained. Cordarius acknowledges the risks, but thinks that we can pull mana from nodes into the manafires, then the fires convert them into poison, and so no harm occurs to mana elsewhere. He believes it's possible using the [[::Bone Pillars|bone pillars]]. He also has some of the blight's essence in his grey crystal mirror.
- Cruxophim, who had been behind repurposing the bone pillars, says he'll need some [[::Rise_of_Rone_-_5118-03-19_-_Enacting_the_Pillar_Plan|help with blood and essence]] to use the pillars, but Cordarius says he has an alternative and shows off an [[::Ayana%27al_leaf|ayana'al berry]], which has opposite properties to the mana-rich [[::Ayana_leaf|ayana berries]]; rather than growing only at nodes, they grow only in antimagic areas. He believes smashing and smearing them on the pillars might work.
- Cordarius starts everyone off with infusing mana at the Hearthstone porch, then withdraws a ruic block and requests the Song of Noise. He draws a rune on the ruic and in the mirror, then the group travels to the bone pillar at the coastal cliffs. Cordarius has Raelee provide half a dozen of the berries and [[::Xorus_Kul'shin|Xorus]] has extras as well, so Maylan, Lazaryth, Leafiara, Soneiken, Hapenlok, and Dhairn take them and start smearing the pillar. Alisette also picks up another and joins in. The ayana'al liquid glistens and crystallizes, then flakes off and falls like ash.
- Cordarius asks Raelee to get the manafire started and explains that he's infused the blight essence in the ruic. He splts the ruic block into sticks and people feed them to the fire, with the intent being that the anti-mana will "snap" back toward the blight. The fire grows and eventually turns sickly green, which Cordarius takes as success.
- Onward to infuse mana at the small park, then to the pillar in the Lower Dragonsclaw. Alisette smears a berry on it, as does Melikor after grinding it up in a mortar, and Loamian, Leafi, Amerek, Gutstorm, and Tilbin. Same procedure as before, but this time the air tightens around everyone present--at least until Maylan gets the next fire started. It's fed until it turns sickly green.
- Onward to infuse mana at the jetty, then to the Upper Trollfang pillar. Hapenlok, Alisette, Tilbin, Tsarok, Asben, Terabor, Leafi, Sochestie, and others get to work with the berries, then Hapenlok gets the next fire started. It's fed ruic sticks and soon dispels everyone present repeatedly, eventually becoming akin to the Rift in overfilling many with too muchu mana], but eventually turns sickly green.
- Mana infusions at the Lower Dragonsclaw summit, then berries at the Glatoph bone pillar. Loamian, Asben, Tilben, Roelaren, and Tsarok get the berries going, then Krampton lights the fire... but soon reports feeling poison coursing through him. The air thickens and Raelee says they're losing control, but setting the fire and feeding it addresses the issue.
- Lastly it's on to infuse mana at The Slope, then the other Upper Trollfang pillar. Tsarok, Asben, Dhairn, Hours, Hap, Loamian, Tilbin, and Alisette spread the berry juice and this time it glides upward on the pillar before then falling back down and off, then Soneiken starts up the fire. This one grows out of hand and starts setting everyone on fire, even before the ruic sticks are added, but eventually things get under control.
- Cordarius says now we wait to see if the blight weakens in coming weeks or if it reacts and lashes out. He also wants to meet with [[::Ysharra_Nagorn|Ysharra]] again and try to cut her hair free from the tree.
Speaking to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "There you are! Somehow we managed to have a discussion about eating babies without you."
Speaking earnestly to Roche, Leafiara says, "But I say no risk, no reward." Speaking calmly to Leafiara, Cruxophim agrees, "The Magister's got it all covered, I figure." Speaking to Cruxophim, Leafiara muses, "Of course, that's what we think just about every time the Hall wants to solve a problem. Then someone's hair turns into maggots or Rodnay explodes mages' heads or something."
Speaking to Ribbet, Hapenlok says, "We're probably going to explode things in a little bit." Speaking to Ribbet, Hapenlok exclaims, "It's gonna be fun!" Hapenlok exclaims, "Usually I get arrested for this sort of thing!"
Cordarius leans against a polished bleakstone statue. Speaking drunkenly to Cordarius, Gutstorm says, "Datsh my footcher wife ye be leaning on."
Pukk says, "Maybe we can draw a mustache on the statue so we can tell it apart from Lylia." Speaking to Pukk, Soneiken says, "I would have expected you to say draw da mustache on Lylia, so we can tell em apart." Speaking to Soneiken, Lylia says, "I look good in almost anything, but perhaps not in a mustache." Speaking to Xorus, Pukk asks, "So tell us. What are your thoughts on mustaches and how it will affect the immigration of elves into Icemule?" Speaking to Pukk, Xorus says, "Without the ability to protect their faces from the cold with moustaches, elves will safely be able to avoid living in Icemule."
Gutstorm pulls the silver lever on the cannon. With a click and a fast *WHOOSH* he douses the flop-eared kitten with water since there's nothing it can really do about it!
Cruxophim loudly demands, "PANTS HIM!!"
Speaking casually to Cordarius, Cruxophim remarks, "I have apples." Cruxophim corrects, "Blapples, collequially, I believe." Speaking to Cruxophim, Soneiken asks, "I heard dey was Road apples, and you eat em like candy, is that true?" Speaking slyly to Soneiken, Cruxophim deadpans, "Wanna find out?"
Cordarius says, "And winging it here slightly..." Cordarius nods at Raelee. Cordarius asks, "So, sorry?" Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "You are not."
Lylia says, "Poison is effective if it is undetectable. It is more effective if it is delectable."
Cordarius hoists up the ayana'al berry for all to see and he slowly turns, showcasing the small berry. Cordarius says, "Ananalalalala berry." Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee corrects, "Ayana'al." Cordarius says, "That is what I said." Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "No, it is not." Cordarius says, "Potato, potato. Tomato, tomato. Ayana'al, Ananalalalala." Xorus says, "Mynalari Mynal'lyana berries..."
Dhairn quietly asks, "Before we run off inta doin this... there anything else around here indigenous that feeds off of the ambient we might be screwin with?" Dhairn quietly says, "I think this isn't going to be clean." Speaking to Dhairn, Hapenlok says, "Rarely is, around here." Dhairn quietly says, "I don't want to see things like Vruul running around all hopped up on contaminated mana." Speaking to Dhairn, Hapenlok says, "Inevitably, with sixty percent of the life-threatening problems we face, we wind up creating more life-threatening problems in solving the life-threatening problem."
Speaking curiously to Cordarius, Cruxophim inquires, "Is it time to kick the pyres and light the fires?"
Dwi heartily asks, "So... axes gonna be useless? Since we plantin shrubbery?" Speaking to Dwi, Pietra says, "I think we're smearing pie on columns. Because that makes sense."
Speaking to Dhairn, Hapenlok says, "If we don't fix this, everyone dies. If we fix this, everyone might die." Speaking to Dhairn, Hapenlok says, "But it's okay, I hate most of these people."
(Soneiken begins rubbing the last of da berry on Cryheart to increase the efficacy of his armor.)
Cordarius asks, "Want to make a little fire?" Cordarius peers quizzically at Hapenlok. Speaking sardonically to Cordarius, Cruxophim remarks, "He doesn't understand the concept of 'little fire'."
The berry spread on the pillar glows then begins to shift slightly, gliding up, not down, before it finally crystallizes and flakes off. Cordarius rubs his chin thoughtfully. Alisette asks, "Why did it go up and not down?" Cordarius shrugs. Speaking softly to Cordarius, Razanetika asks, "You don't know?" Cordarius shrugs at Razanetika. Speaking amusedly to Raelee, Cruxophim deadpans, "Just what every scientist loves: unexpected variation." Dhairn quietly asks, "Okay.. doesn't anyone else get a very good secure feeling when the planmaker shrugs?"
Cordarius Inbound
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Dwi disk, a poofy piebald flop-eared kitten, the Guarrin disk, a lanky grey wolf, a massive snowy battle-scarred lynx, the black Zulten disk, a pudgy frosting-covered dormouse, a belligerent aurora spirit that is flying around, the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk, the Flamestead disk, the Sochestie disk, a plain silver box with a piece of pale ivory parchment on it, an ember-eyed fire wyrdling, a sinuous bone white serpent, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, a sunset-hued leaf-shaped sign that reads, "Vote Leafiara, a Night and Day Difference!", some stone benches with some stuff on it and an herbal remedy donation bin.
Also here: Mistress Naamit, Lord Thrassus, Dwi, Mayor Lylia, Ariete who is lying down, Falthor, Xorus, Conquerer of Reim Lexbubba, Orlicks, Guarrin, Leafiara, Hapenlok, Aeith, Zulten, High Lord Gutstorm who is sitting, Tsarok, Great Lady Sanvenae, Zosopage, Viva, Maags, Grand Lady Roelaren, Bernadette, Lord Flamestead, Pietra, Lady Sochestie, Sir Cryheart, Lady Alisette, Pukk, Razanetika, Marrakam who is sitting Obvious paths: northeast, east, southeast, southwest, west, northwest
The sky begins to fill with huge clouds, dark and grey on the bottom, pale and white atop, their puffy crowns ascending toward the heavens.
A lanky grey wolf says, "It's a wolf public service to eat babies."
Pukk yells, "This just in...Xorus wants to kill all babies because he thinks they are plague ridden!"
Speaking heartily to Alisette, Dwi asks, "He been feedin dat kitty rum?"
Maags says, "Problies to his office."
A lanky grey wolf says, "Otherwise devastation is left in their wake."
Pukk recites:
"Everybody Join Cryheart!"
Roelaren says, "There we go, cloud cover."
Speaking heartily to a poofy piebald flop-eared kitten, Dwi says, "Ye lil lush."
Speaking to Roelaren, Pukk exclaims, "Hence why I said to join Cryheart!"
Roelaren says, "We don't eat babies or kittens."
Dwi heartily says, "I dont join Cryheart...kinda da same thing."
Berost deeply asks, "We formin?"
Speaking to Roelaren, Hapenlok says, "Eh, that's not exactly true. There's at least one person I know who lives here that eats kittens."
Cordarius: "Hello!"
Speaking to Berost, Maags says, "Nowhere to go yet."
Speaking to Roelaren, Hapenlok says, "Not present at this time."
Leafiara: "Evening Cordarius!"
Thrassus says, "And there he is."
Roelaren says, "Well."
Aeith: "Good evening."
Pukk recites:
"Join Cryheart!"
Hapenlok: "Magister."
Speaking deeply to Maags, Berost says, "Always somewhere ta go, somethin ta leg, someone tryin ta kill us."
Cryheart: "Good eve, Cordarius."
Guarrin: "Evening Magister."
Maags says, "Or tries."
Sir Cryheart's group just went east.
[Town Square, East]
Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see the Guarrin disk, a tiny kitten, a chestnut brown coffer with a piece of pale ivory parchment on it, a small cake of golden elven waybread, a chestnut brown strongbox, a bright painted campaign sign that reads, "Faerinn 5120: Painting a brighter tomorrow, together.", a shattered sign of bones fashioned into elegant calligraphy, "Civil Disobedience Is Still Disobedience: Obey Xorus.", a polished bleakstone statue, a large purple wooden barrel and obvious signs of someone hiding.
Lazaryth stifles a yawn.
Lazaryth sighs.
Speaking curiously to Lazaryth, Leafiara asks, "Does something have you troubled?"
Speaking quietly to Terabor, Tsarok says, "We are all gonna need small statues." [Terabor was running a "campaign information" event and giving out small statues among other small gifts to voters for any candidate]
Speaking to Leafiara, Lazaryth says, "My exhaustion."
Speaking understandingly to Lazaryth, Leafiara asks, "Ahhh. Too much time with the ladies?"
Cruxophim: "Evening."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pietra exclaims, "No such thing!"
Lazaryth mumbles, "Maybe."
(Gutstorm scans the area for a suitable target and spots Ribbet.)
Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Target Acquired!!!"
Gutstorm takes quick aim at Ribbet and pulls the silver lever on the monir water cannon!
With a click and a loud *WHOOSH*, a torrent of water hurtles out of the cannon directly at him! The spray hits Ribbet right in the head with a loud *SPLAT*, knocking him backwards to land comically on his rear!
Speaking drunkenly to Ribbet, Gutstorm exclaims, "Yer in da cwub!"
A large dark blue steel golem wanders in.
Leafiara musingly says, "I wonder... if the golem can help contain the fire at all..."
Speaking to a large dark blue steel golem, Leafiara says, "It woud be the same principle as why you can handle some of the pylons that we can't, in theory."
Bernadette: "Good eve Magister Cordarius."
Deep in the shadows, you think you see movement: something like a thousand snakes all swarming around each other. By the time you've focused to get a closer look, they are gone.
Cruxophim suddenly fades into view.
Pukk asks, "So, if we attack and kill the steel golem, could we then forge it into a weapon to use?"
Speaking to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "There you are! Somehow we managed to have a discussion about eating babies without you."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Alisette exclaims, "And there you are!"
Speaking to Pukk, Hapenlok says, "More than likely, it will explode and kill us all."
Roelaren: "Good evening Maigister Cordarius."
Speaking surreptitiously to Leafiara, Cruxophim wonders, "Did you, though?"
Speaking knowingly to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "Somehow, yes."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Pukk exclaims, "That is even more fun!"
Speaking to Pukk, Hapenlok says, "And you will get banished for attacking town property."
Speaking to Pukk, Hapenlok says, "So I encourage you to kill it."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Pukk says, "Awwww."
Maags says, "Has not seen orphans in quite a long time."
Cordarius: "I will be along shortly. Where shall we meet?"
Speaking to Pukk, Hapenlok says, "Just not while I'm in the area."
Lylia says, "Nor should we, at this hour."
Speaking to Roche, Leafiara relents, "To be fair, we're kind of busy preparing to set experimental new magical fires."
Lylia says, "They should be abed at the Wellington Home."
Dwi: "Snow town."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Pukk says, "I like the way you think."
Speaking to Lylia, Maags says, "Has not seen them at anys time forever."
Speaking to Leafiara, Roche asks, "Oh?"
Roche says, "Wow."
Speaking to Roche, Leafiara advises, "It might get ugly and retreating to somewhere indoors might be for the best, but it's hard to say at this point."
The voice of Dwi heartily asks, "Feller yer all waitin fer needs a map?" [he'd been coming for a while at this point]
Roche says, "Will you shoot one at Ebonica? I would stay to see that."
The voice of Dwi heartily says, "Mus be a ranger."
Speaking earnestly to Roche, Leafiara says, "But I say no risk, no reward."
Cryheart: "Many just outside of Moot Hall now."
Speaking to Roche, Leafiara explains, "No, no, the fires will be set at some nodes, I believe."
Loamian asks, "Did I hear reward?"
Speaking to a polished bleakstone statue, Pukk exclaims, "Not the Lylia!"
Speaking to Lylia, Pukk asks, "Right?"
Speaking calmly to Leafiara, Cruxophim agrees, "The Magister's got it all covered, I figure."
Speaking to Pukk, Lylia says, "Obviously."
Pukk exclaims, "I guessed the right one!"
(OOC) Zosopage's player whispers to the group, "At least this is a gathering of less than 500 people!"
Speaking to Cryheart, Hapenlok asks, "Why do we always meet people here?"
Speaking to Lylia, Pukk says, "I was worried for a second."
Speaking to Cryheart, Hapenlok asks, "Hmmm?"
(OOC) Alisette's player whispers to the group, "Aye!"
Speaking to Leafiara, Roche says, "I believe I may retire if there is great risk. I am not dressed for trouble."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Leafiara muses, "Of course, that's what we think just about every time the Hall wants to solve a problem. Then someone's hair turns into maggots or Rodnay explodes mages' heads or something."
(OOC) Pukk's player whispers to the group, "Wait...we need to get more."
Pukk yells, "Come join the fun in front of Moot Hall!"
Speaking to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "Well... gotta take some risks, at least."
Speaking to a fiendish panther, Pukk exclaims, "It's a trap! The kitten will eat us all!"
Terabor says, "I hope I don't die. But it will be ok if so."
Asben suddenly looks drained!
Asben suddenly looks drained!
Asben suddenly looks drained!
Asben suddenly looks drained!
Terabor grabs some velnalin jerky from inside his grey wolf fur satchel.
Terabor says, "A peace treat for the kitty."
Speaking concernedly to Asben, Leafiara observes, "You don't look so good there."
Speaking to a dwarven recruiter, Hapenlok exclaims, "I said no ten years ago, I'm still saying no, now. Now scuttle off!"
Pukk says, "Have you thought about not worrying as much? You won't feel as drained."
Thrassus says, "He's taking his sweet time."
Speaking drunkenly to a polished bleakstone statue, Gutstorm says, "I pomish to wub and honna and potect ye."
(OOC) Hapenlok's player whispers to the group, "Secretly, I want SO much to say yes, though."
Cruxophim recites:
"Meanwhile... Donornuts, if'n you want to get ready!"
Ribbet says, "Who was it that first asked about a statue.."
Speaking to a dwarven recruiter, Leafiara admits, "If I ever convince the cleric guild to hire better trainers of physical fitness, I might reconsider. There is hope."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Lylia says, "I am sure she appreciates the sentiment."
Speaking to a dwarven recruiter, Pukk says, "I would but then I found out I had to go to that remote town...and well...I'm too lazy."
Speaking to a dwarven recruiter, Xorus asks, "Slaughtering orcish hordes is all fine and well, but have you ever experienced the joy of leading them?"
Speaking to Ribbet, Hapenlok says, "I'm refraining from endorsing any candidates. And to be honest...the present situation isn't a situation for politics, so much. We're probably going to explode things in a little bit."
Pukk yells, "No!"
Speaking to Ribbet, Hapenlok exclaims, "It's gonna be fun!"
Speaking to Ribbet, Hapenlok exclaims, "Come with!"
Speaking to Hapenlok, Ribbet says, "I'm staying to watch sir."
Ribbet exclaims, "The flag bearer!"
Hapenlok exclaims, "Usually I get arrested for this sort of thing!"
Speaking quietly to Leafiara, Dhairn asks, "What am ah breakin?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I'm starting to enjoy the thought of a good fire. I'm enjoying this plan."
Maylan exclaims, "Huzzah!"
Speaking amusedly to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "I knew we could count on ya for that."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Probably going to bite us, but ...hey."
Lylia removes a pale gold astrolabe inset with polished bleakstone gears from in her wrap.
Speaking to Maylan, Lazaryth says, "I trust you're here for the burning."
Speaking to Maylan, Lylia says, "I should entrust this back into your care."
Leafiara muses, "Now we're just missing Bekke for the burning trio."
Maylan gestures at the Moot Hall.
Maylan launched a flare at the Moot Hall!
The Moot Hall grows warm to the touch then quickly cools off.
Speaking amusedly to Lazaryth, Elphieya says, "She's been trying to burn the Landing down for a long time."
The voice of Dwi heartily says, "Da gub'ner's here."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "But I can't think of anything better to do. So I'm committing myself to this fully."
Terabor says, "I believe I will stay in town and watch the skies."
Speaking to Lylia, Maylan asks, "Did you enjoy your time with my spirit friend?"
Lylia nods at Maylan.
Lylia offers Maylan a pale gold astrolabe inset with polished bleakstone gears.
Maylan accepts Lylia's pale gold astrolabe.
Speaking drunkenly to a tiny kitten, Gutstorm says, "Heddo gub'na."
Speaking grimly to Maylan, Lylia intones, "Exactly."
Dwi heartily says, "Kitt ye aint lib here."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "And in honor of the occasion..."
Hapenlok recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Hapenlok gestures.
A layer of raw elemental energy forms around Hapenlok.
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Fire aspects, tonight."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Maags says, "Yous always see fire."
Maylan excitedly exclaims, "Wooooo!"
Speaking drunkenly to Maylan, Gutstorm says, "Yoosh shellerant."
Dwi recites heartily:
"Join da chaos, Cryheart fer band leader!"
(OOC) Dhairn's player whispers to the group, "What am ah breakin, Cry?"
Dwi heartily says, "Ye should play two bass drums."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Maylan blurts, "H'okay!"
Dhairn quietly says, "Mm."
Speaking heartily to Cryheart, Dwi says, "One onna yer onna yer frent."
Dwi heartily says, "Boom boom bom."
Lazaryth says, "Obviously the magister was waylaid." [reiterating, we'd been waiting for some time at this point]
Speaking to Lazaryth, Leafiara speculates, "Maybe he's figuring out his mirror from last time."
Speaking to Leafiara, Lazaryth says, "Perhaps he wants to generate a sense of anticipation for his eventual entrance."
Speaking to Lazaryth, Loamian says, "It's working."
Speaking amusedly to Lazaryth, Leafiara says, "Hope springs eternal, I suppose."
Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Dwi says, "Imma hopin fer new springs."
Speaking to a gypsy fortuneteller, Pukk exclaims, "Quick, tell us Leafi's fortune!"
Dwi heartily says, "Nah...dey stil workin."
Shinann paces back and forth.
Speaking knowingly to Shinann, Leafiara sighs, "Yeah, I'm eager to get on with the burning too."
Speaking to Hours, Pukk asks, "You know how long I have been waiting for you to join us?"
Dwi heartily asks, "We gonna disunfect da forest?"
Risk Assessment
Magister Cordarius just arrived.
Cordarius waves.
Cordarius bows.
Speaking to Maylan, Maags says, "Yous can has them."
Speaking relievedly to Cordarius, Leafiara says, "Ah, we were beginning to worry."
Cryheart says, "Evening."
Cordarius exclaims, "Sorry!"
Roelaren says, "Evenings sir."
Speaking to Pukk, Soneiken says, "Perfect time for that joke."
(Gutstorm scans the area for a suitable target and spots Cordarius.)
Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Target Acquired!!!"
Cordarius says, "I was gathering some things."
Speaking thoughtfully to Dwi, Ensayn asks, "Bringing anything to roast?"
Speaking to Maylan, Maags says, "For the poor."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Mishfire."
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "So was I, yet I finished hours ago."
Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm says, "I twied."
Speaking to Cordarius, Pukk says, "Oh good, you're here now. We were just discussing how best to set you on fire....I think Happy is willing to do it."
Speaking to a gypsy fortuneteller, Maags says, "After the fact."
Speaking to Cordarius, Soneiken says, "Hall of Late...I mean mages."
Xorus says, "I have a few dozen ayana'al beries."
Cordarius says, "Okay, okay..."
Cordarius leans against a polished bleakstone statue.
Speaking to Cordarius, Hapenlok says, "He's lying, by the way."
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "He's leanin onna yer wife."
Speaking drunkenly to Cordarius, Gutstorm says, "Datsh my footcher wife ye be leaning on."
Pukk says, "Maybe we can draw a mustache on the statue so we can tell it apart from Lylia."
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Maybe he knows her."
Speaking to Lylia, Pukk says, "Well...a bigger mustache."
Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm says, "He aint faifful wike me."
Speaking heartily to a poofy piebald flop-eared kitten, Dwi exclaims, "Gubner's back!"
Speaking to Pukk, Soneiken says, "I would have expected you to say draw da mustache on Lylia, so we can tell em apart."
Speaking heartily to a poofy piebald flop-eared kitten, Dwi says, "Ye two go play."
Speaking to Soneiken, Lylia says, "I look good in almost anything, but perhaps not in a mustache."
Speaking to Soneiken, Maags says, "Problies he does not care for tar and feathers."
Gutstorm pulls the silver lever on the cannon. With a click and a fast *WHOOSH* he douses the flop-eared kitten with water since there's nothing it can really do about it!
Speaking to Lylia, Soneiken says, "Oh, I didn't mean..."
Lylia smoothly says, "No, of course not."
Thrassus asks, "I wonder how far south they will see the flames if things go badly?"
Speaking drunkenly to Maags, Gutstorm says, "Shorry."
Speaking quietly to Gutstorm, Dhairn says, "That was one of the most enjoyable tings I've ever seen."
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Dey dont like bath nite."
Maags says, "No tarts for yous."
Speaking to Xorus, Pukk asks, "So tell us. What are your thoughts on mustaches and how it will affect the immigration of elves into Icemule?"
Speaking to Lylia, Ensayn proposes, "A very small stylish mustache perhaps."
Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Hapenlok says, "Choco donut's for me, Owly, sorry."
Pukk recites:
"Everybody whisper to Dhairn!"
Cruxophim affably inquires, "We ready to do this?"
Speaking to Lylia, Soneiken says, "Okay, forgive me, I see what I started."
Roelaren says, "Some but we probaly need more now."
Speaking dubiously to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "It's like some temporal affliction has got him." [Cordarius had gone silent a while]
Speaking to Pukk, Xorus says, "Without the ability to protect their faces from the cold with moustaches, elves will safely be able to avoid living in Icemule."
Speaking quietly to Dhairn, Elphieya says, "On that note..."
Cordarius says, "So, good news, bad news."
Speaking to Xorus, Pukk says, "That actually makes sense."
Dhairn quietly says, "Stay safe, sprite."
Cruxophim loudly demands, "PANTS HIM!!"
Elphieya just went west.
Speaking to Xorus, Pukk says, "You are even scarier than I though."
Cordarius says, "The good news is, if this works, it should not take too long tonight to perform it..."
Cruxophim loudly demands, "PANTS HIM!!"
Krampton says, "Hims can be tickled at least."
Loamian says, "Ignore the bad news."
Speaking heartily to Cordarius, Dwi asks, "Da bad news is...dey talkin bout pants?"
Lylia says, "A mayor cannot ignore the bad news."
Speaking wryly to Cordarius, Cruxophim ventures, "And the bad news? Or is the bad news that there is no bad news?"
Dhairn quietly says, "If that's the good news, I have hope for the bad."
Lylia says, "Unfortunately."
Maylan asks, "The bad news is, pants are mandatory?"
Speaking to Lylia, Pukk asks, "Have you tried?"
Lylia says, "I was not elected to do so."
Speaking to Lylia, Pukk says, "I heard if you cover your ears and sing a song really loud it will help."
Leafiara ventures, "...more dangerous than expected?"
Cordarius says, "The bad news is, if it goes wrong, we all die and release a super blight that eats every world and time..."
Maylan says, "Oh."
Cryheart says, "Intriguing."
Loamian says, "Oh."
Cordarius exclaims, "Kidding!"
Speaking to Cordarius, Soneiken asks, "Okay, wait, we're gonna start a fire in da stingung rain, and hope it stays lit perpetually?"
Cordarius smirks.
Tsarok quietly says, "Neat."
Lylia says, "But in this case, we would be unaware of it."
Maags says, "I has heard worse news."
Dhairn quietly says, "Well then.. Here's to scotch, and let's get this shindig started."
Speaking to Cordarius, Pukk asks, "So whats the bad news?"
Dwi heartily says, "Good one."
Speaking to himself, Krampton says, "Me wonder if him have a tickle spot."
Speaking affably to Cordarius, Cruxophim muses, "Oh good, I was concerned it would be something negative."
Maags exclaims, "We shall be fine!"
Speaking to Cordarius, Hapenlok says, "If we succeed, we could still all wind up dying. I like these options."
Cordarius says, "Now.."
Krampton says, "I can give wagglins."
Ensayn slowly says, "That seems pretty grave."
Lylia says, "Then clearly, we have nothing to concern ourselves over."
Speaking amiably to Cordarius, Leafiara assures, "Joke or not, we've had worse, really."
Cordarius exclaims, "Everyone on Magister Raelee!"
Cordarius joins Raelee's group.
Maylan says, "Weeee."
Cordarius says, "Let's head to the Porch."
Speaking to Cordarius, Pukk exclaims, "Hey! That was my job!"
Cordarius says, "I'll briefly discuss what we intend to do."
Dwi heartily exclaims, "Dibs on my chair!"
Raelee asks, "Is that it, then?"
Cordarius says, "Any...bards with us? Really noisy ones, who can sing really noisy."
Maylan says, "All bards sing noisily."
Soneiken sings:
"Hoot, Hoot"
Sochestie sings:
"Song song song"
Speaking to Cordarius, Pukk exclaims, "I'm the town Herald!"
Maylan says, "They annoy their prey to death."
Maags says, "The knight can sing and blush whilst he does it."
Mongonator says, "Im the strong silent type."
Naamit says, "Yes, I can."
Sochestie asks, "There we go?"
Speaking to Cordarius, Pukk says, "You will hear from my union on this."
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Bernadette, Lady Alisette, Pukk, Sir Cryheart, Guarrin, Mayor Lylia, Krampton, Terabor, Ebonica, Grand Lady Roelaren, Hapenlok, Dwi, Berost, Tilbin, Lady Sochestie, Lazaryth, Lord Thrassus, Loamian, Melikor, Yakushi, Dhairn, High Lord Asben, Viva, Land Pirate Maylan, Mistress Naamit, Shinann, Maags, Zosopage, High Lord Gutstorm, Barzillia, Soneiken, Ensayn, Hours, Tsarok, Magister Cordarius, Cruxophim, Jokic, Orlicks, High Lord Mongonator, Magister Raelee
Naamit says, "Just tell me when to sound the call."
Speaking to Naamit, Pukk exclaims, "Now!"
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee asks, "This should do, no?"
Cordarius nods.
Cordarius slowly empties his lungs.
Naamit looses a ghastly, keening wail!
Naamit skillfully begins to weave another verse into her harmony.
In response to the piercing, shrill tones of Naamit's song, the normal flow of mana and magic seems to become disrupted.
Cordarius says, "Settle, settle."
Cordarius says, "Man what a crowd."
Cordarius says, "I should retire from Magistering and become a Merchant."
Cryheart says, "Quiet down a bit folks."
Dhairn quietly says, "So... I feel that what with how long this blight's been with us - there needs ta be a moment of silence for its passing."
Cruxophim: "Joining Raelee on the Hearthstone Porch to aid in the mana fires."
Speaking heartily to Ensayn, Dwi says, "Should be coupla rockers here too."
Leafiara remarks, "Dangerous experimental magical fires. Nothing like 'em to draw a crowd!"
Cordarius says, "Well, the blight might not...pass."
Cordarius nods at Dhairn.
Speaking to Cordarius, Hapenlok says, "As long as we don't put it in the Deadfall with ....everyt-"
Speaking dryly to Cordarius, Cruxophim deadpans, "Can you repair my insatiable love of puns?"
Maags says, "If this makes yous nervous a merchant crowd would put yous to crazies."
Hapenlok mutters, "Nevermind."
Speaking quietly to Cordarius, Dhairn says, "Not with that attitude it won't."
Dhairn squints at Cordarius.
Cordarius smirks at Cruxophim.
Raelee says, "There are elements of unpredictability that arise when you vastly increase the scale of a process, such as we are doing here."
Speaking to Cordarius, Pukk says, "With enough too will pass."
Thrassus says, "It could simply go dormant instead of 'die'."
Dhairn quietly asks, "There somethin we can do to help prepare to keep these... unpredictabilities... within acceptable bounds?"
Cordarius says, "Did you get the..."
Cordarius asks, "Berries?"
Cordarius peers quizzically at Raelee.
Maags asks, "Berries?"
Xorus says, "I have more berries here."
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "Of course I did."
Speaking slowly to Cordarius, Cruxophim ventures, "And the twigs?"
Cordarius smirks at Cruxophim.
Raelee gives a slight flick of her wrist, and an ayana'al berry suddenly appears in her hand!
(OOC) Pukk's player whispers to the group, "Member berries..."
Cordarius says, "Funny you mention it...."
Cordarius nods at Cruxophim.
Zosopage says, "I only have raspberries."
(OOC) Dhairn's player whispers to the group, "I member Chewbacca."
Speaking casually to Cordarius, Cruxophim remarks, "I have apples."
Dwi removes a jar of pale grey cream from in her troll hide backpack.
Dwi heartily says, "I brung dis."
Speaking to Dhairn, Hapenlok says, "Well, it has to be said, there's always a fair amount of risk when we and have done feats such as these."
Cruxophim corrects, "Blapples, collequially, I believe."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Soneiken asks, "I heard dey was Road apples, and you eat em like candy, is that true?"
Speaking slyly to Soneiken, Cruxophim deadpans, "Wanna find out?"
Speaking to Dhairn, Hapenlok says, "I could tell you some stories, but right now is not a good time. you prepare as best as you can, and hope for the best, basically."
Ensayn measuredly says, "Just bout ready for nothingness."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Soneiken says, "Yes."
Dhairn quietly says, "Can't exactly bite a blight, but I'll give it the good ol' academy try."
Cruxophim offers Soneiken a glistening black apple.
Soneiken accepts Cruxophim's black apple.
Cordarius slowly empties his lungs.
Speaking to Hapenlok, Pukk says, "And you forgot about the part something worse will come along as a result."
Soneiken licks his black apple.
Cordarius says, "So there's been some talks."
(OOC) Dwi's player whispers to the group, "Gutstorm has Zikabolarona!"
Soneiken says, "My apple."
Cordarius says, "Ideally, the goal was to starve the blight, which feeds on mana."
(OOC) Dhairn's player whispers to the group, "So.. anyone draw the parallel to GSes Caronavirus here yet?"
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "That still is the goal."
Cordarius says, "The concept was to initiate some anti-mana fires."
Cordarius nods at Raelee.
(OOC) Cruxophim's player whispers to the group, "I was before it was cool."
Cordarius says, "I...we....all of us had some concerns."
(OOC) Dwi's player whispers to the group, "Also..befer Gutstorm was...oh wait..aint happind."
Leafiara admits, "To be fair, we had concerns about the alternatives too."
Maylan exclaims, "Nonsense! Let's get these fires started!"
Cordarius says, "No one wants to throw the Landing into a bubble of anti-magic on accident."
Hapenlok says, "Well, my concern was and always has been the Reach."
Xorus mildly says, "That was would be terrible."
Cordarius asks, "Not yet at least, am I right?"
Cordarius snickers.
Dhairn quietly says, "All the sorcerers would wither away."
Cordarius says, "So what if..."
Dwa obnoxiously says, "She having spasms."
Cordarius says, "And winging it here slightly..."
Cordarius nods at Raelee.
Cordarius asks, "So, sorry?"
Cordarius grins.
Leafiara says, "It's all we ever really do around here."
Speaking heartily to Dwa, Dwi says, "Yer a spams."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "You stole my line."
Speaking reproachfully to Cordarius, Cruxophim muses, "You know that's her bane, yes?"
Speaking obnoxiously to Dwi, Dwa says, "She needs mouth to mouth, I'm going in."
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "You are not."
Jokic says, "I agree."
Maags carefully lifts the kitten by the scruff of its neck and then tucks it gently into the crook of her arm.
Maags tucks her flop-eared kitten into its comfortable-looking suede kitten sling.
Roelaren says, "A kitten sling."
Roelaren says, "Ohhhh so cute."
Cordarius says, "What if we create fires that, will infact absorb mana...draw it in...and then those fires would feed the blight. Which would continue to feed the blight for awhile, but slowly poison it."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Dat wodent hash wabiesh."
Speaking to Roelaren, Maags says, "Comfies."
Gutstorm points at a pudgy frosting-covered dormouse.
Roelaren says, "I bet."
Roelaren says, "Ohhh so nice."
Maylan says, "So long as we get to start some fires, I don't much care about the rest."
Leafiara musingly says, "Works for me."
Pukk says, "Poison it....gee...I wish I thought of that..." [he and Crux did, I believe]
Cordarius says, "It is possible the blight will never go away."
Cordarius says, "Not, fully."
Xorus says, "You wish to sour the milk."
Speaking to Cordarius, Loamian asks, "Is there reason to think the blight can be poisoned in this way?"
Lylia says, "Poison the well."
Speaking to Cordarius, Berkana asks, "Isn't there a chance that might backfire?"
Cordarius asks, "Greatly subside, yes. But the fires may never do enough to truly, end it, you know?"
Speaking to Xorus, Pukk says, "Again...using my words."
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "This harkens back to a conversation, weeks ago."
Cordarius says, "There's always a chance."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Ish da blight WEALLY awl dat bad, I meansh, we all gun die anywho."
Maags says, "Thought the well was poisoned."
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Speak fer yerself."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra says, "Time to party, I guess."
Zosopage says, "Best place to hit would be the taproot if we could find it."
Speaking pedantically to Cordarius, Raelee says, "Do you recall? The one in which you said we could violate the first law of conservation of mana, and I said you were incorrect."
Speaking drunkenly to Pietra, Gutstorm says, "Me yooz, and a jar of picklesh."
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee continues, "And here we are, not violating it."
Lylia asks, "Which is the greater risk, in your estimation? And what did you learn from the tree when Ysharra spoke with it?"
Leafiara says, "Right, the concern before was that we'd be stuck with the poisoned mana afterward." [in reference to what Raelee was saying]
Pukk says, "Laws are meant to be broken."
Speaking curiously to Cordarius, Leafiara asks, "So is there a way to poison just the blight, not the mana?"
Speaking heartily to Pukk, Dwi says, "I feel da same way bout legs."
Speaking to Cordarius, Thrassus says, "Yes, I'm curious about that as well."
Hapenlok says, "Well, in the absence of any good and sane ideas..."
Alisette murmurs, "Might be best to not poison mana."
Speaking to Dwi, Pukk says, "Or in your case...ankles."
Cordarius says, "Yes, there is potential we could poison all of the mana."
Cordarius says, "And...well, it would be bad."
Guarrin deeply says, "Seems like that would take that option off the table."
Speaking to Cordarius, Soneiken says, "Yippee."
Xorus says, "For a certain definition of bad."
Speaking slowly to Cordarius, Cruxophim ventures, "There is a third option..."
Roelaren says, "Why are we waiting."
Cordarius says, "But..."
Cordarius gives a slight flick of his wrist, and a gold teak-handled mirror suddenly appears in his hand!
Dhairn quietly asks, "Okay.. so what happens if all the mana becomes poisoned? Everyone but Cryheart here drops dead?"
Cordarius says, "Not that one..."
Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Dwi asks, "Fertilizer?"
Speaking to Cordarius, Pietra asks, "Hairstyle party?"
Lylia says, "It is sometimes necessary to kill a certain amount of healthy flesh to carve out what is rotten."
Cordarius gives a slight flick of his wrist, and a slate grey crystal mirror suddenly appears in his hand!
Pukk asks, "Wait! Why don't we ask Owly?"
Pukk exclaims, "He would know!"
Lylia says, "And sometimes necessary to poison a rival to ensure the health of the body politic."
Speaking mildly to Raelee, Cruxophim repeats, "But I defer to your preferred plan."
Cryheart says, "That is a lot of dragging."
Lylia says, "I would imagine this is similar, then."
Ensayn dismissively says, "Not too keen on that mana stuff anyways."
Cordarius says, "If we pull mana from the nodes, into the fires, we can then use said fires to convert the streams of mana into poison that the blight eats. Thinking it is gorging on goodness."
Cordarius says, "Then no harm or poison occurs to ...mana elsewhere, around you."
Speaking drunkenly to Cordarius, Gutstorm says, "My bwain hoortsh affa ye jusht shaid dat."
Dhairn quietly says, "Sounds risky."
Speaking to Cordarius, Roelaren says, "What do us mana senders do."
Speaking heartily to Ensayn, Dwi says, "I tried choppin down one dem sick trees... It was too squishy."
Lylia says, "Poison is effective if it is undetectable. It is more effective if it is delectable."
Speaking to Cordarius, Soneiken asks, "What about us who channel dat same mana?"
Cordarius says, "...and I believe the bone pillars can accomplish such."
Speaking pleasedly to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "Ahhh, now they're paying off."
Roelaren says, "I have a lot of mana."
Dhairn quietly says, "Guts.. head back to the warehouse and get us a boatload of powdered kroderine. I have a better idea."
Speaking amusedly to Leafiara, Cruxophim reminds, "I never doubted."
Speaking confidently to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "Me neither."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Hapenlok says, "It's been years since we had that meeting, you know."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Leafiara adds, "Despite a lot of detractors telling me otherwise."
Pietra says, "Let's pour some alcohol on the blight, then set it on fire and then get marshmallows and and and."
Speaking evenly to Cordarius, Cruxophim inquires, "How's that?"
Cordarius says, "And..."
Cordarius indicates his grey crystal mirror with a smile.
Cordarius says, "I have some of the blight's essence in here."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Hapenlok says, "Glad to see it paid some sort of possible positive dividends."
Speaking to Cordarius, Maylan says, "Mister that's a rude thing to say about your reflection."
Loamian asks, "Then have you tested this theory on it?"
Speaking to Cordarius, Maylan says, "You should be nicer to yourself."
Speaking curiously to Cordarius, Cruxophim ventures, "Are you talking about conversion to anti-mana?"
Krampton says, "Is a good idea to test theories on small sample sizes and see what works."
Cordarius smirks at Maylan.
Speaking to Loamian, Raelee says, "It is a return to a previously explored concept."
Speaking amusedly to his black leather tome, Cruxophim notes, "I see."
Maylan asks, "Listen, who gets to do the actual fire starting?"
Speaking to Cruxophim, Soneiken says, "I think he says Tainted Mana as opposed to Anti mana."
Loamian asks, "Explored... through discussion?"
Cordarius says, "I'm talking about using the pillars to pull mana from earth nodes, and then creating anti-mana fires to transform those ribbons of mana and direct them to the blight."
Speaking to Ensayn, Maylan says, "Oh ho, a fine idea."
Pietra says, "I had tainted mana once, got some cream, cleared it right up."
Cordarius says, "Slowy, hopefully, starving it and poisoning it."
Guarrin deeply asks, "So we went from starving to starving and poisoning?"
Maags says, "And hopes there is no leaking."
Speaking to Cordarius, Hapenlok asks, "Yet, you say it's a chance that we could taint all mana sources in so doing, this, correct?"
Speaking pleasedly to Guarrin, Leafiara says, "And burning, of course."
Speaking sincerely to Maylan, Ensayn says, "Ya accidently start better fires then most. So figure ya gots what it takes."
Cordarius says, "There's always a risk."
Dhairn quietly asks, "Livin' things tend to be adaptive when exposed to somethin over a long period of time. Whats to say you won't just be givin it another eventual food source?"
Speaking deeply to Leafiara, Guarrin says, "Of course. As is tradition."
Speaking neutrally to Raelee, Cruxophim inquires, "What say you, Magister?"
Cordarius says, "But I think this one is a better path, then anything else, which may accidentally throw the entire region into a statis of anti-mana."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Raelee says, "There was no plan we could present that would not carry risk. If we kept searching for the perfect, flawless plan... this town would have likely died before we ever reached a conclusion."
Speaking to Raelee, Hapenlok says, "No, I'm not disputing that, Magister."
Speaking hesitantly to Raelee, Loamian asks, "Have you... explored the effect of poisoned mana on beings?"
Speaking to Cordarius, Sochestie asks, "Is it safe to say that mana is magic in its purest form?"
Speaking to Cordarius, Soneiken asks, "Okay, I like da theory, however, what happens if use the channel day same mana use some da transformed mana?"
Speaking to Raelee, Hapenlok says, "I've experienced anti-mana, but tainted....not so much."
Dwi heartily says, "We should hire some gnomes to makes one dem teeny lookin at things."
Speaking evenly to Cordarius, Cruxophim agrees, "If the Magister agrees and considers it a sound plan, I can swing that."
Maylan curtly says, "Let's just be done with it."
Speaking neutrally to Loamian, Raelee says, "Every hypothesis must be explored with experiments."
Dwi heartily says, "Den we kin be sure wot we dealin wit."
Ensayn amiably says, "Long as it doesn't make my whiskey taste funny."
Speaking to Raelee, Hapenlok says, "And in my own independent research? i could come up with no better solutions."
Speaking calmly to Cordarius, Cruxophim explains, "I'll need some help, though."
Dhairn quietly says, "We could always just gift it to the burghal gnomes. They'd come haul it outta here lickety split. Can't keep their paws off anythin."
Speaking to Raelee, Hapenlok says, "Hence, I'm here to light the fire, as it were."
Speaking to Raelee, Loamian asks, "And the outcome?"
Maags says, "Also it will be a concentrated poison. too much to get used to and adapt."
Zosopage asks, "Wouldn't a blight feed on tainted mana as it is tainted in itself?"
Cordarius asks, "...what kind of help?"
Cordarius peers quizzically at Cruxophim.
Speaking to Loamian, Raelee says, "We will find out."
Speaking wryly to Cordarius, Cruxophim explains, "Blood. Lots of blood. And essence. And maybe a few prayers."
Cordarius peers quizzically at Soneiken.
Cordarius asks, "Huh?"
Cordarius peers quizzically at Soneiken.
Speaking drunkenly to Maags, Gutstorm says, "Fieshty."
Speaking curiously to Cruxophim, Leafiara asks, "So [[::Rise_of_Rone_-_5118-03-19_-_Enacting_the_Pillar_Plan|same protocol as last time]], minus the shadow realm energy?"
Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Dwi says, "Ye aint sellin donuts Feller."
Speaking coolly to Leafiara, Cruxophim agrees, "Yup."
Speaking to Cordarius, Sochestie asks, "Could try to hold my axe up next to your captured bottle of essense and see what it does, it should move away from it, should it not?"
Cordarius grins at Sochestie.
Loamian says, "I am for doing something... we cannot let the land continue to suffer the way the roltons, townsfolk, and kobolds were so recently suffering."
Sochestie asks, "Anti-magic?"
Speaking curiously to Sochestie, Cruxophim interjects, "You mean being veil iron?"
Cordarius says, "I think we might have an alternative to blood."
Cordarius nods at Cruxophim.
Sochestie says, "Yup."
Cordarius clears his throat.
Cordarius winks at Raelee.
Cordarius says, "A berry please."
Raelee offers Cordarius an ayana'al berry.
Cordarius accepts Raelee's ayana'al berry.
Dwi whispers to the group, "I do not."
Leafiara muses, "I suppose it's just as well, since we're missing a few of our more prominent blood mages tonight."
Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Wot kinna berry be dat?"
Cordarius hoists up the ayana'al berry for all to see and he slowly turns, showcasing the small berry.
Cordarius says, "Ananalalalala berry."
Speaking indifferently to Leafiara, Cruxophim assures, "I'll work with whatever we end up with. I'm not concerned."
Ensayn asks, "Berry nice?"
Loamian resolutely says, "If this is the best plan then it is the plan for me."
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee corrects, "Ayana'al."
Cordarius says, "That is what I said."
Cordarius nods at Raelee.
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "No, it is not."
Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm says, "Dat berry hash a nawty name."
Speaking to Dwi, Maags says, "They loves to argue."
Leafiara asks, "Similar properties to the ayana leaves, I take it? ...just based on the name?"
Sochestie asks, "Seems a little much, but if the blight is that much a big of deal and needs to be dealt with, would be rather expensive but form veil iron cannon-balls and with trebuchet's fire them, possibly filled with whatever may assist at the blight?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "No."
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Yer a menace."
Speaking to Cordarius, Soneiken says, "I seen da Maaghara eatin dem berries, so we are in trouble."
Cordarius says, "Potato, potato. Tomato, tomato. Ayana'al, Ananalalalala."
Speaking surprisedly to Raelee, Leafiara says, "Oh."
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "The opposite. Ayana is potent with mana, ayana'al is notable for the lack thereof."
Maags exclaims, "Cinamonn!"
Maags exclaims, "Les go!"
Speaking to Raelee, Leafiara says, "Ahh, perfect."
Pietra asks, "Antimana berries, what WILL they think of next?"
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee reminds, "Focus."
Cordarius put an ayana'al berry in his ashen-hued robe.
Xorus says, "Mynalari Mynal'lyana berries..."
Speaking heartily to Pietra, Dwi asks, "Kitten pie?"
Speaking hopefully to Pietra, Ensayn says, "Whiskey."
Cordarius says, "The berries can be smashed and smeared on the pillars."
Speaking to Ensayn, Pietra says, "Endless whiskey."
Cordarius says, "They may work to give us what we need to use them."
Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "You mean wike jelly?"
Dhairn quietly says, "Aaaah... I see what you're thinkin now."
Maylan says, "Sounds messy."
Speaking bemusedly to Cordarius, Cruxophim notes, "I see."
Loamian asks, "The berries will poison the mana stream?"
Dwi heartily asks, "Do we really wanna be spreadin jam alla o'er da forest?"
Cordarius slowly empties his lungs.
Raelee slowly says, "He phrases it inelegantly."
Pietra says, "The halflings will revolt."
Cordarius says, "Then it is decided."
Speaking politely to Xorus, Cruxophim requests, "May I see one?"
Speaking to Raelee, Hapenlok says, "Well, die doing this, or die doing nothing.... I'd prefer to die doing something."
Krampton says, "Maags would prolly loves ta do it. Most of her clothes is jam spattered."
Krampton says, "Hehe."
Dhairn quietly says, "Let's do this."
Dwi heartily says, "Toast issa do-able project."
Raelee says, "We utilize ayana and ayana'al in alchemy for their inherent mana or anti-mana properties depending upon the requirement." [heh, clerics are the only profession that don't use ayana'al in any of their alchemy recipes or else I would've known ths one]
Mana Infusions
Cordarius says, "Give me a moment, and we'll begin here."
Maags exclaims, "I has plenties of jam more jam than manas!"
Raelee says, "This is introducing that pattern, that property, into what flows within the bone pillars."
Maags says, "Pup would likes to see a use for those pillars. Sorries he is not here."
Loamian asks, "Shall we split up to apply the anti-mana to different bone pillars?"
Speaking to Maags, Hapenlok says, "I don't know that he'd agree with the solution."
Speaking heartily to Maags, Dwi says, "Maybe dem berry issa like dem inna Anwyn... usefull but scarey."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Why do dey shay wabbitsh footsh ish wucky, dat wabbit washt sho wucky to woosh hish foot." [Crux was busy seeing if a rabbit would eat a berry and sacrificing it]
Pukk says, "Too late."
Maags says, "They do not looks sweet so hopes they can fool it."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra says, "Say that again, but faster."
Dhairn quietly asks, "Before we run off inta doin this... there anything else around here indigenous that feeds off of the ambient we might be screwin with?"
Speaking amicably to Cordarius, Cruxophim concludes, "Yup, I think that will work."
Loamian says, "There's us."
Shinann says, "I think he got blood on his berry."
Ensayn rubs a broken bar of soap in his hand.
Speaking gently to Maylan, Cruxophim praises, "You're too kind."
Speaking drunkenly to Ensayn, Gutstorm says, "Dont bend over if ye drop dat."
Speaking approvingly to Gutstorm, Ensayn says, "A good idea."
Speaking to Dhairn, Loamian says, "Based upon their reaction to the blight I'd guess many of the local critters, too."
Dhairn quietly says, "I think this isn't going to be clean."
Speaking drunkenly to Pietra, Gutstorm says, "I gib him a sheben."
Speaking to Dhairn, Loamian says, "Some we might be more willing to let go than others."
Jokic says, "No more rat meeeeeet."
Cordarius rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra says, "Nah, he's a ten for me."
Speaking to Dhairn, Hapenlok says, "Rarely is, around here."
Dhairn quietly says, "I don't want to see things like Vruul running around all hopped up on contaminated mana."
Speaking to Dhairn, Hapenlok says, "Inevitably, with sixty percent of the life-threatening problems we face, we wind up creating more life-threatening problems in solving the life-threatening problem."
Speaking curiously to Cordarius, Cruxophim inquires, "Is it time to kick the pyres and light the fires?"
Dwi heartily asks, "So... axes gonna be useless? Since we plantin shrubbery?"
Speaking deeply to Hapenlok, Guarrin says, "That checks out."
Speaking to Dwi, Pietra says, "I think we're smearing pie on columns. Because that makes sense."
Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm exclaims, "If da shrubbery attacksh ush, axesh gonna be a gweat wepin!"
Speaking to Dhairn, Hapenlok says, "If not the night of the problem solving, months or years down the line."
Speaking to Dwi, Zosopage exclaims, "No!"
Speaking heartily to Pietra, Dwi says, "I am sooo confuddled."
Speaking to Dwi, Pietra says, "Me too."
Speaking quietly to Hapenlok, Dhairn says, "I think I like you. You think straight."
Maags says, "No is like blowing smoke in somebodies face."
Maags says, "This will work."
Speaking to Dhairn, Hapenlok says, "If we don't fix this, everyone dies. If we fix this, everyone might die."
Dhairn quietly asks, "Makes it an easy choice, yeah?"
Speaking to Dhairn, Hapenlok says, "But it's okay, I hate most of these people."
Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Cant we moob to icemool den?"
Maags says, "And we do not owes some favors."
Speaking heartily to Hapenlok, Dwi says, "I mite go to sleep...I aint gonna die."
Speaking to Dwi, Leafiara says, "I believe leaving the near vicinity won't save you from the kind of death that might come to us if this goes wrong."
Dhairn quietly says, "So long as the scotch survives."
Speaking to Dwi, Zosopage says, "I may join you in that. Figuratively and not literally though."
Dhairn quietly says, "Eh."
Speaking to Leafiara, Loamian exclaims, "Zul Logoth it is!"
Speaking to Loamian, Leafiara admits, "That might spare you a bit longer."
Speaking heartily to Loamian, Dwi says, "Awful place."
Maags says, "Anyhow one onlies stays in Icemule until they slide down the mountain inevitablies."
Cordarius exclaims, "AH HA!"
Cordarius says, "Yes..."
Cordarius says, "Ruic should do the trick."
Cordarius exclaims, "Okay then!"
Speaking to Cruxophim, Soneiken says, "I invoked da Maaghara in it, so is technically a Blight Candle."
Cordarius asks, "You recall the pillar locations?"
Speaking affably to Soneiken, Cruxophim notes, "Nice work."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "I tink he been eatting hish own suppwy uv berriesh."
Cordarius peers quizzically at Raelee.
Speaking to Dwi, Loamian says, "I am a little surprised you would say so."
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "Yes."
Cordarius nods.
Speaking heartily to Loamian, Dwi asks, "Sorry?"
Cordarius says, "We start here first then."
Speaking heartily to Loamian, Dwi says, "Not like I jumped out atcha."
Cordarius says, "For those of you who can...please infuse your mana into this area."
Cordarius exclaims, "Let's fill her up!"
Leafiara asks, "Here...? With no pillar?"
Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Done!"
Speaking to Dwi, Loamian says, "I just mean because you are a dwarf."
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "Yes."
(Hapenlok waves a hand, as wisps of flame imbuded mana stream into the area.)
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Not yer keg."
Cordarius says, "Right, here with the node."
Cruxophim closes his eyes and chants quietly under his breath.
Maags closes her eyes for a moment.
Krampton says, "There goes."
Raelee says, "... and while we will need the song of noise, it is rather premature."
Zosopage exclaims, "Fill her up with premium please!"
Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm says, "Infuse your two mana."
Krampton says, "Infused 300."
(OOC) Hapenlok's player whispers to the group, "Old school peeps, does all of this seem very famillar to ya?"
Raelee says, "We need mana to flow uninterrupted now."
(OOC) Dhairn's player whispers to the group, "Ayup."
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Dey mine."
Cordarius nods.
Naamit hoarsely asks, "Can I stop singing yet?"
Thrassus nods at Naamit.
Naamit stops singing.
Loamian exclaims, "What a relief!"
Soneiken says, "Hmmm."
(OOC) Terabor's player whispers to the group, "Quietly waiting for the demon rum and my 46x doubles."
Cordarius touches his finger to his grey crystal mirror and it flashes briefly, motes of ethereal energy swirling within.
Cordarius slowly empties his lungs.
Cordarius says, "Bards, ready with your song of noise? I will tell you when."
Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Dwi says, "Seems like it needs a new name...."
(Hapenlok continues to release the wisps of flame imbued mana into the surroundings.)
Naamit says, "I'd been singing it this whole time."
Naamit looses a ghastly, keening wail!
Speaking calmly to Cordarius, Cruxophim reports, "Done."
Chanting fervently to Eorgina, Berkana weaves her ritual dagger through the air, drawing a complex Eorgina symbol. Essence seeps out of the tip of the blade as she paints the pattern, which remains suspended in mid-air.
Speaking to Cruxophim, Berkana says, "She'll like this."
Hapenlok takes a bite of his blood pudding donut.
Hapenlok looks much more calm and refreshed.
Speaking to Cruxophim, Hapenlok says, "I hate eating your food."
Cordarius removes a ruic block from his robe.
Ensayn intoxicatedly grumbles, "Welp. If we're all going to die. I best get home to Eryn."
Cordarius steps forward.
Cordarius exclaims, "Bards, sing your song of noise!"
Naamit looses a ghastly, keening wail!
Naamit sings a melody.
In response to the piercing, shrill tones of Naamit's song, the normal flow of mana and magic seems to become disrupted.
Speaking to Cruxophim, Maylan says, "Donut man, donut me."
Speaking cautiously to Cordarius, Cruxophim warns, "Ruic has a tendency to backl--"
Sochestie says, "Nope."
Speaking pleasantly to Cordarius, Cruxophim muses, "Nevermind."
Sochestie says, "The disruption of noise in the area made it fizzle."
Speaking heartily to Sochestie, Dwi exclaims, "Louder!"
Dwi heartily exclaims, "Putcher back inna it!"
Speaking to Berkana, Soneiken asks, "Huh?"
Cordarius furrows his brow.
Sochestie says, "Ok outta mana."
Xorus summons a torrent of spiritual and elemental mana and releases upon himself a flurry of abjurations.
The disruption of the noise in the area is barely enough to keep the spell from working.
The disruption of the noise in the area is barely enough to keep the spell from working.
The disruption of the noise in the area is barely enough to keep the spell from working.
The disruption of the noise in the area is barely enough to keep the spell from working.
The disruption of the noise in the area is barely enough to keep the spell from working.
The disruption of the noise in the area is barely enough to keep the spell from working.
The disruption of the noise in the area is barely enough to keep the spell from working.
The disruption of the noise in the area is barely enough to keep the spell from working.
The disruption of the noise in the area is barely enough to keep the spell from working.
The disruption of the noise in the area causes the spell to fizzle.
The disruption of the noise in the area causes the spell to fizzle.
The disruption of the noise in the area causes the spell to fizzle.
The disruption of the noise in the area causes the spell to fizzle.
The disruption of the noise in the area causes the spell to fizzle.
The disruption of the noise in the area causes the spell to fizzle.
The disruption of the noise in the area causes the spell to fizzle.
The disruption of the noise in the area causes the spell to fizzle.
Berkana says, "Your magic isn't..."
Cordarius turns to Naamit and cheers!
Lazaryth says, "Now that was amusing."
Cordarius moves to stand in front of Naamit.
Speaking heartily to Maags, Dwi says, "Steady now."
Speaking to Xorus, Pietra says, "You should have obeyed."
Sochestie says, "Thanks."
Hapenlok murmurs, "You're getting my power as fast as I can give it."
Maags says, "So loud for no noise."
Cordarius exclaims, "Your song is good!"
Cordarius nods at Naamit.
Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "We shtill infoobing da mana?"
Naamit grins crookedly at Cordarius.
Alisette faces Leafiara, closes her eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between them!
Cordarius draws a rune along the block of ruic in his hand, then draws the same one in the mirror in his hand.
Speaking to Alisette, Leafiara says, "Just in the area! Not to me."
Cordarius exclaims, "To a pillar!"
Cordarius nods at Raelee.
Pukk recites:
"Everybody send their mana to Leafiara!"
Raelee says, "Come along..."
Speaking heartily to Maags, Dwi says, "Ah...da waste o' jam is next."
Pillar Adjustments
[Coastal Cliffs]
As the wind picks up speed it wails through the chasms in the cliff rock, sounding eerily like the cry of a woman in distress. You also see a black-whorled ashen bone pillar and a steep path.
Also here: Lady Alisette, Pukk, Sir Cryheart, Guarrin, Krampton, Terabor, Ebonica, Hapenlok, Dwi, Berost, Tilbin, Lady Sochestie, Lazaryth, Lord Thrassus, Loamian, Yakushi, Dhairn, High Lord Asben, Viva, Land Pirate Maylan, Mistress Naamit, Shinann, Zosopage, Soneiken, Hours, Tsarok, Magister Cordarius, Jokic, High Lord Mongonator, High Lady Shyspirit, Tolene, Razanetika, Mistress Berkana, Amerek, Maags, High Lord Gutstorm, Cruxophim, Orlicks, Conquerer of Reim Lexbubba, Melikor, Magister Raelee
Speaking to Dwi, Maags exclaims, "Not if I remember where it is!"
A sea nymph draped in seaweed and a wet, clinging robe slithers up out of a crevice.
A sea nymph swings a dagger at Loamian!
AS: +50 vs DS: +299 with AvD: +9 + d100 roll: +63 = -177
A clean miss.
A sea nymph heads east.
Cordarius glances at a black-whorled ashen bone pillar and grins.
Maylan asks, "Can we smash berries now?"
Loamian asks, "Of all of us?"
Leafiara admits, "Thought we'd take the Lower Dragonsclaw one first, but sure."
Maags asks, "Do we keeps infusing?"
Dhairn quietly says, "That poor little sea nymph has no idea what she's in for."
Dwi yells, "Anna stay out!"
Cordarius put a slate grey crystal mirror in his ashen-hued robe.
Speaking to Loamian, Pukk says, "That nymph was so into you."
Dwi attempts to kick a sea nymph!
UAF: 136 vs UDF: 42 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 71 + d100: 13 = 155
... and hit for 58 points of damage!
Rapid scissor kick catches neck and pulls the sea nymph off-balance!
The sea nymph falls to the ground and dies.
Cordarius asks, "A bag of berries?"
Cordarius peers quizzically at Raelee.
Speaking to a sea nymph, Maags says, "Easier to jus run."
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee asks, "All of it?"
(OOC) Maylan's player whispers to the group, "Should I sanct the area or will that disrupt the ritual?"
[random combat with nymphs and worms]
Speaking to Cruxophim, Pukk says, "I always knew you had a taste for nymphs."
Cordarius says, "Six will suffice. Drop them please."
Raelee removes an ayana'al berry from in her large cotton sack.
Raelee drops an ayana'al berry.
Raelee removes an ayana'al berry from in her large cotton sack.
Raelee drops an ayana'al berry.
Raelee removes an ayana'al berry from in her large cotton sack.
Raelee drops an ayana'al berry.
Raelee removes an ayana'al berry from in her large cotton sack.
Raelee drops an ayana'al berry.
Raelee removes an ayana'al berry from in her large cotton sack.
Raelee drops an ayana'al berry.
Raelee removes an ayana'al berry from in her large cotton sack.
Raelee drops an ayana'al berry.
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi exclaims, "Wotter em!"
Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Would it be bad if I ate one?"
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi exclaims, "Be usefull fer once!"
Cordarius says, "Please, five of you. Grab a berry, smash it real good and smear the pillar like there's no tomorrow."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Leafiara says, "We'd have to find a new one, and I'm guessing these are pretty rare--never seen 'em and I grew up in a forest."
Maylan picks up an ayana'al berry.
Lazaryth picks up an ayana'al berry.
Leafiara picks up an ayana'al berry.
Soneiken picks up an ayana'al berry.
Hapenlok picks up an ayana'al berry.
Dhairn picks up an ayana'al berry.
Maylan glances between a black-whorled ashen bone pillar and an ayana'al berry.
Speaking drunkenly to Leafiara, Gutstorm says, "Smash it in yooz belluy."
Cruxophim calmly reports, "Pillar is primed for activation."
(Lazaryth smacks his hand against the pillar, smashing the berry into it and rubbing.)
Cordarius turns to Cruxophim and cheers!
Dhairn picks idly at an ayana'al berry.
Tucking his jawbone dagger against his body, Cruxophim squeezes his left hand into a fist and holds it out over a black-whorled ashen bone pillar. Blood streams through his fingers and along his hand, dripping down onto it.
Cruxophim closes his eyes and chants quietly under his breath.
Soneiken rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
(Pukk grabs Gutstorm and tries to rub him against the pillar.)
(Leafiara clenches the ayana'al berry in her hand and starts smearing it across the side of the pillar.)
Dhairn rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Raelee says, "... a future trial should include a proper alchemical processing of the berries."
Cordarius nods at Leafiara.
Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Dwi says, "Def'nitely needs a new name."
Speaking sharply to Pukk, Raelee says, "Do not do that."
(Maylan smashes the ayana'al berry agains the pillar, then swishes the stain about with her mop-leg.)
(Lazaryth smears the berry over the pillar, then glances at his pulp-coated hand in dismay.)
(Dhairn slams his hand into the side of the pillar, smearing the berry along its surface.)
Lazaryth sharply inhales and exhales a heavy breath in annoyance.
(Maylan licks her hand.)
Speaking to Raelee, Pukk says, "Awwww Rayray."
Maags says, "Problies should has jus used jam."
(Hapenlok clutches the berry in his hand, as he starts to work on rubbing his berry on one side of the pillar.)
(Maylan smears the last remaining berry bits from her palm onto the pillar.)
Hapenlok rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Speaking to Leafiara, Lazaryth says, "It's important to be willing to make sacrifices to aid the town."
Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Dwi says, "Repeat customers...gits a discount if'n yer worried."
(Soneiken rubs da berry all over da damb pillar.)
(Leafiara rubs the ashen bone pillar up and down, spreading it haphazardly.)
Speaking amusedly to Lazaryth, Leafiara says, "Hey, I'm enjoying this one myself."
Cordarius chants an esoteric incantation as small sparks surround his hands.
Speaking dryly to Leafiara, Lazaryth says, "Mhm."
(Dhairn fingerpaints a smiley face on the pillar in the berry smear.)
(Alisette smears her berry over the lighter spots of the smeared pillar.)
(Hapenlok draws a small meteor in the berry juice.)
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "No, no. You must rub it like there is no when you are in shackles."
(OOC) Dwi's player whispers to the group, "Well it coulda been a worse artworks."
Speaking calmly to Cordarius, Cruxophim reports, "Should hold."
Pukk says, "Wait..that didn't sound right."
Leafiara dusts off her hands.
(Soneiken signs Cord's name with da Berry in a clean spot on da pillar.)
(Maylan spits some berry juice onto the pillar.)
Speaking approvingly to a black-whorled ashen bone pillar, Leafiara says, "Well, that should be all of it."
Speaking quietly to Raelee, Hapenlok asks, "We're still infusing at this point, right? Or no?"
The ayana'al liquid on the pillar begins to glisten brightly then seems to crystallize before flaking off and falling down like motes of dark ash.
Speaking to Hapenlok, Raelee says, "No."
Maylan says, "My spit did it."
Hapenlok says, "Very good. Just checking."
Cordarius slowly empties his lungs.
Razanetika softly says, "Better out than in..."
Speaking curiously to Cordarius, Leafiara asks, "Was that the expected reaction?"
Cordarius says, "I'll need...a fire. First, you try. Then someone else for the next one."
Cordarius nods at Raelee.
Cordarius shrugs at Leafiara.
Speaking to Maylan, Lazaryth whispers aloud, "Hand me your scarf for a moment."
Speaking amusedly to Cordarius, Leafiara says, "Yeah, don't worry, I like winging it too."
Cordarius says, "The pillar is infused with anti-magic properties, from the berries..."
Speaking to a black-whorled ashen bone pillar, Pukk exclaims, "You're fired!"
(Soneiken begins rubbing the last of da berry on Cryheart to increase the efficacy of his armor.)
Cordarius says, "Once we begin the fire..."
(Raelee generates a small ball of bright white fire with a quick, practiced flick of her hand.)
Speaking to Pukk, Maylan says, "HARR."
Dhairn quietly asks, "It's a good thing the pillar isn't in the air. Or has she learned to aim upward?"
(Lazaryth impatiently grabs the end of Maylan's scarf and cleans his hands on it, then arranges it around her neck, smiling at her.)
Speaking to Maylan, Lazaryth says, "Proceed."
Cordarius says, "We will add ruic sticks to it. I've drawn some of the blight's essence into the block of ruic. So in theory, the fire should find the blight that way."
Speaking heartily to Cryheart, Dwi asks, "Dis is when ye gits a head start onna runnin?"
Maylan impatiently asks, "Do I get to set it on fire now?"
A small white fire sparks to life in the shadow of the bone pillar.
(OOC) Pukk's player whispers to the group, "Sorry all, have to go. Good luck!"
Cordarius exclaims, "Good!"
Cordarius raises his ruic block skyward!
(Hapenlok places the remains of the berry in his coat.)
(OOC) Cruxophim's player whispers to the group, "Laters!"
Dhairn quietly asks, "More fire?"
Soneiken says, "Its okay we'll still have a berry good time with you gone."
(Raelee makes another quick gesture at the fire, causing it to quickly grow to a more sizable flame.)
(OOC) Hapenlok's player whispers to the group, "Later Pukk."
Speaking heartily to Dwa, Dwi says, " least ye'll die befer I do...If'n I'm lucky."
(OOC) Cruxophim's player whispers to the group, "I can create fire, if anyone's gonna light one and need a prop."
Cordarius says, "The goal is...with the ruic...."
Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Dwi says, "It aint a mystery."
(Hapenlok saddles over to Cruxophim and surreptiously wipes the berry juice off his hand on the the back of his cloak.)
Cordarius says, "The anti-mana will SNAP back towards the blight."
You see Gutstorm thrust his hand into the white fire. He jerks his hand back.
... 10 points of damage!
Burst of flames to right hand burns fingers bright red.
Gutstorm rubs a small white fire.
Cordarius says, "So..."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Hot."
Hapenlok mutters, "Yuck."
Speaking lightly to Gutstorm, Leafiara says, "One would hope."
Cordarius says, "I will need all of your help soon to feed the fire."
Cordarius says, "One moment."
Dhairn quietly asks, "All who didn't see that happening?"
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Do dat agin."
Cordarius gestures at the block of ruic in his hand and it begins to splinter into dozens and dozens of small ruic sticks.
Cordarius nods.
Speaking to Gutstorm, Soneiken says, "Dey do say der's a bottle whiskey hidden in dat fire."
Leafiara surprisedly says, "Hm."
Cordarius exclaims, "Please grab a stick, feed the fire!"
[various people picking up sticks]
(OOC) Dwi's player whispers to the group, "So confused...but inna good way!"
Lazaryth says, "Feed it well."
(OOC) Maylan's player whispers to the group, "What's the syntax again?"
(OOC) Hapenlok's player whispers to the group, "Yeah, I forgot how to campfire."
(OOC) Lazaryth's player whispers to the group, "Feed fire."
[more people wondering and figuring it out]
Cordarius lets out a cheer!
Dhairn quietly says, "He's happy.. that's a good thing."
The small fire begins to grow and it begins to turn shades of pale green.
Leafiara musingly says, "It's kinda growing."
Dhairn quietly says, "I'm not dead yet. That's a good thing too."
Maylan excitedly says, "Ohboyohboyohboyohboyohboyohboyohboy."
A crackling snaps from within the fire as it continues to burn.
The fire turns a sickly shade of green.
Loamian says, "It smells... acrid."
Cordarius says, "Success!...I think..."
Cordarius gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Speaking quietly to Cordarius, Raelee says, "The shift in property is quite rapid."
Cordarius says, "No one is dead."
Cordarius nods at Raelee.
Dwi heartily asks, "Gonna splode...den we kin all gits back inna da black forest?"
Loamian says, "Well, I'm sure someone is dead, somewhere."
Speaking drunkenly to Cordarius, Gutstorm exclaims, "Tell me when to doush da fwamesh!"
Speaking wryly to Cordarius, Cruxophim quips, "Proof's in the blood pudding."
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "Debateable."
Dhairn quietly says, "One thing I've learned.. nothin happens without nothin' happenin."
Krampton says, "No one is dead.. famous last words."
Round Two
Cordarius says, "The other nodes we need, will be the small park, the jetty, the summit, and the slope."
Cordarius nods at Raelee.
Cordarius exclaims, "Onto the next!"
Cruxophim loudly reports, "Oh.... oh no!! The orphans?! All of them?!"
Lazaryth wearily says, "This may be a long night."
Raelee says, "To the park, then."
Leafiara asks, "Which node is this one drawing from? ...Hearthstone?"
Sochestie says, "Morning you mean."
Raelee nods at Leafiara.
[travel begins]
[Town Square, Small Park]
A small, shaded park fills an old vacant lot behind a row of buildings, the bright lamplight from the square filtering through the passage to the north to illuminate the area with a soft glow. A weatherworn grey marble statue of a stocky human in pioneer's clothing overlooks the park, his stone hat encrusted by the gifts of decades of passing birds and his right hand half-upraised as if it once held some now-missing object. You also see a hawk feather, the Elumbrosba disk, some ornate wrought iron benches and a mass of charred building remnants.
Leafiara says, "Ahhh, so we were infusing mana to create a... link."
Lazaryth says, "I've no idea at all what's going on."
Cordarius nods at Leafiara.
Speaking heartily to Lazaryth, Dwi asks, "We started a club...want in?"
Cordarius says, "Precisely."
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "Five points, and five points... patterned for the most optimal coverage of the impacted area."
Speaking to Lazaryth, Hapenlok says, "Welcome to Wehnimer's landing, where we rarely have an idea of how we're saving the world."
Speaking to Lazaryth, Leafiara says, "Said it a few weeks ago, but you know you've lived here a while when all of this starts making sense."
Speaking simply to Lazaryth, Cruxophim explains, "The earth nodes generate mana, the pillars taint them into something that will 'poison' the Blight."
Cordarius says, "...and I draw a link from the blight, via the mirror, to the ruic block."
Cordarius says, "Which you then all cast into the fire."
Speaking to Leafiara, Lazaryth says, "Pardon me if I doubt you."
Speaking amiably to Lazaryth, Leafiara says, "Give it time."
Cordarius says, "This is the best way we thought to use mana to well, create anti-mana."
Cordarius says, "Otherwise it would be difficult and it would keep cancelling itself out."
Cordarius asks, "Are we done infusing?"
Dwi heartily says, "I prolley a bedder anti mana."
(Hapenlok starts to infuse mana, again, this time through his runestaff, into the ground. the wisps of mana made visible by small bits of flame.)
Cordarius exclaims, "Bards, sing!"
Dwi heartily says, "Besides my Auntie Mana..dat is."
Speaking to Lazaryth, Loamian asks, "Do you doubt that it makes sense to her, or that it will make sense to you?"
Naamit sings with renewed vigor!
Naamit's song continues to disrupt the magic of the area.
Speaking to Loamian, Lazaryth says, "I doubt that it will make sense to me."
Cordarius says, "It should move quickly now, as we finish the rest of these pillars."
Cordarius moves to stand in front of Naamit.
Naamit examines Cordarius closely, sizing him up and taking note of all the details.
Cordarius draws matching runes into his mirror and the block of ruic.
Cordarius exclaims, "To the second pillar!"
Speaking to Loamian, Lazaryth says, "However, all the effort that doesn't go into understanding magic is available to me for other pursuits, and that's the way I like it."
Raelee says, "This one is in the woods."
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Prolley gonna climb a mountain..jus ye wait."
[Lower Dragonsclaw, Wooded Hills]
Clumps of modwirs obscure your vision up the hill, but also act as a windbreak. The strong pine scent of the trees fills the area, making your eyes water. Strange chitterings and cracklings make you very aware that you're not alone here. You also see a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Speaking casually to Leafiara, Cruxophim explains, "I'm drawing my own links. Mirrors aren't really my thing."
Hapenlok says, "Someone else can do the berry smashing."
Speaking dryly to Cruxophim, Lazaryth says, "I can't imagine why."
Hapenlok says, "On this one."
Melikor removes a claw-footed grey granite mortar from in his leather satchel.
Loamian says, "Even with all the effort it may be that it just fundamentally doesn't make sense."
Melikor put an ayana'al berry in his grey granite mortar.
Melikor takes a slender grey granite pestle into his free hand and grinds some ground ayana'al berry, moving the pestle with deliberate, methodical motions.
Melikor takes a slender grey granite pestle into his free hand and grinds some coarsely ground ayana'al berry, moving the pestle with deliberate, methodical motions.
Speaking to Loamian, Lazaryth says, "Oh, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest."
Speaking nonchalantly to Lazaryth, Cruxophim agrees, "I'm too lovely, I would be CONSTANTLY distracted."
Speaking to Loamian, Leafiara says, "Makes sense to me, though that doesn't always mean it actually works out."
Speaking to Loamian, Lazaryth says, "The only thing that makes less sense than women is magic."
A thick layer of hazy green smoke drifts through the air, blocking out the sky above.
(Alisette smashes her berry on the pillar and rubs it vigorously into the stone, making sure to color the entire top of the pillar.)
Cordarius exclaims, "Berries please. Six of them!"
Loamian says, "Sense to you doesn't imply objective sense."
Melikor removes some ground ayana'al from in his grey granite mortar.
Leafiara grins at Melikor.
Alisette announces, "That's one!"
Cordarius gazes up into the sky.
(OOC) Hapenlok's player whispers to the group, "Back in a couple folks."
Speaking calmly to Cordarius, Cruxophim reports, "Pillar is primed and prepared."
Speaking to Leafiara, Melikor says, "Properly ground, for optimal smearing efficiency."
Cordarius says, "How, fascinating."
Cordarius points up.
Alisette murmurs, "I think I missed a spot."
Speaking approvingly to Melikor, Leafiara exclaims, "A great idea indeed!"
Naamit hoarsely says, "Five pointed star."
Cordarius says, "The constellation."
Cordarius asks, "Destiny?"
Cordarius peers quizzically at Raelee.
(Loamian wipes gooey berry juice with his forehead onto the pillar.)
Guarrin deeply mutters, "Fitting."
>look up
You gaze up into the sky and see a broad field of lights...
The sharp angle of a spired tower is clearly visible in a glimmering pattern of five bright silver stars, the highest star shining with a scintillating brilliance just overhead.
Cordarius says, "Five nodes, five pillars, five stars."
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "I fundamentally disagree with the concept."
(OOC) Dwi's player whispers to the group, "Now der's a stripper?"
Speaking to Gutstorm, Alisette says, "Smash it on there."
Speaking drunkenly to Alisette, Gutstorm asks, "It edible?"
Lazaryth mumbles, "Green sky, red bay.. why not just stop now? It seems festive."
(OOC) Dwi's player whispers to the group, "Destiny...git it?"
Loamian rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Loamian rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
vCordarius says, "Smash and spread."
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "Predestination and free will are conceptually in conflict."
Maylan says, "Someone else's turn."
Maylan says, "I had my fun."
Loamian rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Amerek picks up an ayana'al berry.
(Gutstorm smashes the berry on Dwi's head.)
Speaking to Leafiara, Lazaryth says, "Well, aren't you a professional." [Leafi had followed suit grinding up a berry afte Melikor did]
(Gutstorm rubs the the goop on the pillar.)
Amerek rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Speaking to Lazaryth, Leafiara exclaims, "Was Melikor's idea!"
(Melikor spreads the ground berry evenly on a small section of the pillar.)
Alisette picks up an ayana'al berry.
Tilbin picks up an ayana'al berry.
Amerek rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Tilbin rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
(Dhairn rolls Gutstorm around on the discarded berries, and presses him up against the pillar. Gutsangel!)v
Tilbin rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Done!"
Asben rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
(Leafiara spreads a mash of ground ayana'al all over the pilar.)
Melikor says, "Done and done."
Dwi carefully pulls her red oak comb through her shoulder length white hair, smoothing out the tangles and snarls.
(Raelee smashes a berry in the palm of her hand. She holds her hand flat, letting the small puddle of berry juice come to a boil in her palm.)
Asben rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "This is what I meant. Purification, removing that which is simply fruit from the raw essences we need."
Cordarius says, "Sexy."
The berry substance along the pillar crystallizes, then flakes off.
Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm says, "I hear dat deesh berryiesh are good nourishment for our hair."
(Raelee flicks the boiled berry juice towards the pillar, hitting Cordarius with half of it.)
Cordarius glances at Hapenlok.
Speaking amusedly to Raelee, Leafiara says, "That might be the first time you've ever had that word spoken to you."
Maylan confusedly says, "Is that supposed to happen."
Sochestie says, "Sexy."
Cordarius asks, "Want to make a little fire?"
Cordarius peers quizzically at Hapenlok.
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Ye hear lotta things...mosly inna yer own noggin."
Cordarius nods at Maylan.
Raelee gives a sidelong glance at Leafiara.
Speaking surprisedly to Raelee, Leafiara asks, "Am I wrong?"
Speaking sardonically to Cordarius, Cruxophim remarks, "He doesn't understand the concept of 'little fire'."
(OOC) Cryheart's player whispers to the group, "I think he went out for a smoke."
Cordarius peers quizzically at Hapenlok.
Cordarius peers quizzically at Hapenlok.
Cordarius peers quizzically at Hapenlok.
(OOC) Cruxophim's player whispers to the group, "Next one, prolly."
(Raelee merely raises both eyebrows at Leafiara.)
(OOC) Leafiara's player whispers to the group, "Oh, yeah, he did say that. Maybe get him back for the next one, heh."
(OOC) Dwi's player whispers to the group, "He's off to bisit Destiny!"
Speaking nonchalantly to Leafiara, Cruxophim disagrees, "Definitely not. I've said it at least thrice."
Cruxophim slowly adds, "This week."
Sochestie says, "Nothin sexier than rubbin berry juice all over a phallic symbol."
Speaking slowly to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "I'm ranking that an 8 on the Landing oddities scale."
Tilbin gasps.
Gutstorm coughs.
Melikor frowns.
Hapenlok makes a wheezing sound.
Xorus slowly empties his lungs.
Cruxophim slowly empties his lungs.
Alisette coughs.
Gutstorm makes a wheezing sound.
The air seems to tighten around you and your lungs feel constricted, as if you are suffocating.
Maylan clears her throat.
Cordarius coughs.
Cordarius coughs.
Cordarius says, "Okay...he's...stunned it seems."
Speaking drunkenly to Maylan, Gutstorm says, "I may need mouf to mouf."
Dhairn quietly says, "Someone says they're suffocating in the landing."
Cruxophim wryly jokes, "Good thing I don't need to breathe."
Leafiara weakly says, "Err, I--"
Leafiara fans herself.
Cordarius says, "Any one else here who can..."
Cordarius coughs.
Cordarius asks, "Conjure fire?"
Speaking to Gutstorm, Maylan suggests, "How about mouth to mop?"
A blood red mist leaks from Maylan's palms as she prepares a spell...
Cordarius coughs.
Cordarius nods.
Maylan gestures at a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Maylan launched a flare at a black-whorled ashen bone pillar!
The ashen bone pillar grows warm to the touch then quickly cools off.
Lazaryth flatly says, "Lovely."
Dhairn quietly says, "Hey..."
Krampton asks, "I can cast minor and major fire and immolation and my gloves shoot fire out of thems, but none of that I guess is gonna be good enough?"
A small orange fire sparks to life near Maylan.
(Leafiara pulls lightly at the collar of her white silk shirt.)
Speaking amusedly to Krampton, Cruxophim suggests, "You should do the next one."
Maylan excitedly says, "Ohboyohboyohboyohboyohboy."
Dhairn quietly asks, "What's causing air flow to go crazy?"
The air seems to expand around you, your breathing returning to normal.v
Speaking to Maylan, Soneiken says, "That's fun, show more."
Speaking to Dhairn, Cruxophim deadpans, "What's not?"
Dwi heartily says, "Not nuff oomph."
Cordarius says, "Ah, whew."
Leafiara gasps, "I think... that was the... effect of the berries when the fire wasn't consuming."
Raelee says, "It is not strictly the air flow. It is the air and the mana."
Cordarius casts at his ruic block and it begins to splinter into countless sticks!
Dhairn quietly says, "I hope that's the case."
[sticks, feeding the fire]
Cordarius exclaims, "Feed it!"
Raelee says, "This was always the most challenging portion of our tests... the effect the anti-mana has upon the body, when one is so accustomed to mana flowing freely."
>look fire
The fire is burning furiously. Flames leap and flare, sparks snap and fly, and thick smoke curls away into the air.
The fire roars to life, dancing about like a wild gypsy and the fiery-orange hue bleeds away to a sickly green pallor.
Speaking to Cruxophim, Hapenlok teases, "Lunatic."
Cordarius nods.
Speaking to Cruxophim, Melikor asks, "Hot enough?"
Cordarius exclaims, "Success!"
Cordarius exclaims, "To the third node!"
Speaking calmly to Melikor, Cruxophim quips, "Not even hell is."
Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Dwi says, "I growled attit."
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "The jetty."
Loamian says, "Almost halfway there."
Speaking to Roelaren, Lazaryth says, "Join Raelee."
Round Three
[Wehnimer's, East Jetty]
This windswept jetty, built of granite and basalt boulders, shelters the beach here from the river currents made more insistent by the pounding surf of Darkstone Bay. A corroded bronze gate stands high across the path, blocking further travel. You also see a weathered wooden trunk and some town militiamen. Also here: Lady Alisette, Guarrin, Krampton, Terabor, Ebonica, Hapenlok, Dwi, Tilbin, Lady Sochestie, Lazaryth, Loamian, Yakushi, Dhairn, High Lord Asben, Viva, Land Pirate Maylan, Mistress Naamit, Shinann, Zosopage, Soneiken, Hours, Tsarok, Magister Cordarius, Jokic, High Lord Mongonator, High Lady Shyspirit, Razanetika, Mistress Berkana, Amerek, High Lord Gutstorm, Melikor, Dwa, Fizzlewiz, Ruufus, Sir Cryheart, Orlicks, Xorus, Grand Lady Roelaren, Magister Raelee
Dhairn quietly asks, "Infuse, ei?"
(Hapenlok taps his runestaff on the ground and goes through the motions of releasing mana.)
Cordarius exclaims, "Infuuuuuuse!"
Speaking heartily to a corroded bronze gate, Dwi asks, "We curin rust now?"
Cordarius exclaims, "Sing!"
Speaking amusedly to Cordarius, Hapenlok says, "You know, I barely know you, but I think you're fitting in quite nicely here. You're quite mad."
Cruxophim sings amusedly:
"My name is Singing Sam is my name.
I like to sing songs because its time to sing.
To sing sooooooongs. Oooooh. Time to sing.
Time for sings to song Sams!"
(OOC) Naamit's player whispers to the group, "Can't use 1017 here."
Sochestie says, "Sanct."
Leafiara: "If any are out there were experiencing difficulty breathing, that was the result of our manafire experiments with Cordarius. It's possible you might experience something similar a few more times as we complete our testing, but it's all to undo the blight."
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Jus yoink it."
Cordarius moves to stand in front of Naamit.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "I cant wift it."
Gutstorm just tried to pull a weathered wooden trunk.
Speaking amusedly to Cordarius, Cruxophim wonders, "Are you gonna squeeze her?"
Cordarius draws runes along his mirror and ruic block near Naamit. The runes glisten.
Cordarius nods at Raelee.
Cordarius exclaims, "The third pillar!"
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "The Trollfang one."
Cordarius shrugs.
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee asks, "Did you not look at the map?"
Cordarius exclaims, "I trusted you did!"
Raelee quietly mutters, "At least you knew to do that."
[Upper Trollfang]
A dead tree stands off to one side of the trail, its branches reaching up to the sky like the blackened fingers of a skeleton hand. No trees or bushes grow near it, as though the other plants shun whatever killed it. The soil around its roots is bare and dusty. You also see a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Speaking to Cordarius, Leafiara says, "She probably reviewed it several dozen times."
Hapenlok says, "Oh, he really reminds me of someone, now."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "You two ish wike an ol married couple."
Hapenlok says, "He who I shall not name, at the moment."
Dhairn quietly says, "Smear some berry."
Dwi heartily says, "Fishin is lots easier den dis....jus sain."
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "How poor do you think my memory to be? Memorizing five locations is not difficult."
Cordarius nods.
[random combat with cave trolls and such]
Dhairn quietly says, "Oh no."
Dwi heartily exclaims, "I kin help!"
Speaking amusedly to Raelee, Leafiara says, "I know, but I figure that you were looking for how unnoticed patterns might intersect, and such."
Tilbin rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Speaking heartily to Alisette, Dwi says, "I aint touchin dem things."
(Hapenlok squeezes some more berry juice from what remains of his berry and starts decorating a side of the pillar with it, drawing a small meteor on his side.)
Tsarok quietly says, "Gonna be hard to start a fire with all them winds." [someone had cast Maelstrom, I believe]
Hapenlok says, "And now, the mana storm."
(Alisette smashes her berry onto the pillar and rubs vigorously.)
Dhairn quietly says, "It's gettin a bit more violent."
Cordarius exclaims, "Spread them berries!"
Hapenlok says, "This probably going to hurt."
Speaking to Raelee, Leafiara says, "When I said the other night that I think I finally understand you a bit, it's--well, you seem to like research the way I like battle. An endless method of testing and pushing against one's limits, striving to find new angles to improve oneself."
Tilbin rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Tilbin rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Tsarok picks up an ayana'al berry.
Tilbin rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Tilbin rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Speaking loudly to Cordarius, Cruxophim reports, "Pillar primed!"
Gutstorm removes an ayana'al berry from in his keg-shaped pack.
Tsarok rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Asben rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Tsarok rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Tsarok rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Asben rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Dwi stamps her way around an ayana'al berry!
Tsarok rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Asben rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Asben rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Tsarok rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Cordarius nods at Cruxophim.
Tsarok rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Speaking to Cruxophim, Terabor says, "Thank you."
Dwi heartily asks, "Smoosh em?"
Dwi stamps her way around an ayana'al berry!
(Alisette hastily smears the rest of the berry juice on the pillar.)
Tilbin rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Tilbin rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Tilbin rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Tilbin rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Tilbin rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Tilbin rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Speaking carefully to Leafiara, Raelee says, "That is... correct, yes."
Leafiara flashes a wide grin at Raelee.
Tilbin rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Tilbin rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "Several models of patterns were developed. The geometry on this one proved optimal..."
Terabor rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Terabor picks idly at an ayana'al berry.
Roelaren says, "More berries on the ground."
Tilbin rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Tilbin rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Hapenlok says, "I had half of a one left."
Tilbin rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Tilbin rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Speaking to Roelaren, Terabor says, "I'm having trouble smashing mine."
Lazaryth says, "It's someone else's turn."
(Leafiara smashes what's left of her ground-up berry against the pillar, spreading it in zigzagging patterns.)
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi exclaims, "No!"
Terabor pounds an ayana'al berry with his fist, causing it to shake slightly.
Roelaren says, "I don't know how to."
Terabor exclaims, "Ah hah!"
Leafiara says, "Well, that was the last of that one."
Leafiara dusts off her hands.
Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Git me git me!"
(Terabor rubs the smooshed berry all over the pillar, filling in a few gaps.)
The berry liquid along the pillar crystallizes then flakes away.
(Sochestie rubs the berry up and down the pillar methodically.)
Dhairn quietly says, "Hm."
Cordarius asks, "Ready to make a fire?"
Cordarius peers quizzically at Hapenlok.
Roelaren says, "Mm."
Speaking to Cordarius, Hapenlok says, "Always."
Hapenlok grins slowly.
Dwi heartily exclaims, "Big fire!"
Hapenlok chants a short phrase, embers leaping from his fingertips, as he clenches his hand into a smoke-shrouded fist.
Roelaren says, "Let me know if ye need mana."
Speaking to Cordarius, Hapenlok asks, "Ready?"
Cryheart says, "Ye should nae encourage him."
Cordarius nods.
(Hapenlok waves a hand at the pillar, as a jet of flame erupts from his fingertips towards the pillar.)
Hapenlok's eyes flash with fiery reds and oranges as he chants...
Hapenlok gestures at a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Hapenlok hurls a roaring ball of fire at a black-whorled ashen bone pillar!
The ashen bone pillar glows with a warm aura then quickly cools off.
A tiny red fire sparks to life near the pillar.
Cordarius squints.
Cordarius says, "Eh. Size doesn't matter."
Leafiara exclaims, "It'll grow!"
Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Dwi says, "Try lickin it."
Cordarius gestures at his block of ruic wood and it begins to splinter.
Hapenlok says, "Oh, I think this one's gonna be bad..."
[people throwing sticks in the fire]
Dwi heartily says, "Jus a hunch."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Soneiken says, "Rainbow burns is gonna ruin yer complexion."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "You do tend to say that about most everything, though."
Alisette squeals, "Is raging!"
Dwi heartily says, "Dis one's red."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "90 percent of the time, i'm right half the time."
The fire begins to flicker.
Cordarius squints.
Leafiara curiously says, "Hm."
Berkana asks, "Throwing the bow in?"
Berkana grins at Melikor.
[everyone is dispelled of outside spells for a few hundred lines]
Berkana says, "Ugh."
Leafiara slowly says, "Well then."
Cryheart says, "Ooof."
Alisette says, "Oof."
Cordarius coughs.
[then it happens again]
Alisette asks, "What happened?"
Hapenlok sighs, "I saw this coming."
[then it happens again]
Roelaren says, "What is happening."
[and again]
Dwi heartily exclaims, "Fite back!"
Cruxophim dryly complains, "I hate this part."
Raelee says, "This is a positive sign."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara admits, "In hindsight, I should have too."
Melikor says, "Mmm."
Cordarius exclaims, "Feed it more sticks!"
Sochestie yells, "Dreaven, halp!"
Cordarius exclaims, "So it snaps towards the blight!"
Soneiken says, "That was fun."
[and again]
Hapenlok says, "Oh, boy."
[and again]
Alisette says, "Oh no."
Hapenlok says, "I have a problem."
Hapenlok says, "I do believe I've absorbed so much mana...." [at this point it was similar to the Rift, overfilling us with mana]
Tsarok quietly says, "I have mana."
Dhairn quietly says, "Thas a lot of mana."
Leafiara slowly says, "Too much mana."
Raelee tensely says, "It is but a matter of geometry. Two points make a line, three define a plane... and thus the foundation of the field is born with the first three pillars."
Soneiken says, "Wow, Im gaining mana like crazy."
Hapenlok says, "I think I might literally explode."
The air stops shimmering and the fire turns a sickly green shade.
>infuse 187
You release 187 mana into the surrounding area.
Krampton says, "Sweet."
Alisette says, "Ah."
Roelaren says, "I have mana."
Speaking heartily to Hapenlok, Dwi exclaims, "Gits rid o it!"
Dhairn quietly says, "Drop it."
Roelaren says, "If needed."
Hapenlok says, "We need to get to the next node before I explode."
Alisette says, "Yes."
Cryheart says, "Ye do seem a bit heavier."
Tilbin says, "Let's go."
Lazaryth says, "I admit to being a tad concerned."
Alisette says, "I am only a halfling."
Krampton says, "Sorrries, had a surplus."
Dwi heartily exclaims, "Blow up Gutstorm!"
Speaking heartily to Hapenlok, Dwi exclaims, "Gits rid o it!"
Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Yeah!"
Dhairn quietly says, "Don't keep tainted mana. This is a bad idea."
Alisette wails, "I cannot hold all this mana!"
Speaking to Dwi, Hapenlok says, "Not here."
Speaking calmly to Lazaryth, Leafiara says, "Things like this can happen in the Rift too."
Cordarius exclaims, "To the fourth node!"
Cruxophim fondly purrs, "Yum."
Raelee nods at Cordarius.
Alisette pleads, "Hurry, please!"
Speaking to Raelee, Hapenlok says, ""
Hours says, "We should hurry."
Speaking nonchalantly to Lazaryth, Leafiara says, "You know, an extraplanar area where one's dismantled and reassembled to even enter..."
Berkana says, "I know this is useless... but..."
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "The summit."
Round Four
[Lower Dragonsclaw, Summit]
Large rectangular talismans carved from pale grey granite ring the edges of the summit, like sentries guarding the precious grounds of this jewel among the heavens. Moonlight pierces through the clouds overhead, carrying with it a faint promise of light found even in the darkness. Set in the exact center of the circle, a tall octagonal building with an arch of pure granite beckons.
Speaking seriously to Lazaryth, Leafiara says, "Hey, if Crumbs can handle it, so can we."
(Hapenlok frantically jams his runestaff into the ground and starts releasing mana, quick as he can.)
Cordarius exclaims, "Infuse!"
Berkana chants in an arcane language which causes her skin to turn shadowy for a brief moment.
Alisette says, "Oh that is much better."
Alisette exclaims, "I was gonna explode!"
Speaking to Cordarius, Hapenlok says, "That was close."
Dwi heartily exclaims, "I did it!"
Hapenlok says, "But my head still hurts."
Dwi heartily exclaims, "I felt too much dat pesky manas!"
Cordarius exclaims, "Sing!"
Cordarius nods at Naamit.
Cordarius moves to stand in front of Naamit.
Naamit sings with renewed vigor!
Naamit's song continues to disrupt the magic of the area.
Cordarius draws runes in his box and mirror.
Cordarius exclaims, "To the fourth pillar!"
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "Further, this time. The glacier."
Dhairn quietly says, "If the weather is to get worse.. should try to get people in the Landing indoors."
[Glatoph, Glacier]
Through the ice-laden gusts of wind you see a large crack in the ice. Too large to cross and certainly large enough for you to fall into, it blocks the eastern path, forcing a detour to the southeast if you choose to travel that direction. You also see a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Speaking to Dhairn, Hapenlok says, "In these matters? It affects mana everywhere, inside and out."
Dwi heartily says, "Bah...march where we gotta march complainin."
Cordarius grins.
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "We ought to try this lichen on this one."
Cordarius exclaims, "Berry it up!"
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "Science, and what not."
Loamian rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Loamian rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Loamian rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Loamian rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Loamian rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Speaking wryly to Cordarius, Cruxophim quips, "Way to berry the lead."
Loamian rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Asben rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Asben rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Asben rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Leafiara recalls, "This was one of the more dangerous pillars to adjust last time--it intensified the natural cold of the area."
Asben rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Cordarius says, "Now is not the time to experiment with the experiment."
Asben rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Alisette says, "Rub it on the pillar."
Cordarius says, "I have some extra berries for the final one if needed."
Asben put an ayana'al berry in his rolaren-trimmed greatcloak.
(Tilbin squeezes his berry and rubs it in three straight lines on the pillar.)
Roelaren picks up an ayana'al berry.
Tilbin rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Roelaren rubs an ayana'al berry in her hand.
Tsarok removes an ayana'al berry from in his webbed satchel.
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Which is why I'm changing my mage armor."
Tilbin rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Tsarok abruptly punches at an ayana'al berry!
Tilbin rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Tilbin rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Roelaren rubs an ayana'al berry in her hand.
Tilbin rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Tilbin rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Roelaren rubs an ayana'al berry in her hand.
Roelaren rubs an ayana'al berry in her hand.
Tsarok rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Tsarok rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Roelaren rubs an ayana'al berry in her hand.
Loamian rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Hapenlok says, "Learned a few tricks over the years."
Tsarok rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Roelaren rubs an ayana'al berry in her hand.
Alisette exclaims, "You has to smash it, and then rub it on the pillar!"
Roelaren rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Tsarok rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Roelaren rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Tsarok rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Tilbin rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
(Alisette makes a smashing motion in her hands.)
Tilbin rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Roelaren rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Dwi heartily says, "Dem stains aint comin out."
Roelaren rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
(Loamian traces the shape of a tree on the pillar with berry juice.)
Tsarok sniffs at an ayana'al berry.
The berry liquid coating the pillar glistens, glows, then flakes off.
Speaking loudly to Cordarius, Cruxophim reports, "Pillar is primed!"
Cordarius points at Krampton.
Roelaren rubs an ayana'al berry in her hand.
Cordarius asks, "Ready to make a fire?"
Cordarius peers quizzically at Krampton.
Dwi heartily asks, "Chop em down?"
Dwi heartily says, "Oh."
Speaking to Dwi, Alisette says, "Is okay, will blend in with the tart stains."
(Krampton points his hands in the direction of the pillar and shoots fire at i.)
Speaking to Krampton, Leafiara cheers, "Back for a day and already making a difference again!"
Roelaren says, "Do we infuse mana."
Hapenlok says, "Prepare yourselves.."
Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Dwi says, "Ye'll prolley say ye meant to do dat."
A small sapphire blue fire appears.
Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Dwi says, "Bloo."
Cordarius says, "Blue? Interesting."
Cordarius nods at Krampton.
>look kramp
Flames dance around Krampton wreathing him in a torrent of violent energy.
You see Krampton the Magician.
He appears to be a Burghal Gnome of the Withycombe Bloodline.
He is shorter than average. He appears to be in the meridian of life. He has sparkling sapphire blue eyes and bronze skin. He has chin length, tied back silver hair shaved at the temples. He has a clean-shaven face, a pair of wire-frame eyeglasses perched upon his button nose and deep laugh lines.
He has a detailed tattoo of a purple-bearded rabbit pulling a sapphire blue-eyed gnome corpse out of a giant tattered black hat on his neck.
He is in good shape.
He is holding an acid-stained lor runestaff in his right hand.
He is wearing a silver star-embroidered pale blue silk wizard's hat, a pair of mechanical goggles with smoky grey glass lenses, a crystal amulet, a layered sea blue chainsil cape covered with hundreds of tiny copper bells, an ora-bound granite badge, a slender gold whistle, a small mechanical device, a carved maple hunting horn, a small midnight blue knapsack embossed with tiny golden stars, a powder blue muslin shirt with round electrum buttons, some sky blue full leathers with intricate constellations scattered randomly across it with studs of ora, a deathstone-inlaid gold bracelet, a deathstone-inlaid gold bracelet, a pair of vaalin-sigiled silk gloves, an intricate gold ring, a silver trimmed gem pouch, some luxurious crushed velvet pants, and a pair of moon and stars socks.
Tsarok quietly says, "Well it is cold here."
Dwi heartily says, "Ow."
Leafiara musingly says, "His eye color..."
Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm says, "Wot does da culler bloo tashte wike."
The air thickens.
Leafiara says, "But the last one wasn't the color of Hap's eyes--"
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi exclaims, "Metal!"
Cruxophim acidly reminds, "Hey, fire is hot. Just, in case, you know... anyone forgot."
Speaking to Naamit, Berkana says, "Bath and laundry."
Krampton says, "Hmmm."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Raelee says, "Not exclusively."
Speaking to Berkana, Naamit asks, "Thinking of your tomorrow, hm?"
Krampton says, "Can feel poison coursing through my veins."
Speaking quietly to Cruxophim, Dhairn says, "But facts is haaaard."
(OOC) Dwi's player whispers to the group, "I infused alla my manas! hope dem 2 dont throw ye off."
Krampton says, "Ruh roh."
Speaking amusedly to Berkana, Cruxophim suggests, "Use Lylia's laundress."
Speaking to Krampton, Terabor asks, "Don't die?"
Dwi heartily asks, " ale?"
Berkana says, "It's probably Brigatta's laundress."
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "We are losing control of the poison."
Cordarius says, "Almost done..."
Speaking calmly to Raelee, Cruxophim suggests, "Better make it quick."
Cordarius says, "Almost done..."
Cordarius says, "Almost done..."
Tsarok quietly exclaims, "Sticks!"
Melikor says, "Let's get on with this, then."
Cordarius coughs.
[sticks are out, people tossing them in]
Dwi heartily says, "Do yer ritual."
Hapenlok says, " far I've resisted the effects....although I'm not sure how."
The fire begins to shift.
Cordarius nods.
Round Five
Cordarius exclaims, "The final node!"
Raelee says, "The slope."
[The Slope, Circle of Stones]
The massive stones completely encircle you. The fit of each lintel is exact, and a twin of the others. Underneath one arch, the brook burbles down into a pool in the center of the circle, filling a small depression, and then moving on through the other side. The quietness and tranquillity of this place is lulling, and seems to provide a haven for rest and healing.
Leafiara recalls, "So much goes on here. Invaded Chaston's mind, did the transference with Cyph..."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Blew up a bunch of Ithzir."
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "It is a potent earth node."
Leafiara nods at Raelee.
Roelaren says, "Headache." [mana overflow]
Alisette asks, "Are we infusing?"
Cordarius grins at Leafiara.
Cordarius exclaims, "Infuse!"
Leafiara winks at Cordarius.
(OOC) Dwi's player whispers to the group, "Somebody needs to learn how to poison a Dwarf. <scoff>"
You hear a loud *POP* come from Guarrin's muscles!
Speaking deeply to Cruxophim, Guarrin says, "Appreciate it."
Guarrin deeply says, "At least the effort."
Roelaren says, "I wish i had this much mana all the time."
Cruxophim calmly suggests, "Once we're out of chaos, I can help counteract the poison."
Cordarius exclaims, "Sing!"
Roelaren says, "Hunt a rama."
Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Dwi asks, "Wot poison?"
Speaking dubiously to Cruxophim, Leafiara asks, "When are we ever out of chaos?"
Cordarius draws runes along his mirror and the block of ruic. The mirror shatters when he is done.
Cordarius says, "Well, that's that."
Cordarius exclaims, "To the final pillar!"
Speaking calmly to Cordarius, Cruxophim concludes, "Guess so."
Dwi heartily exclaims, "Final!"
Raelee says, "Mine road."
Cordarius asks, "Yours, or mine?"
Dwi heartily exclaims, "Onwards!"
Cordarius snickers to himself.
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "No."
[Upper Trollfang]
As you reach the crest of a small hill you can see a trail to the south that leads in the general direction of Wehnimer's Landing. You also see the gradual climbing slope of the hills as you proceed to the northeast. You also see a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Tsarok rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Asben rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Asben rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Asben rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Asben rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
(Dhairn rubs his berry all over the south face of the pillar.)
Hapenlok picks up an ayana'al berry.
Tsarok rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Tsarok rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
(Hours squeezes his berry in his left hand and the juice drips between his fingers. He smears the berry in circular patterns on the pillar.)
Hapenlok rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Loamian rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Tilbin rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Loamian rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Loamian rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Loamian rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Tilbin rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Tilbin rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Tilbin rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
(Loamian smears berry juice over the top of the pillar.)
(Hapenlok applies the berry juice to his end of the pillar, no meteor this time.)
(Alisette smashes her berry and rubs the juice all over the pillar while uttering a prayer.)
Roelaren rubs an ayana'al berry in her hand.
Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Dwi says, "Gimme a donut anna I help."
Roelaren rubs an ayana'al berry in her hand.
Roelaren rubs an ayana'al berry in her hand.
Roelaren rubs an ayana'al berry in her hand.
Hours rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
Roelaren rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Hours rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Loamian rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Roelaren rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Roelaren rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Roelaren rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Hours rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Hapenlok rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Roelaren rubs an ayana'al berry in her hand.
Roelaren rubs an ayana'al berry in her hand.
Tilbin rubs an ayana'al berry in his hand.
The berry spread on the pillar glows then begins to shift slightly, gliding up, not down, before it finally crystallizes and flakes off.
Tilbin rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Cordarius rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Roelaren rubs a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Melikor prods a black-whorled ashen bone pillar with the tip of his finger.
Dwi heartily asks, "Mana feels likka fuzzy inna yer boots?"
Alisette asks, "Why did it go up and not down?"
Alisette glances at Cordarius.
Cordarius shrugs.
Speaking softly to Cordarius, Razanetika asks, "You don't know?"
Cordarius asks, "Who wants to make our final fire?"
Cordarius shrugs at Razanetika.
Speaking amusedly to Raelee, Cruxophim deadpans, "Just what every scientist loves: unexpected variation."
Dhairn quietly asks, "Okay.. doesn't anyone else get a very good secure feeling when the planmaker shrugs?"
Cordarius points at Soneiken.
Dwi heartily says, "Dis gonna be pink fire."
Speaking to Soneiken, Hapenlok says, "Go for it."
Soneiken says, "Say when."
Dwi heartily exclaims, "When!"
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "When."
Cordarius says, "When."
Soneiken delivers a series of succinct gnomish phrases with masterful precision, a forward thrust of his palm completing the cycle...
Speaking to Cruxophim, Raelee says, "I am... yes, it is interesting."
Soneiken gestures at a black-whorled ashen bone pillar.
Soneiken hurls a ball of greenish-black flame at a black-whorled ashen bone pillar!
The ashen bone pillar glows with a warm aura then quickly cools off.
Dwi heartily exclaims, "Pink!"
Dwi heartily says, "I tole ye."
Raelee whispers something to Cordarius.
Hapenlok mutters, "Dig in, folks, this could be a doozy."
Cordarius nods at Raelee.
Speaking curiously to Dwi, Leafiara says, "I really need to know where you've lived, that that's pink and monkeys look like demons." [bit of a throwback to a meeting probably over a year and a half ago where Dwi mistook Lylia's demon for a monkey]
A grey fire rises to life.
Soneiken says, "Ahh grey."
Lazaryth says, "How odd."
The grey fire begins to flicker.
Speaking heartily to Alisette, Dwi says, "Well..dat could be anycolor."
Alisette says, "If the sun hit it just right....."
(Raelee makes a few gestures towards the bone pillar, then gazes at it ponderously for several moments.)
Low grey flames crawl across the ground, coating every surface with fire.
Dwi heartily says, "Or fell onnit."
Shinann suddenly bursts into flames!
Leafiara suddenly bursts into flames!
Dwi suddenly bursts into flames!
Naamit suddenly bursts into flames!
Dhairn quietly says, "Bah."
Melikor suddenly bursts into flames!
Dhairn suddenly bursts into flames!
Guarrin suddenly bursts into flames!
[people rolling themselves and each other, casting water spells, unstunning, healing, etc.]
Sochestie exclaims, "Eep!"
Sochestie suddenly bursts into flames!
The voice of Tsarok quietly says, "That's concerning."
Krampton suddenly bursts into flames!
Terabor says, "Oo ow."
Cryheart suddenly bursts into flames!
Gutstorm suddenly bursts into flames!
Amerek suddenly bursts into flames!
Dwi heartily exclaims, "Bah!"
[water, rolling, etc.]
Dwi heartily exclaims, "Throw dirt onnit!"
Cordarius gestures, splinters of ruic falling to the ground.
Cordarius exclaims, "Sticks!"
Amerek suddenly bursts into flames!
[still putting people out, healing, and now feeding the fire]
Guarrin suddenly bursts into flames!
Dhairn quietly says, "Water."
Hapenlok suddenly bursts into flames!
Cruxophim recites:
"Sticks?! Hell, we got bodies to burn!"
Dwi suddenly bursts into flames!
Alisette suddenly bursts into flames!
Terabor suddenly bursts into flames!
Lazaryth suddenly bursts into flames!
Tilbin suddenly bursts into flames!
Hapenlok exclaims, "Grab the stick!"
Mongonator suddenly bursts into flames!
Hours suddenly bursts into flames!
The voice of Tsarok quietly says, "No more sticks."
Hapenlok exclaims, "Forget about me, the stick!"
Hapenlok says, "I just dropped one."
Cordarius exclaims, "Sticks!"
Roelaren says, "We cannt heal ourselves."
Terabor says, "Owie."
Leafiara asks, "Is everyone... not burning?"
Hapenlok asks, "Did someone sing? Or is this the last effect?"
The ghostly voice of Naamit says, "I am not singing."
The fire shrinks and then turns a sickly shade.
Lazaryth says, "I'm out. But this outfit will never be the same."
The voice of Razanetika softly says, "The fire died."
Watch and Wait
Cordarius slumps.
Dhairn quietly says, "Hands."
Cordarius says, "WHEW."
Cordarius says, "Now, we wait and see."
Cordarius says, "In the coming weeks if the blight weakens, or reacts and lashes out."
Cruxophim wryly requests, "Can we drop the noise now?"
Cordarius says, "...we also need Ysharra."
Cordarius says, "I want to try to cut her free from that tree."
Speaking to Cordarius, Lazaryth asks, "Cut her free?"
Dhairn quietly says, "Noise."
Speaking to Cordarius, Lazaryth asks, "How so?"
Leafiara asks, "The lock of hair?"
Speaking drunkenly to Cordarius, Gutstorm asks, "A shacafish?"
The ghostly voice of Naamit says, "Whoever is singing Sing of Noise, stop please."
Cordarius nods at Leafiara.
Leafiara nods slowly at Cordarius.
Hapenlok says, "It's an effect, it's not the result of bardic caterwauling, I think."
Cordarius slowly empties his lungs.
Cordarius says, " exhausted."
Cordarius says, "Thank you all for your help."
Speaking to Cordarius, Leafiara admits, "It is very late after all."
Dwi heartily says, "I'm rite handed."
Cordarius says, "We will monitor the fires and the blight and in the coming weeks we should know one way or the other."
Speaking to Cordarius, Hapenlok says, "So, we're in this for the long haul, I guess."
Speaking calmly to Cordarius, Cruxophim assures, "I'll keep a close eye on the Hand."
Cordarius gives a slight flick of his wrist, and a crisp green apple suddenly appears in his hand!
Cordarius takes a bite of his green apple.
Cordarius pulls the hood of his robe down over his face, concealing his features.
Cordarius waves.
Magister Cordarius just went south.